The election and migration

The Conservative government since 2019 has let in too many people, mainly by granting visas for legal entry. The Labour, SNP and Lib Dem opposition has vigorously opposed some measures to clamp down on illegal migrants, Ā leaving our borders poorly policed against small boat people trafficking. Labour says they will control this better by setting up a unified Channel Border Force under a Ā Commander which is exactly what the government Ā has already done with limited success.

The main Opposition parties want an amnesty for all already here and want us to take more people coming by new safe routes with visa grant when they come. They have backed the U.K. governmentā€™s grant of large numbers of visas to people from Hong Kong and Ukraine given the special circumstances there.

If the next government is serious about cutting the housing shortage, tackling high rents and long NHS waiting lists it has to start with a major reduction in total largely legal migration. No wonder we are short of homes and doctors when we are inviting in an extra 750,000 people a year with more than a million of new arrivals. Where the new arrivals are people without wealth and needing a low paid job the strains on public spending and core public services are obvious.

The Conservatives launched a new policy this year to cut migration by 300,000. That is a start which no other party is offering. It is not enough yet to Ā tackle the large increase in demand for public services, homes and utility provision that recent numbers Ā generate. The TUC should be on the side of far fewer Ā visas to do low paid jobs here. We need to move to a higher productivity economy where machine power and computers take more of the strain.


  1. Peter
    June 2, 2024

    ā€˜ The Conservative government since 2019 has let in too many people,ā€¦ā€™ and they will be punished for this and other failings at the next election.

    Other parties would be even worse is a claim that is often made. It will be to no avail. Voters will be focused on the constant issues we have had since Cameron.

    1. Peter Wood
      June 2, 2024

      I think that’s the decision in a nutshell; we’ve had so many promises, ideas floated around, over the last 10 years or so, and society has become worse. We’re not going to listen, much less believe, new promises. The Tory PCP can promise anything they want now, it makes no difference, the Tories in Parliament are Toast.

      1. Lifelogic
        June 2, 2024

        Indeed new promises from the Conservative and their manifesto when it arrives will never be believed. See the that last three manifestos and compare with with delivery. Look at the Sunak four failed pledges . The party promised net migration to the tens of thousands. Out by a factor of over seven times. We even have PM who still assures us and the house that the Covid vaccines were ā€œunequivocally safeā€.

        Still hiding the details of the Chinook Crash some 30 years on. Why?

        1. Lifelogic
          June 2, 2024

          A new book:- Covid-19: All Lies. All Crime.
          by Paul M L Weston is out.

          So does Sunak deny all this too?

        2. Lifelogic
          June 2, 2024

          Scrap VAT plan if OBR says it will not raise money, Starmer is told.

          It clearly will not raise net money & for several reasons. Mainly as so many will drop out over a few years, drop outs will need expensive state school spaces and the lower private school attendance will push up fees even further to make ends meet for the schools. Also many people are working hard mainly to pay the school fees. Many might well reduce their hours from say full time to two days a week if they no longer have to pay. So a further huge cut in tax receipts. One person doing that might mean you need 8 people to stay on and pay the VAT just to break even. Many may even leave the UK and educate overseas and some may well be under Non Dom attack too. Perhaps some will take all their investments and businesses with them too.

      2. Hope
        June 2, 2024

        Not since 2019, Cameron promised to cut below tens of thousands years before 2019 he left in 2016! What was your blog about yesterday! MPs telling the truth etc!

    2. Ian Wraggg
      June 2, 2024

      Add to the above your zeal for bankrupting us at the altar of net zero and we really have grounds for not voting for you.
      I’m looking forward to Starmergeddon and his new besty Vallance falling flat on their faces when they try to decarbonise the electricity grid by 2030. Power cuts all round.

    3. jerry
      June 2, 2024

      @Peter; “and [Conservatives] will be punished for this and other failings at the next election.”

      Well yes … but on current opinion polling, given both Labour’s and LibDems (apparent) immigration policies, it looks quite the opposite to what you assert, any punishment will be for how the current (2015-24) govt has totally miss-handled the immigration issue, from Brexit (withdrawal agreement) to Rwanda deportation policy; along with all the loose-talk, by some, of scrapping the UK Supreme Court, or leaving the ECtHR, the latter a court the UK conceived and helped to set up just after WW2, well before the (but often confused with) ECJ that came from the needs of the original ECSC Treaty.

      1. A-tracy
        June 2, 2024

        What opinion polling has been asking peopleā€™s opinions on leaving the ECHR, or scrapping the Supreme Court? Iā€™d like to read the results I think a lot of people have no interest in either of those and couldnā€™t explain them if they tried.

        I sometimes wonder why no one I know has ever been politically polled do they only go into Universities or the civil service? I ask people all the time, have you been polled about the election, have you ever been polled. Iā€™m yet to speak to one person who has.

        1. jerry
          June 3, 2024

          @a-tracy; Every voting intention opinion poll is effectively asking about such issues, in fact every and any issue raised, such polls are not issue specific.

          How many people do you know, across the UK, unless I seek out like minded people, I rarely discover others who have the same hobbies as myself even in my home town, I suspect that is quite normal, so why would I expect to casually find someone who has been questioned by the polling companies. Have I “been polled about the election”, no, but then I reject such advances, be they about elections or just my shopping habits!

          Surely opinion pollsters strength comes from deliberately avoiding known hot-spots of political activism, unless the poll is about such groups! Would you be dismissing the polls if the (apparent) electoral fortunes were reversed, as they were in 2019, did you reject that years exit poll?…

    4. Bloke
      June 2, 2024

      Peter & Peter Wood:
      This Conservative government has done so much so wrong for so long that no single issue is singly agreed as being the worst. Even so, constantly bungling migration sticks out as being the most neglected and impacts negatively on virtually every aspect of failure further:
      UK economy, water, housing, employment, defence, planning, transport, schools, discipline, NHS, benefits, crime, congestion, law & order, courts, prison space, freedom of speech, equality, fairness, and even comedy.
      Overpopulation of the world is the main driver. The UK government competes in trying to be the densest. The Reform Party offers a safety valve to relieve much of the pressure

      1. Mickey Taking
        June 2, 2024

        not sure you included (dis)honesty at the level it deserves?
        Otherwise a fair stab at apportioning blame for being booted out of office!

  2. agricola
    June 2, 2024

    Tbe utter chaos of migration since the Blair government, perpetuated and accelerated by the heirs to Blair consocialists in power till now, are totally responsible. One of the worst outcomes is that said chaos will jeopardise the prospects of genuine asylum seekers for years to come.

    Treasury economic game players suggest that this open door policy results in keeping the UK at sixth place in the World GDP table. A place that benefits very few. Reality is that for individuals we are at best scraping twenty first place. On top of that we see our culture being destroyed city by city. London where 50% of the population were not born in the UK. Birmingham, Bradford and all our major cities have become unrecognisable from times of my youth.

    Our host points out the very real effect on housing, earnings and much of our totally unprepared infrastructure. Etc ed

    None but perhaps 100 at most of present ex MPs could see the danger. All parties were responsible. Even when murder and terrorism hit their own they remained blind to it. They have abandoned the indigenous to their fate. The ultimate sick present is that now the various parties have the temerity to suggest a vote for them will make it all go away. I can almost guarantee that, whoever wins, it will not. Etc Ed

    1. Berkshire Alan
      June 2, 2024

      Agreed, but all of the main Parties still will not recognise that such huge numbers are a real problem, in truth they are all appear to be frightened of being called racists by an active minority, who are getting larger and more vocal by the year.
      All Parties appear blind as to what is happening to the very fabric of our Country, with such a fast growing influx of people. No real solutions are being suggested or are forthcoming.
      Add to the above, Illegal migration, and minor crime in general, which is now completely out of control, (shoplifting as an example) and you will eventually get a growing lawlessness across the board.
      I really do fear for the downhill way our Country has been going in general over the past couple of decades.
      I certainly recognise that Immigration is not the cause of all of our problems, but it clearly is not helping matters as more and more people arrive with nowhere to live, and no money to support themselves, in what is an expensive Country to survive.

    2. agricola
      June 2, 2024

      Etc ed does not cure the problem it is just an indication that despite retiement you remain in partial denial.

      1. jerry
        June 2, 2024

        @agricola; Or perhaps our host still wants to protect himself, never mind wishing to protect the commentators to his his website, from (possible) legal action, justified or otherwise.

  3. Rod Evans
    June 2, 2024

    Sir John, you did not mention the ‘elephant in the room’. The reason we are incapable f controlling migration into the UK is simply because those involved in overseeing the systems are not minded to control anything.
    The people we have in positions of control are simply allowing their kith and kin to come in because we have given migration over to recent migrants.
    We have created a negative feedback loop that will eventually blow the whole system up. Unfortunately that terminal event won’t happen until so much pain and chaos has been introduced, resulting in the majority of natives dwelling in these islands have decided to up sticks and ….well migrate elsewhere.
    The policy adopted by the current administration has been catastrophic to all publicly financed services and continues to empty the resources needed for civilised society to exist.
    The recipe for anarchy has been woven into every facet of public life. The past 14 years of Tory activities and the previous 13 years of Labour destruction will not be overturned in a single parliament, the damage is too great.
    How we restore sanity in our public sector decision makers I struggle to think? One thing is certain. If we carry on with the policies of the past twenty five years, there won’t be anything worth worrying about at the end of the next parliamentary term here in the UK.

    1. Berkshire Alan
      June 2, 2024


    2. Donna
      June 2, 2024

      It’s a deliberate strategy by the Globalists …. mass immigration; facilitate illegal immigration; cause chaos and violence in previously stable countries so that the settled population demands action ….. and then claim the only solution is a One World Government.

    3. Christine
      June 2, 2024

      ā€œresulting in the majority of natives dwelling in these islands have decided to up sticks and ā€¦ well migrate elsewhere.ā€

      Where will people migrate to? Every Western country is the same. The overthrow of Western civilization has been planned and implemented by our politicians for decades. We are quickly losing our home, and future generations will pay the price for this. Even now straight, white males are discriminated against. Is it a coincidence that ethnic minorities hold all the highest offices in the land? And yet they still bleat on about discrimination and how the royal family is too white. Unfortunately, with Labour things will accelerate but the destination is the same. Heaven help our descendants.

  4. DOM
    June 2, 2024

    I approach this issue from a political (power to control, power to destroy) angle not an economic (production and wealth creation) one. It is the former that determines flows of human importation and for many reasons, mostly political and electoral.

    Importation to change the fundamental face of our nation

    Importation of demographic capital to provoke social tension, incite reaction and the creation of pretext for oppressive speech laws and demonisation

    Importation of population pressures on public services to create a deliberate crisis which attracts continually expanding budgets year on year.

    The state could stop immigration tomorrow, it CHOOSES not too. That choice is part of an agenda of change, state parasitism and pure bred poison, the woke apparatus utterly despise the UK and they intend to destroy it.

    1. Hat man
      June 2, 2024

      So let’s look at who wants immigration. It’s to a large extent the business community. In October 2022 a survey of the Confederation of British Industry members found nearly half wanted the government to make legal migration even easier. The following month, the head of the CBI Tony Danker told its annual conference that immigration is “the only thing that’s increased the potential growth of our economy”. Sunak gave a speech there promising that the government would ‘create one of the worldā€™s most attractive visa regimes’, attractive, he said, for businesses and ‘highly skilled people’. What does this mean in practice? Officially a visa applicant needs to be applying for a job paying Ā£38k a year, but in practice employers get round this by using one of the many loopholes available. The government web site says: ‘You may qualify for a lower salary requirement depending on your circumstances, including if you have a job on the immigration salary list, or if you are under 26 years, or if you have a Ph.D.’ And graduates of British universities qualify too, as we know. So we have a business community that for many years has been driving immigration higher and higher, and a government that has brought in rules allowing it to get what it wants. Look around, and we see the results.

      1. Mickey Taking
        June 2, 2024

        Who wants immigration? When it is so-called refugeees making their way via several EU countries deemed to be safe, then the conclusion must be the desire of large business to acquire cheap(er) labour.
        I doubt the population pre-1970s would have any wish to lower standards of all types by agreeing to job deskilling – but that has been the result.

    2. glen cullen
      June 2, 2024

      Correct ….even with an election weeks away, the tories haven’t set a legal immigration target ?

    3. Hope
      June 2, 2024

      Tory party is,deliberately destroying our way of life and culture by mass immigration. We are being conquered by foreign alien cultures and religions to the detriment of our country.

      Tolerant of other religions yes, we always have been. Equality to alien religions and cultures we do not believe in, absolutely not. The equality rot is placing alien cultures and beliefs above our own.

      Tory party Destroying family life, Sunak claiming to be the son-in-law of India and it is, o surprise the most migrants come fromā€¦..India! India currently persecuting Christians and burning down churches! Nigeria second highest and then Pakistan. What problem have we had with grooming gangs on young white girls and from which countryā€¦. Answers on a post card because the Tory party were and have been actively covering it up despite JRā€™s blog about MP standards yesterday. How many of these convicted paedophiles have been deportedā€¦.

      1. A-tracy
        June 2, 2024

        Hope, do you think the Labour, Lib Dem, Green, SNP lot are going to do better?

        Carol Vorderman has called for the complete and utter evisceration of the centre-right, then PR, lower the voting age, brainwashing and voila wealth taxes to pay for the new world, what is wealthy Ā£1m per household. I hope weā€™ve all got enough years left to help sort out the mess that is coming.

        1. Hope
          June 3, 2024

          No, I think the Uni Party are one and the same with slightly different narratives to be in power.

          The fix is in regarding Brexit, Starmer has not challenge Sunak at all which speaks volumes. If Tories were serious back in 2010, or 2019 then our country would be in a completely different place. Cameron made clear Red Edā€™s energy policy was Marxist. They then implemented it and built on it as May stated in parliament. What a contrast calling it Marxist, labelling the leader of Labour Red Ed then building on it!

          Reform Party.

  5. Sakara Gold
    June 2, 2024

    The Conservatives are running a very negative campaign for the election. We are being told that Labour will raise this tax or that tax, that the state pension is at risk, that Labour plans to abolish countryside sports, the TUC will run the country and more.

    This tactic is part of the “project fear” campaign being led by CCHQ, designed to frighten previously Conservative voters into returning to the fold.

    Coupled with naked bribes such as the Ā£20m “levelling up” money for Tory swing seats and the proposal to impose national military service on the young, the CCHQ campaign appears to be failing and has had the effect of extending Labour’s lead in the polls

    I suspect that the British electorate are unimpressed by “project fear”. The Remainers used this tactic during the referendum and lost.

    If the Tories want to eat into Labour’s lead, they should take a much more robust approch to achieving the stonking savings possible from net zero, the clean energy transition and reducing the twin deficits by exporting more renewable electricity to the EU

    1. Rod Evans
      June 2, 2024

      SK. Project fear is precisely what Net Zero is founded on. The introduction of fear into the minds of the people. The agents of state claiming, we must shut down growth/civilisation by removing reliable energy provision, other wise we will destroy the planet. All state activities are based on injecting fear into the people. Labour are past masters at it.
      The planet is fine and will be here long after we are gone. It is worth noting, extinction is the normal evolution of all species. We don’t need to speed things up by destroying civilisation via Net Zero.

    2. Lifelogic
      June 2, 2024

      Well the only argument they have for voting Conservate is Labour will be even worse still. As they will be with their proposed theft off landlords and the mad counterproductive VAT on school fees, the lunacy of net zero even faster than Sunakā€™s deluded agenda. Not even possible in reality.

      ā€œa much more robust approach to achieving the stonking savings possible from net zero, the clean energy transition and reducing the twin deficits by exporting more renewable electricity to the EUā€.

      This is a pipe dream & there are no saving to be made once back up is properly accounted for. Electricity that is not on demand and needs back up is obviously less valuable as you need a back up source for it too. Plus it cannot supply more power at peak times. You really do not seem to understand the realities of electricity generation systems, balancing the grid and energy economics.

    3. Lifelogic
      June 2, 2024

      The positive slant needed it to promise to ditch net zero, cut taxes, cut the size of government, cut over regulation, cut the vast waste and cut low skilled immigration hugely. But who would trust them after 14 years of doing the complete reverse?

    4. DOM
      June 2, 2024

      Net Zero is a statist, political ideology concerned with control over movement, choice and economic freedoms and is not in anyway connected to environmental protection. It is to all intents and purposes, a thinly veiled version of fascism

      1. Sakara Gold
        June 2, 2024


        Absolute rubbish. You really ought to do some research instead of believing the fossil fuel lobby lies and propaganda that anti-net zero is built upon. Net zero is not a fascist ideology, it is a rational response to the obvious climate crisis that is causing millions of people to migrate north to a neigburhood near you.

        Last week in New Delhi the air temperature was 51C. And it’s only the end of May

    5. Sea_Warrior
      June 2, 2024

      The Conservative campaign is dreadful. It’s major weakness is an over-reliance on Sunak, who seems to think that ditching a jacket to show off a too-tight shirt will win him an election that’s been called too early. I would suggest that the ministers remaining in Whitehall take half an hour out of each day to get over to CCHQ, to take the lectern, to BOTH explain why Labour’s policies won’t work and why conservative policies would be better.

      1. Mickey Taking
        June 2, 2024

        what fool went and bought the trendy Ā£700 back-pack for Sunak to wear for the first time in the show of using the overnight sleeper – London to Penzance? Not great for the working man image!
        Hands up you blokes who have or would pay Ā£700 for a back-pack!

    6. Dave Andrews
      June 2, 2024

      Entirely agree with you regarding “Project Fear”. It was also used in the Scottish Independence referendum. I welcome the participation of the Scots in our United Kingdom, but to say they couldn’t run their country successfully is downright insulting.
      I’m not surprised the Tories can’t narrow the gap between them and Labour. Hasn’t everyone like me turned deaf to their promises?
      Where is the plan to shrink the bloated state and get the finances under control? All the parties want to tell you about how they will spend more. Our debt interest is three times defence spending and more than half what’s spent on the NHS, yet they don’t want to talk about this or their commitment to divert even more spending on debt interest by continuing to run a deficit.

      1. Timaction
        June 2, 2024

        Increasing debt to ever increase debt interest. So when is a national emergency being called and welfare and its recipient’s told its being reduced and time limited? No welfare or health services to the newly arrived, bring health insurance and ensure NHS services check for cover. Im sick of foreign chatter in all our health buildings. The Uni Party have no qualms in keeping raising my taxes to pay for their prolifacy. Enough, time to live within the 46% s means. Get on with it!

    7. jerry
      June 2, 2024

      @SG; Net Zero will be a huge cost, both on taxes and employment (something the SNP appears to have woken up to…), there are no savings, the only people who will benefit from such polices are investors, those who make tinted spectacle promises, devoid of practicality, to secure grants etc that can never be satisfactorily audited.

      Yes solar & wind generation battery storage, for example, is technically possible but few understand just how large such arrays will need to be at the National Grid level.

      Did you see that report the other day, suggesting the recent rise in surface temperatures was actually caused by the sudden reduction in emissions from shipping during the pandemic, that the lose of atmospheric particulate pollution allowed more UV to heat the Earths surface, rather than being blocked (reflected back into space) – go figure!

      1. hefner
        June 2, 2024

        This had been discussed since the mid-1990s, look for papers with ā€˜James Coakleyā€™, ā€˜ship tracksā€™ in the titles.

        The positive warming induced by the cleaning up of ship fuels had been pointed out in 2018 The Economist, 27/10/2018 ā€˜Sulphur emission rules for shipping will worsen global warmingā€™.
        And that was also pointed out in the August 2021 IPCC report.

    8. IanT
      June 2, 2024

      Net Zero is a complete fraud SG, there is no other description for it. It gets conflated with Climate Change and the Climate “Emergency” whenever eco zeolots want to justify it. The Climate has always changed and always will. The rate of change may be an issue but it is not one that Net Zero policies will alter in any significant way.

      All Net Zero is doing is exporting work and wealth and importing finished goods and energy. Make something in UK – it has a carbon footprint. Make it elsewhere and it has no carbon footprint. It is that simple. “We need to set a global example” “We need to do our bit” How daft can people be? All we are doing is making ourselves poorer.

      Renewable energy currently is a half-baked solution. Until you can solve the ‘storage’ problem it is not a truly viable energy source. Nor is it ‘cheap’ if you remove the subsidies on renewables. Make a like-for-like comparison between fossil fuels (without penal tax levels) and renewables (without subsidies) – in other words an even playing field and fossil energy will currently always win on cost grounds. I’m sure there will be viable solutions in the future but in the meantime gas is the obviousvenergy source for reliable electricity generation. We should be fracking here in UK and developing nuclear in parallel.

      When you have large scale battery storage available (e.g. capable of supporting national power needs for days not seconds) then come back and tell us how good renewables are – because right now they are not up to the job!

    9. A-tracy
      June 2, 2024

      SK well people not listening canā€™t say they werenā€™t warned can they. Their feel good vote for reform wonā€™t warm them this winter.

      But the Tory messaging does need to be more positive too, tell people and show people the new hospital buildings and investments, the new GP super surgeries weā€™ve had built, people seem to forget.

      Iā€™m finding it quite surprising how many pot holes are being fixed this month by our Labour council, almost as if theyā€™ve been holding off doing them or something, have the government given them the money for this last minute?

      1. jerry
        June 2, 2024

        @a-tracy; Highlight all those 2015-24 new-built hospitals & GP super surgeries you want (I’ll take your word they exist, somewhere…), or even just the more numerous NHS facilities that have been improved, but all that does is remind voters as to the non-availability of appointments, or how long the waiting lists are etc, and as @Sea_Warrior points out above, that wait might not even be to get treatment, just be registered as a patient or to seek a consultation.

        The buck has stopped, you can’t kick a tin-can up hill, it will just roll back down again…

        1. A-tracy
          June 2, 2024

          Two nearby hospitals have been virtually rebuilt Jerry. Millions spent has your local hospital had no spending on it? Was it already refurbished under one of Labours massive PFI rebuild agreements that theyā€™re now paying for? When I ask people have you personally been unable to get an appointment, no. The other day someone at work I told to call the GP surgery at 3pm, come in this afternoon, they were shocked got dealt with straight away, a friend broke his ankle, seen within an hour and had a boot fitted, people moaning about their fuel bill, how much are you paying I ask because my parents winter fuel payments and discount paid their bill, oh I donā€™t know, they say, I just pay by Direct Debit. People deserve what theyā€™re going to get.

          I have seen several reports on complete new hospitals, there were 40 targets inc rebuilds by 2030. We have a new super-surgery 4 into 1 with a pharmacy next door, I actually preferred the old individual surgeries with more personal service but the GP 2004 contract changed most of that. The waiting lists are appalling but look at the worst trusts, two of the worst hospitals are in devolved health regions whatā€™s the best way to make the government look bad, job done. āœ”ļø. What have all these doctors unions been promised for this change of government? Do you know?

          Oh yes, I agree I see the writing is on the wall. I also see Sunak setting out to lose this election from the start, I hate the idea of national compulsory service for 18 year olds, I donā€™t agree with Maths for all to 18 one size fits all. The global no smoking thing cheered on by Starmer is just ridiculous, I saw a young boy vaping in the street with his mates recently and the rest are doing NOS canisters up the alley. Theyā€™re going straight to the hard stuff – well done politicians – when we have increased strokes in the under 25s perhaps they might wake up to it.

          I also hate the way that nothing good is being recognised, such as England rising up the PISA education rankings since 2010. Such as the big % increase in the personal allowance on both tax and NI since 2010 helping everyone on the lower wages which have also seen significant increases 10% this year 10% last year. I have resigned myself because the Tory party have already given up, its as though theyā€™ve been told theyā€™re losing.

          1. jerry
            June 3, 2024

            @a-tracy; “I have seen several reports on complete new hospitals”, so have I, but I can not recall seeing any evidence completed hospitals, many seem to be still on the drawing board, even the temporary ‘Nightingale’ hospitals are no more, are they not – not a long term solution, wards built in exhibition halls, but better than treatment in a corridor!

            As I said, plenty of improved NHS facilities, but how much extra capacity has been created. You mention someone with a broken ankle, yes the NHS is very good at ’emergency’ care, unlike those who have to wait around for hours for non emergency and non life threatening cases to be seen, perhaps you should try accompanying those in the 80s and 90s age groups to A&E, I’ve sat many an hour or two with such people in corridors sadly.

            Was the NHS better under the Blair/Brown govt. not really, but then they had accepted many of the funding policies used by the out going Thatcher/Major govt, hence why they fell for the PFI scandal, which has become such a burden on public sector budgets.

            I agree with you about the smoking ban, in fact I disagreed with the original indoors ban, I can choose were to work, if to visit a smoke filled pub for example, but now I’m forced to walk through a haze of secondhand tobacco smoke in the street outside. You say “[the young are] going straight to the hard stuff”, indeed, but why, is it some sort of errant fashion or a sign of despair/escapism akin to self-ham and other ‘traditional’ hard drug use.

            You say “nothing good is being recognised, such as England rising up the PISA education rankings since 2010.”, you know what they say about statistics, even more when the methodology changes so often.

            Personal Tax and NI allowances are an irrelevance to those outside of Income tax or who never earn anywhere close to the previous thresholds never mind the new, those allowances could be ten times higher but such people will be no better off.

            The view from a Ivory tower is quite different than that from the gutter…

    10. Bingle
      June 2, 2024

      “….the stonking savings…” – I needed a good laugh this morning so thank you for providing it SG. You never fail in this regard.

      It would still be nice to know how you and your mate Ed will provide electricity generation in the middle of a still winters night? Other than fossil fuels I cannot help you in this.

    11. Original Richard
      June 2, 2024

      SG : ā€œIf the Tories want to eat into Labourā€™s lead, they should take a much more robust approch to achieving the stonking savings possible from net zero, the clean energy transition and reducing the twin deficits by exporting more renewable electricity to the EU.ā€

      Exporting renewable electricity to the EU at negative prices because this is cheaper than making constraint payments is not financially helpful. The reason why there is no plan for grid-scale electricity storage is because our local grids can only handle 1 ā€“ 2KW of power per household continuously so it is clear that there will need to be electricity rationing anyway using smart meters to cope with 7KW ev chargers and 5KW heat pumps running 24/7 in winter.

      1. jerry
        June 2, 2024

        @OR; “local grids can only handle 1 ā€“ 2KW of power per household continuously so it is clear that there will need to be electricity rationing anyway using smart meters to cope with 7KW ev chargers and 5KW heat pumps running 24/7 in winter.”

        Err, have you missed off the “0” from those KW figures??!! You do realize that many a domestic old style three element electric fire, never mind electric cookers, or an existing in-tank immersion water heater are likely all rated well above 2KW and the average domestic (60 Amp, 14KW) rated company supply can just handle all three drawing full power simultaneously (58 amps total, a little under 14KW), as can the distribution Ring Main in the street.

        Nor will those 5KW heat pumps normally draw anything like their rated maximum, other than from a cold tank start-up on a freezing day perhaps, but even so they will be still be within the capacity of both company fuse and the local distribution grid, as will the 7KW EV charger which only draws the maximum allowed for a single household ring circuit or indeed some electric cookers, not a problem if the EV charger is timed to operate (at full capacity) during the night when other household domestic use is negligible. Any higher EV or HVAC loadings would likely mean the property will need a 3ph supply anyway, thus the load is then shared over a 3×14 KW supply at 440 volts, all still well within the capacity of any modern distribution Ring Main from the substation. The real worry is running costs, compared to natural gas boilers….

        Any electricity rationing will be due to a shortage of generating capacity, not transmission or distribution capacity.

        1. Original Richard
          June 2, 2024

          jerry :

          In the UK 80% of local grids are only capable of supplying 1 ā€“ 2KW continuously to each household according to a consultant research engineer (Eng.D) from Southampton University in written evidence to a Parliamentary Committee studying evs. Although meter boxes are fitted with 80 amp fuses (18.4 KW at 230v) this power consumption is only possible if it is for random amounts at random times which will not be the case when heating and transport is electrified. His conclusion was that evs could only be owned by 1 in 7 households even when staggering the supply to 7KW chargers and this was not taking into account the 4-5 KW needed for heat pumps running 24/7 in winter.

          1. jerry
            June 3, 2024

            @OR; That citation was a personal thesis, and clearly marked as such, as well as not proven in practice.

            As I showed, clearly nonsense, given many a free standing portable fan heater, as sold in home hardware shops, are rated at 2000w (2KW) “continuously” on the maximum setting, are you (he) seriously suggesting if used to heat a room at maximum power should *any* other electrical load (such as a domestic microwave oven) draw an additional load it would cause the company supply to fail. What about electric showers, many common domestic shower units are now rated at over 7KW, some well over. Start up or Continuous (usually a bit lower than the maximum) current draw (load) makes no difference to the company supply protection devices, they can either withstand the current draw or they’ll trip, be that an individual in-take fuse, distribution Ring Main or substation overload protection device.

            How did, and indeed how does, the network cope with the traditional British Sunday roast, with so many households all drawing 7KW via their electric cookers simultaneously, how did the network cope with the old “Economy7” overnight storage heating system?

            I wonder if the chap Majored, he probably did as he was likely marked on ‘thought process’, not validity of his evidence…

    12. Donna
      June 2, 2024

      India: World’s largest floating solar farm is trashed by a bout of bad weather.

      Six or so weeks ago one in the USA was completely destroyed by a hailstorm.

      Not going well for the “renewables” scam is it?

    13. Original Richard
      June 2, 2024

      SG : ā€œIf the Tories want to eat into Labourā€™s lead, they should take a much more robust approch to achieving the stonking savings possible from net zero, the clean energy transition and reducing the twin deficits by exporting more renewable electricity to the EU.ā€

      No doubt you feel we should be following Sir Keir Starmerā€™s idea expressed last week that we should be building floating (not fixed) offshore wind farms? The CfD price for floating offshore wind farms at the next renewqables auction (AR6) is Ā£242/MWhr at 2023 prices which is more than double fixed offshore wind and 4 times the price of gas without carbon taxes and 4 times the price of nuclear, even for EDFā€™s EPR technology, anywhere else in the world but the UK.

  6. Donna
    June 2, 2024

    It’s a start ….. after 14 years of broken “promises,” lies and deceit and 6 million immigrants we didn’t want, many of whom will never integrate because they don’t want to.

    Welcome to Enforced Multicultural Britain and our violent Sectarian future.

    After two years of failure and Ā£310 million down the drain, only one person has been deported to Rwanda, and he went voluntarily with a Ā£3000 bribe in his pocket and UK taxpayer support for the next five years.

    Labour will be worse is hardly a credible argument Sir John.

    1. glen cullen
      June 2, 2024

      You couldn’t make it up !!!!!!

  7. Sir Joe Soap
    June 2, 2024

    “The Conservatives launched a new policy this year to cut migration by 300,000. ”

    Please get out of the habit of quoting Conservative promises as holding any currency. Go to any Lifelogic post these past years for a comprehensive list of failed promises.
    Please look back and tell us which of the previous promises have been even properly attempted, let alone met. Why haven’t they?
    That is the mystery you could be trying to solve, because it’s at the heart of July 4 results.

    Other islands in this world don’t have our problem, so why do we?

    1. Timaction
      June 2, 2024

      Because it’s deliberate as they still think GDP NOT per capita where we have slipped into the 20s. Housing, health, education, congestion crises are self inflicted deliberate Tory mass immigration policy. No more excuses. Utter folly to educate our competitors and let them and the third world and their families stay. Net zero whilst importing 1.2 million a year. Tory jokers. Don’t worry, we’ll vote for more of the same…….said no one, ever!

  8. jerry
    June 2, 2024

    “The Conservative government since 2019 has let in too many people, mainly by granting visas for legal entry. “

    Why? Not disputing the numbers, just asking why “too many people”, when presumably there were & are justifiable reason for allowing legal entry, again presumably, many for work related reasons, positions that apparently could be filled by UK citizens.

    “If the next government is serious about cutting the housing shortage, tackling high rents and long NHS waiting lists it has to start with a major reduction in total largely legal migration.”

    Oh come off it! The shortage of housing, high rents and long NHS waiting lists etc. all pre-date the more recent immigration arguments. NIMBYism has often driven the housing shortage, we simply need to build more affordable housing and apartments to tackle both shortages and high rents in both housing sectors. There needs to be better funding of the NHS, this doesn’t necessarily mean more money, just better use of the existing budgets; the next parliament needs challenging the on-going excesses caused by long PFI agreements; the contracting out of services were this has been shown to cause issues; the availability of NHS trained staff; access to local GP (and dental) surgeries, the services they can provide, and when.

    Sorry but politicos, of all shades, need to stop hiding behind made up crises, certain long standing cans can no longer be kicked down the road. The country has a crisis, but it is not caused by immigration, legal or otherwise.

    1. jerry
      June 2, 2024

      I note that Lord Cameron is urging British Citizens living abroad, who have regained the right to vote in UK parliamentary elections, to registrar and vote; I wonder how that will play out among British expats in the EU….

      Who needs enemies, with self-inflicted wounds like that!

    2. Sam
      June 2, 2024

      Recent levels of immigration requires a city the size of Southampton to be built every year.
      An impossible task.
      To claim approx10 million new arrivals in the last 20 years has has little or no effect on housing costs, NHS waiting lists, numbers of school places etc, is plainly not right.

      1. jerry
        June 2, 2024

        @Sam; But no one needs to build a city the size of Southampton! After all are we not already housing both legal; and illegal migrants anyway?

        You also miss my point about housing, many of the housing problems existing before the current migrant surge arose, because some people appear to take umbrage with any new housing proposal, hence my comment about NIMBYism and vestige interests, objectors using ever type of pleasurable excuse and many implausible one too, everything from mains drainage to one town will become joined to another. I have ever read objection were the complaints clearly have not actually ready the submitted planning proposal, complaining about both lack of school places and local employment opportunities and highway infrastructure issues, yet the proposal clearly show new build light industry, shops, leisure and new schools along road improvements besides the new housing.

        1. Sam
          June 3, 2024

          It’s a metaphor Jerry.
          But it gives an indication of the scale of immigration and its effects.
          Which you choose to refuse to accept.
          Housing costs and other problems have recently been getting much worse.
          Of course they existed decades ago.

          1. jerry
            June 3, 2024

            @Sam; “Which you choose to refuse to accept.”

            I’m not refusing to accept anything, if the evidence proves an argument I accept it.
            Your arguments could have been made about the post war baby-boom, indeed the country did have to built New Towns the size of Stevenage, Harlow, Milton Keynes, Telford etc, or then increased the size them (some having originally been conceived to cope with Blitz and Slum clearance), and then there were the over-spill towns, such as Daventry and Tamworth.

            The only difference between having to deal with a baby-boom generation and an influx of migrants is the timescale in which any new housing might be needed, but that was also true of the post war Blitzed housing crisis.

          2. Sam
            June 3, 2024

            You provided no evidence Jerry.

            Just a claim from you that because problems existed decades ago so you feel current problems are no different.

            But they are very much severe.
            record nhs waiting lists
            record housing waiting lists

          3. jerry
            June 3, 2024

            @Sam; Historical fact is evidence, if it wasn’t, never mind housing, the Free Market in the UK (and Europe) would have been a dead and buried after 35 to 45 years of post-war Planned or Command economies. Have we really lost the ability to build large new housing scheme, or just the wish to do so?

            record nhs waiting lists
            record housing waiting lists

            You forgot to mention record low investment in new NHS infrastructure, record low investment in affordable housing, including social housing.

            The UK came out of WW2 with a massive war debt, yet both the Conservatives and Labour not only pledged to rebuild, they did so, and competed with each other on how many houses were built each year; now compare that with the approach to “Austerity” after the far less expensive 2007-8 banking crisis…

            Reply record spending on NHS in last 5 years and big cap ex programme

          4. jerry
            June 4, 2024

            @JR reply; ‘Record Spending’ only if one talks about it in cash terms, whilst ignoring the effects of inflation on the value of that cash. I have accepted there has been some improvement, buildings and capacity, within the NHS, but nowhere near what is needed, same for education.

    3. Hat man
      June 2, 2024

      If you’re not disputing the numbers, Jerry, do please tell us how, other than by building lots of houses, the country was supposed to accommodate the 7.85 million extra people living in the UK since 2004. That was when Blair started mass migration from the EU, continued by Cameron, Johnson and Sunak. On the government’s figure of 2.5 people per dwelling, that’s another 3 million homes in 20 years. That’s about 150,000 a year, which is roughly the average number per year actually built during that time. Now look up how much net migration there’s been in that time, and you’ll see SJR’s point was quite correct.

      1. jerry
        June 2, 2024

        @Hat Man; See my reply to @Sam above.
        I would also suggest that the Net Migration figures is not an ideal way of measuring UK population flux, because it does not take account of indigenous deaths vs births nor, and perhaps more importantly, the total size of the indigenous working age (18-67) population; are the number of people leaving education equal to the number of people entering retirement for the desired size of the UK economy – if there is a deficit, which I strongly suspect there is (or will be shortly), do we allow inward migration to fill the gap, or do we shrink the economy?

    4. A-tracy
      June 2, 2024

      Jerry did Labour from 1997 to 2009 build more homes per year on average than the Tories did from 2010 to 2023 or not?

      I thought covid wiped out many over 80ā€™s a much accelerated death rate so more homes than expected became vacant didnā€™t they?

      1. jerry
        June 3, 2024

        @a-tracy; New build under the Blair/Brown 1997-2010 govt was as bad as any since 1979, because the same planning NIMBYism existed (at least at the local level, some schemes in my area were only approved after being called in for review), and there was much same public spending constraints on new build social housing.

        As for extra deaths due to Covid increasing the housing supply, that assumes the property became available to the ‘market’ after probate, not necessarily so, if there is a surviving spouse/household family member, or the deceased had already given up their property to live in a care setting for example. Your clutching at straws!

  9. Old Albion
    June 2, 2024

    The UK (more realistically) England, is being demographically overrun. The Conservatives have had fourteen years to reverse the trend and have utterly failed. Making promises about reducing incomers by 300.000 now, is meaningless. The Conservative party will be out of power in July.
    Sadly Labour will come to power and they too have no idea what to do about immigration. In fact it will probably get worse.
    Politicians in the UK are on the road to the destruction of Englands identity. What’s worse is they know it, but haven’t the guts to say it. Nigel Farage has spoken the truth recently about excessive Islamic migration and predictably the MSM/lefties/Wokesters became apoplectic at his words.
    I’m glad I won’t be here in another twenty years. Sadly my sons and grandchildren will have to contend with the mess you have created. Unless they emigrate, how ironic.

    1. jerry
      June 2, 2024

      @OA; That argument is not new, only the words, I’ve read similar arguments made in the early 1960s, I heard similar arguments made in the 1970s…

      Have you any idea of the total numbers that would be needed for England to be “demographically overrun”, that is not to say Post Code areas can see a majority shift in local demographics happening, but that can happen even without inward migration to the UK; at one time didn’t Corby in Northamptonshire gain the nickname ‘Little Scotland’, due to the influx of Scottish workers wanting to find employment at the then (new) steel works?

  10. MPC
    June 2, 2024

    You imply that the next (Labour) government has no serious plan to deal with inward migration, but it does and Starmer has articulated it: New Towns. He has explicitly said that we need them and that he doesnā€™t know how many we will need – presumably that will depend on the number of legal and illegal migrants his open door immigration approach attracts. Labour New Towns will be the most visible affirmation of the rights of The Global Majority over indigenous English citizens.

  11. Lifelogic
    June 2, 2024

    Polls looking even worse for the Tories by the day. What on earth was Sunak doing calling it six months early. Something might have come up had he waited. And why the conscription lunacy.

    King Charles recruits Beckham get to his Kings Fund trust and to discuss bees – Chas & Dave.

    The Fund seems to do some sensible things though ā€œSustainable Fashionā€ is surely another oxymoron like being minister for Energy Security and Net Zero or for Women and Equality. I do with the King would keep out politics especially on the net zero lunacy. His past predictions of doom were all wrong.

    1. Mickey Taking
      June 2, 2024

      Beckham – the well known crusader for crafts and sustainability. I wonder if the King has been told how much he claimed he’d spent and was still denied a gong?

    2. Timaction
      June 2, 2024

      He called the election early as the Rwanda plan won’t work. No planes will ever take off. Braverman etc warned him re gold plated rules. The one Nation liberals wouldn’t allow it.

  12. Lynn Atkinson
    June 2, 2024

    Ironically my widowed cousin, born in Lymington, has two sons and lives in Cape Town. They wish to return home. They sent all the required documents and identical applications for each son. One son has been granted his British citizenship but the other has not. They younger son was born in an era when, apparently and according to the FO, mass fraud using existing documents, was committed in South Africa, apparently by State employees. They ā€˜sold your identityā€™. Therefore the FO wants additional documentation for the younger son, but the SA State, in existential collapse, ā€˜canā€™t findā€™ anything and simply blanks all applications.
    I have suggested that the U.K. FO, aware of this as they are, they keep giving him an extension, should accept DNA proof.
    Anyway, the British state is efficiently keeping genetic British people out of our country, even though my cousin and her children are NOT SA citizens and never have been citizens of anywhere but the U.K.

    1. Mickey Taking
      June 2, 2024

      A safe haven to run back to, eh?

      1. Lynn Atkinson
        June 3, 2024

        Well no longer a safe, but home. And South Africa was a Dominion where many went to serve. They had no idea that they would be denied the right to return.
        For all those fleeing the U.K., donā€™t think there is anywhere better – not even Constantia which is probably the very best of Africa.

    2. Lifelogic
      June 2, 2024

      Perhaps he needs to take a 22 mile Rib trip from Calais.

    3. Robert Pay
      June 2, 2024

      I recall a Zimbabwean who had been a captain in the British Army with roots and kin here being denied asylum and citizenship. This was trumpeted as proof that the UK didn’t favour race. Watch the same kith and kin arguments be used to gain access for Gazans.

  13. Sea_Warrior
    June 2, 2024

    About 18 months ago, a dental surgery, accepting NHS patients, opened near my home. It was inundated with potential patients. I filled in my application form and was told to wait to be called in, for a check-up and a decision as to whether I would be allowed to register. It called me …………………….. yesterday. Dental-provision: another demand/supply-mismatch problem that the Conservatives just didn’t care about until it was too late.
    Anyways, I’ll be spending some time today looking into whether I can cancel a donation to CCHQ made on a credit-card.

  14. Everhopeful
    June 2, 2024

    Does it matter if the opposition is against something if the ā€œrulingā€ party has a very healthy majority?
    I genuinely donā€™t know.
    What on earth is the point of being in government if a party canā€™t actually govern?

    1. glen cullen
      June 2, 2024

      Reminds me of Boris and his fishing deal with the French …..our own fishermen sold down the river, and in three years when the deal is concluded i.e 100% UK, they’ll just give the French another deal

      1. Everhopeful
        June 2, 2024

        And now commentators are saying that the tories will be lucky to even get 60 or so seats!
        The ā€œbloody noseā€ they will be dealt by the electorate will be the most expensive in history!

  15. Keith from Leeds
    June 2, 2024

    It is imperative for any responsible Government to halt all immigration until we have processed those already here. This should be followed by the implementation of a stringent system that only admits individuals who can contribute, and a fixed number of asylum seekers, perhaps a maximum of 25,000 per year.
    How long the stop should be, I don’t know, but at least 3 to 5 years, so we can absorb those already here.
    But why are the Conservatives 20% plus behind in the opinion polls, because they have not done anything about it.
    Plenty of talk but very little action. Same on Taxes and Net Zero. What you do speaks so loudly I can’t hear what you say!

  16. Everhopeful
    June 2, 2024

    Politicians talk glibly about solving the housing problem as if this country had totally empty second and third countries hidden somewhere up its sleeve.
    Well I donā€™t think it does and all this building impacts permanently and horribly on peopleā€™s lives.
    And in what way was it ever remotely FAIR to bring folk here in the recent past and then import competition? Waves of settlers came here for a safe, western life..and that is NOT what they are getting.
    I thought that politicians just loved being FAIR!

  17. Ian B
    June 2, 2024

    “The Conservatives launched a new policy this year to cut migration by 300,000.” that was just a sound-bite headline with an election looming. The Conservative Government has been actively encouraging migration over the last 14 years

    What have done about the criminal invasion, ‘Around 1.3% of people who arrived by small boat from 2018 to June 2023 were returned from the UK during that period’ By all accounts the Government don’t know where the others are.

    The real problem is these illegals are ‘robbing’ places that could have gone to the genuine, fear for their life, seeking sanctuary.

    1. Timaction
      June 2, 2024

      Less than 200 of the 125000 boat people have been deported but housed in 4* hotels, given mobiles, food, pocket money, free health and dentistry. Meanwhile the 46% of taxpayers making the highest tax contributions ever are really pleased that nothing at at all has been done to stop this Ā£7 million a day cost and rising. Add the 1.2 million free loaders every year, mostly welfare, health, housing subsidised are continuing to arrive. Vote Tory for more of the same said no one etc

      1. glen cullen
        June 2, 2024

        All against the will of the people that voted brexit and for the tories over the last decade ….we the people are ignored

  18. Iain Moore
    June 2, 2024

    The British political establishment have pretty much destroyed England with mass immigration . They have turned my country into a transit lounge for anybody to rock up. England has been colonised, but where as it would be called a bad and racist if it happened anywhere else, here it is called multiculturalism and vibrant.

    As none of the political parties can be trusted, in fact quite the opposite , for have fed us one lie after another . The only hope for them is to put a number on immigration that people will accept, and say they will put it into law.

    1. iain gill
      June 2, 2024

      oh its worse than that, far worse.

      I dont think the liberal elite have any concept of how bad they have made some parts of the country. They are sure not living there themselves, or subjecting their own children to the schools.

    2. Original Richard
      June 2, 2024

      IM :

      Net immigration will eventually stop but only when we’re indistinguishable from the third world, which is the goal.

      1. Donna
        June 3, 2024

        Correct. It is the Globalists’ strategy for levelling down the western 1st world and for installing a One World Government of technocrat “elites.”

      2. Diane
        June 3, 2024

        O Richard: And on that note – with regard to actions and non-action of past & present politicians and seeing as it seems to continue to be better to put off difficult matters and conversations & leave things & consequences to successors…. ” So they will continue to ensure that Europe is the only place in the world that belongs to the world. It is already clear what type of society will result. By the middle of the century, while China will probably still look like China, India will probably still look like India, Russia like Russia, and Eastern Europe like Eastern Europe, Western Europe will at best resemble a large scale version of the United Nations. Many people will welcome this, and it will have its pleasures of course……” …..” there will be an endless influx of new neighbours and staff, and there will be many interesting conversations to be had. This place where international cities develop into something resembling international countries will be many things. But it will not be Europe anymore.”
        ( extract Chapter 19 What will be / book by Douglas Murray : The Strange Death of Europe” )

  19. Everhopeful
    June 2, 2024

    Iā€™m not certain what ā€œcomputers taking the strainā€ ( computers are a nightmare) actually means but in my book technology has forced utter misery upon us.
    We had a world based on human interaction.
    Computers and AI ( are they the same?) can not replace that.
    With tech in charge people are left stranded without food, heat or company.
    They are left stranded miles from home in a broken down car or on a train with a useless app.
    In ā€œhealthcareā€ it leaves people scared, alone and unattended. Some unable to even get to a hospital.
    God alone knows what will happen when the idiots do away with landlines.

    We had a civilisation. It worked. It was good.
    But they had to give it away!

    1. glen cullen
      June 2, 2024

      They had no right or authority to give it away …they went beyond the scope of manifesto, pledge and consent ….and thats why they’ll be punished in the election

  20. Ian B
    June 2, 2024

    From the MsM
    ā€˜Pensioners will be hit with a Ā£,1000 “retirement tax” if Labour wins power, Rishi Sunak warned last night.ā€™
    ā€˜Labour will betray pensioners again, Jeremy Hunt has warned as he vowed to protect votersā€™ retirements with a new ā€œpensions tax guaranteeā€.ā€™

    How duplicitous can these guys get, the Conservative Government under these 2 Chancellors has ensured that pensioners due to fiscal drag will be paying more under their decree. Yes, a small (a very small) number may escape when they only receive the bare State pension. But, that not what is inferred by their personal headline.

    They have also ensured the correlation between contributions and payout is broken, it will no longer be what you paid in and for how long, but how much at anytime the Chancellor wants you to have with everyone and anyone being seen as equal(100% pure Socialism), including the newly arrived illegal immigrant.

    Would anyone trust these guys that refuse to control expenditure, instead raise taxes to cover their backs.

    We donā€™t want Labour, but we want these 2 less.

    1. Ian B
      June 2, 2024

      The whole thesis being arrived at by this Conservative Government and CCHQ, is the alternative would be worse!

      What these Guys dare not do is talk about is the Conservative Government record over the last 14 years, and this bunch over the last 5 years. The UK has never had such uncontrolled expenditure, such a big influx of people legal and illegal. We have never seen the uncontrolled growth of the State, seemingly filled with pals that they canā€™t find safe seats or jobs in the real World. We have never had our security and resilience for energy and our defence so depleted. Then we get the 70-year high burden on the individual with tax, net-zero cost ā€“ pure punishment. The high Tax is just now to cover perpetual incompetence.

      There is no proof that the alternatives would be worse, that alone begs the question ā€“ how? We are offered Socialism, Socialism or Socialism, from all those standing not a single Conservative thought allowed to filter through. Wouldnā€™t a Party controlled by the Unions have more concern with the UKā€™s economy, UK Manufacture, UK energy provision, keeping UK workers employed in real jobs? What we have a bunch of guys in isolation with not a single wish to stand up and manage, pushing personal agendas to the detriment of us all. A CCHQ filled top-down protectionism forced into our usually robust local organizations, only servants to the leadership now permitted. Not loyal Conservatives but loyal Socialist carrying out orders from the Politburo. The Conservative ā€˜Partyā€™ is letting them do it, they are condoning the destruction of this once great Party. How will the foot Soldiers the Canvassers get out on the door-step and tell another bunch of lies? As the record, the real truth, tells the opposite story

    2. Mickey Taking
      June 2, 2024

      After Sunak/Hunt introduced the fiscal drag to ensure increasing tax on pension income, they have the bloody nerve to warn the electorate Labour will continue with it! Did I miss the pair committing to immediately stop and provide redress to the cynical stealth tax on winning the GE?

  21. A-tracy
    June 2, 2024

    ā€œSir Keir Starmer unveiled new plans to curb net migration, as he promised this weekend: ā€œRead my lips – I will bring immigration numbers downā€.

    Net migration must come down says Cooper.

    Well thatā€™s going to be easy as people with money are going to pack and leave in numbers to bring that ā€œnetā€ migration down. Two out paying enough tax to cover ten, ten in paying no tax. Those Bulgarians though Ā£50m in benefit fraud – only caught because of one bright and honest police officer in Bulgaria, who was probably sick of seeing a load of numpties building mansions.

    1. Berkshire Alan
      June 2, 2024

      a tracy
      Yes makes you sick doesn’t it, people who have paid in for the whole of their working lives being means tested to death and getting little or no financial help at all, yet it is alleged that these chancers got away with an estimated Ā£50,000,000 using thousands of false identities.
      The whole system and its management is a complete and utter farce.

      1. A-tracy
        June 2, 2024

        My mother broke her back a couple of year ago, she has never claimed a penny in benefits, her state pension is only around Ā£95 per week as she only worked part-time until we were all grown then self-employed. My Dad still had a little job to supplement his pension he had to give up work to care for her, buy her a single bed to put in the living room and for the first time ever she applied for an assistant allowance (I think it was Ā£75 per week), just go a straight no, 6 weeks after the accident wasnā€™t long enough for to claim or something like that. Never got a penny.

        Another person we know has never worked, always claimed, four kids spaced out to keep the gravy train rolling, all adhd so extra allowances, free holidays and furniture she knew how to claim everything, she thought it would take her up to retirement but they increased her retirement age so now, met a guy heā€™s now buying her council house for buttons and married her.

  22. Sweet Pea
    June 2, 2024

    I think you should suggest a huge new illuminated revolving advertisment on the roof of the puppet theater on all day every day 365 days a year…

    Oh, what a tangled web we weave, when first we practice to deceive!” (Sir Walter Scott, 1808)

    Then everyone will know what’s going on inside!

    1. Ian B
      June 2, 2024

      @Sweet Pea – Our politicos would not understand that, its not about self and ego

  23. Sharon
    June 2, 2024

    It’s interesting that we are struggling with mostly young males from Africa and the Middle East, the US are struggling with young Chinese males coming in from the south, it’s rumoured that there are a growing number of Iranian men in both the US and the UK…. Canada has problems with huge immigration…Europe as a continent is struggling with unfettered immigration…

    Can it be a coincidence? I don’t think so – described as a conspiracy theory by some – it would appear to be part of the great reset and new world order that ‘elite’ billionaires and NGOs aspire to . Crush the west. If it’s not that, what is it and why now?

    1. Everhopeful
      June 2, 2024

      Totally agree. How CAN it be coincidence?
      It simply CANā€™T be!!!
      Maybe human rights being used by Leftists as an excuse to dilute and destroy Western culture?
      And thanks to the Uniparty they are doing just that.
      There are so many interlinked charities, foundations and interest groups and they are incredibly well funded and thus wield enormous power.
      A sort of global coup.
      People are easily bought.

    2. Timaction
      June 2, 2024

      And then there was net zero, a Chinese driven charade to impoverishment the West via their UN, WHO patsies. They know how stupid our uni party politicos are.

    3. Original Richard
      June 2, 2024

      Sharon :

      Yes, if I was a leader in one of the “Axis of Evilā€ countries I would be taking full advantage of the UKā€™s completely open borders (just need to pay the people smugglers in Northern France a small sum) to infiltrate the UK and develop sleeper cells.

    4. glen cullen
      June 2, 2024

      Can it be a coincidence that half the languages I hear arenā€™t English, and that most of my local shops have transformed into barber shops, nail salons, mini-markets and takeaways ā€¦.and nor is it a coincidence that my taxes and local council tax have increased

  24. Everhopeful
    June 2, 2024

    Today is a beautiful day.
    I would love to go out into my garden or go for a walk.
    However I am reluctant to go into the garden especially at weekends for fear of music as loud as that which drowned out Sunakā€™s speech being blasted out from various neighboursā€™ places.
    How fitting that his important address was ruined by that which he has refused to tackle.
    Nor am I keen to go out for a walk. I donā€™t feel safe anymore.

    1. Mickey Taking
      June 2, 2024

      No doubt the local birds gave up and took their communications further away?

    2. glen cullen
      June 2, 2024

      Its coldā€™ish here, so much so, I had to wear a jumper, in the summer ā€¦.whereā€™s climate change/global warming when you need it

  25. formula57
    June 2, 2024

    Surely the vast majority of voters have no confidence the next government will tackle immigration and the issues that arise from that so it hardly matters who is elected. Yet rewarding those who have failed with a fresh term in office hardly seems appropriate.

    Will the Commander be paid more than the prime minister?

    1. Ian B
      June 2, 2024

      @formula57 – judge us by our 14 year record answers everything.

      1. glen cullen
        June 2, 2024


  26. Original Richard
    June 2, 2024

    ā€œThe TUC should be on the side of far fewer visas to do low paid jobs here.ā€

    Absolutely correct. In fact with Conservative HQ parachuting their own into the safest Conservative seats the TUC may remain as the only opposition to the Communist policies of open borders and Net Zero as they are coming to the right conclusion that massive immigration coupled with de-industrialisation and the subsequent rationing of services, energy, food, heating and transport is of no benefit to their members. How times have changedā€¦

    1. Ian B
      June 2, 2024

      @Original Richard – frightening we have to have faith in the Unions. All because the Conservative Party refused to get a grip

  27. anon
    June 2, 2024

    Net zero immigration is the absolute minimum.

    Make it legally binding.

    In fact with deportations it should be net negative.

    Just more “more gaslighting” prior to GE.

    1. glen cullen
      June 2, 2024

      The law is there, its just not used

  28. Bert+Young
    June 2, 2024

    Population migration is sheer madness – its effects on the NHS , the roads , housing shortage , schools , all illustrate our inability to cope with the numbers ; add illegals to this and the , so far , failure to stop the boats make us the laughing stock of the world . Weakness in our leadership is entirely to blame . Another stupid example is the grants we have made to China – an economy that is far far bigger than ours .

    1. Lifelogic
      June 2, 2024

      It also depresses wages and thus the tax take (and benefit uptake) of other workers) and increases demand for all the things you mention above plus police, social services, further education, refuse, the criminal justice system, jails, energy provision,

    2. Dave Andrews
      June 2, 2024

      The countries of the world have their own laughingstocks to distract them from ours.

  29. The Prangwizard
    June 2, 2024

    All very well, but our host dare not include in his comments the slow destruction, and the welcome overwhelming of our culture and identity in some places, English principally, a word he rarely uses.

    We need someone who identifies wifh England, defends England and promotes England. We see the defence and identitification of Scotland for example, it is not called Britain instead, but England is. Something must be done, but where are the senior politicians who are doing something serious and continuing.

    And a just by way of reminder England has no parliament, so we are denied true democracy.

  30. mancunius
    June 2, 2024

    “The TUC should be on the side of far fewer visas to do low paid jobs here. ”
    But unions are interested in job numbers, to create union revenue: workers all pay the same union dues, whether foreign or not. The union Unite (for example), has fixed monthly payments for the five categories full time, part time, low pay, unwaged and apprentice. Why would they care from whom the dues come from, as long as they are paid?
    Unite ‘helpfully’ also quotes the monthly amounts in *euros*. šŸ™‚

  31. Derek
    June 2, 2024

    I do hope SJ that your resignation is not the prelude to a Lib Dem becoming the new MP for Wokingham. Surely the constituents should have learned for the debacle of their existing Lib Dem Council? I do hope so.

  32. A-tracy
    June 2, 2024

    How many people are employed by the border force specifically to protect our coast? How much does the division cost now?

  33. Peter Gardner
    June 2, 2024

    By what mechanism or measure do the Tories intend to cut immigration by 300,000? Fiddling with minimum salary criteria is too crude and inadequate. Why is 450,000 net immigration considered acceptable? Why are employers able to pay salaries/wages below market rates for immigrants in the skills shortage categories? In Australia such a provision would be regarded as insane. Why not instead mandate that employers should pay into a Skilling Britons Fund a hefty premium for every immigrant they employ in addition to paying the cost of the visa? Why doesn’t UK impose a cap on overall net immigration and on net immigration in each of the skills shortage categories?
    The Tories claim to have introduced an Australian style points based immigration system but the system it has introduced lacks the most obvious and sensible controls that Australia has in place. It is nothing like the Australian system.

  34. Peter Gardner
    June 2, 2024

    It is hard to believe the Tories have any intention to stop the boats. Rwanda is a performative distraction. The law is quite clear as follows:
    1) ECHR Art 5 specifically provides for, ā€œthe lawful arrest or detention of a person to prevent his effecting an unauthorised entry into the country or of a person against whom action is being taken with a view to deportation or extraditionā€. How come the French Navy has no push back from Uk when escorting the boats into UK waters? Wy aren’t the drivers of the boats arrested and charged?
    2) Endangering human life at sea or elsewhere is an offence under The Offences Against the Person Act 1861 which applies out to the UK’s territorial limit (12nmiles or mid-line) in The Channel. Why aren’t the drivers of the boats arrested and charged?
    3) Art 33 of he UN Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) gives the UK the right to enforce Art 5 of the ECHR and its domestic law in the Contiguous Zone out to 24nmiles (12 nm beyond its Territorial Limit) in The Channel by acting to prevent a breach. The boats should be turned back to France when the weather is safe. When not safe arrest and charge the drivers as at 2) above.
    Obviously France would object. Then cut off the money and take France to the appropriate court for assisting unawful entry into the UK.
    It is hard to understand the difficulty since taking action would be extremely popular in the UK. As things stand the Tory Party’s lack of will – spinelessness – is regarded with a mixture of despair, anger and utter disrespect. What is the point of a party that cannot even enforce the law in the interests of the UK when in government?

    1. glen cullen
      June 2, 2024


  35. David Frank Paine
    June 2, 2024

    Too little, too late!

  36. Robert Pay
    June 2, 2024

    We will continue mass migration as the Labour Party likes state dependent new citizens who will swell its vote.
    It is hard to overestimate the fury at the party for throwing away a golden opportunity to have sensible, low immigration and prudent financial management.

  37. Geoffrey Berg
    June 2, 2024

    Hearing Labour featuring their immigration policy today would make you think they are trying to lose the election. It is so weak and useless (how many years will it take to train up Britons to do the work immigrants are allowed to come in for? – and anyhow when farmers tried that a couple of years ago the Britons then preferred to go back to being unemployed than put in the effort to do the work which they were able to get away with) that nobody who might vote Conservative or Reform will vote Labour instead because of it but many of Labour’s leftist, bleeding heart and migrant voters are likely to desert Labour for the Greens, SNP or not voting due to such Conservative-lite policies. As Labour and Starmer seem to have no idea how to run an election campaign , it doesn’t bode well for them running the country. If the Conservatives were putting forward somebody who wasn’t such damaged goods as Sunak (the Conservative M.P.s fault) they might well be winning by now. The contest seems to be between Starmer who doesn’t know how to win and Sunak who is incapable of winning. I still think there will be a shift away from Labour coupled with some late but very grudging shift to the Conservatives with Labour winning but not with a huge majority. How very different it could have been with a different Conservative Leader!

  38. Martin in Bristol
    June 3, 2024

    Jerry is back
    The stroppy version of Lifelogic.

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