Does Mr Miliband ever worry that his policies lead to black outs and energy shortages? We are living through a colder snap. We hear endlessly about it on the news as if it was unusual. It’s called winter and has happened most years. We have lived through far longer and colder spells in some past years than this December/January.
Despite this being a not so long or cold spell so far we find ourselves with wind and solar generating as little as 6% of our electricity, and regularly less than 15%. That means more than 90% and as much as 98% of our total energy comes from things other than wind or solar. Most comes from oil and gas.
This government has stopped any new oil and gas exploration or development at home and put  up oil and gas taxes even higher to try to force early closure of what is still producing. They think CO 2 heavier imported oil and gas better than home sourced. Why?
They are not rushing to put in more gas storage to make us more European. Why not? We had low levels  of gas storage capacity because our gas storage was our own productive  gas field reservoirs.  If we can’t produce our own we need much more storage, otherwise as now we have to pay much inflated prices to import when gas is short .
Why are we not putting in more gas fired generation? We need plants that work when there is no sun or wind. Instead again we are forced to pay sky high prices for imports when electricity is short in Europe as well.
UK policy has been to keep on putting in more pipes  and cables to the continent whilst closing down much our own power provision. They close  oil and gas, blow up all coal power stations, retire gas stations and decommission al but one of our nuclear plants. It is a policy to make us hopelessly dependent on imports from a Europe short of energy. It increases the shortages for Europe as well as ourselves.
Please Mr Miliband do something. Don’t be the Minister who presides over power cuts. Please Sir Kier don’t follow your removal of pensioner fuel allowances with policies designed to make gas and electricity even dearer.
January 11, 2025
You’re wasting your breath John
Read the private members bill which is wending it’s way through Parliament.
That intends to count emissions on all imports and exports with transport costs calculated from the port of origin.
It will shutdown any remaining industries and decimate agriculture. This is proposed by the Greens and has widespread support. Just like the CCA and treacherous Mays nut zero legislation.
Milibrain is part of the problem not the solution.
Without mass protests we’re doomed to a cold and bleak future.
Trump should send in the Marines.
January 11, 2025
Never in my life time did I ever think that I would witness the death of my nation, its culture and the rewriting of its history. Not even in China and under Mao did it go so far as to seek the complete its own irradiation.
January 11, 2025
Interesting that once again we are told 24 was the hottest since records began
It seems the hottest uk temperature is at Heathrow. No mention of the planed taking off and landing every 30 seconds. Temperatures estimated over half the world and accurate measurements only been available for past 100 years.
They must think we’re mugs
LA wildfires according to BBC s Rowlat down to climate change and in next breath someone arrested for arson.
Give it a rest.
January 11, 2025
Rowlatt yet another PPE Oxon chap. Anyone who thinks slightly reducing (just manmade) CO2 in a few countries & then wait a hundred years to see if it works is the best way to stop floods, wild fires etc. is clearly unable to think rationally. Wildfires have always happened certain insects have even evolved over thousands of years to take advantage of them and the lack of predators post the fire.
More people = more arson, more buildings to burn or flood and more accidental manmade fires. If you leave lots of dry flammable materials lying around they will, sooner or later, inevitable get set alight one way or another.
January 11, 2025
While Milibrain is now responsible for our headlong rush back to the stone-age, Sir J is asking the wrong question; it should be. ‘will the common sense Labour MP’s who know this is a disaster policy get off their backsides and tell Starmer to sack Milibrain and get someone who wants to keep UK industry going and the lights on?’
One hopes this might happen after the first rolling power cuts…..if not before..
January 11, 2025
The Common Sense Labour MPs? How any MPs are there who are not deluded climate alarmists. 3 or 4 % perhaps only a handful voted against it Moronic May’s suicidal Net Zero Bill was just nodded through. Sunak, Cameron, Boris, Coutinho, May and Kemi all still believers in Net Zero just a bit more slowly!
January 11, 2025
This is proposed by the Greens surely that is reason enough to cancel it.
Is Ed Miliband (PPE yet again) a mad deluded zealot hooked om an insane modern religion or is he trying to destroy the UK deliberately or is he just on a make in some way? Any other explantions?
1. CO2 is not a problem a bit more is actually a net good.
2. All the things they propose walking, cycling, EVs, heat-pumps, public transport, exporting industries and importing gas rather than using our own do not even save CO2 at all or to any significant degree, and wrecks the economy.
January 11, 2025
Yes Ian., The Climate and Nature Bill, which gets it’s second reading on the 24th is a sinister piece of legislation. I see our local MP Clive Jones supports it.
January 11, 2025
This morning, gas Is providing 50%, nuclear 17%, imports 16% and wind 9%- rounded figures. By the next election only one nuclear station will be available and most of the gas stations will be 37 years old.
Is there anyone at Mad Ed’s ministry who can add up and tell him?
January 11, 2025
Add up too, the costs of shifting everyone to heat pumps, EVs then add on upgrading the electrical grid and generation capacity to cope with circa 10x the demand in winter weeks plus back up needed. Something like ÂŁ4 Trillion cost no benefit at all in fact negative benefits. As they cost more to install, cost more to run, more to maintain and are less convenient too.
Also if the electricity fails you have no alternative heating until they fix it.
January 11, 2025
Good morning.
This government has only been in office for 6 months and is following policies laid down by the previous government which was in office for 14 years.
Whatever one thinks of this current lot in government has the previous one(s) had the foresight to build Small Modular Reactors which were a known fact as far back as 2012, if not earlier, then we may not be having these issues. Plus. If the previous government had not allowed MILLIONS of people into the country we would also not need to meet the increased demand that that brings.
It shows the level of stupidity that, we bring in people to fiddle the GDP figures yet, make energy so expensive that business either go bust or go abroad forcing GDP down. Plus. If you start having Brownouts and Blackouts this negatively affects production and thereby GDP.
I have always stated that, with immigration it is not about people but about numbers. ie The amount of people this country can absorb without a break down of the social and economic fabric of the country. But when you follow shorterm thinking coupled with UN, WEF and other bodies and individuals pushing you in a certain direction you end up with a former MP writing articles such as this.
January 11, 2025
I doubt Miliband, a PPE graduate from Oxford like David Cameron, understands much of the science of the climate, the oceans, the earth, not even the weather. He can barely ride a bicycle so understands little of mechanical sciences. He has zero musical ability so undestands nothing of acoustics, sound or harmony. His views on climate are shaped entirely by socialism and dogma. He does not value capitalism, enterprise, the individual, the nation state. In fact, as an international socialist he abhors them. That the climate catastrophist’s agenda damages all these things is, to him, a bonus. The threat of climate change is the great leveller, all other means of levelling down having failed – except in state education and in the monument to failure that is the NHS, the proudest achievement of Red Flagged socialism in the UK. So he will never desists from Net Zero regadless of the destruction and vulnerabilities it causes.
There is no point whatsoever in trying to reason with Milliband or with people like him.
January 11, 2025
Well it seems he did learn the violin got four A Levels—in Mathematics (A), English (A), Further Mathematics (B) and Physics (B) so half decent grades & this before A*s so he has no excuse for not understanding that climate alarmism is a mad religion. Other than perhaps indoctrination from his Marxist father university lecturer.
So is he mad, totally deluded, hates the UK, actually wants to destroy living standards jobs and the economy on the make or other?
January 11, 2025
See “Ed Miliband sings and plays toy guitar while promoting wind farms in bizarre video” a new Nero perhaps?
Nero was motivated to destroy the city so he would be able to bypass the senate and rebuild Rome in his image.
January 11, 2025
“Nero fiddled while Rome burned”
January 11, 2025
The introduction of the Net Zero legislation by the last Tory government was the greatest act of self harm any nation has ever committed.
The damage to the economy, the national security and harm to the people is clear for all to se and for no benefit to anyone.
Why did Theresa May do such a thing?
It is no good complaining about Miliband, he is simply continuing on the work set in place by his friend, he is not bright enough to understand the folly of his actions, clearly Theresa May shared his false unscientific climate crisis belief.
Destroying energy security by blowing up coal fired power stations was a Tory policy.
January 11, 2025
Peter. There is no reasoning with people like millibrain because most of Westminster agree with him.
Look up the Climate and Nature Bill passing through the commons now. Lunacy by Lucy’s.
January 11, 2025
“It is a policy to make us hopelessly dependent on imports from a Europe short of energy. ”
And that’s the reason why the Establishment and their Westminster Uni-Party have been doing it: to make us hopelessly dependent on “our friends” in the EU and therefore unable to really LEAVE the organisation.
If you are dependent on the EU for the basics of life, you can be controlled. We’ve already seen Macron do it with the Channel Islands: no fishing rights = no electricity.
It’s all about CONTROL.
January 11, 2025
Your arguments are irrefutable and point clearly to the unceremonious removal of the Minister. Where are the PM and the Chancellor?