Illegal Migration Act: Northern Ireland


  1. Peter
    May 16, 2024

    A shambles brought about by the weakness of this government.

    Voters don’t care about legal appeals. They want illegals removed.

    1. Ian Wraggg
      May 16, 2024

      Taking control
      I hear we have already accepted 50 boat chances from ROI. So much for Fishy assuring us this wouldn’t happen

      Did Macron threaten to cut off electricity imports the same as they’re promising with the ban on sand eel fishing in the North Sea
      You’ve really made a laughing stock of this country with your One Nation stupidity
      A flurry of semi Conservative policy initiatives after 14 years won’t cut it.

      1. Ian Wraggg
        May 16, 2024

        Today wind is supplying 1.35gw, we are Importing 21% of our electricity and running th last coal fired plant together with an open cycle gas turbine.
        This is on a very quiet spring day. Imagine if it was zero degrees out there in December. We’d be having power cuts.

    2. Sir Joe Soap
      May 16, 2024

      This can’t go on. You can’t have a part of your country under de facto foreign occupation but still be paying the bills. We’re not so much sharing the cheque book with the neighbours but giving ours to them. Poor NI needs a say-put up a border or join the neighbours.

    3. Everhopeful
      May 16, 2024

      You are so right!
      I don’t give a monkey’s about legal appeals.
      Where was the care when they trashed our democratic decision?
      And honestly
is being in control of your own country such a revolutionary act?

    4. Mickey Taking
      May 16, 2024

      Appeal = can kicked.

  2. DOM
    May 16, 2024

    By appealing the judgement this government endorses the legitimacy of the court’s ruling. It is not POLITICISED JUDGES, in effect activists, loyal to the EU to decide who comes into or leaves this country.

    Lawfare has become a threat to our Parliamentary democracy especially when the judiciary is now under the control of judges who are obvious politically corrupted. Blair’s destruction of separation of powers since 1997 has undermined our constitution.

    Pass a bill to circumvent these judges who are now openly challenging the authority and applicability of Parliamentary law

    1. BOF
      May 16, 2024

      Yes, and the judiciary act the same in the US and EU.

      1. ThelmaD
        May 16, 2024

        Ever heard about the separation between legislative, executive, and judiciary?

    2. Lifelogic
      May 16, 2024

      Several problems with judges, their political bias, the vested interest of lawyer for more work. Plus they are lawyers, who generally think like lawyers (to a man with a hammer everything looks like a nail). Often not a good thing at all.

      So transport Secretary Mark Harper, backs the move to introduce laws to put people into jail for up to 14 years for causing death or injury by recklessly cycling. But surely all the cyclists who race round public parks at way over the speed limit are reckless one had the misfortune that a woman stepped out in front of him. Where is the logic in attacking him after the event when the police happily allowed reckless peloton cycle racing and pelican light jumping all over the place every single day. Surely all have committed the same offence?

      A person who drives too quickly in a car and skids into a bus stop may be unlucky and kill 5 children or the bus might have just picked up and they luckily kill none. Both did the same reckless driving offence? Surely you want to prevent the injuries by deterring reckless driving before the deaths and injuries when possible. So is Harper going to ban speeding bikes and road racing on public roads and parks? Or just lock up one or two people?
      At least the courts let that poor disabled pedestrian out jailed due to a cyclist on the same pavement dying.

      He might also like to correct his government’s website that quite wrongly claims that cycling and walking produce no CO2 directly or indirectly per person mile. It is drivel five people in a small car is far more CO2 efficient. Are government transport “experts” idiots or liars?

      1. Lifelogic
        May 16, 2024

        Is the plan to allow cyclists to race round public parks perfectly legally at way above the speed limit but do nothing about this until someone is injured or killed? Then sent the unlucky one to jail for 14 years but let the others continue to race again the next day? Sounds mad to me but it seems so.

    3. Lifelogic
      May 16, 2024

      A threat to Democracy? Do we have any real democracy? Is a vote every five years for (under first past the post) the least bad 2 or 3 candidates (who have any chance of winning) democracy in any meaningful way? Especially when the candidate who wins will not even try to do what they promised (so as to get elected). To see this clearly read the last three Tory Party Manifestos and see which promises if any they kept or even tried to keep.

    4. beresford
      May 16, 2024

      Blair changed things so that prospective judges had to make a commitment to diversity and equality, and as a result only certain types of people became judges. Once again, as with the BBC and the HoL, the Tories with their massive majority did nothing to rectify the situation.

      1. Your comment is awaiting moderation
        May 16, 2024

        Exactly, they took an eighty seat majority and used it to produce BRINO and massively increase immigration while pretending to do the opposite.
        they simply cannot be trusted and Reform would be well advised to avoid any election pacts with them.
        Nigel already saw the depths they sank to in order to keep him out of the HoC when he ran in Thanet South.
        The adage “never trust a Tory” is well founded

    5. Everhopeful
      May 16, 2024

      This seems to be quite a thing.
      The alignment of domestic and international law. Basically do the judges decide in any given case which should take precedent? Assange is/might be? extradited whereas a later case involving Lithuania did not stand.
      So none of it decided by hard and fast rules but by interpretation?
      ECHR was enshrined in domestic law in 2000 ( TB) and at least one person has tried to use it to hamper/prevent war
which naturally failed.
      Whereas we know in other circumstances it is gold plated and followed to the final full stop.

  3. Lemming
    May 16, 2024

    Yes, we voted in a referendum to end the rule of EU law throughout the United Kingdom, including Northern Ireland. And thne you, and every other Conservative MP, voted in the House of Commons in January 2020 to accept Boris’s oven-ready deal which subjects Northern Ireland to EU rule indefinitely. Kindly accept responsibility for your actions

    Reply I did not vote for the deal, criticising the NI and fish clauses

    1. Sir Joe Soap
      May 16, 2024

      Lemming you need to read the record. Our host voted against this but this muddle was predictable and of the government’s making, not the courts. Where on earth was the problem with declaring a national border as a border? Given the CTA it should have been the UK saying to Ireland “Well if you want to keep the CTA and your precious single market you need to put a border between Ireland and France”

    2. Lifelogic
      May 16, 2024

      David Davis uses parliamentary privilege to ask why Lucy Letby article is blocked in UK. He says block on accessing New Yorker’s 13,000-word article ‘seems in defiance of open justice’.

      Indeed it surely is, what on earth is going on what is the justification? I assume it can be read easily using a VPN anyway.

      I do not know anything much about the case but surely people should be allowed to write about early all such court cases once they are over. What next a ban on discussing the vast numbers of Covid Vaccine damaged, the way the stats on this are clearly being rigged, the very many NHS maternity death compensation claims, the rather too many and obvious miscarriage’s of justice like the Post Office, the Jill Dando murder, Birmingham 6, Guilford 4

      1. Old Albion
        May 17, 2024

        Birmingham 6, Guilford 4
 Crackin’ game wasn’t it ………………….. 🙂

    3. a-tracy
      May 16, 2024

      Kindly apologise Lemming!

    4. The Prangwizard
      May 16, 2024

      Reply to reply.

      I imagine not voting for, means not voting against. Is that good enough?

  4. agricola
    May 16, 2024

    Cut the umbelical between NI and the EU while giving legal assurance to the sanctity of the GFA. Assure citizens of NI and the Republic that their freedoms to travel in a borderless island under separate jurisdictions will remain as was. In effect re-unite the United Kingdom by extracting the dagger that is the EU. Tell the legal profession to butt out.

  5. BOF
    May 16, 2024

    ‘Oh what a tangled web we weave, when first we practice to deceive’.

    Lawyers and courts now run the country.

  6. Bloke
    May 16, 2024

    Having a law stating we fully control our own borders would firmly establish we do control our own borders.
    Without it, merely believing we have ‘a strong legal basis’ that itself depends on having to appeal against a judgement that decides we do not, demonstrates that we DO NOT.
    The Minister reveals his own weakness and unsuitability for office.
    We need a government that does control our borders AND KEEPS UNWANTED ENTRANTS OUT!

  7. Javelin
    May 16, 2024

    There are 5 types of society nomadic, tribal, feudal, national and global where a natural dynamic evolves based on scale. Each society has its advantages and disadvantages. Each type of society takes a couple of centuries to evolve. So far national societies have proven the most successful at raising the standard of living and life expectancy.

    What people need to understand is when. you mix people from different societies behaviours that are rational in one society conflict with another type of society. Nobody is saying one society is bad or good. What is being said is that conflict will happen when different types of societies are mixed. This is not about cultural differences. It is that the dynamics of feudal hierarchical power structures and democratic national power structures directly conflict. You find groups from a feudal society will create sectarian conflicts with other groups rather than resolve problems democratically.

  8. Sakara Gold
    May 16, 2024

    I see that the Danish, who “routinely” catch 250,000 tons of sandeels in UK waters each year, are objecting to the recent ban on sandeel fishing imposed by Westminster.

    Sandeels are small, silvery fish from several species which breed in huge numbers in the North Sea. The Danes turn them into fish meal for animal feed and fish oil.

    They are a favourite food of our Puffins and other threatened seabird and marine species, including seals, whales and dolphins.

    The Danes should find somewhere else to obtain the feedstock for their industry.

  9. Lifelogic
    May 16, 2024

    Taxpayers kept on hold by HMRC help lines for 800 years I read. Must do wonder for UK productivity. We have absurdly complex tax rules and millions of director, tax payer and accountants waiting hours holding on the phone. Not only that they keep you hold for 30 mins or so and then say we are too busy please ring back later and hang up very often. Why on earth do they not have a ring back service or an answer phone? Just a get lost message! Or email addresses.

    1. Lifelogic
      May 16, 2024

      Not good for people’s blood pressure either. It shows complete and utter contempt by HMRC for millions taxpayers. They rarely reply to letters either in my experience.

  10. Sharon
    May 16, 2024

    I can still remember after the Windsor framework was agreed, Sunak saying one thing in Parliament. It was all good! And Ursula Von der Luyen saying the opposite! One was clearly lying….

    Arlene Phillips, former NI first minister stated on GB News that Britain couldn’t make too many changes and diverge from the EU, because it would highlight that NI was still in the EU!

    Seems the chickens are coming home to roost.
    Seems it’s true that liars always get found out!

  11. Ian B
    May 16, 2024

    Sir John
    “We voted in a referendum to end the rule of EU law throughout the United Kingdom, including Northern Ireland.” – exactly.
    What has Rwanda or any other such thing got to do with any of this, that’s just electioneering. Entering the UK illegal is simply a criminal act, claiming asylum is such instances is just stealing a place from a legitimate asylum seeker. This Conservative Governments action to date have so far been aimed at encouraging profitable criminal activity.
    Little old Greece, just turns them back and the volumes drop away.

  12. Mick
    May 16, 2024

    Rishi Sunak is facing furious backlash this evening after it emerged the UK took back 50 migrants from Ireland just months before the PM insisted he was “not interested” in a returns deal with the country.
    When will your party realise the people of England are sick to the back teeth of the constant lies spewed out by your party on immigration/ illegals, we are full it’s ok for you lot in Westminster with your private health insurance but the general public struggle to get accommodation and health care which was a far lot better as I was growing up in the 50s 60s, so if you want any chance of winning the next general election then pull your finger out and put the people of England first

  13. Alan Grant
    May 16, 2024

    I would like to see a rule that “ A person must be resident and a citizen of the UK for 18 years before given the right to vote in elections”
    It is already an 18 year wait for British children. This rule, I suspect, would sort out a lot of political interference that worries many indigenous British citizens.

  14. Ian B
    May 16, 2024

    No one mentions the rights of the UK Citizen that is forced by this Conservative Government to pay for these insurgents to enjoy the good life. What we don’t see in the EU State of the Irish Republic is these criminals being given Hotels, they are forced into makeshift camps.
    This Conservative Government has one rule for criminals and another for those citizens that voted and pay them

  15. Stephen Reay
    May 16, 2024

    The boats will still come, as soon as Labour said they would scrap the Rewanda scheme the people smugglers and buying more inflatables. The expectations are Labour will win so there’s no need to go to Ireland.

    1. Dave Andrews
      May 16, 2024

      Even with the Rwanda scheme the boats will still come, once it’s been overwhelmed. What will Labour do? Clearly their plans to tackle the gangs isn’t going to work, the migrants will still come with the attraction of all those freebies the UK gives.
      They will just have to deploy the police and even the army to quell the masses of discontented British. Meanwhile expressions of Jewish genocide will go unchecked.

  16. Derek
    May 16, 2024

    Why does this government, much like its predecessors, always take the long way around?
    To introduce and sign off a new bill ensuring that WE always have full control of ALL OUR BORDERS, as recommended by SJ here, surely, would be quicker than relying upon the snail pace of courts these days?

  17. a-tracy
    May 16, 2024

    Farage says today that voter’s anger over the Tories record on immigration is ‘the big one’. The final nail. Why didn’t your party have two ideas on the go, Rwanda and processing on an island or an ex-cruise boat, anything to stop what we have now which is people roaming around with no right to be here just left until they are given a free pass in three years time.

    We are seeing our Cities changing, told we have to change our thinking. Our adverts changed a couple of years back to being over-represented by minorities, our arts also changed to over-represent minorities other white British people left on the scrap heap to accommodate the change to our thinking that Britain is anyway still our Country.

    This is not a right-wing thing either, the people most upset with what you’ve done in the last four years are my left-wing family, people who borrowed Boris their vote and what did your party do stab Boris in the back to get rid of him. The international take over of our Country isn’t sovereignty that we were told we’d get, you took off one set of chains and rules to put a heavier set on.

  18. Ian B
    May 16, 2024

    “The choice at the next election is: who do you trust to keep you safe?” – Rishi Sunak
    Then John Spellar; in response to Sir John
    That is exactly right. One of the arguments for buying steel from, mainly, Sweden—and possibly from France—was “We do not produce steel of that quality here”
    Who ditched UK Security, exported UK jobs and UK taxpayer money, who refuses to take charge and manage the criminals invading the UK?
    Who is saying we wont take criminals from Ireland when he is doing just that?

    We know who is demonstrating they won’t keep the UK safe.

  19. Peter Parsons
    May 16, 2024

    The courts simply apply the laws given to them by Parliament and voted through by MPs, so if there is a muddle, it is the fault of those who created the law (MPs and Parliament) who clearly didn’t do a good enough job, not those charged with applying it.

  20. The Prangwizard
    May 16, 2024

    I saw you in the House making reference to the NI situation.

    What struck me was that Pursglove deliberately kept his back to you when giving his response. Seemed offensive to me. Quite often ministers attempt to turn towards the commenting MP.

    And on an OT.

    I enjoyed seeing Gillian Keegan Education Secretary ( England – my addition ) in the House today making the sensible and courageous statement on ending the mental abuse of children in schools by the pervertion in teaching.

    Please can the government be louder and frequent with such common sense and courage elsewhere. Time is running out.

  21. groundsman
    May 16, 2024

    What a mess and all on your watch – fourteen years of wasted tory effort has brought us to this

  22. a-tracy
    May 17, 2024

    You have a big majority, when we were in covid you could change laws in a matter of days, are there so many MPs in your own party that would vote against this that you couldn’t get it through?

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