Parliamentary office

Parliament is not in session but my Parliamentary office will be working as usual Mondays to Fridays. I continue with all my Parliamentary duties minus Parliamentary debates and votes, both in the London office and at home in the constituency.


  1. mancunius
    September 10, 2019

    Sir John, I hope you can find time to discuss the vital matter of the next Bank of England Governor with the Chancellor. Rumour is that the Treasury civil service is determined to make Javid appoint a Remainer.

    1. Lifelogic
      September 11, 2019

      Hopefully not. Javid does not inspire any confidence with his idiotic stamp duty suggestions and it seems he even wants the whip restored to the 21 now 22 traitors. They should never be allowed back under any circumstances. They would undermine the next government, no one sensible would vote for them anyway. It would also damage the support for the Conservative significantly by giving mixed messages.

      Any loyalty assurances that these anti-democratic 22 gave would clearly be worthless. The BBC calls them “moderate Conservatives” but they are clearly pro EU fanatics and useful idiots for the Libdims & Corbyn’s Labour Party.

      1. Shirley
        September 11, 2019

        Hear, hear!

  2. Narrow Shoulders
    September 11, 2019

    It is a pity you are not more busy during this period as part of the executive Sir John.

    Your pragmatism is lacking from this administration.

  3. pauline baxter
    September 11, 2019

    Good Diary entry Sir John and I hope there is light at the end of the tunnel as you have hinted. Incidentally, if that is indicative of Corbyn’s legislation drafting abilities then heaven help us if he ever gets into No.10.

  4. Mike Wilson
    September 11, 2019

    Given the hash MPs and Parliament have made of Brexit, maybe a one year prorogation world be a good idea.

  5. BillM
    September 11, 2019

    I wonder how many Remainer MPs are as dedicated to their Constituents? Wokingham sure are lucky there.

  6. Christine
    September 11, 2019

    I was hoping for a few weeks respite from this shambolic Parliament. Now they want to return early and cause even more mayhem. When will this end? Everyone I know has had enough and wants rid of this remain cabal that has taken leave of its senses.

    1. Lifelogic
      September 11, 2019


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