Changing the curriculum

Labour’s plans to change the national curriculum have been set in the context of wanting to pursue diversity over race and sexuality. The UK is a diverse society with toleration as one of its main characteristics.

The national Christian religion expressed by the established Church of England does not condemn other religions, does not seek to make windows into people’s souls  nor require conformity. The UK does not prosecute people for heresy. Consenting sexual relationships between adults are legal and of no concern to others. The law recognises same sex marriages.  There is no mandatory dress code.

In recent years under the last government’s reforms the UK has greatly improved standards of literacy and numeracy, which was much needed. Any reform of the curriculum should  reinforce this progress. It should not make it more difficult or regard it as job done. There are still pupils unable to read and write to a satisfactory standard, limiting their prospects of prosperity and success.

The issues to be examined should start with absenteeism from class. Too many children and teenagers fail to turn up at school. It should be concerned about schools with low attainment letting pupils down. It should question whether expectations of pupils especially from disadvantaged backgrounds are in some cases set too low.

The cultural issues that need discussing are acute in the way literature and history are taught. There should be a home country bias. Everyone living here has chosen to do so. Many have crossed continents and broken laws or applied for legal entry and citizenship to do so. We should assume they are proud of their new homeland, not keen to convert it to their old one  which they left as a choice and could always return to,

Our history syllabus should encompass the great achievements of our early  adoption of democracy and free speech, equality under the law, relatively early adoption of religious toleration and our sacrifices to defend liberty and the right  to the self determination of countries in the 3 great European wars ending in 1815, 1918 and 1945. It should include the giant strides to greater prosperity through the Industrial Revolution and twentieth century scientific and technological advance.

Our literature courses should be based on Shakespeare, the  world’s greatest dramatist, on Jane Austen and George Eliot, great  novelists, and poets  like John Donne, Shelley, and Wordsworth.  If you want to write and think well, read well.

Overseas literature should not be limited to European but should include an introduction to American and Asian works.


  1. agricola
    January 1, 2025

    One would hope that they were intent on establishing the example set by Katherine Birbalsing across the whole school education system in the UK. However the suspicion is that this is a step in the direction of 1984 and the indoctrination of our children with the nonsense of diversity which in fact is divisive and in no way inclusive. I suspect that they will scatter the curriculum with bias and a sense of guilt at being British. The Head Masters Conference should actively come out and condemn any such change of direction.

    Socialism has become a warped insidious disease, of which diversity is a symptom. Your submission puts light on what our Marxist government are up to, thank you for that. My prognosis is that they will continue to sell division where harmony is required, and given enough rope will implode in internal strife. Electorally they are on very thin ice and in power due to a morally corrupt FPTP system. 35% of the electorate and 20% of those who voted is no basis for stable government whatever their seat majority. 2TK is their Lenin having routed Corbin their Trotsky, but the roadplan has not changed. They are dangerous to our economy and culture. We must sand their axles and water their tanks metaphorically speaking. Their position in government via constant protest must become untenable. The general public should bulk out any legitimate protest, as ultimately it is a protest for them.
    PS. Add Steinbeck and Hemingway to your reading list for schools.

    1. Lifelogic
      January 1, 2025

      “Socialism has become a warped insidious disease“ indeed as is a top down, government knows best approach be this on, lockdowns, net harm & coerced Covid Vaccines, EVs, heating systems or the curriculum which is often about indoctrination.

      JR says:- “Our history syllabus should encompass the great achievements of our early adoption of democracy and free speech” but we do not have these in any real sense even now do we? Starmer and his dire education Sec. have just abandoned a law to protect free speech in universities we have non crime hate recording. How is that Batley teacher getting on?

      As to democracy a vote every 5 years under first past the post (for usually the least bad of only two or three possible winners) based on a manifesto of lies which the candidate has no intention of even trying to deliver is not democracy in any real sense is it? The MPs even then give their powers aways to the EU, Quangos, international bodies all unaccountable in any sense. They also spend a large amount of the tax revenue to lie and misinform voters further distorting any real democracy.

      Some real & direct democracy would be nice, when can we have some? Instead of largely lying, cheating, deluded & dishonest MPs and ministers like the blatant liar two tier Kier.

      We need far lower taxes, to ditch the net zero rip off energy insanity, admit the lockdowns and covid vaccines were total disasters, stop rigging markets, stop government lies and propaganda.

      They keep saying not charging VAT on school fees is a “tax subsidy” which is obviously a blatant lie – they will pay four times over with VAT.

      1. Lifelogic
        January 1, 2025

        Yet more mad market rigging. From today aviation fuels will have to use 2% of bio fuel/waste product derived fuels. This will be far more expensive and probably inferior and less consistent fuel too. This rising to 22% by 2040. Yet another back door tax. Top down government know best lunacy.

        Government knows best do they? The huge net harm covid vaccines, the lockdowns, the ERM, net zero, the ERM, the EU, HS2, the Millenium Dome, QE, the dire NHS monopoly, state schools, Blair’s moronic wars… sure Government know best!

        1. John Hatfield
          January 1, 2025

          Despite the voting system, it is imperitve that we get rid of socialist pretend-governments. Before 2029.
          One way or another.

      2. Brian Veillard
        January 2, 2025

        I came across this in a Daily Telegraph article by David Frost –
        Can you”say, as Sir Keith Joseph famously did in 1975, “I had thought that I was a Conservative, but now I see that I was not really one at all.”
        This seems to sum up the majority of the MPs during and post Cameron’s premiership. I trust you will agree withe Sir Keith.

    2. Mitchel
      January 2, 2025

      I think Starmer is more the Trotsky and Corbyn more the Lenin (he even used to wear a ‘Lenin” cap!).You need a new Stalin to vanquish the new Trotsky.

  2. Wanderer
    January 1, 2025

    Your recommendations for the cultural elements of a curriculum are perfectly reasonable.

    Regarding immigrants though, I think we should expect, rather than assume “they are proud of their new homeland, not keen to convert it to their old one”. Otherwise legals should not be admitted even on short work visas (and illegals should be kept out anyway).

  3. Peter Wood
    January 1, 2025

    Perhaps learning Diversity knowledge at school is Labour’s idea of ‘Artificial Intelligence’…

    1. Mickey Taking
      January 1, 2025

      “Give me a child until he is 7 and I will show you the man.” Aristotle.
      Sadly the means to both good and evil.

      1. Lifelogic
        January 1, 2025

        Give me a child when 7 and I will indoctrinate/infect them with some mad & arbitrary religious beliefs for the rest of his life and perhaps even enforce what they must wear, what they can eat and when. Also such that they continue this with their children. Be these the old religions or the new Net Zero/climate alarmist/St Greta ones of Zealot Ed Miliband, Theresa May, Sunak, Gove, Coutinho, Kemi
 only some brighter children will be able to escape from this indoctrination. This as natural selection has made children more likely to trust parents. Do not climb that as you will fall and kill yourself, do not swim there as the Crocodiles will eat you, watch out for snakes

        1. Dave Andrews
          January 1, 2025

          I wouldn’t worry too much about indoctrination of children. After all, seeing as it hasn’t worked to stop the take up of smoking, little chance of some disconnected set of rules that don’t make sense.
          What is lamentable is they will be wasting valuable school time on this, rather than learning things that will be of use to an employer.

      2. Mark
        January 1, 2025

        Indeed. The early reading and listening list benefits from including the likes of A.A.Milne, Kipling, Hans Christian Andersen, brothers Grimm, C.S.Lewis, Lewis Carroll, Mary Norton, Mark Twain, Beatrix Potter etc.

  4. Ian Wraggg
    January 1, 2025

    With this government history will be taught through the prism of perceived injustice and racism.
    We know only white Christians can be racist because the government says so.
    Teaching Shakespeare or Austen will be seen as racist and imperialistic and be driven from the curriculum.
    Slavery will be taught from the perspective of the slave no mention if the tribal leaders involved in the trade.
    White privilege will be instilled into pupils to make them feel ashamed of their heritage. Black good, white bad.
    Climate alarmism2will be mainstream with deniers branded heretics. We have much to fear for our children.
    Excellence will not be tolerated.

    1. Lifelogic
      January 1, 2025

      Indeed. We wake up to the truly repulsive sight of Sir Sadiq Kahn for services to augmenting crime and the partial destruction of our capital city. He is a great fan of a law to ban “misogyny” so how would they define this? This would be another attack on free speech. He is even more two tier than Kier and it seems he is rather a fan of many anti-semitic marches through central London.

      We still have a Minister for “Women and Equalities” the Rt Hon Bridget Phillipson MP. So is she for equalities or for women? You cannot do both at the same time can you? Will we get a misandry law too not that I want one.
      If you pass laws to have equal gender representation for women on company boards, or for engineers, chess players, RAF pilots or physicists you clearly have to have massive anti-male discrimination and cannot employ the best on merit.

      1. MWB
        January 1, 2025

        Your last paragraph neatly shows why the UK is uninvestable.

    2. Dave Andrews
      January 1, 2025

      I’m not sure this government will remain in power long enough to implement this. What odds do you give them of lasting this year? Their economic policies are likely to be derailed within months, and then they will have to make so many U-turns they will lose credibility amongst their support base. Remember all those Labour backbenchers who believe in magic money trees and the idea the government can hose cash without limit.
      No enterprise, no investment, no industry – that’s the prospect for this country under the current government, and the population won’t tolerate it for long.

      1. Lifelogic
        January 1, 2025

        They will surely cling onto power for at least 4 more years alas. Thanks to Sunak, Boris, May, Cameron and their abject failures to even try to deliver what was promised.

      2. Mark
        January 1, 2025

        MPs have to be very brave to vote themselves out of their jobs. Sometimes they are deluded enough to believe that they are reinforcing their job prospects, but often the whips remind them of the consequences. Calling an election will not be on the agenda of the leadership. At best we can expect to see a change of leadership, but as you look around the Labour benches it is hard to see much prospect of improvement if that were to happen. Were things to get so bad that the King might go beyond merely tut-tutting I doubt whether he would actually sack the government, and even if he did, whether they would go. There is a danger they might vote themselves into dictatorship.

        1. Original Richard
          January 1, 2025

          Mark :

          Are you sure of the direction the King wants the country to go? He certainly is all for pursuing our futile Net Zero to save the planet.

          1. Lifelogic
            January 1, 2025

            Indeed his two duff A level grades in French and History clearly inform him on Net Zero. This while going on about “diversity is our strength” will he be popping over to New Orleans & Germany to explain this to the locals there?

          2. Mark
            January 2, 2025

            He also gets sensitive to the natives being restless. At least elsewhere in the Commonwealth.

  5. Donna
    January 1, 2025

    Labour’s proposed changes to the curriculum aren’t about education; they’re about denigrating British history and indoctrinating children with the DEI Agenda. The same one his Hypocritical Majesty of Windsor was pushing in his Christmas Speech.

    It’s what the WEF requires.

    1. Mary M.
      January 1, 2025

      Donna, you may find Gavin Ashenden’s take on King Charles’ Christmas message worth a watch, if only as reassurance that we are not completely alone. Gavin Ashenden was Chaplain to our late Queen for about nine years, before he resigned in 2017. He recognised that being a member of the Ecclesiatical Household was not compatible with speaking freely in the public square. He has since been received into the Catholic Church.
      (Oh that Ashenden were now Chaplain to our King!)

      1. Donna
        January 2, 2025

        I’m not Catholic or C of E although I was brought up in the Christian tradition. I have watched Gavin Ashenden’s critique of Charles’ Christmas address and I think his assessment was correct.
        I’m afraid Charles suffers from the same affliction as King James I ….. he suffers from an inflated and undeserved belief in his own intelligence.
        King James I was branded “the wisest fool in Christendom.” Charles seems to be emulating him.

  6. Godwinson
    January 1, 2025

    Good article Sir John, although worth pointing out these changes to the curriculum only apply to England and will not be UK-wide.

    1. Lifelogic
      January 1, 2025

      Doubtless it will be even worse in Scotland and in Wales they will be far too busy pushing Welsh at children for political indoctrination reasons. As a child 40+ years back we often went to Wales on holidays and almost never heard any one speaking Welsh.

    2. Glenn Vaughan
      January 1, 2025

      The puppet government in the Welsh Senedd will follow the instructions of the Prime Minister.

  7. Richard1
    January 1, 2025

    All excellent ideas. But I suspect the blob under pressure from extreme left activists in unions and elsewhere would regard these suggestions as ‘elitist’, ‘racist’ and in a particularly absurd distortion of language, ‘colonialist’. The curriculum will be dumbed down, the education reforms led by Michael Gove will be reversed. Even worse the curriculum will start to include highly tendentious left-wing propaganda, with the objective that children will emerge from school sympathetic to leftism and unquestioning of its major shibboleths.

    All very damaging. Perhaps as AI develops, and schools are turned into forcing houses of leftism and wokery, education will have to move out of the school system in future generations.

    Unless of course there is an accommodation on the centre right and this appalling govt is thrown out and fools like Ms Philipson returned to whatever useless employment or activity they had before they got their hands on power by fluke at the last election.

    1. Lifelogic
      January 1, 2025

      They got their hands on power due to the failures of Cameron, May, Boris, Sunak to even try to deliver lower immigration, lower taxes, a real Brexit, better public service, cheap reliable energy, smaller government. As they had promised in three manifestoes.

      We even got this six months early, due to the pathetic “Covid vaccines are certainly safe” net zero loon Sunak abandoning ship and taking it down with him. Has he look at the dire vaccine stats. yet?

    2. Lynn Atkinson
      January 1, 2025


  8. Old Albion
    January 1, 2025

    Just one more small step with the aim of removing the English identity.

  9. Sakara Gold
    January 1, 2025

    The school curriculum should be biased in favour of English, Mathematics and Science, without which no child is going to survive, let alone succeed, in this country.

    If there is one thing that the Labour government should do, it is to eliminate child hunger. How they achieve this is up for discussion, but school breakfast clubs and similar for the school holidays are a good idea.

    I find it shameful that the fifth richest country in the world has levels of child poverty last seen in the Victorian era, with about 3 million citizens living off food banks. And this with about half of the population getting some form of state benefits.

    1. Lifelogic
      January 1, 2025

      Was it not childhood obesity they were more worried about?

    2. Donna
      January 1, 2025

      They’ve been importing poverty and then encouraging poor immigrants to reproduce for several decades. Poverty will never be decreased until they stop doing both.

      I’m all in favour of teaching proper science; starting with the FACT that CO2 is plant food and essential for the health of plant life and therefore human/animal life.

      Then they can move on to the amount of CO2 WE generate each year out of the global total and explain that nothing we do to reduce it will make a scrap of difference to the climate.

      I’m sure, as a fan of science, you’ll agree.

      1. Sharon
        January 1, 2025

        The latest on CO2 . A new Scottish ship has been built to replace the diesel version… pumps out masses more CO2 than the diesel one! What a farce!

    3. Original Richard
      January 1, 2025

      SG : “The school curriculum should be biased in favour of English, Mathematics and Science, without which no child is going to survive, let alone succeed, in this country.”

      That’s why these subjects are downgraded in importance. As an example, the Chief Scientific Adviser to The Treasury has a degree in foreign languages and literature.

  10. Denis Cooper
    January 1, 2025

    I would be careful about “our sacrifices to defend liberty and the right to the self determination of countries in the 3 great European wars ending in 1815, 1918 and 1945” as they were different wars with different causes.

    With that in mind I cannot agree with a headline today: “Champions of freedom should stand with Ukraine as it forges its future”. The war in Ukraine is basically a civil war made hugely worse by foreign interference.

    Instead of acting responsibly and helping the people in that region to resolve their disputes peacefully the western imperial powers – the American empire and the supposedly ‘post-imperial’ European empire, the EU, conjoined through the 1949 Washington Treaty – have provoked the Russian imperial power into war.

    If a child asked me “Why did the British Empire go to war with the German and Austro-Hungarian and Ottoman empires in 1914?” I could not say that it was to defend liberty and the self-determination of nations.

    Reply I agree 1914 was not clear cut in the way the other two were.

    1. Sakara Gold
      January 1, 2025

      @Dennis Cooper

      Your post is the most appalling misrepresentation of the facts about the Russian invasion of Ukraine that I have read anywhere. Russia was not “provoked” into the Ukraine invasion, it was Putin’s decision to do so because he believed that the Biden administration would let him get away with it. As Obama did when he annexed Crimea

      Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has resulted in both Finland and neutral Sweden in joining NATO, which is a defensive alliance. Nobody has provoked Putin into conducting his murderous campaign of bombing Ukraine civilians. This has been done to intimidate anyone else who had suffered under the post WW2 Soviet occupation. We either stand with Ukraine now, or we will be fighting the Russian hordes on the beaches here next.

      1. Denis Cooper
        January 1, 2025

        The old Domino Theory, I remember it well from the two decades of the Vietnam war.

        I suppose that to some extent each generation may have to relearn the same lessons.

        I recall that scene in the Australian outback in the film Gallipoli, 35 minutes in here:

        “If we can’t stop them there they could end up here” … “And they’re welcome to it”.

        Still, if you’re so keen to stop Putin then you could go and join the fight, and take Boris Johnson with you.

      2. Original Richard
        January 1, 2025

        SG :
        Putin should never have invaded Ukraine. But he was definitely provoked by the EU when PM Cameron went to Kazakhstan in 2013 and declared that the EU should extend further into the former USSR and reach from the Atlantic to the Urals.

      3. glen cullen
        January 1, 2025

        You could be thrown in jail for calling it a russian invasion …..its a special military operation (they haven’t even the bottle to say that they’re at ‘war’)

        1. anon
          January 4, 2025

          Just pause and think what a war means in Russian terms, if this carnage & waste is only called a special military operation?

          Keeping to agreements is a first step. Negotiating in good faith. Do not covet. Do not steal. Try that and things will progress in time.

          Lets see what peace may tell us in time of this human fail story.

    2. Donna
      January 1, 2025

      I agree. The EU and USA deliberately poked The Bear with the eastward expansion of NATO and by supporting the 2014 revolution, knowing full well what the reaction was likely to be.

    3. Ian B
      January 1, 2025

      @Denis Cooper – on the face of it 1914 was Queen Victoria’s 2 grand sons and the husband of her grand daughter that disagreed with one and other – a family dispute. This lead too and there are various estimates, seemingly upward of more than 9 million killed because this family couldn’t get on with one and other.

      1. Mitchel
        January 2, 2025

        Both world wars were in part caused by the fear in western Europe(specifically then Germany) of rising Russian economic power supported by near-limitless resources and huge manpower-the rapid industrialization prior to WWI -assisted by heavy French investment-and the huge rise in industrial output(particularly heavy industry) as a result of the Soviet Five year plans during the 1930s(the Soviet Union had more strip mills and more tractors than all of Europe by 1939).

        Despite strenuous efforts to contain her,Russia has again been rapidly re-industrialising over the past decade……..and is now in a very harmonious and fruitful relationship with today’s industrial superpower,China.

    4. Richard1
      January 1, 2025

      Ukraine is an independent country. It was invaded by an aggressor seeking conquest and the subjugation of its people. The Ukraine war is no more a civil war than WW2.

      1. Denis Cooper
        January 1, 2025

        Independent but divided:

        Maybe the internal, civil, disagreements could have been settled peacefully if the EU had curbed its territorial, imperial, ambitions, and urged the US to stand back and not seek to expand NATO any further east, and then sought to act as a good neighbour and impartial mediator. Instead:

        “Ashton addressed the protesters directly. “I was among you on Maidan in the evening and was impressed by the determination of Ukrainians demonstrating for the European perspective of their country,” she wrote in a statement.

        On Tuesday night, the EU foreign policy chief pulled up on the side of Maidan, which has been occupied by thousands of protesters then walked across the square, which was surrounded by journalists and bodyguards. “She was greeted like a rock star,” an observer tweeted.”

        And having learned nothing from Ukraine (?) it seems they now want Georgia to go the same way.

        1. Mark
          January 2, 2025

          It’s just one of a number of issues that should have been dealt with in the 1990s following the breakup of the USSR and the disbanding of COMECON. You could include Islamic separatism in Chechnya and the treatment of ethnic Russians in new countries that aligned to the West, and the former Jewish ASSR for example.

        2. Mitchel
          January 2, 2025

          Georgian PM Kobakhidze a few days ago:”The main cause of the challenges that our state faced is that we did not enter the war (against Russia) in February 2022 and did not open a second front.After that,the main challenges began.”

          I watched a clip of the inauguration ceremony of the new (genuinely Georgian!) President yesterday-marvellous!no EU/NATO/US flags anywhere to be seen just masses of the national flag,the prominence given to the hierarchy of the Georgian Orthodox Church and an honour guard dressed in full Caucasian dress(what western observers erroneously call Cossack) dress.

          The former NATO stooge of a president,despite saying she would not quit,has now left the official residence-her security detail was withdrawn….. and the Caucasus can be a rough old place.

          Watch out now for provocations re Moldova/Transnistria.

      2. Mitchel
        January 2, 2025

        Ukraine ceased being independent following the 2014 coup-all the senior government appointments are approved by the US state department and NATO began building facilities there immediately afterwards.

  11. James Thomas
    January 1, 2025

    The one dreadful colonial export from Europe that aught to be subjected to curriculum and cultural decolonisation is Socialism/Marxism, having directly caused 140,000,000 deaths worldwide, economic destruction, incredible human misery and much environmental desecration.

    Happy New Year to all, somehow keep optimistic

    1. Mark
      January 1, 2025

      I would add Pasternak and Solzhenytsin to the reading list alongside Orwell and Huxley. First hand accounts of the evils of Marxism are important warnings. Perhaps they meant more to me because I saw the general
      outcome with my own eyes living in the USSR.

  12. Nick
    January 1, 2025

    “Give us the child,” said the Jesuits, “and we’ll give you the man”. What sort of men will the British state give us after fifteen years’ education in modish falsehoods?

    The state takes on itself a grave responsibility when it educates our children. If celebrating sexual diversity and learning to despise one’s country is the best it can offer, it is not doing its job.

    By the way, I used the word “man” because in English (as grammarians used rather coyly to say) “man embraces woman”. Language is a great democracy, the purest there is. It belongs to us, not to government. When they try to steal it we can be confident they are up to no good at all.

  13. Bryan Harris
    January 1, 2025

    Do we really need this administration, one that has already shown it is working to an agenda that harms us in many ways, to make woke changes for the sake of a standardised approach to life.

    Blair, in his time, spent a vast fortune on EDUCATION,EDUCATION, EDUCATION, and look what that did for us. False and pathetic diplomas, more ignorance and certainly a huge drop in skill seeking and literacy.

    Defining exactly what can be taught in schools limits the prospects of pupils but it is also a feature of socialism that wants us to know only one truth, that sponsored by the political establishment.

    No, Mr Starmer – we don’t want more of your incessant meddling. Get your fingers out of education!

    1. Mark
      January 1, 2025

      Blair continued the already established policy of grade inflation and erosion of exam standards that really imply a substantial erosion in the productivity of the education system. Major had already eroded the tertiary sector by declaring Polytechnics to be equivalent to Universities which had the effect of general dumbing down, including much less emphasis on practical skills in technical education in favour of a supposedly more academic approach. Blair worsened the picture by aiming for 50% “university” attendance, which meant that students were now not learning important topics at A level, but only at university, and undergraduate degrees were also less demanding, meaning that able students were forced to do a graduate degree to distinguish themselves.

      The reduction in education productivity may have helped to reduce youth unemployment numbers, but by lengthening the period spent in education to reach a given level of attainment not only did it impose extra cost on taxpayers, but it ate into the working life of the rising generation while adding fees to their taxes, reducing their lifetime earning potential and delaying the point at which they might hope to afford their own home and a family and earn a pension.

      1. Original Richard
        January 1, 2025



  14. Roy Grainger
    January 1, 2025

    “The UK does not prosecute people for heresy.” In a way it does. The Batley school teacher had to leave his job and go into hiding after merely showing a cartoon of Mohammed which resulted in death threats. The police and local politicians did nothing at all about it. So, we have a de facto blasphemy law policed by the mob.

    1. graham1946
      January 1, 2025

      2 Tier was asked in the Commons the other day to in effect introduce a blasphemy law and he failed to say ‘No’. Don’t be surprised if we get one to pacify a certain grouping in this parliament enforcing the de facto one already in existence.

    2. glen cullen
      January 1, 2025

      Let face facts, this government and the last doesn’t like ‘real’ free speech ….just look at the hate speech laws

  15. Ian B
    January 1, 2025

    Sir John
    As others have said many times before the aims and the only way it can be implemented for all things that have diversity, inclusion and equalities as a doctrine, a diktat, is to create quotas, to create discrimination.
    That is verging on criminal forcing discrimination on a nation, for the sake of socialist ideology.

    Our education as in society as a whole to look for the best of the best, to aid all to achieve their full potential. It is socialist dogma, socialist ideology and the politburo that fights this with a personal one size fits all. Socialist centralized command and control. The socialist religion can only exist and thrive in a sphere that creates a them and us culture, it actually doesn’t recognize difference, celebrate difference and the individual contribution that that can bring to society.

    The same person bringing this socialist ideology forward is also against free speech particularly free speech inside education – she has sort to use the courts to have free speech banned, outlawed by law. She might get her wish as the leader of the opposition has also come out in wanting to ban free speech, particularly of those that wish to challenge her.

    1. Ian B
      January 1, 2025

      To many that have found their way into Parliament, do not want to work with of for society, do not want what’s best for the country. Instead they want to force society to be disciplined to act as they say, they want a society in their own personal image. They don’t ‘get it’, everyone is different and as such can because of this difference can produce a thriving society and country. One size doesn’t fit all, the UK bigger and is not part of the Socialist Metro London cabal, it has more to it and should if Parliament and Government was prepared or even understand that to work with the people of the UK turns the UK in to a vibrant thriving place to be. The endless fighting the People syndrome now embedded in Parliament is pushing the Country back to the dark ages.

      What is said to be some 600 plus MPs have stolen the power they abuse and are fighting the people, they are fighting for the socialist dogma brought down on them by the ‘Great Reset’. These must be weird human-beings, they don’t understand people or democracy they appear to want to fight and ban so to forced everyone to bow down to their ‘new god’, their new found religion.

  16. Original Richard
    January 1, 2025

    A multi ethnic country can survive but not a multicultural one as evidenced by numerous examples in Europe, ME and Africa. We already have two legal systems operating in the UK. Diversity is to ensure the country breaks up into tribes and becomes ungovernable. The first step is mass immigration followed by destroying the host country’s history and culture through indoctrination in schools and universities.

  17. agricola
    January 1, 2025

    Perhaps curriculum reform is a distraction from the greater evils they have in store. Government are genetically dishonest, as Blair’s government papers disclose.

    Take DVLA VED where they have devised a standard rate which they can claim is modest in sum and annual increase. ( 24/25 ÂŁ190; 25/26 ÂŁ195). As with icebergs, this is only the tip. At the behest of the Mad Monk to pay for his insanities, there is a first year additional rate.

    ER@ 1/50 g/km was plus ÂŁ10 in 24/25
    This jumps to ÂŁ110 in 25/26
    ER@131/150g/km was plus ÂŁ270 in 24/25
    This jumps to ÂŁ540 in 25/26
    ER@255g/km it leaps fromÂŁ2745 in 24/25 to ÂŁ5490 in 25/26. Just to ice Rasputins vegan bun, for any car costing over ÂŁ40,000 there is an additional and increasing charge for all petrol and diesel cars fromÂŁ410 in24/25 to ÂŁ600 in 25/26.

    This can only be designed to DESTROY the UK car industry. We can no longer afford these Luddites. Check out what your next car might cost you.

  18. glen cullen
    January 1, 2025

    Labour are just working with a higher plan …a UN plan
    ”Education helps to reduce inequalities and to reach gender equality”

  19. Mark
    January 1, 2025

    Covid lockdowns resulted in 2 years of reduced educational delivery, affecting those born this century, because it has imposed a bottleneck right the way through the education system. The result has been an acceleration in the dumbing down of the whole system. An opportunity grasped by Phillipson to go even further faster, by denying many children the alternative of private education through taxation, and then destroying the process of learning in favour of destructive indoctrination that mimics a Maoist reeducation camp.

    Presumably the intention is to attempt to create a docile underclass that doesn’t understand that there are alternatives to a Marxist state. Perhaps the best hope is that modern technology allows the system to be bypassed to a great extent. The Internet is a great educational resource for those who can be bothered to use it for that.

  20. Ian B
    January 1, 2025

    The Prime Minister address to the Nation
    Sir Keir Starmer has admitted many people are finding it “hard to think about the future” in a downbeat new year address.

    He expressed hope that 2025 would see Britain rediscover “the great nation we are”, adding: “I know there is still so much more to do, and that for many people it’s hard to think about the future when you spend all your time fighting to get through the week.”

    The Prime Minister mentioned his previous pledge to put “more cash in your pocket, wherever you live” – but critics have accused him of doing the opposite with a £25 billion increase in the National Insurance paid by companies, which analysts predicted would lead to lower wages. “ And so on and so on

    There is only one cabal fighting the people of the UK, there is only one person leading a Party and a Parliament in the fight against the people of the UK – and that is the 2-tier hypocrite in number 10.

    The refusal to work with or for the UK has been written large in the few short months he has been in office. The high taxes, removing money from the economy, then money to be given away never to create a return or be in circulation. The ever-growing money consuming machinery of State. The desire to lock those up that disagree. Now setting out to create a society of forced discrimination starting with education. The banning of free speech, starting with education. The handing over UK territory to those that have never, ever, had an interest in it while denying of the rights of the true inhabitants. An endless list of abuse of power that demonstrates an endless need to fight the people of the UK and the Country.

    Ideology above common sense, democracy and the rule of law.

    1. Original Richard
      January 1, 2025

      Ian B:

      Yes, the problem with the ideology of the Left is that they believe they are always right and furthermore that the ends justifies the means. Consequently they can never stop and the history of the last century demonstrates how this ideology leads to the deaths of tens of millions of people.

  21. G
    January 1, 2025

    “does not seek to make windows into people’s souls”

    Nicely put…

  22. MBJ
    January 1, 2025

    A little outmoded reading list .Words from many different authors are helpful .The snobbish canon list of suitable reading is despotic and grounded in archaic thought.
    I agree if people want to live in England, they should learn and appreciate our culture.We have been saying this for many years.Charles at one point did attempt to pay attention to this by asking extranjeros to swear allegiance to the UK.

    1. MBJ
      January 1, 2025

      Answering myself.Of course I fell in and appreciated that named literature, whilst simultaneously looking at modern works with equal merit.

  23. Barbara
    January 1, 2025

    ‘Everyone living here has chosen to do so. Many have crossed continents and broken laws or applied for legal entry and citizenship to do so.’

    Sorry – are you saying that ‘breaking laws’ to come here is OK? If not, then why is it allowed as a ‘choice’? In India, they would be jailed and then deported. Every other country does it.

  24. Denis Cooper
    January 1, 2025

    Despite our early adoption of democracy, apparently we still need EU bureaucrats to govern us:

    “Our beaches are full of sewage, rubbish and sanitary products – Brexit is to blame”

    “Sewage spills considered illegal by the European Union are getting worse in Britain after Brexit”

    “The EU previously acted as a watchdog on water pollution that could impose fines of millions a week if rules were not being followed. However, the regulator that replaced its role in Britain – the Office for Environmental Protection – does not have the same powers, according to experts.”

    The new regulator was set up by politicians who mostly opposed Brexit and they are to blame, not Brexit.

    And somehow we still have a majority of parliamentarians who would prefer to take orders from Brussels.

  25. Christine
    January 1, 2025

    “In recent years under the last government’s reforms the UK has greatly improved standards of literacy and numeracy, which was much needed.”

    Where is the evidence for this? I’ve not noticed any improvement. Dumbing down pass rates doesn’t mean standards have improved. How can it have improved during the pandemic when children were being home-schooled? Tuition at university is now a joke. My niece has lectures for only two days per week, breaks up in March and doesn’t return until October. This isn’t an education it’s a travesty. The Education Minister should look at the value of courses and cull those that waste time and money. How much taxpayer’s money is wasted on student loans that are never repaid particularly by foreign students?

    1. MBJ
      January 2, 2025

      Cof E schools have certainly performed well in my area.They are a credit to the teachers and teaching assistants.

  26. a-tracy
    January 1, 2025

    Are the Jewish, Catholic and Muslim schools going to have to follow this new curriculum or will religious schools get an exemption? Who is going to test that they are following the new labour curriculum?

    My children went to a mid-league experimental school during Labour’s long term in office, every other year new ideas were being trialled on them. Teachers were getting fed up and leaving, so not all topics were covered properly in some GCSEs. Fortunately we did a lot of homework (not allocated by the school).

    Teachers started new ideas such as reading relays, where the children had to read a book and write a book review. My children did one each week, ritually, I read their reviews myself, it got around schools the teachers weren’t checking the relay books or reading the reviews so pupils started to stop doing it. I kept mine going for years by taking a personal interest, in fact I read several of the books after they reviewed them, The Inspector Called, The Crucible, Of Mice and Men etc.

    My youngest progressed onto history books, he was fascinated, loved soaking up facts, we thought he was going to do a History degree until the A level teacher killed the subject dead for him in just 9 months and he dropped it after his AS. Fortunately he still had other A levels with a high level of interest. My point is that it is the teacher that is very important, if government is too prescriptive and they aren’t free to expand the topic kids will switch off.

    Other than for better pay offers, offers of mornings or days (working) from home, I really don’t understand why teachers support this government.

    1. Donna
      January 2, 2025

      I expect many TEACHERS don’t. But the left-wing Social Warriors, masquerading as teachers, do.

  27. Geoffrey Berg
    January 1, 2025

    I don’t want to see diversity put on the curriculum but would like ‘Practical Living’ to become a school subject in preference, say, to doing a foreign language. Practical living would include being able to calculate tax and do a tax return, a bit of basic law,a bit of DIY work such as assembling say flatpack articles from instructions and other things one is likely to encounter in everyday living nowadays. That would help schooling fulfil what should be one of its main purposes which is preparation for one’s future life.

    1. Donna
      January 2, 2025

      That proposal sounds similar to the education given by the Sec Mods which, at the time, was divided by pupils’ sex with “male” and “female” instruction supposed to prepare them for their anticipated role in life. Strip out the sexism and it would be a very good idea.

      1. a-tracy
        January 3, 2025

        It was the Secondary Modern Education system.
        Boys did metalwork, woodwork, car mechanics with a garage on site, gardening, bricklaying.
        whilst the girls did, home economics, needlework, pottery, typing, childcare.
        The top two sets followed the grammar school more academic subject choices which was quite restrictive.

    2. Mark
      January 2, 2025

      I would make it not instead of, but in addition to. I was taught carpentry from about age 10 in school.
      Languages are now a more difficult issue. Should we teach Chinese as the tongue of the future dominant nation? French is no longer really a lingua franca or language of diplomacy. There is no sense in trying to select from among the myriad languages spoken by inward migrants as a general curriculum subject. The census showed the most common main languages, other than English (English or Welsh in Wales), were: Polish (1.1%, 612,000), Romanian (0.8%, 472,000), Panjabi (0.5%, 291,000), and Urdu (0.5%, 270,000).

      1. Mickey Taking
        January 2, 2025

        English must be compulsory in British schools, are you suggesting it needn’t be?
        Spanish and German should be in a short list for ‘foreign’ language selection.

  28. Ed M
    January 1, 2025

    The s-x education at school was hilarious. Completely useless. But it was time off from school work and we managed to make the teacher squirm asking him embarrassing questions. The answer to all this nonsense is humour (as usual).

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