The government takes action to curb legal migration




The government is taking action to reduce legal migration. The main Opposition parties do  not want to cu back substantially on migration.


  • Cutting the number of visa applications across skilled worker, health and care and sponsored study by 25 per cent. Thanks to the changes to visa rules, visa applications across skilled worker, health and care and sponsored study were down by 25 per cent in January to April 2024 compared to last year (Home Office, Official Statistics, 22 May 2024, link).


  • Bringing down the number of student dependents applying for visas by 80 per cent, ensuring net migration comes down to sustainable levels. The latest data shows just 8,300 student dependents applied for visas in January to April 2024, a reduction of 80 per cent, down from 38,900 in the same period in 2023 (Home Office, Official Statistics, 22 May 2024, link).


  • Driving down the number of health and care visa applications by 76 per cent this year, as we stick to our plan to deliver sustainable staffing levels in our NHS without relying on foreign workers. In January to April 2024, 12,400 people applied for a health and care skilled worker visa, down by 76 per cent compared to the same period last year when applications were at 119,600 (Home Office, Official Statistics, 22 May 2024, link).


  • Ensuring 300,000 people who came to the UK last year will not be able to come under our new visa rules, securing a more sustainable level of immigration for the long term. In December 2023 the government  announced a plan to cut migration levels and curb abuse of the immigration system. Together, this will mean 300,000 people who came to the UK last year would now not be able to come (HO, Fact Sheet, 1 February 2024, link; Hansard, 25 May 2023, HCWS 800, link; Home Office, News Story, 2 January 2023, link).


  • Changing the rules for international students and dependents as of 2024, helping to reduce net migration by an estimated 140,000. Students can bring economic contribution to the UK but should not be at the expense of our commitment to the public to lower overall migration and ensure that migration to the UK is highly skilled, providing the most benefit and helping grow the economy (Hansard, 25 May 2023, HCWS 800, link; Home Office, News Story, 2 January 2023, link).






  1. Mark B
    May 23, 2024

    Good morning.

    Forgive me Sir John but I did not read it. Been there, seen it and came away feeling worse off than before.

    You people have fooled us too many times for our own good. No more chances.

    It’s time to go.

    1. Ian wragg
      May 23, 2024

      You’ve already backtracked on the 2 year work visa for students so universities are just a fast track immigration route.
      The boats are up 43% on this time last year and will continue to rise.
      We’re still Importing over 20% of our electricity
      No Sir, You’ve had your chance and blown it.
      A catalogue of failure from 14 years in government
      Decimated armed forces, shutting down primary steel making, giving Northern Ireland to the EU and the latest a sell out on Gibraltar.
      Be gone.
      Fishy can be in California before the new school year.

      1. glen cullen
        May 23, 2024


    2. Hope
      May 23, 2024

      Going to bring down legal migration six weeks before an election, 14 years of record high numbers against repeated previous promises! JR, oh come on!

      3.5 million welfare claimants imported over two years was a choice your party/Govt. made in stark contrast to its last manifesto promise! Your govt could have changed S.172 Company Act, DEI and ESG it chose not to and promote left wing woke rot and now at the last minute start to make noises.

      It is not so much people want the awful Starmer, they know what he stands for, but your party has lied, lied and lied about what it will do. You were given an 85 seat majority to get Brexit done. Your party deliberately refused to deliver, Cameron ran off, May. Strayed the nation, Johnson got crumbs and Little Usurper Sunak booted out Johnson and Truss for trying and, once more, betrayed the nation!

      Your membership and party rejected Sunak and Hunt and here they are hoping the rest of the betrayed nation will vote for them! Reform is the only choice conservatives have to save our nation.

      1. Ian B
        May 23, 2024

        @Hope – what else was to be expected, vote for me and I will do something once elected

      2. APL
        May 23, 2024

        Hope: “Going to bring down legal migration six weeks before an election, ”

        Don’t forget (1), the incompetent we have for Chancellor, was dangling the prospect of tax cuts …. after the election.

        Don’t forget (2), It was Rushi Sunak when he held the position of Chancellor, expanded the money supply by 500% in 2020/21** the immediate cause of our recent ( current ) inflation woes, yet he’s got the gall to blame ‘Putin’.

        **The Bank of England has conveniently removed the graphic of the expansion of the money supply while Sunak was Chancellor. Odd that!

      3. Philip P.
        May 23, 2024

        It may be dawning on some Conservative MPs that they could just save their seats, thanks to Sunak’s sudden election announcement. It’s taken Reform by surprise, without candidates for many seats and without a proper organisation to go into the election with. That will be Sunak’s achievement, to have lost the election as expected, but at least to have stayed in second place.

    3. Peter
      May 23, 2024

      Sunak could not even manage the simple task of an election announcement without it descending into farce.

      Not too long now until we can finally see what voters think of the show.

      1. glen cullen
        May 23, 2024

        Can you imagine five more year with Sunak as leader

        1. Mickey Taking
          May 23, 2024

          The Samaritans lines will be permanently engaged.

      2. Lifelogic
        May 25, 2024

        We can only assume Sunak went early because he expects things to get even worse:- Immigration levels, the economy, inflation, interest rates, tax levels, living standards, public services, the vast Covid Vaccines harms
 this while he claims the reverse.

        Is he still expected to sign the appalling WHO treaty before he goes?

    4. Ian B
      May 23, 2024

      @Mark B – vote for us on our record! as the others may be worse?

    5. John Kaye
      May 23, 2024

      Me too! FOURTEEN years of increases in migration, and now, the day an election is called, we are told they plan cuts some time in the future. How stupid do the Conservatives think we are?

      1. Lifelogic
        May 25, 2024

        They think they can get away with it, as the only realistic alternative under FPTP is even worse. The party deserves total destruction for what they have done. With the exception of a tiny handful of decent MPs.

    6. Peter Wood
      May 23, 2024

      I think you are typical of the regular conservative minded individual. For so long your vote has found a natural home with the Conservative Party, as has mine. Now, we don’t have a conservative political party, we have a political party masquerading as a philosophical conservative party, but they are not, it is a lie. The Conservative Party is a sham, it is a neo-socialist organisation, not even honest enough to change it’s title and say so. We know to treat their promises and words as balderdash. This is why we will not vote for what calls itself the Conservative Party.

      1. Hope
        May 24, 2024

        +many. Me too.

    7. Lifelogic
      May 23, 2024

      Reform press conference at 11.00am it seems. I do not suppose there is much reform can do, other than ensure even more total destruction of the failed Tories.

    8. Everhopeful
      May 23, 2024

      I agree 100% but surely it is worth us ditching our pride and anger to AVOID LABOUR.
      We must not kid ourselves about what they will do!

      1. Hope
        May 23, 2024

        There is no difference in policy and follow just a change or presenters! You will recall net stupid being Red Ed’s plan and policy Tories called Marxist. Then implemented and built on it as,stated by treacherous May in parliament.

        1. Everhopeful
          May 23, 2024

          Yes I do accept that.
          However there won’t be ANY tiny impediment to extremism in Labour.
          Not a single voice of restraint or reason.
          Tories on speed.

      2. Lynn Atkinson
        May 23, 2024

        They can’t do much, the IMF will be called in and that will be it. Once the world knows we are bankrupt they will stop flooding here. Might be the only way to reverse the immigration tide.
        And if Blair succeeds Schwarb as Head of the WEF as is being floated, we might be shot of the Blair’s too đŸ„ł

        1. Everhopeful
          May 23, 2024

          Oh my goodness!
          Blair with all that power!
          And Starmer a confessed lover of Davos.

          1. Lynn Atkinson
            May 24, 2024

            Davos is finished. The globalists are dying. That’s why they are thrashing about.

    9. Mitchel
      May 23, 2024

      Is the timing of the election anything to do with:The Hill,22/5/24;”Biden is losing WWIII” by Mark Toth & Jonathan Sweet.

      Who is going to be running the country when parliament is dissolved?Who is going to be holding them to account?

      1. Lynn Atkinson
        May 23, 2024

        Thank God lovely footage of Storm Shadows being shot out of the sky – rather than them causing hell inside Russia. We may avoid becoming involved further if whoever replaces Starmer, who looks like a rabbit caught in the headlights, is a Corbynista.
        Things could be worse!

  2. Dimple Godiwala
    May 23, 2024

    Wishing you all the best for an election victory.

    1. Lifelogic
      May 23, 2024

      Indeed best electoral wishes for JR and the circa 20 other sensible, honest and honourable Tory MPs. As for Sunak (who even kicked out Andrew Bridgen merely for telling the truth) & the rest please just go.

      1. Lynn Atkinson
        May 23, 2024

        Bridgen is one Independent who needs to win.

    2. Lynn Atkinson
      May 23, 2024

      +1 looking forwards to many more years of Sir John fighting our cause.

  3. Lifelogic
    May 23, 2024

    1.2 million last year when Cameron promised fewer than ÂŁ100k. Too late now.

    Lord Cameron of Greensill abandoned ship like a spoiled child once he lost the Brexit referendum (he had lied that he would stay on and deliver either outcome & yet he did not even prepare for a leave outcome in an act of gross negligence).

    Now Sunak abandons ship and scuttles the ship too. He has entirely the wrong policies on net zero, the size of the state, immigration levels (legal and illegal), on energy, the economy, transport, education, housing, planning, farming, law and order, defence, the net harm vaccines

    What a pathetic deluded man Sunak is.

    1. Lifelogic
      May 23, 2024

      John Major has the excuse of vacuity when his party was destroyed and he had credible opposition from the dire smooth talking Blair.

      Nothing credible about Starmer, Lammy, Reeves, Raynor, Streeting, Cooper only a handful can speak in full coherent sentences
nothing sound or Conservative about Sunak, Hunt, Lord Cameron of Geensill, Dowden, Cleverly, Shapps, Atkins, Gove

      1. Hope
        May 23, 2024

        Plus many.

        They chose to destroy our way of life and culture by importing millions, allowing hundreds of thousands of illegals in unchecked and a risk to our national security and now want to claim they might do something about it!

        It looks as though Gibralta will be hung out to dry or given to the EU like N.Ireland! Give billions to corrupt Ukraine not a cross word about parts of our country or territorial waters! Still making UK dependent on EU energy what could go wrong! We voted leave.

        Starmer will carry on where Sunak left off unless Reform beat both.

        Major and Clarke in the stocks for blood scandal as well.

      2. Lifelogic
        May 23, 2024

        Major sulked off to the Oval Cricket Ground after his parties wipe out for 3+ terms. Sunak will doubtless be off to Santa Monica. Let us hope he does not come back.

      3. Nigl,
        May 23, 2024

        Agree but you think Starmer will be better? As ever you spray the whole lot as useless with no alternatives offered.

        1. Lifelogic
          May 23, 2024

          No Starmer will be even worse.

          But Sunak’s fake Consocialist Tories need to be destroyed after their total betrayal.

      4. JoolsB
        May 23, 2024

        Which is why those of us who want to see a Conservative Government should vote REFORM.

    2. Peter
      May 23, 2024


      You have wisely refrained from an ‘Allister Heath is surely correct in today’s Telegraph’ post.

    3. Donna
      May 23, 2024

      Standing there, in the pouring rain, undefended by even an umbrella and mouthing platitudes was an appropriate metaphor for what the Not-a-Conservative-Government has done to the country over the past 14 years ….. and particularly the last 4.

    4. Lifelogic
      May 23, 2024

      ÂŁ96 million was spent on filling potholes last year compared with ÂŁ144 million eight years ago.

      Yet more than one million potholes in the UK dent the economy by around ÂŁ14.4 billion per year, as they cause accidents, delay journeys, increase emissions and require being repaired, the Centre for Economics and Business Research (CEBR).

      A few more millions is surely a good investment. Yet we can piss £billions away on HS2, net zero, sick joke covid inquiries, renewable subsidies, loans for worthless degrees, net harm lockdowns, net harm vaccines

      1. MFD
        May 23, 2024

        Well said LL, the only thing you missed was the ÂŁ Billons our politicians throw to other contries who are rich but neglect their general population- they are NOT our responsibility!

      2. a-tracy
        May 23, 2024

        BBC Aug 2023 – The government said it was spending over ÂŁ5bn in the five years to 2025 – enough to fix “millions of potholes”.

        But the LGA said far more – ÂŁ14bn – was needed to bring the UK road network up to scratch.

        The government said it had brought in new rules to clamp down on utility companies which leave potholes behind after carrying out street works.

        “This year we’ve made ÂŁ58.7bn available to local councils, a ÂŁ5.1bn increase on last year, the majority of which is unringfenced and can be used on local priorities such as road maintenance,” a government spokesperson said.

    5. Lifelogic
      May 23, 2024

      Brighter days ahead say number 10. So that is why he has cut and run. He really did not want us to see any of that before we voted I assume.

      Net immigration figures today 685,000 and that is just the net. ÂŁ1.9 million up in three years. Well done & how many tens of thousands is that exactly Lord Cameron of Greensill.

    6. glen cullen
      May 23, 2024

      The whole parliamentary party is deluded ….by there design we’ll have a labour party in power ….80 seat majority wasted

    7. zorro
      May 23, 2024

      It was rather pithy though to see little Rishi looking extremely damp to the sound of ‘things can only get better
.’ It was almost as if a greater power had passed its judgement literally and metaphorically on his parade


  4. agricola
    May 23, 2024

    In terms of electoral prospects, too little too late, the damage to our cultural base has already been done. From Blair through to the present day most of our major cities have been taken over. It is not that the inflow is in many case totally alien, it is that multiculturism encourages the retention of the differences with little effort to intigrate. London and other major cities have enjoyed the sight and demonstration of this cultural invasion for many weeks to date while the wishes of the 85% of the remaining population are ignored. The wishes of that 85% have been pushed aside by politicians of conviction or fear, leaving the majority unrepresented. No amount of accurate Vulcan mathmatics will carry conviction. We will pay the price on July 4th when the overwhelming desire for change allows entry to power to an even more useless set of politicians. This will herald a period of political clear air turbulence the like of which we have not seen since the civil war. I am not optimistic of change.

    The decision to go to the country on July 4th becomes even less credibly when you add the litany of failure on every count of public infrastructure we enjoy. Even the
    2.3 % inflation figure will fail to touch the financial life of tax and mortgage paying citizens in any meaningful way, certainly not in the next six weeks. We will have to enjoy six weeks of perfideous electioneering. Do you want Measels, Whooping Cough, or Scarlet Fever. All on sale for a cross on a paper.

    1. agricola
      May 24, 2024

      You may not like what I havs told you and have thedefore failed to moderate it. However face up to the fact that many others are saying the same thing.

      46% of the polled electorate are saying they would not vote for any party currently in the HoC. That is an appalling inditement on the majority of MPs. I hope your electorate view things differently, but it puts democracy in jeopardy when such a result occurs.

  5. Donna
    May 23, 2024

    The “promises” from the 2019 Not-a-Conservative-Manifesto:

    1. Introduce a firmer and fairer Australian points-based immigration system, prioritising people with a good grasp of English, good education and qualifications, a job offer and who have been law-abiding citizens in their own countries.
    2. Fewer low-skilled immigrants.
    3. Overall number of migrants to come down
    4. Offer top science and technology graduates and those who win top scientific prizes fast-track entry
    5. Not allow serious criminals into the country

    Instead, they introduced a system which made the bar to entry so low that we almost had an open-border policy, with employers legally allowed to offer immigrants a salary level 20% below a potential British employee …. deliberately driving down wages.

    They haven’t reduced immigration overall and the vast majority were unskilled or low-skilled – and a drain on existing taxpayers.

    Taking action to reduce last year’s appalling 1.2 million legal immigrants by 300,000 doesn’t produce a sustainable immigration policy. It means 900,000 immigrants a year.

    The Government has no control over who, or how many, leave each year so under these plans our population could grow by almost a million every year.

    The so-called housing shortage has been caused by mass immigration. I don’t want England concreted over to provide housing for foreigners. So I won’t be voting for it.

    1. Ian B
      May 23, 2024

      @Donna +1

    2. Lifelogic
      May 23, 2024

      A total betrayal.

    3. Lifelogic
      May 23, 2024

      How can anyone trust them again given the above? They did not even try to deliver.

    4. Narrow Shoulders
      May 23, 2024

      The housing shortage has been made much worse by immigration but it in the rental market it has been caused by the Conservative anti-landlord policy. Created to appease the worthies who cried out about buy to let landlords. These landlords served a purpose in providing stock. There is now no stock and supply has caused prices to rise by 30-50% in 18 months.

      These prices don’t seem to appear in the inflation figure.

      1. Lifelogic
        May 23, 2024


    5. Mike Wilson
      May 23, 2024

      I don’t want England concreted over to provide housing for foreigners. So I won’t be voting for it.

      So, you won’t be voting.

      1. Narrow Shoulders
        May 23, 2024

        none of the above – we must always turn up to vote

        1. Lynn Atkinson
          May 23, 2024

          We don’t have to do that. A low turnout is more damning than ‘spoiled ballots’ which are never totalled.

          1. dixie
            May 24, 2024

            Spoiled votes are recorded, apathetic dudgeon is not

    6. JoolsB
      May 23, 2024

      +1. I wish the media would stop reporting legal immigration figures in the 700Ks. This is net immigration and as you say we have no control over who leaves. Like Nigel Farage said the other evening, 500K Brits are leaving these shores every single year meaning the concentration of immigrants amongst us diluting our culture is even greater.

      1. Berkshire Alan
        May 23, 2024

        To compound the problem
        Many of those leaving because of Government policies, are taking their wealth (large or small) with them.
        Many arriving (with more to follow) have nothing, and so need taxpayer support from day 1, because Government policies are encouraging them to come.
        Simply daft.

        1. Timaction
          May 23, 2024

          Is it also the reason that the Tory’s want to get rid of National Insurance so immigrants can get full state pensions without full contributions? How do they manage otherwise as they get old as well.

    7. glen cullen
      May 23, 2024

      Agree Donna

  6. Rod Evans
    May 23, 2024

    Can you remind us, what was the total i.e. gross number of migrants that came to the UK last year, please Sir John?
    When we have that actual number we can then subtract the reductions you headline.
    Reducing immigration by 300,000 sounds big until we remember the total who arrived was over one million last year.

    1. glen cullen
      May 23, 2024

      Whats the total number, this past decade, that have remained here in the UK

  7. DOM
    May 23, 2024

    The use of the term ‘racist’ by the Left destroyed the Tory party and to a degree this nation. It’s all downhill from here, into the horrific dungeon of woke fascism that will finally allow Labour the chance to drive those final nails into the coffin of our country

    Captured, compromised and submissive. Three words to describe the party and all its MPs

    1. glen cullen
      May 23, 2024

      The tories have led us to 15 minute cities, 20mph, more immigration and 100% net-zero

      1. Mickey Taking
        May 23, 2024

        and cheap power when the wind blows and the sun shines…apart from then we are paying foreigners for our lighting, heating, industries, offices, EVs.

  8. Lifelogic
    May 23, 2024

    Sunak in his mad suicide speech yesterday Sunak said “I have always been honest with you” yet another blatant lie. The vaccines were not remotely safe, you have not cut taxes, not cut the debt, you caused the 12% inflation that has now fallen back, you have not even tried to cut immigration (legal or illegal), or reduce NHS waiting lists, net zero is economic and pointless lunacy, living standards have hugely declined
 The party, with the exception of a handful of decent Tory MPs like JR, deserves total destruction.

    1. Donna
      May 23, 2024


      He had barely announced the terms he had agreed for the Windsor Protocol before it became clear that he was being extremely economical with the actualite.

    2. Colin T
      May 23, 2024

      So does the Labour Party. There are even fewer good MPs left in it due to the lingering and malign globalist influence of ‘New Labour’ in general, Blair in particular. Many decent MPs retired in about 2000-10.

    3. Lifelogic
      May 23, 2024

      So why has Sunak done this, a desire to go to California and relax one assumes. No interest in looking after voters interests at all it seems. An evil globalist, incompetent chancellor, a dire PM and a serial liar.

    4. Lynn Atkinson
      May 23, 2024

      +1 the whole world is laughing at him.

  9. Roy Grainger
    May 23, 2024

    The government deserves absolutely no credit at all for attempting to reduce legal immigration because it is from record high levels they themselves deliberately imposed directly breaking an explicit commitment in their election manifesto. You claim that Labour doesn’t want to reduce immigration but all the evidence is that the Conservatives don’t want to either – see this week Cameron demanding the watering down of the proposals on student (ie. immigration) visas.

    It is like them claiming credit for reductions in inflation – if as the government claims it was not responsible for inflation going up then they aren’t responsible for it coming down either are they ?

    Calling an election on a raft of failed “pledges” on these plus NHS waiting lists and Rwanada and all-time high taxation etc. simply demonstrates that they expect thing to get worse later in the year not better and in the case of Rwanda that Sunak doesn’t (and never has) wanted to implement the policy. Why else would he call an election now ?

    Your Project Fear on Labour simply won’t work because no-one believes they will in reality do anything much different to what the Conservatives have already done. In some ways it might be better because miraculously the BoE and OBR forecasts will suddenly get far more optimistic with a Labour government.

    1. Ian B
      May 23, 2024

      @Roy Grainger +1
      ‘project fear’ the others will be worse! A 14 year record of how can anybody be worse. Do we believe the record of the actions and deeds of one set of punishment dished out or maybe the on proven being similar. Where is there a Conservative Party? a party wishing to serve the UK and not their Foreign Masters?
      The ideal would be for everyone in the Sunak/Hunt and its Cabinet losing their seats and the Conservatives, the real Conservatives winning with a slim, very slim majority. May be just then there is a future, as it is more promises and lies then they all need to go

      1. Timaction
        May 23, 2024

        The majority are One Nation Tory’s which is code for green liberals imposed by Camerons watch. Just a few token conservatives left and we all know it. Green, Mitchell Cameron etc etc

    2. Ian B
      May 23, 2024

      @Roy Grainger – “claiming credit for reductions in inflation” when they maliciously caused the rise in the first place with punishment cost rises for everyone.

    3. Donna
      May 23, 2024

      Sunak knows that the Not-a-Conservative-Party will be kicked out of Office.

      This is about preserving the Westminster Uni-Party by allowing a Labour win and hoping that, by calling a snap election early, the Reform Party won’t be able to break the Not-a-Conservative-Party leg of the Uni-Party “stool.”

      1. Timaction
        May 23, 2024

        Agreed plus he knows his Rwanda farce is about to fall apart as does his promises on EVERYTHING else like health waiting lists, tax reductions, immigration housing crisis, woke selections, nut stupid bans etc etc. What are they going to campaign on that’s not laughable.

  10. Sakara Gold
    May 23, 2024

    Sunak has impressed many by deciding to call the election on 4th July. One wonders why, when he could have had another six months in power?

    Possibly the advice to Hunt by the IMF concerning the deficit has concentrated his mind. Whoever wins the election is going to have to make difficult financial decisions

    1. Bloke
      May 23, 2024

      He’s not in power. He’s in weakness.
      They’ve already made difficult decisions. Taxpayers are experiencing increasing difficulties caused by bad government.
      An intelligent government would make sensible decisions without the difficulty so-called Conservatives complain about.

    2. Hat man
      May 23, 2024

      Yes, SG, let’s consider the IMF’s instructions to its British ‘subjects’. As reported by Reuters, it wasn’t just about state debt being too high. The IMF said Britain needed to tighten its belt, through tax increases or spending cuts, by an average of around 1% of GDP. It wants higher carbon and road-usage taxation, a broadening of the value-added tax and inheritance tax bases, and an end to the “triple-lock” state pension system. It also criticised Sunak’s attempts to rein in immigration as preventing economic growth.

      How will all that play with the electorate?

      I think Sunak is leaving the job, almost certainly, because it’s getting too tough for him to go along with what he’s being told to do by those in charge.

    3. Peter
      May 23, 2024


      Maybe it was another six months versus even more bad news on his watch to further tarnish his legacy ?

      Maybe he just got fed up with it all ?

    4. Geoffrey Berg
      May 23, 2024

      Yet again Conservative voters have been let down by most Conservative M.P.s. They should have got rid of Sunak. The elections this May were the most erratic in results I have known, Some results were plain awful as in Greater Manchester where I live but in other places where the Conservatives had strong candidates as in Teesside, the West Midlands and to an extent London were really good. That shows people aren’t committed to Starmer and Labour and with the right candidate the Conservatives could have won. Instead we get Sunak who calls an election when many more potential Conservative than Labour voters will be on holiday and before he could cut National Insurance by another 2p in the ÂŁ in the Autumn which would have made many people hesitate to vote Labour and give a tax cutting program a little credibility.
      I’ll personally vote Conservative because a Labour government will be even worse but with Sunak it seems a lost cause.

      1. Sir Joe Soap
        May 23, 2024

        But why? You’re playing a part in perpetuating the failed party and system! You expect them to keep even a word of what they say any more than Labour..? At least with Labour we know we’ll be on a collision course.

        1. Geoffrey Berg
          May 23, 2024

          I don’t regard the Conservative Party as a failed party. I was proud to be a Conservative supporter when Boris Johnson was Leader. I also enthusiastically agree with most of what some Conservative M.P.s such as John Redwood and Suella Braverman advocate (and I don’t much agree with any Opposition M.P.) The problem is the low calibre of most Conservative M.P.s and its present leadership.

          1. Lynn Atkinson
            May 24, 2024

            We need to freely select our own candidates and push the party machine back into its box. They are functionaries, nothing more.

    5. JoolsB
      May 23, 2024

      Probably because he has a job waiting for him in California and he wants to get the girls over before the new school term starts. Doesn’t give a toss about handing us over to Starmer and his party of spite and envy class warriors, he won’t be here.

      1. R.Grange
        May 23, 2024

        I gather there’s a top job vacancy soon at the World Economic Forum, now Klaus Schwab is stepping down. Sunak could take over and continue seamlessly from where he was before.

    6. Bert+Young
      May 23, 2024

      SG , I believe the extra prod in the decision taken was prompted by the forthcoming huge costs resulting from the Blood and Post Office compensation payments and the IMF outlook statement .

  11. Javelin
    May 23, 2024

    I would compare the Conservatives to an arsonist setting fire to every house in a road then when the police and fire services turn up they throw a bucket of water on the fire and say they are concerned citizens.

    1. Ian B
      May 23, 2024

      @Javelin – well said

    2. Sir Joe Soap
      May 23, 2024

      They either tend to run away early to avoid the tough calls viz Cameron and now Sunak, or make a hash of it and get shown the door like May, Johnson, Truss.

  12. Bloke
    May 23, 2024

    Allowing such high numbers to increase in the first place caused the problem that prevails. Cutting back on the inflated numbers in the future does not reach any worthy achievement!
    Squashing millions of extra people into a small island year after year, does not reduce the population by reducing the increase. That ‘smaller’ increase continually ADDS nearer to bursting point.
    We need a sensible government.

    1. Lifelogic
      May 23, 2024

      We will not get a sensible government from Starmer or Sunak. Both are in favour of net zero, open door immigration, very high and increasing taxes, alignment with the EU, net harm vaccines, a mad energy policy & over regulation of everything

    2. Lifelogic
      May 23, 2024

      Indeed these things are cumulative just as getting inflation down a bit still means the cost of living is rising. Then, even if your wage or pension rises by the same %, you are worse off. This as Sunak/Hunt have frozen all the tax thresholds so your tax rises and you living standard fall.

      1. MFD
        May 23, 2024

        We need someone with the guts to tell these WORLD organisations to go! Get lost and who will work solely for the benefit of Great Britain and its indigenous population.

    3. hefner
      May 23, 2024

      Isn’t it the same with the inflation rate? It now is 2.3% but taken from 01/01/2020 prices have continued to increase, more slowly but still going up.

  13. Ian B
    May 23, 2024

    “The government takes action to curb legal migration” – and after 14 years still does nothing, zero, zilch about the Criminal Invasion of our Country. Refuses to return anyone that arrives here in a criminal manner.

    Or as always go for the soft target to create a pretend situation of doing some thing, any thing

  14. Lifelogic
    May 23, 2024

    Betting odds

    Labour Majority 1/8 so about an 80% chance
    Other outcomes 17% chance
    Conservative Majority 33/1 so about a 3% chance.

    And this against an appalling Starmer let opposition with dire people like David Lammy, Rayner
 well done socialist liar, pusher of net harm vaccines, vast tax levels, open door immigration and net zero lunacy Sunak!

    1. peter
      May 23, 2024

      1/8 is 88% + so nearer 90%.

    2. Bingle
      May 23, 2024

      Do not forget Ms Reeves, probably the next chancellor, background, Economist at the BofE, and we know what Sr John thinks of their efforts, and also Snr Economist at HBOS when they went ‘bust’.

      And then there is Mr Miliband…………………… nuff said!

    3. Sir Joe Soap
      May 23, 2024

      Vote Conservative and encourage the Tories to think you’ve accepted their record has been worth your vote?
      Up to you but if this happens en masse there will be no change, and we’ll just swing back to a slightly less damaging socialist party in 5 years time, or when we’re bust. We’ll just become poorer and poorer.
      Time to upset the apple cart.

  15. Ian B
    May 23, 2024

    “The government is taking action to reduce legal migration. The main Opposition parties do not want to cut back substantially on migration.” When are they bringing in curbs and how do you know what the opposition will do? When the Conservative Government has been making promises for 14 years and doing nothing, you are forced to look at the evidence.
    Sunak stood out there yesterday and said the UK’s high energy prices were because of Putin. Putin did not at any stage introduce levies on energy usage in the UK. Putin did not at any stage block the UK from using its own energy resources and so on, it was Conservative Government malicious harm to the UK that has caused the UK’s energy situation and Sunak has had the power to reverse the situation. Instead did nothing
    Sunak stood there yesterday and tried to blame inflation on others, it was his and Hunt’s raising of costs to industry and enterprise that caused prices to go up – they didn’t have to do that, they could have just controlled expenditure, focused on the economy.
    In its current guise this Conservative Government has been one of lies, deception, promises and punishment and no action. Nothing done to boost UK.plc, everything done to damage it instead.

  16. Old Albion
    May 23, 2024

    Sunak committed political suicide in the rain yesterday and no one cares. I urge everyone, ignore the Cons/Labs/Libs and Green Wokesters. Vote reform. If they gain just a few seats it will show change can happen.

    1. MFD
      May 23, 2024

      +1 I joined a political party for the first time in my eighty years- it was Reform Uk!

  17. Ian B
    May 23, 2024

    So Sunak has confirmed it the election is to be about ‘Him’, his record, his promises. Conservatives, prospective Conservative MP’s can take a Hike its about me, me, me.

    1. glen cullen
      May 23, 2024

      With a new leader perhaps, with Farage its in the bag 
with Sunak, not a chance

  18. Sakara Gold
    May 23, 2024

    The New York Times has reported that the US Secretary of State, Antony Blinken, is pushing a proposal in the Biden administration to let Ukraine fire American weapons into Russia. It comes after Blinken visited Ukraine last week and said the US did not encourage striking into Russia – but it should be up to the Ukrainians to decide.

    Questioned by reporters on Wednesday, “MAGA” Mike Johnson, the US House speaker, said “I think they need to allow Ukraine to prosecute the war the way they see fit. They need to be able to fight back. And I think us trying to micromanage the effort there it’s not a good policy.”

    Considering that Johnson was instrumental in blocking arms deliveries to Ukraine for six months, it is good to hear some realpolitic coming from him

    1. Hat man
      May 23, 2024

      No, SG, the realpolitik would be that it’s pointless to give Ukraine any more million-dollar missiles to waste killing civilians, as they’ve been doing in the Donbass and Belgorod. It would be to plan for what happens after Ukraine. But it seems there’s no chance of Western politicians looking beyond the next election.

  19. Ian B
    May 23, 2024

    In today’s media “Rishi Sunak guaranteed Rwanda migrant deportation flights will take off if he wins the general election on July 4.
    Is that the same as he will raise defence spending, 2030, if he gets another 2 terms?

    The electorate have to be seen as idiots

    1. glen cullen
      May 23, 2024

      I wonder whats stopping him doing it this week ?

  20. The Prangwizard
    May 23, 2024

    Waffle, waffle. Even if true, it’s too late and only attempting to correct years of failure and deceit.

    And what a wet speech from the outgoing PM.

    Will you be re-elected Mr Redwood?

  21. Berkshire Alan
    May 23, 2024

    Too little, too late to make any difference now I am afraid.
    It started in 1997 with Labour, and has been out of control for more than a quarter of a Century.
    Can only hope we end up with a proper Conservative party after this fiasco, and whilst I hope you remain in parliament John, many others in your Party had already seen the writing on the wall and written their surrender notes.

  22. majorfrustration
    May 23, 2024

    Tory Labout – which pack of lies do we believe?

  23. beresford
    May 23, 2024

    But we know that the Government have been opposed to reducing immigration for some time and are only having their arms twisted now by the forthcoming election. It looks like the objective will be achieved of waffling about Rwanda right up to the election without deporting a single precious migrant.

    On the bright side, if things go pearshaped in Wokingham you will have more time to spend with us!😀

  24. Peter Lawrenson
    May 23, 2024

    We don’t want immigration legal or illegal. People coming to the uk should have fixed term work permits, with all expenses down to the employer. Students must leave at end of study, and apply for uk jobs like anyone else. Why should taxpayers contribute to businesses who take advantage of uk benefits. The workers are expats, and this works in many countries.

    1. Lynn Atkinson
      May 23, 2024


  25. JoolsB
    May 23, 2024

    “we stick to our plan to deliver sustainable staffing levels in our NHS without relying on foreign workers. “

    That’s a joke for a start, The only NHS staffing levels your lot are sustaining are the army of non medical Adminsitrators.
    My son, six years studying medicine at Cambridge, 3 years as a Junior Doctor – now LEFT the profession. Three of his peers studying alongside him at the same college – LEFT. Three others – gone to Australia. If this is replicated at every university across England, then we really are in dire straits.
    Morale is at rock bottom amongst Junior Doctors, the backbone of the NHS. Overworked, underpaid, under appreciated. And it doesn’t help when Sunak endlessly blames the waiting lists on them and the strikes and refuses to talk to them. The only ones responsible for the waiting lists are this incompetent Government who turned the National Health Service into the National Covid Service for two years.
    Sort out the strikes instead of ignoring them . Unlike our self serving politicians, they deserve every penny.

  26. wab
    May 23, 2024

    Wow, which incompetent government allowed so many immigrants into the country last year? It’s like the arsonist wanting to claim credit for only burning down ten buildings instead of a hundred.

    Then again, which incompetent government denigrates foreign STEM graduates? These people could just as easily go to the EU or the US, and will be large contributors to future prosperity. Cut off your nose to spite your face.

    The fundamental problem is that the right wing elite are globalists, where as the typical right wing voter does not like foreigners. The elite try to mask this problem by propagating culture wars in their messaging, while doing the opposite in practise.

  27. Nigl,
    May 23, 2024

    Had you not been subservient to the One Nation group you might have had a chance but now they will get what they always wanted. A centre left party, unfortunately IMO they will go far further than that. As with Blair total control of the messaging means that the Unions have been quiet but wait until after the election.

    Sunak or Starmer, all we need is a third candidate called Hobson.

  28. Everhopeful
    May 23, 2024

    The thing that makes me weep is the waste of lives and time.
    What might have been achieved if sanity had reigned?
    How we might have shone out in Europe, free of the EU, as a beacon of restraint, sanity and wealth.
    But no
cowardly, left wing entryists silently took over the Conservative Party and either the numbers were too great to combat or the true conservatives were too polite. Whatever
.the madness won.
    Sunak can easily cast off his mantle as it suits because he did not win it. He is just handing it over to Starmer who will take us all to another level of woke misery.
    It is almost as if Sunak wants to make it as easy as possible for Starmer to take over.
    The man who would choose Davos over Westminster.

  29. Clough
    May 23, 2024

    At the last general election the Conservatives promised to reduce immigration from where it was then, at around a quarter of a million. What has your party in government actually done since 2019? It has allowed immigration to treble or quadruple. You stand on your record, not your promises.

  30. JayGee
    May 23, 2024

    Meanwhile, there is an estimated shortfall of care workers in the Uk to the tune of 140,000 plus.
    Please remind us how many care workers are needed, and how many of those who do get their visa are subsequently exploited, while doing the kind of essential work the local population can’t bring themselves to do.
    Well done, chaps, what a grand achievement, but most of you won’t need a care worker, so that could be why you don’t really care.

  31. IanT
    May 23, 2024

    We’ve had Cameron (The Cowardly Shepherd), May (The Useful Idiot), Boris (The Naked Emperor) & Truss (The Naive Seer) – my Tory Tarot cards for them are clear.

    Mr Sunak’s card (A Bound Socerer) still has some uncertainties for me. Powerful Wizards don’t get wet when it rains but mere mortals get rained on every day. I’d like Rishi Sunak to be better than his predecessors and I think he could be. Given a choice between Sunak and Starmer, I know with great certainty which one I would choose, even though his predecessors have been vastly disappointing.

    I don’t beleive Rishi Sunak can win this Election but I do think he can lose it well. I suspect that is all he’s trying to acheive now. Hopefully, next time around we will have a Conservative Party that actually does what it has promised from the outset and listens to its supporters a lot more closely.

    1. A-tracy
      May 23, 2024

      So what cards are Starmer, Rayner and Reeves?

  32. Everhopeful
    May 23, 2024

    The tories have totally betrayed the right wing.
    ( well they would
they are left wingers in “sheep’s”clothing)
    And in demonising the likes of Nigel Farage they have destroyed democracy.
    Apparently he will not be standing.
    And who can blame him?

    1. Everhopeful
      May 23, 2024

      NF changing tack to save the tories? (Or try to)

      1. Everhopeful
        May 23, 2024

        Oh and if the tories had proper anti social behaviour laws in place and enforced them
        Then that bloke could not have disrespected Sunak yesterday blasting “Things Can .only Get Better”.
        Yes! Yes! They cried
”Better and better since 1997”

      2. Everhopeful
        May 23, 2024

        All is revealed.
        Sunak did this to STOP Reform!
        As ever tories so bothered about right wing politics
even just slightly right.

        1. Bill B.
          May 23, 2024

          Of course, EH. That’s where the only opposition is coming from, to the uni-party government.

    2. Ian B
      May 23, 2024

      @Everhopeful – they betrayed what some call the ‘centre’ Mr & Mrs Normal, the workers, and society in general. Once they tried to steel labours cloths, continued the Blair/Brown destruction of the UK they actual moved to the left of Labour. The Unions that run Labour have more interest in the UK surviving and thriving than the Sunak/Hunt and their Cabinet friends.

      1. Everhopeful
        May 23, 2024

        I’m fully aware of the shift leftwards and the vilification and destruction of the right.
        ( Obviously none of us can know the behind scenes dealings
we can only guess)
        You are I take it fully cognoscenti of just how “woke” our unions are?
        They are huge supporters of the “Climate Change” agenda and have been for years.
        All in it together?

    3. glen cullen
      May 23, 2024


    4. Lynn Atkinson
      May 23, 2024

      He would lose again. He has a well paid job. Farage always puts himself first.

      1. Mickey Taking
        May 23, 2024

        the first rule of being a politician!

      2. Everhopeful
        May 23, 2024

        Well honestly, most people do.

        1. Lynn Atkinson
          May 24, 2024

          Then you can’t be a capitalist. The customer comes first. For our traditional politicians, the constituent came first.
          That was, before the ‘wide-boys’ moved in and broke everything.

  33. DOM
    May 23, 2024

    There’s scum at the heart of the Tory party. People who genuinely do not give a toss except for their careers. Mr Redwood is a decent man and is not one of those snakes but he can surely publicly oppose some of the most sinister policies this nation has ever seen. That’s what normal people want to see. Some determined opposition to the entire woke, racist progressive agenda that is based on lies, hate and outright evil.

    Immigration is not immigration. We are seeing IMPORTATION and that should concern everyone of us. It is the importation of social friction and the raw material for the woke agenda

    1. Ian B
      May 23, 2024

      @DOM – As an independent Conservative Sir John would command an ever increasing majority. But as Sunak said yesterday it is about voting for ‘Him’. CCHQ has made the election about voting for Sunak, good solid Conservatives are not needed in Parliament as they represent the mainstream, the centre ground of Society they don’t support the tax and spend attrition employed by Sunak/Hunt

      1. Lynn Atkinson
        May 23, 2024

        As a real Conservative, and we all know he is, he will get an increased majority with a blue rosette. The Conservative Party should take note, but they will not. They can’t, they are narcs who have no reverse gear.

    2. glen cullen
      May 23, 2024


  34. Everhopeful
    May 23, 2024

    Whatever “action” the govt. actually takes

    It had better blessed well hurry up!
    It has had YEARS to mollify/attract/retain voters.

    Wasn’t there some idea of a replacement PM even at this eleventh hour?

    1. Ian B
      May 23, 2024

      Everhopeful – a replacement PM, a Conservative would walk this election just look at the state of the opposition.

      1. Everhopeful
        May 23, 2024


  35. Donna
    May 23, 2024

    Today’s updated immigration statistics:

    “there were 315,018 visas granted to work in the year ending March 2024, more than double (+130%) the number prior to the pandemic in 2019

    ‘Skilled Worker – Health and Care’ visas have provided the majority of the growth in work visas in the last 2 years, following the expansion of the route in late 2021 to include ‘care workers and home carers’, with 118,522 grants to main applicants in the latest year

    in the first quarter of 2024, there were 9,088 ‘Skilled Worker – Health and Care’ visas granted, 75% fewer than the first quarter of 2023 due to a large fall in visas for ‘Care workers and home carers’

    there were 290,246 visas granted to dependants of people who had been granted a work visa, 55% more than in the year ending March 2023, primarily in the Health and Care sector

    139,175 ‘Graduate’ route extensions were granted to main applicants in the year ending March 2024, 49% higher than in the year ending March 2023, accounting for 40% of work extensions to main applicants. For more graduate route analysis see ‘Analysis of migrants use of the Graduate route’

    So much for “cutting immigration.”

  36. Paul
    May 23, 2024

    What a joke. If the government wanted to curb immigration it could have done it a decade ago. Simply enforce immigration laws the same as most other countries outside the now insane western countries. ALL illegals should be kicked out within 24 hours or less. No benefits should be paid to anybody that arrives illegally. Not a single one of those claiming asylum is here for anything other than what they can scrounge from the sucker British public.
    Now we face imminent social disorder and an Islamic calliphate within a few years. Well done you bunch of moronic criminals, you have ruined Britain.

  37. a-tracy
    May 23, 2024

    For some reason your presentation format isn’t working in my browser.

    Good luck John, sadly Rishi’s early election is going to make life difficult for you, if Reform had any sense they wouldn’t stand against you or Rees Mogg or Badenhoch for example, they’d be better concentrating their efforts on fewer seats but they are there just to split the right so Labour can get in this time.

    1. Lynn Atkinson
      May 23, 2024

      Reform have no brains. They will try to put Redwood and the like out of Parliament. Nobody that stupid can get my vote.

      1. Mickey Taking
        May 23, 2024

        what a strange allegation! Sir John and his like have nothing to fear from Reform, the rest of the Blue party most certainly do!

    2. JoolsB
      May 23, 2024

      Split the left more like. There is nothing remotely right about the majority of MPs in this fake Conservative Party. Agree maybe they could step aside for the half a dozen that are actually Conservatives.

      1. A-tracy
        May 23, 2024

        You are going be very disappointed with the result Jools.

  38. clive lester
    May 23, 2024

    Good morning Sir John and all.
    What is now being proposed and hopefully fully implemented regarding immigration , is to say the very least welcomed, but also way ,way, to late in the day ..
    I watched and cringed at our Prime Ministers speech yesterday .
    It was a bad day for the Country,more over for a grown man to stand in the pouring rain and not have the gumption to put on a rain coat said more about the man than what ever words could.
    The whole World watched a very basic example of common sense being once again ignored, and should heaven forbid he catches a cold , I am sure it will be someone elses fault .
    You simply could not make this stuff up !!

  39. Bert+Young
    May 23, 2024

    Control over the population is a mess . Everywhere the evidence exists that we have not managed to keep the borders under control and suitable for our economy . At the same time we have been doing nothing practical to stop the illegals ; threats so far have got us nowhere . Even now with the announcement of the election Downing Street has admitted that flights to Rwanda will not happen . The rest of the world must look on and consider us a lost cause .

  40. glen cullen
    May 23, 2024

    Two things will curb legal immigration
    (1) Any breach of work/student visa and you’re out
    (2) You will ‘not’ receive any state benefit or any state derived funded support of any kind …if yo lack funds to support yourself you’re out

  41. Peter Gardner
    May 23, 2024

    Since these measures were obviously required as part of delivering Brexit one wonders why it has taken so long. As Nigel Farage has repeated many times The Tories never believed in Brexit. It is not too cynical to conclude they are doing this belatedly not because they believe such measures are in the national interest but because the Party is threatened with imminent electoral oblivion for not doing them when they should have. The Tories, as a whole, with some honourable exceptions, chase votes to stay in power, while the national interest remains a secondary consideration.

  42. Bert+Young
    May 23, 2024

    Sir John , I wish you success in Wokingham . There are few like you with a background in economics and the sort of outlook I could support . In South Oxfordshire we face a situation of facing an election with no , so far , an identified Conservative candidate !.

    1. Mickey Taking
      May 23, 2024

      Pop round to Boris’s manor…..oh of course he is now Lord of the Manor and wouldn’t dirty his hands on something so humble.

      1. Lynn Atkinson
        May 23, 2024

        You will not find a conservative at that address.

  43. Bryan Harris
    May 23, 2024

    That’s hardly going to make much of an impact.

    Driving down the number of health and care visa applications by 76 per cent this year, as we stick to our plan to deliver sustainable staffing levels in our NHS without relying on foreign workers.

    How exactly are we going to see more native British people in the NHS. Our hospitals are full of foreign staff, and while most do a very good job, there is always the issue of language, pronunciation and accent, which is a problem for some.

    Where are the new people coming from and how will they be trained – It’s time to reduce the educational limits a little that are imposed, for example, on nurses. A caring nurse that can learn on the job is worth, IMVHO, far more than someone with too many qualifications that seeks promotion.

    1. Ian B
      May 23, 2024

      @Bryan Harris +1 how is that going to make a difference to the illegals, the criminal fraternity that are rewarded with accommodation, cash handouts all at a massive drain on the taxpayers pockets – when the Sunak/Conservative Governments solution is they must stay.

  44. Original Richard
    May 23, 2024

    Sir John, I wish you all the best for your re-election. But having voted Conservative for 60 years I now find I cannot vote for any of the existing Parliamentary parties for I do not agree with mass immigration nor with Net Zero and any vote for any existing Parliamentary party will be taken as a vote by these parties to continue with these policies.

    For legal immigration the “10s of thousands” has become over 1m and even now Lord Cameron is demanding the watering down of the PM’s immigration reduction proposals. The encouragement of unidentified young men of fighting age and with alien cultures continues with free collection, even along the French coast, free accommodation, £40/week pocket money and the freedom to roam our streets and take black market jobs until they abscond never to be seen again. Such immigration is deemed illegal yet they’re not even fitted with trackable ankle bracelets. It is a clear and obvious danger to our country and the irony is that these men come from countries where it should be the women who are seeking asylum.

    We have a Parliament that is so steeped with the climate crisis cult that they can accept a senior DESNZ minister stating in Parliament (HoL) that unreliable offshore wind is the cheapest form energy at ÂŁ44/MWhr whilst at the same time setting the CfD price at ÂŁ100.27/MWhr for the next renewables auction round (AR6).

    1. Ian B
      May 23, 2024

      @Original Richard – I predict a massive win for the ‘none-of-the-above’ the stay at home majority.

    2. Bingle
      May 23, 2024

      I hope that the auction round price is a sick joke?

      If not, can we give all parliamentarians a simple maths test please!

      1. Lynn Atkinson
        May 23, 2024

        Let’s give them a drugs test instead?

      2. Original Richard
        May 23, 2024

        Bingle :

        No, the CCC and DESNZ intend to proceed :

        Renewable Auction Round 6 (AR) CfD prices :

        Prices are 2012 prices and offshore wind’s ÂŁ73/MWhr is now ÂŁ100.27/MWhr at 2023 prices.

  45. Keith from Leeds
    May 23, 2024

    What can we say? On what basis does Sunak think he can win a General Election? Immigration, legal and illegal, is a disaster. If a couple of planes had taken off to Rwanda, that might have defused the anger. Inflation is down but a couple of months ahead the BOE should have cut rates, making everyone feel better. The economy might be growing again, but we are not feeling it yet. Taxes are at a 70 year high with no hope of sensible reductions, not even a commitment to unfreeze the tax bands. The NHS, Quangos, Charities & international bodies are given taxpayers money with no attempt to curb the spending, which would enable real tax cuts. The promise to up Defence spending to 2.5% is a joke, no doubt Putin & XI are trembling in their boots, as it needs to be 5% at the very least. So, on what basis does Sunak think he can fight & win a GE?

    1. Ian B
      May 23, 2024

      Keith from Leeds – He master-minded the rise in inflation with pumping in big costs/taxes, that are to increase unless he goes until 2028. The sleight of hand reduction in taxes is just that that a ‘sleight of hand’ they are set to rise until 2028 bringing more than the already horrendous 70 year amounts already do.

  46. The Prangwizard
    May 23, 2024

    Can we be shown an analysis of the people leaving, and compare the numbers in 2022 and 2023?

    In particular who is going? I am not interested in whether they are students, I want to know their national origins.

    Are we prevented by your government from knowing?

    1. Ian B
      May 23, 2024

      @The Prangwizard – of the 100,000 illegals just 21 have been removed

    2. Mickey Taking
      May 23, 2024

      Whatever reasons- you can be sure every last one has left being disenchanted with life here, and has been persuaded it has to better somewhere else!

  47. Lynn Atkinson
    May 23, 2024

    Such a shame they have only initiated this action because they are looking down the barrel of the electoral gun.

    Too late.

    Election called for purely financial reasons of course – things will get worse later in the year – no tax cuts, more people remortgaging at a fantastically higher rate, cost of immigration unsustainable, contaminated blood and horizon crimes being admitted at last.

    Such a shame, the Tories could have been sitting pretty by now had they obeyed the Brexit instruction.

    To the commentators – don’t be disheartened by Reform, which will fail. Craig McKinlay showed us how to get the government we want. Choose the people you want and put them under either a red or blue rosette. Too late now but please let’s not waste another decade ‘starting a new party’. Starmer might not survive a full term. IMF rule shortly.

    Let’s get the two main parties under our control again!

  48. Mark J
    May 23, 2024

    Some very good comments have been posted so far, for which I fully agree.

    Today we find net mmigration has gone up by another 700k, up two million in the last three years. These figures only include those that we know about, not the masses of illegal migrants, or those overstaying their visas.

    Also what was stated this morning by Alp Mehmet of Migrationwatch is that any white British child born today, will be a minority in the UK by the time they get to their 40’s. That is how bad the scale of immigration now threatens to change the fabric of the UK.

    Rishi expects us to believe that the Liberal Conservatives are tough on ‘Stoping the Boats’, dealing with mass migration, net zero, wokeness and fixing the bloated, broken public sector, when in reality all have been far worse under a supposed Conservative administration.

    The Sun reports that Rwanda flights will happen, however not until after the election. You really can’t make this up! So all that time, money and effort will be wasted when the likely Labour victory occurs.

  49. Kenneth
    May 23, 2024

    Too late

  50. Ian B
    May 23, 2024

    Media Headline ‘Migration numbers fall further as measures have major impact’
    This is just an electioneering smoke screen and relates to those that seek official access to the UK. In comparison to the Conservative Government rewarding the Criminal Gangs for trafficking, the cost of these Guys is minimal.
    9882 illegally detected entering the UK so far this year. According to migration watch of the 100,000 that have arrived here illegal just 21 have been removed.
    All these are housed, funded and rewarded by the Conservative Government taking money from the taxpayer that should have gone elsewhere.
    So, the Conservative Government is saying they have stopped or reduced students, care workers etc. But done have nothing but reward the Criminal Gangs for last 14 years. Rishi after these 14 years of promises has said elect ‘Him’ and he promises to do something about it after the election. ?

  51. Keith from Leeds
    May 23, 2024

    I have never commented twice in one day before, but I did forget one serious point in my first comment.
    The concept of Net Zero is nonsense. Sunak’s inaction on this matter, despite its detrimental effects on the UK, is a clear indication that he does not get it. So, what is his election message about Net Zero? Perhaps, in the midst of a GE, the fallacy of Net ZERO can be unmasked for the sham it truly is. CO2 is not the problem, but the naive belief of politicians that it is, is!
    Common sense and basic research could make dumping Net Zero an election winner!
    It is going to take a miracle for the Conservatives to win, and it seems most of Sunak’s MPs were as surprised as the rest of us.
    What does the PM know that the rest of us don’t?

  52. Ukretired123
    May 23, 2024

    The game is finally up.
    The farce of voters reasonable expectations lending Boris their vote for the return of our country’s independence and sovereignty and the vast opportunities that allowed has been swallowed up by the lazy unaccountable establishment who regard us as too thick to understand the bureaucratic forts they live in.
    Despite SJR providing experience and real knowledge and depth of thinking he must feel that he has been treated more as intelligent opposition as the tin ears government have only adopted his ideas when it realised they had no choice and no ideas how to run the country, sadly.
    Independence day was a celebration for USA but not England in 1775.
    How ironic that it will be liberating us from the motley crew we have had recently since Boris for all his faults and Liz Truss who bravely did her best but both were torpedoed before true independence occurred.

    1. APL
      May 23, 2024

      Ukretired123 “The farce of voters reasonable expectations lending Boris their vote for the return of our country’s independence”

      Boris Johnson was a puppet, like David Cameron and his sidekick George Osborne, Theresa May and most of the Parliamentary Tory party today, they have been inserted by WEF and purchased by Pfizer, Moderna et al.

      After all, it was Klaus Schwab himself who boasted that he had his agents in many Western governments.

      The fact is, there is no Democracy in the West anymore. We’re governed by oligarchs. Look at Ukraine to see the fate of those so governed!!

      1. Ukretired123
        May 24, 2024

        APL you could be right as they have been a great disappointment, a wet shower, wobbling and undecided with feeble attempts on Brexit, Net Zero,Immigration and collective amnesia of what voters voted for. So full circle back to Remains in charge….

  53. agricola
    May 23, 2024

    ONS estimates that 1.2 million entered the UK to June 2023. An estimated 508,000 left in the same period.

    My first question is why are they estimates and not hard data. How does their modelling differenciate between emmigrants and holidaymakers. On the numerous occasions I have left and entered the UK nobody has asked me, so do they wait until the leaver detatches himself from HMRC.
    Second question, how many of the 1.2 million are instant tax contributors and property owners and how many are financial burdens on the state.
    Emmigrants take their wealth with them, cease paying tax or in the case of students cease paying tuition fees. Do leaving students take their relatives with them. Does anyone check.

    Whichever way you look at it the population goes up by a modest city to 682,000. Totally unsustainable, whatever the cheap labour lobby tells you. The impact on UK culture is a disaster, but who will prevent it. Not any of the outgoing members of Parliament for sure.

    1. Lynn Atkinson
      May 23, 2024

      Those leaving are mostly native British. The replacement figures are horrific.

      1. Narrow Shoulders
        May 23, 2024

        The figures are too many coming in but how do you know that 500K White British are eaving Lynn.
        Much mie likely to be those who have arrived made some money and left. Yo leave this country as an indigenous Brit requires money and balls

        Arriving needs a hand outstretched

        1. Lynn Atkinson
          May 24, 2024

          Read JoolsB above. Our own youngsters are leaving. Look at the decades long immigration figure in Australia, NZ and the USA. Our future arriving on their shores.
          In addition, look around you. Fewer of our own people, more foreigners.

      2. Narrow Shoulders
        May 23, 2024

        The figures are too many coming in but how do you know that 500K White British are eaving Lynn.
        Much mie likely to be those who have arrived made some money and left. Yo leave this country as an indigenous Brit requires money and balls

        Arriving just needs a hand outstretched

  54. Original Richard
    May 23, 2024

    Importing labour from less well developed countries, particularly skilled labour needed by these countries, to cover our own labour shortages, is modern day colonialism and thus immoral. Importing cheap labour drives down wages in the UK, reduces GDP/capita, increases taxes and overloads our housing, schools, institutions and infrastructure

  55. DOM
    May 23, 2024

    Labour will criminalise all speech on all woke and progressive issues. I can see thousands going to prison for expressing normal opinions.

    1. Lynn Atkinson
      May 23, 2024

      Relax, the prisons are ready full.

    2. Roy Grainger
      May 23, 2024

      Luckily the Conservatives have ensured there aren’t enough prison places available for that to happen.

  56. The Prangwizard
    May 23, 2024

    I am sure we are gratefull to Mr Redwood for the opportunities he gives us here to say what we think ( most of the time, but not always! )

    Sadly though it seems Mr Redwood does not adopt our views, especially if we criticise his deceitful party, with England and English people being particularly betrayed.

    1. Lynn Atkinson
      May 24, 2024

      I think today he has proven you wrong. No longer standing as a Conservative, we are about to get the unadulterated truth from Redwood, about what he truly believes and thinks.
      I don’t think many of us will find anything with which to disagree.

  57. Ian B
    May 23, 2024

    1,609 international scientists dismissing the existence of a climate crisis and insisting that carbon dioxide is beneficial to Earth. They say we aren’t heading towards the ninth circle of hell

    The Global Climate Intelligence Group (CLINTEL) said in its World Climate Declaration that “There is no climate emergency”. Two of the scientists are Nobel laureates—physicists. One of which, John Francis Clauser said:
    From Guido –

    The not-so Conservative Government has heaped misery and punishment on a Nation, just to satisfy personal self-esteem and be in tune with the WOKE brigade. Everyone else has had to pay and is still paying while the rest of the growing World moves on and thrives.

  58. Ian B
    May 23, 2024

    Sunak and Hunt set out to destroy the Tory Party an those Conservatives in it, and have taken a Nation down with it. The Socialist adage everyone pays bar the rich. If you have money you get to leave

  59. Original Richard
    May 23, 2024

    The one advantage of a Labour administration will be how much better we will all feel as the BBC report only good news and all the official statistics are cooked. Free speech and holding contrary opinions may be an issue however

  60. JoolsB
    May 23, 2024

    So what action would that be John? Whatever it is, it obviously isn’t working. Net migration figures out today for last year are hardly down on previous two years. More than the size of Nottingham and Newcastle put together. Would be even worse if Brits weren’t fleeing Sunak’s England for overseas, who can blame them? And apparently the number of asylum seekers (?) given permission to stay are the highest on record. No wonder Sunak is running off to California, leaving the rest of us to suffer the mess he and his one nation wets have created which will be even worse under Starmer.

    1. Narrow Shoulders
      May 23, 2024

      History will have much to say about the soaked announcement.

      My impression today is not positive

  61. glen cullen
    May 23, 2024

    We can’t send them back to France, and we can’t send them home, lets give them all refugee status 
.thats the Sunak Tory plan

  62. Iain gill
    May 23, 2024

    Which seat is Cameron going to be the candidate in?

    1. glen cullen
      May 23, 2024

      Which seat, great question
      But I’m more interested to which party …democracy is a wonderful thing

      1. Ian B
        May 24, 2024

        @glen cullen – He is a none believer when it comes to democracy and Conservatism, but a perfect fit for the wreckers Sunak & Hunt. Then again the CCHQ only accepts Socialists and Liberal Democrats that are to the left of Labour. The only nearly honest guy out there is Corbyn and he has delusional Walter Mitty written all over his history. Sack the lot and enforce a policy of voter/constituent only candidates making it on to the ballot paper

  63. fed up
    May 23, 2024

    Never forget the ruling party presided over record debt expansion comparable to the financial crisis of 2008 with its deliberate lockdown policy and anti-democratic policy despite evidence to the contrary – Sweden, parties, and prepared plans.
    Never forget the ruling party presided over the steep increase in non-EU immigration starting 2021.
    Never forget the ruling party lack of will to protect UK’s borders and the island having a border farce instead.
    Never forget the ruling party hesitated implementing the referendum result of 2016.
    Never forget how the ruling party implemented their election manifesto after the 2019 mandate.
    Never forget it was the ruling party’s PM who sped up the implementation of net zero.
    Never forget it is the ruling party that is funnelling record amount of money and munitions to one of the most corrupt states on earth.
    It may get worse with the main so-called opposition party, but there is an off-chance of reform of the ruling party or its replacement as has happened or happened in Canada.

    1. glen cullen
      May 24, 2024

      I’ll never forget nor forgive

  64. Barry
    May 24, 2024

    Sunak reminds me of the husband pleading with his wife after 14 years of abuse, the day before the divorce goes through:

    “I will change. I really mean it this time. Honest!”

    Too late, the wife has already started looking around.

  65. Everhopeful
    May 24, 2024

    Great rallying cry article from JR in the Telegraph.
    Comments not too great but then they don’t understand that an MP has limited powers.
    And one must take left wing shills into account.
    Many of them anti Net Zero and realise the damage it is causing and will continue to wreak.
    And are of course in blame mode.

    My window cleaner just announced that Sunak will win because he is “stronger” than Starmer.
you never know! đŸ€—

  66. Ray Warman
    May 28, 2024

    Too late Sir, 14 years ago I may have applauded.

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