Christmas Eve – Will Santa come for me?

Will Santa come for me?

May you all feel the excitement of Christmas.



“Will Santa come? Will Santa come tonight?”

“He might. He might.

If you are good, he might.”

“Can I stay up and see?”

“No. He will not come for you or me

if we do not sleep . He’s too busy to meet us all.”

“And will he come for us?

Yes if you  sleep – he does not like fuss.”

Tonight, by the lights of the tree,

there is, at last, some grown up time for me.

The cake is iced. The wine is spiced .The carrots diced.

The pudding’s steamed. The brandy butter creamed.

The turkey prepared awaits. And yes, I did clean the plates.

The tree is up, the table laid,

the cards are out , though the credit card’s unpaid!

So shall I soon with gifts a plenty mount the stairs to deliver twenty?

Do I dare to tread the stair?

And will it creak? And will it creak? When can I take a peek?

I need to know if they slumber before I arrive with my lumber.

If they are still awake what dreams will go? What heart might break?

Or do they know? And is their belief just all for show?

So tonight by the magic tree there is need of time just for me.

I will wait – and struggle to keep open my eyes

And wrestle with the morality of eating Santa’s mince pies.

My adult mind is full of Christmas chores

The cooking times, and the cards through neighbours’ doors

The parties on zoom with friends we cannot meet

Those little things that for loved ones are a treat


I was once a child too excited to sleep

with a torrent of thoughts about what I might be given

Hoping that it was a toy beneath the wrapping – should I look? –

Not more socks or hankies, preferably something to be driven

So could Santa still come for me? Drowsily I dream as if I were eight

Hoping that Santa would not be late

Like every little boy there is of course a much wanted toy

So will Santa come tonight? He might, He might.

If you sleep well and if you believe

Only if you believe.

And only if in your family Love fills the hours you will be spending.

It could be the true Santa on the stair

Or it could be someone from an empty chair.

So will Santa come? He will. He will.

December 2024


  1. agricola
    December 24, 2024

    You encapsulate the perfect childhood dream that everyone should experience in their early years. Even now, in the vegetable queue the repartee between fellow queuers is relaxed and positive despite the tyrany of envy spat out by those who aspire to rule. They who are so far detatched from the spirit of Christmas they might be from Mars. For that spirit of being human, typified by being British, whatever our origins, I am happy to be back amongst it.
    Thanks for your poetic fairy story description of the mythical early life aspects of it.

    1. Pominoz
      December 25, 2024

      Sir John, agricola and all the other regular contributors, too many, so familiar, names to mention.

      Merry Christmas from down-under to you all and thank you, Sir John, for facilitating this superb forum. May you have the stamina for it to continue for many years to come

      Already Christmas morning here and I have it on good authority that Santa is speeding his way to the UK.


  2. Stred
    December 24, 2024

    Are you alright SirJohn, or is the prospect of four and a half years under Starmer been too much for you?

    1. Ian wragg
      December 24, 2024

      This year marks a watershed un my life being the first without my bride of almost r0 years.
      Quiet reflection is what I want and a Merry Christmas wish to our host and all the posters.
      Four and a half years more of this tyranny is a sobering thought. I just have to hope that at some point just desserts will be enjoyed by the tyrants.

      1. Lynn Atkinson
        December 24, 2024

        The. Tyrants are suffering already. Cheer up and Merry Christmas.

  3. Carolyn Anderson
    December 24, 2024

    This is lovely John. I am in hospital at the moment and this has cheered me up. Thank you.

    Carolyn Anderson

    1. MFD
      December 24, 2024

      I hope all goes well for you in 25 !
      merry xmas and happy new year Carolyn

  4. Lifelogic
    December 24, 2024

    All I want for Christmas (for everyone) is 180 degree U turns by this government on every one of the evil, big government, tax grabbing, net zero pushing, open door, crime encouraging, granny freezing, economic destruction policies Reeves, Starmer and Ed Miliband push.

    “It”ll be Freezing This Christmas
” let is hope not for the sake of the very many elderly mugged by Starmer.

    I do not expect Santa to deliver. Thanks very much six month early Sunak just the same policies but a bit more slowly was his pathetic pitch.

    We could have been voting now.

    Happy Christmas to all.

    1. Dave Andrews
      December 24, 2024

      Even if they did a complete volte face, would you trust them? Just keep your head down and hope to survive the remainder of this parliament. With luck the electorate will have learnt the painful lesson of voting for unbridled socialism.

  5. Lifelogic
    December 24, 2024

    An MP has described the decision to dump 300 tonnes of fertiliser still in plastic bags into the North Sea as “an act of environmental terrorism”. perhaps just more of the usual gross, misdirected, incompetence by government and quangos.

    Listen to Rupert Lowe on the New Culture Forum podcast.

    1. Lifelogic
      December 24, 2024

      About 300 tons 12 miles off Great Yarmouth and in plastic bags (about 75% into the podcast). Unbelievable gross incompetence!

      1. Lifelogic
        December 24, 2024

        And an attempted cover up.

      2. Ukret123
        December 24, 2024

        Could this be near internet cables or oil, gas or electricity lines?

    2. glen cullen
      December 24, 2024

      Nothing an extra tax can’t solve

  6. Donna
    December 24, 2024

    That must have been a very special tipple or two 🙂

    I hope Sir John, and all who contribute to this site, have a peaceful Christmas.

    But I am afraid that poem is the Ghost of Christmas Past.

    Look at Magdeburg …. and the sight of armed police patrolling Manchester Christmas Market “for our safety” … for the Ghost of Christmas Present.

    I do not like to contemplate the Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come.

    1. Lifelogic
      December 24, 2024

      Why an Aitch in Ghost? It seems ‘h’ in ‘ghost’ is a historical hiccup. William Caxton, having first practised his trade in Flanders, brought Flemish typesetters back to England to help set up his printing press – they lobbed an ‘h’ into English ‘gost’ because their own native word was ‘gheest’.

      Alas spelling seems largely fixed in aspic now and unable to evolve very much.

      1. Donna
        December 24, 2024

        I like our idiosyncratic spelling … we have a rich language developed from many sources and it often gives a clue about the origin of the word, as it does in this case. Our language reflects our history.
        The online etymological dictionary is very interesting; I often consult it when I come across an unusual (often regional) word.

        1. MFD
          December 24, 2024

          Well said Donna, its great to be a proper Brit!

        2. Lifelogic
          December 25, 2024

          Fine but should it be fixed in aspic for ever more?

      2. Rod Evans
        December 24, 2024

        I am more concerned about the silent K, as in Knight and Knee. I am particularly concerned when these things come together and we have (some) Knights bending the Knee for all the wrong reasons….

        1. Lifelogic
          December 25, 2024

          +1 you are quite right, rite, write, wright.

  7. Mickey Taking
    December 24, 2024

    The ghost of Christmas past 14 years has evaporated into thin air.
    The ghost of Christmas present means wrapping paper round the cheapest gift Starmer/Reeves allows.
    The ghost of Christmas future probably means a token gift with millions having no tree, sandwiches for the big meal and a miserable day like the last 360.

  8. Bryan Harris
    December 24, 2024

    Inspiring words – we need more like that…..

    On a different subject, under the category of ‘use it or lose it’.

    I thought I would have problems getting restaurant bookings so close to Christmas for my family, but lo and behold the restaurant we went to was never more than 30% full while we were there.
    I found this all surprising, but this matched with others in the area.

    When I was working it was impossible to get a Christmas booking unless done months in advance. Now it seems a Christmas meal with colleagues and friends is not so important.

    Or is it the expense – we have all been so drained of resources by a treacherous high taxing power hungry regime. Restaurants must keep prices high to survive it seems.

    What does this say about the future of our society? When restaurants disappear what will be next, what will we be left with when we are confined to 15 minute villages?

    1. Berkshire Alan
      December 24, 2024

      Similar experience to you Bryan, 8 of us went midweek, mid month, lunchtime, and it was only 10% full.
      An excellent meal though !

  9. Narrow Shoulders
    December 24, 2024

    I don’t want a lot for Christmas
    There is just one thing I need
    I don’t care about the peasants
    sailing in across the sea

    I want England for my own
    More than you could ever know
    I know it won’t come true
    It’s not what Labour do.

    I don’t want a lot for Christmas
    There is just one thing I need
    And I don’t care about the lazy
    Claiming dole with money from me

    I don’t need to build more houses
    There on our green belt land
    Angela won’t make me happy
    Taking choices from my hand

    I want a life of my own
    More than you could ever know
    I know it won’t come true
    It’s not what Labour do

    Oh, I won’t ask for much this Christmas
    I won’t even wish for snow
    And I have to keep on paying
    Watching all my money go

    I won’t make a list and send it
    In case you see the way I think
    I can’t let people know it
    Sir Keir will put me in the clink

    ‘Cause I just want a beer tonight
    Holding on to it so tight
    Staying quietly at home?
    Why can’t Labour leave us alone

    Oh, all the lights are shining so brightly everywhere
    As for carbon I don’t care

    And everyone is singing
    About the bills the postie’s brining
    Ed, will send me the one I really don’t need?
    The standing charges for subsidised electricity?

    Oh, I don’t want a lot for Christmas
    This is all I’m asking for
    Please don’t make the law
    The country don’t need you anymore

    Oh, I just England for my own
    More than you could ever know
    Make my wish be real
    Make those borders sealed.

    1. Ian B
      December 24, 2024

      @NS – thank you well said

      1. MFD
        December 24, 2024


    2. Donna
      December 24, 2024

      Nice one.

      In the meantime, be of good cheer: over 3 million (and still rising) have signed the petition for a General Election …. a fitting Christmas gift for Two-Tier-Free-Gear-Never-Here-No-Idea-Tin-Ear-KEIR.

      Oh and Reform’s membership tracker is now at 124400, up by 20,000 since it was launched yesterday.

      1. MFD
        December 24, 2024

        I’ve met a lot of lovely people since I joined North Devon ReformUK, keep it up guys

      2. ChrisS
        December 25, 2024

        Reform membership really is building quickly : 128,972 today, more than 4,000 up since yesterday !
        Badenoch and the rest of the Conservative party should be very afraid.

        How long will it be before they realise that their only option for government is a coalition with Reform ?

    3. Lynn Atkinson
      December 24, 2024


    4. Bryan Harris
      December 24, 2024

      Superb N.S.

      Touches the soul.

  10. Ian B
    December 24, 2024

    Merry Christmas ‘All’

  11. Berkshire Alan
    December 24, 2024

    Nice try John, but afraid when you are ruled by a dope, there is little hope.
    Nevertheless Merry Christmas to you, and to all of the readers and contributors of this excellent site.

  12. Dunedin
    December 24, 2024

    Merry Christmas to you and all your bloggers

  13. Paul Freedman
    December 24, 2024

    A lovely poem which conveys the delights and specialness of Christmas. Thank you John. Wishing you and eveyone else a happy Christmas

  14. formula57
    December 24, 2024

    Renewed thanks to you Sir John for your efforts in providing this diary and my best wishes to you for Christmas and the new year.

    1. MFD
      December 24, 2024

      Agreed ,well said F57

  15. Ukret123
    December 24, 2024

    Happy Christmas and New year especially for Sir John who deserves his knighthood just for keeping his and our sanity in this crazy world today.
    Sincere thanks for all your hard work.

  16. William Long
    December 24, 2024

    Thank you, Sir John, for this; I now know Christmas has started! And also your comments throughout the year, invariably cogent and helpful – if only this and the previous Government had the sense to read your blog.
    Have a very Happy Christmas!

  17. Mr Paul A Townson
    December 24, 2024

    Dear John & Family,
    That’s hope for a better 2025!
    Best Wishes

  18. Rod Evans
    December 24, 2024

    Having celebrated the winter solstice with friends on the 21st with a toast to the returning of the sun, the celebration season of Christmas can begin.
    Happy Christmas Sir John and all who come here to read and make comment.
    Let us hope and work towards a better New Year, for this one has been one to forget.

  19. Lynn Atkinson
    December 24, 2024

    Dear Sir John and all those who read his daily wisdom,
    Thank you for posing the critical questions which direct us to find answers for ourselves. Thank you for explaining in simple terms the complexities of much of this modern world created by fools.
    ‘Confusion to our enemies’ – you prove, daily, that this is so.
    The British are a gentle, compassionate, generous people, which is why they are worth fighting for. When we need it we find the strength of mind, character and physical courage to weigh in on the side of righteousness – guided by our integral Christian values. At a push, we ask God for help, and he has not yet let us down.
    Very Merry Christmas to you all and cheer up, there is much worth fighting for, much worth winning and great comfort in undertaking the challenge.

  20. Atlas
    December 24, 2024

    Have a Merry Christmas Sir John – and return fortified in the New Year for what “Events, dear Boy” come our way.

  21. jerry
    December 24, 2024

    Seasons greetings to all, not just Christmas, there are many for who this time is also special but for their own (non Christian) religious meanings.

    1. Narrow Shoulders
      December 24, 2024

      And a merry Christmas to you jerry (or Hanukah, pretty sure they are the only two celebratory occasions at this time).

  22. Know-Dice
    December 24, 2024

    Sir John,
    First & foremost, Happy Christmas to you and yours and a big thankyou for all your hard work over the years trying to keep the various Governments on the straight and narrow…

    And a random of topic comment…
    The MP for the new Earley & Woodley constituency sent us a very nice news letter. Although the text did over use the letter “I” or “I’m” or any derivation of the same (25 times on a double sided broad sheet).
    But more interesting is the failure to mention Labour or any good works that they could be said to be doing – certainly trying to put distance between her and the party…

    It’s a shame that she is Labour as I think she does have the potential to be a good constituency MP. And really probably a better economist than the present occupant of number 11.

  23. Mickey Taking
    December 24, 2024

    We wish you a merry Christmas, We wish you a merry Christmas, We wish you a merry Christmas,
    and a Happy New Year.
    (all except the Cabinet members who I hope suffer a serious power blackout – especially Ed, the turkey is undercooked and they spend the night sat in the small room for major discomfort).

  24. Bloke
    December 24, 2024

    Best wishes to all posters for a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year, with special thanks to SJR for consistently high quality performance in pursuing the best interests of the UK over many years.

  25. Dave Andrews
    December 24, 2024

    A Merry Christmas Sir John.
    I was wondering whether you could give your appraisal of the forecasts saying there will be growth next year.
    Personally I can’t see it. This government has spooked business comprehensively with tax rises, more tax rises being prepared and more demanding employment law. Just who is going to invest, start a business, employ anyone if they can help it or take on business risk?

    Reply there will be some slow growth over the year as a whole. I will discuss in a future blog

  26. Richard II
    December 25, 2024

    Here’s wishing Sir John and all posting on here a very enjoyable Christmas season catching up with things that matter at this time: family, tradition, and the experience of hope and joy. For once let’s look at political strife and struggles down the wrong end of the telescope, far away for now as people and things closer to us take centre stage.

  27. John Angliss
    December 25, 2024

    Many thanks for your poem which was really good. Also many thanks for your messages through the year which have been so helpful, insightful and challenging. Have a peaceful Christmas and a happy 2025.

  28. Dr Dimple Godiwala
    December 25, 2024

    Hope Santa came for you!
    Merry Christmas and happy 2025.
    Dr Dimple Godiwala -McGowan

  29. Linda Brown
    December 26, 2024

    I wish people would stop spoiling the fun for children and some of us oldies who still believe in Santa Claus. He does exist in the mind if not in person so for once let us live in fairyland and wait for all those lovely gifts we are hoping for ourselves and others. Happy Christmas and it has been lovely watching Santa’s movement all over the world via GB News.

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