Jobs up and pay up since Brexit

See Facts4EU. Excellent graphs and analysis today showing strength of jobs since the referendum, contrary to gloomy official forecasts.


  1. Ian wragg
    January 21, 2024

    Not many high quality and high salary jobs except the usual suspects in diversity and inclusion in the public sector
    The good technical jobs are being and have been exported.
    I read the governments net zero by 2050
    Frightening. No coal, oil, gas, 60 %less cars. 40% less electricity consumption. No pork, lamb or beef only plant based food
    Strictly regulated air travel for the masses etc

    1. Donna
      January 21, 2024

      Time to start keeping rabbits and learn how to skin them.

      1. Hope
        January 21, 2024

        This is despite the anti Brexit Tory party or what they have done to N.Ireland.

        1. Bill Smith
          January 22, 2024


          you are right they have helped NI

    2. Mickey Taking
      January 21, 2024

      Citizens chipped and tracked – for security reasons!

      1. glen cullen
        January 21, 2024

        for your own safety

    3. graham1946
      January 21, 2024

      Why bring facts into it when we can get all we are allowed to know from spin (aka lies) Similar with the climate change religion.

      1. glen cullen
        January 21, 2024

        This is another green waste of money that makes BEV batteries seem cheap.
        Taxpayers facing another Ā£1million bill to keep hybrid eco-ferry running

    4. Peter D Gardner
      January 21, 2024

      Better enjoy the bread and circuses while still permitted.

    5. Everhopeful
      January 21, 2024

      Utterly horrendous.
      No meat no dairyā€¦ sun obliterated by dustā€¦.plenty of rickets or vastly overpriced pharmaceuticals.
      Donā€™t let us forget that making meds has a huge ā€œcarbon footprintā€šŸ¤Ŗ
      Useful idiot vegetarians have made meat disappear over decades and eventually there will be NO animals at all. I know for a fact that vegetarians/vegans ( those pulling the strings) were NEVER about animal welfareā€¦only about ā€œ greenhouse gasesā€ nonsense and or controlling food supply and buying up land.

    6. a-tracy
      January 21, 2024

      Ian, if what you say is true wouldnā€™t that drag the median wage down not up? What evidence do you have that all the increased jobs were low quality, low salary?

      What is low salary to you? Perhaps anything under Ā£25,000 pa or Ā£12.82 ph for a 37.5 hr week, or Ā£30,000 Ā£15.38 ph?

    7. Michelle
      January 21, 2024

      My Daughter is doing a Bio-Science degree, and over Christmas I was treated to a long lecture on how our meat can be reconstructed from cells in a laboratory.
      I wanted to scream about how unnatural it all sounds, but just tried to look interested.# for the sake of harmony.
      A dreadful thought plagues me, that is how can my Daughter be so bright, and yet so easily swayed on all this nonsense at the same time (aka stupid)

    8. Lemming
      January 22, 2024

      Jobs are up thanks to the massive increase in legal immigration into the UK since Brexit. That’s what you all voted for , right?

      1. a-tracy
        January 23, 2024

        Lemming, wouldn’t that legal immigration be double if EU residents were still free to work here too?

  2. Donna
    January 21, 2024

    As the Brexiteers predicted and good news …. and despite the fact we haven’t really got Brexit since we’re only semi-detached from the EU and most of their laws and Regulations are still being applied in the UK (including the EU’s VAT-tax).

    However, I doubt if it will provide any comfort for the people of Port Talbot, whose livelihoods and town are being sacrificed on the altar of the Establishment’s Net Zero lunacy.

    Perhaps they should go to France, get on a dinghy and claim asylum so they also get “free everything” and a job.

  3. Paul
    January 21, 2024

    Low paying menial jobs up, high paying jobs exported. Pay up marginally but nowhere near matching government caused inflation. Steel making to end in Britain so no more industrial economy. Increasing numbers of “excess” deaths from the jabs. Uncontrolled importaion of foreign illegals who hate our society. Prospect of Labour government incoming who will be even more awful than Tories (hard to believe but true). War mongering fools imagining that UK Plc’s pathetic armed forces could fight a continental war (and causing much sniggering in Moscow because we’d run out of ammunition in a few hours). The only bright spot is the better than even chance of economic collapse which could make the unthinking drone voters rise up and hunt every politician down to receive their just desserts.

  4. Bloke
    January 21, 2024

    Is the link working? It goes to ‘No Found’ on my pooter.

    1. a-tracy
      January 21, 2024

      It didnā€™t work on my browser.

      1. Bloke
        January 21, 2024

        I clicked on the link you showed which worked for me, and I thank you.
        My original attempt with SJR’s same link address did reach the site yet showed nothing, but now that also works.

  5. Lifelogic
    January 21, 2024

    Slightly up yes, but taxes hugely up, cost of living up, crime up, immigration hugely up (750K net PA), housing shortages up, public debt up, inflation up, NHS waiting lists up, interest rates up, standard of living down for 14+ years…

    So Port Talbot 3000 job loss is nothing to do with his mad net zero targets says Rishi. So is Sunak a serial liar or just a moron? He even says they are cutting taxes!

    1. Donna
      January 21, 2024

      Both? They’re not mutually exclusive.

      1. Hope
        January 21, 2024

        He is suitably qualified to mange the number of paper clips. Certainly not a leader but a timid follower and utterly fails to accept responsibility by passing blame to others. Sadly, JR and others could have sunk him last week, but chose to have him ass their leader!!

        Reply Losing a Commons vote does not remove a Leader. Letters and loss of no confidence does that. The MPs do not want to replace Sunak so few letters have gone in it appears.

        1. Donna
          January 22, 2024

          Reply to reply: No, they won’t. Not-a-Conservative-Party MPs seem resigned to the fact that the electorate is going to do it for them – and will be getting rid of a large number of those who did want him (or didn’t, but accepted the coup) in the process. Turkeys voting for Christmas.

        2. Mickey Taking
          January 22, 2024

          Surprising that Sunak survives, or MPs are too bored with ‘do I or don’t I’ write a letter?
          Unloading PMs became habit forming, but at least after the next GE I expect it will mean wringing of hands all over again to find yet another ‘leader’ into the abyss.

    2. a-tracy
      January 21, 2024

      Lifelogic, taxes are hugely up for the higher earners yes. Frozen income tax personal allowances have dragged more people in the 42% combined tax and ni bracket instead of the new from January 30% rate for lower paye earners. Higher earners also suffer the loss of child support, withdrawal of personal allowance, a higher tax rate of 45%.

      Butā€¦How much are taxes up for those earning the median wage and under?

      1. Hope
        January 21, 2024

        Many in financial sector looking to US where it pays to work rather than work hard for mass immigration and dire public services. Labour are likely to make education worse, but then Tories never improved it in 14 years! I suspect Christianity to be banned from schools and halal meat only!! Despite it being against animal welfare and all our cultural and society norms!

        1. a-tracy
          January 22, 2024

          I’ve been reading that the USA has a mass immigration problem, the same as Europe does. They don’t, however, have the same level of social state.

          I think all meat will be banned in schools. I believe that’s the plan to change the eating habits of the next generation; they won’t be able to get parents to pay for vegetarian and lab-made ‘meat protein’, so they’ll do it from the generous free school meals for all program.

          I don’t think education is worse. I believe behaviour in some schools is worse.

      2. Paula
        January 21, 2024

        Tax is increased and compounded with inflation on everything you buy.

        1. a-tracy
          January 22, 2024

          I shop around Paula; I buy clothes at 70% off sales; I have already started buying birthday and Christmas 24 gifts in the sales. I have found ways of bulk cooking and freezing to save a lot of money, and I bought two new electric radiators to replace two storage heaters, which have made massive economic savings. I put thermostatic control on other radiators and have made other economies.

      3. Narrow Shoulders
        January 22, 2024

        Anyone earning minimum wage will pay over 10% more tax when the increase comes in from April but thresholds remain fixed. All the extra earnings will be taxed at 20%

    3. Cliff.. Wokingham
      January 21, 2024

      We are told we’ve paid Tata half a billion pounds to save five thousand jobs…. That is one hundred thousand pounds per job. Is that good value?
      We were also told on the same day that, we are on the brink of WW3. It seems crazy to me that we won’t be able to make our own virgin steel thanks to net zero and Tata. How will we put armour plating on our tanks and other parts of our war machine?
      We need to make our own stuff, grow our own food and make our own power.
      Net zero is too expensive and risky to do now if we are close to war. Reopen the Welsh mines, take back the steel plant and rebuild the power stations. If we don’t, we may be under seige by our enemies and starved into surrender… It nearly happened in WW2 and we were in a far better shape back then.
      Something else we need to think about is, during WW2, we put Germans, Italians and Japanese in prison camps, so if we go to war against the middle east nations, we’ll need a camp the size of The Isle of Wight to do the same.

    4. Ian B
      January 21, 2024

      @Lifelogic – +1, the steel that the PM wants produced is what comes from re-cycling old used metal. Tata will however import from India their specialty steel produced in some of the Worlds highest polluting steel works the UK so desperately needs. Where is the NetZero in that it makes things worse

  6. Peter D Gardner
    January 21, 2024

    It is claimed that the Internet makes people better informed. It could but it rather depends on what people choose to read or listen to. It is equally good at enabling people to reinforce their preconceptions and prejudices. Most people select material they agree with and enjoy rather inviting confrontation with opposing views. Thus it becomes more difficult to sustain objective and balanced public debate, which is increasingly between irreconcilables.

  7. RDM
    January 21, 2024

    All bullshit; if we can’t use Brexit to ensure an economic base that has, cheap energy, flexibly, skills and training, low migration, running the economy in the best interest of GB, then there was no point; You must ensure the economy is run for everyone! Sovereignty, the Rule of Law, Democracy, must include everyone, or we will end up in a Marxist State!

    The Poor, Working Poor, and Blue Collar Workers, need the Manufacturing of high valued products like virgin steel, energy, etc,… but you know this well?

    GB needs Virgin Steel, and not imported in from India, into NL (New Tata Steel plant) , and then back into GB, just because of one company!

    Relying on the service sector will get us dependent of those we serve, and debt!

    Next, you will want to cut the benefits of those that depend on high value manufacturing?

    It’s all Contradictory ignorance; they’ll depend on growth of Migration; are still aligned; NI has been annexed off!

    Stupid, and they (One Nation Tory’s, Rejoiners) know it, they must?

    The question is; How are you going to make the Economy work for everyone, whilst maintaining our Freedom?

    We need; Brexit needs, a Free Market, a Price Mechanism that works, and a well regulated Economy, with anti-dumping laws, etc,… Regulation that frames, and protects, our economy, from Cheap Pricing, from the EU protectionism!

    We will end up with a wealth tax, if they carrier on this Net Zero crap!

    If Germany going to lose a lot of it’s manufacturing wealth? Before we are forced back in, through the Federated UK state (it will be, and soon!)?

    Poland has been forced into Fascist state!

    Hungary! Look out?

    You were expecting this, from me, I assume!

    Brexit depends on getting Sunak, and the One Nation (the left wing) conservatives, out!

    There is another alternative; A change is as good as a rest; I would follow, and fight the good fight?

    For Freedom, Free Markets, must win!



    1. a-tracy
      January 21, 2024

      RDM. You said ā€œIf we canā€™t use Brexit to ensure an economic base that has, cheap energy, flexibly, skills and training, low migration, running the economy in the best interest of GB, then there was no pointā€

      How would you ensure UK cheap energy?
      What more flexibility do you urge?
      Skills & Training? We have all children in training up to the age of 18 since 2015 (However, as a result of legislation introduced in September 2013, the law now requires that young people continue in education, employment or training until the age of 18.). The higher education entry rate among UK 18 year olds increased from 24.7% in 2006 to 30.7% in 2015 and peaked at 38.2% in 2021. It fell back to 35.8% in 2023. (Source House of Commons library) 2021 was as a result of a peak birth year in the uk 18/19 year before. Participation in apprenticeships by those aged 19+ in 2021/22 was 613,900 ā€“ an increase of 3.3% on the 2020/21 figure of 594,400. Putting those figures into context, the total number of adults participating in all further education and skills was just over 1.7 million in 2021/22. In 2022/23, the number of people participating in apprenticeships in England rose to 752,000, compared with 740,000 in the previous reporting year. During this time period, the year with the highest number of people taking part in apprenticeships was 2016/17, at 909,000. (Source
      What more do you want?

      1. RDM
        January 23, 2024

        What rubbish!

        Life long learning! Means People keeping up, with what’s in demand, keeping up to date with their skills, and being able to take new opportunities that come their way! It’s not a complete answer, but supports a enterprising culture. Moving the economy from low skilled, high migration model, to a low migration model, with the higher skills affording People better opportunities!

        A Cheap Energy strategy would mean ensuring the supply of home grown energy, instead of buying in very expensive Gas (Russia or Fracked Gas from USA/AU) or Electricity. e.g Fracking or Northsea Oil&Gas!

        The new interconnect is costing many times the MW/hr of our own Gas 30 MW/hr! Our price of Electricity, now, is many times what it was? With the EU, China, India are all subsidies they Electricity supply to their intensive industry’s!

        With Brexit, we can use Supplyside reforms to suit the UK Economy! Example; Universal Credit does nothing but creating State Dependency and subsidies lower wages! This does not mean no support for the Poor! It means restructure, until GB moves to higher wages! Looking to Re-regulate (Strong regulation of dumping), big company’s, all those quangos, and looking for far higher productivity, especially in the Public sector!

        The UK has always had a flexible (open) economy, allowing us to benefit from many more markets, and avoid economic Shocks! As long as it’s managed for the British Interest, with a strong regulator!

        We (And, NI) are still aligned to the Customs Union, where being aligned to a Germany/EU that is in real trouble, including Net Zero, is going to get us into the same problems, with many more geopolitic forces (Shocks) at work!

        A Free Market is the only real way for GB to pay it’s way, by making the economy work for everyone! With Energy intensive industry’s, the Poor, Working Poor, and Blue Collar workers will be able to get Self Determination, good wages, being able to save, and not being on Benefits! This is what a Cheap Energy Strategy affords GB, as with everyone else competing in this world!


    2. Hope
      January 21, 2024

      Well said.

  8. Paula
    January 21, 2024

    Well I’m doing a job working in a shop. It’s not worth it financially as I get hammered for tax because I have an old fashioned pension like you. I do it for my own mental health.

    People are not paying attention to your party’s internal wrangling.

    They are paying attention to mass immigration and “Starmer is lying to you” is irrelevant as we’re never going to vote for him anyway.

    1. a-tracy
      January 21, 2024

      Paula, Iā€™m confused what is your combined tax/ni (ni if you are still paying it if youā€™re not over retirement age) at work? Unless youā€™re on the higher rate from this month your tax should be 20% and NI if you are paying it has dropped from 12% to 10% if youā€™re earning over Ā£12570 from your shop job? Have they got your right tax code, perhaps you are on basic rate in error.

    2. Bloke
      January 21, 2024

      For decades I and many others have voted for what we assess as better for the country than personal gain; almost entirely Conservative. Now the Reform Party appears a superior choice.

  9. MFD
    January 21, 2024

    I am thankful my life will be over by that stupid target. My only question is when are the Brits going to stand up and fight this traitorous destruction of our beautiful country

  10. glen cullen
    January 21, 2024

    Met Office UPGRADES weather warnings as ā€˜winterā€™

    1. Mickey Taking
      January 21, 2024

      You should take note – they know about these things.

      1. Mickey Taking
        January 22, 2024

        Frank Loesser wrote “Baby, It’s Cold Outside” to sing with his then wife, but Dean Martin with others made it popular.

  11. Keith from Leeds
    January 21, 2024

    Off Topic – Hello, Sir John. Can you please tell that idiot Hunt to stop talking about tax cuts? He will over-promise and under-deliver. Surely he should keep his mouth shut until the budget. I suspect Hunt’s tax cuts will be minor in the eyes of most people and by talking them up he will create disappointment with them.
    When will the PM, Chancellor and Ministers learn to under-promise and over-deliver?

    1. Berkshire Alan
      January 21, 2024


      More importantly if he really does believe that Low tax rates will bring in more tax income, and at the same time boost the economy, then why the hell did he not introduce it from day one, instead of waiting 3 years.
      The man is either a liar, a fool, incompetent, or he just just seen the light !
      I simply do not believe it will happen on the scale needed to change anything.
      The above is not just about Hunt, it applies to Sunak as well.

      1. a-tracy
        January 21, 2024

        Hunt took over Oct 2022. He kept the raising of the NI threshold and the NI reduction put in place by Truss.

        I simply donā€™t understand why he said he was ā€˜freezingā€™ the personal income tax allowances until 2028. Bizarre.

        1. Ian B
          January 21, 2024

          @a-tracy – to devalue the money of his servants the minions. I’m all right Jack, but you have to be held down by stealth.
          He gains double from that action than what he suggests he has given back pure subterfuge.

        2. Mickey Taking
          January 22, 2024

          A stealth tax most workers can ignore – but not if you have a low income.

      2. Mickey Taking
        January 21, 2024

        Here’s my open hand – I have sweeties for you!

      3. Ian B
        January 21, 2024

        @Berkshire Alan – it will be promised for after the election, then guess what happens

  12. DOM
    January 21, 2024

    I see Khan, code for the Labour party, is pushing for free movement of young people (define) between Britain and the EU. This is what this nation will face if the Anglophobic slime gain power, a glacial move towards rejoining with the hope that no one will see the rejoining exercise

    Brexit Tory MPs must warn the public what Labour scum have in store. More importation, back in the EU, ,more speech laws, more BLM policies, more diversity obsessed agenda and an avalanche of progressive poison

    1. a-tracy
      January 21, 2024

      Free movement of young people just gets UK taxpayers and the exchequer funding student loans and maintenance loans, then when they go home they donā€™t have to pay unlike English students that are earning in the UK apparently it is hard to trace them and foreign countries wonā€™t apply the graduate tax to their payroll taxes. This finance has to be put out to collect it in another way.

    2. Hope
      January 21, 2024

      What the 11 of them!!

    3. Ian B
      January 21, 2024

      @DOM +1
      Still he knows people are dumb enough to buy it. Last week he found hidden away Ā£500 million to boost services and staff pay to spend in the run up to his coronation. is that where Sunak/Hunt have got their ideas from?

  13. agricola
    January 21, 2024

    If true this is largely private industry fighting for survival and facing the realities of the market place.

    All done with little or no help from government. In fact despite all the problems that government sets out to burdon industry with. Taxation totally off the scale. Energy costs at ridiculous levels. Labour shortages due to lack of training. A war conducted against motorists. 4000 EU laws we do not need. A national infrastructure worthy of Venuzuela.

    Just think what could be achieved were we to rid ourselves of this burdonsome , largely governmental in all its levels, crap.

    1. Ian B
      January 21, 2024

      @agricola +1
      What Rishi Sunak has said in the last week is that if we donā€™t vote for him (its no longer about good Conservative MPs, they can go burn) the Country will go back to ā€˜square oneā€™ I donā€™t know about you but back to square one, is that 25 or even 50 years ago. Just think low taxes spent where they were needed on the infrastructure, on spending to train our people ā€“ not personal vanity project. Spending for and by a results-based management. Back when we had good reliable inexpensive energy for our homes and industry, instead of paying France 1.5 billion a year to keep our lights on.
      The PM as he has nothing good to say about the Conservative partyā€™s achievements has to try to scare the country about life under what is seen as the workers party – Labour. The party funded and directed to by the unions that are seeing its members jobs being maliciously exported for the sake of not managing doing the job and vanity by the present incumbents. Would they allow that to continue?
      We have now had 4-5 PMā€™s on the trot that have had manifestos based on what could easily be seen as a pack of lies. Fool me onceā€¦.
      I consider myself to be a middle of the road conservative, there is now no Conservative Party it has emigrated.

  14. Michelle
    January 21, 2024

    It can be quite comical reading around various comments sections on all kinds of sites.
    The things that people are attributing to being the fault of Brexit is astounding.
    One of those seems to be this notion that we didn’t have illegals pitching up here all the while we were in the EU.

  15. Lester_Cynic
    January 21, 2024

    I thought that thereā€™s a border down the Irish Sea?

  16. Mike Wilson
    January 21, 2024

    Millions more people here since Brexit. More jobs here since Brexit. Could there be a connection?

  17. Philip+Hatton
    January 22, 2024

    Iā€™d be interested to see the chart for the mean and mode for wages since the referendum.

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