Confidence is always vulnerable to bad government

Why didnā€™t the PM and Chancellor see that telling us Things will get worse was bound to put people off spending and investing? Why didnā€™t they think forward to their October 14 th Investment summit when they want to tell the world investing in the U.K. is a great idea?

Why did they think making up a large number for a deficit which they could not back up with credible numbers was going to help? In their rush to trash everything about the finances and government to blame the Conservatives why didnā€™t they see that would alarm everyone with prospects of more taxes and spending cuts to come? Ā When will they take responsibility for what is happening, as they can change anything they want to as quickly as they wish?

The Chancellorā€™s speech failed because it was still looking both ways. It both said there are plenty of opportunities ahead whilst continuing to argue the government will need benefit cuts and tax rises to battle the alleged budget black hole.

If she really wants faster growth she needs to cut taxes and boost benefits to those in need. She needs to get more people into work and off benefits. She needs to tackle the disgraceful waste and bad spending in the public sector. She could start by slashing losses at the Bank of England, the nationalised Post Office and the nationalised railway and HS 2.


It is her choice to lose billions on bonds. Her choice to continue with public sector management of rail that needed. Ā£ 33 bn of taxpayer cash last year. Her choice to allow the public sector to charge taxpayers Ā£20 bn more for inefficiencies on top of the inflation if wages and costs.


  1. Mark B
    September 24, 2024

    Good morning.

    When will they take responsibility for what is happening . . .

    Why should they ? Will take resposibility for all the bad things done in the last 14 years ? Probably not, and why should you ?

    As I keep saying, Sir John, they don’t care !!! It is their turn now and, they can just blame the other lot whilst doing and not doing what the other lot have and have not done – Simple !

    As the money drains away they will have the excuse to bring in measures that they feel would combat it. Measures of more State control. More Tsars, more QUANGO’s etc. Less accountablity.

    We’ve got 4-5 years of this, so better get use to it.

  2. Peter
    September 24, 2024

    ā€˜ When will they take responsibility for what is happening, as they can change anything they want to as quickly as they wish?ā€™

    I think the plan is to blame the previous government for as long as possible. They probably think it is early days for taking responsibility. They will get the unpleasant stuff done as quickly as time permits, while downplaying big pay rises for favoured groups within the public sector.

  3. agricola
    September 24, 2024

    As I said yesterday, the speach was full of rhetoric, but contained little of substance appart from the usual veneer of nastiness and envy to keep the audience happy.

    With a mere minority share of the electorate she has nothing to say to the electorate at large or specifically those she would wish to invest in GB Ltd. I reserve my final judgement to her budget at the end of October, but it does not look good.

  4. DOM
    September 24, 2024

    Reeves and her party have a political and ideological plan whose purpose is to change the fundamental nature of our nation and its wider culture forever, the cost to the taxpayer and the economy is of zero consequence. You would think that most seasoned political commentators would have noted and highlighted this simple fact.

    Why our kind host continues to focus on cost and spending is beyond me. You would think a more nuanced analysis focusing on the ideas behind such a revolutionary change would be far more enlightening.

    Labour is an existential threat, why any prominent Tory cannot say so on a public platform is beyond me. The evidence to support such a claim exists, in the past and the here and now. The Tories don’t want to take this step, far easier to endorse the extremist status quo in which repugnant woke ideologies are unleashed to target certain identities. Who will now defend us? It isn’t the Tory party who endorse the existence of Labour irrespective of their crimes

    Reply This is not a Conservative site. I provide analysis of the U.K. economy to highlight why it underperforms and how the UK state is a nasty monopolist overcharging, delivering poor service, running up huge losses and dragging U.K. productivity and real incomes down. Go elsewhere if this is not what you want, otherwise temper your rants.

  5. Bloke
    September 24, 2024

    ā€œThings will get worseā€ is a self-fulfilling Labour prophesy.


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