My Interventions in the Automotivee Industry Debate (4)


  1. Bloke
    September 21, 2023

    Has Wera Hobhouse calculated how much energy will be consumed in upgrading the grid, and wasted digging and filling holes in roads and pavements, forcing traffic into even slower lanes?

  2. Michael Cawood
    September 21, 2023

    All this “net zero” nonsense is evil and must be stopped.

  3. a-tracy
    September 21, 2023

    Wera, charging in the daytime is too expensive and too big a drain on resources required for industry, all commerce, schools etc. The electric industry relies on charging being done between midnight and 5 a.m. and offers lower-priced recharging to encourage that. Homeowners pay for their own charging units and businesses that instal them also pay 20% VAT.
    I think she is mixing your party up with Welsh Labour and London Labour, who are putting people into slow lanes on purpose, tooling along after 11 pm at night in London trying to keep below 20mph on near empty roads, and will need car recalibration to the lower end.

  4. XY
    September 21, 2023

    Has anyone thought of how this will pan out in practice, in a neighbourhood where everyone parks on the road?

    People already get possessive over the parking outside their house, viewing it as “their space” (although it’s a public road, so it’s no-one’s space)… now imagine if that’s where they have to charge their car. Sparks will fly (excuse the pun).

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