Several Executive Orders on Monday start to tackle the high costs and overextension of US government. These are not getting the attention they deserve. Our Wastefinder General Rachel could read and copy some of these.
1 Pause all overseas aid payments for up to 60 days, only allowing them to go ahead after review to see they are value for money and further sensible policy aims.
2. Freeze all hiring of administrative staff into government. Require Heads to draw up productivity raising plans using natural wastage to cut numbers. Prohibits use of outside contractors to get round ban.
3. 60 day ban on any new regulations, allowing review of whether anything is necessary in future.
4. Removal of barriers to increased oil, gas, minerals and coal production
5. Exit from Paris climate change Treaty to cut costs of net zero.
6. Establishment of Department Of Government Efficiency in White House reporting to Chief of Staff. Every department and governmental body to have a team of four senior people promoting greater efficiency.
7 Return to in person working
8 Recruitment and promotion to be based on merit only. DEI departments to be wound down.
This is a big agenda. It will be interesting to see if the senior managers can reflect these clear aims in workable plans to shrink the state.
January 22, 2025
Looks like a plan, but unlike the UK, failure will lead to early dismissal. I suspect it is not within Rachael’s DNA or that of the committee that imagines itself to be UK government. Just enjoy their and their appologists wriggling like bait on a hook of their own making. On the plus side it could put an end to socialism for a very long time.
January 22, 2025
It is indeed a large and much needed agenda. Even more needed in the UK, but alas we have broken compass Starmer/Miliband after the broken compass Suank, Boris, May, Cameron, Brown, Blair, Major.
It seems Rachel Reeves is going to support a new runway at Heathrow. Something sensible from her that is actually pro-growth – a first from the socialist anti-growth dope surely? I assume though this is just as a distraction from her woes tactic. So that will never actually happen.
The deluded Miliband types are already trying to kill flying (for Plebs not Starmer types) with new daft aviation fuel rules and v. high taxes on flights. Making the non UK hub airports far more competitive.
What is really needed as a minimum is a new runway at both Gatwick and Heathrow and a high speed shuttle round the M25 between the two airports to give a 5 runway hub airport. Doubtless we will have another 20+ years of legal and political wrangling and discussions before anything happens if then. With bats and great crested newts to the fore.
January 22, 2025
Good morning.
Elon Musk managed to reduce staff levels at Twitter without it negatively impacting on the business. But then, he is a business man and not a DEI (or DIE) hire, SpAd or PPE Graduate.
The USA is an independent sovereign state that, until recently, does not tie its hands. It therefore can act in its own self interest. Here in the UK we have a bunch of little people who have to be told what to think, say and do by their masters in Brussels and Davos. Not to forget some US businessmen with questionable backgrounds.
January 22, 2025
They had to withdraw from the Paris Accord.
They have also withdrawn from the WHO so that they were able to reinstate autonomy over your own body.
South Africa has withdrawn from the international asylum lunacy.
We withdrew from the EU. We are a Sovereign Independent State too – no longer a nation (which is a homogeneous inter-related people) just as the USA is not a nation.
It’s possible to withdraw from Treaty obligations quickly and easily.
January 22, 2025
Notionally. We still follow their rules due to the ridiculous agreements we signed.
January 22, 2025
Talking of daft as a brush PPE graduates we had Michael Crick on Mogg GBNews last night “one of the saddest days in American history” he thought of the Trump inauguration. Another climate alarmist with no understanding of science.
If I had to argue for a mad and evil left wing agenda I am sure I could do a rather better job than the many lefty nutters employed by GBNews. I assume they are forced to put these dopes on by the evil anti free speech OFCOM censor. Though the lefties do give people a good laugh. OFCOM being the one that pushed masks, lockdowns, wet markets origins and the mass net harm Covid Vaccines so very hard. And, it seems, they managed to get lots of GBNew’s better presenters removed. Mark Dowlan now too it seems after Laurence Fox, Mark Steyn, Dan Wooton…
January 22, 2025
Compare and contrast Trump’s inauguration speeches and Starmer’s pathetic dissembling yesterday AM over his blatant Two Tier Kier Justice Agenda. Fine for Starmer to call protesters all far right criminals before their trials and to point out that the Southport murderer was a Welsh choir boy with a suitable demure picture of him.
Surely if a juror cannot ignore all he has heart before the trial he is perhaps not suitable to be a juror.
Shock NHS hospitals probe finds deaths of 56 babies may have been preventable
Two maternity units at the Leeds Teaching Hospitals are rated ‘good’ by England’s healthcare regulator – but poor care may have contributed to 27 stillbirths, 29 neonatal deaths and two maternal deaths. And, I assume many injuries too?
Let us hope they do not try to pin this on some poor nurse who happened to be working long hours at the time. Has Lucy Letby been given her appeal yet? I assume not given the UK’s “Justice” system (slow, expensive, arbitrary and generally rather incompetent) it will probably take at least 10+ years. Even then they will deduct her prison board and lodging costs from any compensation she might get!
January 22, 2025
slow, expensive, arbitrary, generally rather incompetent and extremely reluctant to ever admit to any of the very many errors they make (the Post Office, Guilford 4, Birmingham 6, Peter Lynch, Tommy Robinson and other clearly political prisoners, Andrew Malkinson (he had to wait some 17 years in jail for his justice)…
January 22, 2025
Since 2020 it has been law that any trash produced by a computer is deemed to be ‘truth’ by the law. This idiocy needs to be reversed because it’s so easy to programme a computer to produce whatever you want or need it to in order to pervert the course of justice.
January 22, 2025
Indeed brought in so you could not challenge results of equipment like motorist mugging speed cameras I understand and extended to accounting software so some 230 post office workers could be imprisoned on false charges of theft and fraud with thousands of others were accused of similar misdeeds. The envy of the world UK legal system just like the wonderful NHS and out do nothing about any real crimes if you possibly can police force and DPP unless it is a Tweet by someone like Allison Pearson.
January 22, 2025
+1 LL. It appears Letby is a scapegoat, they should look at the new evidence and find out who was really to blame for the excess deaths.
January 22, 2025
You missed “a big one” – USA withdrawal from the WHO, not to mention clobbering the trans fanatics.
Compare and contrast with the Starmer regime’s beginnings – their first priority was to reward their paymasters and punish the aged, then spent the next 60 days+ bad mouthing the country and destroying the economy. It seems like the second priority was to get filmed walking forwards everywhere.
Is there an equivalent to executive order in the UK system or is it simply do what the civil service dictates?
January 22, 2025
We are all impressed and jealous of the American Administration. WOKE socialism/communism has to be universal so that it has no competitor – that’s gone and it’s burning all around the world. You can see the Trump effect on the faces of the Globalists at Davos. At the shock on the faces of Starmer and Reeves.
Musk will not fail to reduce waste and super quick.
We need to get into lockstep asap – quicker than finding sentient U.K. politicians.
We MUST replace the whole lot shortly, the Labour Party is over, the LibDems too, the Greens never got a foothold in the U.K. the Tories need to up their game so that they can become the left win opposition, and we need a Republican Party – with all that means for Charles – and I am a Monarchist!
January 22, 2025
He shows leadership guts but I can forsee many arguments based on who is more important than another and what contributes as merit.
January 22, 2025
I hope Trump can push through his agenda. I guess it should be easier to fire recalcitrant bureaucrats under the US system. A poll suggested that over 50% of them were fully intending to push back against, delay and generally undermine the reforms.
If he can pull it off despite the “blob”, it will be a tremendous blow to globalists and progressives everywhere. Meanwhile Milei in Argentina is doing a fantastic job, but his country is peripheral enough for our leftist legacy media to avoid publicising his success.