The drive to international rules and independent bodies

Some international rules are a good idea. There are rules of war, if only the nasty countries would follow them as well. There is the UN where countries can try to find ways of stilling conflicts. Often Security Council members veto solutions. There are rules of trade through the WTO which help without subjecting the signatories to international government.

There are then rules over migration, civil liberties, green policies  and other contentious issues where the push for more to be determined by international lawyers has led to rows with frustrated democracies as well as with authoritarian states over too much reach and too much interference in domestic decisions and wishes.

One of my would be correspondents writes every day to blame a couple of billionaires who she thinks rule the world. If only, then it would be easier to sort out. The truth is the idea of more global government by international law and international quangos is well embedded in the governing elites of the advanced world. It has been endorsed by Parliaments, Presidents and Prime Ministers. Instead of concentrating on governing their  own countries they spend considerable time flying round the world attending the G7, the G 20, the COP meetings, the UN and others. Each visit usually entails some international spending commitment and may be part of a negotiation for another Treaty or power for an international body.

UK voters were keen to get rid of the regional government level of the EU. It has still left us the global level, where the EU used to represent us but now we can represent ourselves. We now have our own seat back at the WTO. We can make our own decisions at the COP conferences, the WHO and the UN. We should do so in a way which starts to limit their powers instead of giving them more. Where they have valuable expertise and advice we can accept it, but it should be our call. Unfortunately the UN is not able to restore peace in Ukraine or the Middle East, the WHO was not able to stop a pandemic and the COP conferences  are unable to get China and India to cut their CO 2 whilst expecting us to cut ours. Why do we think these bodies with more power could suddenly start to get things right? Why do we accept the lack of accountability of so many international bodies? Why does the media often refuse to criticise them when they get it wrong?



  1. Mark B
    December 21, 2023

    Good morning.

    Mission creep. That is what it is, and the need to build little empires and to improve one’s own position. It is everywhere, not just at the higher echelons of life. The difference here is, the little Emperors or Empresses we meet in our daily lives have limited effect dues to their modest positions. Those on the world stage and those who meet and greet them through various meetings and conventions have far greater power and effect on my life. It is this area that we the little people must get to finally call the shots as it is we that will suffer.

    We chose to LEAVE the EU because we wanted those who we elect to manage our affairs. Whilst it is important that we have agreements on various things, our Government, Parliament and ultimately we the little people, must have some control or means to limit these agreements as in so far they affect our lives. One such area is the WHO Treaty where the UK Government will surrender sovereignty and governance to the UK people to an unelected body for which we cannot change. Sounds familiar ? We do not wish it and would be happy is the WHO remains an advisory body only.

    The word ‘govern’ in government is there for a reason. Either you do, or bugger off !

    1. Lemming
      December 21, 2023

      You want us to manage our own affairs? OK, fine, so how you going to stop the boats, all on your own? You can’t, it’s an international problem. How you going to stop a virus entering our country, all on your own? You can’t, it’s an international problem. How you going to make life easier for our exporters, all on your own? You can’t, it’s an international problem. The Brexiters pretend everything would be simple if only we did it all on our own. That is not how the real world works. Never trust anyone who offers you a simple solution to a complex problem

      1. Mickey Taking
        December 21, 2023

        Right – so what Int’l agreement will stop the boats, stop virus’, make easy exporting, make everything simple?
        Talk about wake up and smell the coffee – it doesn’t work if you are in a coma.

      2. Donna
        December 21, 2023

        Co-operation is one thing. Handing vast swathes of our Sovereign power to an unelected, unaccountable and frequently corrupt International Quango is something else altogether.

      3. Mark B
        December 21, 2023

        Working ‘with’ is totally different to being ‘run by’.

    2. glen cullen
      December 21, 2023

      Correct – Mission Creep on steroids
      And you might wonder why ‘Reform’ is doing so well in the polls

    3. Hope
      December 21, 2023

      EU used to represent us
 come on JR tell the truth. It still does over N.Ireland and a host of other areas. We were fined €£34 million across UK for red diesel because an EU court deceived it was not persuasive enough to fine N.Ireland only! That is an EU court imposing EU law across our country after we voted leave. N.Ireland very much remains u dear control of EU Laws, courts, regs and rules. This means GB is also under the same rule as a vassal state. Sunak’s EU sell out Windsor agreement ensured UK is tied to EU and under its control. Level playing fields are no such thing, they mean we have to follow EU, EU laws still not scrapped.

      You know all this but still persist to portray that the UK is now a sovereign independent nation when your party and govt refuse to diverge from EU control and now have put Cameron in charge of EU foreign policy when he did everything he could to lie cheat and rig our departure!!

      This is before we discuss EU allowing mass illegal immigration to our shores so we get our fare share, giving away our fishing waters, tying UK to EU energy to secure we cannot leave or diverge, Net stupid through EU environment policy, PESCO and now considering defence and security pact which means handing over our military and foreign policy in its entirety to the EU!

      1. Hope
        December 21, 2023

        JR, Guido highlights fourth highest borrowing in November of over ÂŁ14 billion borrowed and ÂŁ7.7 billion debt interest highest on record. Sunak falsely claims debt going down! Is Sunak lying, given wrong stats, poorly advised or incompetent?

        NB: Cameron/Osborne stated balanced structural deficit by 2015 and paying down debt!

      2. Berkshire Alan
        December 21, 2023


        I see the minimum wage for immigrants has now been reduced to ÂŁ29,000 before the original ÂŁ39,000 even came into force.
        What an absolute policy shambles yet again.
        These guys cannot not tell the truth from one day to another, let alone a couple of weeks !
        I see borrowing this month is more than expected, yet they still say our debt is reducing, yet another farce !
        Then we have the NHS Blood scandal still going on after 4 decades.

        1. Hope
          December 22, 2023

          3.5 million immigrants imported over the last two years, that is 5% of our population! Of this number 2700 we’re golden visas, you know, the ones the Tory party keep telling us we want those high skilled people. Deduct 2700 from 3.5 million then you are left with net tax dependents!! 1 in 5 do not work! We have the cultural shift still going on ie forced marriages and women not allowed to speak English or become westernised! FGM all alien cultural practices brought to you by the Tory party.

          We have cultural Marxism where children of tender years taught a man can be a woman or ,cat!! This is against biological fact and intellectual stupidly and a bad use of English now given for pro nouns.

    4. Peter
      December 21, 2023

      ‘One of my would be correspondents writes every day to blame a couple of billionaires who she thinks rule the world. If only, then it would be easier to sort out. ‘

      There are more than a ‘couple’ of them !

      Sorting it out is not easy, as money and power buy influence. Clear evidence is the number if shills who continue to promote various indefensible wars and crackpot policies for their own self advancement.

  2. Lemming
    December 21, 2023

    How terrible all this is. Remind me, who’s been in charge of the Uk for the last 13 years while all these terrible things have been happening?

    1. Lynn atkinson
      December 21, 2023

      Oh nothing could have been done in the last 13 years – this took all Blair and Brown and Kinnock and Wilson’s ‘skills’ as well.
      Blair still thinks he is dancing on a larger stage đŸ˜‚đŸ€Ł. It’s only his son who has told him he was totally wrong. Why not you too Lemming?

    2. Donna
      December 21, 2023

      It was Denis Healey, Labour Chancellor, who admitted that he was a member of the Bilderberg Group and that the aim of the Bilderbergers was to create a form of “One World Government.” Ken Clarke, CON Chancellor, was also a member.

      This process has been going on for a very long time, under both Red and Blue Rosette Governments.

      1. Hope
        December 21, 2023

        I think the first thing Reform should do is make Brexit happen. Tories got elected to get Brexit done. It deliberately decided not to. Sunak went further and sold the nation out to the EU in stark contrast why the party was elected, particularly N.Ireland. Sunak had the bare faced cheek to say he would serve with integrity and implement the 2019 manifesto. We must accept he lied because he published 5 priorities that had nothing to do with the manifesto or getting Brexit done!! He was rejected by his party and nation (polls shows this) to be leader but installed by remainers. Hunt rejected by his party but installed against nation wishes.

        Tories do not care because they think Labour will continue exactly where they left off ie. Thwart Brexit, mass immigration, high taxes, high debt, high debt interest, remove manufacturing and jobs east u dear net stupid, poor public services.

    3. glen cullen
      December 21, 2023

      They forget whom they serve

      1. MFD
        December 21, 2023

        They know well who they serve and its not us! We can see the money pass in big deep bags, they are so confident they dont hide itbany more!

      2. Lifelogic
        December 21, 2023

        Most do not forget that they largely serve themselves however, with a few notable exceptions of course. Hence the large pay increase they will vote through for themselves.

      3. James1
        December 21, 2023

        The government has become our master and not our servant. They need to be put back into their traditional role, and we need to be more vigilant in the future.

  3. Wanderer
    December 21, 2023

    If only the rest of the MPs thought that way, and asked those questions, we might make the world a better one.

    1. Lynn Atkinson
      December 21, 2023

      You mean we might restore the better world we British did make?

      1. Ian Wraggg
        December 21, 2023

        The aim is One World Government with a few elite better making the decisions
        I suggest you read Alduos Huxley Brave New World, it gives a good insight into the governments thinking.

        1. Mitchel
          December 21, 2023

          Or Evgeny Zamyatin’s “we”*-the future dystopian tale that inspired both Huxley and Orwell.Set in the “One State” ruled by the “Benefactor” and his “Bureau of Guardians”within the confines of the “Great Green Wall”.Said to be the first novel written in Bolshevik Russia-and the last to be published!

          * “we” because there is no longer an “I”

      2. Bill Smith
        December 21, 2023

        we cannot even sort our own mess no less the world

    2. Lifelogic
      December 21, 2023

      Indeed the number of honest, capable, knowledgable, rational, numerate, scientifically literate & right thinking MPs in parliament is surely well under 50.

      One of them is Andrew Bridgen who was even kicked out of the Tory Party for the crime of telling the truth.

      JR please can you do all you can to get the NHS and ONS to release proper raw statistics on the excess death figure by vaccination status, date and causes of deaths, number of vaccines, type of vaccines, dates… So the causes of these very large numbers of excess deaths and their relationship to the Covid vaccines can be fully analysed. The fact that they are not doing this strongly suggest the Government/NHS know full well that the vaccines have caused many of them. It is easy, cheap and quite quick to find this out from the above data. Yet the government is still pushing these vaccines even at youngish NHS staff.

      True other causes will exist, slow (often non existent) NHS care, perhaps more alcohol or suicides during lockdowns but the figure and timing (and government ONS, NHS hige reluctance to publish properly broken down figures) strongly suggest the coerced Vaccine (even into people with zero need for them) were rather appallingly the main cause. They should also look at fertility and miscarriage issues by vaccine status. The truth will out it is a worldwide issue.

      1. Mickey Taking
        December 21, 2023

        I might agree with the 50 so why do we have another 600 bums (a quaint American term quite succinct) on the benches? What is the number of Ministerial jobs? Is it about 170? Startling.

      2. BOF
        December 21, 2023

        +1. LL

  4. Michelle
    December 21, 2023

    The problem starts and must end here in our Parliament, and the seemingly unaccountable people who make all sorts of promises to us in order we lend them our vote. Their eyes seem firmly on the lure of the world stage, their fame and fortune upon it. So what that we have an election? It seems a Hobsons Choice and just a different set of faces carrying out the same policies with a few minor tweaks. Anyone standing firmly against the status quo is automatically vilified by the media as ‘far right’ not least because the mainstream media machine is also fully paid up to the global governance dream.
    The UN did not force Mrs T May to sign their Migration Compact, she, despite a massive public petition went ahead and did it and there was little to no discussion or information with and for the electorate. That is but one example of the pretence to democracy and self governance that has been laid bare. You know full well the electorate would never have voted for it, as they would never have voted for Blair’s Freedom of Movement

    Although I’ve yet to watch it, David Starkey is interviewed on The New Culture Forum with the leading title being how Blair broke our constitution and how it should now be reinstated. Most of what Blair did should have been repealed by now after 13yrs of Conservative rule, but quite the opposite has happened. That brings me back to the point of just a different set of faces trampling all over our sovereignty and birthright, so that they can enjoy global fame and fortune.

    1. Lifelogic
      December 21, 2023

      Exactly right, as is Starkey on this.

    2. Denis Cooper
      December 21, 2023

      Here is one of them writing in the Independent today, Dominic Grieve, no longer the Attorney General or even an MP but still determined that we should surrender our national sovereignty:

      “Rishi Sunak is in denial – proof that Brexit has failed mounts by the day”

      His first piece of evidence being:

      “This week, all hopes of a US-UK trade deal were abandoned.”,

      which is widely held to be a devastating blow to Brexiteers, despite the fact that on the government’s own projection such a trade deal would in any case have been worth very little to our economy.

      And here is the link so that anyone can check that I am not making this up:

      On page 32:

      “A trade agreement with the US could increase UK GDP in the long run by around 0.07% (within a range of between 0.02% and 0.15%) or 0.16% (between 0.05% and 0.36%) under scenario 1 and scenario 2 respectively.”

      1. Denis Cooper
        December 21, 2023

        Does this matter? From the Telegraph today:

        “When Boris Johnson’s government threatened to rip up the Northern Ireland Protocol Brexit treaty, Dublin picked up the phone to Washington.

        Binning the Irish Sea border would break international law and undermine the Good Friday Agreement, Dublin told the president. It also put Ireland’s place in the EU’s Single Market at risk.

        Mr Biden warned Britain that it could forget any hopes of a US-UK trade deal – long seen as a prize of Brexit – if it tore up the treaty signed with the EU.”

        The fantasy that a special trade deal with the US would be a huge prize is implicated in the break up of the UK.

      2. Lifelogic
        December 21, 2023

        Indeed he is actually not such a bad chap in reality this despite being part French – educated at the LycĂ©e français in South Kensington. Rather like Prof. AC Graying Brexit has driven him off the rails. This even though we do not have a real Brexit as yet. Every sign we not going to get one with Sunak or Starmer. We are prob. going back in (perhaps not in name) but effectively back in.

      3. MFD
        December 21, 2023

        Simple answer Denis, buy at the British farm gate!

    3. Lifelogic
      December 21, 2023

      Cannot find this New Culture Forum interview for some reason, but his older NCF interview is excellent.

      Starkey Talks however has “How New Labour Trashed The British Constitution”. I have yet to find anything good that came out of the long Blair/Brown botched devolution era. Even the dire Theresa May gave us the one small positive of “opt out organ donation”. Also without her incompetently throwing her majority away we would have had to suffer an even worse Brexit and probably have had to suffered 5 years of May.

      New Labour also gave us the mad and hugely damaging Climate Change Act & the Climate Change Committee. Though nearly all our daft MPs voted for it. (Not JR).

    4. Lifelogic
      December 21, 2023

      Also Starkey “Labour Killed the Constitution ; time for a Restoration” is surely right. Not much chance of this happening in the next few years alas. Might be stuck with Labour for many terms of wreaking even more havoc.

    5. David Cooper
      December 21, 2023

      That’s the modern day ratchet effect of socialism for you, to revive Enoch Powell’s phrase. Right of centre governments are notoriously unwilling to dismantle what their left of centre predecessors leave behind. Margaret Thatcher was a clear exception, and “visionary Boris” would have been, but we all know what happened there.

      1. MFD
        December 21, 2023

        Visionary Boris !!!! Do you believe all your told, Boris’ neck was well and truly under the WEF boot.

        1. glen cullen
          December 21, 2023

          ….and under the UN IPCC boot, the day after the 2019 election

        2. Original Richard
          December 21, 2023

          MFD :

          Correct, look what Boris has done to boost immigration and the economy destroying Net Zero Strategy.

        3. David Cooper
          December 21, 2023

          “Visionary Boris” (Telegraph article, September 2016) contrasted with “terrified, henpecked and green Boris” (March 2020 onwards).

    6. beresford
      December 21, 2023

      It is telling that Sunak & co refuse to repudiate the Migration Compact despite their position in the polls and the easy win that this would be. What this tells you is that the intention is to make comforting noises about immigration while not changing anything. Shortly after the next election the Uniparty will declare their ‘once in a lifetime’ amnesty for illegals.

      1. MFD
        December 21, 2023

        ✔ Agreed,

      2. Original Richard
        December 21, 2023

        beresford :

        Correct, except it won’t occur just the once…it is intended to become the norm.

    7. BOF
      December 21, 2023

      You are right, sadly.

      The politicians that have sold us out all too often end up with a big job in an international body of some kind. If they are broke and borrowing money, suddenly they have a house worth several millions.

      I favour Swiss style government with their regular referendums. Also that the Swiss citizens are armed to the teeth, to defend themselves against an overbearing government.

      1. Mickey Taking
        December 21, 2023

        Yes- we should have a list of say 10 proposed refs every 2 years.
        Then we vote on top 3 to hold a Ref every 3 months on the next year, followed by the next highest 3.
        The other 4 might appear in the next 10 …..
        The 10 are found by national petitions.

        1. Timaction
          December 21, 2023

          I agree. Since Thatcher all Prime Ministers have proven untrustworthy and when it comes to the big choices the Uni Party has consensus and always gets it wrong. Particularly on things like the EU, Net Stupid, Climate Change committee, Immigration and limits, overspending the public purse, welfare limits and time, (non) Equality Laws, Gay Marriage, many wrong wars etc.
          We need a mechanism to bring them to account and referendums should be the norm so they can sell their wishes for any of the above to the electorate before WE vote and instruct them, not the other way around.

          1. Mickey Taking
            December 21, 2023

            I’ll start with 10 possible referenda:
            1)Reduce Hof L by ending all Peers elected over 30 years ago.
            2)No new Peers created for next 5 years.
            3)Another merger of MP constituencies to produce 25 in Wales, 35 in Scotland, 12 in N.Ireland, 350 in England.
            4) Capital punishment re-introduced for 3 murders or more.
            5) Life imprisonment for rape and murder.
            6) Minimum jail for arson causing death of 2 or more.
            7) No gender surgery under age 18.
            8) Paramedic numbers to be raised by a factor 3, with increased starting pay.
            9) Basic duties nursing to be introduced for wards with GCSE grades not A levels nor Degree education.
            10) Redundancy pay to be tax free once again.

        2. Original Richard
          December 21, 2023

          MT :

          Perhaps a referendum each time we go to the polls for a GE.

          Needed because no party sticks to its manifesto

      2. forthurst
        December 21, 2023

        The Swiss are armed and trained to defend themselves against foreign incursions. Unfortunately for them, because of their landlocked position and dependence on trade with the EU, they are blackmailed by the latter to allow free movement of unassimilable aliens which they don’t featherbed, however, like the treasonous Tories.

  5. Lifelogic
    December 21, 2023

    As you say:- “We can make our own decisions at the COP conferences, the WHO and the UN. We should do so in a way which starts to limit their powers instead of giving them more. Where they have valuable expertise and advice we can accept it, but it should be our call.”

    The problem here is that it is not “our call” but “our Government’s call” and the Sunak government is completely against what the people want on so many indeed most issues. Starmer will be even worse in a years time. The people want cheap, reliable on demand energy, do not want EVs or heat-pumps, or smart meters or “green crap” forced on to them, they want far lower taxes, better jobs, decent affordable houses, far less interference, far lower immigration levels (both legal and illegal), public services that actually deliver value, decent healthcare provision, no woke lunacy, people selected on merit not by a skin colour chart, race or religion, fair competition between state and private in healthcare, education, transport… Sunak wants the reverse on all these it seems.

    Though perhaps discriminating against some of the more bonkers religions (like the CO2 devil gas religion) would surely be rational).

    1. Donna
      December 21, 2023

      Sunak comes across as a nasty little Spiv and bears a considerable responsibility for wrecking our economy when he was Chancellor. And Starmer’s track record proves you can’t believe a word he says.

      Yet because of the FPTP electoral system, we’re told “that’s the choice” so vote for one or the other.

      Well I for one, won’t be. I want real REFORM. I realise my vote will probably mean we get the Blatant Liar instead of the Nasty Little Spiv but I really can’t see that it will make much difference at all. They will both continue to dance to the WEF tune.

      1. MFD
        December 21, 2023

        My feelings too Donna, we must start somewhere and I believe NOW is as good a time!

      2. Mickey Taking
        December 21, 2023

        If he arrived at your door saying he had an acre of beachfront in the Bahamas for sale, would you shut the door or be interested and let him in?

      3. Timaction
        December 21, 2023

        I think we are all alive and smell the coffee. The spin no longer works and we’re living the nightmare daily as a result of their unwanted policies, supported by a useless msm. The unfortunate thing is that many of them aren’t very bright (Host and a few others are exceptions) and think we’re all fooled by promises to the future…………..again and again and again. Mass immigration, high taxes, bring back our laws and sort out our borders blah blah blah. No. We want real change to a right of centre party who looks after the English! We want and need REFORM!

        1. Mickey Taking
          December 21, 2023

          Blair and Cameron are hoping for FORMER.

    2. Peter Wood
      December 21, 2023

      Highest taxes in 70 years, so we’re told, and UK government still borrowing…. ÂŁ14.9 Billion for October. UK government still handing out money abroad, including the French!.
      Sir J. could look into the ‘death-spiral’ national debt question; what amount and and what interest rate will cause runaway debt issuance just to pay government fixed costs + interest on Gilts?
      We can’t be too far away.
      PCP, can’t be bothered to govern (see WHO debate turnout) and incapable of financial control.

    3. Stred
      December 21, 2023

      We have a PM and King who support greencrap and globalist resets required by Blofeld’s mob.

  6. Peter
    December 21, 2023

    ‘ Why do we think these bodies with more power could suddenly start to get things right? Why do we accept the lack of accountability of so many international bodies? Why does the media often refuse to criticise them when they get it wrong?’

    I am not sure ‘we’ do any of this. The general public possibly give little thought to bodies like the UN, WHO etc. They see them as part of the way things are now done, without really questioning their existence.

    Politicians – such as Blair – see them as a way for more personal power and wealth. Whether they get things right or are accountable is beside the point.

    Newspapers look after their own interests. If regimes spend vast sums on advertorials in a particular paper then it will tone down criticism of the country or omit reporting on certain events. A newspaper may complain bitterly about non doms but will never name its own proprietor as a non dom.

    1. Mickey Taking
      December 21, 2023

      Membership of these bodies is always carefully chosen …nodding dogs on the car rear shelf!

    2. Ian B
      December 21, 2023

      @Peter +1

  7. DOM
    December 21, 2023

    The circumvention of national sovereignty and neutering of democratic accountability is the primary purpose of Globalism. We know who the shameless perpetrators are. One of them is BLAIR though Brown, May and Cameron aren’t too far behind. And if Starmer gets it you can wave goodbye to the last remaining vestiges of our democratic world

    As an aside. Why are Brexit political figures still be targeted and purged using a now all too familiar tactic of allegation, unfounded of course, of some sort or other?

    1. glen cullen
      December 21, 2023

      Lets face facts, if it wasn’t for the United Nations (WEF, WHO, IMF, IPCC, IMO etc) we wouldn’t have net-zero or illegal immigration

    2. Sharon
      December 21, 2023

      And why have Cameron and Blair been brought out of storage?

      Blair is out in the Middle East? What the heck might he be saying/agreeing to?

      I really don’t trust that man!

      1. Mitchel
        December 21, 2023

        The British Establishment is facing oblivion-totally redundant and de-funded-by the Eurasian new world order(and the financial system that goes with it)that Russia and China are putting together.

        Blair’s relationship with Netanyahu should rule him out of any honest broker role.

  8. Lynn Atkinson
    December 21, 2023

    Heads and nails. Spot on. We should ban these international conferences and maybe the Royal Prerogative too.
    Norris McWhirter always said these little people wanted to dance on a bigger stage. I have not heard a better explanation for all this ‘international’ activity.

    1. Mitchel
      December 21, 2023

      And ever more so as the “little people”(the macrons,scholzs,whoever is PM of the UK this month,etc continue to shrink in terms of actual global importance).

      When I see the “family”photographs of the attendees of these ever more frequent Eurotrash gatherings,I think,apply a sepia tint,and you could be looking at pictures of those pre-WWI meetings of the extended,inter-married royal families of Europe (with all those redundant German princelings-rendered so by German unification).Mostly swept away a few years later of course.

  9. Margaret
    December 21, 2023

    I am afraid ,as lacking intellectual aqumen some may propose,it is down to human nature,greed and power hungry individuals who contribute to the whole of any organisation.
    Why do we let anyone get away with the bosh they confront us with? To play the game and survive with the apparent strongest (whether they are legit or not).

    We can all be heroines ,but most would prefer to go on living in reasonable comfort.

    In the 21st Century most of standard education and alacrity of thought can quickly formulate their own plan for survival which unfortunately sometimes involves allowing the less intelligent (as not defined by university standards) to take the reins.

  10. Charles Breese
    December 21, 2023

    The above comments suggest that the UK needs to change from representative democracy (which is not working effectively for voters) to direct democracy (along the lines of Switzerland) – technology has developed over the last twenty years in a way which makes such a change practicable.

    1. Timaction
      December 21, 2023

      Agreed. All trust is gone and benefits of the doubt expired years ago!

  11. agricola
    December 21, 2023

    Slavish adherence to internation rules formulated by undemocratic power seeking bodies are symptomatic of a ruling class too lazy to subject acceptable ideas to democratic scrutiny. A habit they picked up while we we in the EU and one which our current government are fearful of letting go.

  12. Javelin
    December 21, 2023

    Macron was right. If France did not vote to try to curb mass migration then anti immigrant parties would take over in France, and by implication the rest of Europe. I don’t think the new French laws will make any significant difference and the trend will not slow down.

    10 years ago I posted on this site that the EU Government is a fortress designed to protect alternating centre left and right parties. I also predicted in 15 years the EU Government would be vulnerable to a non-centralist populist revolution against mass migration and any coalition of populist parties would have power to change laws drastically from within the EU fort. I made it clear that was my reason for Brexit. Nobody I met even conceived this was a likely future state. In my calculus it is as fated as the planets movements.

  13. David Cooper
    December 21, 2023

    Tony Benn: (1) What power have you got? (2) Where did you get it from? (3) In whose interests do you exercise it? (4) To whom are you accountable? (5) How can we get rid of you?
    Answer from the average globalist in high office within an official international body created by nation states: (1) Power that your nation chose to give up and share. (2) Your naive and foolish nation. (3) The internationalist order. (4) In theory, the nation state that sent me here, but in practice, no one. (5) As long as I don’t put a foot wrong where I am, only when I choose to retire.
    Answer from one within an unofficial body such as the WEF: (1) Lots. (2) Accumulation by stealth. (3) Mine and my fellow globalists. (4) No one. (5) You can’t, now get back in your place, you irritating pleb, and wait for your orders. You’d be surprised about how far a slogan like Build Back Better can reach…

    1. Hat man
      December 22, 2023

      Very apt, DC. There’s just one word in the first lot of answers that I would want to change: ‘(2) Your naive and foolish parliament’.

      No nation has voted for globalism as far as I know.

  14. Donna
    December 21, 2023

    Various Parliaments and Prime Ministers have endorsed and promoted the idea of International Quangos with no mandate to do so from the British people, which is where they derive their power.

    Apart from the risks/costs of outsourcing of power over this country to unelected, undemocratic and unaccountable bodies, it creates an obvious conflict of interest for those Prime Ministers/Ministers – because support for an extension of power to these Global Authorities may lead directly to highly lucrative globalist career opportunities when the pesky voters decide you are no longer to remain Prime Minister.

    I’m afraid the days of believing our Prime Ministers/Ministers have any integrity and put the interests of the British people first are long gone. The last one who demonstrated those qualities was Mrs Thatcher. Since her defenestration, there is far too much evidence that they don’t.

    International co-operation is undoubtedly a good thing, with like-minded countries. Tying the UK into Globalist Quangos and subjecting us to their “laws” is not; particularly when, like the WHO, they are controlled by Communist China.

  15. MPC
    December 21, 2023

    My daily mantra has changed from ‘expect nothing and you won’t be disappointed’ to ‘expect the worst and you won’t be disappointed’. Mr Sunak has not a shred of true patriotism within him, hence his guilt free betrayal of Northern Ireland via the Windsor Framework. He’ll inevitably do the same regarding the WHO treaty, and will no doubt be supported by others who we once thought to be principled such as Steve Baker. Expect the worst with WHO – it should help to stay sane.

    1. Timaction
      December 21, 2023

      I thought the same of Baker and demonstrated my naivety in the political world as power corrupts etc.

  16. BW
    December 21, 2023

    I have given up. Now the Irish are seeking to overturn the decision by our elected government to end the persecution of our soldiers. Of course they are not trying to overturn the decision to let IRA murderers run free. Just our soldiers. Lets face it every nation in the world seems to have more say in our not so Great Britain than the electorate. So much for sovereignty and democracy.
    No point in voting. Labour will get in and give anything left, if there is anything left away.

    1. Mickey Taking
      December 21, 2023

      It is not Great, more like grate!

      1. glen cullen
        December 21, 2023

        Greta …..Greta

  17. Rod Evans
    December 21, 2023

    All good questions John. I blame incompetent politicians that we have elected to represent us and to look after our interests.
    Who else is there?

  18. Henry Curteis
    December 21, 2023

    The UK is our federal government and it is sold out to word government, in fact is one of world government’s chief sponsors. Our country is England (or Wales or Scotland). We must complete Brexit and also release ourselves from the Federal Government which is destroying us and is no longer trusted – start the process of getting out of the Broken United Kingdom. BRUKXIT is the new BREXIT. You’re wasting your time John expecting the process of the loss of our nation to halt any other way. Once out we can nullify the treaties and start again. Join us at The Teds. You’d be most welcome.

  19. Alan Paul Joyce
    December 21, 2023

    Dear Mr. Redwood,

    I am not sure why the drive to international rules and independent bodies exists but the path to these bodies is well-trodden by senior politicians who having failed at home to do anything meaningful, see a role for themselves on the international stage.

    One can see the attraction. Lots of exposure, foreign travel, rubbing shoulders with the great and the good. It’s power without responsibility. But best of all – no pesky voters to have to please.

    I suggest, therefore, that the answer to your question is that the drive to international rules and independent bodies exists so as to impose change and rules on the peasants without having to ask them every few years for their permission.

  20. Richard1
    December 21, 2023

    Hope springs eternal. The stupid and hypocritical decision of the Irish government to bring a legal case at the ECHR to try to overturn a U.K. act of parliament – assuming it is robustly defended by the U.K. govt – is a new opportunity for a wedge issue for the general election. I suspect Starmer will be on the side of the Irish govt, Sinn Fein, Biden etc. but will try to avoid saying so.

    Could be a good one this.

  21. glen cullen
    December 21, 2023

    Has anyone in government or parliament ever consider leaving the UN and all its institutions 
.or at least proposed introducing a new selection committee to review (1) our sovereignty (2) our financial contribution and (3) the effectiveness of the UN

  22. Ralph Corderoy
    December 21, 2023

    ‘Why do we think these bodies with more power could suddenly start to get things right?’

    Perhaps because many of our MPs, including those reaching the top, have impostor syndrome. They doubt they are competent managers borne of experience before politics. They wonder if they really hold convictions forged from history, reading, and argument. They waver over whether they put the long-term interest of the country ahead of short-term political gain by failing to trust honesty with the electorate.

    Or perhaps because many of our MPs are impostors and have none of these things.

  23. Berkshire Alan
    December 21, 2023

    Fully agree with your post John, so how do we change the mindset of our leaders who love to grandstand on the Worlds Stage at the taxpayers expense, something I have been commenting on for years.
    Every time they go abroad or host a meeting here, it costs the taxpayer more money, and we seem to give away more control/power.
    Not only a Prime Minister, but we now have a Foreign Secretary who loves the big stage.

    1. Mitchel
      December 21, 2023

      “…….a Foreign Secretary who loves the big stage”

      “I am big,it’s the pictures that got small”

      Norma Desmond.

      1. glen cullen
        December 21, 2023

        Yeah but Cameron is the real Prime Minister ….the real puppet master

  24. glen cullen
    December 21, 2023

    Two payments to the EU where paid by the UK in 2022, April ÂŁ3.4 billion and September ÂŁ6.4 billion
    One payment to the UN General Assembly where paid by the UK in 2022, April ÂŁ1.3 billion (unknown billions where paid to the various UN sub institutions HRC, WHO etc)

    Why don’t political parties highlight these billions given to international bodies (beyond that of UK foreign aid) in their manifesto ? Maybe because no one would vote for them ?

    1. Mickey Taking
      December 22, 2023

      A form of Protection Racket.

  25. Ian B
    December 21, 2023

    “The drive to international rules and independent bodies.”
    International let’s call them ‘understandings’ is sort of a reasonable idea as to a framework of being courteous between peoples. They go wrong when a particular and generally speaking personal belief set morph into those same entities having unelected individuals trying to impose their ideals as ‘Laws’. As we have seen that happens when these super-national entities such as the UN, WHO, even the ECHR get ahead of themselves and turn themselves into dictators as there is no accountability attached to those bodies .
    The pattern of so-called international laws we see in the World are incompatible with Democracy they fight Democracy. Even worse while at times they appear well meaning they have no effect on the tyrants and dictators, so they are useless. They are just personal belief sets being imposed on what should be free democratic people, they become the dictators the tyrants.

  26. Bloke
    December 21, 2023

    Governments should manage their own affairs locally instead of allowing their over-zealous leaders to attempt controlling the world. A body functions efficiently when each of its parts runs smoothly on its own functions. Tony Blair acting in the Middle East is like using toenails as eyelids: Unfit for purpose.

  27. Mickey Taking
    December 21, 2023

    ‘.. the COP conferences are unable to get China and India to cut their CO 2 whilst expecting us to cut ours’.
    A cut is one thing but almost destroying an economy is another. All the while the worst offenders by some orders of magnitude benefit from reductions in manufacturing by the reducers!

    1. Timaction
      December 21, 2023

      ah, but it makes them feel good to virtue signal our way to bankruptcy, whilst exporting our manufacturing and importing back China’s CO2 footprint, whilst paying 5.6 million on non time limited welfare to sit on their asses. Go to ASDA, they’re all their brazenly spending your (46%) taxes. It’s their rights to claim and our privilege to provide. NOT!

  28. Brian Tomkinson
    December 21, 2023

    The roots of all this lie in the lust for power and personal fortune by those dictating the agendas and their puppets in governments, parliaments and media around the world.
    MPs in the House of Commons should remember they are elected to serve their constituents – not a globalist cabal.

  29. John McDonald
    December 21, 2023

    Sir John why do you say “why do we accept the lack of accountability etc.” It’s the Conservative Government that accepts and promotes the trend to outsource it’s responsibility.
    But true of today’s Parliament in general which supports the trend.
    I see you blame the UN for not being able to restore peace in Ukraine and the Middle East, when at the same time the UK Parliament promotes and funds the War in Ukraine and can’t support a call for a ceasefire by the UN in Palestine/Israel conflict.
    Politicians do not like to be blamed (take responsibility) for anything, so if things go wrong or don’t work out right, good to have a Global Organisation to take responsibility for the failure. But we do have our own in-country similar Organisations which relieve Parliament it’s responsibility to the voter.
    May be best to get our own House in order before the Global one.

    1. Mitchel
      December 21, 2023

      wrt the Gaza war ,why is the (mainsteam) media not mentioning the proposed Ben-Gurion canal(a US-Israeli controlled competitor to the Suez canal,part of Biden’s recently announced India Middle East Economic Corridor(IMEC)?Flattening Gaza will be most helpful if you look at the proposed route.

  30. David Paine
    December 21, 2023

    I share your concerns Sir John but why is Parliament seemingly unable to stop our governing elites from giving away our sovereignty?
    With few exceptions such as yourself, MPs across the political spectrum seem completely out of their depth and content to fight gender wars and erode free speech. Why is that?

    1. Mike Wilson
      December 21, 2023

      MPs across the political spectrum seem completely out of their depth and content to fight gender wars and erode free speech. Why is that?

      They get to Westminster and are overawed by the place and the traditions. They are like kids on their first day at grammar school. Then the reality bites that they are special – they live in a cloistered, cosseted world and forget the plebs that sent them there. Don’t rock the boat, take it easy and see how much money and contacts you can make – that’s how most of them carry on.

      Why should they care about the voting fodder? Would you – with your ÂŁ90k salary, massive expenses, incredible pension and pampered life. It’s no wonder they just sit back and let the unelected bodies run the show.

  31. Bryan Harris
    December 21, 2023

    The proliferation of national and international quangos by all accounts has been a disaster for the world.

    The UN has failed in particular. One of its branches is supposed to look at preventing poverty, but despite untold ÂŁbillions we still have third world countries where people die of starvation for no good reason.
    How does the UN protect the vulnerable and children – Not very well by all accounts. The tales of rape and abuse by UN soldiers doesn’t get any less frequent.

    And so it is with all international bodies – they try to be something other than what they should be, and we are all the worse off because of that – Apart from the WTO I can’t think of an international body that is fit for purpose.

    It is well past time we trimmed them all down, stopped giving them so much money to waste and actually insisted that they did their day job!

    1. Timaction
      December 21, 2023

      It’s ok, the Tory’s are doing their best by importing and supporting over 1.2 million annually, mainly from the third world. A trip into your nearest City will confirm!
      We need Reform before it’s to late. It may be already thanks to the Uni-Party.

  32. Anthony Jacks
    December 21, 2023

    At last a voice of common sense within our political class. Let us hope that it is not too late to stop and reverse the mad dash to zero carbon. CO2 is not the reason for the disaster, which the UN has predicted to fall upon us.

    What is happening is that global superiority is being handed to China on a plate. They are increasing their coal fired energy production, whereas we are ceasing to use cheap energy. We are moving very quickly to green energy. Where are we buying this modern equipment from, China. The UK will become an industrial wasteland.

    1. Mickey Taking
      December 22, 2023

      It has become a political wasteland for quite some time.

  33. iain gill
    December 21, 2023

    cannot say the way the top level of our democracy works either. the way people are appointed as ministers with little clue about the area of life they are suddenly supposedly in charge of does not work. sometimes its spectacularly obvious, like the current Sec of State for Health, its so bad for our country that we have such inappropriate people in these roles.
    the way the top of the civil service and public sector works is broken too.
    we need to do far better.

    1. iain gill
      December 21, 2023

      I have just seen more of what the new health secretary has been saying.

      To say she does not understand her brief would be a massive understatement.

      She has been massively let down by her predecessors, and the NHS execs & civil servants who have briefed her.

      By now she should be realising she has been sold a pup, and should urgently seek broader more rounded advice and input. Some things she is defending are indefensible. Some things she saying are completely fundamentally wrong.

      Really the country needs to do far better than this.

  34. XY
    December 21, 2023

    Re the WTO – another “if only”. If only China had been expected to float its currency before joining. Supposedly “nice guys” finished last as usual – although it was really the dumb guys that finished last. Why did Clinton not see that letting China into the WTO on those terms was a mistake?

    The answer to all the “WHy?” questions is the same. There is clearly a global agenda at aply. It is not entrely clear who is driving it and what their objectives are, but we see that part of the plan is to remove power from sovereign states.

    1. Mitchel
      December 21, 2023

      China was supposed to be a cheap manufacturing colony,Russia was supposed to be a resource colony.

      Didn’t work out that way.Tough!

  35. RichardP
    December 21, 2023

    Sir John
    You ask “Why do we accept the lack of accountability of so many international bodies? Why does the media often refuse to criticise them when they get it wrong?”

    I think you might need to look at who funds the media to answer that question.

    1. Mickey Taking
      December 21, 2023

      answer? Those who would rule the World!

  36. Javelin
    December 21, 2023

    The current migration treaties were designed to support the migration of people to the next safe country. This was meant for a situation that was internationally recognised such as war or genocide that posed a direct and immediate threat.

    In my view the treaties have been stretched and distorted by activists and judges to allow migrants to move across many countries and then to claim asylum with the burden of a civilian level of proof falling on the state.

    If a person travels across many countries then the migrant needs to show proof at the criminal level to prove they are not defrauding the state of benefits. I believe this is where migration law will end up.

  37. Bert+Young
    December 21, 2023

    Belonging to something and showing our concern and priorities is no bad thing but when major players in the world take their own course and ignore commitments makes a mockery of such bodies and turmoil results . The Commonwealth used to be of a size and established body that secured a high degree of influence ; this is not the case today . How any country trumpets its place is a much more significant factor now if it is backed up by economic size . The United Nations Body is handicapped by its own rules that were once established to maintain peace ; it has not done this and now stands as a mockery ; Russia and China paddle their own canoes .

  38. Ian B
    December 21, 2023

    Sunak/Hunt controlling the economy, managing expenditure. Now we have in the UK the highest Tax take on record, as a report today says this Conservative Government has to borrow £128 billion at high interest rate just to stay afloat. That’s managing?
    According to the Rishi letter to the electorate we have all been given a tax break in terms of reduced NI payments (?) yet his policy on fiscal drag will reap more than double the discount over the next few years. So, tax break? Its not universal, taxpaying pensions get nothing
    Today we are informed UK Dept placed on the taxpayer has risen by an unexpected £128 billion. Rishi’s letter says the ‘never been right’ independent OBR has confirmed to him he is on track in reducing his prolific debts.
    We want and need Democracy, the one that gives us government of the people by the people, unelected, unaccountable bodies are just expensive side shows to reinforce dictatorship and block democracy.
    Super-National unaccountable, unelected dictators taking over our legislation even to be talked about is a kick in the teeth to all democrats. Anyone/body/entity that receives taxpayer money or defines Laws rules and regulations is in a democracy held accountable by our democratically elected representatives. This Conservative Government has demonstrated that it has shelved democracy, they wont even elect themselves according to their own party principles.

  39. Ian B
    December 21, 2023

    Rishi Sunak was given a grave warning by David Cameron’s former aide Craig Oliver that his time in office was “over” with the Prime Minister’s “own MPs tramping the dirt down” on his “political coffin”.
    Conservative Campaign HQ, could still get a Conservative Government elected, as the opposition are only ‘just’ as bad – not worse. The people will ensure that going against their wishes and desires for a real Conservative Government will cause them to take a recking ball to the party machine.
    A fresh inexperienced, even unheard of, non-BoJo/Sunak/Hunt cabinet would storm any election. Instead of the 80-seat majority being trashed to a 220(best estimates) defeat, we could have a solid Conservative majority.
    CCHQ has shown it will fight any Conservatives and keep things on track to remain a Left of Labour Party. To keep the UK Government subordinate to any self-appointed ‘independent body’. That leaves the Country the People no choice and as CCHQ has made the election about Sunak/Hunt and not conservatism they are about to destroy the party for a generation.
    Everything that gets talked about on these pages in recent months boils down to Democracy or Not

  40. Derek
    December 21, 2023

    I’ll never understand why we must abide by the Geneva Convention when our violent enemies do not. It’s as though our own lawyers tie an arm behind the backs of our front line troops. Unlike those lawyers, these armed forces are the only ones that have to suffer and make instantaneous decisions to save their own lives and not worry about the legal implications of the necessary prompt action.
    In a scary firefight, he who hesitates is dead!

  41. glen cullen
    December 21, 2023

    Off topic but shows how society has changed in this great leap forward
    GP appointment saga under this Tory government
    An old minor sports injury from two years ago flared up again
    I filled out the GP form for a repeat medication yesterday morning
    Received a text from GP to contact GP surgery to arrange a telephone consultation that same afternoon
    I phoned the GP surgery only to be told I need to call back in the morning at 8am to arrange telephone consultation appointment
    I got through to the GP surgery at 8:25am after 39 calls (all engaged) to be told that my telephone consultation appointment would this afternoon (no set time)
    Why is the taxpayer funding such a dreadful service?
    If only I could buy cortisone cream over the counter it would save the NHS millions in time & cost

  42. David Andrews
    December 21, 2023

    It is worth mentioning that China, with Russia, Iran and others, is seeking to replace the previously US dominated “international rules based order” with its own approach to international affairs supported by a variety of institutions. It is pushing the idea of “civilisations” against that of “empires” (such as those built by Britain, France, Spain, Portugal, the Netherlands) and the post WW2 order built by the USA. This appeals to many post colonial countries. UN institutions are enlisted to promote this agenda once they are infiltrated. It is not obvious that the UK or others have a compelling answer to this message.

    1. Peter Gardner
      December 21, 2023

      China has always thought of itself as a civilisation rather than as a nation or country. It supported the Allies in WW1 and was betrayed in the post war Paris Peace conference and Treaty of Versailles. Shantung Province, the cradle of Chinese civilisation was given to Japan – a dagger pointed at the heart of China. It has not forgotten.

      1. Mitchel
        December 22, 2023

        Shantung was only under Japanese control for a few years post WWI but you are right it turned the Chinese,who were becoming more well disposed to the west after the 1911 revolution,against both the west and Japan.The real bone of contention between China and Japan for the past century and a half has been Korea -“the dagger pointed at the heart of Japan”as one of Japan’s German advisers famously described it in the late 19th century.It was a prime cause of the 1894/5 Sino-Japanese and 1904/5 Russo-Japanese wars-and may yet be the cause of a future war.

    2. glen cullen
      December 21, 2023

      “international rules based order” finished in the late 90s when illegal migration and Russian investment was allowed (encouraged) in Europe

    3. Original Richard
      December 21, 2023

      DA ;

      Was the USSR’s occupation of Eastern Europe a “civilisation” or an “empire” or “colonialism”?

      1. David Andrews
        December 21, 2023

        Putin does not bother with such a question. He asserts, according to his narrative, that Russian expansion under the Tzars defined the spread of Russian civilisation, that Gorbachev sacrificed it when he allowed the breakup of the Soviet Union and that it is now under threat from the West by NATO expansion.

      2. Mitchel
        December 22, 2023

        It was intended as a buffer against future aggression from the west.Aggression which was planned even before the end of WWII:From papers now in the public domain re Operation Unthinkable:”The Overall or political object is to impose upon Russia the will of the USA and British Empire.”

  43. Peter Gardner
    December 21, 2023

    It is simple. Certain types of people fail to persuade by argument so resort to authoritarian measures. Thus the EU once provided them with a means of by-passing democracy. Now UK is free of the EU (partially and sort of) they seek other international and unaccountable bodies to impose their will on others by dictat.

    1. glen cullen
      December 21, 2023

      So it would seem

  44. ChrisS
    December 21, 2023

    We can thank May and Bercow for the fact that we had no opportunity to leave the EU without a deal.

    Given the attitude of Biden and his Democrats, it would have been better to have just left and told Varadkhar to sort out what he wanted to do about the Irish border with Brussels. They would inevitably have backed down as the whole artificial issue was created to make life as difficult as possible for us.

    1. glen cullen
      December 21, 2023

      But I blame all the tories in parliament ….they had the choice, and they chose the EU and not the UK voter

    2. Berkshire Alan
      December 21, 2023


      Exactly but do not just blame May and Bercow, blame the more than 325 MPs who supported their views, and in particular a certain Mr Benn who put forward the bill that made leaving without a deal impossible.
      Words do not describe my thoughts on these silly people.

      1. glen cullen
        December 21, 2023


  45. Barbara
    December 21, 2023

    ‘There is the UN where countries can try to find ways of stilling conflicts.’

    Imo, the UN is a talking shop for failed dictators: they even put the Saudis in charge of ‘human rights’ at one time. Why we should take any notice of it at all I have no idea.

  46. R4 Fan
    December 21, 2023

    A really interesting prog ( The Mandates ) on R4 last night at 11.30pm,
    part 2 tonight.
    About the Middle East in the 30s. Not dry and boring, not sensational.

  47. Derek
    December 21, 2023

    SJ, I believe you were a member of Major’s cabinet back in the 90s. Was this anything like this ever on the agenda, and did he often leave the UK to attend various meetings around the globe?
    Ditto Mrs Thatcher, or is the current itinerary of “jollies” a new development since we had to suffer the potential virus of this globalisation as initiated by UN Agenda 21?

  48. Original Richard
    December 21, 2023

    “The truth is the idea of more global government by international law and international quangos is well embedded in the governing elites of the advanced world.”

    The purpose of international law and international quangos, and indeed our own national institutions, quangos and regulators, “ofs” and now even corporates etc. is to subvert our democracy by replacing it with unelected apparatchicks.

    Although grifters and useful idiots abound the main driver is Communist China and our own fifth column communists who originate out of our universities (the continuation of the Cambridge Five), which are now controlled by 120,000 Chinese “students” stealing our IP and ensuring no criticism of China.

    Coming out of our universities these fifth column comrades infest our MSM, Parliament, Civil Service, judiciary, police, institutions and police. Wokeists and organisations such as XR and JSO are just fifth column disruptors with no real belief other than to cause trouble, chaos and costs. Hence the inevitable oxymorons such as “Queers for Palestine” or “Energy Security and Net Zero” or simply making totally ridiculous statements about biology.

    China has corrupted international organisations such as the WEF and the UN, and our own national organisations, to such an extent that the UN Sec Gen can state that we have “global boiling” and the WEF that we have “boiling oceans” and no media or UK institution dares to tell the truth that is of course complete nonsense or more importantly dares to question why this economy destroying net zero absurdity only applies to us and not to China.

  49. paul cutbertson
    December 21, 2023

    All very Well Mr Redwood but our controlling Globalist UK Establishment do not want it.
    Surely you must be FULLY AWARE of this. However when Donald J Trump is rightfully voted in as PRESIDENT of the USA , and he will be, the situation will change World wide. PANIC will ensue amongst the ruling “elite” everywhere. Get your tickets.

  50. iain gill
    December 21, 2023

    I see the government has rolled back on the immigration tightening it recently announced. clueless, bouncing from one ill thought through response to another.

  51. glen cullen
    December 21, 2023

    ‘government has rowed back from increasing the earnings threshold for people who want to come to the UK on family visas to ÂŁ38,700 a year’ ….a week later reduced, due to UN pressure, by ÂŁ10k to ÂŁ29,000′

  52. Geoffrey Berg
    December 21, 2023

    I have several times attacked international institutions because they are incompatible with democracy, especially when their rules and policies override national democracies.
    A further frustration comes from our politics, like in the U.S.A., have become split into two increasingly incompatible political ‘tribes’. One tribe consists of a body of mainly graduates, often young people who are idealistic and fashionable except when it comes to their own personal lives (most are hypocritically keen on achieving a high inegalitarian income) and fantasising in political ideas. The other tribe are usually less ‘educated’,more elderly and grounded in their experience of the real world and more realistic. However nearly none of them are in politics – indeed their ‘populist’ political leadership are usually well educated rebels with backgrounds akin to the other tribe
    (examples are Donald Trump, Boris Johnson, John Redwood if I may say so and except I am merely an advocate, myself as I am highly educated with a middle class background). Speaking for myself I just cannot stand the unreality, fantasies and hypocrisies of the establishment tribe and I believe above all in a politics of realism.
    The aggravating feature of international organisations, especially legal ones, is they are entirely composed of partisans of one tribe (the establishment one) and the institutions are used or rather abused as a backstop to prevent the other tribe exercising power or doing much even when that reviled, less educated tribe wins democratic elections.

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