We read a suggestion the government may find £1.5 bn of extra money to help buy ammunition in an EU scheme. If the Chancellor can find such a sum it should be given to our military and spent on munitions, equipment and personnel from the U.K.
Meanwhile the Metrology Bill is working its way through the Lords. This is a Bill to enable Ministers to lock us back into EU laws more easily. Why? Exporters need flexibility to follow US rules when selling to th3 Americas, Asian rules when selling to Asia and EU rules when selling to the EU. We must not be bound into the EU way of doing things.
The Chancellor failed to spell out what she wants from Brussels that would help growth. Our growth was very slow this century when fully in the EU. Some say the U.K. needs relaxations to sell more milk, cheese, beef into tge EU. What we need is better support for farmers to grow food for the domestic market. We import too much food with long food miles from the EU already.
December 12, 2024
If cosying back into the EU is what labour are doing it is one more nail in their coffin of ultimate demise. To an entrepreneurial UK they are the anti Christ.
December 12, 2024
Reform need to declare that any rules tying us to the EU will repealed immediately by them.
Trump is going to be a real headache for Brussels as he exposes their anti business practices. He may well be our saviour.
December 12, 2024
December 12, 2024
Trump and then Vance – ‘12 years to save the UK’ – perhaps the King will take up that mantra, he likes drama.
December 12, 2024
An unexpected new series for “The Crown” in the offing,perhaps?!
December 12, 2024
Agree entirely.
The EU is disintegrating, and Trump and his supporters (Inc Musk), will hopefully provide Farage and Reform with the impetus and financial backing to jolt the UK back to a sensible path. NI entirely back within the UK, Out of Paris, No Net Zero, The WEF irrelevant. Free trade with the US. Illegal migration ended and all illegals deported.
The next four years will be crucial for the reinstatement of democracy in the Western World, as the dictionaries define.
December 12, 2024
Just a quick look at today’s electricity grid. Wind is providing 1gw out of 35gw installed and solar next to nothing. CCGT is running at 98% capacity and nuclear on 100%
We have open cycle gas turbines running and nothing, I emphasise nothing left only imports to keep the lights on. We are paying the French government (EDF) over £300 per megawatt for power which we could generate for £40 and it’s not even that cold
December 12, 2024
And today we are told not only that “Households face extra bill charges to pay off £3.8bn in energy debts: wealthier households could be relied upon to pay off growing burden” (DT) but also that offshore wind turbine blade manufacturer Vesta has been bailed out by the taxpayer, sum undisclosed.
December 13, 2024
What a ludicrous energy policy thanks to Theresa May, Sunak, Starmer, Boris, 95% of our deluded art graduate MPs plus our moronic energy secretary the totally deluded zealot Ed Miliband.
Solar always produces next to nothing in winter as the days are so short and strong sun is rare – even at midday & even less common at night. Even less now that the gale has blown so many panels away in Anglesey and elsewhere. The cost of replacing the panels about the value 10 years of the electricity they produce. So if blown away every two years it is rather a duff business model! Environmental insanity too.
So how much is young coal (wood from US forests – that causes more CO2 than old Coal) being burned at Drax under the CO2 false accounting pretences producing currently at least coal or new coal is on demand I suppose?
December 12, 2024
+1 both stands of politics in the UK require new, patriotic, competent parties to represent them.
David Frost needs to rescind his Peerage and form the crux of a true Conservative Party. Maybe JR could be the Governor of the BOE – or return to the Commons.
December 12, 2024
Good morning.
That was the plan all along. To first stall leaving as long as possible to enable those who would lose from us leaving to get their house in order and, for the government and the Establishment to come up with a plan to slowly work our way back in.
The second part of the plan to to get us in lock step with the EU and both Northern Ireland and the Westminster Agreement / Treaty was part of that. Now we can no longer leave the ECHR without breaking that agreement / treaty. So all this talk from Kemi about leaving the ECHR is nonsense.
Finally there will be another referendum, possibly before, if not after 2029 if the polls show a strong desire to re-join.
If you are prepared to give away the Chagos Islands then giving away the UK is not as bigger step for these people as you might think.
December 12, 2024
There is no possibility of rejoining the EU.
The Maastricht Treaty requires debt to GDP ratio no more than 60% and there is no prospect whatever of the UK achieving that. The EU would have to revoke or reform the Treaty to make it possible, and I can’t see the 27 countries agreeing to national referenda to change it just to accommodate the UK.
December 12, 2024
The EU will make exceptions if it thinks we are easy pray.
December 12, 2024
you could have left out the r in easy pray. For the EU want us back merely to PAY.
December 16, 2024
Yes, I agree, MT. They don’t want us back IN. They want us attached on the outside, no members on the Council just taking all their anti-competitive rules, their unemployed, their benefit seekers, their criminals. They don’t won’t us to take the productive people, they want to keep them they want us to pay all the education bills, the wage top up bills, the childcare, the pensions. This won’t stop while Starmer is there, he is their place person.
December 12, 2024
So how the hell did Greece get to join ?
The EU will bend the rules but expect us to pay a heavy price. Hell, they even got us to pay them a load of money we did not owe them.
December 13, 2024
They ignored the terms of the Maastricht Treaty to keep Italy and Greece in the Euro. France is breaking the terms of the Treaty and no doubt many others. The Treaty is ignored or revised when it suits the Politburo.
December 12, 2024
Oh they gave the UK away long before they gave away the Chagos.
December 12, 2024
@Mark B – the give away Parliament, then and now. The UK thanks to Kemi retained all the EU Laws needed to slide back in – so yes, to expect her to then suggest the UK Parliament can be the UK’s Legislator and not the ECHR is just talk.
Our parliament without consultation and respecting the right to self determination of its people is giving the Chagos Islands away to a country that has never owned them, so giving the UK away to another Empire is not such a stretch
December 12, 2024
She’s useless.
December 12, 2024
To the globalists-very much including those based in this country with British passports of convenience-the UK is just another colony to be exploited-and when there is nothing more left to exploit to be dumped.
Globalism is just imperialism wrapped up with a big pink satin bow – and “imperialism”,as Lenin famously wrote,”is the highest stage of capitalism”.
December 12, 2024
Lenin was characteristically completely wrong. That’s why his country could not thrive until it threw off his politics. Look at Russia booming under Capitalist, Monetarist, Christian, patriotic Putin.
Fortunately the Globalists are beaten and now we need to reassert ourselves. You should applaud that, Britain has contributed more to the comfort and wellbeing of the world than ALL THE OTHER COUNTRIES COMBINED THROUGHOUT HISTORY.
The world will be poorer without us. That’s why so many Russians, including Putin, admire the Britain that existed when it was genuinely British.
December 13, 2024
Ahistorical hysteria.Historically,Russians have most admired Germany-both in the Tsarist and Soviet eras.And the current Russian state is very state-directed but with plenty of scope and encouragement for entrepreneurs outside the strategic commanding heights of the economy.
Are you even aware of Lenin’s NEP(New Economic Policy,1921)which was a strategic retreat from socialism into state capitalism?
December 12, 2024
John Redwood writes: “Some say the U.K. needs relaxations to sell more milk, cheese, beef into tge EU. What we need is better support for farmers to grow food for the domestic market.” And there, in just 30 words, is the madness of Brexit summarised. We need to sell more to the EU AND we need to grow for the domestic market. In the EU, we could do both, and did. After Brexit, we lose full access to the EU market and get NOTHING in return. Brexit, a country shooting itself in the foot
Reply What nonsense. In the EU our farmers lost market share, sandbagged by tough limits on milk quota, extended bans on U.K. beef, grants to remove our orchards etc
December 12, 2024
That’s not the half of it. Our fishing fleets were decimated, our industries were denied state help in favour of other EU states. Brussels continued to pass rules detrimental to the UK and refused a single market in services which we excel at
Everything was tipped against us and these clowns want more. It’s like being continually beaten by a jealous lover. Going back for more of the same.
December 12, 2024
Too true, Ian. I remember the EU paid Turkey (a non-EU member) money so that Ford could relocate there from the UK.
December 12, 2024
We simply don’t need to sell more to the EU.
Some businesses wish to sell to the EU and would like to increase sales.
But not all business wish or need to sell to the EU at all and the majority of businesses in the UK do not sell to the EU.
Meeting the inundation of unnecessary EU regulations unnecessarily inhibits and constrains small businesses that do not sell to the EU.
We have not lost “full” access to the EU market – those businesses that do want to sell there can still do so by complying with EU regulations, just as they must with the US, Japan and other countries.
December 12, 2024
Lemming, how much milk do you think the UK sold to the rest of the EU before and after Brexit? My guess is virtually none. I’ve always sought out British milk for a better cup of tea whilst in Spain. Only Iceland sell it. This is the same now. Don’t you remember the EU milk quotas restricting how much farmers could produce? The same applies to cheese but this is more widely available although still rare. Even though British cheese, in my opinion, is some of the best in the World we have struggled to find an export market in Europe. Go to countries like South Africa and you will find lots of British cheese. Go figure.
December 12, 2024
As a member of the EU we had a trading deficit of £100bn PER YEAR. Brexit should have enabled us to deal with this.
December 12, 2024
@Lemming – what nonsense the EU has chosen to weaponise agriculture causing grief throughout the world with this highly subsidised industry. It hurt s UK Farmer it hurts 3rd World Farmers.
EU Fishing has decimated UK Fishing, EU Boats can take more fish from UK waters even now. The EU forced through a reduction in the size of the UK fishing fleet while expanding their own. The EU can use fishing methods banned to UK boats even in UK waters and in doing so get to destroy the UK waters for fishing.
Even now with Rachael from accounts pontificating about closer ties the EU have told her she must hand over more UK fish from UK waters for their own boats.
Their is no reciprocation in trade with the mainland EU, just take.
December 12, 2024
There’s another remainer lacking the full facts. Another one who has fallen for the phoney anti-Brexit propaganda.
December 12, 2024
When are you going to get it into your head that we have a massive trade DEFICIT with the EU and a trade SURPLUS with the USA. We need to do LESS trade with the EU to try to rescue our balance of payments.
December 16, 2024
Very accurate. My father lost his long-standing job because of milk quotas when we started buying up cheap plastic jugs of milk from France. He lost his next job when the factory moved to Eastern Europe and closed the UK plant.
December 12, 2024
The government’s fatal attraction to the EU under the appalling two tier Kier. And fatal attraction to climate alarmism and net zero from Thatcher onwards.
Indeed just as we had with Heath, Wilson, Thatcher, Major, Blair, Brown, Cameron, May, Boris, Sunak
December 12, 2024
Kate Andrews today in the Spectator:-
‘The public sector is the illness’: Javier Milei on his first year in office.
But we alas have to suffer Starmer, Lammy, Reeves, Miliband, Cooper Balls… who are 180 degrees out on every single issue. As were Cameron, May, Boris, Sunak.
December 12, 2024
Reply to reply: What nonsense. Out of the EU what new market shares did/do our farmers get? Where are the new destinations for UK milk, beef and fruits?
As you are supposed to provide ‘incisive’ comments can we get a proper and detailed survey of all these new markets for UK agricultural
products? Are we selling more meat to Javier Milei’s Argentina?
reply See TPP
December 12, 2024
Given that the CPTPP is not going to be effective before the 15/12/2024 and that the UK already had trade deals with all the CPTPP countries except Brunei and Malaysia, what increase in trade (volume and £) are you expecting? Will it be in services and/or manufactured products?
Reply Perhaps you could explain why our trade has gone up well since we left the EU and why when in it this century our trade with non EU grew faster than with EU
December 13, 2024
Brexit means new barriers to trade with our biggest export market, the EU. It is hugely economically harmful. Unless you think introducing barriers to trade helps trade
December 16, 2024
Gordon, we were always in a trade deficit with them. They carved up industry in the block to divide the spoils and left us with services. We will recover if Labour get out of the way, I can’t believe their unions are going with their plans.
December 12, 2024
The Conservatives and Labour by default both want to stay aligned with the EU even though they don’t have to. It makes their life easy and they like putting restrictions on things. Another example: there is an extension to OpenAI called Sora (it generates video from text) which has been banned in the EU and is also banned in the UK due to the Online Safety Bill which was brought in by the Conservatives and supported by Labour. So if you were an AI tech business would you choose to operate in UK/EU or in the USA/Asia where you wouldn’t face restrictions like this ?
December 12, 2024
Good Morning,
UK armaments are, as in most of NATO, assembled from parts from many countries. Look at the Challenger 3, now produced by a German/British consortium with a German main gun, that replaced the Royal Ordnance gun. Well done Tories….
But Sir J’s main point, we have a terrible, and worsening, TRADE DEFICIT, and neither Tories and now of course Labour are trying to reverse that trend. We WILL go broke if we continue to destroy our exporting industries and home consumed food and goods. We are now importing more energy as well.
Trade data:https://commonslibrary.parliament.uk/research-briefings/sn02815/
December 12, 2024
The EU defence budget (European Defence Agency) was €279bn last year. I saw a report that the Commissioner in charge of defence (who even knows his name?) was demanding huge budget increases, to €100bn I think, though I don’t quite recall.
That such an authoritarian, undemocratic entity as the EU should have billions to spend on weaponry and armed forces is deeply troubling. Their foreign policy is expansionist, and they are quite willing to use a modus operandi of election interference, then stirring up coups followed by military intervention for the pro-EU faction.
We need fewer armed tyrants in the world, not more. It is shameful that our establishment is using our money to support the military ambitions of this globalist technocratic tyranny.
December 12, 2024
The jury remains out on Brexit. We are saving c. £12bn pa in net contributions. We are not on the hook for a share of the €800bn EU mutualised debt issued since we left. And we may be dodging a bullet by not being automatically subject to the tsunami of sclerotic regulation continuing to emanate from the EU in areas such as AI.
Set against these advantages there are undoubted costs in the form of more friction for businesses, including services, in dealing with the EU. And marginal inconveniences, deliberately created by the EU, on travel – which have also had a real cost eg for the arts sector. Academics moan about being cut out of EU conferences and collaboration. Which presumably is bad news both for the U.K. and the EU.
But the Leave vision for an independent free-trading U.K. has not been implemented. Even the Boris govt with its 80 seat majority and the cabinet packed with Brexiteers did almost nothing. We have yet to see the trade deals produce much. As discussed here on other days the Brexit-supporting Conservative govt seems purposefully to have implemented a huge increase in low-skilled immigration, the opposite of the Leave vision. We’ve seen little or no divergence from the EU regulatory model.
And now we have a govt every single member of which, with 1 exception, was a keen remainer and a PM who led the efforts to frustrate Brexit and reverse it. So we should expect no efforts at all to make Brexit work under this govt, and (as predicted, inter alia, by me) surreptitious efforts to reverse it. I think a second Labour term (a certainty if Reform continues to split the centre-right vote) will bring a return to the single market and, or the customs union.
December 12, 2024
Brilliantly post
Well said Richard
December 12, 2024
December 13, 2024
Labour will not complete a single term. There are no ‘extra costs’ to British business associated with Brexit. That’s why they are doing more business.
December 16, 2024
Richard1, what are the ‘extra costs’ to British business? Can you give some clear examples? Are you saying the EU free trade deal isn’t worth the paper it’s written on?
We have a trade deficit with the EU and a trade surplus with the USA; Germany, in particular, sells us much more than we sell to it.
Some figures: https://www.gov.uk/government/statistics/uk-trade-in-numbers/uk-trade-in-numbers-web-version
We could only start negotiating our own trade deals after we finished the withdrawal period, which wasn’t until 2021; this is coming to fruition now, so they’re furiously trying to handicap us again.
We only stopped paying in the big divorce payments in September last year; that’s the only reason they want to tie us alongside the EU. Look at the chart of repayments here:
It isn’t only the membership fee we save, which would have been around 15 billion euros NET per year? How odd that you think that. We keep customs revenue from rest of the world imports est £2.5 billion extra per year. £1bn for plastic packaging non-recycling new rules after we left paid to the EU. £1 billion (a % of the cost goes to the EU) for the emissions trading scheme payment. We could resume the trade in Swiss equities £2bn a year to the UK tax man. I could share lots more if you would like more.
The question I have John, is why aren’t the Tories banging on about all the gains the UK has made that they negotiated and gained? Why aren’t they telling us how much Boris saved with Turing over Erasmus and our reduced loan book (especially as Starmer wants to get back into this). Isn’t it because the Tories are just the same, and there is a uni-party?
As for the meanness in the Arts not allowing UK workers to work in the EU without visas, why didn’t we apply the same terms to EU students working in the UK to protect UK jobs here because we were pathetic and weak under Boris’s negotiations, we should have given them the exact same visa requirements that they demanded from us.
Reply My advice to the Conservative leaderships when I was a Conservative MP was to tell people of the Brexit wins. I do not know why they wouldn’t.
December 12, 2024
Why would you expect to export meat to one of the largest food producing and food exporting countries in the world where agriculture accounts for around 40% of their exports – surely the question should be we are growing technology and services exports, for example, to them.
As to our history with the CM/EEC/EU, what markets did we lose …
December 12, 2024
this was a reply to hefner
December 13, 2024
Produced mainly by the British – ever heard of Lord Vestey?
December 12, 2024
The EU is a power project and therefore appeals to those people in government and politics who crave power.
For them trade is a means to exercise power and they do not care one jot about maintaining and improving our well being and prosperity.
I would have no concerns about trade with EU if it had not and did not negatively impact established and new trade with other countries and blocs.
December 12, 2024
If only we could trade with individual countries in Europe, with no regard to idiotic narrow-minded isolationist attitudes, with security dependent on others.
December 13, 2024
Thanks mickey, that is a perfect summary of the Brexiter mindset. If only the world could be as you wish it to be. So sad for you Brexiters that reality intrudes and crushes your fantasies of “independence”
December 14, 2024
If only the euphiles had paid attention to our interests instead of cozying up to their new best friends on the continent at the expense of our friends and family in the Commonwealth. If only they had been competent at maintaining and promoting our concerns, interests and prosperity within the EU perhaps fewer people would have had cause to vote to leave.
But these incompetent idiots did not protect the interests of those they were meant to serve, and instead they were happy to be taken for a ride by the EU players and their utter failure was made plain for the world to see.
December 12, 2024
The Remainer Establishment and their many representatives in the Not-a-Conservative-Party refused to deliver the result of the EU Referendum … which was LEAVE. It wasn’t Brexit/Windsor Treachery and a “deal” which has effectively made us a semi-attached Associate Member.
The “deal” was deliberately constructed so that we could steadily be dragged back towards the EU and that’s precisely what Labour will do, with a great deal of “CONservative” support.
Reform, with Trump’s assistance, will benefit from Keir-Chings! policy, the Treacherous Tories won’t.
December 12, 2024
Why does our Parliament want to make itself redundant?
December 13, 2024
They want the status and wages without the work or responsibility.
December 12, 2024
Lets have some clarity , but for the misplaced views and actions of politicians the EU could have been a very different place. They should have concentrated on free trade. Politicians did the opposite and opted for a protectionist regime. The only beneficiaries of their creation was German trade, due to a weak currency, and some mediteranean country’s infrastructure, but only for a limited time. Above all, the EU is in no sense truely democratic. All major decision and law making is in the hands of an unelected civil service. Which explains why much of our own civil service has gone feral since Brexit.
This is why any move to return to the EU is insane, and in every way very expensive. The EU is just one big dependency culture, and belonging is an admission that our government is incapable of running the UK. In Labours case understadable, by all accounts none of them have ever run anything profitable in the real world. To those who might think otherwise, just look at what they have achieved since July, not even a viable plan.
I would like to see GBNews create a truely satirical late night show, a la Spitting Image meets TWTWTW. A reintroduction of gut splitting political humour would have great appeal. Imagine what they could do with the mayor of London or Rasputin. Humour with ridicule is a deadly weopon. We need it in our arsenal.
December 13, 2024
If you solicit opinions and comment from the real world, at least have the curtesy to publish them.
December 13, 2024
You have not read the Treaty of Rome. What you suggest was NEVER an option. It was always imperial.
December 12, 2024
The answer is that not just are ministers in love with the idea of being a tiny part of a large unaccountable entity that would rule our lives without compassion, their illogic tells them that bigger is better. Just like labour is turning us into a big brother country with govermental fingers in every pie, dictating what we can do, and generally treating us like serfs, they see the EU as the next step towards world government.
There is no rational reason behind all of this, and the logic of an unelected world council defies all the benefits of democracy. The facsimile of democracy we now have at least gives us the impression that we can change some things.
Labour have made no real secret of the fact that they intend to get us back into the EU, one way or another – it certainly will not be put to a referendum. Aligning our laws with the EU, not that we ever diverged that much since Brexit, just makes it easier for us to slip back into the clutches of the EU without having to consult the masses.
December 12, 2024
Where there is no vision, the people perish! ( Proverbs 29.18 )
That sums up this Labour government and the last 14 years of the Conservative Government.
Starmer does not believe in democracy, to him, democracy is everybody doing what I say.
December 12, 2024
Keith from Leeds. +1. Best succinct analysis of the past 14 years in British politics that I’ve seen.
December 12, 2024
Keir Starmer did not accept the people’s decision in the EU referendum, and made great efforts to reverse it against the will of the majority, and he failed.
He is now attempting achieve his same intention by stealth; making gradual moves backward toward membership while claiming his intentions are the opposite, or for other purposes.
That man is too dangerous to be in control of our country.
December 12, 2024
O/T Today at 10am, wind is supplying just over 1 Gw. Not even 3 per cent of demand.
December 12, 2024
Hardly surprising, is it ?
The Guardian’s headline this morning is :
“Majority of Brexit voters ‘would accept free movement’ to access single market”
This would more or less gives the green light to Starmer to take us a long way back in, losing many of the advantages we have acquired since leaving.
Remainers are desperate to stop us more closely aligning with the US and the Trans-Pacific Partnership as that would make rejoining the single market impossible. But I am not worried : by 2029 we will be heading for a Reform-led government and rejoining will be right off the table. There is nothing that Starmer could do in the next four years that a Reform-Conservative coalition could not reverse.
December 12, 2024
Shouldn’t that read “the majority of 1500 or so self-selecting people (chosen by us) would accept free movement ..”
December 12, 2024
And what about the 10? 20? 50? 100? 200? 500? 1000? persons who follow this blog? Are they more representative?
December 12, 2024
chris and dixie were referring to the 17.4 million who voted to leave.
In the biggest vote in the history of this country hefner.
Who you and other remainer elites have treated and continue to treat with a disdain for democracy.
December 13, 2024
But I don’t claim or pretend the people who follow this blog are representative.
It is striking how often the pro-EU groups and activists will claim the whole population thinks X or Y but never state how very small and selective the basis of their claim is.
December 12, 2024
It’s yet another bit of anti-Brexit propaganda, something that has continued unabated since 2016.
The problem is, the average disinterested voter hears this continuous barrage and many will accept it as fact.
That is what makes it so necessary to counteract it. At the height of the post-referendum mess, I wrote to David Frost and pleaded with him to counter all of the Remainer garbage but nobody did anything to discredit it.
December 13, 2024
We would vote for Brexit again and with a bigger majority. We want to be able to sack our lawmakers.
Hefner will not be able to comprehend. That’s why he can’t progress, even with the EU in existential decline.
December 16, 2024
Lynn, I think they are giving Reform everything they want right now, Farage is just reeling them in, don’t complain too much and let them sell us out, easier to convince people they are the ones who will stand up for the UK and not give in, I’m not a Farage fan and I’m concerned about the repercussions of this Labour soft sell out.
December 12, 2024
Its a deluded thought to believe that these ideological zealots of this version of the Uniparty have any intentions other than to slide us back under the control of unelected unaccountable EU bureaucrats. The previous version of the Uniparty spent 14 years fighting the people and fumbling through under the unaccountable control from these external sources yet wishing more, then embedding their unnecessary laws and rules in our society to create barriers to our survival. The UK is a one party Socialists State, where its political class fights democracy and the right to self determination. Its been like that for the whole of this century.
Both Badenoch and Jenrick own the collective responsibility for the UK staying under EU Control, they had choices and as with the majority of our politicos they refused, preferring to fight the people rather than work with them. So in 5 years time if they are still there don’t expect any changes by electing the faux Conservatives into office.
December 12, 2024
“Some say the U.K. needs relaxations to sell more milk, cheese, beef into tge EU.”
Then they should read this excellent report:
“Another attempt to turn the UK into an EU Colony”
December 12, 2024
2 Things,
5 year are an insult to democracy and the people. The people must and should be permitted to confirm directions as is done in all real democracies.
The Conservative Grouping running the Party in Parliament chose continuity(and a quiet life), above owning their mistakes. Choosing more of the same, the same people that destroyed the party
December 12, 2024
It isn’t only the government which feels a fatal attraction to the EU, it ‘s also the majority of parliamentarians and now the majority of voters as well. Why has public opinion swung in that direction? Because day after day people are subjected to a constant stream of pro-EU propaganda and we have no effective organisation to counter it.
December 12, 2024
Exactly !
Only Reform makes any real effort to bolster Brexit
December 16, 2024
Do they think Chris Farage calls it a failure? I think he is hoping for lots of mistakes.
December 12, 2024
It seems that everything this Government does is contrary to common sense. Why do they insist on following old socialist ideals that have proven dysfunctional so often?
Now, what was it about doing the same thing over and over again to expect a different result?
The result – the lunatics have taken over the asylum. And we’ve got over four more years of this madness. We need help.
December 12, 2024
There lies the problem with the Parliamentary system. Anyone can become an MP and then a Minister, regardless of IQ, knowledge, experience and academic and practical qualifications for the particular job.
Consequently, we have novices when the Nation requires professionals. This is another fine mess the politico amateurs are getting us into.
So, would this be what is meant, sarcastically, by, the “Professional Politician”?
December 13, 2024
‘Anyone can become an MP and then a Minister’. In that case, if it is so easy, why didn’t you (and all the others on this blog) try to get elected, if anything to start with as a local councillor?
newstatesman.com, 04/12/2024, ‘The reluctant politician’.
Ever thought that your ‘deep thoughts on the topic’ are (how should I put it) rather ‘funny’?
What we now have in this country is the result of the present state of the parties (all of them) as mediated by the voting system (FPTP) and the extent the prospective voters felt inclined to vote (or not) last July.
December 17, 2024
What? I do not have such “Deep thoughts on the topic.” Where did you get that idea?
I have never applied for that job because I am neither properly qualified nor young enough.
December 12, 2024
This Government is just trying to give power to decide issues back to the EU because they have no idea what to do. Five years of them and we are done for I am afraid and I am too old to start fighting for our freedom again.
When are we going to get some decent human beings ruling this country?
December 12, 2024
Just reading
( From my local library. So it must be ok , they don’t do subversive )
The Rise of the New Normal by C J Hopkins.
My views have changed gradually over the last few years as to who is ok.
December 12, 2024
Time to smile! – ““Freezing This Christmas,” has stormed to the top of iTunes,”
‘It’ll be freezing this Christmas without fuel at home,
It’ll be freezing this Christmas while K-Star is warm.
It’ll be cold, so cold without fuel at home this Christmas.’
Another Chorus
‘It’ll be freezing this Christmas while the money goes abroad.
It’ll be freezing this Christmas while Rachel Reeves is a fraud.
It’ll be cold, so cold without fuel at home this Christmas.’
As with the Uniparty of both sides of the house they don’t care, people we get over its how their brains work.
We need our Democracy back
December 13, 2024
Then SELECT your candidate!
December 12, 2024
I am 80 years of age.My maternal grandfather perished serving his country in 1915
My father perished serving his country in 1944.
I do not have an easy confidence in what may befall my younger kinfolk
December 12, 2024
Why? Why do you ask why?!
Back to the original plan.
Our de-industrialisation in favour of other industrial areas. Our farmland given over to re-wilding, windmills and solar farms to feed the central grid via the interconnectors.
The gods of net zero are appeased…