Losing a Home Secretary and an Immigration Minister is careless

Robert Jenrick did not come to his conclusions on immigration through ideology. Asked to be Immigration Minister he approached it cautiously. He formed his view that we needed to be a lot tougher from his day by day experiences . He saw at first hand how young fit men came in large numbers on dodgy unlicensed boat trips. He wanted to end these dangerous journeys, deter more illegals and break the businesses of those who charge them to undertake the trip.

He was persuaded it would take new law. To avoid another defeat in the courts  it would take stronger legal powers.In Suella Braverman he had a boss who knows migration law inside out. He recognised the wisdom of her views like his own.

Yesterday when we at last saw the Bill we heard from Suella that the bill would not be lawyer proof. There could be more challenges in international courts.

I cannot see the point of putting through legislation which does not work. The Home Secretary is going to have to reassure people this  time they will stop the boats.


  1. Peter
    December 7, 2023

    “ I cannot see the point of putting through legislation which does not work. ”

    To appear to address an issue of great public concern when you have no real intention of solving it ?

    1. Lemming
      December 7, 2023

      Peter, tell us how you would solve it. The Rwanda plan is a farce – not because it’s illegal (though it is), but because it involves sending a few hundred people to Rwanda, when tens of thousands are arriving. So what you gonna do? We didn’t have this problem before Brexit because we were part of EU co-operation, but you have junked that. So what you gonna do? Invade France?

      1. Peter
        December 7, 2023

        Put Viktor Orban in charge – a man who still believes in the nation state.

        If a small nation with no sea barriers can solve the problem, then so can an island nation.

        All that is required is a government with determination

      2. Sam
        December 7, 2023

        A deterrant is needed.
        It worked for Australia.
        If transfer to Rwanda works for a reasonable number then it will break or even ruin the criminals business plan.
        It’s only illegal because the Supreme Court has its reservations.
        So our elected Parliament (which is Supreme) must produce effective new legislation
        And what is your actual solution?

      3. A-tracy
        December 7, 2023

        Acorn, do you know how many of these people were from Hong Kong and Ukraine?

        1. a-tracy
          December 8, 2023

          Found this from the Guardian ‘Humanitarian and other family visas accounted for the second largest proportion of immigrants, at 39% or 276,000 in the year ending June 2022. These included 89,000 Ukrainians, 76,000 from Hong Kong

    2. PeteB
      December 7, 2023

      On the quote from Sir J, I wonder whether Jenrick asked his civil servants which of them would resign if this legislation their team has drafted gets challenged in the courts and fails? It isn’t just MPs who need to be accountable.

    3. Lifelogic
      December 7, 2023

      Just distraction and delaying tactics. Rather like the absurd smoking ban by an arbitrary birth date – when they do virtually nothing about class A drugs. Also like this £multi-million waste & sick joke Covid Enquiry with the deluded and misinformed KC who is barking up totally the wrong trees. He even seems to think Covid was killing 2% the real figure was more like 1/80 of this. Plus most of these deaths were very elderly people and deaths were only brought forwards very slightly.

      The real questions they should be asking are:-
      Was it leaked or even released from the lab after manmade enhancement funded by the US and others?
      Did lockdowns do far more harm than good both to both health and the economy?
      Did the new tech “vaccines”, especially for the young and those who had had Covid already do far more harm than good?

      Why did the vaccine regulators approve these multiple risky new tech. “vaccines” shots even for children, pregnant people, the young and people who had had Covid already when they we are virtually zero risk? And why were cheap treatments, that we knew often helped considerably, such Vitamin D not tried and encouraged?
      Answers are clearly yes and yes and yes, incompetence or follow the money/vested interests and to ensure the vaccine got emergency approval.

      But the enquiry is clearly not remotely interested in reality. Take a look at the large share price collapses for Pfizer and BioNtech over the past couple of years. Good news for lawyers as usual I suppose.

    4. Hope
      December 7, 2023

      JR, your govt has allowed in 3.5 million (gross) immigrants to our country in two years. When these were allowed in it was not known how many will leave!! Who in their right mind thinks allowing 3.5 million in two is right let alone honouring your manifesto to reduce immigration lower than 219,000 each year. 3.5 million JR!! How do they think public services will cope?

    5. Nigl
      December 7, 2023

      Spot on. They will put this through to ‘con’ us into believing they are getting something done then seek to blame the lawyers when it fails.

      It is up to Tory MPs to vote against it

    6. beresford
      December 7, 2023

      +1. Those who enter the country illegally to defraud us should not have recourse to the courts. And we should send them anywhere we choose regardless of ‘safety’, as long as it isn’t here.

    7. Sir Joe Soap
      December 7, 2023

      Yep. Straight into the long grass until Snake slinks off to the US and Starmer capitulates under the weight of his own side.
      Or is this the issue that the Conservative party finally destroys itself over?

    8. Donna
      December 7, 2023

      Got it in one.

    9. MFD
      December 7, 2023

      We also see on the need last night Peter, that the reduction in young men crossing is not the result of government action but the action of the criminals as they wangle numbers to allow them to increase the price!
      More lies from sunak as he must know that fact!

      I’m done! Fifty plus years voting Conservative, I was dubious of Cameron but now i am finished. I for the first time have joined a political party to help fund and develop it!
      I know it takes a long time to do that but i am patient.

      1. MFD
        December 7, 2023

        Sorry that should read “ see on the NEWS!”

    10. Keith Collyer
      December 7, 2023

      Well said, Peter. This government seems to thrive on three things:
      – Performative policies that sound good to Mail readers but are of absolutely no value
      – Policies designed to make it as difficult as possible for the incoming Labour government. It’s almost worth voting Tory so they will be forced to clean up the mess they are creating
      – Policies designed to damage the less well-off in favour of their friends and donors.

      1. glen cullen
        December 7, 2023

        ”absolutely no value”
        The covid inquiry is going to last 3 years as they’re repeating every single word spoken by the government during the 3 years of covid ….careless

  2. Mark B
    December 7, 2023

    Good morning.

    You cannot have MASS IMMIGRATION and a social benefit system where everyone, even not UK citizens, can have unrestricted access. The former will always outpace the latter and, just throwing more money is not the answer.

    If we cannot deal with both legal and illegal migration then we can deal with the pull factors. And it is here is where I see absolutely no change and leave me to suspect that the government are not serious in dealing with these TWO problems rolled into one.

    I have gone onto length what I believe will remedy much of the problems, as indeed have others. We are, for the moment, powerless but, come the next GE we shall have our say on this.

    The result of 1997 shall be eclipsed.

    1. Berkshire Alan
      December 7, 2023

      Mark B
      Agree it’s the pull factor, but our Politicians cannot, or will not see it !

      Where else in the World would you get all of the welfare, education, housing and health benefits immediately you arrive, for free, then in due course be allowed to bring in the rest of the family so they can benefit as well.
      No wonder we have so many people who could work but do not bother, and an increasing number will feel this way if there is no change, because clearly work and paying taxes is for fools.

    2. Peter Parsons
      December 7, 2023

      Visas are issued with the condition “no recourse to public funds”. That means no access to the benefit system. Access to the NHS will now cost each visa holder over £1,000 per year (the new level of the NHS surcharge) on top of whatever tax they pay.

      To put a real number on it, someone coming on a spouse visa will, at current costs, pay around £8,000 over 5 years for visas and the NHS surcharge, with no access to the benefit system. After 5 years, they can then pay even more to apply for indefinite leave to remain.

      1. Berkshire Alan
        December 8, 2023

        Who supervises this, to make sure it does, or does not happen ?

        I have been in a pharmacy more than once when young people (under 60 years of age) have collected prescriptions, and have been asked “do you usually pay” and the answer more than once, has been “why”
        It has to be explained to them that everyone under 60 years of age pays for a prescription, unless you have an exemption.
        The usual second response, I not paid or been asked before.
        Why does not every pharmacist automatically simply say that will be £…….. and expect payment.

  3. Michelle
    December 7, 2023

    I would say a comedy of errors or one of those theatrical farces, only I’ve lost my sense of humour on this subject and find it neither funny or entertaining.
    I admit that to date I’ve only skimmed the basics of this new, what we thought would be lawyer proof, Rwanda merry go round but in it I noted the raft of people who would be on board to scrutinise and thought, ‘here we go again’.

    Either we have a Nation that determines its own borders, has complete control of who comes here and in what quantities, or we don’t.
    Who has handed us over to rule by International bodies?
    They had no right to do so, what was handed down to us was on oaths, not for any politician or lawyer to interfere with and certainly not to have us ruled by and for the benefit of outside bodies.

    We do not owe the world and his Uncle ‘a better life’.

    1. John Hatfield
      December 7, 2023

      Michelle – wow.

      1. Sulis
        December 7, 2023

        +1. I think more like a Greek tragedy with people losing their marbles.

    2. Donna
      December 7, 2023

      It’s not just the world and his Uncle. It’s the world, his wife, his parents, his kids, his second-cousins-once-removed and his brothers …. and in due course all their extended families as well.

  4. Ian Wraggg
    December 7, 2023

    The wheels are starting to come off of Fishys cart. Just how much longer are we to be ruled by this WEF loser.

    1. Everhopeful
      December 7, 2023

      Or has he exactly fulfilled the job specs?

    2. Lifelogic
      December 7, 2023

      A deluded globalist jumped up prefect type. We want a government that will ditch the net zero cult, cut net immigration to well under 100K PA, cut government waste hugely, halve the size of government, cut taxes hugely, stop the net harm vaccines, have a bonfire of red tape, get real and fair competition in healthcare, transport, cars, energy, education, the BBC, banking and broadcasting… clearly Sunak has completely the opposite agenda.

      1. Lifelogic
        December 7, 2023

        His other pathetic distraction was Maths for all up to 18. An idiotic proposal as there is no point in forcing maths onto people who do not want it and have not grasped it by 16. If they really want to catch up fine. Anyway Sunak is rather bad at maths and indeed at economics. He could not even work out that vast QE and lockdowns would cause lots of inflation or that his vast tax, borrow and spend agenda would wreck the economy. Or that 750,000 net immigration would increase the prices of houses and rentals! Or even that net zero is total insanity in economic, environmental, health and climate terms.

        1. iain gill
          December 7, 2023

          Sunak has pledged to start paying back the national debt, which shows he doesnt even understand the top level of the countries bank balances.

      2. Lifelogic
        December 7, 2023

        A good interview with the sensible Cambridge University electronics engineer on the Planet Normal podcast today. Pointing the total lunacy, vast cost and total impracticality of the EV, heat-pumps, renewables and net zero lunacy pushed by the bonkers & deluded Climate Chance Committee. Most sensible engineers know this but os seems the government employs none or the ones they do keep mum to retain their jobs.

        Read Professor Michael Kelly’s excellent report: https://www.thegwpf.org/content/uploads/2022/03/Kelly-Net-Zero-Progress-Report.pdf

    3. Hope
      December 7, 2023

      Ian, remainers are on manoeuvres. The bigger picture is overturning Brexit by stealth. Cameron has wasted no time making his views known in remainer Lords. Have no doubt he is back to lead the charge and they do not care if Labour get back in to carry on their work.

      Damian Green and Steve Hammond are not moderates or centralists they are extreme remainers.

    4. Peter Wood
      December 7, 2023

      The entire front bench of the PCP is under-experienced, they should all be spending another 10 years as assistants. This has two effects: first, as ministers they are more dependent on their civil servants, who clearly are taking on the political mantle and directing decision making. Second, the job-hopping position management results in no long term planning and policy execution. Result: costly, incompetent management of the nation.
      As before stated, the PCP is not fit for purpose.

    5. Keith
      December 7, 2023

      Not just Fishy’s cart, the Party’s cart. Clearly decisions being made not in the National Interest. Probably by globalist stooges in both cchq and Parliament.

    6. glen cullen
      December 7, 2023

      Smart Metering Systems Plc with a market capitalisation of £1.28b, has its share price up 41% today on rumour of takeover ….its only a business because our government have (by Tory law) introduced policy for the mandatory fitting of smart-meters in new houses and targets to retrofit in established houses – FOLLOW THE MONEY

  5. Sakara Gold
    December 7, 2023

    The fact that Sunak’s government is imploding over the immigration issue is no surprise, given that the party has had 14 years to sort the problem out. Yesterday at PMQs Starmer pointed out the many imperfections in the Rwanda treaty, on which Sunak had clearly not been adequately briefed.

    For once Robert Jenrick has done an honorable thing and resigned. His resignation letter is brutal and scathing. Sunak should do the same; clearly he is not up to the job

    1. Everhopeful
      December 7, 2023

      How many saw it as a problem though?
      All “Heirs to Blair” ?

    2. Keith
      December 7, 2023

      Are any of them? And I don’t just mean Tories!

    3. Frances
      December 7, 2023

      Why is it that so many politicians cannot take us out of supranational out of date laws.

    4. MFD
      December 7, 2023

      Starmer is good at criticising , but he puts foreword not answer as he has non! He’ s as much use as an ashtray on a motorbike!

    5. Atlas
      December 7, 2023

      Agreed. It is time to put the letters in…

    6. LMA
      December 7, 2023

      +1 the Tories only hope is to get a 100% Conservative Brexiteer who will prioritise the laws that must be enacted – and make the House sit until they are all on the Statute Book.

  6. Everhopeful
    December 7, 2023

    A misfortune though surely that a right-minded minister does not just stay and fight his corner?
    Too much of a career disaster maybe?

    1. LMA
      December 7, 2023

      He lost!

      1. Everhopeful
        December 7, 2023

        Any explanation as to why Ministers resign rather than fight on for their cause…the Remainers fought on..and on…
        I don’t know any of the political intricacies.
        Maybe it is all about honnêteté or something…
        Not that anyone else seems to bother?

  7. Everhopeful
    December 7, 2023

    I was utterly, utterly AMAZED to read that a big bank is now INSISTING that its staff go into the office for at least two days a week!!
    What? They’ve not been going in?? I knew about civil servants and teachers…
    But…who could expect productivity with no staff in the bank offices?
    No blinking wonder it is so difficult running one’s affairs.
    Is anyone actually in charge of this ridiculous country?

    1. Narrow Shoulders
      December 7, 2023

      Employment law and the competition for talent.

      The coming downturn will change the dynamic between employer and employee which is very much in favour of the employee at present.

      1. Everhopeful
        December 7, 2023

        I expect you’re right.
        Like the Black Death in reverse.
        But they’ll have to repeal a lot of the “touch the harp gently” lunatic laws that the liberal twits imposed?

    2. majorfrustration
      December 7, 2023

      Not by the look of it.

      1. Everhopeful
        December 7, 2023

        Oh so true!!
        Can anarchy rule ok?

    3. Sir Joe Soap
      December 7, 2023

      It’s the same elsewhere. Businesses in Switzerland, I was told last week by somebody who knows, need to offer 2 days working from home in order to hire. We’ve been infected by massive Groupthink. The pandemic was going to kill millions of otherwise healthy people. Masks are the answer to halting a virus. Only desperate refugees would take a boat across the channel. QE, not entrepreneurship, is the solution to economic stagnation. Electric cars prevent pollution.

      1. Everhopeful
        December 7, 2023

        Oh gosh, yes!
        And now they are all masks-at-the-ready over some strain of flu again.
        And I see that the so-called enquiry is more about “Should have locked down sooner” than “ Sorry for the smoke and mirrors but we did a lot of “resetting” (aka destroying your world) over those three lost years. Forgot to say that workmen are immune to all viruses!”

    4. Berkshire Alan
      December 7, 2023

      No surprise at all, Local Authorities, Government departments, insurance companies, power suppliers, service companies, communication organisations, to name but a few.
      I now ask as a matter of course which office are they working from, neatly always get the answer “from Home”
      No wonder proper efficient service is a thing of the past !

      1. Everhopeful
        December 7, 2023

        Yes exactly.
        And now I keep wondering about all that access to private info.
        We have had cards hacked twice for considerable amounts ( refunded) recently.

    5. XY
      December 7, 2023

      Productivity often increases in office jobs via WFH. It’s all about management and giving them the tools.

      There are systems which record activity – if necessary. A better approach is to judge people on their outputs, which can often be difficult to measure in terms of “productivity”.

      Note that macroeconomic productivity is a measure of the ration of hours worked to GDP (i.e. tax gathered). It has nothing to do with individual performance – in fact it is especially poor at measuring the contribution of managers themselves (who would be a net negative in assessing productivity of, say, a factory since the method used in economics compares the cost of inputs with the value of outputs and allocates the difference on a per-worker basis).

      Bottom line: when people refer loosely to “productivity” they don’t know what they are talking about. Productivity figures do NOT simply add up to “You worker types must all try harder”.

    6. glen cullen
      December 7, 2023

      None of my friends employed in the civil service have returned to their office full-time, and the wont till their employment contracts are amended …that could be a problem (why didn’t the government amend the working from home policy, to make it time limited just for the period of covid)

  8. Clough
    December 7, 2023

    We had an Immigration Minister who believed in putting the national interest above ‘highly contested interpretations of international law’. Now he’s gone. We have a prime minister who doesn’t believe in doing that, but he’s still there. This does not bode well for the future.

  9. Iain gill
    December 7, 2023

    Rishi needs to go.
    We need genuine emergency measures, which includes the navy being told to stop the boats using any and all methods necessary.

  10. Margaret
    December 7, 2023

    To meet the demands for an expanding population I see a modern new coal mine is opening.

    1. glen cullen
      December 7, 2023

      Well even Germany are opening tens, India & China are opening hundreds

    2. Mickey Taking
      December 7, 2023

      China opens 2 new ones every week !

  11. Narrow Shoulders
    December 7, 2023

    Why is your government persisting with this small scale policy which will only affect a few illegal arrivals?

    Just build cheap. warm but shabby holding centres (such as the boat in Dorset) to process illegal immigrants arriving by whatever method in a cold isolated British territory. Give them three square meals a day (with no choice other than vegan or meat (halal) and a hall for TV and films with no choice over what to watch.

    Change the law so anyone arriving illegally can not claim asylum and must be returned to their home country or another that agrees to receive them (not as asylum seekers as their claims will have been processed).

    Paying for these illegals to live in a third world country for a year will be cheaper than housing them in this country.

    Withdraw from parts of international treaties that prevent this from happening. Unless those international treaties recognise they are out of date and are rewritten.

  12. The Prangwizard
    December 7, 2023

    In other words he was deceived. He has quit as a result.

    The message that the party is being deceived and MPs are being deceived will not be accepted by the uktra loyal. The country is being destroyed but the loyal will go along with that because the party is the most important.

  13. Mick
    December 7, 2023

    We all know it that come the Election tories are toast and the smug looking Labour buffoons won’t do much better because they also don’t have a plan to stop illegals or reduce legal immigration your party Sir John with its 80+ majority in parliament should have got all bills through no problem but you blew it by appeasing your paymasters the business sector to get them cheap labour , so now with Robert Jenrick doing the right thing and resigning PM Sunak should do the right thing and call a General Election and let the people decide who should be in power before this once great country goes further down the pan

  14. wab
    December 7, 2023

    “Yesterday when we at last saw the Bill we heard from Suella that the bill would not be lawyer proof”. QED, proof by authority.

    On the other hand, what bill is “lawyer proof”? Seriously, what a dumb thing for her to say in the first place.

    Suella is apparently now the leader of the right-wing Tory cult. God help the UK.

    1. LMA
      December 7, 2023

      All Bills used to be ‘lawyer-proof’ because Parliament was the highest Court in the land. Then it chose to sub borne itself and is dragged through the Courts as a result.

      1. glen cullen
        December 7, 2023

        They created the supreme court, they can disband it

  15. David Cooper
    December 7, 2023

    We all know about the principle “we must be seen to be doing something”, often uttered by a mendacious manager rather than a merely incompetent one. As matters stand, we have a variant, namely “we must be seen to be pretending to do something”. No incompetence with that one – just full fat mendacity.

  16. Richard1
    December 7, 2023

    Could be the plan fails in the courts and then the Conservatives can put the “full fat” option in the manifesto. This would create a “wedge” issue with Labour being forced to say what they would do. Obviously it would be better to be able to say at the next election “look, we’ve done what we said we would when you last voted us in”. But the wasted Johnson years have put paid to that so now it’s a gimmick policy in order to set up an election dividing line.

    Let’s keep in mind our winning slogan for the election: “Labour Would be Even Worse!” And hope people vote rationally.

  17. Keith
    December 7, 2023

    Careless is hardly the word. Who is pulling the strings behind one crazy decision after another? E.g Cameron but many other undemocratic decisions too. The party has a death wish. The public have seen through the soundbites and lack of action.

  18. Iain Moore
    December 7, 2023

    The Government is twisting its self into knots trying to make the unworkable work , that being the ECHR , Refugee Convention and Human Rights Act. Their faith in these is so total and unwavering they would happily break their party and our country on their observance of them .

    It is clear those calling themselves One Nation Tories, who are driving this, have their loyalties elsewhere, not with our country, for they would tear down the Government if there was any hint of the Government seeking to limit immigration or asylum. As it is essential for a state to have some sort of border control to meet the criteria of being a state, these One Nation Tories…aren’t , for they don’t believe in the concept of being a nation.

    1. Denis Cooper
      December 7, 2023

      My comment about one of those disloyal One Nation Tories, Damian Green:


      has not yet been published.

      It points out that he previously urged Boris Johnson on to a course which led to a customs and regulatory border being inserted between two parts of our country.

  19. Mickey Taking
    December 7, 2023

    Sunak still kicking the can pretending its empty when its full of worms.

    1. glen cullen
      December 7, 2023

      Going by his TV news conference today he’s going to continue to kick that ‘can’ till its in the USA

  20. Mickey Taking
    December 7, 2023

    Asked about Rishi Sunak’s future in No 10 Downing Street, Braverman says she wants him to succeed.
    A slightly incredulous Nick Robinson reads back a section of Braverman’s letter after her sacking, in which she described Sunak as uncertain, weak and lacking in leadership qualities.
    He asks her if people should believe she really wants Sunak to succeed or tear him down and take his job.
    Braverman replies “we are all Conservatives” and says she wants the PM to fulfil his promise to stop the boats.
    She adds she has told him what is required to do that and it is “his choice as to what he does”, and goes on to urge him to listen to his MPs.
    — ‘we are all Conservatives’ is the only thing that will worry us when she stands for the big job!
    But rather a lot of those pretenders will be gone before too long!

  21. Frances
    December 7, 2023

    how about sticking them on one of the uninhabited Scottish islands while its all being thought about? Just OFF the mainland.

    1. glen cullen
      December 7, 2023

      Hebrides ….there’s an empty army camp ready to welcome them

    2. Mark B
      December 7, 2023

      It is what I have been saying for ages.

      If we started 5 or ten years ago this would not have been an issue.

    3. Denis Cooper
      December 7, 2023

      How about sticking them on this other, more remote and inhospitable, British possession:


  22. Javelin
    December 7, 2023

    The Conservative Party is a taxi driver who will always take you in the opposite direction you ask to go.

  23. Brian Tomkinson
    December 7, 2023

    I have written many times (but it’s worth repeating) that this government and House of Commons is the worst in my lifetime and I have witnessed many bad ones. Does anyone really believe that any of the major parties in Westminster care about the interests of those whom they purport to serve? Our democracy has crumbled around us. It’s time for a complete change with the removal of the LibLabCon and the SNP. Any MPs who really care about their constituents and the country must speak out against the prevailing status quo and take action to bring about change.

  24. Everhopeful
    December 7, 2023

    “This boy is Ignorance. This girl is Want. Beware them both, and all of their degree, but most of all beware this boy, for on his brow I see that written which is Doom, unless the writing be erased.”

    A very apposite quotation from Charles Dickens’s book “A Christmas Carol”. It is said to be aimed at the ruling elite who gave/give little care for the lives of those they should protect.

    1. glen cullen
      December 7, 2023

      Well Said

  25. Ian B
    December 7, 2023

    At least the Left Wing Labour supporters that have hijacked the Conservative Party have now identified themselves.

    A whole gaggle of fake MPs calling themselves Conservatives that are really self indulgent left wingers(whingers) have stood up to say the UK must not be a sovereign democracy making and implementing its own laws through democratically elected representative. They believe only Foreign self-appointed unaccountable bureaucrats and Courts have the right to dictate how the UK people are governed.

    If they dont believe in a UK Parliament, being the UK’s Legislators all democratically elected to do that job – why are they even there?. Why did the CCHQ allow them to stand? Is it the Conservative Leadership that has turned its back on Democracy, preferring to be infiltrated by agents of a Foreign power.

    1. Ian B
      December 7, 2023

      The Conservative Government have become a disgusting rabble of WEF Socialists that have no care for the UK or Democracy. A Foreign Minister that the elected house cannot challenge? – says it all. A Conservative Government that doesn’t believe in or support its own elected members, preferring to stand with the unelected unaccountable to massage personal ego and self-gratification

  26. Donna
    December 7, 2023

    Sunak clearly has no intention of stopping the boats or he would take the necessary action to do it. Australia did; so could we if we had a Prime Minister with the Will.

    He also has no intention of stopping the legal invasion of our country, as the proposal to reduce numbers from 1.2 million a year to 900,000 a year demonstrates.

    The Globalists have deliberately created a No Borders West. Our NATION is being deliberately destroyed.

  27. formula57
    December 7, 2023

    Losing the country is worse though for the appropriate cry now to Mr. Sunak is “We don’t believe you!”.

  28. Ian B
    December 7, 2023

    Says it ALL
    “It’s over for this Conservative Party: too many Tory MPs hate their own voters” Alister Heath writing in the Telegraph

    The Conservative Party have come to hate Democracy, hate a parliament as Legislators and MPs as representative of the electorate, This Conservative Government is trashing the UK, it has now become a malicious act of all out destruction of the basic structures that create democracy. What do you call people that are subordinate to Foriegn unelected unaccoutable cabal – Conservative Government, a UK Parliament? The whole of the HoC is complicit, they are allowing the notion of democracy to be removed

    1. Donna
      December 7, 2023

      The responses from genuine Conservatives/conservatives are something to behold. They don’t just want Sunak’s Not-a-Conservative-Government to lose, they want it utterly destroyed.

  29. a-tracy
    December 7, 2023

    I read that the armed forces could build temporary accommodation very quickly. Some companies can provide these temporary housing solutions and portable capacity that could be used for asylum seekers. Scotland’s population is forecast to go into decline. Brits habited some islands that now aren’t; why not build and locate them there so that we don’t lose another 17000 undocumented people (predominently young men) into our Cities? Could we use ferry boats in winter whilst sailing is reduced? Rawanda might be seen a joke in Calais but a cold winter, without the ability to make a mint of money on the side, might start putting people off.

    Could we put them to work to pay for their keep doing up all the old cottages and holiday homes (for lodgings and food as the rest of the British population do; after rent, rates, and living costs, most people don’t have any spending left)? This will then stop them from working in our black economy on other people’s self-employed tickets and allegedly selling drugs. Assess these people quickly and return them if they don’t meet the same criteria that France and Germany use; it seems only the UK Home Office can’t return people.

    Stop kicking the ball down the road; it just isn’t acceptable anymore.

  30. Paul Calvert
    December 7, 2023

    Isn’t this latest resignation symptomatic of the general Conservative malaise? It is out of touch, incompetent and generally living in a parallel world where everything is hunky dory and the electorate are happy.
    It’s obvious the Rwanda plan is doomed, yet Sunak pushes on regardless. Talk about fiddling while Rome burns!
    The answers are obvious and relatively simple, yet the Cabinet lacks either the wit or gumption to do them, and that’s why the Party is going to be given an epic kicking at the next election, reduced to a rump of 100-130 seats, losing every major city.
    Sadly, the Tory leadership will assume it was because they weren’t Left or Woke enough and double down on their ruinous, ridiculous policies.
    Shame on them and a curse on their houses for ensuring five years plus of Labour.

  31. Bryan Harris
    December 7, 2023

    Which all goes back to points I’ve made before.

    If HMG was serious about cutting immigration they would have used existing laws, but they are still running with the Kalergi plan, to turn our land into one of mixed race.

    But that is only the start!

    They know that there will come a time when immigrant stock will vastly outnumber the indigenous species — At which times the UK as we know it will be written off as another 3rd world country, bankrupt and unproductive, an easy target to be exploited by the likes of the EU.

    This is just one more way the global blob will destroy our future.

  32. Linda Brown
    December 7, 2023

    Dear John, You obviously have not twigged that you have an incompetent in as unelected PM. That is your problem. We all are pretty sure that Cameron has been appointed to take over as care taker until a general election is called, if you can wait that long. I see a complete collapse quite frankly and hope that Farage gets out of the jungle quickly to start campaigning as I think you are finished. Hope you keep your seat. One big mistake they have all made is not appointing you as Chancellor or PM. What fools they are.

  33. Roy Grainger
    December 7, 2023

    “I cannot see the point of putting through legislation which does not work”

    Can’t you ? The point is to spin it all out, with legal challenges and so on, until the next election, then put something in the manifesto about it and hold the election on “stopping the boats” then in a fantasy world where Sunak is re-elected he can entirely ignore what was in that manifesto and continue to ignore the problem.

    Braverman’s approach of leaving the ECHR is not only opposed by Sunak but by enough Tory MPs that there’s no chance at all of it passing a vote in the Commons.

    In practice Labour’s policy which is to just let all the asylum seekers in is no different to Sunak’s actual policy which results in them all staying anyway.

  34. Duyfken
    December 7, 2023

    This government has failed – we all know that. Immigration is but one issue where failure is patently clear; it is probably the most important at present but not solely. Is it partly because the Conservative Party has the wrong mission, just wishing to be re-elected?

    The much-respected (by me) Suella Braverman pleads for an effective immigration policy but even she says :

    “We need to stop the boats. At the moment we are in a very perilous situation, the facts don’t lie. And we need to deliver on a key promise.
    “That’s how we win the next general election.”

    The Tories might have a better chance at the GE were they to do as suggested but that is a poor ambition for doing so. Why not aim to do what is right for the nation?

  35. glen cullen
    December 7, 2023

    Fully agree with every word SirJ, sometime you have to go in hard & fast ….nice use of the Oscar Wilde quote

  36. Bloke
    December 7, 2023

    According to the daft way things are being run, the current PM might next persuade the Labour Shadow Foreign Secretary to switch to be Conservative Immigration Minister.

  37. Berkshire Alan
    December 7, 2023

    Sadly John your Party and politicians in general (I excuse our host) do not understand the deep unease the majority of the general population this Country have with the huge amount of immigration we have experienced over the years, with no sign whatsoever of it decreasing or even being under any sort of control.
    Good grief we now even look after illegals for months and years, thus in effect rewarding them for their actions.
    We have a population crisis in the World, and we have one here, our infrastructure cannot cope, all of our public services are overloaded, housing costs (both Rental and Purchase) have gone through the roof due to demand.
    Yes some limited immigration used to be of some benefit for our Country in years past, but not now, for the past two decades is has been totally out of control.
    Couple all of this with Human Rights, WOKE thoughts, ideas, protests, gender identification, and what seem to be endless useless laws and regulations, re distribution of wealth policies, creeping and ever higher taxation, and longer waiting times for everything, is it any wonder that the population is getting frustrated.
    Those in charge and wanting to be in charge, simply do not seem to have a clue about anything sensible.

    1. Ian B
      December 7, 2023

      @Berkshire Alan +1 ‘Good grief we now even look after illegals’ better than our own pensioners with fully paid up contributions or our ‘own’ homless that go cold and hungary.
      They are making the election not about you and me having great Conservative representation, it won’t be about your local MP it will be about whether ‘you’ support having this leadership and this Government for another term. A lot of good people are to sacrificed just on vanity and to prove no one’s supports this Government

  38. agricola
    December 7, 2023

    Some leaders appoint lieutenants because they will follow the corporate message, others because they are willing to think outside the box. It all depends on how confident you are in your own ability to lead. I favour surrounding myself with independant thinkers.
    In the context of UK government the intellects are abandoning ship. I can only conclude that Rishi does not want to solve the problems associated with excessive immigration, legal or illegal so it will drag on and destroy the conservative party in the process. His agenda is not that of Conservatives in the country.

  39. Keith from Leeds
    December 7, 2023

    Another classic situation from Sunak. I would rather believe Suella and Jenrick that the new legislation will not work than the PM saying it will!
    Where are the wise men/women in the party to quietly tell Sunak to resign? He is a disaster and every conservative MP should send in their letter without delay.
    Sir John should stand for PM, then we will really have a grown up in charge!

    1. glen cullen
      December 7, 2023

      They should’ve got rid of Liz

    2. Mickey Taking
      December 7, 2023

      But Sir John would have to manage the few hundred children in Westminster, not a job I want him to tackle.

  40. formula57
    December 7, 2023

    If “The Home Secretary is going to have to reassure people this time they will stop the boats” is he not going to have to first get the consent of the boat operators? It is they who decide whether to launch or not, basing their decision on factors that likely exclude legislation.

  41. Chris S
    December 7, 2023

    Nobody would like the Rwanda scheme to be effective more than me, but it is increasingly difficult to imagine it working, even if it made it through parliament. Doubts have been expressed as to how many illegal immigrants can be sent there.

    In order to reduce the numbers making the crossing, if and when the Rwanda arrangement commences, we will have to deport at least 75% of those that actually arrive on our beaches to make it an effective deterent, ideally it should be 100%.
    That would stop the boats within a week. Anything less than 75%, they will still take the chance of making the crossing. We also have to demonstrate that we will continue to send the vast majority of arrivals otherwise the numbers making thd crossing will creep up again.
    If it can be made to work, it will be very difficult for Labour to win the election if they remain committed to stopping it.

    If Rwanda cannot take these kind of numbers, at least until the numbers drop, we are wasting our time.

  42. Mark J
    December 7, 2023

    Robert Jenrick’s resignation as Immigration Minister has ONCE AGAIN highlighted this Conservative Government has no real intention in fixing the illegal migration crisis.

    A few bits of well sounding legislation here and there, that would fall over when challenged in court.

    Why should we trust any further discussion from the Conservatives on this issue?

    I decided a long time ago that I’ll be voting Reform UK next year. I now could not care less of the Conservative cry of ‘by doing so will let in Labour’.

    Maybe in the Conservative party did as they said, there wouldn’t be this issue in the first place. Guilt tripping voters after a poor record in office, will not work.

    Let the country see how poor a Labour administration will also be, then we might see some real change in this country – away from the two party ‘duopoly’ we currently have in politics.

  43. Mark J
    December 7, 2023

    I also highly suspect we will STILL be talking about the ‘small boats issue’ in another five years time – under a Labour administration.

    1. Mickey Taking
      December 7, 2023

      That could be the best chance for the ‘Torys’ to get back in power!

  44. oldwulf
    December 7, 2023

    Conservative Members rejected Sunak.
    Conservative MPs thought they knew better.

    1. glen cullen
      December 7, 2023

      …and thats the nub of the issue

  45. RichardP
    December 7, 2023

    “The Home Secretary is going to have to reassure people this time they will stop the boats“
    We are way beyond the point of “reassurance”. We need action now!

    It would also be a good idea to scrap the Zero Carbon fantasies before the economy of this country is destroyed.

    1. glen cullen
      December 7, 2023

      The only thing that could now save Sunak and the party is to leave the ECHRs and scrap Net-Zero …..TODAY

  46. Des
    December 7, 2023

    Why does anyone believe the ludicrous clown show that is politics? I wouldn’t employ any of them as a roadsweeper let alone as a manager of something. All this infighting is a distraction to stop people realising just how badly they are being used. Government is a for profit company listed on stock exchanges and we, the gullible voting public, are the product. Carry on giving them your attention and you carry on being their serf.

  47. Bert+Young
    December 7, 2023

    The message is very clear – those on the inside and those on the outside have had enough ; I watched the Parliament TV programme yesterday and witnessed Braverman’s speech ; it summed up exactly my feelings about the mess created by Sunak . She was followed shortly after by a stumbling Home Secretary who seemed not to be in control of his own delivery ; Labour were able to enjoy the result .
    There is no doubt that a vote of No Confidence is now on the cards and heads will have to roll , but , can the Conservative Party now continue ?. Looking at the MPs I trust and respect ( Sir John and Ian Duncan Smith ) I felt for them and wondered what their reactions were ; today Sir John’s blog indicates his standing .

    1. Ian B
      December 7, 2023

      @Bert+Young +1 They are making the election not about you and me having great Conservative representation, it won’t be about you and your local MP it will be about whether you support having this leadership and this Government for another term. A lot of good people are to sacrificed just to prove no one supports this Government

  48. Bloke
    December 7, 2023

    The PM has just announced that he wants to finish the job. He could do that by resigning immediately.

    1. Mickey Taking
      December 7, 2023

      He has finished the job of killing any chance of a Tory phoenix.

  49. Keith Collyer
    December 7, 2023

    The idea that sending a few people to Rwanda will discourage people attempting to enter on boats across the Channel is delusional. There is, as with most of this government’s policies, absolutely no evidence for it. And to claim Braverman as some sort of icon of knowledge on anything apart from performative cruelty is similarly delusional.

  50. Barbara Fairweather
    December 7, 2023

    It is clear the Tory party is irrevocably split with the “one nation “ group of MPs on the left of the party ruling the roost and ignoring the voters
    These MPs should join the Lib Dem’s
    The party needs to split after the election
    I am unable to support the party in its present form

    1. Kayla+Tomlinson
      December 7, 2023


    2. Ian B
      December 7, 2023

      @Barbara Fairweather – they are the Lib Dems that conned their way in with no intension to serve as Conservatives, defend democracy or the UK’s legislators. They have nothing to do with ‘one nation’ they wouldn’t know what that means

    3. Donna
      December 7, 2023

      I think that’s why Cameron was resurrected by the Party Grandees. To unite the LibCONs with the LibDEMS when the party splits post electoral wipe-out.

  51. Ian B
    December 7, 2023

    The conclusion that is easy to arrive at is this Conservative Government seemingly supported by a vast number of MPs in the UK Parliament, do not believe in democracy, they do not believe in what and why they were voted in to office for. They these (HoC) MPs, do not recognize why they were empowered and paid by the UK Electorate, to work as the UK’s sole Legislators, they appear to have shown up in the HoC under false pretenses. Simply they see their job is to fight Democracy rather than defend it.
    The UN and things like the ECHR are by there very nature instruments used to fight and stall democracy, that is why the greater majority (by a massive amount) of the Worlds People are not involved in accepting their hypocrisy of them being a Worlds power.
    If any Nation needed to implement any such suggestions made by these unaccountable unrepresentative bodies, they would do so and manage how it was applied and regulated themselves.
    A big noisy bunch of UK MPs in Parliament as a way of neglecting their responsibility prefer to have themselves personally subordinate to people no one in the UK voted for that are not accountable to any one inside the UK – do they realize what they are suggesting? Vote for me and I will ensure the UK is bows to alternative powers outside of the UK’s Democratic Sovereignty.

    1. glen cullen
      December 7, 2023

      What was the point of brexit if we still have outside bodies telling us what to do ?

  52. Kenneth
    December 7, 2023

    The government has the power to control our borders. It is choosing not to do so.

    1. Ian B
      December 7, 2023

      @Kenneth +1
      They are fighting the need for democracy and elected legislators. Handing control of the Country to the unrepresented, unelected, unaccountable in Foreign lands

    2. Mark B
      December 7, 2023

      Exactly !!!!

    3. paul cuthbertson
      December 7, 2023

      Kenneth – the government will do what it is told to do by the Globalist UK Establishment regardless of which party is in office. The country is irrelevant. Power and Control

  53. Ian B
    December 7, 2023

    Rishi Sunak in today’s address to the nation conceded that the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg could still be able to hear challenges to deportations. Then what, more prevarication?
    His defense, his only defense of himself as a weak PM and his weak Government is that Labour would be worse. Close on 14 years the Tory Party has used this defense to shore up their need for high taxes, high debt, poor delivery, lack energy security, handing the nations resilience and future to the whims foreign Governments, all backed up with uncontrolled expenditure.
    When is enough actually enough? The Conservative Party have committed themselves to annihilation.

    1. Derek
      December 7, 2023

      A good point and that significance seems to have passed by our PM.

      1. glen cullen
        December 7, 2023

        ….and half of our Tory MPs

  54. Julian+Flood
    December 7, 2023

    While the media concentrate on illegal immigration the much larger and unsustainable influx of Conservative-sanctioned legal immigrant continues.


    1. Derek
      December 8, 2023

      What would the NHS do without those Conservative sanctioned legal immigrants?

  55. Peter Gardner
    December 7, 2023

    The point of putting through legislation that will not work is threefold: 1) to appear to be doing something, 2) as a lengthy process that will take a long time to go through legal battles to demonstrate finally either success or failure, it delays the realisation by voters that it will not work and that there is no political will actually to stop the boats, 3) to distract attention from what I suspect is the real intention that David Lord Cameron of Remain tucked away out of view in the Lords will negotiate a deal with the EU for the UK to take a share of the EU’s excess unlawful entrants and asylum seekers. Such a plan would probably stop the boats very effectively. Instead of paying for their own passage by sea, they will be flown in at the expense of the UK tax payers. It will also increase the number entering the UK well above those coming by boat. Thus immigration will increase but a higher proportion will be legal.
    I wonder why the UK does not make more of Article 5 of the ECHR which specifically provides for, “the lawful arrest or detention of a person to prevent his effecting an unauthorised entry into the country or of a person against whom action is being taken with a view to deportation or extradition.”
    Likewise Art 33 the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) gives the UK the right to enforce Art 5 of the ECHR and its domestic law in the Contiguous Zone beyond its Territorial Limit in The Channel by acting to prevent a breach. The boats should be turned back to France when the weather is safe. When not safe the drivers of the boats should be arrested and charged with, a) assisting unlawful entry into the UK and b) endangering human life at sea under the Offences Against the Person Act 1861; the passengers should be taken back to France, the closest safe landing in the Contiguous Zoone, where they are safe and their applications for asylum are registered – or registered with another EU signatory to the Dublin Agreement which is France’s problem, not the UK’s.

  56. turboterrier
    December 7, 2023

    If you cannot stop the boats then enforce a stronger law.
    Stop all benefits in every shape and form including accomodation
    All those entering with no legal documentation to prove they are who they say they are which can be verified.
    Any person cautioned or arrested for any form of crime abdicate any rights to remain including stalking and harassing young girls or women or loitering around school areas.
    No legal aid assistance.
    All charities involved in assisting illegal entries and supporting these invaders to forfeit all their tax breaks and perks.
    Any Clompanies found to be using illegals for employment from and within the black economy will be fined £1m for the first offence.
    Just remove the attraction for coming here for a free ride until they can evaporate into the black economy.

  57. Rod Evans
    December 7, 2023

    Neither the Home Secretary nor the Tory party overall, have any intention of stopping the boats. They have been instructed to allow unfettered access to our shores by whoever wishes to come.
    That instruction from the globalist elite/UN/WEF is what causes them to do nothing of any significance.
    The party is finished.

  58. forthurst
    December 7, 2023

    In his resignation letter, Jenrick states:
    “We …transformed the asylum case-working system with a ten-fold increase in weekly decisions to eliminate the legacy backlog…”
    The simplist way to clear the backlog is to grant asylum rather than fight it. Is that what the Tory Party has been doing to this country?

    1. glen cullen
      December 7, 2023

      Correct – the size of the back-log is irrelevant ….as none every get sent home
      The important number is the number of weekly returns …currently zero

  59. mancunius
    December 7, 2023

    “The Home Secretary is going to have to reassure people this time they will stop the boats.”
    Pointless, as it would be a deliberate lie.

    I had to laugh when Sunak claimed that what told him his half-cocked Bill would be adequate was ‘our experience’. Of course, an inexperienced PM can always learn, but in his case all he has learnt is to give way to those pseudo-Conservatives who catapulted him into power.

  60. Derek
    December 7, 2023

    What is the point of Government Lawyers and our judiciary when they cannot produce a law to protect the citizens of this country from its invasion by illegal immigrants? Why can there not be a British Law(s) that determines our own elected Parliament can over rule any International Law and Treaty that affects and could over ride and damage our National Sovereignty?
    The old crusade of Globalisation aka UN Agenda 21, has done us nowt but harm, exacerbated by the Human Rights Act introduced by Labour PM, T Blair. And since 1998 it has never been repealed nor amended despite several changes of Government! Did nobody see the problems it was causing?

  61. Derek
    December 7, 2023

    What is the point of Government Lawyers and our judiciary when they cannot produce a law to protect the citizens of this country from its invasion by illegal immigrants? Why can there not be a British Law(s) that determines our own elected Parliament can over rule any International Law and Treaty that affects and could over ride and damage our National Sovereignty?
    The old crusade of Globalisation aka UN Agenda 21, has done us nowt but harm, exacerbated by the Human Rights Act introduced by Labour PM, T Blair. And since 1998 it has never been repealed nor amended despite several changes of Government! Did nobody see the damage it was causing?

  62. Ian B
    December 7, 2023

    Rishi Sunak latest news: Switching PM now would be ‘insanity’, Tory chairman says – there is the insanity, the Country comes second to the needs of ego and self-gratification.
    In the belief there are still some Conservative MPs in Parliament, unless the leadership and this actual so-called Conservative Government are changed before any election, there will be no Conservatives after the election.
    This weak so-called Government has been on its last legs for ages, given reprieve after reprieve, one more chance after another. It (this so-called Conservative Government) will head the whole Party to oblivion should they try to front up an election. If the Party does the right thing, takes charge, get some Conservatives in to lead it into the next election – it will probably win. Let’s not forget the alternatives are a miserable shamble, at the moment they are just not this crowd – so they win.
    For the Conservative Chairman to want to make a GE about support for these continued failures embedded at the top table and not actual real good Conservative Candidates would be a total miscalculation on his part. Because that is what he is saying to the people of this Country you have a choice of reaffirming this leadership or voting for change – how many good hard working Conservative MPs is he willing to sacrifice for his and the vanity of this fraud of a Government.

    1. Derek
      December 8, 2023

      His statement re “insantity” is mis-directed. Indeed it would be insane NOT to change the PM long before the next GE or that instead he immediately changes his policies to reflect TRUE BLUE Conservative values to make his dire position more tenable.
      To retain him under current policies and his declining Poll status, clearly is insane.
      Either he changes or the Party must change him for a true Conservative and the sooner the better for the country.

  63. Bill Smith
    December 7, 2023

    Sir John,

    Legislation will not solve the problem alone , there will still be small boats arriving as I have written to you many times before and leaving ECHR will not solve the problem

    1. Mickey Taking
      December 7, 2023

      but it will solve others!

  64. Old Albion
    December 7, 2023


  65. paul cuthbertson
    December 7, 2023

    All part of the Globalist UK Establishment plan. But do not worry David Cameron will rescue you ALL.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Wake up people your governmet, in name only does not care about you. Beware of the Enemy from Within.

  66. StephenS
    December 7, 2023

    If Cash’s star chamber comes out with a “not far enough” Jenrick position/line as expected, it may be that the abstentions from that camp, added to the certain votes against from the one nation camp that object to any interference with international “law” as they see it will be enough to lose the votes and precipitate a vote of no confidence. I really do think it was a choice of accept the courts and drop the policy and try a longer term UK based solution or go all the way and cancel the ECHR. This middle ground fudge is riskier than either for those who prefer Conservative government for the things that really matter.

    It’s looking like endgame territory here.

  67. John Waugh
    December 7, 2023

    Is Heraclitus ,540 – 480 BC correct today ?
    “What seems to be wrong with politics – the chronic condition of disagreement – is in fact its virtue . The fire is the source of virtue .”
    Quote from book by Adam Nicolson –
    How To Be – life lessons from the early Greeks . P192 .

  68. Original Richard
    December 7, 2023

    Genuine asylum seekers would be applying for asylum in France and furthermore would be crossing the Channel with their passports to prove they had been fleeing from torture and war in their own countries.

    So any Channel boat arrivals, arriving without passports and hence without ID, should be immediately returned to where they set out/from where they have been living, namely France, just as we would for anyone else rescued from the sea, such as those in fishing or leisure boats who have got into difficulties.

    This, as Australia has proved, is the only real and lasting solution and the fact that this action has not been taken against tens of thousands of young men of fighting age and with no ID invading our country shows that the PTB care not one jot for the residents of the UK.

  69. Peter Humphreys
    December 7, 2023

    Why don’t the government send the boat people to St Helena – an island previously viewed by the government as fit for an emperor? It’s a British Overseas Territory so no human rights issues.

    1. David+Paine
      December 8, 2023

      A cold, bleak, isolated, uninhabited Scotish island might do as an interim solution.

  70. David Paine
    December 7, 2023

    Sunak and his cronies are taking us for fools. Time for a no-confidence letter.

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