Answer to My Written Parliamentary Question – Directors

The Cabinet Office has provided the following answer to your written parliamentary question (2437):

To ask the Minister for the Cabinet Office, how many (a) Directors and (b) Director Generals there are in his Department as of 20 November 2023. (2437)

Tabled on: 20 November 2023

John Glen:

As at 31 October 2023, the Cabinet Office employs 74 people at Director level and 21 people at Director General level.

The number of Senior Civil Servants (SCS) stems from our coordinating role at the heart of Government. First, the professional experts who lead functional services across the whole of the Civil Service sit in Cabinet Office (the level of professional expertise required, often recruited from the private sector, means a high number of SCS roles). Second, the Cabinet Office also delivers secretariat functions which need to be led at a senior level given their national significance, including the National Security Secretariat and Joint Intelligence Organisation.

The answer was submitted on 28 Nov 2023 at 17:16.


  1. Rod Evans
    December 1, 2023

    If you are allowed a ‘follow up written question’ perhaps you could ask what is the salary and financial package of the five highest paid cabinet officers?
    Just saying.

  2. Mickey Taking
    December 1, 2023

    All this and yet we have hundreds of quangos supposedly taking direct control of matters away from the centre!
    And then there are SPADS providing personal opinion to Ministers, separately to CS.
    What a tangled weave of information, untruths and private opinions!

  3. a-tracy
    December 1, 2023

    What are the 74 Directors in the cabinet office responsible for?

  4. rose
    December 1, 2023

    Next time, ask how many Directors and Directors General Oliver Letwin had.

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