Tomorrow I give my lecture at All Souls Oxford on how to promote growth.
Chancellor Reeves would be well advised this week to be studying the US model. The US has outgrown Europe and the UK all thus century so far, and is forecast to grow more than twice as fast again this year. President Trump is determined to up their growth rate further.
Central to doing so, he has made his peace with the US tec giants. Regulations and taxes will be adjusted to assist their growth. The policy has got off to a great start with the announcement of a $500bn 4 year investment by three of them. This compares with our Chancellor claiming a£600 m gain from her China visit spread over 5 years. The US announcement was 1000 times size of the UK!
The US will expend her oil and gas industry. We will close ours down. It will cut taxes. The UK has just put them up on business daring to employ people. The US welcomes billionaires and millionaires. The UK criticises them and taxes them out of the country.
It is going to take sone changes for the UK to grow faster than the US.
January 23, 2025
it is not in the Reeves/Starmer DNA, so please get used to it. They are not on any road to Damascus, so do not anticipate meeting them or changing their mindset.
There was a convention that members of HM Forces would not be subject to IHT on death. As they put their lives at greater risk than the majority of us, and in particular politicians who expose them to risk , it was considered an acceptable incentive to a military career. Now the thin lipped are proposing to differentiate between getting killed by an enemy and falling off a motorbike. Both can result in a widow with children to bring up. This is the mindset we have destroying the country.
No amount of sensible lecturing at All Souls will put us on a path to economic success, because this collection of no brains see wealth creators as the enemy. Only running out of available money will stop them. As we have witnessed in their actions to date, their mendacity has no bounds.
January 23, 2025
It’s the first step on cuts to expenditure on our armed forces; expect real money cuts soon, and closer arrangements with the EU, that well known military power.
Goldman Sachs tells us the BoE will HAVE to cut interest rates…. oh, well how will we find enough fools to buy Gilts to fund increased borrowing from reckless government spending? The fragility of our debt market needs to be clarified; if BoE cuts interest rates then £ will fall and foreigners will sell their Gilts. We’re going to be broke within the year.
January 23, 2025
Good morning.
So its back to the not-so-good 1970’s for the UK then ? And those young enough with real skills in the areas the USA needs will be flocking there, leaving poor (literally) old blighty and its Deliveroo economy. Just about the only industry we have managed to grow.
January 23, 2025
as elon points out the 500 billion mentioned is not really secured, its very theoretical. lots of data centers wont, on their own, solve much.
but yes we need a strategy, ed miliband is saying the state and power companies should dictate where data centres are built here. absolutely the last people qualified to decide the best place for data centres go.
at least trump is offering hope, freedom, and pro American policies, quite unlike our own politicians.
January 23, 2025
Liebours growth strategy is targeted at the Public Sector.
Everything is ideologically driven to increase the power of the state.
The waves made by Trump will eventually wash up on the Shores of Europe and the people will see just how bad the governance has been.
The world is turning right and we are out of step
January 23, 2025
Not if they can control what we see, hear and read.
To paraphrase a former UK politician – “A digital Firewall is descending upon the continent of Europe.”
January 23, 2025
Rapidly implementing Theresa May’s net zero strategy is clearly the best strategy to achieve growth in the economy. Miliband should undertake a competition to determine the best grid-scale electricity storage system – several are being developed by British Universities. A “levelised cost of electricity” study shows that the type of system being developed by the British start-up Gravitricity is cheapest.
January 23, 2025
Unfortunately I cant attend but if there is any subsequent video or materials I would be very keen to watch / read them. I believe Reeves feels the only way to stimulate economic growth is through govnt investment. Govnt investment would only be useful if our main growth issues were structural. They are not. They are cyclical along with private sector underinvestment. We need to make an accomodative consumption and private sector investment environment and that means reducing taxes and rolling back regulation. Both are anathema to Socialism and that is why Reeves’ growth strategy will never work.
January 23, 2025
The Institutionally left-wing Civil Service and the Student Union Marxists in Government are following the Soviet Union’s model for government: central control; 5 year plans; production targets and destroy the farmers and small businesses.
Gridwatch at 0745:
Nuclear 4.06 GW
Gas: 17.48 GW
Biomass: 2.5 GW (chipped trees shipped from USA using diesel, so NOT “green”
Hydro: 2.08 GW
Inter-connectors 4.35 GW
Wind: 5.56 GW
Solar: 0
All those marvellous windmills, costing us an absolute fortune, and we are importing more energy in the form of inter-connectors and chipped trees.
The quickest way to achieve growth would be to ditch the Net Zero SCAM, repeal the Climate Change Act and then lock Red Ed and the Climate Change Committee into a large container and drop it off a ship somewhere between Shetland and Greenland.
January 23, 2025
Off topic:
Alok Sharma, former Business Minister, attended the Covid Inquiry yesterday and admitted that the Government knew the Covid jabs would cause deaths and injuries because they had been developed at haste and the testing regime had not been as thorough as would normally be the case. They had carried out a cost/benefit analysis (which they didn’t bother to do for the Covid lockdowns) and concluded that the risks were “worth it.” They anticipated a £1.7 billion bill for injury compensation, to be paid by taxpayers since Big Pharma was indemnified from prosecution.
They then attempted to coerce the entire nation to participate in their mass medical experiment, which they KNEW would cause death and injury for some and they used the MSM to close down any discussion about those harms and to vilify anyone who tried to raise the issue.
I don’t remember Whitty, Vallance, VanTam, Johnson, Handcock, Sunak, Gove …. or anyone else who stood at the podium urging everyone to participate in a mass medical experiment explaining that the jabs were going to cause death and injury for some people and the testing regime had been less thorough than normal. In fact, I seem to recall they told us, many times, the exact opposite of that.
In other words, Andrew Bridgen (former MP) was right. And they tried to silence him, as well.
The NHS is STILL pushing these dangerous jabs.
January 23, 2025
Sir John
I hope for a positive reception tomorrow.
As for growth, while it is right we all keep banging on about as it creates a future foe us all, I feel those that need to act are not listening. Fundamentally they are not listen, hearing or working with those that empower and pay them they prefer to fight the people over their very personal ideological agenda. Country and the people do not come before their religion or self-esteem. We have essentially a Socialist one party State running parliment and we are stuck with it.