The PM should ring Donald Trump

The attempt of an assassin to kill the front runner in the US polls was a direct assault on democracy that all who believe in democracy should condemn. The Prime Minister should pick up the phone to Mr Trump, ask how he is and send the UKā€™s best wishes that US political arguments are settled in the court of public opinion and in the ballot box.


  1. Bloke
    July 14, 2024

    Many agree.

    1. Ian wragg
      July 14, 2024

      Nigel already phoned him
      That’s most important.

      1. Hope
        July 14, 2024

        Perhaps Anti democracy Lammy or ā€œscumā€ Rayner ought to telephone him. Perhaps Slimy Cameron could give him a call. It defies me how any of these vile creatures could be on the public purse representing our great nation. Time will out them. All in the UK Westminster swamp that needs clearing.

        Guido pointing out how horrible comments made by Slysky news.

        If Trump had not turned his head he would be dead. I am alarmed Assassin allowed to climb on roof despite people telling the police.

        1. Margaret
          July 14, 2024

          I’m not particularly focused on the anti democratic perspective.Attempted murder to anyone anywhere is vile.Surely though it cannot be a professional as he was seeing crawling on a roof,didn’t hit his target and put himself in a vulnerable position.
          All respect to Trump who didn’t wither when his face was covered bin blood.He fisted the air in defiance.

  2. Mark B
    July 14, 2024

    I very much agree. But I think the PM will wait until what his advisors tell him rather than do the instinctive things you suggest.

  3. Kayla Tomlinson
    July 14, 2024

    Absolutely correct thing to do. President Biden has already done so.

    1. Lynn Atkinson
      July 14, 2024

      What is Biden sorry for? The miss?šŸ¤®

      1. Donna
        July 14, 2024

        If he could remember anything, he’d probably regret calling for Trump to be the bullseye.

        1. Lynn Atkinson
          July 14, 2024

          Pelosi too?

    2. Bloke
      July 14, 2024

      Numerous leaders and ex-leaders, including Starmer, Biden and Obama sent hasty messages to Trump stating: There is ā€œNO PLACEā€ for political violence in America; using only slightly different words.

      They are so careless. Obviously, there are many places for political and other violence in America. If there were not, how would there be so many instances of it, including the one that bloodied Trumpā€™s ear?

      Perhaps they should have inserted ā€˜mustnā€™t beā€™ or ā€˜shouldnā€™t beā€™ in the right place, or done something to prevent it.

  4. Donna
    July 14, 2024

    Yes. Starmer could tell him that the British Government condemns the attack …. even though it was on a man his Foreign Secretary called “a ā€œwoman-hating neo-Nazi sympathising sociopathā€ and a ā€œprofound threat to the international order.ā€

    1. Lynn Atkinson
      July 14, 2024

      Farage also said ā€˜Trump was dangerousā€™, when he became the candidate before the 2016 election.

      1. Hope
        July 14, 2024

        Slimy Cameron slated Trump in his book! He then had the Gaul to ask Trump for money for corrupt Ukraine!

        1. Hope
          July 14, 2024

          Reported Lammy went on an anti Trump rally!

        2. hefner
          July 14, 2024

          What has Asterix gotta do with this?

          1. Hope
            July 16, 2024

            Excellent. Made me laugh. Auto correct has its failings.

    2. Bloke
      July 14, 2024

      You make an excellent contrast Donna.
      That Foreign Secretary is not even a diplomat; unfit to have been appointed.

  5. BW
    July 14, 2024

    I agree. I certainly wouldnā€™t ask the Foreign Secretary to do so. Not after the awful insults he has levelled at Mr Trump in the past. What an embarrassment.

  6. Lynn Atkinson
    July 14, 2024

    On 8th July Biden said ā€˜itā€™s time to put Trump in the bullseyeā€™. The Biden administration has refused to beef up Trumpā€™s security. The US MSM has been told to play down the assassination attempt. They are reporting that ā€˜security removed Trump after he was startled by a loud noise.ā€™

    The west and its democracy has been hijacked. Itā€™s rotten to the core.

    1. Donna
      July 14, 2024

      Biden has also refused to permit Official, taxpayer-funded, Protection to Robert Kennedy Junior, a candidate for the Presidency who has very real reasons for fearing for his safety. He’s having to fund it himself.

      Mind you, in his position, I’m not sure I’d trust the CIA anyway.

      1. Lynn Atkinson
        July 14, 2024


    2. Mickey Taking
      July 14, 2024

      was there a very loud noise as the high velocity bullet knicked the top of his ear?

  7. Iago
    July 14, 2024

    ā€œFight!ā€ That’s what we should have done in the last four years.

  8. Rod Evans
    July 14, 2024

    I would be more impressed if Sadiq Khan picked up the phone and expressed his support for Trump and democracy directly in Trump’s good ear.

    1. Lifelogic
      July 14, 2024

      +1 and of course Starmer should ring has he not done so yet? Starmer should also replace the dire Lammy at the F/O. Totally unsuitable, a race baiter & far too dim too.

    2. Lifelogic
      July 14, 2024

      Respect for everyone was promised by Starmer even Trump, Farage and Raynerā€™s Tory Scum, Scum, Scum it seems. Personally I shall respect those worthy of respect and not those who are clearly not worth of respect. People who intentionally do the reverse of what they promised in 4 manifestos or assure us the Covid vaccines were ā€œunequivocally safeā€ will not qualify for respect. Nor people who pointlessly damage the economy and the environment with Net Zero lunacy, VAT on school fees. or getting rid of Non Dom status!

      1. Hope
        July 14, 2024

        Denmark study shows sperm mobility adversely affected by covid vaccines! Not a word in MSM.

        1. Lifelogic
          July 14, 2024

          Indeed. Reduced fertility rates too.

  9. Peter Gardner
    July 14, 2024

    Hear, Hear!

  10. Bryan Harris
    July 14, 2024

    It would be appropriate to have our new PM talk with Trump, but Starmer is no statesman.

    1. Mark
      July 14, 2024

      His wife was photographed at an anti-Trump rally. Perhaps that explains why he was keen to support the idea that Biden is fit for four more years at the NATO summit. At least Peter Mandelson was forthright in calling for Obama to tell Biden to step down, and stating that Kamala is not a good replacement. Very undiplomatic for someone said to be on the short list to take over from Dame Karen Pierce as Ambassador.

      Meanwhile the betting markets have firmed significantly in favour of Trump to be the next President. The shot was in the Democratic campaign with a direct hit in the foot. Reagan became much more popular following the assassination attempt he suffered.

  11. Peter
    July 14, 2024

    I am sure the Prime Minister will do so. As will most other world leaders. It is standard practice and failure to do so would reflect badly on the Prime Minister himself.

    1. Donna
      July 14, 2024

      I’m sure Farage already has.

      1. Lifelogic
        July 14, 2024


    2. Peter
      July 14, 2024

      Starmer has already condemned the shooting. I imagine Trump and his people will be receiving numerous calls from around the world.

      1. Mickey Taking
        July 14, 2024

        Putin rang to say it wasn’t us, we are developing a homing bullet to track you but its not ready yet!

  12. Berkshire Alan
    July 14, 2024

    Whilst I agree with perhaps the sentiments, should a leader of another Country contact the opponent of the Present leader of that Country directly.
    Surely better to send any message via Biden, who I understand has already made the comment you suggest, whist planning to speak to “Donald” himself, according to news footage.

    1. Sir Joe Soap
      July 14, 2024

      He’s a former President, so yes. Ridiculed by our Foreign Secretary whoarched against his visit in 2017 and wrote supporting the Trump baby balloon.I wonder what he’ll say or do next year.

    2. Clough
      July 14, 2024

      Why not? It’s reported that China’s President Xi Jinping expressed his “compassion and sympathy” to Donald Trump on Sunday. Trump and China were not best buddies. I’d say it looks bad for Starmer if he doesn’t do the same.

    3. agricola
      July 14, 2024

      Wet Wet Wet.
      Nigel has every intention of flying to his friends side this week. That is the essence of a special relationship, and it will far outway anything that our leadership past or present has to say on the matter.
      Personally I suspect it may well enhance Donald Trump’s bid for a second term as president. It may cause second thoughts on gun law, should he succeed. I can understand having hand guns , sporting and competition guns within a licence system, but see no place for military weaponry in private hands.

      Reply Nigel has now to consider the needs of his Clacton constituents, with State Opening on Wednesday. I was not able to fly around the world much as an MP wanting to provide a good service.

      1. Lynn Atkinson
        July 14, 2024

        Reply +1.

        1. Hope
          July 14, 2024

          Reply to reply,
          Supporting Trump would be supporting Farageā€™s constituents and the UK because Slimy Cameronā€™s comments in his book wrecked any sincerity coming from the Tory party and Starmerā€™s bunch openly criticised him or went on a rally to protest gains him! Moreover, your colleagues when you were a MP, Dorries or Handcock, went in the jungle still on the public purse and getting extra cash for doing so!

          Any false platitudes coming from UK govt or opposition should be treated with disdain by Trump. Personally I would tell them stick their false platitudes up their arse.

          1. Lynn Atkinson
            July 14, 2024

            Watch out for Bridgenā€™s libel case against Ham]nock next week. Hereā€™s hoping Hancock will have to live in the jungle permanently thereafter.

      2. Mark
        July 14, 2024

        Perhaps he will conduct a live interview on his TV show. That would probably have much more impact both sides of the Atlantic.

      3. agricola
        July 15, 2024

        Reply to reply,
        He will I am sure, out of respect for the King attend the state opening. He can then take 48 hours to give support to his friend. An action more beneficial to UK/USA relations than anything the political scroats at the F/O can achieve. I would point out that it is not his constituents that have been shot, so they can spare him. I detect a degree of resentment towards the fact that Nigel has such a high international profile. A position of influence way beyond anything achieved by your government and beyond the reach of the current one. Get used to it, Nigel’s profile will grow with the electorate’s realisation that he is the only real opposition on the block that is not tainted.

        Reply I have no resentment at all, but an MP has to do the seven days a week job they are paid to do by taxpayers

      4. Donna
        July 15, 2024

        Reply to reply. I’m sure with those wonderful new-fangled things called aeroplanes, he could pop over to America for a short visit and manage to be back to listen to the King deliver the coup de grace to our energy security (and a great deal else) on Wednesday.

        Maintaining the special relationship is very important and we can’t expect the bigoted anti-Trump Lammy to do it. Plus Nigel’s already said he will encourage Trump to visit Clacton, which I’m sure his Constituents would appreciate …. especially if he pumped a bit of money into the town.

  13. glen cullen
    July 14, 2024

    Concur – media & politicians need to stop demonising parties and people with opposing views ā€¦.I blame the woke influence on our courts & government that has allowed these attacks eg just stop oil sentencing, destroying public art works and historic statures etc ā€¦its all connected

  14. Paula
    July 14, 2024

    *Ring* Trump ?

    Why ?

    A comedy phone-to-bandaged-ear “Aaaargh !” from Trump ?

    A Get Well Soon card would be better.

    I’m more concerned that the BBC/MSM have literally no self awareness that they have fomented the hatred that caused this. And that there seems to be no effort to address the democratic deficit which causes millions of Americans to turn to Trump – rather, they (the Left MSM) would prefer to defame and insult those voters as deplorables, boguns, red necks…

  15. Sakara Gold
    July 14, 2024

    Trump may refuse to take a call from Sir Kier Starmer, he failed to congratulate our new PM on his appointment. Maybe our new Foreign Secretary David Lammy should try first

    1. Lynn Atkinson
      July 14, 2024

      I would NEVER take a call from Lammy. I doubt Trump will take a different view.

      1. hefner
        July 14, 2024

        Another bout of Delusion of Grandeur, Lynn?

        1. Lynn Atkinson
          July 14, 2024

          Oh no. Just putting Lammy into perspective.

          1. Sam
            July 14, 2024

            Well said Lynn.

        2. Mickey Taking
          July 14, 2024

          possibly because Lammy said ‘I refuse to talk to that woman!’

  16. DOM
    July 14, 2024

    This is a watershed moment. Trump won’t forget the enemy, of which there are many, when he becomes POTUS in November. Revenge is a dish best served freezing cold.

    1. Paula
      July 14, 2024

      There is now an iconic photo of badass Trump punching the air, blood down his face, the Union flag in the perfect position and the security services looking heroic with the shooter already dead.

      The revenge was instant and red hot.

      The election is all but in the bag for him.

      Perfection !

      1. Richard II
        July 14, 2024

        Here’s a little background which some commentators might have missed: ‘Former President Donald Trump pledged to release all the assassination files on President John F. Kennedy should he be reelected in November. ‘This time I’m just going to do it,’ Trump promised during a taping of an episode of the All-In podcast, which was released Thursday.’ MSN 21 June 2024

        1. Mike Wilson
          July 15, 2024

          What files? There will have been a glitch, a mistake, an accidental shredding, burning or moving to an unknown location.

    2. Lynn Atkinson
      July 14, 2024


  17. Original Richard
    July 14, 2024

    For months those in control of Biden together with the connivance of the MSM, BBC included, and the Left everywhere including our PM, have kept Bidenā€™s incapacity to be President as secret as possible as long as they thought that Biden would win again in November. Instead Trump ws demonised.

    The fact that this was undemocratic and endangering the safety of The US, and indeed the West, shows how the Left are prepared to go to any lengths to remain in power.

    1. Lynn Atkinson
      July 14, 2024

      Any lengths! Quite right.

  18. Derek
    July 14, 2024

    That our PM has not done so is a disgrace and a shame on our Nation.
    His obvious failing joins that of his predecessor when he left the D Day gatherings before they had finished. Unfortunately we shall not get the people’s desired conclusion and subsequent result this time.
    His failings of office are already there to be seen and it’s frightening to know that we’ve got five more years of his lack of political expertise to endure.

    1. Peter
      July 14, 2024

      Calm down. You are imagining snubs that have not happened.

      1. Derek
        July 15, 2024

        Dream on. I imagine nothing. I fear for my country, its future and the prospects for our offspring, for it has been in decline for the past 30 years with zero signs of improvement.

  19. Wanderer
    July 14, 2024

    Our politicians should not just call him, but also very publicly say this was an assassination attempt, and to portray it as anything else or downplay it because the sniper missed killing his target by a few inches, is to undermine democracy.

    MsM’s problem is that their narrative is that only the right is supposed to be violent. When they can’t hide actual, obvious, anti-right extreme violence from their viewers, it harms their credibility.

  20. Annie
    July 14, 2024

    Of course he should. Hasn’t he done it? Surely it’s obvious!

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