My Intervention on the Agriculture Motion – homegrown food


  1. Peter
    May 17, 2024

    No specific answer to the question again. Just an account of actions taken.

    I am amused that a minister for food is called Mark Spencer though.

    1. Lifelogic
      May 17, 2024

      Indeed he does though have a background in farming. Whereas most government ministers often know nothing about their subjects. Chancellors without even a maths O-level, Energy Ministers who have no science beyond GCE and Confuse Energy with Power and their units. Look at all the many ministerial positions held by Grant Shapps he seems to lack the knowledge and IQ to have done any of them.

      What is vital for farming to be able to compete is cheap reliable energy, indeed food is energy. So it is vital to ditch net zero so we can compete. Energy for tractors, harvesting, fertilisers, drying, freezing, drying, transport, storing, processing, packaging, greenhouses (which also often need CO2 pumping in)
Ditching net zero should the first action to rescue the UK economy and farming. We need energy at 1/3 of the price, as it is in the US and most of the rest of the world. This especially in the cold and Northern UK.

      1. Lifelogic
        May 17, 2024

        Google – watch-government-minister-admits-covid-vaccines-did-not-prevent-transmission/
        Dan Hannan.

        Minister says the vaccines did not significantly help reduce transmission (they actually seem to have made it worse). Dan Hannan then sensibly asks why on earth did they vaccinate children?

        Though even the usually sensible Dan Hannan has fallen for net zero & climate alarmism scam.

        1. Lifelogic
          May 17, 2024

          Dan Hannan and the Minister still cling to the claims that the vaccines reduced hospitalisations and deaths, reducing the severity of the disease. Not even this seems to be remotely true, the virus became less deadly as it evolved and as treatments improved, it seems, from the statistics very likely the vaccines and lockdowns actually made this rather worse too.

          Easy to determine this from the stats. or would be if they were released in raw form by vaccination status but the ONS and NHS seem rather determined not to do so. Which surely indicates the truth.

      2. Ian B
        May 17, 2024

        @Lifelogic – so true. Trying to scare the pants off everyone – – the article is boring but the ‘comments’ are ‘golden’

    2. Ian wragg
      May 17, 2024

      The next 5 year plan for net zero specifically states that agricultural emissions must be severely reduced by the elimination of cattle sheep and pig farming.
      We are to be encouraged (nudged) into a more vegan diet contrary to our historical ways.
      Why isn’t this discussed John barry as it’s all available in the Road to Net Zero documents in Parliament.
      I see the motor manufacturers are starting to restrict the availability of ice cars which of course will cripple the motor trade
      Taxes from new vehicles will be sorely reduced as the population declines to buy zero emissions vehicles. We get more like Cuba on a daily basis

      1. Ian wragg
        May 17, 2024

        Today 40gw of windmills generating 1.32gw and we’re Importing 21% of our electricity

        1. glen cullen
          May 17, 2024

          This is what they call energy security – shame on our politicians

        2. Peter Wood
          May 17, 2024

          Build more windmills!.. Oh,.. Err… we haven’t got enough electricity to power the ovens to cure the windmill blades….

      2. Lifelogic
        May 17, 2024

        Indeed the car companies are fined by out idiotic Government if they sell an insufficient % of EV cars. But EV cars are far from “zero emission” they actually cause more CO2 per mile over their lifetime and more rubber tyre particulates too. Especially as we have no spare low CO2 to charge them with anyway. They are more Emissions but elsewhere cars. Not that a bit more CO2 is even a serious problem. Keep your old car as long as you can is usually the best advice both financially and for the environment and drive it gently to save fuel.

      3. Ian B
        May 17, 2024

        The ban on ICE delayed until 2035? – dream on. Instead manufacturers that don’t supply 80% of their Vehicles as electric by 2030 will be fined ÂŁ15,000 per car sold. This has been introduced progressive since January this year.

        Or in other words, the usual slight of hand. This Conservative Government has gone full on reward Chinese manufacture punish UK enterprise and the UK Taxpayer. Even the much heralded battery facility in Somerset is a Chinese back door, Tata doesn’t have the capability or access to the resources so are forced using UK Taxpayer funding to bring in the Chinese as partner . Nothing against the Chinese we just have a Conservative Government that has a focus on giving them our money by cohesion while destroying the chance of home grown enterprise emerging.

        Yet the rest of the real World doesn’t have these Laws, these restrictions and are getting on with improving themselves. It is just about a Conservative Government singling out the UK Nation to hand down punishment, being vindictive out of spite.

        Conservative MPs the Conservative Party could stop this nonsense now but are refusing so you have to ask why?

        1. glen cullen
          May 17, 2024

          They know they’ve lost the tory voter, so maybe they’re going after the labour/green voter

          1. Lynn Atkinson
            May 17, 2024

            What – both of them?

    3. Lifelogic
      May 17, 2024

      Sorry. ÂŁ300 million a day (not a week) for the Covid Enquiry sick joke. Follow the money here too.

      1. Christine
        May 17, 2024

        I would rather they spent this money investigating the excess deaths and vaccine damage. Shockingly, that TV doctor was pushing the vaccine on pregnant women via government paid propaganda via radio advertising recently. Why aren’t the Yellow Card reports being followed up? My daughter had a severe life-changing adverse reaction to the Pfizer booster, which she was forced to take to keep her job. We reported it via the Yellow Card system in November 2021. Professor Tom Solomon, a neurology expert at the University of Liverpool was supposed to investigate her adverse reaction but we never heard anything since. Why doesn’t our Government care? We now live every day worried about her health.

        1. Donna
          May 18, 2024

          I am sorry to hear about your daughter. Obviously I don’t know the nature of her adverse reaction but if you google World Council for Health you will find a Spike Protein jab detox guide which has been developed by international doctors, scientists, and holistic medical practitioners.

          1. Christine
            May 18, 2024

            Thank you Donna I’ll look it up.

      2. Mike Wilson
        May 17, 2024

        Seriously? ÂŁ300 million a DAY? Taxpayers Alliance says cost is estimated at ÂŁ137 grand a day.

        1. Lifelogic
          May 17, 2024


      3. Neil
        May 17, 2024

        The Scottish enquiry is reportedly coming out with much more interesting *facts* and *truths*.

        Just occasionally one gets enough good people in one place for this to happen.

    4. Mickey Taking
      May 17, 2024

      But will we witness similar quality?

  2. Mark B
    May 17, 2024

    Good morning.

    So why is the government still pursuing anti-farming practices ? Is it to force them to sell up to property developers for yet more housing, as I suspect ?

    1. R.Grange
      May 17, 2024

      It certainly looks that way around SJR’s constituency. Our host correctly identifies the cause of the housing crisis as high levels of immigration, correctly says we need more home-grown food, but then fails to call out the government’s Sustainable Farming Incentive for what it is – a policy to reduce the amount of food grown in this country. Farmers are subsidised under the SFI to create habitats for wildlife and birds, flood control, biodiversity etc. There will be less food for a bigger population, and that will be down to this government. Pretending, as in this HoC exchange, to believe ministers have the same objective as he does, is a polite fiction which does nothing to advance the interests of farming or the consumer.

      Reply I have regularly told them to switch the money!

      1. Timaction
        May 17, 2024

        But your a lonely voice against the one Nation wet Liberal green Tory’s net zero nutters. Bankrupting us on their virtue signalling religion. Sacrificing farming, energy production, manufacturing, making us eat less meat for bugs for 1% of 0.04% CO2 production, plus carbon capture taxes and ” border adjustment taxes” coming soon, plus ULEZ, banning ice cars and boilers, fining motor manufacturers for not hitting electric car sales. YOUR GOVERNMENT and the other parts of the Uni Party have gone stark raving mad. Now campaign on these issues and be honest so we ALL choose REFORM.

    2. Everhopeful
      May 17, 2024

      Because agriculture is meant be bad for the land
in a co2 /tilth ( or somesuch “destroying” way)
      Animals are supposed to be bad for the planet because they emit at both ends ( don’t we all!!😳)
      And of course all this nonsense is about handing over the supply of our food to huge conglomerates and those who are presently hoovering up agricultural land.
      It’s all about saving the plant

      1. Everhopeful
        May 17, 2024

        Saving the planet

    3. Hope
      May 17, 2024

      Start by being open transparent with the public. Your current has betrayed the nation over Brexit. Fact. Farming is a key issue to prove exactly that.

      Farmers were promised all EU money would be given back to them pre Brexit. Post Brexit, Tories lied and lied. EU environment lock step, same for state aid to farmers means UK still hamstrung by EU and is subservient on all matters of food and fish. And the vet nonsense, stop helping RoI farmers by buying British. Who recently took away red diesel for farmers making cost of food more expensive? Energy is key to farming and food who made that expensive for farmers? Tories. This includes fertilisers, feed etc. we were told the dangers of EU CAP, but having left why are we not seeing the promise land stated by the Tory govt? EU Windsor sell out agreement. It would highlight that N.Ireland is still very much under EU laws, regs, rules ECJ and given away by Sunak and Hunt Tory party!

      Let us not forget Sue Grey now chief of staff for Labour will continue to thwart Brexit and force UK to act in lock step knowing all the levers to pull throughout the civil service and who can be relied upon to act in similar vein.

    4. Dave Andrews
      May 17, 2024

      The government is pursuing anti-farming practices because it would rather import cheap food. Turn the land over to luxury housing owned by high earning, high taxation people like investment bankers would be their aim. Pay the farmers to make the country look pretty for the tourists.
      Meat is bad they say, so spike UK animal farming, whilst switching the market to imported meat. Evidently it’s only bad if we do it.

      1. David
        May 17, 2024

        Owing to its dependence on grass rather than grain, UK livestock farming is about 2.5 times less CO-intensive than the produce of typical overseas livestock farming. Source: Colin Tudge, who has written many books on the possibilities for a more enlightened agriculture.

        I thought it might be worth considering 25 years ago but I now don’t see much point in gene editing or modification. We clearly have small farmers everywhere who are able to produce more food per hectare than ‘agribusiness’ manages to do, *if provided with a level playing field.* Usually the playing field is tilted at 45 degrees.

  3. Lynn Atkinson
    May 17, 2024

    We don’t want the government engaging in grants for better equipment or gene editing etc.

    Just fund the farmers and let them decide how to improve their product and how to spend their money to improve productivity. Once they are released from the extraordinary quotas and other limiters, not to mention the ubiquitous excessive taxes suffered in the U.K. by all creators of wealth, they must be set free completely and the Government need only ensure that there are no constraints on our farming and fishing sector. They also need to provide security for our fishing grounds.
    This is a simple job that even somebody like Shapps could manage.

    1. Lifelogic
      May 17, 2024

      Agreed but perhaps you are going a touch too far in your last line. Shapps has not be remotely competent so far at Energy, Business, Home Office, Transport, Housing, Party Chairman
 this despite his HND in finance from Manchester Poly. I suppose he is still in training?

      1. Lifelogic
        May 17, 2024

        Like the Health Sec. a lawyer who thinks junior doctors are still doctors under training despite having 6 to 15 years of training. My relative is a junior doctor and after deduction of his student loan interest he is actually paid about the minimum wage and that is in central London where rent on just a basic room is ÂŁ1000+ PM and commuting nearly ÂŁ2000 PA.

        Lots of jobs available say ministers but so few pay enough to live on after rent, commuting, council tax, and student loan interest if any. Private schools already trying to cut teachers pay and pensions due to Srarmers planned VAT tax vandalism.

        Cost of running a car is up 50% in three years mainly due to net zero and other anti-car government policies. Thus further making work less worthwhile. Even more if you are not careful to avoid the many bus lane, speeding etc. muggings

        1. Lynn Atkinson
          May 17, 2024

          Yes throughout the economy there are ‘jobs’ but you can’t take home enough to survive. This government has legislated so that honest financial survival in the U.K. is impossible.
          No wonder it’s the ‘newcomers’ with their new attitudes who thrive.
          We can adopt those attitudes but the Government will not like it.
          Like Zelensky they don’t understand the concept of financial viability.
          So like him they will lose – so will we.

    2. Everhopeful
      May 17, 2024

      Land, men, hoes and spades.
      Dawn til dusk.
      Cows ambling in to be milked, sheep up on the hills.
      The country at work and eating good food.
      Not a bug in sight!

    3. Hope
      May 17, 2024


      Totally disagree. Sunak’s EU sell out and lock step through Environment, energy and state aid prevent UK diverging from EU. Fishing waters linked to energy. Sunak has deliberately made UK more dependent on EU energy and therefore it will not be possible to regain fishing grounds without threat of cutting electricity to our country as he did before over
fishing. No one could be that naive or stupid for it not to be a deliberate betrayal of Brexit. France even stopped PPE contracted to come here and EU stopped vaccines, yet dopey Tory party/govt continues to allow a hostile organisation like the EU to have control over us!! Worse they want to cede more WHO!
      A former conservative supporter who loathes everything they stand for and will never vote for them again.

      1. Christine
        May 17, 2024

        Yes the WHO has changed its Treaty amendments to an Accord to avoid having it voted on, which they would lose. Be aware, that they may have backtracked on a few ideas but still intend a huge power grab. They have the newly engineered bird flu waiting to terrify the public and take away more of our freedoms. Our Government are either fools or corrupt to give away control to this organisation. No wonder voters dislike the Tories so much.

        1. Timaction
          May 17, 2024

          It’s the brazen lies after brazen lies on every subject that can be repeated ad infinitum. You simply can’t trust or believe anything this Tory Government says. See the actions or urgent actions and delivery NOT EMPTY WORDS OR DEEDS. Snake thinks saying something means it will happen without action and repeated action. Thatcher said something along these lines. The last true conservative leader, followed by Liberal fools.

      2. Donna
        May 17, 2024


  4. agricola
    May 17, 2024

    We need a well defined action plan and access to affordable finance for food producing projects.

    We need to encourage alternative farm to end customer retail projects that dent the predatory nature of our supermarkets. We need to legally define what is British from what is processed in the UK and claimed as such for financial advantage.

    I would like to see a revival of three day a week fresh food markets under cover in all our small towns. A return of the fresh fish stall and real fishmongers. We could learn much from Europe.

    The removal of EU legacy legislation on rewilding and much else would be a great step forward, as would the re-introduction of domestic science in all our schools to demonstrate the virtues of fresh food and how to cook it. Think of the long term health and therefore financial benefits. We were never fitter while scrimping and saving during and after WW2.

    Just a few basic ideas that are not rocket science.

  5. Nigl,
    May 17, 2024

    Hopefully that is the ‘royal’ we?

    Total amount of the Futures Fund looks like 12.5million. British Sugar got 550k. Wow. A mere rounding error. Not worth protesting about indeed if it leverages out private risk investment as it will, has to be a positive.

    The shame is that in a billion pound industry the best the Minister can come up with is this.

    Let’s compare with how much farmers are given to not produce, ie re wild.

    Sir JR, fobbed off. ‘ Shurely shome misshtake’?

    1. Lifelogic
      May 17, 2024

      Surely more sensible to get sugar from overseas sugar cane and not grow and process here in the UK with subsidies. You need lots of sun, cheap labour, cheap energy and less red tape to compete we have none of these hence the vast subsidy needed. Cane sugar is nicer too.

  6. Sakara Gold
    May 17, 2024

    The NFU reports that since Brexit, 6000 farmers have left the industry with most farms expecting to reduce food production next year, arable farming will be particularly badly hit. (source:- Farmers Weekly)

    Extreme wet weather, the poor prices for their food offered by the supermarkets, high interest rates and the phasing-out of EU basic payment scheme (BPS) subsidies are the key reasons for the downturn

  7. Roy Grainger
    May 17, 2024

    Always amusing when John posts these exchanges where he poses a simple question and the minister fails to even attempt to answer it. Interesting he mentions gene editing – this will be opposed by all the usual left-wing suspects like Greenpeace. They recently managed to block the sale of GM rice with enhanced vitamin A content (“golden rice”) by court action in the Philippines. This rice has enhanced vitamin A intended to counter a medical condition which leads each year to thousands of child deaths and blindness across the developing world. Greenpeace announced themselves well satisfied with the ban. I doubt either Conservative or Labour would stand up to such pressure here and they would be aided by scaremongering from the press. So, comments of gene editing are purely hypothetical.

    This Telegraph headline also made me laugh today “Labour tax rises are as sure as night follows day, says Jeremy Hunt”. He’s got absolutely no shame has he ?

    1. Nutrient Dense
      May 17, 2024

      Roy Grainger ‘yellow’ rice enhanced with vitamin A was never going to counter the medical conditions it claimed it would because water soluble carotenes are not true vitamin A. True vitamin A, retinol, is a fat soluble vitamin found only in animal products. Under optimal conditions humans can convert carotenes into vitamin A but the people in the developing world that the yellow rice was intended for were hardly living in optimal conditions.

      1. Roy Grainger
        May 17, 2024

        You are wrong. Numerous peer-reviewed actual studies in children show that conversion of beta carotenes from golden rice to vitamin A would be enough to significantly reduce childhood illnesses. Interested to know your motivation for posting fake news on this topic ?

        1. Nutrient Dense
          May 17, 2024

          Fake news? Dr Weston A Price conducted the only gold standard randomised control study into nutrition when in the 1930’s he began his unique investigations. For over 10 years he travelled to isolated parts of the globe to study the health of populations untouched by western civilisation. His work is detailed in his book ‘Nutrition and Physical Degeneration’ and his work is as relevant today as it was then. I follow his advice to avoid processed food and to eat a nutrient dense traditional diet. I enjoy excellent health and my motivation is to inform others so they can too.

    2. Ian wragg
      May 17, 2024

      Hunt is probably advising Starmergeddon on new ways to raise taxes.

    3. Lynn Atkinson
      May 17, 2024

      I’m with Greenpeace on this gene editing issue.
      Watch the Covid Enquiry for more information on the outcome from the ‘world leaders’ messing with genes.

  8. Cliff.. Wokingham.
    May 17, 2024

    Sir John,
    We do need to grow more of our own food.
    We need to cut tax and regulations on all sectors, not just agriculture.
    I feel people will need to be educated again about seasonal food because all foods seem to be available at all times, much of it with more airmiles than Judith Chalmers.
    This education may need to start in school with home economics lessons.
    Let’s promote markets where more British seasonal food is sold and less packaging is used. In season, local food from market greengrocers also tends to cost less and tastes better than much of the bland supermarket plastic wrapped, well travelled products.
    We need to reduce the power of supermarkets over farmers.

  9. BOF
    May 17, 2024

    +1 L A
    ‘gene editing and gene technology’ No thank you.

    Give farmers help to sell locally in local markets, town centres and village halls through the tax system and deregulation to remove control from the supermarkets that constantly squeeze profits for farmers to zero or loss making.

    1. Lynn Atkinson
      May 17, 2024

      Farmers breed new cattle and new plants themselves with no ‘technology’. You can see that the Aberdeen Angus is now a big beast, still as delicious. The Huguenots bred the Pinoir grape to suit the soil of the Cape. All healthy and natural.

    2. Everhopeful
      May 17, 2024

      Yes! +++
      And reopen the town markets which treacherous councils have closed down on spurious grounds.
      “ Health and Safety” have been a Godsend for their underhand plans.
      Plus make it really easy for farms to have “farm shops”.
      And Just Stop all this complete b*ll*cks about bird flu. “Whoops
.sorry guv
we just had to slaughter another million or soâ€â€ŠđŸ€Ź

  10. Sakara Gold
    May 17, 2024

    As has been long predicted here, the inevitable has happened and drinking water supplies in the Devon region provided by South West Water have been contaminated, this time with the protozoan Cryptosporidium. Many unfortunate citizens have been taken seriously ill; fortunately nobody has died – so far

    Disgracefully, South West Water initially offered just ÂŁ15 compensation and free bottled water to affected customers. Enough is enough; the provision of potable drinking water is essential to the well being of any country. South West Water and the rest of the useless water industry must now be re-nationalised.

    This is not a time for right-wing conservative dogma, the privatised sewage dumping industry has failed and must be taken under government control ASAP – before the next headline screams CHOLERA

    Reply The nationalised water industry dumped lots of sewage and did not keep records or tell us about it

    1. Lynn Atkinson
      May 17, 2024

      We need to see prosecutions JR. We need to see the individuals paying the price, not ‘fines’ which are passed onto the consumer.

    2. Everhopeful
      May 17, 2024

we should maybe be a bit careful with this.
      They are saying “maybe” animal effluent through a leaky valve.
      “Maybe” they are trying to steer things even further down a Netherlands-type anti-farming route.
      “Kill all the polluting cows”
      Whatever the cause it has to come down to human error or worse and no blame must attach to animals.
      We sold off all the family silver and now all we have is plastic knives! And I doubt if we have the young ppl willing to make any nationalisation work.

      But there are often very dubious ways and means to an end.

    3. Dave Andrews
      May 17, 2024

      It doesn’t want to be nationalised, it should be mutualised – made the property of its customers, who can then decide whether they want cheaper bills with no investment and nasty bugs in their drinking water, or more expensive water that’s clean, together with better sewage treatment.
      Give it to government and it will wither on the vine for investment, just like it was privatised.

    4. Ed M
      May 17, 2024

      It’s not great that our water is owned by the Chinese, Arabs and others whilst providing a relatively poor service for that sacrifice whilst also undermining the spirit of Brexit (hanging on to what essentially makes us sovereign British). So privatisation of water was overall more of a failure than a success. And so we need to look at restoring some level of public ownership as Berliners are trying to do / doing now with their water. And also a sensible policy of the Reform party too. If not, Tories could lose even more votes for a false kind of ideological capitalism.

    5. Norman
      May 17, 2024

      Municipalise it, or even mutualise it, and reverse the over-centralisation of the UK since c.1950. This is the most centralised nation-state in Europe. It’s apparently less productive than it was 50-70 years ago. That’s what happens if nearly all of it is run from Whitehall.

  11. Bloke
    May 17, 2024

    Subsidies for EV cars and heat pumps are widely regarded as wastefully propping up unwanted products that have inadequate attraction to satisfy consumer demand. The quality of British food should be adequate to support itself. However, subsidy in this case is a sensible means of reducing wasteful energy consumption on transportation from overseas and being able to feed our own people without depending on other powers cooperating. Both of those are important for our defence.
    Subsidy assisting investments in more advanced and better technology is similarly a strong boost. It enables producers to reach efficient results, distinct from offering a 20% discount on sausages or burgers. It’s rather like the overseas aid stance of lending a man a net to learn to catch local fish to feed himself, rather than having him dependent on free food donated for life.

    1. Lynn Atkinson
      May 17, 2024

      The government takes the net from the British man then declares he needs help to get a net which they will choose for him.

      1. Bloke
        May 18, 2024

        That’s also similar to how the EU treated us Lynn, when we were tied in to their nonsense. They extracted highly disproportionate ‘contributions’ from us then ‘donated’ much smaller parts back, telling us what and where to spend them on.

  12. ferdi
    May 17, 2024

    The greatest free boost to our home food production would be to allow CO2 to rise considerably as it makes photosynthesis much more productive. There will be almost no heating effect. We need to get to 1500ppm to see a real boost in food production.

    1. Lifelogic
      May 17, 2024

      Indeed a bit more CO2 plant tree and crop food is a good thing on balance the heating effect of a doubling of CO2 is not remotely significant and a bit warmer is not bad thing either.

    2. Dave Andrews
      May 17, 2024

      Less mouths to feed would be a more direct method.

  13. Donna
    May 17, 2024

    “……we are pushing to improve gene editing and gene technology…..”

    So playing God again, like they did with the experimental Covid Gene Therapies. Let’s hope nothing goes wrong like it has with the jabs …… with reports now come out about the serious adverse effects they have caused (the latest being evidence of “rare” strokes. So rare that 4 women in my Close had strokes shortly after being jabbed – 3 now dead and one in a Care Home).

    We need our farmers to be supported and incentivised to grow and produce proper food: unadulterated and contaminated with artificial chemicals as little as possible. The healthiest diet is the one our grandparents ate – traditionally produced, unprocessed and seasonal.

    Instead it seems that Frankenstein Foods, including lab-grown “meat,” is what the Globalists intend.

  14. Javelin
    May 17, 2024

    Do you know the answer to the question?

    It seems the Minister either doesn’t know or is too frit to tell us.

  15. Christine
    May 17, 2024

    You only need to watch Clarkson’s Farm on TV to see the red tape farmers face when they try to apply for Government grants or planning consent from their councils. Small farmers do not have the time to navigate the complexity of the system, leaving rich farmers to mop up all the grants.

    It is interesting to see the changes the new Dutch government are introducing with their reversal of anti-farming legislation, ordering 4 new nuclear reactors, rowing back on net-zero policies and tighter immigration rules. If your party has any chance of winning the next election, you must study the Netherlands and follow suit.

    1. MWB
      May 17, 2024

      They can start by abolishing the ZEV mandate.

      1. glen cullen
        May 17, 2024

        Agree – It would send the right signal before the election ….not delay but abolish

  16. Iago
    May 17, 2024

    They have already tried gene editing on the population (but not on the members of the House of Commons) so I am somewhat alarmed to be reminded that they are employing gene editing on crops and other animals. But they are not eschewing the old method of selective breeding, that is the invasion on the south coast by an army of men.

    1. Lynn Atkinson
      May 17, 2024


  17. RDM
    May 17, 2024

    @ Lynn Atkinson – I could not have said it better!

    But John, you are being played for a fool! The real answer is in their main statements;

    “the basic payment scheme did not motivate food production at all, as it was not linked to it”,

    Why not? when will it? Subsidised Production, cheaper home grown food, less Inflation, equals security of supply ?

    We could of told you this before Brexit? There has been a Productive problem, in many industry’s, since before 2008/9 ! We have been talking about it for far longer!

    “As we move to the new regime”, what New regime, we are waiting?

    “make agriculture more sustainable and more productive at the same time”,

    What they mean is they are following the Net Zero agenda, and will cut back Food Production, and allow the Labour Party to sort it out, then they get in, they are not doing anything to stop it! The Template for the UK Farming industry, is what they are doing in Wales? Total Destruction of Farming, as we know it!

    Sunak, and the One Nation Tory’s are pursuing Net Zero, knowing Labour will follow on, when they get in!

    The Right Wing of the Conservative Party will be blamed for any failure, they will be characterised as idiots!

    The Right are fragmented, and do not offer any answers except Selfish nonsense that serves the Few, and do not bring hope, or any sense, to the Many!

    Even talking about cutting IHT, at this time, is utter stupidity! Not building Housing, Social Housing, Not reforming Planning?, Not reforming the Rents, Not reforming local government? Not even promoting a Strategic/Executive driven House building, or new towns! If only to offer something?

    And, that’s before we talk about growth (Flat lining at best), Competitiveness, Productivity, Devolution and State Overheads? We cannot, and should not, follow the USA (Major Biden Expansion) or the EU (going no where) models, we need a flexible and efficient economy, but with a strong/stable core, one that serves the many! Following a Net Zero agenda, will destroy it!

    It goes on,…

    Sunak is not doing anything, no Reforms, no de-regulation, nothing but holding on to his position!

    All the Rightwing Politicians are being played by silence!

    Time for a change!

  18. Ralph Corderoy
    May 17, 2024

    The original subsidy farmers? Why is subsidy needed? Is it to offset against the harm of other Government subsidies and interventions?

    1. glen cullen
      May 17, 2024

      ‘In oral questions on Thursday, Lord Frost noted Whitehall claims that renewables are half the cost of gas-fired electricity, and asked for an explanation of why subsidies were still required, and why the strike prices on offer to windfarms this year are twice what Lord Callanan says they need to make a profit. As Hansard shows, Lord Callanan failed to answer the question, simply reiterating his false claims about levelized costs’

  19. Linda Brown
    May 17, 2024

    Why don’t we just concentrate on producing food for plate in the old fashioned way? We don’t need all this money put into gene this and gene that. We need production in a healthy and kind to animals way please.

  20. glen cullen
    May 17, 2024

    Nigel Farage today – ‘Chevron are leaving the North Sea after 55 years. The idiot Tories have overtaxed the oil sector and we will need more imports. Taxes and Net Zero policies cost jobs and revenue. Moronic’

    The same thing is happening with our agri sector ….high taxes, net-zero and imports

    1. Lifelogic
      May 17, 2024


    2. Donna
      May 18, 2024

      The WEF wants the UK completely hobbled and forced to become an Associate Member of the EU. Sunak (and the rest of the Establishment) is delivering just that.

  21. Ed M
    May 17, 2024

    Tories need to use their contacts in the media to develop fun and interesting tv programmes on growing your own food in your allotment and garden. Not just about fun and saving money but also more healthy food.
    Imagine waking up in the morning and instead of seeing your boring cut lawn, the lawn is full of cabbages growing and strawberries and runner beans and herbs and rasberries and a plum tree and apple tree, bee hive and wot not and all the different types of butterflies these attract and other wildlife.

    1. Dave Andrews
      May 17, 2024

      Cabbages attract butterflies. The result is highly undesirable.

      1. Mickey Taking
        May 18, 2024

        Not much fibre from eating flutterbys, stick with the cabbage.

  22. Ed M
    May 17, 2024

    Also, Tolstoy wrote in War and Peace I think I remember that a man isn’t happy until he grows his own food. Something psychological / primordial about it (similar to men who enjoy fishing and shooting game for the pot).

  23. Enigma
    May 17, 2024

    Joanna Blythman warns a very serious attack on traditional food and farming is underway, a major threat to the artisanal, non-GMO, organic, and traditional food sectors. She says on X we need to urgently defend our right to eat time-honoured ingredients in their natural forms.

  24. Derek
    May 17, 2024

    I wonder what the National Farmers Union has to say about these apparent government efforts? I can see, yet again, just words but zero results from their “investments”. Action always speaks louder than words.

  25. forthurst
    May 17, 2024

    Yet again we find something else that doesn’t work: the Environment department incorporating our food producing industries and what is the problem here, the ministry is heavily infested with Arts graduates that know nothing about either fishing or farming. Until the Arts graduates have been cleared out of government, this country will continue to underperform as it focuses on objectives which are counter-productive to what is needed.
    Separate fishing and farming into their own government departments with officials who have relevant science backgrounds, and close down the rest ie the planet saving cretins.

  26. glen cullen
    May 17, 2024

    Wales 20mph update
    ‘Air quality sensors were deployed in four locations both inside and out of the 20mph zones to detect levels of deathly nitrogen dioxide and particulate matter. It found that there was little difference in particulate matter, and nitrogen dioxide was actually higher in the 20mph zones than outside them. At 50% of Welsh locations, air quality worsened as a result of 20mph zones
    Could someone please tell the climate change committee

    1. Mickey Taking
      May 18, 2024

      a very simple result of internal combustion engines being forced to operate at inefficient rpm, plus more braking / accelerating to maintain the desired maximum of around 20mph.

  27. Robert Pay
    May 17, 2024

    Talking to farming friends, my perception is that DEFRA essentially sees itself as part of the climate change effort and views farming as a polluting activity or something best done elsewhere. I also suspect that agriculture is not allowed to work in case it credits Brexit.

    The trouble with our civil service is that all its goals seem to be international, not set by Westminster.

  28. glen cullen
    May 17, 2024

    117 illegal aliens /boat people arrived yesterday from the safe country of France

    117 more mouths to feed

  29. Paula
    May 17, 2024

    The country is being looted.

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