David Lammy’s unreal speech

David Lammy made his first Foreign Secretary speech at Kew yesterday telling us the overriding problem of our times is climate change. This is “the most profound and universal source of global disorder”. Recognising many of us might think the wars in Ukraine or Gaza, or the terrorist attacks against shipping might be important , he went on “The threat may not feel as urgent as a terrorist or imperialist autocrat. But it is more fundamental”.  Pandemics are apparently more likely if it gets warmer. All extreme weather of whatever kind is down to CO2.

There was no evidence to back any of this up. There was no learned statement of where he thinks the world is in getting to the point where CO 2 starts to reduce. There was praise for China’s renewables with no mention that they account for more than 3o times the amount of CO2 put out by the UK or that we assist them to do this by buying so many imports from them. There was  no analysis of why there had been plenty of climate change in the world before mankind arrived, and more again before mankind invented petrol cars and gas boilers.

He did tell us the IEA thinks the world will get to peak fossil fuel usage by the end of this decade. No great sense of urgency there then for most countries but no complaint from Mr Lammy about the big CO 2 producers who are increasing their output of what he sees as a devilish gas.

China, India and Russia are leading the way to more CO 2 this decade. Some think fossil fuel use will still rise after 2030 as emerging market countries continue to develop , drawing on more coal, gas and oil.

He had grand words for the need for the advanced world to do much more to help the emerging world go direct to renewables and electricity, missing out oil and gas based growth. Yet he also reminded us how many in low income countries still have no access to any electricity, and pointed out how much more grid will be needed before the renewables can be connected.

He recalled the promise oft repeated that the advanced countries would make at least $100 bn a year available to emerging economies for green matters. He was unable to tell us when and how that would happen.  Turning to the UK all he could pledge was a £900 m guarantee for the Asia Development Bank. He indicated support for the idea of increasing the capital of the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development but did not mention any  Treasury approval to ship them some cash.

So David Lammy, who are you kidding? It is very unlikely the UK herself will be producing all carbon free electricity by 2030. It is a racing certainty the world’s use of fossil fuels and carbon output will continue to climb while he is foreign Secretary. His speech was empty of detail and free of any further UK financial commitment. I agree with him in not offering more cash.I would be happier if he made world peace and prosperity his mission rather than net zero, and took seriously the issues of Ukraine, Gaza and the growing restrictions on trade from tariffs, bans and windfall taxes.How much longer can senior members of the government deny the reality that they are not going to hit U.K. targets for net zero and that most of the rest of the world has no intention of closing down all its fossil fuel based activities. There is still no U.K. government estimate of the costs of all this.


  1. Big John
    September 18, 2024

    It is obvious our current government, are out to destroy us !!!
    This used to be called treason, except our current king, is also on the same bandwagon.
    I think the UK is finished, how can we educate these people, that they are destroying the country ?

    1. PeteB
      September 18, 2024

      Agred John. Unfortunately you can’t educate a zealot. We’ll need to see how much damage they do in 5 yrs and what can be reversed after that. Will we have a heavy manufacturing industry left?

    2. Lifelogic
      September 18, 2024

      The man is clearly a mad zealot like Ed Miliband and anyone sensible (who heard him LBC radio or University Challenge) knows he is extremely dim too. Though he clearly thinks he is clever

      The speech was scientifically illiterate and illiterate too. What does “accelerating at pace” mean? What pace would that be then? The use off random extreme weather events and fires that we have had for millions of years as “proof” of a non existent climate emergency caused by CO2. A bit more of this plant food is,in fact, a net good.

      We are in a relative dearth off CO2 currently and the Earth has been through ice ages with CO2 at over ten times current levels. Let us hope Trump wins, he is sound on climate and then race baiter Lammy would surely have to resign.


      1. Lifelogic
        September 18, 2024

        He even said we have to walk the walk not just talk the talk. Which brings to mind our King Charles of climate hypocrisy.

        Just 96 months to save world, says Prince Charles
        The price of capitalism and consumerism is just too high, he tells industrialists in July 2009.
        Did he arrive by Private Jet, helicopter his Aston Martin or pushbike perhaps?

      2. Lifelogic
        September 18, 2024

        Prince Charles even said he himself had calculated this 96 months – using the two duff A levels in History and French and his Arch. and Anth. and a slide rule I suppose.

        1. Lynn Atkinson
          September 18, 2024

          Makes Lammy look good!

      3. hefner
        September 18, 2024

        I hope Sir John once looked at the CO2 concentration over the last 400 million years. He would have seen the CO2 concentration at 2200 ppm 400myr ago. So nothing like the ‘over ten times current levels’ of Lifelogic.

        Also it is well established that ice ages corresponded to minima of CO2 concentration, so LL’s sentence ´the Earth has been through ice ages with CO2 at over ten times current levels’ is frankly ridiculous.

        Earth.org 12/08/2020 ‘A graphical history of atmospheric CO2 levels over time’.

        1. Lifelogic
          September 19, 2024

          The most distant period in time for which we have estimated CO2 levels is around the Ordovician period, 500 million years ago. At the time, atmospheric CO2 concentration was at a whopping 3000 to 9000 ppm!


    3. Ian wragg
      September 18, 2024

      He is following WEF instructions to shift wealth from the west to the BRICS as stated many times by the UN.
      CO2 is not our enemy, we have plenty of them in government. I don’t understand how many so called educated people can be so stupid. Thankfully the EU led by germany is kicking back against this nonesense which will expose our politicians for the snake oil salesman they really are.

      1. Donna
        September 18, 2024

        + 1
        Yes, it’s a global “levelling down” policy.

      2. MFD
        September 18, 2024

        well said Ian, I often wonder how they got so many supposedly intelligent people to believe the global warming scam.
        I suppose we will be expected to believe we do not need a fuel payment because its getting so warm – soon!

        1. Mickey Taking
          September 18, 2024

          ‘ I often wonder how they got so many supposedly intelligent people to believe the global warming scam.’
          answer: – – they worry about being ostracised, victimised, made a non-person, abused face-to-face and family harassed. Simple. Try denying ‘THE’ god in certain countries.

      3. Mitchel
        September 18, 2024

        You -and possibly others-continually repeat this garbage:”……following WEF instructions to shift wealth from the west to the BRICS…….”.BRICS is not a tool of the WEF(which is controlled by western elites) but a movement to build an alternative world order in opposition to the western economic order(the ‘post-west world’ as Sergei Lavrov has called it).

        Try “BRICS reject WEF:What’s going on?” posted on Youtube,10/3/24.

        1. Lynn Atkinson
          September 18, 2024

          They mean ‘the Global South’.
          BRICS extension will be the death of Russia. A strategic defence agreement with Iran! Very disappointing.

      4. Lifelogic
        September 18, 2024

        Must be something like that I assume. They surely cannot all be so halfwitted that they actually have fallen for the devil gas religion can they. Well Lammy, two tier Kier and Ed Miliband perhaps. Even Thatcher sort of fell for it at one point.

    4. Ian wragg
      September 18, 2024

      I’ve just switched the TV on and the clown Rowlat from the BBC is spouting about climate change fuelling conflict in Somalia. Worst drought in 40 years.
      No explanation about what caused drought 40 years ago but this one is down to climate change.
      Somalia has been a basket case before I worked in Africa in the 70s and will continue to be so. Funny how every natural disaster is down to climate change despite the same things happening since biblical times.

      1. Mitchel
        September 18, 2024

        Somalia has more or less collapsed.It’s two best territories (the coastal regions of Somaliland and Puntland)have effectively left this artificial state(another basketcase the UK helped to create) and are associating themselves with Ethiopia,a new BRICS member (and Russian ally)whose prospects have been transformed by the Grand Renaissance Dam project which I believe is now complete.

        The UK is trying to involve itself in this evolving situation:

        Puntland Post,15/9:The UK’s duty to challenge Ethiopia’s illegal MoU with the Somaliland administration.”

        “The insistence of Ethiopia on the validity of the illegal maritime MoU poses a grave threat to global security.The potential for geopolitical conflict in the Horn of Africa is a direct result of this unilateral and illegal move by the Prime Minister of Ethiopia,the Nobel Peace Laureate,Abiy Ahmed…..The need for British leadership has never been more pressing.It is time for the UK to step forward and address this critical issue….”

        If you look at the map you will see that these territories lie directly opposite the Houthi-controlled parts of Yemen on the Gulf of Aden.If you go back in history to the middle of the first millennium,Ethiopia(then known as the Empire of Aksum,a Byzantine ally and Orthodox Christian state) held both shores of the Gulf,controlling the lucrative maritime trade of the Roman Empire with the East.

      2. Lifelogic
        September 18, 2024

        A warmer World has higher rainfall on average as warm air can carries more water vapour. Another PPE Oxon graduate so prob. zero science after 16. But even physics GCSE should tell you that.

        The BBC propaganda on this totally overwhelming and we have to pay a licence free so they can lie to us each day.

      3. Cliff.. Wokingham.
        September 18, 2024

        It does seem that the state, and it’s helpers, have stepped up it’s efforts to convince us that man made climate change is real and that only by Britons living in caves will we save the planet.
        BBC, Itv and Sky seem to run a climate message every day. In fact, I do wonder if Al JaBeeba have extended their lunchtime news programme just to fit in a daily climate lecture.

    5. RichardP
      September 18, 2024

      +1 Big John
      Clearly the Climate and Pandemic Scams are terrorism. We are indeed being attacked by our own government. We won’t be able to educate the globalist players because they know what they are doing.
      On the positive side most people you speak to these days are now wide awake and angry. The government ultimately answers to us, as they will find out.

  2. Mark B
    September 18, 2024

    Good morning

    All he is doing is virtual signalling and telling people that he is ‘on message’ and will not deviate from the plan.

    Another empty vessel to be filled with other people’s nonsense.

  3. Mike Wilson
    September 18, 2024

    Why is it that in our democracy politicians never allow themselves to be rigorously challenged. When you do get an informed and capable inquisitor, like Andrew Neill, they refuse to be interviewed. Why have virtually all politicians bought in to the groupthink on the climate?

    1. Bloke
      September 18, 2024

      Earlier in David Lammy’s career while speaking in the HoC and taking questions, Gerald Kaufman stood and commented: ‘If the Minister doesn’t have anything sensible to say, he should sit down’. His words cut through, reflecting the general feeling and atmosphere building in the house.
      Kaufman tended to vote in favour climate change issues, but if alive today, he would probably have a similar opinion about David Lammy’s irrelevance.

    2. Peter Wood
      September 18, 2024

      Yes, the government front bench are all equipped with the same hymn sheet, pure dogma- no questioning. Starmer is in his own little politburo world now; a fictional space where his word is law and the only reality. The police are being told to monitor the population for ‘nasty thoughts’ and bring prosecutions on a whim. The courts know which way the wind is blowing because ‘one of their own’ is in charge. Punishment will be increasingly severe. look out for increased control of the MSM. Our national defence against foreign threats will be neglected in favour of more population ‘management’ and control. Our money will become worthless as imports soar and production at home crashes.
      Make plans if you can, there is societal breakdown and civil disruption on the way.

    3. Donna
      September 18, 2024

      Why? Because it’s in their personal interests to be “on message.” ie career advancement in Parliament and outside it when they are kicked out. Billionaires are funding the climate change narrative.

      1. MFD
        September 18, 2024

        correct Donna, why do so many poeple not see this corruption?

        1. Mickey Taking
          September 18, 2024

          The King’s new clothes.? (especially correct now).

    4. Christine
      September 18, 2024

      I think they receive some reward every time they mention it, like the Build Back Better slogan a few years back that was dropped into speeches and was inappropriate. It lets them know who is in the club. People who pointed this out were labelled conspiracy theorists. The fall of Western countries is their aim and voters elected this rabble. There must be so much voter remorse out there in the country.

  4. Peter Gardner
    September 18, 2024

    Sir John, you appear to expect adult commonsense from a government comprising socialist school children. Actually, it is worse than that. They are Aldous Huxley’s four legged lot standing on two legs from Animal Farm. Hard not to overlook their envy, bitterness and callousness.

    1. Peter Gardner
      September 18, 2024

      Oops. Hard to overlook.

    2. Mickey Taking
      September 18, 2024

      George Orwell (Eric Blair).

  5. Bryan Harris
    September 18, 2024

    More hot air and pathetic gesturing.

    ……overriding problem of our times is climate change.

    No – the biggest problem is ignorant politicians who smell coffee everywhere and have wool for brains while thinking they have the right to change our destiny because they think they know best.

    The socialist mind is the real issue behind our ills – it treats everything as being the same and labels anyone that has an original thought as the enemy. It is a mind well past its sell by date. Unfortunately it has spread to so many, like the worst ever real plague. Dumbing down education as blair did helped to create so many now afflicted. No wonder our world is insane.

    Labour politicians like to quote science at us, imagining that a simple statement from them should get us quivering and ready to give up our lives and freedoms to join their latest campaign, but more often than not they are spreading rumour rather than scientific facts.

    1. Lifelogic
      September 18, 2024

      Politicians in general and yet so few have any science beyond 16 they even like to say the science. They even gave coerced the net harm covid vaccine to many millions of people who hd no need of it even had they been safe and effective. Sunak still claims or lies they were unequivocally safe when the evidence is they clearly were not at all safe and did sig. net harm.

      One thing for sure is that EVs with current tech. cause more CO2 not less than keeping your old car.
      Cost loads more too, less convenient, more tyre wear, more to insure, prone to bad fires more road wear, more depreciation, heavier… when with the next ferry fire sinking or channel tunnel fire happen?

      1. Lifelogic
        September 18, 2024

        From a politician and state sector point of view net zero give and excuse for more taxes, more control, more state sector jobs and then later they can even claim they solved this “climate emergency” non problem.

      2. Bryan Harris
        September 18, 2024

        It never mattered that EVs were never going to be the real answer, nor how false the claims were, EVs were used as a symbol. A symbol we all know will not produce what is required, but with depopulation, a distinct lack of energy and powering points, they might just be adequate in the end – BUT not until we have face a host of destructions.

    2. Kathy
      September 18, 2024

      Sadly, it’s not just Labour politicians. although they started it. It seems that all politicians have been infected with the same groupthink virus, I will never forget watching how entranced Michael Gove and other Conservative politicians were by what Greta Thunberg – a little girl with no experience or expertise in anything – said to them many years ago about ‘climate change’, and who can forget how fanatical Boris Johnson became over it all? Well, at least until Covid-19 became his next project.

      COP 26 was a huge waste of money and time and it will be the same this year as the great and the good fly in, via private jet of course, to this year’s luxury accommodation, and spout the same old, same old. Most ordinary people were never taken in and we are now just sick of it.

  6. agricola
    September 18, 2024

    “Now I become death the destroyer of worlds” Robert Oppenheimer on the atomic bomb. Said from a position of highly educated absolute knowledge. And yesterday we had David Lammy, buffoon, speaking from a position of fag packet knowledge as the apostle of Rasputin, ignorant of the damage he was doing. Yet another nail in Labours electoral ambitions. Enter stage left the men in white coats.

  7. formula57
    September 18, 2024

    Rather rejoice, rejoice to have a British foreign secretary who can deliver speeches “.. empty of detail and free of any further UK financial commitment”! Lord Cameron take note of how you should have acted.

    If one is looking for a single factor explanation about how international relations may be shaped over the balance of the century then Mr. Lammy may be making a sound point. Encouraging him to direct his own efforts in that direction may well mean he does less harm to us than he otherwise might.

    Consider meanwhile that Chancellor Sholz tells us escalation of the Ukraine war will hurt everyone but particularly the countires directly involved. Let us trust Mr. Lammy is too occupied with climate change to have the U.K. once more pulling others’ chestnuts out of the fire in continenal Europe.

  8. DOM
    September 18, 2024

    Democracy exists so that we don’t have to suffer these docile morons, extremist loons and lying idiots in the three main woke parties. It seems the voter is happy to endorse such criminal stupidity. Suck it up voter, accept the cost until you change your ways though I suspect that by the time they do it will be too late.

    1. agricola
      September 18, 2024

      Universal sufforage does not equate with universal intelligence, which results in such as David Lammy.

  9. Paul Freedman
    September 18, 2024

    The Net zero commitment is a ‘pledge’ by signatories to be net zero CO2 by 2050 (and have a 45% reduction in CO2 by 2030). These dates are also ‘targets’. Therefore these dates are aspirations and not scientific deadlines. We can be sure these dates will be missed by the more intelligent signatories as they approach.
    So why is David Lammy and the Green lobby in a Gadarene rush to honour them? There are much more efficient and better options available to us if we set our own CO2 target dates which we can manage ourselves to. Personally I like an increase in nuclear power over time (it is affordable – especially with oil and gas giant investment too) but we can’t employ the better alternatives if we allow ourselves to be rinsed by the UN.

    1. MFD
      September 18, 2024

      As I will then be 105 yr old I will most likely be contributing to a fair rise of CO2 and there will be nothing the idiots can do about it😁

  10. David Andrews
    September 18, 2024

    His speech is but the latest example of the national brainwashing (about CAGW aka “climate change”) that has characterised British politics for the past thirty plus years. It has been remarkably successful because 1 nearly all MPs are signed up to it and 2 successive governments have reinforced the brainwashing with laws, regulations and taxes. Nothing will change so long as the majority of MPs believe and act on this nonsense. Reform is the only party that has stated it’s opposition to NZ and the whole legal and regulatory apparatus that supports it.

  11. Narrow Shoulders
    September 18, 2024

    This is very worrying, more so even than David Lammy being the foreign secretary. This speech will have been written by the foreign office so it shows that the civil service is captured by the doctrine to the exclusion of all else (wars, pestilence, trade, mass immigration etc).

    A maiden foreign secretary speech should have been wide ranging about the state of the world and might have included a bit about the weather but to make it the focus shows that this government has the wrong priorities. Union pay and the weather are not on most of the populations list of concerns although they are becoming more so because of the impact that Labour policy is having on all our lives.

  12. Berkshire alan
    September 18, 2024

    Fantasy politics from a clueless Minister

  13. Hat
    September 18, 2024

    The government does have have an active foreign policy on Gaza and Ukraine. It supports Israel with military shipments using British bases in Cyprus. It supports Kiev to the tine of £3bn a year. Starmer and Lammy are doing what their US handlers demand of them. With the climate agenda, it’s the UN rather than the US state dept calling the tune, but that pair of Labour government clowns dance to it just the same. It almost makes you nostalgic for their 1940s predecessors Attlee and Bevan, who at least wanted Britain to be an independent power, deciding its own policies.

  14. Linda Brown
    September 18, 2024

    The man is a complete mess. I am ashamed we have him as Foreign Secretary. He needs to get a grip and look at the real issues in this country and world not go on about the nonsense Miliband and others are preaching. Climate is variable not the issue they are making it. They are illiterates who are in the process of ruining this country and making us a laughing stock. He wants to preach a bit more about over population which is increasing CO2 more than anything else. What about the way women and animals are being treated in other countries? Needs to get his priorities right.

    1. MFD
      September 18, 2024

      Linda , you can only expect excrement from the mouth of that fool.

  15. Lynn Atkinson
    September 18, 2024

    The ‘exploding’ pagers across Lebanon should have the undivided attention of the Government. All technology should be considered a possible national security threat and the highest priority should be places on self-sufficiency.
    It might have escaped the quick wit of Starmer and Lammy that the U.K. can be brought to a complete stop if the ‘miracle’ technology on which they are so happy to rely comes under the control of those wishing harm to the U.K. in fact the subtle corruption of our systems could be more dangerous than simply blowing them up.
    As Russia has demonstrated that it can control the software guidance systems of Storm Shadows and ‘land’ them where they choose, should we not consider how much easier it would be to, for instance, ‘jam and hijack’ the Work and Pensions payments system? Lucrative too.

  16. Donna
    September 18, 2024

    If a large number of people already think you’re a fool, it’s best not to open your mouth and prove it.

    Lammy doesn’t seem to understand that. Let’s face it, this isn’t the first time he’s demonstrated that his intellectual capacity is, to put it politely, extremely limited.

    Still, I’m sure the UN/WEF are delighted by this spouting of climate propaganda – and the Eco Nutter Establishment’s determination to destroy this country on the altar of Net Zero.

  17. Rod Evans
    September 18, 2024

    Well sir John, we are clearly dealing with an egotist and publicity seeker in David Lammy Foreign Secretary.
    How else would you explain someone that is patently ignorant of even the most basic facts, choosing to put themselves forward for ‘Celebrity’ Mastermind, where did he get the idea from he was a celebrity?
    Not content with with that permanent embarrassment/record of ignorance, with his Henry Vll answer and his Marie Antoinette winning the Nobel Prize for Physics, he decides to put himself forward as apologist for First Lady (sic) dress scandal. He was certain he could explain and justify why a rich lady with an even richer husband and PM need to secure their clothing allowance from a very rich Labour lord.
    As ever with our current Foreign Secretary his awareness of the facts or otherwise has no bearing on his ego driving him onto the airwaves and TV studios to show how impressive he is. His clumsy performance on the Trevor Philips Sunday show taught him nothing. Maybe that is the feature of his time in public office he has been taught but learned nothing. Maybe there lies his problem?
    As for his analysis of dangers facing the world. Anyone who comes up with Climate Change or more accurately Man Made Climate Change is the most urgent and demanding problem we face, well tell that to the people in Haiti or Ukraine or Israel or Yemen or Syria or….add to the list as you see fit.

  18. Wanderer
    September 18, 2024

    Your piece today deserves to be a front page article in every newspaper, and a talking point on every TV and radio channel. The clamour by our media to call Lammy up on this nonsense should be deafening.

    I’ve given up on the MSM – don’t watch, listen or read their propaganda any more – but I guess there has been virtual silence on the matter.

    Britain has been turned into one of the most foolish countries in the world. Unfortunately for the rest of humanity, we have nuclear and other advanced weaponry that enable us to do more damage to the world than our puny size belies. Our politicians are clearly deluded. Remarkably, it’s only our US masters that keep us in any form of check (for the moment).

  19. Dave Andrews
    September 18, 2024

    I don’t think it’s such a bad thing that David Lammy is virtue signalling on climate. All the time he’s ignoring Ukraine, Gaza and shipping terrorism he’s not making matters worse by his intervention.
    Ultimately ideology will meet reality and reality will win. The only problem being that much damage might have been done by then.

    1. Mitchel
      September 18, 2024

      The Houthis have shot down three American Reaper drones in the past week-these are large,very expensive machines.It looks like they have received supplies of more sophisticated AD systems-that may give the Israelis cause for reflection if they are considering trying a long distance bombing raid following the Houthi ballistic missile strike that evaded Israeli air defences last week.

      The US has also just evacuated Niger-and their largest drone base in Africa-following a demand from the new Russia-aligned government there.

  20. Everhopeful
    September 18, 2024

    Belief systems are a very good means of control.
    We see few, if any signs of those in power actually following their own strictures.
    Look back in history.
    Now look at lithium mining.
    No change.
    They used to sit in pews on Sunday in their best, rich Sunday outfits.
    Now they just preach.
    And snatch back what small advantages the common man has managed to acquire.

  21. Iain Moore
    September 18, 2024

    Lammy has joint citizenship with Guyana , they are rapidly expanding their oil production, soon to surpass any oil production we have , and they are just 800k people. Odd he didn’t have any stern words for his other country, and how they were destroying the planet.

    1. IanB
      September 18, 2024

      @Iain Moore – welcome 2TierKiers new world order of ‘them and us’

    2. DOM
      September 18, 2024

      Yes, Exxon drilling offshore Guyana have discovered to date over 15bn/bbl P90 sweet crude, a huge oil play offshore which can only get bigger ala North Sea, 1970’s.

      Lammy’s just a Net Zero mouthpiece as is Starmer, Sunak, Davey, Carney and windfarm Charlie in Bucks Palace..the infection runs deep and I cannot see how it can ever be purged until maybe the shit hits the fan and triggers a social crisis which the state cannot contain

  22. Old Albion
    September 18, 2024

    I have never considered David Lammy to be very bright. I wonder what led to him being in government…….

    1. Donna
      September 18, 2024

      Well he certainly Didn’t Earn It.

    2. MFD
      September 18, 2024

      True Sir, he cannot even make an intelligent speech, not that I listened more than a couple of minutes as his voice is irritating

    3. MWB
      September 18, 2024

      Box ticking.

    4. Dave Andrews
      September 18, 2024

      He has a law degree, so the brains are there. However, having been a Labour politician for the past twenty or so years, they have likely suffered dilapidation.

      1. Lynn Atkinson
        September 18, 2024

        😂🤣 ‘a law degree = brains’!

  23. Christine
    September 18, 2024

    “His speech was empty of detail and free of any further UK financial commitment.”

    That’s one small mercy.

  24. Timaction
    September 18, 2024

    Lammy is the problem with our current crop of useless politicians, not the solution to ………….ANYTHING!!
    We desperately need Reform. The only Party with common sense.

    1. glen cullen
      September 18, 2024

      David Lammy and Andrew Mitchell ….peas in a pod

  25. Keith from Leeds
    September 18, 2024

    We have a complete and utter fool for a Foreign Secretary, but sadly, he is not the only one.

  26. IanB
    September 18, 2024

    Sir John – someone somewhere after asking for the evidence, should be asking Lammy why the UK has the highest energy prices out of all the nations we have to complete with. After that he needs to answer why all the Nations the UK has compete for it’s survival with do not have punitive punishment laws and taxes.?

    Is the intention to wire up their new Grid, with 100%vegan products? 85% of all production is used for other things other than transportion and heat & light, making EVs would be one he and this number fringe have overlooked no oil no EVs. Every day that passes shows they have no comprehension of the petro-chemical world and it’s output. Either that or they are embedding the ‘Great Reset’ into UK society for their totalitarian world of the and us

  27. Handbrake
    September 18, 2024

    First of all Lammy like the rest will have to toe the Lobby line when it comes to Gaza secondly he will have already been briefed on Ukraine when at the Bilderburg Conferrnce when in Madrid a few months ago – the price for the job – world leaders like Netanyahu understand it very well and that is why he was made to wait for ages in the ante room when in Tel Aviv – Ukraines Zelenskey doesn’t take him seriously either so he may as well wax lyrical on climate change a safe enough place for him – Lammy is the wrong choice for this job.

  28. George Sheard
    September 18, 2024

    Hi sir John
    Once the emerging markets get electricity
    And companies start building factories because the it will be cheaper to produce products they will become polluting country’s
    the world can’t function without causing some kind of pollution
    The one massive theat to the world is ever increasing population
    especially in the uk where the population is growing daily but not by the birth of children
    there is Massive growth in the UK by the population of diversity which will put pressure on the climate
    But the population by the Indigenous people is decreasing.

  29. Ed
    September 18, 2024

    Virtue signalling nonsense, will soon bump in to economics and physical reality.

  30. Original Richard
    September 18, 2024

    The Foreign Secretary’s speech was firstly a ‘dead cat on the table’ exercise as it meant he didn’t have to give his thoughts on Ukraine, Gaza, China, Russia, Iran, terrorism, our involvement in future wars etc.

    Secondly it was a warning that the government intends to pursue Net Zero despite their knowing that there is no climate emergency caused by burning hydrocarbon fuels. They know that the IPCC’s Working Group 1 (“The Science”) report states on P95 that doubling CO2 (which will take 170 years at the current rate) will increase the global temperature by a mere 1.2 degrees C (0.7 degrees C according to Professors Happer & Wijngaarden) and that Table 12 in Chapter 12 shows no signals for climate change (precipitation, droughts or storms) other than some mild warming leading to some loss of ice and snow.

    We know that the Government has no qualms about China, India, Russia, Indonesia et al continuing to increase their burning of hydrocarbon fuels and hence for atmospheric levels of CO2 to increase further. Also their hindering of the only low CO2 emitting source of electrical energy, nuclear, which is abundant, affordable and reliable. The one large nuclear project existing, Hinkley Point C, was made to be more than twice the price of the same technology used in Finland and instead of buying two RR SMR’s per year decided to spend the money instead on subsidising 600,000 heat pumps/year and delayed ordering until 2029.

    Furthermore, the attempt to force Net Zero upon the developing world and thus preventing them from accessing the cheap, abundant and reliable energy hydrocarbon fuelled electricity they need to develop, is deliberately designed to ensure endless and increasing migration to the West to bring about social disharmony and as well as adding further impoverishment in addition to the imposed Net Zero.

    Thirdly, as Mencken said :

    “The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by an endless series of hobgoblins, most of them imaginary.”

  31. Keith Murray-Jenkins
    September 18, 2024

    You make some of us feel much better now, Sir John: that ‘great minds [GMs] think alike’. None of it our fault. (Not that I do claim to have a GM: It goes against my religion to do so). Ok, so great minds and minds of common sense have a lot in common. Smashing. If you – or the Reader – get to see Lammy’s performance on Mastermind, you will realise some of what lurks in his head…The fact he failed to give correct answers to all questions but one (which he passed on) gives us an idea of his gift of the ‘grey matter’. (Not his fault. Was meant to be and according to the dishing-out by the Creator Himself,,who is a he, btw. Oo).). The fact he had the gall to do a Mastermind in the first place shows a level of self-delusion..one which is dangerous. The fact there is a political party where such as he can rise to its upper echelons reveals that party’s calibre for government. It’s dire.’The inmates are running the asylum’… Heck

  32. The Prangwizard
    September 18, 2024

    People like Lammy are not foolish, they are dangerous and this should be accepted and countered. And he is not alone, Keir Stalin the leader wants it to be so.

    1. Lynn Atkinson
      September 18, 2024

      Even Uncle Joe would be shocked by Kier!

  33. Atlas
    September 18, 2024

    Our Foreign Secretary might consider that should either the Ukraine War or the Middle East escalate into a Nuclear conflict then worrying about Net Zero will not be high on the survivors minds.

  34. Barrie Emmett
    September 18, 2024

    Sir John, your choice of the word, unreal, is particularly generous. Daily we are subject to nonsense from this man and the remaining front bench. It is a truly desperate situation which I fear will only develop.

  35. glen cullen
    September 18, 2024

    30 irregular immigrants arrived in the UK yesterday from the safe country of France …..only the size of one hotel …but still they come

  36. forthurst
    September 18, 2024

    Surely, Ed Miliband is in charge of the Global Warming Hoax, or does his remit only extend to wrecking our economy? The plants at Kew love CO2 so surely Lammy should have made the speech where CO2 is causing actual harm wherever that might be?

  37. IanB
    September 18, 2024

    From the media

    British Steel, the company is reportedly planning to shut down the blast furnaces at its Scunthorpe site, putting 2,500 jobs at risk.
    Such a move would also mark the end of UK steel production, with the roughly 3m tons of steel currently produced at the plant potentially replaced by imports from China.

    Lammy and Co, export UK jobs and wealth. Destroy futures, while increasing the profits for the Worlds CO2 producers. How much have they pushed to a Worldwide NetZero?

  38. Michael Staples
    September 18, 2024

    I genuinely think that Lammy and Miliband are deranged by their belief in anthropogenic global warming, for which there is no scientific evidence. For that derangement the UK will be impoverished.

  39. Original Richard
    September 18, 2024

    “All extreme weather of whatever kind is down to CO2. There was no evidence to back any of this up.”

    To be fair to the Secretary of State this is because there is no evidence that increasing levels of CO2 cause more extreme weather. In fact the more logical position is that increased global temperatures whether or not caused by anthropogenic emissions of CO2 reduce extreme weather. This is because the energy for (extreme) weather is derived from the temperature difference between the poles and the equator. The increase in average global temperature occurs mainly at the poles and higher latitudes, the temperature at the equator changes very little in comparison. So as the average global temperature rises the temperature difference between the poles and higher latitudes and the equator reduces and so the energy available for (extreme) weather also reduces.

    In fact Table 12 in Chapter 12 of the IPCC working Group 1 (“The Science”) shows there is no signal for climate change (precipitation, droughts and storms) other than some slight warming leading to some loss of ice and snow.

  40. DOM
    September 18, 2024

    People actually vote for these bullshitters. The voter almost deserves to be harmed. Labour is an existential threat but the Tories endorsement of their legitimacy should be taken as evidence of a party that is only concerned with protecting the status quo and it’s the strengthening of the woke status quo that is the real issue

  41. Ukretired123
    September 18, 2024

    Embarrassing and cringe-wordy. Labour’s front bench enjoy wheeling out these crack pots to grandstand , “Spowt nowt”, lecture and pontificate “their view of reality” and newfound wisdom not to be found anywhere else in the planet except perhaps “Planet Zog”.
    Bring back the Muppets and Spitting Image who would have a field day after a few Simpsons cartoons appearances.
    As they say “Best to stay quiet rather than talk and confirm beyond all doubt when you know very little”.

    1. Ukretired123
      September 18, 2024

      For planet read Universe.

  42. Iago
    September 18, 2024

    What is the issue of Gaza? There is clearly no issue confined to Gaza, as the Gazans themselves in their thousands demonstrated conclusively a year ago.

  43. Michael Saxton
    September 18, 2024

    Something deeply troubling has gripped Mr Lammy and indeed many of his Cabinet colleagues! He is not only delusional but is obviously convinced by his own sense of power, knowledge and importance. Unfortunately, he’s none of these things, and is actually making himself a foolish spectacle. His speech on Climate Change is frankly nonsense as is his new found desire for weapons to Ukraine to be escalated, thus placing Europe at risk from Russian retaliation. There is no reflection, no careful consideration of the essential checks and balances indeed there’s zero statesmanship. It’s all bluster and bravado. And he’s our Foreign Secretary!


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