The EU reminds us what staying would be like

Two recent decisions of the EU should act as a warning of the damage the EU could do if we stay in under the Withdrawal Agreement or by some other device to thwart the result of the People’s vote.

Fishermen and women are concerned at the new rules of the Common Fishing policy. Whilst the EU has at last recognised that throwing dead fish back into the sea is bad for the fish, bad for the fishing industry. and bad for the environment, their remedy threatens to bankrupt some small boat businesses by stopping them fishing altogether if they catch too much bycatch. The UK needs to take back control and put in a policy which allows our businesses to earn a living whilst reducing the amount of fish taken by large industrial trawlers from abroad. Landing all fish caught should be central to this policy, with a days at sea regime to regulate total fish volumes.

There is a recent European Court judgement which says that UK payments to secure sufficient electrical power under the capacity scheme are illegal subsidies. The UK had to go this route to comply with all the other power generation and environmental laws from the EU . If you build a system around wind and solar you need stand by for when the weather cuts off your electricity. Keeping dear to build alternative plants available for occasional use is expensive, so you have to pay the supplier.

The sooner we can put in place policies to generate enough clean power at the cheapest price the better. The EU makes this very difficult.

How many more UK businesses and industries could the EU disrupt if we let them by granting them continuing power over us?


  1. ChrisS
    January 1, 2019

    A Happy New Year to our host and all posting here.

    Like our host, I hope that Mrs May’s deal flounders and finally gets the burial it deserves.
    However, if it were to get through Parliament, I am uncertain what “maintaining full regulatory alignment” actually means.

    I suspect it will prevent us from changing the new EU fishing rules and will require us to dispense with the sensible subsidies for stand-by power generators. If this is the case, we will be completely ham-strung by continuing EU interference in our country and, as the US Ambassador has suggested, it would be impossible to negotiate trade deals of our own.

    What parts of the words “Independent Nation” do Remainers, Mrs May and Robbins not understand ?

    1. Mark B
      January 1, 2019

      I am uncertain what “maintaining full regulatory alignment” actually means.

      It means following all the rules they set irrespective of whether it affects us or not.

    2. Denis Cooper
      January 1, 2019

      I can not and I will not and I do not wish a Happy New Year to all those posting here, because for some I wish them a thoroughly miserable New Year during which they see their pro-EU anti-British and anti-democratic desires disappointed. Be they high like some in government or Parliament who would prefer an aristocratic or plutocratic or corporatist state subordinated in a pan-European federation, or low like others, that small portion of the mass of ordinary citizens who refused to accept the result of the EU referendum virtually from the moment the votes had been counted, they have made themselves my enemy and so I wish them ill until they are utterly defeated. And does Theresa May, like David Cameron and others before him just another piece of (flotsam ? ed) that has floated to the top of our political system, really think she can persuade those like me to support her treacherous unpatriotic ‘deal’ for the sake of a spurious unity under her thoroughly deceitful ‘leadership’? All that she is doing is further convince me that I should never again vote for any Tory candidate at any election in the future.

      1. Den
        January 1, 2019

        Please do not blame the whole Tory Party for their two disasters, Denis. namely, Cameron and May and Major too. On those basic grounds you can add Labour and Liberal too because they were all advocates of our continuing allegiance to Brussels.
        I believe the reason for this terrible failing is that such individuals are a class of Professional Politicians who have no knowledge of life outside of the corridors of Westminster and Whitehall and are therefore entrapped by the Professional Civil Servants who prowl there.
        It is time to produce a Qualification requirement for such a high office and set around academic achievements, expert knowledge AND experience in non-Political Employment and ‘fit for purpose’ appearance and presentation, for starters.
        I can think of no other job that relies solely upon ones ‘face fitting’ to find the most suitable employee and that has proven to be BAD!

        1. matthu
          January 1, 2019

          You can blame the parliamentary Tory Party for
          a) having seemingly overwhelmingly supporting Theresa May’s withdrawal agreement
          b) having such an inappropriate selection process that it has allowed the party to remain so very much out of step with the beliefs of ordinary Conservative members and other potential supporters on so many EU issues
          c) having diverged so widely from commonly held conservative beliefs on so many important issues (lower tax, smaller state, less state interference in everyday living, freedom of speech all immediately spring to mind)
          d) for having lied to the electorate for so long and on so many issues, and in particular for standing idly by while Theresa May continues to lie to the electorate about her withdrawal agreement even in the face of the highest legal opinion.

          For all of these reasons it is very difficult for me to see how I might support the CP (or any of the other major political parties) ever again. In particular, I see no reason to support the CP if it is simply in order to prevent any other particular party from gaining too big a foothold in Westminster.

          The CP is too woolly and, frankly, no longer relevant (after years and years of promising to get immigration down to the tens of thousands while privately admitting that this was pie in the sky).

          (Sorry, Sir John.)

        2. Oxiana321
          January 2, 2019

          To avoid having too many career politicians, I have often felt that the rules used by constituencies for selecting parliamentary candidates should contain two essential and mandatory conditions, namely to be able to (a) demonstrate a minimum period of experience (for example 5 years) working outside of local and national government, preferably in the private sector and (b) that the candidate could show with reasonable confidence that they had a career to return to in the event of losing their parliamentary seat.

      2. JohnK
        January 1, 2019

        Well said!

      3. Iago
        January 1, 2019


        1. matthu
          January 1, 2019

          I think the editor was suggesting an alternative 4-letter anagram of this.

      4. ian wragg
        January 1, 2019

        Well spoken Denis, I hope Andy and the Dutchman have a thoroughly miserable time if we get our no deal.
        This morning may was spouting the usual tosh about getting her agreement through so she could concentrate on other matters.
        If she gets her way there will be endless negotiations (capitulations) while we give away our fishes, Gibraltar, continue free movements while the EU shafts us royally on the way.
        Happy New Year to you Denis and keep up the research.

      5. Lifelogic
        January 1, 2019

        Well I certainly could not support any MP who voted for Theresa May’s surrender deal ever again. This as they are clearly to stupid to deserve any part in government. Nor for anyone who voted for a try again referendum. The Tory party is finished if this pedestrian, dishonest, electoral liability and socialist woman manages to push it through. A new Farage party will emerge and would split the Tory vote.

        1. Leslie Singleton
          January 2, 2019

          Dear Lifelogic–What continues to beat me is why anyone would expect them to be intelligent or to have good judgement. Too many, not all of course, get elected just because they look good on the telly; either that or for some other reason they have become well known, being perhaps good athletes for example. Once, there was no other way than sending a representative to Parliament but not any more. We need much more direct democracy and to my mind should move more towards the Swiss way of doing things. They get by very well indeed and are not in the EU, which helps. The present House of Commons is a joke with the Lords not far behind.

      6. Mark B
        January 1, 2019

        Thanks mate. Feel better now ? 🙂

      7. Michael Wood
        January 1, 2019

        Well said Dennis!

      8. Timaction
        January 1, 2019

        Millions thinking exactly the same. I think we will see yellow vests on our streets if her worst deal in history gets through! First time in my life considering not paying additional taxation this month. No taxation without representation!

    3. Peter D Gardner
      January 2, 2019

      They understand it very well and oppose the entire concept of the sovereign nation state. What they want is technocratic supra-national government of UK. One cannot have both and the EU is planning the final stages of ever closer union – the Federal State of Europe – fully aware that there is no European demos and that such a state cannot be democratic. They are ushering in the post-democracy era. They think it is better but for obvious reasons cannot say so publicly.

  2. Fedupsoutherner
    January 1, 2019

    Our whole approach to power supplies in the UK is a farce. When Labour signed us up to the climate change act and promised ridiculous targets for reducing co2 levels they didn’t understand the implications of what they were doing. Politicians have been warned about the outcome of relying too much on renewables for our grid. The pigeons are coming home to roost. While Germany sees fit to build more coal fired power stations, we have been dismantling ours and selling the parts to Germany! It’s about time we got serious about keeping the lights on and keeping our industries running for a good economy. We need affordable power. Too many people die from the cold because they cannot afford to heat their homes. Renewables are not free as Andy seems to think. The amount of money they demand when asked to switch off is truly mind blowing. People should read Dr John Constables web site called The Renewable Energy Foundation and see his calculations on costs. It’s just another RIP off and all owned by mainly foreign companies. We should steam ahead with fracking and be more self sufficient

    1. Lifelogic
      January 1, 2019

      Exactly but it was Labour plus about 98% of Tory MPs who signed us up to the idiotic climate change act. Total insanity from all but a tiny handful of sane MPs. Almost no MPs have a clue about energy engineering or the economics or practicalities of energy production and distribution. Or indeed about science or economics in general.

      1. Den
        January 1, 2019

        There is one thing special about ‘Climate Change’. Nothing on Earth can actually change it and to believe that mankind is in any way the problem, is to defy and to ignore the historical Ice Pack Readings that trace back hundreds of thousands of years of the Earth’s climate. The data demonstrates that our Planet has been experiencing Climate change regularly before animals were even on the planet.
        The phenomenon is caused by the events in the recognised Milankovitch Cycle in his ‘Milankovitch Hypothesis’ which demonstrates that Earth’s orbit around the Sun, “Wobbles”, which takes the Planet closer to the Sun and then further away over a 115000 years cycle. We were last closest to the Sun some 7000 years ago. So Ice Ages here we come! Don’t wait up though. They are still about 40000 years away. But Earth with not get as warm as it was 7000 years for another 100,000+ years, so cheap energy in Britain IS a must.
        Yet another good reason to totally reject the EU.

        1. fedupsoutherner
          January 1, 2019

          Den. some great info here. I have read about this before and I also wonder how on earth they thought we had climate change all those years ago before the combustion engine and before the population was what it is now. All these ‘green’ loonies are talking out of their backsides if they think we can control anything. Look at what we have done so far collectively and has it made any difference? No. Why are we bothering to encumber ourselves with all this crap?

          1. Den
            January 2, 2019

            The highly paid Wondermen at the IPCC have “Adjusted” the actual readings to fit their grotesquely flawed model and the data used by Mann in his crooked Hockey Stick Graph has mysteriously disappeared so other scientists cannot check it..

        2. A.Sedgwick
          January 1, 2019

          In a biased R4 programme recently (the presenter did warn it was not mean’t to be balanced) the main “expert” said if we do nothing average global temperatures in 2100 will be 3C higher than 1900, the first time for 3 million years such an increase has occurred – doh! Not too many humans around then. The presenter didn’t pick it up.

        3. R.T.G.
          January 1, 2019

          @ Den

          Wiki “List of periods and events in climate history”, and a group of three graphs covering ice core data for approximately the last 450,000 years will be seen. These record temperature variation,
          parts per million by volume of carbon dioxide, and parts per million of dust concentration. Cycles will be noticed, from which one could simply deduce that our globe is undergoing a warming phase within a cooling trend.

          A relatively few suitably qualified – and commensurately paid – scientists have concluded that humans are responsible for the climate changing, but their findings are parroted by the many who are by no means suitably qualified, and the voices of suitably qualified scientists who disagree with their conclusion are ignored or ridiculed; would it not be wise to be absolutely sure of the extent of responsibility before inconveniencing the human race as a result of misguided and hubristic actions, which might alter the totality of world climate by no more than a vanishingly small degree whilst incurring almost infinitely huge expense?

          Plant-life tends to find carbon dioxide indispensable, so eco warriors intent on spending vast sums of other people’s money might be better advised to advocate paying those responsible for cutting down rain forest to slow down.

          Of more immediate concern is pollution and the squandering of finite resources.

        4. gordon winton
          January 2, 2019

          I read only the other day that they detected a wobble in some far off planet I thouroughly agree that climate change is more than likely a natural phenomenon we should be more concerned with the wobbles that this country suffers and will continue to suffer at the hands of the EU aided and abetted by the east majority of our parliamentarians.

    2. ian wragg
      January 1, 2019

      Not selling the parts FUS, the Germans already owned the UK stations so they just dismantled and shipped transformers, coal handling plant and PF mills over to the new stations.
      They are also burning Lignite which is the filthiest fuel on the planet., but hey ho they’re Germans and can do pretty much as they wish.

      1. fedupsoutherner
        January 1, 2019

        Thanks Ian for that information. I was aware they were burning Lignite but was not aware that the Germans owned the stations. No wonder they are keen for us to get rid of them. Cheap for them.

      2. margaret howard
        January 1, 2019


        And still they (Germany) managed a higher percentage of renewal energy than we did – 29% of total to our 27.9% (and the US a measly 14.7%)

        But hey, who needs to know the full story when the bits that fit your own bias are so much more compelling.

        1. libertarian
          January 2, 2019

          margaret howard

          Well to answer your question its YOU. You need to know the full story . The Germans are burning lignite , their 29% renewables does NOTHING to offset the damage done by that

          Oh and they also derive a lot of their energy from Polish power stations too

          1. Mitchel
            January 2, 2019

            And Poland’s power is c80% coal generated I think I recall hearing from the recent climate summit in Poland.

          2. Lindsay McDougall
            January 4, 2019

            I know something about the effect of Poland burning dirty brown lignite coal from personal experience. In the late autumn of 1995, on a cold bright day, I drove down all the way from Gdansk in the north to the Katowice region. Poland was on central European time, so the sun started setting soon after 3 pm. By 4.30, after darkness fell, the air was thick with the fumes from burning this coal, and it felt like a scene from Dante’s inferno.

        2. Fedupsoutherner
          January 2, 2019

          Margaret you really have no idea about this subject. So many people are in fuel poverty in Germany. We are following that trend as was predicted when we introduced renewables. It can only get worse. Try living in some areas of Scotland where they have the most onshore wind turbines and experience the power surges which damage electrical appliances.

          1. margaret howard
            January 2, 2019


            “Margaret you really have no idea about this subject. So many people are in fuel poverty in Germany.”

            “Recently, I had dinner with a group of North Americans who had come to Berlin to see what they could learn from the German energy transition. A Canadian expressed his concern that “Germany has hundreds of thousands of people who cannot pay their power bills.”

            “The exact number is around 350,000,” I answered, “and we know this because the country’s Network Agency publishes the figure every year.” I then asked the group whether that number was high or low. For instance, how many households in Canada or the US had their power cut off for failing to pay the bills?
            No one knew.

            As we pondered the irony of energy experts not knowing statistics about their own countries that they know about Germany, I put the numbers into context. “That’s 0.9 percent of the 39.9 million households in Germany.”

            The only countries to perform better were the usual Nordic and Germanic places with strong economies and welfare systems: Switzerland, Austria, the Netherlands, Norway, Sweden, and Luxembourg.”


  3. Turboterrier
    January 1, 2019

    Yet another classic example of people having no understanding of the subject matter being allowed to have input into how it should be run. In the UK for years people who have researched and studied power generation and supply have been stating that the way that the system is biased to renewable energy to have priority to the grid therefore making other methods to run at tickover in case the wind or sun disappears. The majority of the problems now being experienced can be laid firmly at the door of the CC Act passed by Labour. In all this time despite the efforts of our host and a handful of knowledgeable politicians we still have a dogs breakfast of a crap energy policy dictated and controlled by the green thinking alarmists led by the BBC. Just like Brexit too many with no understanding of business and trade creating fake news to cover up their real ignorance and orchestrating project fear to fool the electorate. These idiots still want us to be signed up to the EU and ECJ? You cannot make it up.

    1. Lifelogic
      January 1, 2019


      We are governed by people who do not have a clue what they are doing, suffer from insane group think over the carbon pollution religion, but do really like ‘virtue signalling’ at taxpayers expense. The MP and bureaucrats (who rarely have a clue) are also lobbied by vested interests to make matters even worse for the tax payer.

      If aircraft were designed like this no one would dare to fly.

      On any technical issue people without at least an A grade or better in maths, physics and further maths A level should perhaps not be allowed to vote. This might leave just one or two who could (Peter Lilley perhaps) alas he is no longer an MP. Or recruit some ‘genuinely independent’ engineering panel to advise. Any sensible energy engineer would have rightly killed the climate change act dead after about a minute’s thought.

      1. Steve
        January 1, 2019


        “We are governed by people who do not have a clue what they are doing”

        Yep. There seems to be too many people born as late as the 80’s having positions of influence over the destiny of the country. They simply weren’t around when this country was a world leader, so when you try to explain to them what we can achieve they either cry ‘fascist’ or just stand there looking thick.

        In my opinion the referendum should have been age limited to encompass only those who know what hardship is and how to graft a way out of it because they’ve done it before.

        We need to dramatically change social fabric with an emphasis on things like community spirit, survival skills, mend and make do, watching out for each other, how to stay out of debt, etc.

        We had it all, we need to get it back.

        It’s a sad epitaph for what was the world’s most advanced ‘engineering’ nation that most born towards the end of the 20th century don’t know one end of a spanner from the other. Actually they probably don’t know what a spanner is.

        1. rick hamilton
          January 1, 2019

          Well said. The current gang of technological ignoramuses who occupy Westminster cannot, or will not, remember what the UK has lost. In the 1950s we were world leaders in nuclear power and aerospace and we made just about every engineered product we needed in our own factories. Now we can hardly make our own lawnmowers without help from the Germans.

          Our political class threw away our brilliant technical advances in favour of social engineering. If we still had 20% of GDP from manufacturing plus the financial services we now try to live on, how wealthy and self-confident we would be. Perhaps celebrating our landing of a Mars probe instead of agonising about transgender toilets ?

      2. TRP
        January 1, 2019

        Could it be that (some) real engineers knowing about thermodynamics, mechanics, fluid dynamics and the like are presently interested in developing solutions for the “climate-change-that-does-not-exist”, either working on the possibility of of injecting sulfate particles high in the stratosphere (SRM) or of removing carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases from the atmosphere (GGR). There is even a geoengineering program at the U.of Oxford, and some of their solutions might be supported by start-up companies, potentially financed by seed money from VCTs, EISs and similar.
        Unfortunately for the oldies here, these endeavours are peopled by STEM graduates with MSc and PhDs, they are mainly young and might even have voted in the referendum despite their lack of “hardship knowledge”.

        1. CR
          January 1, 2019

          Only second rate scientists enter the climate change field.

        2. libertarian
          January 2, 2019


          WHAT ! Young STEM graduates are developing technology to remove carbon dioxide from our atmosphere ??? Are they evil? Mad? Stupid? Genocidal?

          That confirms just about everything said on this thread, its the most ignorant post I’ve read for ages

          1. TRP
            January 2, 2019

            libertarian: And why is that, please? I am curious to see how far your knowledge of atmospheric physics and adjacent topics is. Thanks a lot in advance.

            CR: but some pretty good ones have entered the field of atmospheric and oceanic physics/chemistry/dynamics.

          2. Edward2
            January 2, 2019

            The project that is Carbon Capture and Storage has spent many millions of other people’s money and is still just an expensive fantasy.

          3. libertarian
            January 5, 2019


            I dont need to know about atmospheric physics.

            Atmospheric carbon dioxide is the primary carbon source for life on Earth. Removing it from the atmosphere would be pretty fatal

    2. Marian Forrest
      January 2, 2019

      If and when we get out of the EU. hopefully we can then address the problem of the BBC.

    January 1, 2019

    Why can’t the British government simply ignore the rulings of the ECJ and create a precedent for other EU member states? Why can’t this happen? What would be the consequences?

    Putin annexes the Crimea and completely circumvents international law and the territorial integrity of another sovereign nation. Punishment? None that I can see. Oh yes, only last month he gets to hold hands with Merkel and Macron. What a farce.

    So let’s simply ignore all ECJ rulings and EC rules. It’s hardly a challenge to the EU to do so. If Putin can behave like a tyrant, annex territory and be rewarded then I am sure we can ignore rulings on fishing, yes fishing.

    This is about political will and the fundamental nature of the governing class.

    A little bit of chaos and the challenging of the status quo in the same manner of Thatcher (1979) is what is required when it all gets a little too cosy and expectant

    1. Mark B
      January 1, 2019

      Why can’t the British government simply ignore the rulings of the ECJ . . .

      Because we are a law abiding country. That is yet another reason I want out of the EU, so that we can make the rules that best fit us.

    2. Sir Joe Soap
      January 1, 2019

      Like Cameron/May should have organised leaving the EU around our priorities, played hard ball with that referendum result until we got what we wanted and they actually WANTED us to Leave, rather than us sticking doggedly to article 50, being nicey-nicey and them being tearful about losing our money.

      Never forget it was the EU turned down Cameron’s reasonable requests.

      1. Alan Jutson
        January 1, 2019


        Yes you would have thought by now that our Politicians should have learn’t that you get nothing from the EU by asking nicely.

        Cameron tried to get something by being friendly and got absolutely nowhere, then confounded his problem by trying to big it up.

        May has also used the same tactics with the EU, got the same result, and is trying to big it up like Cameron again.

        A simply amazing lack of Judgement.

        My Concern is May is dealing with MP’s who seem more easily persuaded, than the General Public, who can spot a wrong un at the drop of a hat.

      2. Lifelogic
        January 1, 2019

        He did not seem to make any serious requests and he clearly gave the impression he was not remotely serious. Why on earth did he accept the worthless thin gruel they offered and try to sell it to the nation? What a total cast iron plonker.

    3. Steve
      January 1, 2019


      “Why can’t the British government simply ignore the rulings of the ECJ”

      Because they’re [governments] either corrupt or a bunch of cowards, usually both.

      1. fedupsoutherner
        January 1, 2019

        Steve. Yes, it almost feels like we have spies amongst us.

    4. jerry
      January 1, 2019

      @Duncan; “If Putin can behave like a tyrant, annex territory and be rewarded then I am sure we can ignore [EU Law]

      This comments not going to be popular at all, but it is based on what I believe to be facts, not partisan East-West politics..

      The Crimea is very complex, the West likes to make noises about Russia circumventing international law but the Crimea was originally a part of Russia, being transferred (under who knows what terms, just its administration or full territorial?) by the Supreme Soviet to the Ukrainian SSR in 1954 – what is more there seems to be some doubt that the Supreme Soviet did so within their powers and why!

      As much as I would love the Ukraine to retain the Crimea there might not actually be any case under international law. Nor is there likely to be any application from native Crimean citizens to the UN declaring their right of self determination (of statehood) under the founding declarations of the UN as the majority of native citizens are of Russian decent.

      1. Mitchel
        January 2, 2019

        Ukraine is a recently manufactured state-an administrative region of the USSR that combined bits of Old Russia,bits of Austrian-Polish Galicia-Volhynia,bits of the Crimean Khanate(one of the successor states of the Mongol Empire)and a bit of Hungary(annexed by the Soviets which Mr Orban would like returned) and probably more besides.A form of Ukrainian identity was promoted by the Hapsburgs in the late 19th century in the western part of Ukraine which was then part of their empire as the lesser of two evils-national identity within the empire to counter the pan-slavism promoted by Russia.

        A back story has been invented for Ukraine which his country promotes for geopolitical reasons.

    5. Mitchel
      January 2, 2019

      As E H Carr,the diplomat,historian and wartime leader writer for The Times wrote:-

      “Morality is a product of power”

  5. Al
    January 1, 2019

    Article 11 and Article 13 (due in May) aren’t exactly good for the digital industry or smaller publishers. The Link tax already failed in Germany, and a similar scheme in the US resulted in smaller creators effectively paying a fee that was then distributed to larger creators, as keeping track of revenues due for distribution to smaller creators repayments was considered too difficult.

    Not surprisingly, larger publishers are in favour of it.

  6. JoolsB
    January 1, 2019

    What concerns me is that even if Brexit goes ahead (and it’s a big if with traitor May and most MPs opposing it) and the UK gets back control of it’s fishing waters, we have a UK Government that is going to immediately repatriate those powers back to the devolved nations to decide their own fishing policies but not England of course who will continue to have their fishing waters determined by MPs from across the whole UK and as we all know, this Tory Government will always sacrifice England’s interests to keep Scotland and the ruk happy. I can see many quarrels ahead with England’s fishermen.

  7. Mark B
    January 1, 2019

    Good morning.

    . . . their remedy threatens to bankrupt some small boat businesses . . .

    This is why big business loves the EU, they can lobby for rules and regulations that best suit them and remove the competition. It can also get the EU to initiate large capital spending projects which governments may have to do and at over inflated prices.

    There is a recent Europeam Court judgement which says that UK payments to secure sufficient electrical power under the capacity scheme are illegal subsidies.

    Unfortunately we signed agreements which clearly neither our Civil Service or MP’s / Government thought through. This is the other side of the coil on the EU, the fines ! The EU creates ever more complex rules in which governments get fined. This is akin to Traffic Wardens going after motorists. They’re so obsessed with it all reason leaves them.

    What is especially galling though, is that we closed down perfectly good power stations only to see the equipment shipped to Germany and allow them to burn their even dirtier coal. This because Chancellor Merkel had another moment of madness and shutdown all their nuclear power stations after Fukushima. The really sad thing is, we will have to build a nuclear power station at way over the odds to replace the ones we have just shut down.

    Talk about lunatics and asylums ;(

    1. Sir Joe Soap
      January 1, 2019

      We really need a better system of doing all those technocratic jobs which the EU took over these past 40 years. I doubt May has even thought about that yet-bringing in real people to make decisions on behalf of the people, not just for big business.

      1. Lifelogic
        January 1, 2019

        Does May ‘think’ much at all?

  8. fedupsoutherner
    January 1, 2019

    If numpty politicians sign up to this WA we will be under the thumb of the EU forever more. By their very actions over so many things they have clearly shown they are not on our side. I believe they only wanted us in their beloved club in the first place so they could plunder some of our best industries and gain unlimited amounts of money from us to fund their precious project. I, and many others who voted leave can see this. We need vision and some radical and bold thinking from our government if we are to move forward and make the best of Brexit and become the country so many of us aspire to be. Keep up the good work John and encourage those who think like you to do the same for the sake of the UK and its future in the world. We CAN do it.

    Happy New Year to all on this site.

  9. Andy
    January 1, 2019

    Yes – staying in would be awful.

    All that extra money would we have – not having to prepare to make ourselves poorer. All those extra rights we would maintain. All those extra freedoms we would keep.


    Fishermen have a shock coming.

    There is an inconvenient truth underlying all of their gripes – fish stocks are limited. And this means fishermen can not just catch what they like.

    The EU’s current system is obviously not ideal.

    The alternative to throwing fish back is to land all caught fish and to stop boats sailing again when their quotas are met.

    Fishermen will soon find out this is not ideal either.

    Indeed, I suspect even more will go bust because of your Brexit as they will suddenly find huge fluctuations in their monthly income, which is never good for small firms.

    Loads of revenue one month – nothing for the next two. Harsh.

    Still it’s up to them. Fishermen voted for Brexit and when they suffer its consequences they’ll get no sympathy.

    Many will soon find that one of the few thing worse than being a fisherman in a grim coastal town is being unemployed in a grim coastal town:

    1. Steve
      January 1, 2019


      “There is an inconvenient truth underlying all of their gripes – fish stocks are limited.”

      and why are they limited, Andy ? could it be because the EU has plundered our waters?

      “Many will soon find that one of the few thing worse than being a fisherman in a grim coastal town is being unemployed in a grim coastal town:”

      I think they already already know this, it’s been the case for decades thanks to traitors in successive governments.

      “Fishermen voted for Brexit and when they suffer its consequences they’ll get no sympathy”

      No, again you are in a minority. The vast majority fully sympathise with them.

      Inversely, anyone who voted against our sovereignty and independence will suffer consequences if they’re allowed to overturn the will of the majority. Be careful what you wish for.

      1. Fedupsoutherner
        January 1, 2019

        Steve, got it in one

        1. rose
          January 1, 2019

          This voting to be poorer is also absurd because no-one, not even Andy, knows whether we will be better off or not. And if we are better off or worse off, no-one will know whether Brexit was the reason. The economy is like that. You can’t make honest predictions. The thing remainiacs won’t grasp is that Brexiteers didn’t vote to make themselves richer: they voted for independence, including a lot of farmers who knew they would lose the “EU grants”.

      2. Alastair McIntyre
        January 1, 2019

        One of our top fisheries experts, an ex Lossiemouth fishing captain wrote a book about his own fishing community. David Thomson has worked on fisheries in some 60 countries of the world for the UN so he knows more than most.

        Read chapter 1 of his unpublished book “Our Fishing Heritage” It will be a great education for you.

    2. Roy Grainger
      January 1, 2019

      Andy thinks our costal towns are grim – the true voice of the sneering Southern middle-class elitist.

      1. fedupsoutherner
        January 1, 2019

        Roy. I can remember a time when our coastal fishing towns were booming. There was much going on all the time. The harbours were full of boats coming and going. All this has been stripped away and what is left is high unemployment and a town with no hope. Andy is too young to understand what we have lost. If he weren’t so busy pensioner bashing he might have time to do a bit of research.

        1. Andy
          January 1, 2019

          Our coastal towns are mostly grim. It is a statement of fact.

          And the question is who to blame. You two blame Brussels and globalisation.

          I blame the people who live in the grim towns, their local councils and Westminster.

          I am perfectly content that your Brexit will make things worse for most coastal communities.

          This doesn’t bother me. I don’t live in them and I only visit the nice ones.

          But it sure as hell will bother the people who live there who have been so grossly misled by you Brexiteers.

          I’m afraid you are going to quickly learn that nostalgia does not make good policy.

          1. Steve
            January 1, 2019


            “I blame the people who live in the grim towns”

            I think you should go to one of those grim towns and shout your mouth off.

          2. Penny
            January 1, 2019

            Oh, for God’s sake, give it a bloody rest.

          3. Fedupsoutherner
            January 1, 2019

            Andy, I didn’t think it possible you could be one more nasty but you’ve excelled yourself today. You must be so proud.

        2. Steve
          January 1, 2019


          ‘If he weren’t so busy pensioner bashing…”

          And he probably does that hiding behind his comp, you know the type.

          Perfect job for Andy when we get free of the EU…..ship’s boy on an Arctic trawler, somewhere not too hot. We could even give him a nice wooly green jumper to wear. Actually green’s a bit unfair.

    3. Al
      January 2, 2019

      Andy, perhaps you should consider that fishermen may have voted for Brexit because they were already receiving no sympathy from the EU and its advocates. Had they received support, they may not have been so keen to leave.

      While Brexit may mean they “have a shock coming” as you say, it will only be one of the series of nasty shocks they have suffered from EU rulings during Britain’s membership of the EU. Many will be hoping that voting for Brexit means it will be the last.

      1. margaret howard
        January 2, 2019


        “Andy, perhaps you should consider that fishermen may have voted for Brexit because they were already receiving no sympathy from the EU and its advocates. Had they received support, they may not have been so keen to leave.”

        That’s because when fishing quotas were handed out many of our fishermen chose to sell theirs for a quick profit irrespective of the long term consequences. Many were bought by the Spanish for instance.

        If you sell your house do you expect any help when you decide you have made a mistake and want it back?

        1. Al
          January 4, 2019


          I used to live in a fishing town. Sorry, that’s a very Remain perception of it. The fishermen see it as being forced out.

          Quotas were sold after quota-tightening and over-fishing (due to the quotas being set by political concerns not environmental) made it uneconomic for many boats to operate. Less than 5% of the EU quota was assigned to ‘small’ boats, but those made up the majority of Britain’s fishing fleet.

          These quotas were often sold from individual fishermen, who had not been assigned enough to make their boat profitable, to overseas companies who could aggregate the quotas – the capital wasn’t there in the UK for the small ship owners (largely casual workers) to do it themselves.

          In 1988 the government passed a law banning this, which was quashed by the EU courts as blocking free movement of capital. There was an EU scrappage scheme, but that wasn’t available in the UK – a purely British daft decision.

          The Independent said it best: “The suspicion is that the Government is no longer in the fish market for the kind of practical solutions that might help British fishermen.” Unfortunately it is a certainty the EU isn’t as its policies in this area, like many others, are again designed to support larger ships at the cost of small businesses.

  10. Bryan Harris
    January 1, 2019

    The EU will ruin us if we remain but it’s important to advertise the upcoming treats the EU has in store for us… and none of them will be good….

    I think an ideal way to announce these nasty treats would be from the floor of the House … but it would be nice if the media worked for us in this respect and made them known
    Again, the BBC fails us.

  11. Peter D Gardner
    January 1, 2019

    All true and very dire but it is very hard to see Mrs May’s government doing anything about it. In fact it is hard to see what Mrs May has negotiated on behalf of UK at all over the last two years, apart from citizens’ rights and even that was simply a mutual deal for UK and EU 27 citizens, a principle which would have taken all of ten minutes to agree. The fishing and EEZ issues have been postponed until the end of the transition period, if it does in fact end.
    There is no sign that the Government is even aware of its responsibilities under UNCLOS, responsibilities UK has never had before in its history. Fulfilling them will require significant resources and development of an effective strategy and complete set of rules covering the marine environment, its protection, conservation and exploitation, negotiating fair access to other nation states and so on and capabilities to enforce the UK’s rules. Where are the plans for a proper maritime force for fishery protection? Does the Government think those nice French fisherman will simply do as they are told rather than continue their usual practice of cutting opponents’ (that’s the Brits, in case Mrs May hasn’t woken up) nets and ramming their boats? Or does the government simply intend to accede to every demand the French and EU will make? It seems Mrs May regards the UK’s EEZ as a joint asset to be shared with the EU, with no special treatment for UK. It isn’t. UNCLOS is very clear. It UK’s alone and UK is responsible for every aspect of it.
    One despairs. UK would be better off with no government rather than Mrs May’s. Everything it does is wrong for UK and good for our competitors, especially the EU.

    1. Steve
      January 1, 2019

      Peter D Gardner

      “All true and very dire but it is very hard to see Mrs May’s government doing anything about it.”

      Bunch of spineless sissies.

      “UK would be better off with no government rather than Mrs May’s.”

      That is a distinct possibility.

  12. acorn
    January 1, 2019

    More misplaced EU bashing as usual. The Demersal Landing Obligation (DLO) has been phased in by DEFRA since 2015-16, implementation will be complete 2019. Why does DEFRA allow its fishing quota to be traded, such that three EU multinational fish producers have bought up two-thirds of UK issued quotas? The Dutch ship Cornelis Vrolijk, registered in Caterham, owns 23% of the entire UK quota. UK “Slipper skippers” sold their quotas to the highest bidder.

    More Brexit Bu****it. Tempus Energy (Australian I think) took the UK to the ECJ because it alledged that the UK electric capacity market is heavily biased to paying old coal and nuke generators a £6 billion pension, in a market that isn’t exactly short of capacity. Tempus won and the EU Commission got told off for a poor original state aid investigation.

    1. Sir Joe Soap
      January 1, 2019

      No. Back to basics.
      Fishing. Look at the fundamental question of why the EU should have any say at all in the fundamental property rights of the sea in the territorial UK, any more than it should do of the land.
      Power. Again, why shouldn’t the UK government organise its power supplies as it sees fit?
      Democracy. I agree, however, that the EU is attempting to bridge a democratic deficit in the UK which it itself has encouraged, and which leads to some crazy anomalies (e.g. Seaborne Freight with no explanation of how and why!!!), and needs correcting along the lines of Swiss direct democracy. That should go hand in hand with leaving the EU. Leaving the undemocratic EU alone will only be half a job done.

      1. acorn
        January 1, 2019

        Nothing much will change in fishing post Brexit. The UN Convention on the Law of the Sea will be prominent. Which is why it has been mostly left out of the Brexit negotiation and M Gove told to stop making promises he can’t keep.

        Power privatisation is such a false market it isn’t capable of sending price signals to encourage capacity building. They are trying to control the “supply side” when it’s the “demand side” solutions that are not getting a look in. That was the Tempus case at the ECJ.

    2. David Price
      January 1, 2019

      Tempus which brought the action in the ECJ is a UK DSR (Demand Side Response) operator that makes a buck on commercial consumers being more flexible when they actually use energy. Clearly a blanket backup provision disrupts their business model and couldn’t be allowed to continue despite their win in the ECJ threatening a loss of backup for grid supply at peak demand such as domestic heating by non-commercial customers.

      And yet the EU does not disrupt the nationalised operators in France in a similar fashion, it all seems very one sided to me.

      1. acorn
        January 1, 2019

        Domestic heating is by a large margin Gas in the UK, it is not a “darkness peak” demand electric problem. The controls and the circulating pump being circa 120 watts for a gas boiler.

        What is likely to need some thinking about in future is Electric Vehicle charging during the darkness peak. There is going to be a need to shed demand at various low-frequency points and/or voltage drops or swings.

        1. David Price
          January 2, 2019

          Some do have to use electric heating and that may become the major approach given HMGs dogma. In any case the peak demand is around 6pm when people boil a kettle and cook the evening meal. The ECJ should never have been allowed to interfere in what was an issue of energy security and their action has potentially put lives in danger, all because one company wanted to preserve it’s market opportunity and the EU wanted to flex its muscles over the UK.

          One answer to EV charge load is V2G if only HMG can be blocked from interfering with workplace charging, which potentially turns the problem into a component of a general solution to load balancing.

  13. margaret howard
    January 1, 2019

    Grabbing at straws?

    1. Beecee
      January 1, 2019

      Biodegradable, of course

  14. Steve
    January 1, 2019

    Good morning and happy new year Mr Redwood.

    Very relevant topic.

    It was said that the EU were holding back on new anti-British laws, now we are seeing the speculations coming to truth.

    Fisheries is a fine example, then again Macron did pompously declare that french access (read; control) to UK waters was paramount.

    The only way forward on this issue and all others is simply to vote down the WA, kick all foreign vessels out of our waters, and just leave the EU.

    It’s a joke, we can’t even defend our island against rubber dinghies carrying illegals deliberately aided and abetted by the french, let alone secure our fishing grounds.

    And two fingers need to be given to the European Courts, they have no jurisdiction here as we are a sovereign island.

    I find it grossly insulting that a bunch of french and belgian walloon pomps tell us what to do especially given the fact that they owe their existence to the UK. Cheeky ungrateful sods.

  15. Adam
    January 1, 2019

    Staying within the EU swamp would be grim.
    We’ll be better with a clean fresh restart as a normal self-governing nation.

  16. Denis Cooper
    January 1, 2019

    But there has been another recent EU court decision, JR, which told us in more general terms what staying in the EU would mean, as pointed out in a letter printed in our local newspaper on December 20th under the heading:

    “Explicit goal of EU is an ever closer union”

    “A reader proposes that we should have a second EU referendum, in which the choice would be to either leave the EU with no deal or revoke the Article 50 notice and stay in.

    (Viewpoint, December 13, “Ask voters if they want no deal or no Brexit”)

    In that event I hope the government leaflet would explain to voters that we only have the right to revoke the notice because the judges on the EU’s supreme court considered that interpretation of Article 50 would most effectively promote the EU’s process of ‘ever closer union’.

    Paragraphs 61 and 67 of their decision both have explicit statements that the purpose of the EU treaties is the creation of an ‘ever closer union’ which, by the 1950 Schuman Declaration, should eventually lead to the legal subordination of our country in a
    pan-European federation.

    Therefore, anybody who is part of the great majority of UK citizens who do not want that to happen would be best advised to vote against continued EU membership.

    The leading reason that the EU judges gave for allowing the UK to unilaterally revoke the Article 50 notice is also the leading reason why we should not do so.”

    Those telling paragraphs can be read here:

    and note that 61 does not say “one purpose” or even “their primary purpose” but simply “their purpose”, that is to say their only purpose:

    “… those treaties have as their purpose the creation of an ever closer union … ”

    Tories like Theresa May have been lying through their teeth about this for decades.

  17. Shieldsman
    January 1, 2019

    The EU has its rules and the recent European Court judgement which says that UK payments to secure sufficient electrical power under the capacity scheme are illegal subsidies is one.
    Its application in simple terms is lopsided.
    Germany to provide 24/7 electricity has replaced its nuclear plants with new coal (dirty lignite) fired power stations. These are run in parallel with its subsidised wind and solar generation.
    The failing of the EU is that some Countries bend the rules and get away with it.
    The UK is too honest for this cabal.

    1. GilesB
      January 1, 2019

      Totally correct.

      In the U.K. courts are judicial organisations that apply the law as enacted by Parliament. Occasionally the law is not clear and the courts have to use judgement in order to interpret and apply the law.

      The CJEU is not at all the same. The CJEU is a political organisation. It is the central driving force of the manifesto to realise ‘ever close union’. All of its rulings are to that end. Nothing at all for regard of the law as passed by the European Parliament and the Council of Ministers.

      That the CJEU should adjudicate on the withdrawal agreement is utterly absurd. It will always decide what is best for ‘ever closer union’, not what is best for the dignity, livelihood, or freedom of the people of Europe, let alone give any consideration at all to the words in the withdrawal agreement.

  18. Agricola
    January 1, 2019

    If you and sufficient colleagues vote down the WA. ,what options does T May have for thwarting democracy. I am aware that she is able to can kick it, but for how long. I would argue that in so doing she will do irreparable damage to the Conservative party support it has in the country. My own MP is a remain minister, no doubt of sincere views, but he is working against the democratic vote of the people. He has therefore lost my vote in any future election. Because the alternatives are so appalling I have in effect been disenfranchised. It is time we had the offer of a true Conservative party. I can see all the dangers of a split, but how long do we have to keep supporting a party which is a lie unto itself. May and 200 of her supporters should really be part of the misnamed Liberal Democrats as both are in fact neither liberal nor democratic. They are well matched. There are do not forget over 4 million people who voted UKIP out there awaiting a sensible home. The 100 true conservatives you have in parliament grossly under represent the vast conservative support you have among the electorate, not for the party as it is but for the philosophy of true conservatism. Give it some thought.

    1. Original Richard
      January 1, 2019

      By constituency leave won 64:36 and hence there should be no problem with a true Brexit passing through Parliament whether it is via the referendum result or via representative democracy.

      No leaver should ever again vote again for a remain supporting MP.

      There are hundreds of remain supporting MPs in the Conservative Party, many put in place by CCHQ who are not representative of their constituencies and who until now have been able to hide their real pro-EU beliefs.

      For leave supporting Conservative voters to continue voting for these candidates expecting them to represent their views in Parliament is the very definition of insanity.

  19. Newmania
    January 1, 2019

    The total UK catch is under a £1Billion ( you may check Government figures on that … ).
    It is a tough and traditional lifestyle , as was coal mining , which John Redwood was happy to see destroyed leaving ghost towns in the valleys of Wales and elsewhere.
    How many times has he mentioned Banking , which is relocating to Frankfurt right now , how often Insurance , which you will see hitting market turbulence in the New Year. Why does he not care about all the high tech and creative industries he has threaten and all the families that will be affected.
    I don`t get up in the morning worrying about anyone else but me and mine so why would you expect better from politicians .For some reason I do; stupid really

    Reply More abuse of me and the facts. I helped the miners of Tower Colliery take over their pit and prevent closure!

    1. Richard1
      January 1, 2019

      Banking is not moving to frankfurt. (We first heard that this would happen incidentally in the early 90s when the euro was planned and the ECB was to be located in frankfurt). The EU, absurdly, seems to be trying to say that financial services can only be provided by EU residents, and they don’t want any imports of financial services from outside the EU. They better hope other govts around the world don’t take up the same idea – the US eg. I suspect this piece of protectionist folly will be quitely forgotten in a year or two once a few dozen token managers have announced their formal relocation.

    2. sm
      January 1, 2019

      Oh the old ones are the good ones, I see, regarding pit closures. For your information, Newmania, 160 mines closed during Mrs T’s term of office, a rate of just over 14 pa.

      Before that, during Harold Wilson’s 8 years as PM, 290 pits closed, a rate of 36pa.

    3. Newmania
      January 1, 2019

      The Tower Colliery is nonetheless closed . Total employment in coal mining is about 2000, down form a quarter of a million in the 70s, the history is well known . The endlessly prioritised Fishing Industry employs in total about 12,ooo.
      The relatively ignored insurance industry is the largest contributor to the exchequer of any sector within the country and employs ten times as many people after a brutal shake out .
      Why are some jobs , like fishing , vital National concerns and others , like banking Insurance and many more , expendable ? That my point .

      1. Steve
        January 1, 2019


        “Why are some jobs , like fishing , vital National concerns”

        Do you really need to ask ?

      2. David Price
        January 2, 2019

        Why is finance viewed with less esteem?

        A fisherman puts food on my table at some risk to himself. The finance industry takes money from my wallet that would pay for that food where the only risk is to the taxpayer.

        Perhaps a little unfair to some sectors but tell me what value does a day trader provide to the local economy, or an M&A professional when moving a viable business offshore. Does an insurance company really offer 10%+ more value each year at a time of 2% inflation?

        Perhaps the finance sector needs to become far more supportive of the economy that they live in and depend on for protection than they have been. Or perhaps we should start being more strict with transgressors and incompetents and not simply bail them out.

    4. Steve
      January 1, 2019


      “I don`t get up in the morning worrying about anyone else but me and mine”

      Yeah, that figures.

    5. libertarian
      January 6, 2019


      The VALUE of the Sea Fish industry is £10 billion , you can check the official site for that ( hint it includes more than just the fish caught)

      No one has moved to Frankfurt in any number ( by the way a few that have been relocated actually still live in London and commute as they refused to move)

      The Labour government of Harold Wilson closed most of the coal mines and Scargill did for the rest

      The bulk of the Insurance market is domestic and therefor Brexit has very little impact apart from a couple of the large multinationals . To answer your question , the UK and the City is the number one financial centre in the world and is worth vastly more than all EU countries combined. Vacancies in the city have RISEN 13% in the last year

      Financial Services ( banking, hedge funds, share traders, private equity, pension funds & insurance etc ) contribute 11% of government revenue

  20. Den
    January 1, 2019

    A common flaw with the argument of Remainers is that they always declare economic armageddon, doom and gloom will descend upon us if we LEAVE the EU. NEVER do they explain the benefits of paying the Brussels cabal £12 Billions in Net Funding to become their Best Customer, with a massive £80 Billions Trade Deficit, who provides, FOR FREE, the services of our Police Intelligence and OUR World Class Security Network in MI5, MI6 AND GCHQ. These among the other contributions we make in cash and expertise to their numerous adventurous Projects.
    John’s posting today, displays just one reason why the Die-Hard Remainers are so silent. And who can blame them?

    1. margaret howard
      January 1, 2019


      ” who provides, FOR FREE, the services of our Police Intelligence and OUR World Class Security Network in MI5, MI6 AND GCHQ.”

      I wonder how many of our European partners will want to avail themselves of their services after the recent Gatwick airport ‘drone attack’ fiasco have made us the laughing stock of the world.

      Cost of UK EU membership per person per day – 37p.

      Benefit of UK EU membership per person per day – £3.35.

      1. Caterpillar
        January 1, 2019


        Whilst there are reasons to doubt such calculations, accepting the numbers as you present is shocking. To think that people would sell out democracy for £2.98 a day. To consider democracy as worth less than 23 minutes each day at minimum wage is truly appalling.

      2. Fedupsoutherner
        January 1, 2019

        Margaret. So you don’t want to acknowledge the terror attacks our security forces intercept on a regular basis then, keeping us all safe? Why do you always want to run down every thing about your own country? Cant you see anything positive? What a sad lady you have become.

        1. David Price
          January 2, 2019

          My impression is that Margaret, Andy and others view the EU as there “country”.

          Their level of EU nationalism is so high that they refuse to accept that it has any imperfections and so must create failings of the UK to distract and divert.

      3. libertarian
        January 6, 2019

        margaret howard

        I think you’ll probably find that the French, Dutch, Belgians and Swedes were too busy dealing with the ongoing riots and demonstrations in their countries to overly worry about the incompetence of Sussex Police

  21. Mr Ison
    January 1, 2019

    Seek Asylum in the South of France as a Civil Servant with a lumper?

  22. The PrangWizard
    January 1, 2019

    As much as we should indeed worry about the EU’s malign influence we must keep our eye on our own government’s deceits. We have no doubt heard that the single Border cutter in the English Channel is to be supplemented by two more. These cutters are operated by the Border Force. It’s the word force which prompted my thoughts.

    The police were once a ‘force’ but is has been redesignated a ‘service’, so as not to frighten the citizen no doubt. The deceit is that this so called service is actively seeking out individuals and will come down with great force on them if they merely say something which may have upset some minority or another, and heavier still if the ‘victim’ deems the offence was racial.

    Yet the Border Force which should defend our border and turn people away when required is providing a taxi service to illegal immigrants – The Times says that all those picked in the Channel will be landed in England. Why? It is clear what is going on.

    How many get sent back? One suspects in the climate promoted by such sympathetic action any sob story will be believed so the ‘enforcers’ can avoid the trouble of sending them back. Why pretend? Why not have a special line at airports and ports for illegals so they can be ushered through? If we had a land border with France would the Border Force help illegals climb over the fence? It would seem so.

    Government uses words to deceive. Government oppresses many who are guilty of nothing more than speaking out of turn, or in defence of their historic values, yet encourages those who have no right or justification to come here illegally.

    There is something heartily sick at the heart of our administration.

  23. Newmania
    January 1, 2019

    Banks have European accounts they cannot service and expand from the Uk. Most of those operating in London already have an onshore presence if not a parent company (on shore in the EU I mean). The work of moving income streams and employment has been going on for the last two years . I know one or two examples whch I am told are typical where the total loss to London is about 10 % of staff
    This is already a fact so your point of view is about as much use as pair of tissue paper swimming trunks .

    1. Steve
      January 1, 2019


      and yours as useful as a cardboard bath seat.

    2. Richard1
      January 1, 2019

      Is the EU going to ban US-based bankers from servicing EU clients? Has anyone explained this plan to President Trump yet?

    3. libertarian
      January 6, 2019


      Total bull

      Banks have had operations in the European countries for years. I know I set quite a few of them up !! If you had the first idea about banking operations you wouldn’t post such total drivel

      Less than 5,000 job posts have been moved IN TOTAL . That is a fairly normal number in general business terms

      Meanwhile City vacancies are UP 13%

      You wouldn’t know a fact if it hit you in the face

  24. Sakara Gold
    January 1, 2019

    This country has an abundance of absolutely free solar, wind and wave power. Having built the renewable energy harvesting systems and the distribution infrastructure, all we need now is the energy storage facilities to be completely self-sufficient, along with a couple of modern nuclear plants to provide baseloads.

    Of course, the big (foreign owned) energy companies dislike renewables because they are heavily invested in carbon-burning generation plant and have grown fat by ripping off British consumers. Climate change deniers are dinosaurs incapable of understanding the science. Trump has just removed environmental protection legislation that prevents mercury vapour from escaping coal-fired power plants; doubtless he wants children unfortunate enough to live downwind to grow up brain damaged so they will vote for him when they are old enough to

  25. Ronald Olden
    January 1, 2019

    UK Fishing waters are a UK resource there for the benefit of the whole UK.

    Licences to use UK fishing waters should be auctioned off periodically to the highest bidder, not given away below value to anyone who happens to live in, or move to, the locality and decides to take up fishing.

    We wouldn’t, for example, give all the rights to extract oil and gas from British waters, to the locals living in Aberdeen or the Shetland Islands or, give fracking rights to the locals where there’s oil or gas in the rocks.

    Rights like this are UK Crown assets and they are there for the Crown to sell for the common good, or to trade off wholly, or in part, in exchange for other things we want.

    The European Court ruling stopping the UK Government wasting £1 Billion a year on subsidising ‘back up’ generating capacity, (the Capacity Market Scheme), is CORRECT.

    It IS State Aid and is a waste of UK Taxpayers money. It also illustrates the pack of lies that the ‘Green Lobby’ in this country make out about the cost of wind, wave, and solar power.

    If the wind, wave and solar power, still has to be ‘backed up’ by building conventional and nuclear power stations to replicate every watt of capacity, but most of the time lie idle, the cost is WHOLLY and directly a cost of the so called ‘renewable’ generating capacity.

    By saddling our businesses with dearer power all we do is force the energy intensive manufacturing and agriculture abroad (e.g. China) where the environmental effect is even worse than our own conventional power.

    Or if we carry on subsidising it we simply waste £1 Billion a year of our own money.

    MPs’ obsession with promoting this ‘Green Power’ is simultaneously vandalising the global environment and promoting economic suicide.

  26. Mr Ison
    January 1, 2019

    Reduction of energy baseloads via MoDular Eco-Geo-Dome-Homes is theoretically a winner, Calcium based energy storage would be a good thing too as we are not short of chalk and quite poor in Lithium.
    Pre-charged electrolyte would be good for petrol stations but is it feasible?
    Bicycle towns and villages or communes if socialism is your thing with bike paths perhaps heated by surplus turbine power either as a natural by product of cables buried under such paths or as a resistance circuit off of the LED lighting could play a part and with the frost free conditions our fruit tree lined cycleways could harbour slightly tender species.
    Ultimately with turbines one could supply electricity gratis to residential properties that opt in, a sort of baseline human right in a GB where our ingenuity triumphs and reigns supreme over lesser foreign idiosyncrasies.

    Investment in GB is a welcome thing after some time where infestment of UK was the norm.

  27. George Brooks
    January 1, 2019

    Those two examples of rule changes are only the tip of the iceberg illustrating how the EU wants to crush the life out of this country. The WA has to be thrown out of the HoC and any MP that supports it, cannot have any regard for the future of the UK.

    Between Christmas and the New Year the blackmail started with the suggestion that it was either a vote for the WA or Brexit being cancelled altogether. That tack has been pulled being regarded, no doubt, as far too strong only to be replaced with the PM stating in her NY address that the referendum was divisive but this could be repaired with a vote for the WA.

    Utter rubbish, as it is the ardent remainers who will not accept the result under any circumstance who are causing the division plus a total lack of leadership from the PM who has also made a complete ‘Horlicks’ of the negotiations from the minute she became directly involved.

    Nobody with any commercial experience would sign an agreement worded like the WA and neither should any MP whether they are for or against the June 2016 result as it strips away all our rebates and opt-outs and denies our involvement in the formation of any future rules.

    We must get clear of the EU by March 30 whatever happens

    1. DUNCAN
      January 1, 2019

      ‘referendum was divisive but this could be repaired with a vote for the WA.’

      or in normal parlance. The people should never be consulted (EU referendum) again on issues like this and that in future such issues will be determined by MPs in Parliament so that the PM is able to manipulate, control and determine the outcome.

      Politicians hate referenda as they can’t control the outcome – the power flows from the political class to the person in the street.

      Politics is about power and control. It’s never been about democracy

      I despise the modern politician like May. Anti-democratic, power-crazed and utterly immoral. This politician and her ilk (Blair, Mandelson, Grieve, Corbyn etal)…represent the death of direct democracy

      If the WA is vote through then I can only hope that all democrats vote for parties other than the Tories and Labour

      1. Newmania
        January 1, 2019

        Dictators love referendums , for example Adolf Hitler who used a referendum to create the position of Fuhrer and to ignore the Versailles treaty . Napoleon also used a plebiscite to create a dictatorship foreshadowing many examples of power grabs employing direct ”democracy”
        The first referendums was the rolling referendum of Athenian direct democracy and it was immediately apparent that a good orator could often persuade a crowd to support the most bellicose and expensive folly imaginable , whatever the experts ( ie noble families and Generals ) might say.
        The British constitution did not spring from this idea of ” democracy” at all it has a quite separate development

        1. libertarian
          January 6, 2019


          The richest, healthiest, wealthiest country on the planet makes extensive use of referendums

          Anyhow as you object to them so much I guess you won’t be pushing for a “peoples vote”

      2. CR
        January 1, 2019

        If the WA is voted through then we’re done with voting. It will be interesting to see what comes next.

    2. Steve
      January 1, 2019

      George Brooks

      “We must get clear of the EU by March 30 whatever happens”

      George, it’s 29th.

      If those in government have an ounce of common sense they will take us out of the EU and be throwing the WA in the bin.

      I’m not sure if it’s sunk in to their heads or they’re just being typically arrogant, but if they fail to deliver on either there will be awful consequences.

      I’m of the view that Theresa May really needs to come clean now and state her intentions. She will be judged very harshly if she tries any ‘well its too late now’ nasty surprises. I actually think she would have to get out of the country quite honestly. The British people will be after blood if Mrs May isn’t careful.

      Potential scenario;

      Collapse of government.
      Corbyn calls general election.
      General election boycotted.
      Conservatives forced to disband as a political party, with most running for their lives.
      UKIP vanished into thin air, surprise surprise.
      Mass civil unrest, much of the civil service targeted.
      Disobedience to any EU derived law, or perceived anti-people law.
      Millions marching on Westminster, and it won’t be peaceful.

      Do these goons really think the British people will let them get away with it ? let’s hope not.

  28. Original Richard
    January 1, 2019

    Whatever damage the EU can do to the UK when it is outside of the EU it is nothing compared to the damage the EU can do the UK when inside the EU and thus subject to all the directives, rules and regulations covering taxation, trade, budgetary contributions, immigration, welfare, energy, fishing, agricultural, environmental and foreign policies etc. all decided by persons we do not know, who do not care for the wellbeing of the UK and its peoples, and whom we did not elect and cannot remove.

    To know what staying in the EU will be like, note what Mrs. Merkel said at the Konrad Adenauer Foundation in Berlin 21/11/2018 :

    “Sovereign nation states must not listen to the will of their citizens when it comes to questions of immigration, borders, or even sovereignty.”

    1. margaret howard
      January 1, 2019


      Brexiters like you obviously don’t know that we were called the ‘Sick man of Europe’ and were on the verge of collapse before we begged to join the EU.

      Industry was collapsing, interest rates were spiralling and inflation was rampant. We had food, fuel and power shortages and a steadily growing balance of payments deficit.

      The common market had to pump in 25% of its regional development funds to stabilise Britain, the highest ever figure

      Membership turned us into the world’s 5th largest economy, since Brexit alas already reduced to 7th place. This is only the beginning unless we:


      1. Edward2
        January 3, 2019

        You keep repeating this post Margaret and I keep explaining it is nonsense.

        The UK has contributed to the EU far more than it received for every year of membership bar one.
        The improvement in the UK was due to a roll back of socialism brought about by Lady Thatcher’s governments.
        The EU just got in the way.
        Other major non EU nations have enjoyed a similar improvement in standards of living whilst some nations in the EU have gone backwards.

      2. libertarian
        January 6, 2019

        margaret howard

        I guess you keep telling youself this lie as you can’t think of a reason to be in the EU. oh apart from Danish Pastries and French Bistros

        The UK is still 5th, France is 7th having been overtaken by India

    2. Mitchel
      January 2, 2019

      Interesting forum to make that comment given that Adenauer would never have wanted the re-unification of Germany,loathing the Eastern parts as semi-asiatic and barbarian(a view he held before WWII).

  29. Alastair McIntyre
    January 1, 2019

    I think there is a lack of courage in Britain today. We don’t seem to have any confidence that we can do well outside the EU and frankly anyone buying into the fear stories are at best idiots or have another agenda.

    I mean look at all the fear stories they came out with when we had the referendum…. all of them were fake news and in 2018 we had the best year we’ve had for many a long year.

    I can see that CANZUK all want to do a great free trade deal with us. There are elections in Canada this year and it’s possible that the conservatives will win this time around. They recently voted by 98% for a CANZUK free trade deal with free movement between all 4 countries.

    The Commonwealth is actually the largest trading block in the world and as we are a member surely we can do great new deals with them as well. And that alone will make Britain more prosperous. And that’s me deliberately ignoring what we might be able to do with the USA and China.

    It’s always been my view that Donald Trump has been holding back until he sees how Britain will leave the EU and I forecast if we just leave with no deal then watch out for him starting to impose higher tariffs on the EU and doing a great deal with us.

    Africa has a greet deal of potential and many of the leading countries are in the Commonwealth. I am certain we can reduce the cost of food coming into Britain once we have control of our own tariffs and that has to improve the standard of living for the poorest in our society.

    Hopefully we will vote down this withdrawal agreement and thus keep our money and enable us to go out into the world again as a true independent country.

    Wishing you all a Happy New Year.

    An Old Scots Toast

    May the best ye’ve ever seen
    Be the worst ye’ll ever see,
    May a moose ne’re leave yer girnal
    Wi’ a tear drap in his e’e,
    May ye aye keep hale and he’rty
    Till ye’re auld enough tae dee,
    May ye aye be juist as happy
    As I wish ye aye tae be.

  30. Original Richard
    January 1, 2019

    How can we possibly know what staying in the EU will be like as we would be ruled by people we do not know, who have no interest in the wellbeing of the UK and its peoples, for whom we did not vote and cannot remove.

    Membership of the EU is a mystery ride where we will have no idea of what may be coming next.

    How daft is that ?

  31. Mr Ison
    January 1, 2019

    Aye,it’s unfortunate that the last PM of the UK was an attention seeking rag-peddler but pay no heed to them as we are GB and we’ll be the ones who have to do better!

  32. Andy
    January 1, 2019

    I see the London New Year fireworks have caused anger among Brexiteers. This is because some of the fireworks were blue and yellow – like the EU flag.

    Andrew Bridgen – presumably a man of well hidden talents – has been complaining to The Sun about this being un-democratic.

    Un-democratic blue fireworks. Seriously. When did our politics reach such a state of parody?

    1. DUNCAN
      January 1, 2019

      We’re not Brexiteers, we’re democrats. We believe in democratic institutions that are strong enough to allow each and every voter to hold to account a political class that is determined to destroy that accountability

      Pro EU voters need to understand one thing. The more EU we have the less accountability there is. is that what you want? A political class that is out of control to the extent that they have decided to challenge the result of a democratic vote

      Wake up before it’s too late. The British people are being robbed of their democratic heritage.

      If this was Australia or the US there’d be rioting on the streets

    2. libertarian
      January 6, 2019


      Been to France recently ?

  33. Sheelagh Frankland
    January 1, 2019

    If her deal is so innocent, why does she keep pushing this deal. 99% of us can see if we are half in and half out- we are NOT leaving.
    Why is she insisting she is carrying out the wish of the Referendum?

    1. Al
      January 2, 2019

      If it was a good deal, it would sell itself.

      As she is having to push it, it probably isn’t.

      1. rose
        January 3, 2019

        It isn’t even a deal. She hasn’t started on that yet. It is just a ransom note.

  34. Ian Pennell
    January 2, 2019

    Dear Sir John Redwood.

    Happy New Year and I do hope that in 2019 the tide will be turned on the Remainers in all areas of public life who seem to have got the upper hand. I fear (greatly) that we will remain trapped inside the European Union (certainly in all other aspects than in name), and have to put up with all that this means for Britain:

    1) EU countries taking 80% of our fish.
    2) Continuing to pay into EU coffers (at increased rates)
    3) Continuing to accept the jurisdiction of the ECJ
    and possibly
    4) Having no Vote, Voice or Veto against EU laws/ regulations dis-advantageous to the UK. One thinks of stuff like a big Financial Transaction Tax on the City.

    Far from Britain leaving the EU on WTO “No Deal” terms on 29th March we are now looking at a Second Referendum as the most likely outcome- with the date Britain officially leaves the EU being delayed until July 2019. The key date is not Theresa May’s Withdrawal Agreement (likely to be voted down)- but as soon as the House of Commons returns- where on 8th January Dominic Grieve, Nick Boles, Anna Soubry team up with Labour and the SNP to vote through an Amendment to the Finance Bill to stop the allocation of taxes to prepare for a “No Deal” Brexit, to stop the Government collecting Income Tax and Corporation Tax- unless they pass a Deal through Parliament and make plans for a second Referendum!

    This grubby little Amendment to the finance Bill- aimed at derailing Brexit is certain to pass given most MPs are Remainers who greatly fear a “No Deal” Brexit (planned or otherwise). Assuming this nasty Amendment passes the Government will not be able to prepare for a “No Deal” Brexit nor be able to get a majority of MPs in parliament to vote for it- such is the hatred of the idea among almost all Left Wing MPs (the Right Hon. Kate Hoey is the one exception) and about 25 Tory Remainers! Even if Dominic Grieve et. al. are defeated on 8th January, the Remainers plan to table other Nasty Amendments to prevent Britain leaving with a managed WTO “No Deal” on 29th March- and I’m sure the Very Remainer John Bercow will approve those very Nasty Amendments above all else!

    Brexit is stuffed- unless we get a Brexiteer leading the Conservatives- who is prepared to dissolve Parliament and de-select Remainer Tory MPs. Theresa May is not strong enough to resist, she will capitulate and go along with the Remainer Majority. Voting with Labour in a “No Confidence” motion is the only way to get rid of Theresa May as Prime Minister before it is too late and the option of a General Election really is closed off to your Party by Labour 20% ahead in the polls (due to perceived Tory Brexit Betrayal combined with further government incompetence).

    I am shocked that neither you, Sir- nor your Brexit supporting colleagues in the ERG have woken up to the seriousness of what Remainer MPs are plotting, nor appear to be willing to take the drastic steps needed to forestall this Anti-Brexit sabotage. I would be very happy for you Sir to start making some very big waves- and (in collaboration with your ERG colleagues) directly confront the likes of Nick Boles, Dominic Grieve, Anna Soubry- and indeed the Speaker- with regard to what they plan and make very clear that you will not remain passive about it!

    All the best.

    Ian Pennell

  35. Rien Huizer
    January 2, 2019

    Mr Redwood,
    The policy regarding by-catch mystifies laymen and firhermen alike and continues to divide experts. Likewise the remarkable EU policy on electric pulse fishing, a much more efficient and seabed-friendly form of cutter fishing now banned through lobbying by the French fishermen. Luddites are everywhere and when they are able to capture “the State” (in this case the EU but it could slao be the UK or Ruritania). Fishing is completely insignificant economically (most people have no clue that tilapia tends to be grown in the Mekong Delta and is very different from the wild haddock or cod they would expect in their take-out meal. The reality about fishing in the Eastern part of the North Atlantic (incl North Sea, Channel and Irish Sea) is that fish migrates, much fish caught in country A’s waters is not appreciated by the home market while country B loves it. Besides, processing, storage and distribution are a very large part of the value chain and increasingly industrialised and globalized.

    But I have a question: aware that two very large recent additions to the UK fishing fleet (UK flagged, crew nationality unknown and probably variable) are by a jointly Dutch-Icelandic owned company and built in Norway, which ships will be catching fish mainly for European markets, what is meant by the UK fishing industry? Future UK policy is unlikely to block capital movements, including equity investment in fishing companies. Does foreign ownership matter? I am not referring to fishing within the territorial waters of course and assuming that the existing arrangements re the North Sea will change as a result of Brexit (although the predate the EEC and EU) if a strict “no deal” outcome wins the lottery and that would really be the only circumstance that could cause a substantive change in international arrangements re these waters.

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