Some propositions all should debate

Parties in the election say they want to promote growth and prosperity. Many of them want a bigger tax take to spend more on public sector activities, and to expand what the public sector does. To pay  for this they plead  growth then look around for people and businesses with money to tax more.

In order to break out of the UK’s slow growth boom bust progress of our years in the EEC/ EU under Labour, Labour/Liberal, Conservative and Conservative/ Liberal governments we need to change some stupid assumptions.

1. The Bank of England and  Treasury  know what they are doing and will get it right without political direction.

They designed the disasters of Competition and  Credit Control (early 1979s boom/bust) ;European  Exchange  Rate Mechanism (early 1990s boom/ bust] ; Global banking with derivatives ( 2000 S boom/ bust) and Quantitative Easing and Tightening ( COVID great inflation). Labour invented the overspend, overborrow IMF  humiliation of the 1970 s and added to the 2008 banking crash its  own private finance and public sector borrowing excess.

2. The U.K. can solve global warming by deindustrialising, importing energy and goods that generate a lot of CO 2.

By keeping our own gas in the ground we lose many well paid jobs, much tax revenue, and increase world CO 2 by importing LNG .That helps no one.

3. High levels of migration are good for growth.

We need to look at per capita growth. The Treasury needs to account properly for all the extra capital and revenue costs to house and support a low wage or dependent migrant.

4. Rejoining the EU single market and adopting all its laws would boost growth.

It would do the opposite. Our growth rate slowed on completion  of the single market. It hit innovation and blocked trade with non EU.

5 Our public services would all suddenly work well if we put a few billions more in.

The NHS has enjoyed huge increases in money since 2020, way more than the Brexit bus promise. Productivity has fallen , staff relations have been poor so the money did not buy success.


  1. Mark B
    June 14, 2024

    Good morning.

    All true. They have been tried by all parties and governments and have been shown to fail time and time again.

    Now what was it that Einstein was alleged to have said about doing the same thing everytime and expecting a different result ?

    1. Lifelogic
      June 14, 2024

      Starmer’s plan for growth is built on a dangerous fantasy
      The world of lockdowns, busybodies, certificates and passes turns out to be Labour’s actual inspiration
      DAVID FROST today in the Telegraph.

      As has been the Tories plan for 14 years. The biggest lie is that net zero will create net jobs, it is job destruction, vastly expensive and totally pointless lunacy. Not even actually possible or affordable with current tech. and negative benefits.

      1. MFD
        June 14, 2024

        I second all that LL, the so called “net Zero “ plan is to put money into the rats in the WEF and drive the population into poverty!
        Any suggestion by so called government , I go the other way!

        1. Hope
          June 14, 2024

          I note NATO trying to usurp power from US in case Trump gets elected! JR, is it time to withdraw from NATO,WHO,UN because globalists do not believe in democracy and are power mad?

          I presume this is because globalists still want regime change of Putin?

        2. Hope
          June 14, 2024

          Without Reform Party there is No opposition to mass immigration, Net stupid, high taxes and lock step to EU that both Labour and Tory are not mentioning or challenging each other! Time to rid parliament of Toeyand Labour. Bring back control to UK!

          1. Peter
            June 14, 2024

            Contrarian Peter Hitchens on a Spectator interview suggests we should be voting AGAINST Labour.

            He warns of Labour long term plans not evident in manifestos or broadcasts. Some comfort for Conservatives, though they mostly seem to have given up.

            Hitchens is also anti Farage as he suggested legalising cannabis which is one of Hitchens’ hobby horse topics. Again, the idea is to vote against not for, though voting Green or Lib Dem did not seem to bother him.

      2. Lifelogic
        June 14, 2024

        Nothing in the Labour Manifesto that will do anything other than damage growth and the economy. The attacks on private schools, on Non Doms, the increased workers rights, higher minimum wages, net zero, expensive energy, every more government
 all will do vast damage and will decrease the net tax take too. So even higher tax rates will then be needed. Economic suicide.

      3. Everhopeful
        June 14, 2024

        Permaculture land colonisation aided and abetted by perfectly-ok-chemical-banning governments
        Windmills again aided and abetted and profit extracted by those in charge
        =NO MORE LIGHT OR HEAT etc etc
        Electric everything
        = thanks to windmills NO MORE ANYTHING
        Not to mention the attempt to decarbonise the NHS
        And in total contradiction to all these supposed aims we have mass immigration!

        The nuclear winter achieved without one single bomb being deployed.

      4. graham1946
        June 14, 2024

        Why day after day do you keep on quoting the Torygraph and its writers? Don’t you have any opinions of your own? Do you actually think out the things you say rather than just spout the papers? I bow to your knowledge of physics but you seem to have no opinions of your own on politics etc.

        1. Lifelogic
          June 14, 2024

          Well when I do it is usually because I agree with the article unless I have said otherwise I nearly always agree with Alister Heath. If views are the same best just reference it. They have probably had longer to research and write it – with fewer typos and spelling errors too.

          So Labour on 37% Tories on 18% and Reform on 19%. Good to see reform taking votes off labour too.

          Much talk of shy Tory voters, but surely even more shy Reform voters. Perhaps that might take Reform to 23%, Tories to 21% and Labour down to 30%. But the idiotic Sunak did not want to do a sensible deal with Reform. So with FPTP voting we still get a large Labour Majority. The last thing the country needs. The only hope now is we get the inflection to Reform and people vote tactically for them in the majority on English seats where they generally the best chance of keeping Labour out.

      5. jerry
        June 14, 2024

        @LL; You do know what the Daily Telegraphs Fleet Street nickname was/is, Tory+graph, no supprise then they publish an opt-ed that suggests another parties manifesto is “dangerous fantasy”, and no surprise their readers lap it up without a second thought not bothering to read said document themselves…

        And before someone suggests otherwise, no I do not have a problem with partisan newsprint or media, just those who forget they are accessing a partisan opinion.

        1. Lynn Atkinson
          June 14, 2024

          Gosh who knew the nickname of The Telegraph? You will be telling that the slave-funded Guardian is known as The Gruniad next!
          On the contrary Gerry, A HUGE SURPRISE that they publish anything from a real Conservative. One that the current hated mob refused a seat.
          Indicative of the depth and breadth of the panic. This is existential for the fake party that usurped the Conservatives.

          1. jerry
            June 14, 2024

            @LA; Lucy, could you please define what constitutes a “real Conservative” in your opinion; I ask because all the Conservative parties core principles for the last 150 years or so read well to the left of what you appear to want. Perhaps you mean ‘real Tory’, or as they were originally called, the Court Party. Modern Conservatism has _always_ been a broad church since Disraeli and his One-nation label.

        2. Mark
          June 14, 2024

          I trust you remember that when reading the BBC and the Guardian etc. It’s one of the reasons why I read overseas sources. They are more likely to try to be objective about the UK even if their politics is not neutral.

          1. jerry
            June 14, 2024

            @Mark; Indeed I do remember that, each and ever day, who ever the source is, print, internet, broadcast. Nor this is the 1st time, or the 100th, time I have said so in the 10+ years I have read and posted comments to our host site.

            I despise bias, all bias, more so when done by vestige interests, then there are those lazy people who simply regurgitate such bias as _fact_, without a second thought.

            You are quite correct about overseas media, sometimes they will publish things the UK media won’t — or can’t…

      6. Berkshire Alan
        June 14, 2024

        I see it is being reported on Guido that Starmer’s Father was not JUST a toolmaker (a skilled trade) but he actually owned theToolmaking business and factory.
        Nothing wrong with having successful parents, but why lie, or try to conceal your background. ?
        Whilst at Secondary school, the School went Private, and it is alleged Starmer then got a bursary to study for his A levels, again good luck to him, but why now take that education opportunity away from others.
        I wonder what else he is hiding ?

    2. agricola
      June 14, 2024

      Mark B.
      The contant hounding of CO2 in relation to a climate that has always changed is a perfect fit for Einsteins statement.

    3. PeteB
      June 14, 2024

      Agree Mark. Keep doing what you’re doing – keep getting what you’re getting.
      Real questions need to be why do the politicians expect different outcomes and why does nobody challenge their false claims? It isn’t just MPs that peddle the fairy tales.

      1. MFD
        June 14, 2024

        Not quite right PeteB, Sir John is fighting the falsities but most of the others have a finger in the pie so they dont want any change

      2. Hope
        June 14, 2024

        This is why no one should vote Tory or Labour.

    4. Ian wragg
      June 14, 2024

      But that’s exactly what your government has been doubt for the past 14 years.

      1. Lynn Atkinson
        June 14, 2024

        Unfortunately not JR’s Government. That’s our problem in a nutshell.

    5. Bloke
      June 14, 2024

      Mark B:
      Einstein was rarely wrong, but repeatedly doing the same thing can deliver a different result. Some other things change over time.
      You could ring a neighbour’s bell virtually every day of the year and receive no answer.
      However, if they returned home from New Zealand for Christmas you might be delighted to be invited in for a drink.

      1. Lifelogic
        June 14, 2024

        Well he did say “God does not play dice”.

        He felt that natural laws could not be like the throw of dice, with inherent randomness or probability. But this is exactly what Quantum Mechanics tells us – that at the fundamental level Nature is inherently random, codified in Heisenberg’s famous Uncertainty Principle/wave particle duality. The particle went through both slits or just one?

        I think I too would have been initially with Einstein on this as seems so counter intuitive. He was of course an atheist despite his use of God.

        1. Bloke
          June 14, 2024

          If it exists, knowledge of a pattern or cause to explain the apparent randomness of Nature might follow later. Referring to God was probably Einstein’s way of helping the majority of folk with religious belief understand his point without being one himself; still compatible with his own belief as an atheist that God does not exist.

    6. jerry
      June 14, 2024

      @Mark B; “doing the same thing everytime and expecting a different result”

      Cough. If tax cuts cause growth, increase actual tax receipts (that Laffer Curve), after 45 years of broadly ‘doing the same thing’, why isn’t the UK economy the UAE of Europe, we have the oil, the gas, heck we even have the migrant labour, we just don’t have the sand or heat!

      There are other European countries that impose a far higher tax burden, some have far less natural resources than the UK does, yet they have a much higher standard of living. Crisis, what crisis, some are just taking a far to parochial view perhaps?

      1. Lynn Atkinson
        June 14, 2024

        Because we have NOT cut taxes? Cough! They are at their highest level since the war! Cough, that’s why we will sack the fake Tories – because they act like socialists.
        Gerry take a look at the Thatcher interlude, when she managed to control the ever increasing tax burden, the country boomed. Voters in the valley’s told Kinnock the would not be voting because they were off to their villa in Majorca. He complained of that at the Labour Party Conference in the Leaders speech. Mrs Thatcher cut the ground from under him – Labour needs poor, desperate people – that’s why Mandleson said the ‘scoured the world’ for them and brought them to the U.K. so they would vote Labour.
        Where Mrs Thatcher did cut taxes – the take increased. There is a famous Question from Labour, look it up.

        1. Lifelogic
          June 14, 2024

          Indeed taxes are the highest for 70+ years and still rising, borrowing another backdoor tax huge too. Also our government spends the taxes we have appallingly wastefully and often corruptly. Plus we refuse to use our oil and gas due to the mad net zero religion.

        2. jerry
          June 14, 2024

          @LA; Lucy, the “Laffer Curve” refers to income taxes, since 1979 such taxes have been cut, even Gordon Brown cut them!

          “look at the Thatcher interlude, when she managed to control the ever increasing tax burden”

          Err, you mean like increasing VAT to 15%, from 8%, within weeks of taking office, as part of a policy decision to move from direct taxation to indirect. It’s all in the Thatcher era Downing Street files, HMT Red Books etc, if only some could be bothered to check.

          “Voters in the valley’s told Kinnock the would not be voting because they were off to their villa in Majorca”

          🙄 Yes, off to their (timeshare?) Villa in Majorca, bought with their redundancy payoff. For them personally, the economy not so much boomed but bombed, even if a shake-down was necessary.

          1. Lifelogic
            June 14, 2024

            The Laffer curve can also apply to other taxes where people can change behaviour to avoid the tax. For income tax at 0% tax you get nothing at 100% tax nothing as people all stop paid working. Somewhere in the middle is the optimum tax take. Not that that is the optimum level for the benefit of the people which is far lower still.

            You can get the same with sales taxes VAT on school fees for example people might choose to use the state schools nd stop working so hard to pay the fees anymore. Taxes in the UK overall combined are well above the optimum tax take level. The non dom tax regime was retained because it brought in more money in than it cost. Removing it will cost far more than is raised.

          2. jerry
            June 14, 2024

            @LL; Hence the shift to indirect taxes that can not be avoided without difficulty or sacrifice; the govt have people by the short ones, and they know it!

            The Laffer Curve is as yet unproven, and yes I’m sure it can be hypothesized for many taxes, it can probably also be hypothesized for non tax payments too.

            As for private schools, I suspect some are over estimating the likely cost/effect on the State sector, for one thing many private schools have the scope to reduce their fees, thus neutralizing any 20% VAT. Yes that might mean non core and extra curricular activities are reduced or axed, but I doubt many parents chose a school just for those activities. Of course foreign students, of school age, will be unaffected as their parents will simply claim the VAT back.

        3. Mark B
          June 14, 2024

          To be fair one must not forget that Mrs. T had the benefit of North Sea Oil. Sadly none was put to one side in a Sovereign Wealth Fund.

          1. Lifelogic
            June 14, 2024

            We have vast UK fracking resources but the Greta disciples like Gove, Sunak, Starmer and Nick Clegg ban us using them.

      2. Berkshire Alan
        June 14, 2024

        Total mismanagement of resources, finance, employees and almost everything else, including foreign wars, by a bunch of incompetents of all colours (Red, Blue and Yellow) over three decades Jerry, as simple as that.

      3. Mark
        June 14, 2024

        You should try a fortnight’s vacation in Malmo.

  2. Lifelogic
    June 14, 2024


    In short the Conservatives got everything wrong and Labour will be even worse.

    The current Tory Manifesto is the fifth one to promise to cut immigration significantly fool me once shame on you fool me twice
 or 5 times then 

    Ditch net zero fully, cut taxes, cut immigration, cut the size of government, build houses, stop the government vast levels of government waste, stop blocking the roads, deregulate, get fair competition between state and private in transport, education, healthcare, energy, housing
 pretty much the complete reverse of what Labour will do and what the fake Tories have done for 14 years.

    1. Peter Wood
      June 14, 2024

      Your last para is, in MHO, the decider. NET ZERO policy is THE most expensive waste of money ever devised, based upon false science and corruption. ALL parties EXCEPT Reform are signed up to it. Reform, according to Tice this morning, will cancel it. If you want to give our beautiful country a chance, you have to vote for the party that will save us from Net Zero suicide.

      1. MFD
        June 14, 2024

        I am a member of Reform and while leafleting I am in complete disbelief of how many are brain washed by this con!

        1. Berkshire Alan
          June 14, 2024

          Tell them to Google and view the movie: Climate Change the Truth

          It’s a real eye opener for most people who view it.
          Many of our friends who have seen it have now changed their minds about the farce of Net Zero

        2. Original Richard
          June 14, 2024

          MFD :

          It’s because of the power of the BBC.

          The fact that senior scientists such as Happer, Wijngaarden, Lintzen, Koonin, Moore (a co-founder of Greenpeace) and Clauser (2022 Nobel Physics prize winner) etc. with different views to those of the BBC, our state broadcaster, on climate change and Net Zero are all denied any airtime, is anti-democratic and shameful and consequently making our country a disgrace in the eyes of true democracies.

      2. Lifelogic
        June 14, 2024

        Indeed the only party opposing the total lunacy of net zero, and having sensible immigrations levels, tax levels, size of government levels and pro-growth policies is reform.

        One of the biggest lies from labour is that no VAT on school frees is a “tax break”. You get your state schooling for free. Go to a private school you have to pay for the state schooling, then taxes on the money for fees, then the fees and soon VAT too how can any one see this as a tax break. You will pay 4 times over.

        A sensible policy to get more money off the rich and lighten the load on state schools would be the complete reverse – get more people go privately with some education vouchers or tax reductions to encourage more to use private schools. Same for the NHS.

        1. Timaction
          June 14, 2024

          ………or radically get state schools up to the academic and discipline levels of private schools, removing all woke and disadvantages to English working class boys!!
          Don’t teach propaganda with net zero, wokeness or get involved in state sex education until at least 11 years old! Foolish Tory’s brought this into our schools. Another reason to eradicate them with Reform!

          1. Hope
            June 14, 2024

            The Sex and Relationship Act to brainwash children of tender years a man could be a woman and vice versa or a cat was incredibly introduced by the Tory party, then it appoints McVey to see why there is so much woke!! Tory party could revoke S.172 Company Act, DEI and ESG, it CHOSE not but appoint a minister to a non job!! Treacherous May introduced the identity rot!

      3. Original Richard
        June 14, 2024

        PW :


      4. Lifelogic
        June 14, 2024


    2. Mickey Taking
      June 14, 2024

      ‘fool me twice
 or 5 times then 
      You are toast !

      1. glen cullen
        June 14, 2024

        nothing can help them now

    3. Lynn Atkinson
      June 14, 2024

      Cutting immigration no longer cuts it. Mass repatriations are required. And I mean by the million.

  3. Javelin
    June 14, 2024

    The best thing you can do is back Reform.

    They seem to be the only party who want to implement your idea.

    Your experience in the Treasury would be invaluable.

    It would be a chance to put your ideas into action.

    Just say you would help them go for growth.

    1. David Andrews
      June 14, 2024

      Agreed. None of the other parties have a clue about what to do except make things worse. If any one of them gets control the continued decline of the UK is assured.

    2. Lifelogic
      June 14, 2024

      And you can now do so now without thinking you are letting Labour in. This as in most of England (outside London perhaps) the polling shows they have the best chance of beating Labour and not the fake Conservatives.

    3. Lynn Atkinson
      June 14, 2024

      đŸ˜‚đŸ€Łyou don’t know Farage do you?

      1. Timaction
        June 14, 2024

        Reform have just overtaken the Tory’s in the polls!!!

        1. Hope
          June 14, 2024

          Forget Farage we do not believe Sunak! Hunt close to being ousted Surrey, go Surrey no wanted him in his party or govt.! His pro EU Globalist views was forced on us

        2. Lynn Atkinson
          June 14, 2024

          Of course! If you leave then entire Conservative field unattended then even Farage can’t fail to score. If there was a really competent Conservative Party they would be double the Labour Trotsky figures – just to put Farage’s failure into perspective.

        3. Lynn Atkinson
          June 14, 2024

          So does that mean a vote for the Tories is a vote for Starmer?

      2. Mickey Taking
        June 14, 2024

        I will laugh too, when he gets elected and has to sit on t’other benches near the small group of Conservatives(?) left.

    4. Original Richard
      June 14, 2024

      Javelin :

      Correct. Only Reform could act as an effective opposition to a Labour adninistration. The current Conservative HQ have parachuted their own into all the safest seats and hence will npt provide any opposition to Labour in majr issues such as immigration and Net Zero.

      1. Timaction
        June 14, 2024

        One Nation Liberal Tory’s will be all that’s left after the election so Reform is the only right of centre alternative.

        1. Berkshire Alan
          June 14, 2024


  4. Lifelogic
    June 14, 2024

    So now Reform are polling higher than Tories (not in Scotland, Wales or London) but most of the rest of the country by some margin so vote Reform for the best chance of keeping Labour or Libdims out.

    1. Mickey Taking
      June 14, 2024

      Would the fact that these places shoulder a massive benefit cost to Westminster and voters might prefer to stay with the known..?

    2. Peter Gardner
      June 14, 2024

      It is extraordinary that in UK’s FPTP system the Lib Dems can come fourth or fifth by votes but win more seats in Parliament than the third (or joint 2nd) placed Reform UK – no seats. This system has supported two rotten leading parties long enough. It is time not only for Reform UK but also for reform of the voting system.

    3. Bloke
      June 14, 2024

      Agreed Lifelogic. I’m voting Reform too.
      Farage also spoke near-perfectly in last night’s 7-way debate.
      One of his few errors was claiming others all lie but he always tells the truth which has recognisable bases of his loyalty to truth, but is extreme beyond belief.
      Virtually all his other points were very well reasoned, succinct and most powerful.

    4. Lynn Atkinson
      June 14, 2024

      That Farage (you will be voting for him because you have no idea who the candidates are) could well be the best option is testament to the trouble the U.K. is in.
      This is the final and total collapse of the post war political class which were noting but parasites.

      1. Mickey Taking
        June 14, 2024

        Lynn we have no idea who Sir John’s replacement is either, the Reform and local candidate put up details some time ago.
        She, the poor soul who is very likely to get hammered in the GE hails from Oxfordshire – not the best news for us Wokinghamites.

        1. Lynn Atkinson
          June 14, 2024

          You know for sure she was approved by Central Office. Damning. However Farage seems to be hoping to get 6 million votes but few seats – else he will have to produce something. And he never has before.
          Reminds me of his conceding the Brexit Referendum ‘although running close’. That’s what he was hoping for so he could continue beating the drum he had learned to play. Winning Brexit was not what he expected. But I expected it – I had canvassed 5 hours every single day from the off.

    5. Original Richard
      June 14, 2024

      LL :

      Labour/Lib Dem/Greens and the BBC are terrified of Reform becoming the Opposition in the next Parliament. They would prefer the remnants of the existing Conservative Parliamentary Party who would not oppose their policies on immigration and Net Zero. So expect Labour and the BBC to turn their guns on Reform in the last stages of the election should Reform polling continue to climb.

    6. Lifelogic
      June 14, 2024

      Unless perhaps you have one of the all too few JR types of sound Tories.

      One person I know earns about ÂŁ130k but after tax/NI and school fees for two he is left with circa ÂŁ26k disposable income – if they put VAT on school fees he will need to find another ÂŁ8k PA. Or he can move them both to a state school and then choose to work for circa 1 day a week instead of five and have the same disposable income. The state will lose about ÂŁ40k in tax and have to fund two places at state school say ÂŁ20k. The business will make less profit plus he will have plenty of free time to help them with homework. The Labour VAT policy is bonkers for everyone. A tax break my ar***.

      1. Mickey Taking
        June 14, 2024

        Cut out the school fees then!

        1. Lynn Atkinson
          June 14, 2024

          Those are the most important item. You have only once chance to educate your children.

  5. Iain gill
    June 14, 2024

    You should join reform and put these points.
    Please leave me the conservative party, it’s an enemy of the people.

  6. Peter Gardner
    June 14, 2024

    Item 1. It would seem that none of these are likely to get it right other than by good luck and chance.
    Item 2. I voted for Boris in 2019 thinking a man of his intelligence surely cannot seriously support Net Zero so he must be doing a King Canute. Alas, the courtiers remain convinced that if only they have enough power the UK can set an example and the whole world will follow because we can all learn how to be happy with only hand made products and home grown food.
    Item 3. Since public expenditure is included in GDP high mass immigration is good for growth by that measure. After years of low GDP growth it is conventional in politics to argue for increasing GDP without understanding the imperfections of that measure of growth. Although I do remember a former Australian PM (Tony Abbott?) and others tryng to explain to British audiences that is why Australia’s immigration system is quite unlike the UK’s so called ‘Australian style’ points based system and why the UK’s system will never increase GDP per capita, ie it will never make Brits any richer. indeed the UK’s skill shortage categories, which enable employers to pay immigrants less than Brits is guaranteed to make Brits poorer in terms of both wages and human capital – why spend on training Brits?
    Item 4. The agument is that UK ‘s political class has proven incapable of governing so the EU would actually govern UK better. It is hard to refute that argument. The argument for independent sovereignty rests on the assumption that a country has politicians who understand their country and know what they need to do to ensure it prospers. There are indiviual politicans of whom one can say that but there isn’t a party where such people arfe concentrated.
    Item 5. The NHS is paid for by the minority who are net contributors to the state, as shown by ONS figures. It’s free at the point of delivery so the majority vote for others to pay for their health care. Reform of the Socialist structure that is the NHS has always lost votes. Why the Brits love it so much is a great puzzle to the rest of the world. However, there is alays a silver lining: the pandemic has exposed its weaknesses and inadequaces so cruelly there is now a dawning realisation that something ain’t right. But once again, one casts about in vain to find a politician who knows what needs to be done and has the will to do it. One attempt was Lord Hannan’s article in The Telegraph arguing to import the Australian healthcare system lock stock and barrel. But Australia locked down so the Right, vehemently opposed to any form of restrictions, would not have a bar of it, even though, by doing so Australia suffered an order of magnitude fewer deaths per million than UK, suffered only minor economic impact and recovered very much faster than the UK.
    Then we have identity politics. Agreement on anything important is almost impossible in the UK. Loyalty to identity and categorising opponents by identity dominates political argument. Ignorance and fantasy beliefs, eg eco-zealotry and transgenderism, are widespred so identity is all that a great many people have. Facts and reason are ignored or denied.

  7. agricola
    June 14, 2024

    I do not disagree with one word of your diagnosis of the body politic in the UK. All parties bar one in this election are tainted, so should we not look very carefully at what Reform propose.

    Government and our banking system have, since gold was dropped as a measure of the amount of money in the system, invented a myriad of wheezes that allow them to continue borrowing and spending when taxation has maxed out. You, knowing more than I do, should have a solution so please let us have it.

    The Civil Service is patently out of control since losing the power the EU gave them. I have a contractual solution to this. As the will of any UK government is carried out by the CS , what is your solution to re-establishing this.

    The previous system whereby the electorate handed power to government , who in turn produced law, acted upon by the judiciary, has clearly broken down. Not helped by a period when this was set aside and the EU made most of the law, aided and abetted by a majority of UK politicians. How do you propose we redress this fundamental element of democracy.

    It is against the tenets of democracy that lobbying, and financial contributions control the major political parties. How should we control it.

    Devolution dilutes the power of central government allowing malign power bases as well as good ones to work against and in support of national government and therefore UK democracy. How should we incentivise the good and curb the bad. For me it is about how much power you allow them, but also have the wisdom to back success beyond that power. A wisdom that should go beyond political boundaries. I also think referendums on national and local issues have a greater part to play in the evolution of democracy.

    I have thoughts on education as the seedcorn of business success and gkvernment fertilizing it witb a more enlightened tax regime. What are your thoughts on such.

    When you raise questions in future can we also have solutions from your new position of political freedom.

  8. Old Albion
    June 14, 2024

    All valid points Sir JR (especially 2 and 3) Why can’t the dummies in Westminster see it?

    1. Peter Gardner
      June 14, 2024

      Because they are not dummies but they do believe the world will end unless we go through this painful transition (regression) to lower living standards and they do believe in mass immigration (it helps the elites but not the country at large). These are both what Matt Goodwin calls luxury beliefs. One has some sympathy. Nobody knows how God will end the world but one day He will. Perhaps the pandemic was a test run, or maybe Putin will go nuclear. Or, as in the sequel to Arthur C Clarke’s 2001 A Space Odessy, God decides humanity has failed His tests and so will be discountinued in favour of another creation elsewhere. Time will tell. In the meantime enjoy what’s left of life on earth.

  9. DOM
    June 14, 2024

    All wealth is created from the margin, without which there is no added value that is the beating heart of our material world. Labour’s poisonous ideology will target the margin and undermine wealth creation.

    1. IanT
      June 14, 2024

      I’ve read everything posted so far this moring with a certain degree of detachment Dom.

      I’m currently urgently reviewing my finances/investments and (re)thinking how best to protect myself and family from the coming storm. I don’t think I’ve been quite this worried before. We are having a family get together shortly and I will sit down with my sons and discuss my concerns with them. In fact I’ve already decided to bring forward my fiscal plans in a number of areas. Time to act I think.

      1. Lynn Atkinson
        June 14, 2024

        Yes. Make sure you act together to protect the assets of the family. So nobody actually loses anything. We are doing the very same thing.

    2. Lynn Atkinson
      June 14, 2024

      So we have the power to bring them down, and must! I predict the IMF will be in charge shortly. Batten down the hatches and make sure you survive (financially) personally.
      When this political establishment is crushed there is a lot to be done to re-establish Britain.

  10. Donna
    June 14, 2024

    I believe, apart from the Bank of England’s mistakes*, that all those issues were covered in the “7-way debate” last night.

    I say 7-way, but it was really 2-way: 6 WEF-supporting, socialist party representatives ….. and Nigel Farage. It must be increasingly obvious to many people that he’s the only opposition to the Establishment/WEF policy, since Reform has now overtaken the Not-a-Conservative-Party in a large YouGov poll. People are slowly waking up.

    * The Bank of England’s performance has been appalling IF you believe it’s been at least trying to act in the interests of the UK. It hasn’t: it’s been working in the interests of the Fed, the IMF and the WEF. I’m sure they’re very pleased with the results.

    1. Original Richard
      June 14, 2024

      Donna : “The Bank of England’s performance has been appalling IF you believe it’s been at least trying to act in the interests of the UK. It hasn’t: it’s been working in the interests of the Fed, the IMF and the WEF. I’m sure they’re very pleased with the results.”

      Correct. And its sabotaging of of the UK’s finances will continue as Labour’s “Make Britain a Clean Energy Superpower” election document states :

      “The Conservatives’ decision to prevent the Bank of England giving due consideration to climate change in its mandates will be reversed.”

    2. BOF
      June 14, 2024

      Agreed. The nails Donna, are hot from your blows. It must be so frustrating for the six puppets to have to deal with a stream of truth from Nigel.

      1. Timaction
        June 14, 2024

        They were visibly scared apart from the one celled SNP candidate. How does he get through the day without being reminded to breath?

  11. Berkshire Alan
    June 14, 2024

    Amazing in the 7 way debate/Question time with the Public on ITV last night 6 of the 7 want more Government control, more government spending, continuing immigration, and support net zero. They seem Deaf Dumb and Blind to reality.
    Demonised Nigel was the only one talking common sense. there only possible weak spot is have they screened their candidates properly. but then from past history have the others ?
    I will be voting Reform.

    1. Lifelogic
      June 14, 2024

      Plant, tree, seaweed & crop food & vital for all life on earth.

      The World has been through several ice ages with CO2 levels over 20 times the current levels. Almost no sensible, independent, competent and honest physicists believe this mad religion. Even if the CO2 devil gas theory had merit (it does not) then the solutions they push to reduce CO2 make a trivial difference and are impractical and need worldwide cooperation which also will not happen. Furthermore if the world were getting too warm reducing CO2 is not even the best way to cool it. Rather cold for mid June currently in the UK.

    2. Lifelogic
      June 14, 2024

      Indeed reasons not to vote anything but reform are:- they are right on ditching net zero, the size of the state, on reducing immigration, on cutting taxes, on having a sensible energy policy, on having a covid vaccine damages inquiry, on a bonfire of red tape, on Northern Ireland.

    3. Ian B
      June 14, 2024

      @Berkshire Alan – its at the very heart of the Socialist project, that someone else but not me will pay.

      1. Mitchel
        June 14, 2024

        It’s not ‘socialist’,its feudal or imperial- elites through history have expected the masses to keep them,their claqueurs and their retainers in the manner to which they have become accustomed.

    4. a-tracy
      June 14, 2024

      They’ll have to send their candidates to Reform school to learn more PC to become like the others with ‘correct speech’ in the HoC.

      People say they want free speakers, but when they speak freely, the media and the public turn on them.

      1. Mickey Taking
        June 14, 2024

        first steps to get closer to Russia, China, N.Korea….

  12. BOF
    June 14, 2024

    Reform, is now the home of real conservative policy and real conservatives. Perhaps the answers to todays piece can be found in Reform?

    I saw last night that according to YouGov Reform has now overtaken the Conservative Party in the polls!.

    1. Lynn Atkinson
      June 14, 2024

      They are removing the 2 child benefit ceiling – channelling billions to the immigrant population. Does not sound Conservative to me.

      1. a-tracy
        June 17, 2024

        Yes, that’s an odd one, Lynn. They’d be better off investing in early childhood education or helping a married mother share her complete tax code with her working partner as long as he continues to pay into her pension.

  13. Geoffrey Berg
    June 14, 2024

    The Parties in the election should be saying they want to promote growth and prosperity but it is only the Labour Party that is saying much of that. Sunak and the Conservatives seem to be studiously avoiding saying that presumably to distinguish themselves from both Liz Truss and Labour even though the Conservatives are quietly relying on some growth to allow them to fulfil their modest tax cutting promises and their increased public expenditure promises.
    Labour is very loud on rhetoric for growth but that is all it is – empty, dishonest rhetoric from Starmer, Reeves and Labour. So far as I can see their only policy to help promote growth is to somehow ease planning rules in some unspecific way but that would have a very negligible effect on growth. They seem to think that mere words that they now all of a sudden like business without actual changes will increase growth which it won’t. They are the same old Labour who think direction from an enlarged state will cause economic growth which it won’t. As Ronald Reagan rightly said the state is the problem, not the solution. Under Labour the only things that will grow are the state, immigration and taxation.
    The way and probably the only way to get growth is to reduce business taxes to encourage business and compete internationally for business as Liz Truss (who was mostly correct and shouldn’t have backed down over it) and John Redwood have been advocating. In particular Corporation Tax and Capital Gains Tax need to be reduced and V.A. T. needs to be reformed to abolish the threshold cliff edge at ÂŁ90,000 (as well as the abolition of National Insurance for the self-employed which is the one policy proposed by the Conservatives which will help). That is what is really needed.

  14. Roy Grainger
    June 14, 2024

    ALL the main parties want to increase taxes and it’s in their manifestos either explicitly or by omission. The Conservatives by leaving tax thresholds frozen and Labour (probably) by turning council tax into a de facto wealth tax via house re-evaluation.

    You should vote Reform because they more closely match your views – for example they have a manifesto pledge to stop the BoE paying interest on commercial bank reserve deposits, and to stop BoE Quantitative Tightening by bond sales at a loss – two policies that you have proposed many times.

    1. graham1946
      June 14, 2024

      Wealth cannot be measured by the house you live in. If you own more than one, then yes, but a house increasing in value is not wealth as you have no access to it, other than by selling it – then what, where do you live? You can get equity release but you have to be over a certain age for that and the younger you are the more expensive it is and the less you can get. Even then your so called ‘wealth’ is diminished as you have sold out at high interest rates to an insurance company. How can it be fair that a house in London, worth say half a million is only worth a quarter of that in the north, so northerners will pay less tax? That’s not equitable, but the owners are in exactly the same position.

      1. a-tracy
        June 14, 2024

        Graham, you need to pay attention to the Resolution Foundation (Labour in disguise). You, old people, they say are causing the highest cost in social services, healthcare and home care, the young can’t afford to prop it up as they do not have sufficient children, soooo, we’ve designed a way that you can pay your high council tax with equity loans, we take a share of your property to pay your council tax, and when the property is sold on your death, your estate pays the old bills + interest of course. If you don’t like it, house-share with your children. Council tax bills from A-H a home banded H is only 3.3 x as high as in H, and the property is 6.8 x the difference to give you an idea of the extra charges they’re plotting.

        We have a national minimum wage the same in the North East as London. However, when it comes to council taxes, organisations like the Resolution Foundation, the head of which is now becoming a Labour MP, want the charges not to be nationwide but calculated on the home value. If Labour pushes ahead with this, they must also regionalise the NMW/NLW and pensions, although they have floated that only property owners, not renters, face these increases.

        In Scotland, RF says increasing council tax in the top 4 bands will raise a quick ÂŁ1.1bn. In England and Wales, they could quadruple it by having more bands and bigger increases. Doubling at the top would raise an impressive ÂŁ6.6bn. Don’t fret. It won’t all be visible at once, maybe in two years’ time.

        So, while you all want to whack the Tories for Sunak, the frozen tax allowance, and extra corporation tax, buckle up because you haven’t seen anything yet. When the right regains power, it won’t be able to reverse the changes planned for the next decade.

      2. Mark
        June 14, 2024

        People tend to move away from London on retirement unless they are in social housing. No sense in paying London rents, or in not cashing up for a better property and some spare cash to boost your pension.

        It has accelerated the population transition in London.

  15. Bill B.
    June 14, 2024

    You want the fundamental assumptions of the Uniparty government to be debated in a general election campaign, Sir John? Me too. But debated where – in the media? Why would they let that happen?

  16. Nigl
    June 14, 2024

    It’s obvious you are now an ex MP. Shame you were reduced to whispering in Ministers ears rather than promoting a national public debate.

    Looking at the public debates, cliche ridden, prepped answers, fixed positions not convinced any have the intellectual capacity to even understand let alone change their thinking.

    You have been part of the ‘lie’ that more money automatically brings improvements since you joined parliament.

    Reply I made these points in public when an MP

    1. a-tracy
      June 14, 2024

      I don’t believe what I read sometimes. John has relentlessly written about these points and campaigned on them within his party. He was frequently referred to as a rebel conservative MP has his party moved away him, he was recorded as being 3x more rebellious than the average MP, this is one accusation you shouldn’t level at him. The Independent criticised him for continuing to act as those he was trade and industry spokesman.

  17. Narrow Shoulders
    June 14, 2024

    Oh you beautiful swivel eyed-loon Sir John!

    If only we could get amplification for this point of view. The shy Tories and Reform voters need to be heard.

  18. Robert Miller
    June 14, 2024

    It seems a pity that the Conservatives did not consider these important and obvious points when they were in power? Why didn’t some MP or other say something LOUDLY or even, dare I say it RESIGN? But that would be asking too much z

  19. Bloke
    June 14, 2024

    Good reasoning throughout.
    The mystery is why so many in parliament continue with such stupid assumptions. More knowledgeable sensible people have been telling MPs repeatedly what they have been doing wrong for years. The evidence of failure in performance is visible in the official records and all around.
    Our population highlight every aspect of the general strife damaging their life and make their complaints known over and over daily.
    Too many in parliament are clueless, daft, naĂŻve, ignorant or actively anti-British.
    Remove the badness and refresh the swamp with much better, sensible politicians.

    1. Mickey Taking
      June 14, 2024

      ‘Too many in parliament are clueless, daft, naĂŻve, ignorant or actively anti-British.’
      – not just them what about the Civil Service, The Judiciary, the Police, the people on sinecures in the Quangos etc?

  20. Dave Andrews
    June 14, 2024

    People start businesses and grow them for their own benefit.
    The Labour party (particularly but not only) see growth for the purpose of raising more tax for them to spend. They don’t care about the people who have ambition and see them simply as a resource to exploit.
    No one is motivated to start and grow a business just to fulfil a socialist objective. They make money to make themselves more wealthy, not so it can be taken away from them to be spent and probably wasted on someone else’s agenda.
    They don’t have a plan for growth, it’s just the politics of envy.

  21. William Long
    June 14, 2024

    The mainstream parties have not addressed any of those questions since Mrs Thatcher resigned, so are they likely to start now? When Liz Truss tried to, she was swiftly kicked out.
    A new party seems to be the only hope.

  22. Ian B
    June 14, 2024

    Sir John
    We have a succession of utterly lazy Governments. It starts with them refusing the job they were empowered and paid to do. They get into office by broadcasting promises they know they know won’t keep, then they take orders from the unelected unaccountable both inside and outside the Country, before the job promised to those, they proport to serve.
    The first priority expected from the people when they elect someone to represent them is that is that they will do what is needed to keep us all safe and secure. Spending our money on personal and ideological projects to brush up one’s personal self-gratification has nothing to do with the first objective – keeping those that elected them safe and secure.
    It all starts with the Country and its people having earnings, earnings are the source of wealth to pay for things so we can move forward – it is that simple. Tax or increasing Tax is not an earning, that is a curtailment of earnings, wealth, prosperity and a future.
    Some of us keep banging on about this Conservative Government being a Socialist Government, that comes about because it is a prolific spender of ‘our’ money. Spent without accountability or responsibility attached, and most certainly without managing the results. Then to hide the flaws, the ineptitude they resort to massive tax and borrowing that essential remove’s money from the market place, the economy. The downward only spiral. That is why Sunak/Hunt, this Conservative Government have to be lumped in to the same Socialist bracket as Labour, the Liberal Democrats, the Greens and the SNP. They are all spenders first, which covered by high taxation – Socialist through and through.
    They have at times talked the good talk of growing the economy, but then by default grow the State Taxation and Borrowing. The economy the real driver of wealth, prosperity and a future is well and truly put on the ‘back-burner’

  23. jerry
    June 14, 2024

    The latest YouGov poll is depressing, not because Reform appear to have overtaken the Conservatives but because all that’s happening is each party are simply exchanging existing votes, not taking the fight to Labour and the LibDems, not winning additional votes. 😡

    1. a-tracy
      June 14, 2024

      I thought Labour and the Lib Dems had both dipped, too. One poll I saw said Reform + Tory were on 37 and Labour on 37.

      I can’t believe Reform is doing so well just on the ‘Nigel effect’, a man I wouldn’t trust to run my business; he is all talk and no action. He can’t win this just on immigration. What has his party got to say on social care and council tax? On VAT thresholds and Tax thresholds?

      1. ThelmaD
        June 14, 2024

        Read the Reform manifesto !

      2. jerry
        June 14, 2024

        @a-tracy; Only trouble, Conservatives and Reform appear to be sharing the same available votes, as one falls the other rises, neither appear to be gaining any new from either Labour or LibDems.

        As for Farage/Reform policies; according to their website, yes I’ve just checked, they have not published a manifesto -yet, indeed their policy documents are marked “Working Draft”; basically just hot air then, and dog whistles…

        1. Timaction
          June 14, 2024

          Being published on Monday, not called a manifesto but a contract as Uni Party manifestos are just lies.

          1. jerry
            June 14, 2024

            @Timaction; A contact can’t be pack of lies?!

            A manufacture has recently been called out for effectively, via their small print, null and voiding their own theft insurance policy, via a clause that the legal owner can never have any control over after a theft, should thief (as they will) disable remote tracking…

          2. Lynn Atkinson
            June 15, 2024

            Called. contract because Reform is a wholly owned Tice Corporation. No control by the membership possible – ever. Well – no membership of course.

      3. Lynn Atkinson
        June 14, 2024

        He can win this because he’s not Sunak. Mind you I can’t remember Farage being elected to the leadership either!

    2. Mark
      June 14, 2024

      Look more closely. Support for Labour is eroding rapidly. The beneficiaries are the Lib Dems and Reform. Erosion in Conservative support has slowed, albeit it is still continuing. Limiting the Labour majority is now about further erosion of the Labour vote. That offers some relief for Conservatives initially, but there is a tipping point above which Reform would be the main beneficiary. The concentration of the Lib Dem vote means they also tend to benefit until their potential runs out because in many areas their support is quite low.

      1. jerry
        June 14, 2024

        @Mark; But Reform are taking votes away from Conservatives, so even if Labour are loosing votes back to the Conservatives, there is no net gain to the Conservatives…

  24. Ian B
    June 14, 2024

    From the Telegraph
    ‘Rishi Sunak insisted he is “still fighting very hard for every vote” as he responded to Reform UK overtaking the Tories in an opinion poll for the first time. ‘
    ‘The Prime Minister said Tory supporters considering voting for Reform risked “handing a blank cheque to Labour”.’
    ‘He said: “Ultimately, if you’re not going to vote for a Conservative candidate that makes it more likely that Keir Starmer is in No 10.”’

    Mr Sunak, what Conservative Candidates? You have made this a Presidential election, you or Starmer, one with a proven Socialist track record the other expounding Socialist ideology. Both big, not just BIG, but Massive, tax and Spend Socialist Parties, taxation one with a recent track record of it another wishing to continue it. The Conservative Tax take promised from now until 2028 is greater than all the maybe perhaps parts of our money that might come back to us.
    What was a Conservative Party, a Conservative Government, has deserted the ‘Conservative’ voter. Not as you Mr Sunak suggest you and 14 years have been wasted on promises, big majorities that have all turned into lies

    1. a-tracy
      June 14, 2024

      The other MPs Badenhock , Braverman, Patel are invisible are they even running?

      All the Surrey set looking at the Lib Dems – ask them about Council Tax bands and increasing local taxes? They will support Labour in a raft of extra charges on you and you’re moaning about a frozen income tax code, missed that the national insurance threshold went up 27%, its only the wealthy that got stung for all the extra taxes and if they think they are stung now wait till the whole hive appears.

      1. Ian B
        June 14, 2024

        @a-tracy – the wealthy can’t and do not get stung, that’s the most obvious lie that comes from the Hard Left Socialists of the Uni-Party. When you have money you are the ones that are mobile, flexible and decamp what you have atained to another domain. It is everyone else that picks up the Tab( the Tax)

        Badenhock , Braverman, Patel are not standing to be President. Your President in today’s modern politics choses who their loyal agent will be as your MP. It is not about someone to serve you as a constituent or the Country it is about someone to act as agent of a gang boss. Sunak has made the election about him personally you support him or Starmer, if you still have an MP chosen locally you are the lucky on but its a dying bread that is being stamped out,

  25. Iago
    June 14, 2024

    Latest arrow in the guts of the United States from the Biden mob, the eighty-year-old petrodollar agreement with the Saudis has not been renewed.

    1. Mitchel
      June 14, 2024

      As expected.Saudi joined BRICS+ at the start of the year.Get ready for the new BRICS payment system.There was open discussion of it at last week’s SPIEF 24 (St Petersburg International Economic Forum)-THE forum for the new emerging world order).Sergey Glaziev,Head of Integration and Macroeconomics at the Eurasian Union,and Dilma Rousseff,Head of BRICS Development Bank-and former President of Brazil,both had meetings with Vladimir Putin.

      The G7 is ever more irrelevant.The future is being mapped out and determined elsewhere!

      1. Mitchel
        June 14, 2024

        Also,lots of news recently about the INSTC(the International North South Trade Corridor)which links India to Russia via Iran-the Indians defying the USA to announce a very large investment in the expansion of the Iranian deep water port of Chabahar and announcing they will be buying Russian coal,that previously went to Europe,via this corridor.”Forget the IMEC,focus on the INSTC,says India.The IMEC is/was(?) the USA’s supposed answer to the BRI,connecting India to Europe via Israel/Gaza(the real reason for the Gaza war).

        This and the Arctic,Northern Sea Route,are going to come into their own with the problems on the Suez route(Houthi attacks seem to be increasing) and reported congestion on the land routes on the approaches to reports that “container rates are spiking with a rise of up to 88% between April and May.The same source also reports(2/5/24) :” The Middle Corridor remains too expensive as an alternative China-Europe Route”-totally predictable!The ‘Middle Corridor’ is an attempt by the EU,to which 10bn Euros have been allocated,to build a corridor which bypasses Russia-too circuitous and too many frontiers and geographical features to navigate to be viable.

    2. Lynn Atkinson
      June 14, 2024

      I believe that is fake news. There never was a 50 year agreement. However the Saudi’s have already ditched trading in USD. Moreover the West has chosen to steal the interest in Russian ‘frozen’ deposits. Russia will respond and we will lose much investment in the BRICS, exacerbating the end of the USD as Reserve Currency.
      The one issue JR did not cover and perhaps should have done, because after all, he knows more about global finance than the rest of us put together.
      Putin ‘the world will never be the same again’.
      ‘We have come unacceptably close to the point of no return. Calls for a strategic defeat of Russia, which holds the largest arsenal of nuclear weapons, demonstrates extreme adventurism of the western politicians. They either:
      – Do not understand the scale of the threat they create.
      – Or they are obsessed with the belief of their own impunity and exceptionalism.

      One or the other could end in tragedy.’

  26. Derek Henry
    June 14, 2024

    Brilliant John !

    ” Parties in the election say they want to promote growth and prosperity. Many of them want a bigger tax take to spend more on public sector activities, and to expand what the public sector does. To pay for this they plead growth then look around for people and businesses with money to tax more.”

    That’s the problem right there and why we have so many problems. It is a myth, a huge big fat lie. That ONLY applies to Eurozone countries who were stupid enough to give up their own sovereignty and ability to issue their own currency. This big fat lie allows those who are against tax cuts to roll out we can’t afford the tax cuts myth.

    The truth is very simple – If you give somebody ÂŁ100, they spend it which is taxed at 20%, leaving the next person with ÂŁ80 as income. They then spend that ÂŁ80 which is taxed at 20%, leaving the next person with ÂŁ64 as income. And so on until the entire ÂŁ100 disappears and creates ÂŁ100 of extra tax. All without changing the tax rate one single percent.

    ÂŁ100 issued and ÂŁ100 collected – Spending comes first – Tax collection comes second.

    The result is lots of extra sales and income for people down the spending chain they wouldn’t otherwise have received. It’s a straightforward geometric progression. There is no reason to raise taxes if there is significant unemployment. In fact if there is unemployment then by definition we are overtaxed for the size of government we have and we should be looking at cutting taxes, not raising them.

    The ÂŁ100 collected from the ÂŁ100 issued goes into the UK consolidated fund, from which it is destroyed. It is NEVER respent back into the economy. No accounting exists within the government accounts that allows that to happen.

    The higher the tax rate the quicker the money issued returns to source, the lower the tax rate the longer it takes for the money issued returns to source. However, all money issued will eventually return to source. It has HM King head on it, that’s who’s money it is and who issued it, either by spending or by bank lending. Banks apply for a licence to issue state money when they lend.

    That is what makes the UK a fully sovereign nation state.

    The only thing that stops the ÂŁ from returning to source is when we the public save some of our income as cash ( The government budget deficit ) or in Gilts, gilt edge savings certificates ( The national debt ).

    Hard working Households want to save, Hard working businesses want to save, exporters to our country who get paid in ÂŁ’s want to save. These savings desires by the public decide after the fact what size our deficit and debt will be.

    Those at the heart of government and these unelected institutions know this fact. They have known it for hundreds of years. Why we fought so hard not to join the Euro.

    But voters have been so conditioned to believe we need a bigger tax take to spend. That politicians are so terrified of telling the truth because it will lose them votes. Which means those who are against tax cuts can roll out we can’t afford the tax cuts myths.

    The sad thing is those who want to tax cuts play along with this charade in fear of losing votes. Instead of standing up and telling the truth and educating the public, why we are British, why we are fully sovereign, the true power of the ÂŁ. Most would rather act as if we use the Euro.

    That’s why the country is in the state it is in. NOBODY is willing to be brave enough to stand up and tell the truth. Take the abuse thrown at them for doing so. Brexit was the opportunity to do so, but the government never really supported it. Done everything they could to stop Brexit from happening.

    1. Bill Smith
      June 15, 2024

      Brexit was always a bad idea and it remains so

  27. Ian B
    June 14, 2024

    Point 2 – what is given its full title the PetroChemical Industry needs to extract oil. Somehow people associate it with just transport. We need and use massive amounts of plastics, it builds our infrastructure. Simple power lines criss-crossing the country, telephone cabling, water deliver to our homes, waste water and many, many more out all need plastic and they all need gas and oil extraction to survive.
    Even the much talked about EV, that Labour wants us to import into the Country from China by 2030 needs the PetroChemical Industry. EV’s like all vehicles need oil for lubrication. The tyres on an EV as with all vehicles are actually predominantly plastic, not rubber, An EV is generally double the weight of an ICU vehicle so burns through tyres at a greater rate. The so-called plastic concern in our Oceans has been shown to be 78% derived from tyre wear flush through our drainage systems.
    Wind and solar cant replace just the simple tyre.
    The real point is these Political pronouncement come without thought, come without knowledge, they come as the result of the need to make a virtue-signal to a noisy small minority – to cash in on being down with the brain dead.
    Therefore no oil and gas extraction, is a malicious and callous act of vandalism, that does the complete opposite of the soft cuddly noises would like you to believe

  28. Ian B
    June 14, 2024

    Isn’t the real thread of all these debates showing we have lost Democracy. As such we have a PM that no one is able to support, that is part of a Conservative Government that isn’t Conservative.
    It is now left to what small fragment of voter power that is left to remove those no one supports. We may get something that is the same or worse, but they and he will be gone. First part of the job done. We just move to the next battle in hope we can then dispose of the other Socialists so we can move on and repair. Why are our Parliamentarians so freighted of Democracy?
    The only real danger is this 5 year before anyone one can be re-confirmed or challenged – the longest in the World outside of Libya brought to you by a Conservative Government. We the people were never asked – what are these afraid off. 2 years is long enough before be re-confirmed(re-elected). Longer terms are only required by those with hostility and aggression against the People.

  29. Christine
    June 14, 2024

    Sir John – please offer your services as an advisor to Reform. The country needs you. It’s time to put the British people before your party which was captured by the Globalists years ago.

    Reply I set out my advice free for all who might be interested. Both Conservatives and Reform have taken up some of the ideas first aired here

    1. Timaction
      June 14, 2024

      But your support and guidance would aid the speedy progress that Reform or it’s successor needs to win power. You know the One Nation Tory’s need to be purged but cannot be removed in the current structure and recruitment process. Blair did this with our public services, leaving a self fulfilling prophesy. The Tory’s never challenged or changed it!

    2. Chris S
      June 14, 2024

      Reply to reply : Sir John, do you intend to stay in the Conservative Party after the election ?

  30. Bryan Harris
    June 14, 2024

    Will the parties even come close to talking about these issues, never mind understanding them?

    It would liven up the party debates if these points were added in.

  31. graham1946
    June 14, 2024

    What’s the point of debate as you would like Sir John, when the corrupt voting system is skewed in favour of the two main parties? Even if Reform get millions of votes they will not govern, or maybe get any seats. It happened before – 4 million votes and one seat already occupied by an incumbent. In business such a scheme would be referred to the anti competition authorities, but of course politicians are immune as they pass laws to suit their own interests. What is that if not corruption?

  32. Original Richard
    June 14, 2024

    “Parties in the election say they want to promote growth and prosperity.”

    No they don’t, except for Reform.

    All the existing Parliamentary parties wish to implement Net Zero which requires degrowth, de-industrialisation and a reduction in the consumption of energy, food, heating, travel and goods through rationing.

    They all know that CAGW is based upon false science and fake modelling and that its “solution”, unilateral Net Zero, will not work and is designed to bring the country to its knees with impoverishment through expensive, insufficient supplies of chaotically intermittent energy and transitioning to smart meter and CBDC controlled impractical and insecure electrification.

    Read the Government funded UK FIRES report “Absolute Zero” to learn the ultimate aim of the Net Zero policies:

    Freedom is slavery, war is peace, ignorance is strength, diversity is meritocracy, Net Zero is prosperity.

    1. Ed M
      June 14, 2024

      Can we not try and persuade a top-notch doctor, with business-like experience, to run the NHS? And pay him well etc.

      1. Mickey Taking
        June 14, 2024

        there are hundreds of them already supposedly ‘running’ their part of the NHS.
        I nearly typed ruining but thought better of it!

      2. Lynn Atkinson
        June 14, 2024

        Why not get a top-notch businessman?

      3. Original Richard
        June 14, 2024

        Ed M :

        Do you not think they could find this person if they wanted?

  33. Keith from Leeds
    June 14, 2024

    What can we say? You are right, as you have been for many years, but nobody listens. Many of us feel the same but we too are ignored. How do we make our voices heard when the media is determined that no dissent is allowed? Perhaps now you are not an MP and don’t have to watch your words, you could be a powerful voice to show the criminal stupidity of Net Zero.
    The only point you fail to make is that the people who make such a mess should be sacked, and until they are, nothing will change. But they won’t be sacked because low calibre Government Ministers won’t challenge them and don’t see a problem anyway. The Conservatives big mistake was getting rid of Boris Johnson and they are now paying the price.

  34. glen cullen
    June 14, 2024

    It doesn’t matter how bad labour policies are, and it doesn’t matter who wins the debate 
.labour aren’t winning rather the tories are losing because you didn’t do brexit, you sold us short, we don’t trust you anymore, you turned your backs on the people that elected you 
.don’t you understand; we want to punish you for not delivering a brexit, high taxes & high immigration

  35. forthurst
    June 14, 2024

    Then the most egregious political myth of all: Arts graduates make the best public administrators. An organisation like the NHS demonstrates the folly of such a myth, that someone who has spent three years studying something which is neither necessarily intellectually taxing nor with any connection to providing a specific public service should be put in charge of doctors who have competed for an artificially constrained place on a inherently difficult course that lasts seven years.
    A superficial study of the structure of the NHS reveals that its sole purpose is to provide employment and overgenerous benefits for people without any useful skills whatsoever.

  36. ChrisS
    June 14, 2024

    All totally logical and correct but NOBODY AT WESTMINSTER WILL LISTEN !!!!!

  37. Bill Smith
    June 14, 2024

    Sir John,

    A very interesting analyses but on one or two points not at all correct.
    For example on your fourth point that the single market was a barrier to trade outside the EU, is simply not correct. The German trade with China in the beginning of the 2000}s was 5% and in 2022 it was over 20% of overall German trade and the same growth can be used for Denmark outside the EU..
    So when we raise facts let us make sure they can stand up factually.

    1. Lynn Atkinson
      June 14, 2024

      It was the German Single Market, and German Europe. Germany can do as it pleases, including, for instance unilaterally recognising Croatia or putting its Constitution above EU law.
      The other supplicant states don’t have those options.
      Let’s get the facts straight. This is about arbitrary application of the law, unsurprising as it’s a hallmark of fascism, and the EU is unapologetically fascist.

      1. Bill Smith
        June 15, 2024

        Brexit was always a bad idea and it remains so

      2. Bill Smith
        June 15, 2024


        You throw these political expressions around as if they are a given, like fascism.

        But you are throwing them around with nothing backing them up, so it is rather difficult to take some of these statements seriously in any any shape or form

  38. Original Richard
    June 14, 2024

    “High levels of migration are good for growth”

    All the existing Parliamentary parties believe this. Only Reform does not.

    High levels of immigration may increase GDP, but it depresses wages and GDP/capita and increases the need for health care, education and infrastructure spending and hence increases the cost of living and taxes. Never forgetting that England, particularly the SE, has the highest population density in Europe if not the World.

    But far more importantly, what sort of country do our politicians want us to become when they’re importing millions of people with unassimilable alien cultures? Not only with the indigenous population but within the immigrants themselves? What is our politicians’ ultimate plan for the UK?

    Never mind that it is immoral to be importing trained people from poorer countries who need these people themselves for their own development.

  39. Original Richard
    June 14, 2024

    All good points, Sir John.

    But unfortunately none of your advice will be taken up by the uniparty currently inhabiting Parliament or the next.

    PM Sunak may be blamed for the quite possible demise of the Conservative Party but all the Conservative PMs from Cameron (heir to Blair) onwards have played their part. In fact I have often wondered if PM May thought she was the leader of another party or even another country.

    1. Derek
      June 14, 2024

      Indeed, Mrs May was the leader of another Party, the ‘Remainers’.

      1. Lynn Atkinson
        June 14, 2024

        +12nd cited as the Council Leader of this region for the embryo World Government. She said so on camera once ‘but as a Leader you have to do what is best for the World, not what is best for your country’ or similar words.

  40. Mike Wilson
    June 14, 2024

    I’ve completely lost interest in politics. But I started to watch last night’s debate – on catch up as I am not allowed to watch any live television without paying the BBC a fee. Weird and unfair but the Tories never do anything about it.
    I lasted 10 minutes. A bunch of halfwits shouting over each other and talking bolleaux. The SNP bloke kept saying ‘Tory public spending cuts’. Why is there no fact checking? Why doesn’t the host say ‘that is not true, government spending has gone up and tax take is at a post war high’. The halfwits are allowed to peddle lies.
    10 minutes was enough. I will now resume my complete disinterest.
    I will vote for Reform. But not because I am ‘far right’. If I had my way I would take the monarchy out of the constitution and remove their land and wealth. I would get rid of the House of Lords and the whole honours system. I would have a Land Value tax. I would tax business a lot less and land a lot more. And I’d stop immigration. Completely. And resurrect the steel industry. And stop the net zero lunacy. I guess I am ‘far left’ and ‘far right’ or, as I like to think of it, a supporter of common sense.

    1. Mickey Taking
      June 14, 2024

      If only you had stood for Wokingham – – you’d have got elected and been an MP soon!
      Sir John – did you know about Mike, you could have recommended him to CCHQ?

    2. Lynn Atkinson
      June 14, 2024

      You speak for millions. I think you are very very RIGHT as in the opposite of WRONG!

  41. Derek
    June 14, 2024

    As far as I’m concerned, debate is no longer necessary. Available data proves they’re not working, thus we should address each and every problem to vastly improve our lot. It’s sad to see that the current Conservatives in Government are not up to the job, neither are the usual main opposition Parties.
    If we want true conservatism back to accelerate our growth and follow true conservative principles, we have to look to the new Reform Party, who speak our language, the language of the workers and pensioners in the UK.

  42. outsider
    June 14, 2024

    Dear Sir John,
    The Opposition in the next Parliament should keep hammering away on one soundbite : with few exceptions, any cut in UK manufacturing will cause an increase in global carbon emissions. So any policy that results in a fall in UK manufacturing will accelerate climate change.
    Sadly, I cannot see this happening.

  43. DOM
    June 14, 2024

    Will creepy Gordon Brown get his way under Starmer and finally destroy the British constitution, an agenda he and his Marxist lackeys started in 1997?

    I’m sure John will at some point do some form of expert analysis on Labour’s constitutional vandalism that could impose fatal harm to the way in which our nation is governed

  44. glen cullen
    June 14, 2024

    105 illegal aliens /boat people arrived yesterday from the safe country of France
    We also imported from France via Interconnectors 12% of energy to the UK

  45. Tony Willis
    June 15, 2024

    That is excellent!

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