Sector strategies

The government is going to launch sector strategies as part of its Industrial plan.

We can write some of them easily. The oil and gas one will say close the whole industry down more quickly. So will the petrol and diesel car one. The net zero mandate requires the closure of many high energy using factories and activities to be replaced by imports. None of these will help growth.

The government claims it will expand housebuilding by 50%. How? They have put mortgage rates up  by losing the confidence of markets. They are driving private landlords out of the market with extra taxes and regulations. They do not have the money for a major expansion of social housing. They think more planning permissions will do the job,  mindless that there are a million plots with permissions sitting there.

The government could set out a bold strategy to boost   industry. It would need major changes of energy and tax policy. We need much more energy from home sources at much lower prices. Getting more of our own gas out of the ground is the easiest way to do this. Adding more renewables needs to be done at lower prices for their power and with a cheap solution to the problem of intermittency which is not obvious.

Corporation tax should be taken down to 15%, where revenues would go up. The Treasury ia likely to stay wedded to the idea that higher rates are necessary. It will continue to look at Ireland, awash with  business tax revenue and digital company investment thanks to a lower tax rate and do the opposite.

I will look at the prospects for some of individual sectors in future blogs.




  1. Ian wragg
    January 16, 2025

    But the whole strategy will ha Net Zero at front and centre.
    Already Milibrains dream of carpeting the country with windmills and mirrors is falling apart as there are no provisions for grid connections.
    Housing developments can’t get their transformers connected and streets don’t have the capacity for heat pumps and charging EVs.
    Shutting down the remainder of industry and agriculture IS the strategy. Where the money to buy these goods from abroad no one knows.
    As the country declines, borrowing costs will rise causing a government induced doom loop which is all part of Agendac30 and 50
    Thanks Treacherous May and Milibrain cheered on by the idiots in Parliament.

  2. Mark B
    January 16, 2025

    Good morning.

    I think, Sir John you need to stop listening to what they say as these people are following a different agenda to one that you would follow. Whereas you would be intent on making peoples lives better through their own efforts or those of others, these people are seeking to change both the society (people) and the means by which we are governed. This is the continuation of the Blairite Project and the plan is to smash everything. You once supported it yourself ! Remember the, “Build back better” slogan, Alexander Johnson used ? Some here, including myself, did try and warn you.

    I think Peter Hitchens is one of the very few to get this right. He understands these people. They are of a different mindset because they are set with some sort of revolutionary zeal to turn this country and the world into a better place. A place were they are always in charge. Hence all those Mayors the Conservative Party created in England.

    No matter what words of advice you offer. No matter what questions you raise. No matter how many endless words you use to describe this or that about this government, it does not matter to them. For they do not care, and people like you and I do not matter.

  3. formula57
    January 16, 2025

    And for the railways and electricity generation is the sector strategy going to be wring hands and throw money?

    Strategic thought combined with action to see material improvement would be welcome but what do the clowns in government suppose the businesses operating in the various sectors do continually?


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