Tomorrow at Conservative conference

I will attend the Conservative conference tomorrow.

At 11 am I will give a speech on what conservatism is all about at the Lyttelton Theatre , Birmingham Institute, 9 Margaret Street outside security. All are welcome. Mark Francois as Chairman of the European Research Group  and Sir William Cash will also speak.

At 5.30 I am on a CPS panel in the Conference centre  ( ICC Hall 4 Level 5) to discuss What would Margaret Thatcher do? I will concentrate on the pursuit of prosperity through wider ownership and lower taxes.


  1. Bloke
    September 29, 2024

    The Margaret Street speeches should be broadcast into the International Convention Centre to wake up the remaining elements in the party into reality.

  2. Paul Freedman
    September 29, 2024

    Sir John, the party very much needs your advice and guidance as the senior leadership of the party in recent years has actually confused its MPs, party members and everyone else too what the Conservative Party actually stands for.
    The party urgently needs realigning and to get back on track. If it follows your advice it will once again be a successful party which has the solutions to Britain’s difficulties. Thank you.

  3. Sir Joe Soap
    September 29, 2024

    Too busy for the Conference of the future recently then. Why dabble with the party of the past

    Please move on and move up as they say!

    Reply I was invited to speak at two events at the Conservative conference but not invited to speak at Reform.

  4. Mickey Taking
    September 29, 2024

    I wonder how many Conservatives who are now ex-MPs will turn up? The policies and actions which led to resounding defeat need to be discussed. Clearly any repeat of the failings will condemn the Party to voter shrinkage and probably 3rd or 4th position behind Reform and even LibDems. Sir John needs to be crystal clear in his serious criticism to guide what remains away from the error of their ways.

    Reply I have made quite clear my criticisms for the last four years!

  5. Everhopeful
    September 29, 2024

    I hope they listen well and learn!
    Good luck!

  6. Old Albion
    September 29, 2024

    Perhaps Sir JR ypu would ask them to get their collective finger out and elect a new leader. Labour are there for the taking and no one’s doing it !!!


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