Answer to My Written Parliamentary Question on SCS1 civil servants

This reveals there has been a large increase in top posts at a time when productivity has fallen badly. You can have too many managers.


The Cabinet Office has provided the following answer to your written parliamentary question (2438):

To ask the Minister for the Cabinet Office, how many civil servants are employed at each grade above SCS1. (2438)

Tabled on: 20 November 2023

John Glen:

The number of Senior Civil Servants by Director, Director General and Permanent Secretary paybands are shown in the table below.

This information is published each year by payband through the Government evidence to the Senior Salaries Review Board.

Table 1: Number of Senior Civil Servants by Director, Director General and Permanent Secretary paybands, as at 1 April 2023

Payband Number
Director (Payband 2) 1140
Director General (Payband 3) 180
Permanent Secretary 45

Source: SCS Database, Cabinet Office

Notes: Numbers are rounded to the nearest 5.

Numbers are provisional and subject to revision over time.

Numbers refer to the centrally managed ‘Senior Civil Service’ that does not include the Diplomatic Service and a number of civil servants that work at a senior level, for example some senior military officials and health professionals, and who are not part of the ‘Senior Civil Service’.

The answer was submitted on 28 Nov 2023 at 17:06.


  1. Javelin
    December 1, 2023

    Can you get a copy of their employment contracts. Iā€™d be interested to see how easy it is to reassign them.

    1. Peter Wood
      December 1, 2023

      As the American’s might say, a somewhat granular data request. Purpose….context…..comparison….cost? A big analysis piece coming here?
      King, PM and Foreign Secretary all at one bunfest in the Mid-East; looks a bit like Davos in the desert. Do they have a purpose? That would be an interesting article here.

      1. Hope
        December 1, 2023

        I am presuming Charles is speaking on behalf of Labour as Cameron does for Tories. I thought Charles was not going to be involved in politics and told us he would not be that stupid. He has made clear he is political and his speech showed me he is stupid. If he was concerned about his 30% increase in CO2 claim he might have flown with Cameron or Sunak for his couple of minute chat! He seems to forget his previous apocalyptic predictions failed to materialise.

        His time better spent having a word with Harry.

        1. Lifelogic
          December 1, 2023

          Five O levels and two A levels it seems (French C and History B) yet he magically got into Trinity Cambridge – perhaps he got some extra points for coming from a poor background and a bog standard comp. school? So I am sure he will have an excellent command of physics, maths, entropy, climate history and energy engineering, Seems keen on faiths/religions, homeopathy and quack medicine too. So in keeping with climate alarmism.

          1. Hope
            December 2, 2023

            When looking around I seem to recall being told Royals have an absolute of entry to one of the Cambridge colleges dating back to Henry, not sure if it is Trinity.

        2. glen cullen
          December 1, 2023

          Sunak has just committed us to a full-on net-zero at the cop28 ….thanks for that undemocratic policy

        3. The Prangwizard
          December 1, 2023

          Charles is a fool and a disaster if he thinks behaving as he does is good for preserving and enhancing the monarchy.

          He is an asset to the republican trouble makers because he acts like a president. He is a political eco-fanatic.

      2. Berkshire Alan
        December 1, 2023


        Guarantee it will cost the taxpayer more money in financial give aways to other Countries, if we have not made that promise already !

        1. Hope
          December 1, 2023

          Plebgate seems to want us to feed Africa. Meanwhile China and India enjoy taking our manufacturing industries and jobs at huge cost to us, not just financially.

          1. Mickey Taking
            December 2, 2023

            Rhodesia used to feed them, now Zimbabwe doesn’t.

      3. miami.mode
        December 1, 2023

        Why the king would want to go baffles me. Surely he or his advisers must realise that plenty of people are sceptical of many of the climate change claims and he will just alienate them at exactly the time when he should be anxious to do the opposite.

        1. oldwulf
          December 1, 2023



          The Queen did not put a foot wrong.
          She did nothing to divide the Nation.

          KC III no expert.
          He is entitled to listen to whomsoever he chooses but would be wise to keep divisive opinions to himself.

        2. A-tracy
          December 1, 2023

          Why would he wear a tie full of Greek flags whilst the King of the United Kingdom? OK his father was Greek but he isnā€™t. He said he wasnā€™t going to be political, so if its a point contra Sunak of the Marbles then yet another political intervention, Oh dear.

      4. a-tracy
        December 1, 2023

        Perhaps Sunak has pleased some of the people on this blog because apparently he is accused of sending the wrong signals on climate crisis saying his revised net zero targets show he is ‘not in hock to the ideological zealots’.

    2. PeteB
      December 1, 2023

      Javelin, here are the pay bands to get you started:

      SCS pay band 2: Ā£97,000 to Ā£162,500.
      SCS pay band 3: Ā£127,000 to Ā£208,100.

      1. Hope
        December 1, 2023

        Cameron said no one would be paid more than PM! How did that pledge work out? Rycroft and deputy demonstrating they are not worth minimum wage per year. The Foreign Office boss could not be bothered to come back from holiday as Afghanistan disaster unfolded and lives were lost! His dept follow his lead and most not working a full week in their office, also they could not access secure computers to help people from Taliban during Afghanistan plight! What a Tory shit show. 13 years and every left wing public sector body has got worse. We saw with Raab the Ambassador was not sacked for doing exactly opposite what Raab wanted, acted in defiance, but he complained and essentially got Raab sacked! Complaints against Patel from useless Home Office. When are staffing levels going to be reduced and when will there be severe pay cuts!

      2. Berkshire Alan
        December 1, 2023


        Not bad if you can get it, I wonder how many of these directors/managers are full time, or working from home ?

      3. Lifelogic
        December 1, 2023

        Total meaningless drivel from our deluded King of Climate Hypocrisy at COP28. All that private jet fuel for 20 mins of waffle about harmony, nature, balanceā€¦ you do not have a clue mate.

        14 years ago – Charles said that without “coherent financial incentives and disincentives” we have just 96 months to avert “irretrievable climate and ecosystem collapse, and all that goes with it.” CO2 hugely up since then then so too late mate according to you. How are you getting on ā€œdefending the rather contradictory faithsā€ and with your quack medicine agenda! Perhaps stick to those.

        1. Hope
          December 1, 2023

          The same Charles who is digging up a perfectly good massive lawn with tractors to change the landscape design!!

          Meanwhile Nutter Sunak and Cameron at cop 28 after inviting millions of people to live here against their promises to do the opposite! How about their carbon footprint? Total idiots. Sunak went further that it is right to spend in overseas aid! Borrow money and pay interest when our taxes at 70 year high claiming tax cuts could not be considered? How many houses, what has HS2 done exactly? Co pledge idiots at our expense.

        2. Donna
          December 1, 2023

          Let’s face it, in the distribution of Royal genes, Charles got the defective ones. He’s almost a carbon copy of Great Uncle Edward and just as unsuitable to be King.

    3. Narrow Shoulders
      December 1, 2023

      That would also reveal what our liability is for their pensions.

      1. Hope
        December 1, 2023

        The govt needs to revert to their previous employment status as crown servants outside current employment legislation so they do as they are asked and can be sacked easily. Same reversal for military and police so we rid an enormous amount of left wing bureaucracy and it becomes impossible to sack them.

    4. Ian Wraggg
      December 1, 2023

      They don’t need reassigning at least half should be made redundant
      We are carrying about 90,000 more civil Serpents since the pandemic and productivity has fallen. It’s a bit like immigration, import 1% of population and GDP per capita falls.
      It’s the definition of madness.

      1. Lifelogic
        December 1, 2023

        It seems many Civil Servants would leave if forced to go into their offices for three days. So force them in for five days and letā€™s hope most do leave. If not fire at least 75% of them. Once in the office it will be easier to see just how little of value they do actually do or deliver.

      2. Hat man
        December 1, 2023

        Seen from another point of view it’s perfectly rational, Ian. The main point of ‘pandemic preparedness’ as per Event 201 was to increase public-private sector cooperation on various response measures including the takeup of vaccines. Inevitably, more state employees were going to be needed to help deal with all the extra work that would involve. I’m not approving of it, just saying it follows logically from a position that the government agreed to at that time.

      3. Hope
        December 1, 2023

        Council workers working from home found to have second jobs!! I wonder if civil servants the same? Public sector overpaid, pensions too generous. Councils going bust unable to provide basic services. Despite highest taxation and year on year community charge hikes against Tory promises to freeze it.

      4. Ian Wraggg
        December 1, 2023

        Today wind providing 1.8gw and we have nothing in the locker only very expensive imports of 3gw from France and Holland

    5. glen cullen
      December 1, 2023

      The first job of the civil service is to protect the civil service

  2. Jude
    December 1, 2023

    Rounded up??? Figures are either accurate or they are not! Surely the civil service know exactly how many staff are employed? If not this begs the question does anyone know what their job roles are & how well these staff perform in these roles?
    I am not convinced anyone actually knows & worse actually cares!!!

    1. MFD
      December 1, 2023

      I agree with you Jude, we need to hoke out the stables!

    2. miami.mode
      December 1, 2023

      Agree. It tells you all you need to know that they use rounded up figures when relating to a specific date.

  3. DOM
    December 1, 2023

    They feed like rats on a carcass and couldn’t give a toss. Welcome to the Oxbridge cabal.

    An an aside, nice to see Sunak dishing out the cash at the Marxist convention for so called environmental projects. God , that must make him feel really warm inside. And Cameron and Charlie flying in at our expense while the plebs trudge to work on this cold, dark morning.


    1. glen cullen
      December 1, 2023

      Agree – dishing out cash to countries that have space programme is complete madness

    2. Hope
      December 1, 2023

      And elderly not sure whether to eat or heat because of these three nutters will not use energy under our feet! Get fracking, dig for clean coal, oil and gas, much better than importing and being reliant on hostile nations and bodies like Russia and EU!

      1. Lifelogic
        December 1, 2023


    3. Christine
      December 1, 2023

      It made me laugh that COP28 wants us to reduce our meat consumption and they have a self-imposed target of only serving one-third of animal products to their guests. We were brought up on meat and two veg. How dare these tyrants try to restrict our choices whilst they feast at our expense.

      1. a-tracy
        December 1, 2023

        Christine, that is why they want to provide school meals free, they can then give the children other sources of protein, tofu, Quorn, tempeh, insects, pulses, seeds. So those children will say we were brought up on….

        The latest set of want-to-pay-for-nothing parents will lap it up.

    4. graham1946
      December 1, 2023

      Cameron, Sunak and the King all on separate private jets. Hypocritical doesn’t even begin to describe it. Would they go if they were paying their own way? Even the green fanatics are saying this is all nonsense and is a failure because they make promises then immediately renege – well they are mostly politicians I suppose so no surprise there. 70,000 of them apparently going, in order to vote to make us poorer and our poor excuse for a government will gold plate it all. As I have said before we should stop Prime Ministers going abroad – every time they do another multi million pound bill follows which we have to borrow just to make them look good on the international stage. Wasters, the lot of them. Meanwhile we are told this cold winter to lower our thermostats and drive less. Humbugs.

      1. a-tracy
        December 1, 2023

        Why couldn’t they fly together? Seriously why? That would cement Charles’s green credentials much better than any speech he proposed to give, to start with self-sacrifice.

        1. graham1946
          December 2, 2023

          Too important, I suppose. Climate change is only driven by us ordinary plebs, nothing to do with the hypocrite nobs and their profligate ways.

    5. James1
      December 1, 2023

      We are not a dying nation. But we really do need to get the government out of doing so many
      of the things that they try to run and run so badly. There should be an embargo on public sector recruitment and a mandated reduction not less than of 5% in the annual budget of every department.

    6. MFD
      December 1, 2023

      I must agree Dom! I am really angry at the unelected Pm throwing 1.8 billion of our money to the Marxist gathering. He has wasted so much money this year!

  4. agricola
    December 1, 2023

    It is impossible to comment in detail, but some observations are valid.
    You confirm the numbers have increased, but productivity has gone down. This adds up to my own comment which is that nothing associated with government works. I would be delighted to have it pointed out to me that in fact any government activity is working.
    The CS is an ever increasing financial and regulatory burdon on the private productive element of the economy. In the case of the Home Office, as they have overtly demonstrated in recent days, not only are they incompetent, but there is every indication that they have their own agenda working in opposition to government and the desire of the majority of the electorate.
    It suggests that the PM and some experienced MPs need to sit together with blank sheets of A4 to decide what form a future CS should take and what should be its terms of contract.

    1. Lifelogic
      December 1, 2023

      Indeed. But rather too late for the Tories now after 13 years of abject failure, vast tax increases, declining public services and endless lies. Starmer will clearly be even more of a disaster but that is what we will have to suffer it seems.

      1. MFD
        December 1, 2023

        Thats why I am going to vote ReformUK,

    2. Hope
      December 1, 2023

      Go back to being crown servants outside current employment legislation.

  5. Narrow Shoulders
    December 1, 2023

    As a follow up to both your questions this morning you should ask what the mean and median average length of service is for all those levels. If the civil service has to recruit to fill roles rather than rely on progression then the tenure will be short. If it is just jobs for the boys the tenures will be long.

    What is government doing that it requires so many managers? Each developing their own fiefdoms?

    1. glen cullen
      December 1, 2023

      …and 2/3s still working from home

    2. graham1946
      December 1, 2023

      The Cabinet is far too big as well. This truly is jobs for the boys just to reward mates regardless of ability. All at our expense. They must wake up laughing every day, having won the lottery. Regarding fiefdoms, looks like the age old idea that the more you have reporting to you the more important you are is still rife, so ever more expansion occurs. Minister for paper clips obviously needs a full dept. and as for Minister Without Portfolio, the very definition of a non job – words cannot express the contempt they have for us and we for them.

  6. Donna
    December 1, 2023

    There’s also been a large increase in “top posts” in the political sector:

    They’re found in the Scottish and Welsh Parliaments and the City-Region Mayors in England. And there’s another cohort of Police and Crime Commissioners no-one, outside the political class, wanted.

    All adding little or nothing to the operation of the country and all a drain on taxpayers.

    You can have far too many politicians, as well.

    1. Hope
      December 1, 2023

      Do not worry, Cameron is back so the number of MPs will be culled like he promised- not. Lord numbers anyone? Lords numbers more about MPs or cronies being paid for non-jobs for life in addition to MP pension based on RPI unlike the rest on CPI! Good old MPs

  7. Lifelogic
    December 1, 2023

    Productivity? Much of what they ā€œproduceā€ is of zero or even negative value:- road blocking, net zero, the many worthless degrees, reams of red tape, open borders, this sick joke Covid Inquiry, the lockdown, the net harm vaccines, the QE, the jokers from the home office not answering simple questions to the parliamentary committeeā€¦

    Sunak ā€œI’m not in hock to ideological zealots on this topic. Of course we’re going to get to net zero, of course it’s important, but we can do that in a sensible way that saves people money and doesn’t burden them with extra costs.ā€

    Two days ago you passed a law to rig the car market and force up the prices of ICU cars to make people buy the more expensive and less flexible EV cars at a cost of about Ā£5000 per household. EV cars cause more CO2 not less you fool.

    SUNAK says ā€œOf course we’re going to get to net zero, of course it’s important, but we can do that in a sensible way that saves people money and doesn’t burden them with extra costs.ā€ It is not only not important it is insane, a bit more CO2 tree food is a net good, it is vastly expensive and not even realistic with current tech. It has been far hotter in the past and we have had far more CO2 go amd study some climate history and physics you deluded plonker. Plus we have not even had any statistically significant warming recently we just export jobs and vital industries and decrease living standards for no good reason.

    Reply I did not pass a law. I oppose the EV targets SI and I and others are urging the government not to vote it through the Commons. It was considered in Committee this week.

    1. Lifelogic
      December 1, 2023

      Mogg said on Thursday the ā€œzero emissions vehicle mandateā€ went through as a statutory instrument on Wednesday? EV are not even zero emissions they are more emissions (and more CO2 cars) but mainly elsewhere (not elsewhere for the rather higher tyre debris particulates though).

      Reply We are seeking a vote in the Commons

    2. Lifelogic
      December 1, 2023

      Another deluded PPE graduate:- ā€œEntering lockdown three weeks earlier would have cut deaths in the first Covid wave by 90%, former health secretary Matt Hancock has said. Even now years later the deluded Handcock really cannot read or perhaps cannot understand the logic and the statistics.

      At best it would have delays a few deaths by a few weeks but at vast costs and also delaying natural vaccinations of younger fits people this delaying natural herd immunity prob. making thing worse overall. Meanwhile his? henchmen were quite wrongly attacking the sensible Barrington Declaration experts.

      The cost per QALY of extra life would have been and was absurdly high for a few extra weeks of (locked up) life for a few people.

    3. Hope
      December 1, 2023

      LL, Sunak said he would serve with integrity and implement the 2019 manifesto. He is done. Along with the Tory party.

    4. Bloke
      December 1, 2023

      ā€œDeluded plonkerā€ is a sharp message with only 73 appearances throughout google. If Labour also use it to target the current PMā€™s idiocy so precisely it could become their silver bullet for election to office.

    5. Lifelogic
      December 1, 2023

      What a load of meaningless & deluded guff from our foolishly highly political King of Blatant Climate Hypocrisy. Waffling on about nature, balance and harmony with not a single sensible point to make. Was it really worth all that private jet fuel to deliver this 20 minutes of tedious, uninformed & misguided drivel? A man with two duff A levels in French and History though apparently these were enough for him to scrape into Trinity Camb. to read History.

      Perhaps he got extra points for his deprived background, duff schools or something.

      In 2009 delivering the annual Richard Dimbleby lecture, Charles said that without “coherent financial incentives and disincentives” we have just 96 months to avert “irretrievable climate and ecosystem collapse, and all that goes with it.”

      So far too late now then as you thought back then Charlie! You are 75 so please grow up a bit and get out of politics like your more sensible Mother.

    6. Christine
      December 1, 2023

      Lifelogic, when you realise itā€™s nothing to do with climate change and everything to do with control of the masses it all makes sense. More and more draconian laws are being introduced in Western countries to curtail our choice and freedoms. This has been carefully planned for decades. Our politicians, institutions, and media have been taken over. Sunak needs to go and go before Christmas but I fear it’s far too late to change direction. Better all the like-minded MPs move to Reform and take a last stand.

      1. MFD
        December 1, 2023

        I second that proposal Christine!

    7. The Prangwizard
      December 1, 2023

      Reply to reply:

      “Nothing to do with me, guv”. A popular theme of argument it seems. It is your party, and your party forms the government. You support it, you are loyal to it.

      You can’t say what it does is nothing to do with you. If you really objected you would quit, but no chance. It’s too uncomfortable to do that.

      1. Bloke
        December 3, 2023

        Changing the Conservative Party from within is likely to be more effective than joining a new presently-small party. SJR campaigns strongly in favour of key improvements, distinct from the comfort-seekers and misguided others who are destroying the party. If Conservatives were all of his high quality our country would be exceptionally well-served.

    8. a-tracy
      December 1, 2023

      All those people in flats or terraced streets with no electricity points can’t efficiently have an electric vehicle if they can’t charge it at night. People don’t have time to find a recharging station, pay the fast day recharging costs, and often can’t get a booking slot.

      I have enjoyed one of the two vehicles I’m trialling. I enjoy not having to go to a fuel station, the radio never works and it beeps on narrow roads, but otherwise, it is an enjoyable ride and low cost (at the moment until the politicians get their hands on road pricing.)

  8. Mickey Taking
    December 1, 2023

    These numbers show the CS to be fat, overpaid, and responsibility for anything shared out to be ineffective.
    Dramatic cuts are required – I think we can see what Cummings was wanting to do.

  9. Lifelogic
    December 1, 2023

    Perhaps Sunak can read or watch some William Happer and other climate realists and then explain to us why ā€œOf course we’re going to get to net zero, of course it’s importantā€ and how ā€œwe can do that in a sensible way that saves people money and doesn’t burden them with extra costs.ā€

    Pure lies or a total religious delusion Sunak. I assume you have little science beyond O level as you read PPE but even you should be able to grasp reality if you bothered to study it. A little more CO2 or even a doubling would not heat the planet much at all due to natural negative feedbacks and anyway slightly warmer is a net good as is a bit more plant, crop and tree food.

    1. hefner
      December 1, 2023

      Could you please list the natural negative feedbacks you might be thinking of, if possible with some estimations of the timescales on which they are likely to be active. Thanks a lot in advance.

  10. glen cullen
    December 1, 2023

    Buggar me; we’ve got more civil servants at Director than the UN

  11. glen cullen
    December 1, 2023

    Did Pontines close Prestatyn & Camber Sands holiday parks because of ā€“
    The imposed 20 mph
    The cost of Business Rates, Corporation Tax & Green Taxes
    The cost of converting everything ā€˜net-zeroā€™, cooking, heating, lighting, transport etc
    The cost of BoE Interest Rates
    The added journey costs of customers, having to travel via environmental zones and the high cost of local parking
    Too many civil servants stopping people having fun
    ā€¦all of the above

    1. a-tracy
      December 1, 2023

      Brittania Hotels owns it. Aren’t they the hotel group benefitting from housing immigrants? They also lost a discrimination case this year.

    2. iain gill
      December 1, 2023

      shutting it to house illegal immigrants there, as the state will pay them lots of money for that

  12. Geoffrey Berg
    December 1, 2023

    I suggest, Sir John, when asking for the present figures you also ask what the same figures were 1 ,2, 5, 10, 15 and 20 years ago etc; as people will take much more notice and be much more inclined to do something about it if the figures for running the same country changed significantly over time.

  13. iain gill
    December 1, 2023

    The King has been badly advised, going out to COP to give a political speech is really not the thing for a royal family in a democracy to be doing. Not to mention the lack of balance to it. I could demolish the lazy arguments being made easily.

  14. Berkshire Alan
    December 1, 2023

    Reply – Reply

    John just who is actually driving this Net Zero policy lunacy, with more and more taxation and subsidy to try and force people to comply with never ending and unrealistic targets.
    Is it really Government, HMRC or vested interests ?

  15. Kenneth
    December 1, 2023

    That is ridiculous

  16. Christine
    December 1, 2023

    You need to give this context by publishing how many staff at each grade were employed each decade since the 1980s. You will then see an astronomic rise in the number of higher grades. The Civil Service has long since used promotion to bypass low pay, pay freezes, and the ability to recruit top managers. The NHS does the same. You should also show the figures for contractors, consultants, and the cost of outsourcing. The CS like the NHS is a money pit that has been allowed to grow out of control.

  17. Peter D Gardner
    December 1, 2023

    Given that the information is routinely published, what was the, no doubt subtle, purpose of the question?

    1. hefner
      December 1, 2023

      Some performative art from the Pied Piper of Wokinghamelin?

  18. Bert+Young
    December 1, 2023

    I am not surprised at the increase of Civil Servants – particularly the top level ones employed at 10 Downing St . It is just another indication of the way that the rules that apply to us do not apply to those who make them . Management capability does not depend on numbers ; it depends on skills and the depth of knowledge . Grasping around for ideas and support is a sign of lack of knowledge and control – obviously this does not exist in the very place that is needed the most .

  19. Original Richard
    December 1, 2023

    Those demanding net zero CO2 (and beyond) for western democracies only (climate action is only #13 on the UNā€™s list of ā€œsustainable goalsā€), the UN, the WEF, the CCC, our Parliament, the BBC/MSM and the many globalist funded think tanks etc. etc. claim the need for us to de-industrialise and undergo massive reductions in our living standards achieved through the rationing of energy, food, heating and travel using carbon taxes, electrification and chaotically intermittent renewable energy.

    But this is to look at their demands through the wrong end of a telescope for there is no global warming emergency/crisis as a result of increasing levels of CO2 (natural or anthropogenic) as shown by the work of Professors Happer & Wijngaarden. The current global warming, which is small and beneficial, together with past global coolings is a perfectly natural phenomenon. To expect the global temperature to remain constant is just absurd. It has to go up or down!

    For those pursing net zero CO2 the end game is the destruction of western democraciesā€™ meritocracy and wealth and the transition to authoritarian command economies with the ending of private wealth, ownership and freedom of speech using ā€œsaving the planetā€ as the excuse. This is the pursuit of ā€œequityā€.

    To aid their project we are told we also need massive immigration to aid diversity, hence the signing of the UN Compact for Migration and the curtailment of freedom of speech which started with ā€œpolitical correctnessā€ and now uses ā€œinclusivityā€ to mean that no-one may be offended.

    The increased numbers and cost of the civil service with decreasing productivity is simply one element of the plan.

  20. formula57
    December 1, 2023

    And how many of these job-holders work from home for what proportion of time? What impact is this judged to have?

  21. Keith from Leeds
    December 1, 2023

    The answer is to make redundant 430,000 Civil Servants and make the Government work with 100,000. How can we have 45 Permanent Secretaries with only about 20 departments? At its current size, the Civil Service is unmanageable, as the Home Office proves. Which means an impotent government, as we have seen. Where is the Conservative MP with true conservative values who will cut the Civil Service, cut Government spending seriously and bring in real, substantial tax cuts? Where is the Conservative MP who will hold people in all areas of government to account and sack senior people who fail ( Andrew Bailey being no 1 ) and make government work doing what the voters want? Do the PM and Chancellor know there is an election next year, and they are on course to destroy the Conservative Party? What they do speaks so loudly I can’t hear what they say!

    1. iain gill
      December 1, 2023

      if you did that you would just find 300,000 more people hired onto government projects from Serco and Capita

  22. Original Richard
    December 1, 2023

    PS : I see that at 12:01 today the 28 GW of installed wind power is supplying just 1.9 GW of power (4.4% of demand) and we’re told that quadrupling offshore wind and doubling onshore wind will give us energy security!

    There is absolutely no plan for 2030, or 2035 or even 2050 for any energy storage. This is because it is horrendously expensive if not even technically impossible using renewables.

    The real solution is nuclear fission which is affordable, reliable, abundant and secure. It can today even be load-following so requires far less energy back-up/storage if needed at all. It can be sited at existing nuclear sites saving an enormous cost to bring offshore wind energy onshore and it uses 1000 times less concrete and steel per unit of power than offshore wind. The MWhr costs for RR SMR power is already 25% to 50% lower than the new AR6 fixed offshore CfD wind prices and 20% to 30% of the price of floating offshore wind. See the HoC Energy Security & Net Zero Select Committee evidence session dated 15/11/2023 :

    Other nuclear technologies will be even cheaper.

    Of course nuclear is being ignored as renewables will cause the supply of insufficient and chaotically intermittent energy needed to impoverish the country and bring it to an equitable third world condition.

  23. hefner
    December 1, 2023 ā€˜Grade structures of the civil serviceā€™

    Also accessible from same website:
    29/11/2023 Fixing Whitehall: Is the Maude Review the right plan for government reform?
    30/11/2023 IfG response to the Maude Review on civil service reform.

  24. glen cullen
    December 1, 2023

    As at 4pm our wind energy generation was at 2.8%, could someone please tell the UN COP28 that wind turbines donā€™t work when thereā€™s no wind
    I suppose that our civil service thought it was a good idea ā€¦on paper

  25. iain gill
    December 1, 2023

    So, Rishi has decided to announce throwing more money away at wind subsidy at COP. He may as well wear a hat that says “Don’t vote Conservative”. How out of touch can these people get? We cannot afford to heat our homes, we are very close to having to cut industrial power and gas usage to maintain domestic heating this winter, and our blessed ruling class want to throw money around.

    I see Labour are hinting they will make musical instrument teaching free in English schools like it is in Scotland. Since that costs many parents a lot, 500 quid per term per child, and similar amounts, that’s actually a vote winner. Its amazing how attractive throwing money around can sound when it helps you own children. Its certainly a better use of public money than subsidising windmills or the Indian space/nuclear/aircraft carrier programmes.

    Deary me just pull the plug on the current government its embarrassing.

    1. rose
      December 2, 2023

      Corbyn had a policy for every child to learn to play a musical instrument, presumably free.

      1. Mickey Taking
        December 2, 2023

        yes at every protest march or union rally we can have expert drum bashers!

  26. iain gill
    December 1, 2023

    I see Katharine Birbalsingh has completely demolished Rishi’s education policies and plans on Times radio, well worth watching.

    The political class should really listen to her.

  27. Iain gill
    December 1, 2023

    The polls are wrong again, the number of people prepared to vote conservative is far lower than they are saying. I don’t even think the people on the party payroll are going to vote for it.

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