education and posters to this site

Some writing in have a strange idea that education ends when someone completes their degree. They say that because someone studied subject A for three years around the time they were 20 this determines what job they can do 20-40 years later. If you want to assess a person’s aptitude for a job you need to look at what they have done after university and what they have learned in recent years as they will recall that more easily, as well as what they when young.

My experience is different. I have studied economics and investment in my business and public service life all my adult years. I have not refreshed my university studies of economic history and the history of ideas since I was 22 completing my doctorate.I have taken an Investment qualification later in life and have written and spoken about leading economic issues. In order to keep up to date with a subject takes daily energy and curiosity, assisted by practical experience of decision taking based on analysis and forecasting.

It is quite possible for a Minister to make good judgements without having a specific qualification in a relevant subject. Ministers are there to weigh up specialist and professional opinion and relate it to practicalities, likely efficacy and the public understanding.

Several contributors wish to write in every day making the same points about their own single hobby horse. I am not posting the persistent allegations that a couple of billionaires control the world’s governments, nor the angry denunciations of both main political parties in wholly negative and repetitive language. I aim to set out a variety of topics and arguments in moderate tones.The task is to contribute to the public debate and understanding of government and society.   The blog works better if people follow suit.


  1. agricola
    December 18, 2024

    There is some merit in what you say. In less factually based subjects superfical knowledge and a sense of christian moral judgement could see you making good decisions for the progress of the nation as a whole. However I would suggest you might become very picky should you need a triple bypass or a hip replacement. In your own field you would not opt for me as your next Chancellor, however erodite I might be in Parliament.

    I maintain that in many ministries where the purpose is specific. Agriculture, as I said yesterday, would benefit from a farmer with an agricultural degree, graduation from Harvard Business School, and managerial experience in the chemical fertilizer industry. He or she would be less likely to be slurried by a PPE graduate in the CS. Jeremy Clarkson is brilliant at publicising the challenges of farming, and turning sixpence into half a crown, while Kaleb keeps him on track. I would not however see him polishing the ministers seat at MinAg.

    My conclusion is that both politicians and the CS need to be infected by more experience in the real world before being allowed anywhere near decision making for real people, as it is the latter who suffer the consequences. Keep your heart and hips in safe hands.

    1. Mark B
      December 18, 2024

      . . . more experience in the real world before . . .

      I very much agree. Currently we have people who are formulating agricultural policy who are more interested in the enviroment than they are in producing food.

  2. Mark B
    December 18, 2024

    Good morning.

    Education, education, education! I wonder who first said that ? Probably some friend of some billionaire ? Who knows ? 😉

    Education is the accumulation of knowledge. But what people forget is, it is ‘known’ knowledge that has been rigorously tested and is designed to be passed on in a manner forming minds can digest and can be tested against. All it proves in the end is, that you have reached a certain minimum standard, whatever that standard happens to be. The real test is, the test of life and whether or not you are able to go on and use said knowledge and add to it ?

    There is also the education of life which, as I am sure many agree with, is ongoing. This is sometimes know as and referred to as ‘wisdom’. I view our kind host who has accumulated much knowledge as wise, but not necessarily an expert in all things. Wisdom and wise people know their limitations and seek out those who know better. But here is the catch ! How does one know if these people are better or, they are one of those so called ‘experts’ we so often hear about but do not know ?

    For these people to be considered expert they must open themselves to questioning. Only then can we assess their level of competency.

    One issue often discussed here is Climate Change and at what level the gas CO2 plays ? I am not an expert, and I do not think our kind host or many here are. But we do question the above assumption and, I think it is fair to say find the evidence to be unconvincing.

    The other issue I have is with governments and government policy. Governments and the main political parties seem ideologically captured. MP’s should always approach matters with an open and questionable mind, especially in view of that their position gives them great power, power that can either be for good or harm. Climate Change and the laws and treaties made and signed by government with parliamentary approval have created a situation which many here and elsewhere see as harmful and driven more by ideology that fact, reason and knowledge. Such people in my view are not fit for public office. This needs to be said


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