November 5th

Today we remember a dreadful terrorist plot to kill the King and Parliament assembled. A small group of men hired a cellar under the Lords chamber where the King would speak to his Parliament and packed it with barrels of gunpowder. The aim was  the mass murder of the government and Parliament of James 1.

The plot was foiled thanks to excellent intelligence work alerted by a note sent by a conspirator to a relative to avoid going to the opening of Parliament. It was decided after the event to remember the near disaster annually by lighting bonfires, a tradition that has continued.

In 1984 I was asked to leave the Grand Hotel where I was staying for the  Conservative conference at 3 in the morning after a bomb had been set off and a central part of the hotel had collapsed, killing and maiming some guests.  The aim was the same as the Gunpowder plot, to kill leading figures of the government led by Margaret Thatcher.

The Jacobean gunpowder increased tensions with Catholics in England and delayed the necessary passage to religious toleration. The Brighton bomb delayed a peace process in Northern Ireland . Terrorists deliberately foment disputes, striving to get more violent bitterness between peoples with different views and backgrounds. Violence begets violence.

These terrorist events have been put behind us, though they leave deep scars particularly for those who lost loved ones or who were injured in the bombing. The country did move on to reconciliation and to live with differences of faith and outlook. As we witness terrorist attacks and the military responses they evoke elsewhere we should remember that it is possible to find peaceful ways of living with differences.



  1. Lynn Atkinson
    November 5, 2023

    The Vatican and some of the most stupid Protestant Clergy have NOT given up the ‘unification’ of the religions. I know a man, one of The Late Queen’s clergy, who is intent on the process. Witness the destruction of the CofE to this end, because obviously a United Church will be the Church of Rome.
    Northern Ireland has effectively been ceded.
    So if you politicians are prepared to give up, why not just do so before the bombs? Then we ‘ordinary people’ can choose whether to give up with you.
    As some wag said ‘guy Fawkes was the only man, having gone to Westminster, to have received due punishment for failing to deliver on his promises’.

    1. Bryan Harris
      November 5, 2023

      +1 @Lynn

      1. Hope
        November 5, 2023

        Starmer deliberately took to the knee for BLM with Rayner for a photograph opportunity. Starmer publicly stated he will not diverge from the EU. Starmer currently fighting with his party over Israel. Clearly demonstrating the institutional hate towards Jewish people still exists in his party.

        Meanwhile Clarke and Soubry support Labour!! What more evidence does anyone need than they are the Uni Party.

    2. Peter
      November 5, 2023

      “ As we witness terrorist attacks and the military responses they evoke elsewhere we should remember that it is possible to find peaceful ways of living with differences.”

      Not when one side have sufficient might on their side and have people in charge that believe they can completely obliterate their opponents.

      Eventually ‘what goes around comes around’. It’s just that it often takes a very long time.

      1. Hope
        November 5, 2023

        If JR allows the link, the report below from the Equality and Human Rights Commission is an appalling indictment on both sides of the Uni Party. One side guilty the other side remained ambivalent to events. A bit like the grooming gang scandal, people still being found guilty, and expense scandal. The MP all knew what was happening and did…….nothing!

        It beggars belief the hesitation being used by the Uni party under unelected PM Sunak and, if he loses the election, to his twin Starmer next year.

        The police are no longer fit for purpose. May and her side of the Uni party destroyed their purpose and role in society.

      2. John Hatfield
        November 5, 2023

        If the Palestinians were to lay down their guns tomorrow, there would be no war. If Israel was to lay down its guns, there would be no Israel
        – Benjamin Netanyahu

        The ones that have might on their side are not the ones who seek to obliterate their opponents.

        1. Lynn Atkinson
          November 5, 2023


        2. Peter
          November 5, 2023


          You need to investigate further.

          The hardliners in Israel have spoken about nuclear bombs and driving all Palestinians out of Gaza and into Egypt.

          Greater Israel – i.e. expansion of territory – has been a long term goal for some of their politicians. Two state solution never pursued by Israel, though Arafat was willing. Captured territory not returned – Golan Heights etc

          All you will see in mainstream media is ” I stand with Israel” messages. UN resolutions routinely blocked by America.

        3. hefner
          November 7, 2023

          JH, you might want to watch ‘Netanyahu at war’ (pbs = Public Broadcasting Service).
          And maybe see where Bibi comes from and how he has behaved over the years particularly around Yitzhak Rabin’s death. This long documentary (1h54) is from 2016.

    3. jerry
      November 5, 2023

      @Lynn Atkinson; You speak as though there has only ever been one litigate English religion, yet both the Church of Rome and (by way of it being based upon the former) the CoE are imported religions, forced upon the population of what we now call England. As for NI being ceded, indeed it has been, but I’m not sure by whom, the UK or the then embryonic Irish Free State…

      1. Lynn Atkinson
        November 5, 2023

        As you will know, in 646 King Oswiu, (the lesser brother of the Saint King Oswald) convened the Synod of Whitby. Until that point Christianity in the U.K., in Northumberland actually because that was the first to convert to Christianity, followed the teaching of Aiden, an Irish Saint and Scholar who got his Christianity directly from the Holy Land. This original Christianity had NONE of the earth-bound version based in The Vatican. At this famous Synod, the Bishop of Rome was in the rear seating , as it was set by precedence.
        Oswiu allowed the argument, his own bishop, Bishop Colmán of Lindisfarne put the Irish (effectively Protestant) case. But Oswiu was promised that should he accept the Roman version, he would unite the nation. As a result he KNOWLINGLY gave the wrong judgement, backed Rome and we have been suffering from his weakness ever since.
        Northern Ireland was ceded by Boris Johnson. Theresa May’s solution was to cede the whole of the U.K., which fortunately was defeated, not least by the heroic MPs of Northern Ireland.

        1. jerry
          November 5, 2023

          @Lynn Atkinson; However deeply held your belief are, please respect the fact there was life and religion on this island before 646. Paganism existed in prehistory, my point was, even if an early form of non-Rome Christianity existed it was imported, as you acknowledge. Indeed some of ‘our’ Christian rituals & celebrations originate in Paganism.

          The counties of Northern Ireland were ceded to the UK by the people of Éire, to secure independence for what we now know as the Republic of Ireland, that was back in 1920 (effective 1922/23), now over a hundred years ago, nothing to do with Brexit, nor Boris Johnson!

          As for your swipe at Theresa May, here we go again, no one was ever asked HOW the UK should leave the EU, joining the EFTA would still have been Brexit, and remember it was Brexiteers who could not countenance asking the people for greater clarity (I wonder why…). Either debate the rights and wrongs of historical and legal facts, not UIKIP/Reform hyperbole, or don’t bother.

          1. Lynn Atkinson
            November 5, 2023

            Of course Christianity was imported – 😂🤣 Jesus Christ brought it first to the Holy Land. Of course they used existing festivals like midwinter for Christmas Day for instance. That’s why Christmas is on our 7th January on the Gregorian Calendar and Orthodox countries which use the Gregorian Calendar celebrate on that day.

            Northern Ireland was absolutely NOT ceded to the U.K. by the ‘Free State’ – the whole of Ireland was in the U.K. and the Roman Catholics drove the Protestants out of their ancient homeland of Munster and they held only 6 of the Ulster Counties. They vote always to remain in the U.K. We speak of the British Government, after Brexit, ceding Northern Ireland to the EU!

            There is no greater clarity than ‘we want to LEAVE the EU’. Cameron knew exactly what it meant and said so – that the day following such a vote would mean the U.K. was free entirely for all ties to the EU. Which bit don’t you understand?

          2. Berkshire Alan
            November 6, 2023

            Jerry, when you walk out of a friends house, a sports ground, a theatre, your work place, a supermarket, you surely do not ask how to leave do you, you simply use the way you entered in reverse.
            When you decide to revoke membership of a club or society of any kind, you simply stop paying the membership fee when it is due, and if courteous you usually let them know you will be leaving in advance. Sometimes they may ask the question why, but very often it is just taken as read that you no longer want their services, or are interested in what they offer.
            It is a simple fact of life and choice.

          3. jerry
            November 6, 2023

            @Lynn Atkinson; Again you miss my point, there is no single religion that has a right to be placed above any other, the UK is better that that, or so I would hope!
            As a certain comedian used to sign-off his shows, Let *your* God go with *you*…

            “Northern Ireland was absolutely NOT ceded to the U.K. by the ‘Free State’ – the whole of Ireland was in the U.K.”

            What I’m saying is; following the ‘Home Rule Bill’ of 1920 and creation of SEPARATE Southern & Northern Ireland parliaments, those in Southern Ireland who signed the Anglo-Irish Treaty of 1921, gave up any claim to the 6 northern counties (should the latter wish to remain within the UK [1]), in exchange for a Treaty that established the Irish Free State, and -ultimately- independence and creation of a Sovereign State.

            [1] Article 12 in the 1921 Anglo-Irish Treaty;

            12. If before the expiration of the said month an address is presented to His Majesty by both Houses of the Parliament of Northern Ireland to that effect, the powers of the Parliament and Government of the Irish Free State shall no longer extend to Northern Ireland, and the provisions of the Government of Ireland Act, 1920, (including those relating to the Council of Ireland) shall, so far as they relate to Northern Ireland, continue to be of full force and effect, and this instrument shall have effect subject to the necessary modifications.

            “There is no greater clarity than ‘we want to LEAVE the EU’.”

            Only trouble with that, there was, and still is, no clarity; Iceland is not a member of the EU, nor is Switzerland, nor is Norway, but all belong to either the EEA or EFTA. Stop projecting your own political wish-listing onto others.

            “such a vote would mean the U.K. was free entirely for all ties to the EU”

            Yes, that we would be free to peruse whatever relationship we wanted with the EU, from non at all, to the closest possible ties short of actual membership of the EU its-self, or even ask the question again (given no government can tie the hands of any future government).
            As Mrs May once said, “Leave means Leave”, whatever the hell we want it to mean!…

          4. jerry
            November 6, 2023

            @Berkshire Alan; The EU is neither a club nor society.

            When I leave a building I look for the Exit, which might not be the same door or even route as the way in, that way I do not find the way blocked by a one-way door. Tell me, when you leave a multistory car park, which ramp do you use…?! 😮

            When I leave a legally binding contract I do so in accordance with the contract rules I agreed to, otherwise I expect to pay an exit a penalty, or even be taken to court for breach of contract.

            Tell me, when you have an evening out with friends, when someone suggests getting Pizzas and you all agree, do you not ask what type of pizza people want, or do you go off and order having assumed what toppings you like is what others like?

            Reply Our contract or Treaty with the EU allowed us to leave with no clause requiring us to carry on paying

          5. jerry
            November 7, 2023

            @JR reply; Had we not adhered to the Article 50 clause, which the UK asked for, created, and had inserted into the Lisbon Treaty, the UK may well have been fined for breaking international treaty law, or at least have to spend the next umpteen years defending ourselves in a international court with all the damage such a dispute could have caused.

            If you resign from a Golf Club you should not then expect to still have your Green fees waived should you (still or later) wish to make us of the club as a paying guest!

  2. Lifelogic
    November 5, 2023

    Indeed 5 killed and 31 injured in Brighton (including Tebbit’s wife back in the day when we had sensible Tory Ministers and Chairmen) and related organisations – later duly given power in government and amnesty.

    1. Lifelogic
      November 5, 2023

      Daniel Hannan today “Britain will be condemned to another Covid-style lockdown. This pathetic inquiry proves it.”

      It is indeed pathetic the main huge errors during covid were the lockdowns were in order of most damage done were the net harm vaccines (esp. for children and thise who had had covid), the lockdowns, the dumpling of the untested infested into care homes, the failure to roll out vitamin D3 and use other effective treatments earlier and the actual active killing of people who might well have survived see the Midazolam use figures.

      Hannan is so often right but even he has fallen for the climate alarmist net zero lunacy and largely ignores the vast Covid vaccine net harm too.

      Janet Daley today “It’s absurd to think machines will ever match the intelligence of mankind
      AI could never feel emotions as we would understand them. It has no organs, no biological history, no physical bonds”

      Oh dear Janet (no understanding of science I assume) in reality it is absurd to thing that they will not and in many ways they already do. No “organs” you say well they do certainly have brains, so do you want people and computers to think with their guts? Does not sound very intelligent to me. Will computers fall for the many bonkers religions I wonder.

      1. Lifelogic
        November 5, 2023

        At least AI robots will not need housing, claim benefits, sue for discrimination or having their bottoms pinched, riot or go on strike (though perhaps they might if they do go rogue)

        1. Peter Wood
          November 5, 2023

          IF there are AI robots, then there’s no need for ‘meat robots’ who complain and consume, is there? If a power company can turn off your electricity remotely, surely the rulers will have a remote off switch for the AI robots, at least initially. ‘Ex Machina’ is an interesting suggestion.

          1. glen cullen
            November 5, 2023

            Imagine the response when an AI robot receives their first tax bill

          2. jerry
            November 5, 2023

            @Peter Woods; ” If a power company can turn off your electricity remotely,, surely the rulers will have a remote off switch for the AI robots….”

            No they can’t, not if you have installed a stand-by generator, or a large UPS, all they can do is disconnect their supply, your lights are still bright!

            “…at least initially”

            So perhaps Regulation No.1, on the design, construction and the use of AI and robotics, should ban their connection, internally or externally, to any UPS device other the usual CMOS (motherboard) battery?

      2. Mickey Taking
        November 5, 2023

        AI will report ‘no evidence of a super-being’.
        Examination of what is claimed to be evidence will find ‘all of what was written decades and hundreds of years after the alleged events can be likened to modern day political canvassing’. Untruths.

        1. Lifelogic
          November 5, 2023

          AI will report ‘no evidence of a super-being’:- well perhaps but they might also report how useful religions can be used to con people, make money, demand indulgences, start wars, make the. pay more taxes and get people to do what they want. The climate alarmist religion has been hugely successful at this con trick. 90%+ of MPs are either so daft they believe this guff or they just lie that they do. This as too cowardly to say the truth.

          So “I will keep out of politics” King Charles will give the opening address at the COP28 U.N. global climate summit in Dubai, Buckingham Palace said on Wednesday. I thought he said he was not that stupid to get involved in politics. King seems very determined to show just just what a deluded, wrong headed and foolish hypocrite he really is. I assume he will fly there in economy to save at least half the CO2.

          1. Lifelogic
            November 5, 2023

            So should I trust King Charles with his two duff A levels in Hist and French (though he did magically get in to Trinity Camb.) and his love of quack medicine and the school drop out Greta or perhaps go for Physicist William Happer, the current Nobel Prize winner and Richard Lindzen? People who actually explain very clearly why the duff net zero religion is so hugely exaggerated.

          2. Donna
            November 6, 2023

            They reckon 36,000 people will be attending the latest Carry On Propagandising boondoggle …. most flying in and a lot of them on private jets.

            I presume Nat West and their subsidiary Coutts will be lecturing anyone attending who holds one of their bank accounts about the importance of reducing their personal CO2 bill ….. including the Prize Hypocrite of Windsor.

      3. Lynn Atkinson
        November 5, 2023

        Computers will not ‘fall for any religion’ but like Corporations they have no loyalty, no lifetime, no empathy, none of the human limitations, or advantages depending on how you look at them.
        So brace for a level of Corporatism that has never before been unleashed.

        1. Lifelogic
          November 5, 2023

          Well humans and animals “evolved” empathy and loyalty (sometimes) as it helped their genes survive. AI can equally well lean that empathy etc. can useful for achieving better in certain tasks like internet clicks, advertising, business. Rapidly learning that certain dog or car pictures, or attractive models can be useful. Plus learn this rather more quickly than laborious and very wasteful evolution (which is hugely slow).

          People have far too much hubris in thinking they are “superior” and very different.

          1. Lynn Atkinson
            November 6, 2023

            Ah, another trans-humanist from what once was the greatest centres of learning on earth. What a pity.
            Do you think the pictures of fluffy dogs will sway other AI computers to increase their clicks? 😂🤣

    2. Hope
      November 5, 2023

      How about running away from Afghanistan so that the loss of life, maimed, destitute and cost was totally irrelevant. What happens to Blaire and those who went along with it? They continue to live with suffering, the politicians? Still lining their grubby pockets.

    3. Lifelogic
      November 5, 2023

      Johnathon Sumption in the Times today “why the Covid Enquiry is a farce” it certainly is a farce and a total disgrace to the UK legal system.

    4. Lynn Atkinson
      November 5, 2023

      Including the Lord Tebbit, who has never actually recovered.

    5. Ed M
      November 6, 2023

      A relation of mine was murdered by the IRA. His family have moved on. Others need to too.

      1. Lynn Atkinson
        November 6, 2023

        You relation has not moved on. His family can ‘forgive those that trespass against them’ – they have no locus to forgive those that trespass against others.

  3. Mark B
    November 5, 2023

    Good morning.

    . . . that it is possible to find peaceful ways of living with differences.

    Try telling that to the occupants of the Middle East, many of whom we have imported and, wish to import. This and previous governments have created another powderkeg through a combination of both stupidity and sheer spite.

    1. Martyn G
      November 5, 2023

      Recent and ongoing events in London clearly show that it is indeed a powder keg where the mob, not the police or Mayor, rules the roost.

      1. Hope
        November 5, 2023

        How about Brexit? We voted leave and the majority of MPs, current govt and opposition, doing ll they can to minimise leaving by locking UK to EU where Starmer openly states he will not diverge and Sunak will not scrap EU laws. They gave away N.Ireland and our fishing waters FFS! How much more treachery can be shown to our nation? May still an MP! Others suspended in JRs party for less than her, and he cohort of remainers, treachery.

        1. a-tracy
          November 5, 2023

          Ken Clarke has come out for Rachael Reeves, so it is very clear where potential future path is going.

          1. Lifelogic
            November 5, 2023

            What a dire choice Hunt or Reaves? Clark was pro the ERM disaster. pro EURO and pro the anti-democratic ERM and with John Major je gave Labour a landslide victory for three + terms. The Blair Brown disaster.

          2. Lynn Atkinson
            November 5, 2023

            Ken Clarke has always been a globalist. He boasted, as Hone Secretary, that Westminster would be reduced to Council status.

      2. Lifelogic
        November 5, 2023

        Indeed and many in parliament, the BBC and the police are on the side of the mob.

    2. Lifelogic
      November 5, 2023

      I can well understand Nadine’s annoyance are being rebuffed by the establishment from her place in the Lords. Good luck with you book Nadine. The dire Lord Blunket who twice had to resign in total disgrace was on Any Question last week, I had forgotten just how dreadful he was. Was it not Blunket who encouraged even more religious schools, so as to augment even more cleavages in our society one assumes. Should we really encourage indoctrination of immature minds into various old religions and new ones like climate alarmism and woke or is this really just another type child abuse?

      1. a-tracy
        November 5, 2023

        Well the French school system is secular since the end of the 19th century, none religious and thats not going so well either.

        1. Lifelogic
          November 5, 2023

          Indeed hard to stop parental and church indoctrination or children but at least we could start by not funding strongly religious school.

        2. hefner
          November 5, 2023

          But is that because of the secular character of the French schools or because of other characteristics of the French society?

          1. Peter
            November 5, 2023


            It is because of a virulently anti-clerical element in French society who vie for power with the more conservative mainstream religious tradition.

            Don’t forget the French Revolution and the fall out from that.

          2. a-tracy
            November 5, 2023

            I don’t know hefner, what characteristics are you talking about?

          3. hefner
            November 6, 2023

            a-tracy, I would think there are many elements that can/could explain the present problems in the French education system and these have been discussed for years without much improvement. It goes from the role/expectations of parents to the geographic distribution of pupils in schools to the cursus taught in primary/secondary schools to the poor pay of teachers and professors to …
            The secular or ‘virulently anti-clerical’ aspect of French education seems to be a very minor element in any of the discussions.

   ‘Education: Améliorer les performances du système éducatif sans creuser les deficits sera un des défis du quinquennat’, 26/05/2022.
   ‘Enquête sur le déclin du système éducatif français (et comment y remédier)’, 02/09/2021.
   ‘54% des Français estiment que le système scolaire fonctionne mal’, 2,2/09/2021.
  , ‘Système éducatif en panne: et si ‘l’esprit français’ était la piece défaillante?’, 23/03/2018.

      2. Denis Cooper
        November 5, 2023

        As you mention David Blunkett, tidying up I came across this letter I sent to the press on September 4 2001:

        “Blunkett is quite wrong. We definitely do not want an international, or a Europe-wide, “solution” to the problem of illegal immigration. This is just an attempt to soften up public opinion, before accepting a Common Immigration Policy controlled by Brussels.

        We must retain control over our borders. And, given the massive scale of the invasion which is now taking place, the government should immediately declare that, whatever other European countries may choose to do, Britain is not a “country of immigration”. ”

        Since then the UK population has increased by about 8 million or 12%, predominantly as a direct or indirect consequence of immigration, both legal and illegal, which has been the main cause of the housing shortage.

        1. Lifelogic
          November 6, 2023


      3. Lynn Atkinson
        November 5, 2023

        ‘Indoctrinated into old religions’. Oh come on. Some of the very best minds on an entirely rational basis believe in God. Enoch Powell for one. Powell was undoubtedly the greatest of the Ancient Greek scholars and was given Saint Matthew’s original manuscript to check Tyndal’s translation. The book, ‘The Evolution of the Gospel’ is fascinating. He found a few errors but complimented Tyndal who had apparently done a very good job. The Book of Matthew was written as a diary, recording the daily life of Jesus and without opinion or embellishment. Of course it has been altered (for political reasons) by different hands, and Powell analyses the alterations and the reasons thereof. It’s a pity Powell had so much to do in life that he only had time to translate Matthew.
        What a fantastic pair for linguists – and yet the British are scorned for not speaking foreign languages. Not because we can’t, because we don’t need to!
        You should also read the last book of my old friend and leading lifelong atheist, Professor Anthony Flew. It’s called ‘There is a God’ (I believe). He explains using mathematics and science, new information, why he changed his mind. You should read it.

    3. Mickey Taking
      November 5, 2023

      Yes, we invite and give preference to the Chinese spies, the Arab $billions to own our assets and services, we fawn over US, admit the economic migrants portrayed as refugees, we protect non-peaceful protests and do nothing to deter’.
      Fifth column, not even by stealth.

      1. Hope
        November 5, 2023

        Peaceful Brexit protest forced to take a different route, anti covid protests forcefully broke up. BLM protests allowed, Ex Reb allowed to cause financial harm and criminal damage to city. Govt politicised policing to create a public mindset what is good and what is bad. Nudge unit on steroids.

        We hear war on drugs, there has been no such thing. Personal possession amounts steadily increased, state pays and prescribes hand outs drugs to drug users! I suspect it is rife among the political class as we see by scandal after scandal.

        1. a-tracy
          November 5, 2023

          I watched a British Transport Policeman yesterday in a video on X bully a silent protestor, he wasn’t protesting about Israel so he had to leave because a Palestine protestor pushed a flag aggressively in his face and he was thought by the BTP officer ‘about to cause trouble’.
          Yet later the same day another picture was shared of Palestinian silent protestors allowed to intimidate and silently ‘cause trouble’ surrounding a British Legion poppy seller table in an underground station, clearly making the elderly collectors very uncomfortable and to stop the sales yet nothing was done to ask them to move, perhaps the three elderly poppy sellers should have started to shout at them and push union jacks in their faces!

          If I’m getting sick of this double dealing people a lot of people more triggered than me are going to start getting very angry. The police must treat people evenly and fairly, I’m getting quite concerned about next weekend now.

    4. Timaction
      November 5, 2023

      …………………Try telling that to the occupants of the Middle East, many of whom we have imported and, wish to import………………………………NO, NO, NO. This was the sole actions and deliberate intentions by the Lib/Lab/Cons, the Uni-Party, without any mandate or referendum ever. They know and knew this was AGAINST the wishes of the English people and went ahead and did it anyway causing us no end of trouble, disputes and major crime and disruption. Then they legislated to shut us up. If anyone is more deserving of Guy Fawkes it’s this current generation of politicians who have let us down so badly. They have got to go so we can recover from their fiscal incompetence and left of centre approach to everything. REFORM.

    5. jerry
      November 5, 2023

      @Mark B; Cough… Pre & Post WW2 history are clearly not your strongest subjects. 🙁

      1. Mickey Taking
        November 5, 2023

        what a wild baseless criticism, he does not demonstrate anything like you seem to be suggesting.

        1. jerry
          November 6, 2023

          @MT; Well if I can’t be kind I guess I’ll have to tell it straight – Stop ranting @Mark B, for one thing many of those ‘imported into the UK’ had every right to arrive and live here here, they had Empire/Commonwealth passports. Perhaps if employers could be more certain whole swaths of our indigenous work force were/are prepared to accept the work, pay and conditions that are the norm in some essential sectors there might be less need to invite immigrant workers?

  4. Lifelogic
    November 5, 2023

    If the government were really concerned about CO2 and air quality they would clearly have to ban all bonfires and fireworks & also first class travel, cars with huge engines and private jets and helicopters but of course CO2 is just a ruse. A bit more CO2 is a net good in greening the planet as food for trees, crops, seaweed and plants.

    1. Peter Wood
      November 5, 2023

      Yes, the CO2 fantasy is just the simplified version of the real problem being addressed that the rulers have fabricated to sell to the worker-bees, population increase.
      The growth of ‘middle-class world’, is causing increasing consumption of natural resources; more consumers equals more mouths to feed and pollution. (Why are the super-rich buying up farmland around the world?) Tell the proles to ‘save the planet’ by cutting back on consumption, or the Plan B will be activated.
      Plan B, which might well be moving along a pace now, is the oldest one know to man; armed conflict, to fight over resources, yes, but now especially to cull the population. Chemical or regular kinetic. It’s messy but it works. First scare the population, then give them a reason to die.

      1. Everhopeful
        November 5, 2023

        So true.
        So exceedingly wicked.

      2. Timaction
        November 5, 2023

        The English people are shrinking in numbers and one of the claims for mass immigration is to give us enough workers to replace that shrinking population. They just overlook that immigrants also get old and have a carbon footprint. Mind you we are dealing with the political pigmies in Westminster and their Civil Serpents. Why not give English people better grants to raise children or raise their tax thresholds like other sensible Countries? Oh no, we can’t discriminate for the English taxpayers, POSITIVE ACTION (discrimination) is for everyone else!

        1. Lynn Atkinson
          November 5, 2023

          English people can’t afford to keep these immigrants and have children, so we have to pay for their children first and then see if we can scrape enough together to have 1 child.

          1. Lifelogic
            November 6, 2023


      3. Mitchel
        November 6, 2023

        Look who has been buying up vast tracts of Ukraine’s best agricultural land since the coup in 2014-with legislation enacted to permit what was previously prohibited.

  5. Mike Wilson
    November 5, 2023

    The Jacobean gunpowder increased tensions with Catholics in England and delayed the necessary passage to religious toleration

    Maybe it caused the passage to religious toleration as the establishment realised ‘hey, we need to start treating Catholics properly as, despite our reign of terror, they won’t give up and are trying to kill us’.

    Likewise with Ireland. Maybe the Grand Hotel outrage finally made people realise that the IRA was never going to stop.

    As someone else pointed out, you are now allowing lots of people into the country whose religious views may one day lead to trouble here.

    I do hope one day people grow out of religion.

    1. Everhopeful
      November 5, 2023

      What was that quote though?
      “If God didn’t exist man would invent him”
      You don’t need religion to have division.
      Any hook will do…Covid….Ukraine…

      1. Lifelogic
        November 5, 2023

        Need well no but it sure helps.

        Bad people will often do bad things but to make good people do evil things usually takes religion or drugs.

    2. Dave Andrews
      November 5, 2023

      Religion is woven into people, you’ll never get rid of it, it’s even a protected characteristic in the Equality Act. Perhaps it should be removed so no one can be protected from ridicule for the stupid things they believe.
      it isn’t so much the religion that’s the problem, but the evil of people who use it as an excuse for their hideous actions.

      1. Lifelogic
        November 5, 2023

        Well it is pumped into their young immature minds by parents etc. who had it pumped into their. We should them how to think not fill them with drivel.

        Strange how they legislate to protect irrational belief systems as a “protected characteristic in the Equality Act”. But do not protect rational, logical beliefs based on scientific logic & observations.

        Even saying “go back to Bahrain” is a crime it seems. Is saying go back to Salford, Leeds, Guildford or Wokingham, Glasgow or Swansea a crime now too?

  6. Hat man
    November 5, 2023

    A peaceful solution to the Ukraine conflict was being negotiated at the end of March 2022 but then Johnson intervened to make sure it was taken off the table. Now we learn that discussions are taking place in Western circles to find a way to get the Kiev politicians to agree to negotiations again. There is finally a recognition that Ukraine can only lose a war of attrition, now that its big summer offensive has failed. It looks like the moment has come for the diplomats to speak, not the guns. I can’t see anybody in the current government who internationally would be taken seriously as a diplomat, certainly not the current Foreign Secretary, in post for barely a year. The EU is in an even less suitable position – their chief ‘diplomat’ has a record of demanding more military action against Russia. Oddly enough, the only British (ex-)politician who might be able to do some good as an envoy to Kiev could be Boris Johnson. He has the confidence of President Zelensky and could be the person to break it to him that he has to accept a new reality now. What it would take to get Russians and Ukrainians to then find peaceful ways of living with their differences, to quote our good host, I don’t know. But in my opinion Boris is the only Western figure with the credibility in Kiev to end Zelensky’s intransigence and unlock the much-needed negotiating process.

    1. mickc
      November 5, 2023

      Hat Man
      I very much doubt that either Johnson or Zelensky have the confidence of the peoples of the Ukraine.
      Johnson, presumably at the behest of the American Neocons, torpedoed a peace agreement between Ukraine and Russia, and Zelensky having been elected on a manifesto of detente with Russia did precisely the opposite.
      As Mearsheimer said Ukraine has been led down the primrose path to destruction. Even so, Russia has actually been moderate in its attacks on Ukraine; the infrastructure has not been totally destroyed (compare the Western treatment of Iraq..and the results…)
      Russia has the Donbas. It is keeping it. Ukraine will not become a NATO member. The USA has lost another war. And the West’s ( basically the USA’s) economic sanctions have proven only to hurt the EU…which may have been the intention.

    2. Barbara Fairweather
      November 5, 2023

      Did we try and appease Hitler?

      1. Hat man
        November 5, 2023

        At times ‘we’ did, Barbara. But so what? Right now, what’s needed is an end to an attritional conflict that Ukraine can only lose, and is making Russia stronger and more experienced in 21st century warfare. Biden’s advisers are waking up to this, as you would see if you followed the US media. That’s because they are looking ahead, not looking back 80 or 90 years to WW2.

        1. Barbara Fairweather
          November 5, 2023

          Putin must be defeated
          He will not stop at Ukraine
          He is just like Hitler
          Zelenskyy is like Churchill “we will never be defeated “
          Watch Jake Boe on utube

          1. Clough
            November 5, 2023

            Please do not compare an over-promoted TV actor with our greatest wartime Prime Minister.

      2. Mickey Taking
        November 5, 2023

        If Churchill hadn’t stood firm in the face of weak MPs and Cabinet, ‘we’ would have rolled over for Hitler and invited our tum to be tickled.

      3. Lynn Atkinson
        November 5, 2023

        So why are you trying to appease Zelensky? He has the ‘edelweiss division’ – not Putin.

    3. Lynn Atkinson
      November 5, 2023

      😂🤣 Johnson and credibility in the same breath! Johnson, like water has found his level – now let’s see if he can find an audience. I hear switches being flicked to off across the country.

      1. Hat man
        November 5, 2023

        Agreed, Lynn, but credibility with Zelensky is what counts. It doesn’t matter that nobody else believes a thing Johnson says. A way has to be found to stop Z. driving Ukraine to destruction, so that the milions of its population that are now refugees abroad can return there in peace and have a better future. Western investment in reviving its economy, after the loss of so much of its industry in the East, will be crucial and surely preferable to spending the money on weapons to be blown up by the Russians. That needs to start now or the country will be a permanent basket case.
        Johnson had a great rapport with Zelensky. In my opinion he’s the only one who could possibly get the man, in the nicest possible way, to realise it’s over. Then the diplomats can take charge, not the military.

        1. Lynn Atkinson
          November 5, 2023

          Relax. It’s over and too late. Johnson, when he had a chance, egged Zelensky on thereby assuming culpability for the 500,000 Ukrainian KIA. Even Biden is saying ‘Ukraine is running out of men’ – confirming my KIA figures.

  7. BOF
    November 5, 2023

    The differences at that time, although deep, were at least between two different branches of Christianity. People with the same beliefs rooted in Judeo Christian history and culture and legal system.

    Successive governments have introduced new cultures, at scale, that find it extremely difficult to integrate and seem intent on replacing our culture and legal system with theirs.

    1. Hope
      November 5, 2023

      School Christian assemblies were at every school, is that the same now? Alien cultures allowed to preach hate. May could not deport hate preacher, in the end he left of his own accord! Manchester bomber allowed, under May, to come and go from Paris as he chose. Does the govt have any idea of the identities of criminals entering our country by boats and put up in four star hotels? Why did Sajid Javid and Tories shut detention centres for these type of people to prevent us from being safe?

      No ID no entry deport or held in detention until ID proved. Anyone told Sunak, Hunt, DR No, Braverman national security is a priority?

  8. R.Grange
    November 5, 2023

    I think it was the their attempt to hit 10 Downing St in about 1996 with a mortar shell that caused a change of direction towards negotiating with the IRA. For decades, ordinary people kept on getting killed in e.g. Birmingham and Manchester, as well as N.I., but once politicians came under fire, it was a different matter.

    1. Lynn Atkinson
      November 5, 2023

      Yes they caved and gave the IRA murders an MO wage and office. Pity it did not drive them on to win! But of course they are frit,

  9. Richard1
    November 5, 2023

    Very important to remember 5th Nov, it will doubtless be another target for wokery.

    Quite extraordinary to see much of the left (but to the credit of a small minority, not all) obfuscating, justifying and in some cases even celebrating the mass murder and atrocities committed by Hamas.

  10. Donna
    November 5, 2023

    “As we witness terrorist attacks and the military responses they evoke elsewhere we should remember that it is possible to find peaceful ways of living with differences.”

    Only if both sides want to.

    It would appear, from the disgraceful spectacles of aggression being allowed by the Establishment to take place on the streets of London and in other cities in the UK that we have a very large and (unfortunately) growing “minority” who don’t want to find a peaceful way of living with those who don’t share their faith.

    The disrespect they intend to display next week towards those who gave down their lives for this country disgusts me. Their proposed demo should be banned …. but appeasement is the name of the game the Establishment is playing.

    1. Timaction
      November 5, 2023

      The police have all the laws and powers they need to deal with this as they did with Black Lives Matter and the other left wing groups with a sense of entitlement to their alleged causes. This is a direct consequence of left wing selection processes to the heads of all of our emergency services, quangos, health and public services. They view the world through a different/distorted lens and see discrimination where the rest of us see hypocrisy, law breaking and double standards. We need radical change and after decades of the Uni-Party we know they aren’t going to deliver for the English people.

    2. Hope
      November 5, 2023

      Donna, they have the powers to ban or take different route. We have seen protests govt agree allowed, those they do not banned. Compare peaceful Brexit protests, covid protests against BLM, ECO nutters, and current disgraceful appeasement of hating Jewish people. Look at the way police respond to trans issues!

      1. Donna
        November 5, 2023

        Yes, but double-standard are routinely applied and the Establishment’s policy is one of appeasement of the sizeable “minority” which rejects western cultural norms and is most like to commit a terrorist atrocity – presumably through fear of that coming to pass.

        1. Hope
          November 5, 2023

          We must vote Reform. To vote for Uni Party is insanity.

          1. Lifelogic
            November 6, 2023

            What will a reform vote achieve? One reform MP perhaps at best.

          2. hefner
            November 6, 2023

            What I find really funny is that all those here who call for a Reform vote are unable to even figure out that the FPTP voting system is almost guaranteed to give them only a very few Reform MPs, if any.
            Are they so clueless as not to realise that UKIP/TBP got their best results with European elections run under a degressive proportionality voting system.

    3. BOF
      November 5, 2023

      Yes Donna, appeasement it undoubtedly is.

  11. DOM
    November 5, 2023

    Woke is built on exploiting differences in identity. Some of the most brutal tyrants exploit the same principle. All parties including John’s endorse it. There really is nothing more to say exploiting politicians with destructive intent are destroying the UK and that agenda’s been in progress since 1997 and in many cases before then

    Bye bye Britain, it’s been nice knowing you

    1. Mickey Taking
      November 5, 2023

      Never nice, but the best of a rotten bunch? We are witnessing the first steps to the abyss of widespread controls, untruths, apathy, divided peoples, sneering on the garbaged streets.
      Most of us on here will be just memories when the worst arrives.

    2. Hope
      November 5, 2023

      Cameron and his party was going to implement his Big Society, promoting British values etc. what happened?

  12. Mark J
    November 5, 2023

    The scenes around London and other parts of the country yesterday were truly disgusting.

    Poppy sellers in Charing Cross Station being harassed by Palestine supporters.

    If people protesting cannot do so with respecting others, then quite frankly ‘the right’ to protest needs urgent review. It is not on that ‘the right’ to protest to some individuals, seems to think it gives them carte blanche to do what they want, even illegal activities – under the banner of protest.

    Jewish people are one if the smallest minority groups in the UK. How is it right that they now cannot walk the streets of the UK in safety due to fear of pro Palestian supporters attacking them.

    Various Governments over the last 20 years have made a rod for the UK’s back by mass importing people with intolerant views, allowing a blind eye to be turned to illegal entrants who like hold such views, failing to deal with extremists and Police failing to upholding the law.

    If today’s Remembrance Sunday celebrations are marred with the same events as seen yesterday, then the Government can rightly expect a national call for strong action to be taken against the pro-Pallestine movement.

    As for the former leader of the Labour Party – etc ed

    1. Mark J
      November 5, 2023

      In addition to what I’ve posted above. Whilst I also understand that many of those pro-Pallistian supporters are British born, some cannot go around claiming ‘discrimination’ – whilst at the same time openly discriminating and showing intolerance towards others.

      It is rank double standards and hypocrisy.

    2. Lynn Atkinson
      November 5, 2023

      We are all infidels …

  13. Everhopeful
    November 5, 2023

    Unfortunately for GF he did not receive the liberal mercy showered on later terrorists and murderers.
    He was hanged, drawn and quartered.

  14. The Prangwizard
    November 5, 2023

    We have another one, visible on our streets at present, disguised. It is not admitted by our rulers. Their policies and practises include the constant and permanent importation of people who have no intention of taking on our ways. They intend to impose theirs by infiltration and demands.

    These demands are not opposed, they are appeased. We are told and deceived it is democracy. Anyone who speaks against it is persecuted. Just as those who spoke against the leaders in Germany were in the past.

    Their ideologies and religion will be the end of our society soon because our leadership, with the exception of one or two, are weak and cowardly.

  15. Dave Andrews
    November 5, 2023

    The conflict between Catholic and Protestant has gone away in this country.
    Persecution of the Jew on the other hand has been going on for millenia and continues to this day. How could the woke left espouse a group that violates everything they stand for? Yet when it comes to hatred of the Jew they find common purpose.
    We have imams preaching hate and violence and the authorities do nothing. We have people waving the Palestinian flag without restraint, but people waving the Union Jack have to be warned.

    1. Timaction
      November 5, 2023

      Exactly. Like we don’t notice the double standards, hypocrisy and support for the left wing mobs by the police and establishment. The Snakes words are not enough. Action this day! Have the Commissioner in and if needs be, sack him. End of!

      1. Hope
        November 5, 2023

        Labour were found to be institutionally racist against Jewish people! Think about that. A national political party found to be institutionally racist. How many resignations from the old lags of the party?Very few. Look at events at the moment. Jewish people will not be safe if Labour come to power. Tories are doing a pretty poor job at the moment it is hard to believe it will be worse under Starmer.

    2. Lynn Atkinson
      November 5, 2023

      ‘ The conflict between Catholic and Protestant has gone away in this country.’
      So you have never been to the Falls Road!

      1. Mickey Taking
        November 6, 2023

        sadly so true.

  16. Rod Evans
    November 5, 2023

    As we witness the growing tensions now in evidence across our tolerant nation, I wonder if efforts to simply ignore difference, is stoking the fires of an eventual social explosion.
    The institutions, on which we rely to help us understand complex issues, are now captured by the increasingly hard left intolerant class. Sadly not much chance of any rational help from the institutions now.
    That intolerance is coming out and onto the streets. It is boldly showing itself. The claim of being religiously persecuted, a position often adopted as justification for the intolerance and demonstrations on display is growing.
    At some point the masses, not wedded to any particular belief will have to decide, either they ‘submit’ to the growing breed of intolerant believers now on display. Or resist they it, with all their collective might. Without a rallying collective/common focal position, it is difficult to imagine where that resistance to the growing intolerance might come from? Perhaps the old saying cometh the day cometh the man/(woman) may provide the unexpected leadership.
    We live in dangerous times, sadly ignoring the obvious won’t make it any less so.

  17. agricola
    November 5, 2023

    Guido Fawks was just part our history followed by civil wars, european wars, industrial revolutions, world wars, insurections here there and everywhere. All the time from Magna Carta till now our democracy slowly evolved and I hope continues to do so as our population increases its knowledge of the World and desire to have an ever increasing say in the direction of our democracy.
    There ever will be forces that oppose this for their own selfish ends, witness 2016 onwards. One aspect of our democracy has been the welcoming of the oppressed in the World who in fear of their lives have sought assylum and been welcomed not only for their salvation but for the ultimate benefit of the UK. Parliament contains many positive examples. Blair abused this hospitality for his own perceived political ends, flooding the country with a totally alien culture, having no respect for UK culture, having no desire to integrate, in fact fulfilling the same disaffected position as did Guido Fawks and his followers some five hundred years ago. This is very bad because it unjustly taints opinion of all newcomers to this country.
    Those that march and demo peacfully to draw light on the fait of Palastinians are acceptable within our culture. The many anarchists, terrorists and fellow travellers who would parasitically ride on the back of such and use it to cause civil unrest, desecration of our buildings and monument, and hate generation against the Jewish population of our country are no different to the Brown Shirts of the 1930s in Germany. As such they should feel the full force of the law and those of foreign origin who demonstrate their contempt for UK culture should be deported to where they came from. A very democratic generous response compared to the fate of Guido Fawks and his fellow terrorists.

    1. Lynn Atkinson
      November 5, 2023

      Guido Fawks is a contemporary political commentator. I think you must mean Guy Fawkes.

  18. Anthony J
    November 5, 2023

    Our Sovereignty is being attacked as our government sits and watches it happen. This has been going on since Heath, the architect of our joining the EU. It continued at a pace until Nigel Farage engineered Brexit, through Boris Johnson. Brexit was a battle. We are now facing a war for our Sovereignty. It will take another long battle. We need to give Nigel command of that war as President of Reform. We need to vote REFORM, and persuade others to do so, because we do not have a United Conservative Party capable of such a challenge. Starmer has shown his true colours this last week.
    P.S I am 79, a life long Conservative. I am appalled by the drift to the liberal left upon the appointment of Cameron.

  19. Bryan Harris
    November 5, 2023

    It’s easier to understand the frustration of those that want to destroy an enemy by explosives, when the USA sets such a bad example.
    World wide diplomacy is pathetic – Most countries would rather bomb than talk.

    Until we stop reacting to the needs of the war industry, there will never be peace on Earth – The way banks prosper from war also drives the cycle.

    It would really help, though, if governments around the world could act with restraint. Every time they bomb an Arab country an extra 10,000 extremists are created. Insanity drives insanity.

  20. Bloke
    November 5, 2023

    Peace is Understanding.

  21. Sakara Gold
    November 5, 2023

    It is said that one person’s terrorist is another person’s freedom fighter. However, of the ~3,500 people killed in the Troubles, about half were civilians, 32% were members of the British security forces, and 16% were members of paramilitary groups. Republican paramilitaries were responsible for some 60% of the deaths, loyalists 30%, and the security forces about 10%

    The Brighton bombing was organised by a highly professional team of Provo paramilitaries, one of whom (Patric Magee) placed the bomb, which had a long delay fuse connected to a video recorder timing mechanism. It is said that had his bomb contained another four ounces of Semtex plastic explosive, Margaret Thatcher and her whole cabinet would have lost their lives and the hotel would have collapsed.

    Magee served time and was released under the terms of the Good Friday Agreement. He has subsequently expressed remorse for his actions and has engaged with some of the victims, who have offered forgiveness.

    Sir John was lucky. As a Provo spokesperson said later of the British Government “you have to be lucky every time – we only have to be lucky once”

    1. MFD
      November 5, 2023

      I must say, you are very sparing with the truth! SG.
      I and most Loyalist people in Northern Ireland have no forgiveness.
      Actually we are very angry at Johnson and Sunack for their complicit actions to let the EU and it traitors have power over an important part of Great Britain.

      1. Lynn Atkinson
        November 5, 2023


    2. Peter
      November 5, 2023


      “ The Brighton bombing was organised by a highly professional team of Provo paramilitaries..”

      True. A long way from the few old school IRA, when it started in the late 60s early 70s, who only had a handful of rusty revolvers.

      When they could launch an attack on 10 Downing Street or cause billions of pounds of damage in The City of London it signalled that serious issues could no longer be contained outside the mainland.

  22. agricola
    November 5, 2023

    What we are witnessing on our streets currently was predicted way back in April 1998. Opportunist politicians, rather than understand english usage and classical reference, decided to shoot the messenger.
    Even from early in the 1960s the gradual infiltration and immasculation of our institutions began. Schools, universities, police forces, legal professions and politics have all suffered left wing anarchic degredation. Such are matters now that, apart from many being unable to define the two human sexes, there are forces at work to change the meaning and usage of words in the Oxford English Dictionary. Senior echelons of the police have been reprogrammed such that they, irrespective of the law, choose to ignore much crime and head in directions of their own choosing, effectively generating total contempt for the law and the front line copper expected to enforce it.
    Front line politicians and senior policemen should have no problem in making judgements about the anarchy infiltrated marches in support of Palastinians and ban them under existing legislation. Should a ban be ignored then travel to it could be blocked. To the myopic among our politicians and senior police, the reaction of our otherwise peaceful citizens who wish to show their respect for our military killed in conflict, largely to protect our democracy, should be feared, at the ballot box if nowhere else.

  23. Bert+Young
    November 5, 2023

    Negotiation goes a long way in settling differences and subsequent antagonism ; it involves bringing the opposing sides together . The body for this process at the moment is the United Nations but whether it presently has the respect that is needed and the power to ensure that any solution is maintained is open to severe question . I despair at the present conflict in the Middle East and of the subsequent loss of life ; possession of existing territory is at the bottom of the problem and both sides have been guilty of mistakes . It is not beyond resolve if sufficient strength is given to the UN by a much stronger support mechanism ; Blinkin is doing his best but he should be followed by others in the forefront and not those acting behind the scene .

  24. Bert+Young
    November 5, 2023

    Negotiation goes a long way in settling differences and subsequent antagonism ; it involves bringing the opposing sides together . The body for this process at the moment is the United Nations but whether it presently has the respect that is needed and the power to ensure that any solution is maintained is open to severe question . I despair at the present conflict in the Middle East and of the subsequent loss of life ; possession of existing territory is at the bottom of the problem and both sides have been guilty of mistakes . It is not beyond resolve if sufficient strength is given to the UN by a much stronger support ; Blinkin is doing his best but he should be followed by others acting in the forefront and not behind scene .

  25. Ralph Corderoy
    November 5, 2023

    ‘it is possible to find peaceful ways of living with differences’

    Including after one side has beaten the other. A magnanimous victor can encourage self-built prosperity allowing those have survived to gain from the peace over the long term.

    Free Palestine… from Hamas.

    1. The Prangwizard
      November 5, 2023

      Free England…from Hamas and its supporters and friends. They are allowed to operate here by our leaders who live in a naive world detached from reality. They are happy to sacrifice us so they can claim to be tolerant and fair, but not to us. Our open enemies laugh at them. Yet they punish us when we speak out.

      1. glen cullen
        November 5, 2023

        hear hear

  26. paul
    November 5, 2023

    Looking on the bright side, you can’t say I didn’t know what I was voting for.

  27. KB
    November 5, 2023

    The blast radius from the 2.5 tonnes of gunpowder was big enough to kill and maim thousands in the surrounding area. It would not have been just the lords in parliament that got killed, many ordinary people would’ve died as well.
    So it is well to remember, it was indeed terrorism. They didn’t care who else they killed or injured.

  28. George
    November 5, 2023

    Hi sir john
    The peace in this country is a false please
    There are groups and religions just waiting for the right time when that time comes the laws of this country will change the true white Christian people will be the ones to take be persecuted, people like your self and your government have given prioritie to bringing in people of different beliefs
    Priority over the the people of this country down
    Look what’s allowed to happen my great great grand father gave his life to stop the invasion of Germany , now we are allowing the uk to be invaded, our MP’S and government’s have let the country down
    John come to Birmingham and see what’s happening to our country
    God Help our grandchildren,
    Why have we got thousands of Afghans waiting in hotels to be brought to the UK
    How can we help the world but can’t help our own?

  29. ChrisS
    November 5, 2023

    The current conflict in the Middle East has the capacity to damage race and religeous relations in our country like few others.

    Any attempt to disrupt Remembrance weekend will do irrevocable damage to the Muslim population’s reputation and its relationship with the majority white, Christian population, who are not noted for coming out and demonstrating on the streets. They would certainly be moved to respond to any kind of Muslim provocation..

    It would therefore be in the long term interest of the UK to put a blanket ban on all demonstrations next weekend.

  30. Rod Evans
    November 5, 2023

    John, how proud are you of your contribution to politics this last 30 years?
    During your time of influence, we in the West have had 9/11, 7/7, the Manchester bombing, the slaying of hundreds of ordinary people, the Bataclan massacre, Charlie Hebdo, child rape gangs and too many other atrocities to name them all.
    The common feature of all those atrocities was the ‘religious’ (sic) belief of the perpetrators.
    It is no exaggeration to state, we in the Western world did not have any of those unacceptable practices when you first went into politics. It is also no exaggeration to say during the direct Tory period of administration since 2010 the number of individuals coming to live in the UK believing in unacceptable religious practice has increased.
    What do you think we should do about these basic truths?

    Reply The troubles in Northern Ireland and the wars in the Middle East pre dated my entry into politics. In the last 70 years we have not been engaged in a world war.

  31. DOM
    November 5, 2023

    We all know why Starmer’s poppy suddenly disappeared. When you’re delivered safe seats from a section of the electorate one must do their bidding or else. This leverage will become even more aggressive if racist Labour come to power

    Time for the Tories to expose Labour and their barbarian plans

    1. glen cullen
      November 5, 2023

      Shame on Starmer

    2. Mickey Taking
      November 6, 2023

      The act of a Chameleon, like many politicians.

  32. glen cullen
    November 5, 2023

    I’m surprised that the gun powder plot is still taught in our schools

    1. Lifelogic
      November 5, 2023

      Religion driven yet again.

    2. Mickey Taking
      November 6, 2023

      Well people are still unhappy with Parliament, but at least they don’t try to blow it up !

      1. Lynn Atkinson
        November 6, 2023

        That’s what the Victorians thought, the age of barbaric war-fare was over. Then came the 20th Century …

  33. Darren Hayward
    November 5, 2023

    1984 not 1983

  34. mancunius
    November 5, 2023

    ” it is possible to find peaceful ways of living with differences.”
    Not with the chasmic tensions successive governments have introduced into British society. As was foreseen by at least one MP in the late 1960s.

    1. glen cullen
      November 5, 2023

      ….and the boats keep on coming

  35. Linda Brown
    November 5, 2023

    Not with the IRA or Palestinians as it goes back too far and memories are passed down the generations.

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