Climate and Nature Bill

Some of you have asked about this Bill. It is a private members Bill which is unlikely to pass unless the government backed it. There is no indication they are about to.

It is a Bill with huge financial, economic and social consequences. It instructs government to speed up the UK ‘s already rapid rundown of CO 2. It aims to make that much more difficult to do by requiring the UK to reduce not  just the CO 2 generated in the UK but also all the CO 2 produced abroad making and transporting imports into the UK.

I have been very critical of UK net zero policies which are based on shutting down UK oil, gas and industrial production to stop UK CO 2 generation, only to import products and energy from abroad ignoring the CO 2 produced there. It is absurd self harm resulting  in more world CO 2.

This Bill is even more harm, as the UK would have to make major cuts in consumption of energy and goods to comply. It would be a major hit to living standards. It is difficult to see how the UK could comply. Buying more Chinese battery cars would not help as plenty of CO 2 is spilled in their making, whilst we would need more  gas power stations when the wind is not blowing to recharge the cars.

The Bill also says it will end the nature crisis, the alleged run down of wild animals and plants. Wilding large extra areas of our country would force us to import more food with more CO 2 in its production and transport. There is no mention of the need to end migration of people to curb the erosion of nature by overdevelopment.

This so called CAN bill should be canned.



  1. David Andrews
    January 21, 2025

    It is astonishing there are MPs who think the measures contained in this Bill are a good idea. No wonder this country is in a mess.

  2. Mike Wilson
    January 21, 2025

    Which member has proposed it? Which party do they belong to? Can parties other than the governing party introduce bills?

    The idea of accounting for CO2 produced by imported goods and services seems sensible – if you allow CO2 levels to be a driver of policy.


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