Who speaks for England

Yesterday in the debate on English votes for English laws I asked the Leader of the House who in the government speaks for England. When the Union government consults the devolved governments of Scotland, Wales and NI over an important issue who do they turn to for an English view?

There was no clear answer. The Minister seemed to think devolution of power to Councils and grand Mayors for city regions in England was the way to go. This is just a variant of the EU wish to balkanise and break up England into Euro regions. Labour’s lop sided devolution gave most to Scotland and nothing to England. the government needs to think again. England deserves a voice. I will post my Commons speech this morning.


  1. Carson
    July 14, 2021

    I remember being told Brexit would mean no more blaming the EU. But no, always a new grievance, always a way to play the victim, always someone else’s fault. Very sad to see the politics of blame, god forbid you might ever have a constructive idea

    1. Peter2
      July 14, 2021

      It isn’t a new idea Carson but it is a constructive and positive idea.
      People have been requesting a voice for England and English votes for English matters for many years.

      1. lifelogic
        July 14, 2021

        They are not a party of low taxation or small government and have not been for so many years, they are not even financially competent and now they have even fallen for the net zero political and economic insanity too.

    2. MiC
      July 14, 2021

      Most of all we were told that people voted Leave because they were “sick of hearing about the European Union”.

      Oh, boy – they’re going to hear about little else from the likes of John now for as long as they live.

      It is exactly as we predicted.

      1. Peter2
        July 14, 2021

        Did they MiC,
        Most people said that?
        You are making up statistics yet again.

      2. Micky Taking
        July 14, 2021

        ‘we’ being who exactly? You and who else? Oh. possibly the Boy Wonder.

    3. NotA#
      July 14, 2021

      @Carson +1

    4. Michelle
      July 14, 2021

      I can’t see any blame being hung on EU in the article. There is a world of difference from noting that Parliament seems to be following the carving up into regions agenda reference England, to actual all out ‘it’s the EU’s fault’.

      It isn’t the EU’s fault it is the British Parliament’s fault and the electorates fault.

    5. Roy Grainger
      July 14, 2021

      Did you actually read the post ? There’s no blaming of the EU at all in it !

    6. a-tracy
      July 14, 2021

      Carson, this one is down to our English minister, an apathetic English electorate that are not told what is going on by the British media and what it means for them in respect of the English ONLY student tuition fees voted in by Scottish, Welsh and Northern Irish Labour MPs whose people it didn’t affect. And the Scottish MPs holding up our trading freedoms on a Sunday that they enjoy for a start. If there are others we are not told about it. Why aren’t we told about it?

  2. agricola
    July 14, 2021

    While nobody specifically stands apart with the flag of St George the majority of ministers are from english constituencies and realise that the centre of power are the 55 million english electorate. Having to listen to the voices in Parliament of the three devolved nations and be subject to their vote on specifically english matters is unacceptable. The views of the large mayoral regions are relevant and useful to know, the real question is how much power you allow them. Not enough to oppose central government, except in argument I would submit. That should be left to the electorate.

    1. agricola
      July 14, 2021

      If you wish to devolve power, do so by referendum to the electorate. They are the ones you must ultimately satisfy. It may terrify the establishment, but it is democratic as the Swiss demonstrate.

      1. MiC
        July 14, 2021

        The Swiss have a proper, written constitution, which protects from the obvious dangers of your proposal.

        1. Micky Taking
          July 14, 2021

          How many other countries have that?

        2. a-tracy
          July 14, 2021

          MiC how does the Swiss written constitution stop a decision made in a referendum there?

        3. agricola
          July 14, 2021

          Elucidate on obvious dangers, your throw away statement is emotional and inadequate.

        4. Micky Taking
          July 14, 2021

          The Swiss system – Approximately four times a year, voting occurs over various issues; these include both initiatives and referendums, where policies are directly voted on by people, and elections, where the populace votes for officials. Federal, cantonal and municipal issues are polled simultaneously, and a majority of votes are cast by mail. Between January 1995 and June 2005, Swiss citizens voted 31 times, to answer 103 federal questions, besides many more cantonal and municipal questions.
          A great citizen inspired solution to so many areas where ‘Westminster knows best?’.

      2. J Bush
        July 14, 2021


      3. Shirley M
        July 14, 2021


      4. Mark B
        July 14, 2021


    2. No Longer Anonymous
      July 14, 2021

      Almost 55 million people (very near 100%) did not insult Marcus Rashford and supported him and his team fanatically. Yet we’ve had 3 days of incessant BBC hysteria (and more to come) and the England success completely overshadowed and the Home Secretary (a child if immigrants herself) hounded for saying that Taking the Knee was gesture politics; I’d have said it was further than than – it was outright provocation.

      The aim is to get the PM on his knee… in a mask.

      A three prong attack: Greenism, woke and Covid. The Left keeping power with falsehoods because they couldn’t win votes.

      And didn’t we vote against devolution in England of the sort Super Mayors will bring ?

    3. Christine
      July 14, 2021

      Who then speaks for the many towns and villages in England? The problem with giving city mayors more power is that they then give their citizens more freebies. We have seen this with free bus passes where not only do cities get the lion’s share of the infrastructure projects but they also pay for subsidised travel from the common purse. They also encourage jobs to move from the towns to the cities. I’ve seen this in my own area. We don’t have a level playing field in the union and we now don’t even have a level playing field in England. I don’t like the way this is going. It seems to me this Government wants to destroy our rural way of life.

  3. DOM
    July 14, 2021

    Johnson’s true colours slowly being revealed. He’s an appeaser of any issue that presents a threat to himself and his party. He’ll sell England and the English to the most powerful bidder and hope it doesn’t affect him and the dead party he leads.

    His backing of Labour’s pro-EU agenda of destroying the very essence of Englishness and England is so offensive, deceitful and abhorrent that even I struggle to comprehend the evil of such a move

    I always focus on what he says and what he doesn’t say when you would expect a true leader to step up. He never steps up but will look at the most potent enemy to the Tory party and then appease them rather than take a moral and correct decision. This evil politics is destroying this country and demonising tens of millions

    I am convinced that if the voter continues to back these two stains on our nation, Tory and Labour, that they will drag its people into the mire.

    When will the voter realise that the two parties and two visions we used to be presented with died in 2010 and now a vote for Labour and Tory is a vote for an evil political class intent on subjugation and obliteration of identity

    1. MFD
      July 14, 2021

      But I suggest we are already in the mire, we need a new leader as the one we have is totally incompetent

      1. Mitchel
        July 14, 2021

        A new leader will make no difference,the Permanent Government will make sure of that.Besides,Tory members keep voting for balatantly useless/deceitful candidates.

        Right now you’ve got the equivalent of Boris (Yeltsin);and there’s no Vladimir Putin waiting in the wings to rescue you.

    2. zorro
      July 14, 2021

      Indeed, the only reason he has been forced into lifting the lockdown is that he is worried that so many Tory MPs oppose him and that he would have to rely on Labour votes which would finish him as Tory leader. He is a political coward and I find him repugnant.


      1. Mark B
        July 14, 2021


    3. No Longer Anonymous
      July 14, 2021

      Nothing exemplifies more than that masks will be voluntary for MPs and compulsory for Palace of Westminster security.

      As with the G7 meeting there is a visible manifestation of the elite and the pleb class.

      Boris has bottled it on masks and now we have to fight for ourselves. The answer should have been focused shielding and N95s for those who are still vulnerable. Instead companies are going to get sued and individuals are going to be bullied.

      We’re now being told “You must wear them out of respect for other people.” So they’re here for good then.

      I never in my life imagined I would be told what to wear, let alone that I had to put something on my face.

      The point of taking the jab (something I really didn’t want in my body) was not to get infections down but to get deaths down. We did our bit. Now Boris has moved the goal posts and moved towards Zero Covid – under orders.

      He’ll be on his knee before the year is out.

    4. Everhopeful
      July 14, 2021

      When will a new, brave party emerge?
      Is that now possible?

      1. Christine
        July 14, 2021

        There are too many similar small parties who then split the vote. We need them to merge together to form one entity. The Reform Party needs to make this happen. It’s the only way we can get a viable party to compete with the main three. Without an alternative choice at the ballot box, England is lost. The Conservatives, Labour, Liberals, Greens all have the same agenda for us and it’s not a pretty future.

        1. Everhopeful
          July 14, 2021

          And they need to be willing and disciplined enough to merge under one banner.
          Doctrinal squabbles would have to stop!
          Tories historically successful because of tight party control.

    5. Michelle
      July 14, 2021

      A very good appraisal.
      Johnson is just one out of many who has no allegiance or care for England.
      Labour is full of the ‘Celtic fringe’.
      As immigration carries on at an alarming pace alongside the trashing of English culture/history to shape ‘global Britain’ we cannot expect England to survive.

      The call for an English Parliament has been called ‘racist’ by some in politics, or some silly notion of it leading to racism. Obviously this doesn’t apply to the Scots or any other Country in the world.
      Then there are those who have said such things as ‘English a race not worth saving’ and ‘My parents are Irish and I was born in Liverpool, so why would I want to see an English Parliament’
      The English by being so accommodating have literally issued their own P45.

      There is of course Campaign for English Parliament.
      Anyone who has had enough and wants to stand up for England should get behind them.

      1. Fedupsoutherner
        July 14, 2021

        Well alot of Scots hate the English and don’t care who knows it. Racism at its finest and nothing to do with skin colour.

  4. Mark B
    July 14, 2021

    Good morning.

    The Minister seemed to think devolution of power to Councils and grand Mayors for city regions in England was the way to go.

    ie Government policy.

    Why don’t you ask the people of England what they want ? After all, you asked the other members of the ‘Union’, why not us ?

    1. J Bush
      July 14, 2021


    2. michelle
      July 14, 2021

      Yes odd isn’t it in this era of ‘equality’

    3. a-tracy
      July 14, 2021

      “The Scottish Parliament is a democratically elected body comprising 129 members known as Members of the Scottish Parliament (MSPs)”

      That is an extra 129 voices that England does not get.
      Then there is Wales
      Then there is Northern Ireland
      The English just take this, why do they? Why isn’t there one political party banging the drum about this, not just one MP! If Peter Parsons ever got his wish for PR and someone spoke for England…

  5. Cynic
    July 14, 2021

    No one speaks for England, and no one sings for England either. At the football match the English team sang the UK anthem, unlike the Scots and Welsh.

    1. Fedupsoutherner
      July 14, 2021

      Cy ic. I was going to post this myself. I just said to my husband the English team were playing for England and NOT THE UK. Until something as simple as this is recognised we have no hope of anything changing. Our nation is being changed before our very eyes and people must wake up.

  6. Newmania
    July 14, 2021

    The fact that English votes are worth less than Scottish votes ( which will not change ) is compounded by the fact that regionally consolidated votes are clearly worth much more in a system with no proportionality. The SNP are players in the UK , who cares what the South East thinks.
    We, South Easterners, are being asked to take on mountainous debt, finance politically expedient bungs to the North, bail out Nissan , Farmers and anyone else who squawks.
    Our schools are underfunded , our roads a mess our country side carpeted with awful developments, that will not help anyone. Financial Services and other high value sectors based here have got No Deal Brexit while the Government worries about Fishing and Hartlepool. Always ,always, always , we take the hit !
    Fishing does not pay for everything. WE DO .
    I would ask John Redwood , quite seriously, that for a voter in a South Eastern Constituency can he think of one reason why he should vote for the Conservative Party? Treated as voting fodder and cash cows why should we put up with it ?


    1. Fedupsoutherner
      July 14, 2021

      Omg Newmaina, an excellent post. Brilliantly said.

      1. Fedupsoutherner
        July 14, 2021

        Add to that, with what’s going on why should any of us vote for a Conservative party that’s totally lost its identity and puts the English last?

    2. Richard1
      July 14, 2021

      Because the alternative is much worse.

      1. Mark B
        July 14, 2021

        Spoken like a true Tory fanatic.

        There are other parties that are not Labour or labour – Lite (ie Tory)

    3. turboterrier
      July 14, 2021

      Well said, as a Sussex lad know exact where you are coming from

    4. a-tracy
      July 14, 2021

      Well, because Labour have run the North into the ground for decades.

    5. Peter Parsons
      July 14, 2021

      Voters are indeed mostly discarded as irrelevant at election time. If you don’t believe me, read the book Tim Ross wrote on the 2015 Conservative campaign to see just how irrelevant most voters are considered to be by the parties under the UK’s electoral system.

    6. MWB
      July 14, 2021

      You in the south east have had far too much for far too long.

      1. dixie
        July 15, 2021

        Too much what? traffic congestion, commuting costs, housing costs, building works and urbanisation, injected population pressure, dormitories rather than proper towns…, evisceration of non-service industries, competition for jobs…

      2. hefner
        July 15, 2021

        MWB, you might want to move to the South East and enjoy property prices at least three times more expensive than in the North. And if you think that salaries are three times as big, look at ‘average earnings by age and region’ on commonslibrary.parliament.uk 10/11/2020:

        Median weekly pay: top is London ÂŁ716, bottom is North East ÂŁ524.

    7. dixie
      July 14, 2021

      @mania – Gosh, are you saying no-one north of Watford or East of Slough uses financial services at all – you know the revenue from insurance sales, banking services or share transactions that the London barrow boys pay tax on.
      According to the ONS GVA stats London has the highest GAV, that is because they are primarily services rather than manufacturing but the difference between the South East and other regions is not as great as London’s. Mind you, London has been striving to eviscerate manufacturing industries from the rest of the UK and have made great strides giving these away to other countries in order to sell London based “services”.

  7. BJC
    July 14, 2021

    You have to wonder why the government thinks they should defer to the views of Councils and Mayors, when many are controlled by Labour with their Marxist agenda. Aren’t the Conservatives meant to be running the country?

    1. lifelogic
      July 14, 2021

      Were the Conservatives not elected to be a bit Conservative?

      May in her idiotically botched 2017 election claimed the Conservatives are a “lower” tax party. Sure dear lower than what exactly? Lower than 100% of GDP perhaps? You can only be a low tax party if you stop pissing other people’s money down the drain on things like HS2 or the Net Zero insanity. Can someone get this through to Sunak, Boris, Carrie?

    2. Fedupsoutherner
      July 14, 2021

      Bbc. No, the government has given power to the unions, the courts and those who put themselves before their country.

    3. jerry
      July 14, 2021

      @BJC; “Aren’t the Conservatives meant to be running the country?”

      Be very careful of unintended consequences, the electorate are unpredictable, the last four general elections prove that, and for every political action there is eventually a reaction, in fact the entire devolution ‘settlement’ of late 1990s was one such reaction -to the top-down decisions made by govt in the 1980s.

      One day “Marxist Labour”, the LibDems, or a coalition of left-leaning parties, will be back in govt, that govt might well ask themselves the very same question you ask when Tory Councils and Mayors kick-back against Whitehall diktat, after all is it not the party of govt who is meant to be running the country?…

  8. Andy
    July 14, 2021

    I reckon Marcus Rashford does a pretty good job of speaking for England. So does Gareth Southgate, Tyrone Mings, Sir Lewis Hamilton.

    You know who doesn’t speak for England? The Tory party and the tax dodging Brexitist multi-millionaires who run it.

    1. Peter2
      July 14, 2021

      Do you know how your list of multi millionaire sport stars actually vote andy?
      Sir Lewis who is said to be worth over ÂŁ200 million and since 2007 has resided in Switzerland and later in Monaco.

    2. lifelogic
      July 14, 2021

      Yes sure we clearly need more Marxism, virtue signalling and more worthless gesture politics. It is clearly the Government’s duty to feed children and not that of parents or guardians. Meanwhile is seems many of these very wealthy footballers are rather keen on extensive personal tax avoidance strategies.

    3. jerry
      July 14, 2021

      @Andy; No, as much as I admire the people you cite they do not speak for “England”, or for any other nation or group for that matter. If they wish to do so then they need to retire from their respective current professions and stand at a political election – in the same way as an ex female soap actor did back in 2016 in the aftermath of the Jo Cox murder, and now as an elected Mayor – until then these sports personalises are speaking in a personal capacity. Such people no more speak for the English electorate as Boris Johnson speaks for the English football fan!

      1. Peter2
        July 14, 2021

        Very well said Jerry.

    4. Fedupsoutherner
      July 14, 2021

      Add to that Nigel Farage and Laurence Fox.

    5. Alan Jutson
      July 14, 2021


      Just a thought for a bit of balance.

      Rashford, Hamilton, Southgate and most of the other England team members are multi millionaires as well.
      Yes they all have personal opinions and being fortunate enough to have the oxygen of the media their views are published, unlike most of the population who are not multi millionaires.

    6. a-tracy
      July 14, 2021

      You know who doesn’t speak for England. All of those opposition Labour, Lib Dem English MPs who stood against English votes for English people and gave our voice to the smaller region MPs who get two bites at say and sway.

      1. lifelogic
        July 14, 2021


    7. Michelle
      July 14, 2021

      Those are sports stars, you may just as well list a lot of ‘celeb’s’ but then we know most of them are of one stripe only as let’s face it you get nowhere now unless you sing from the diversity hymn sheet.
      A football team that kneels for a marxist political agenda does not represent me and I dare say millions of others. As for Hamilton hasn’t he made some unpleasant comments reference white people?

      You are correct though in your point that the Tory party does not represent England. It hasn’t done for a long time and it is the fault of the English electorate who keep voting them in based on some ridiculous notion of allegiance to a political party, no matter how badly they are treated by said party. The very same types who laugh at Labour supporters who also keep running back to their abusers.

      Brexit? What in the name of all that’s holy has England being snuffed out got to do with Brexit. In fact it is very much in line with EU wishes.

    8. Micky Taking
      July 14, 2021

      agreed, and there was a chap who set up a party called UK something…..now what was his name ? Nigel Far….far-sighted was it?

      1. Andy
        July 14, 2021

        You said far-sighted. You meant far-right.

        1. Peter2
          July 14, 2021

          Which is presumably worse than you extreme lefties andy?

        2. MiC
          July 14, 2021

          More extreme Staffie-and-fridge-in-the-garden than political, I think, Andy.

          1. Peter2
            July 15, 2021

            Great to see you insulting the voters again MiC
            You will soon have those traditional Labour towns you need to get into power back supporting your party.

        3. Micky Taking
          July 15, 2021

          actually far could be dropped. He was just ‘right’.

    9. a-tracy
      July 14, 2021

      3 Mar 2020 — A record number of footballers, clubs and agents in England are being investigated over tax payments. bbc.co.uk ‘HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC) is investigating the tax affairs of 330 footballers, 55 clubs and 80 agents, up from 173 players, 40 clubs and 38 agents in January 2019.’ HMRC said it had recovered ÂŁ396m from the industry since 2015.

  9. lifelogic
    July 14, 2021

    Exactly right to “balkanise and break up England into Euro regions” is the last thing we need. Not having anyone to speak for England is an outrage and a clear sign of inequality between the nations.

    You might equally have asked who speaks for men. We absurdly have a minister for “Women & Equality” but how can you be for both? We know men and women make very different work and university choices so attacking the gender pay gap so often actively discriminates against men.

  10. Dave Andrews
    July 14, 2021

    So the minister thinks devolving to Councils is the way to go.
    How about then Councils keep all the business rates they collect, decide for themselves how much to charge in order to be competitive and spend on measures to attract business.
    How about Councils decide for themselves how much to spend on “adult services”, rather than bankrupting themselves through the statutory demand? Let the voters decide whether the Council is being caring enough.

    1. Mark B
      July 14, 2021

      And let the Council Tax payer vote on what can and cannot be spent by the Council. It’s our money after all.

  11. jerry
    July 14, 2021

    Who speaks for England, 481 English MP’s of course…

    As for “regionalisation”, the UK has always had a history of county councils etc (NI had their own parliament from the outset, other than during ‘direct rule’), complete with local by-laws, or are you suggesting the UK should be more like the USSR than the USA, more like how the Kremlin used to send out diktats to the regions?!

    1. Mitchel
      July 14, 2021

      Russia has always been ruled on a “One and Indivisible” basis;in substance the Soviet period was no different even if it retained the superficially autonomous republics which Lenin was so keen on-Stalin quickly saw the danger in that idealism.

  12. The Prangwizard
    July 14, 2021

    Ask ‘Boris’ who in government speaks for England. Where is England’s First Minister? Why is England treated as a second ckass nation?

    Dare you be so direct?

    1. Mark B
      July 14, 2021

      There is a Scottish office, a Welsh office (a position held by our kind host) and a Northern Ireland office, all with their own Ministers. Why ? When they have their own devolved administrations.

  13. turboterrier
    July 14, 2021

    Who speaks for England?

    Not the English people. When we try to at election time nobody listens. The majority of politician enter the house and it is same old , same old. Situation normal.

  14. Alan Holmes
    July 14, 2021

    We should judge others on their deeds not the words they spout who speaks for the English people?
    Certainly not the politicial class who seem intent on removing all our freedom, forcing medical treatments, destroying the currency and replacing us with illegal immigrants.

  15. turboterrier
    July 14, 2021

    Who speaks for England 2 ?

    Evidently Nigel Farage does especially when you see his videos from the south coast beaches. Why doesn’t the HS offer to join him and give her take on the proceedings?
    Too much double talk, too many hidden agenda’s, for the clear thinking, working and proud English person we have to accept it is us that have two left feet and out of step with the proposed new order for this country.

  16. Old Albion
    July 14, 2021

    England needs it’s own parliament, just like the other nations in the (dis)UK. Until it happens the true democratic defecit remains in place.

  17. turboterrier
    July 14, 2021

    Running the country?

    Definitely not this lot.
    The one’s that could are never put in a position to make the difference. They are considered old hat and a threat to the current layer of pseudo politicians.
    Shades of Sir Winstone Churchill prior to 1939.

  18. Iain Moore
    July 14, 2021

    Well it wasn’t Tory MPs on NewsNight last night who kept going on about ‘Little England’ when referring to the cut in Aid . At a time when we are again hypersensitive about racial abuse it has been made clear that any collective abuse can be levelled against English people and that is just fine. The only racism the British establishment approve of is Anglophobic racism for it fits with their aims for England, to make it a non place, a place where they can move in their itinerant populations as they see fit and where there is no collective identity to object to their marginalisation . So the denigration of an English identity is approved of, to object to their ethnic cleansing is to be called a racist, while every other identity is to be celebrated and worshiped, and they ensure we have no collective voice, instead fob us off with being balkanised and fractured into mayoral fiefdoms. The British establishment are the English people’s enemy.

  19. NotA#
    July 14, 2021

    ‘devolution of power to Councils’ If this was universal throughout the UK it might work. As in the Councils in England, Scotland Wales and NI all assume the management of concerns in their areas. With elements only being passed up to the Administrations if deemed appropriate by said council.

    Treating England differently to the rest of the UK, is saying that England is not part of the UK.

    The question of why Minister that only have a brief in England get to sit in the UK cabinet still hasn’t been answered. Health, Education etc. are not UK positions but solely English only!

    Grand Mayors are a joke and an affront to democracy and balance in the UK

  20. Everhopeful
    July 14, 2021

    News gets more depressing by the day.
    JR used to speak for England.
    It used to say so on this blog.

    Is this to “ protect the Union”?
    Why not de-devolve Wales and Scotland if you want to protect it?
    Govt. has had NO problem in stripping away all the rights of the populace.

  21. NotA#
    July 14, 2021

    From todays MsM – ‘Vaccine passport firm says system could be ‘redeployed’ as a national ID card’

    That’s the disgusting side of playing into a control freakery government – were would it stop.

    In keeping with all the burbling that is going on I am reminded that ‘face coverings’ do not at any stage protect the wearer from contracting Covid-19. N95 face masks and above do. So in keeping with the doctrine of control it appears this government wants to keep everyone in line and cover their face – for no other logic than they are our controllers.

    Yet they wont close UK borders from unnecessary travel from areas of risk – a government out of control comes to mind, we need to get rid of them.

    1. NotA#
      July 14, 2021

      @NotA# Although on reflection this is more self importance promotion to earn a crust by providing nothing – No mobile phone, No ID

      As always the fear is we have a Government that is run by the need to ‘virtue signal’ at every turn.

  22. NotA#
    July 14, 2021

    “Who speaks for England” – More correctly who speaks for the peoples of the UK.

    There is to much overbearing over controlling government. There are to many Empires built by an ever increasing political class know-it-all’s that the Country is now not Governed in the interest of its people, but is the cash cow for the few. If we were to reduce the administration, the MP’s, the councilors etc. by half we would still have to much manufactured control for the sake of it, that in its self becomes a self defeating exercise.

    The UK’s people struggles to achieve because they have the burden of the freeloaders on their back sucking the very productive life out of them.

  23. JoolsB
    July 14, 2021

    Thank you John to you and Harriet Baldwin for your efforts yesterday. Anyone who has doubted recently whether you still speak for England can rest assured that you do. Disgraceful that only a handful of U.K. MPs with English seats bothered to turn up. Telling that more Scots MPs had a view on this. This is why we need a dedicated English Parliament because it’s clear from yesterday and the last twenty years since devolution that the majority of U.K. MPs squatting in English seats care diddly squat about England and the democratic deficit that is.

    Mogg’s response was despicable. The media as usual have not reported this which is obviously what this anti-English Conservative Government were hoping for. As I said yesterday, let’s hope we end up with a Labour/SNP Government running England at the next election. This Government might not care about who runs England but no doubt the English people will have something to say about it. Too late for devolution for England now, many English I know want full independence thanks to the contempt English is shown by this Conservative Government. Bring it on!

    1. Mark B
      July 15, 2021

      As always +1

  24. Michelle
    July 14, 2021

    A very good appraisal.
    Johnson is just one out of many who has no allegiance or care for England.
    Labour is full of the ‘Celtic fringe’.
    As immigration carries on at an alarming pace alongside the trashing of English culture/history to shape ‘global Britain’ we cannot expect England to survive.

    The call for an English Parliament has been called ‘racist’ by some in politics, or some silly notion of it leading to racism. Obviously this doesn’t apply to the Scots or any other Country in the world.
    Then there are those who have said such things as ‘English a race not worth saving’ and ‘My parents are Irish and I was born in Liverpool, so why would I want to see an English Parliament’
    The English by being so accommodating have literally issued their own P45.

    There is of course Campaign for English Parliament.
    Anyone who has had enough and wants to stand up for England should get behind them.

    You could also try English Democrats, but no doubt will believe the usual mainstream narrative of them being ‘far right’ whatever that means in modern Britain. In which case there is little hope for you and you should expect nothing more than you are receiving from the British Govt.

  25. Fedupsoutherner
    July 14, 2021

    Regarding the controversy over taking the knee. Some feel this is supporting a degree of Marxism and a simuster political group. Why not everybody change the gesture in support of anti racism and do something different? They could stand with both hands crossed over their chests or similar. This would have no connection to the BLM movement that some people don’t like.

  26. turboterrier
    July 14, 2021

    Nothing is changing in these challenging times. Today on Politics Live we had two members o parliament from opposite sides of the house still banging on about the country being the world leader in removing the ICE as we know it. They are not even in the box no thought or mention about the real damage that is going to hit industry and obviously the poorer in society. Road pricing was not ruled out due to technological advances being made. No mention of alternatives to EVs, we the taxpayer will pick up the tab. The country has to explore every avenue if it has any plans to try and remain a manufacturing and industrial force. The service, care,public services industries are not going to get us the revenue that will be required. Who I ask myself is making the money out of this lemming charge to the cliff edge to destruction.

  27. NotA#
    July 14, 2021

    The half hearted cobbled together so-called devolution, along with the grand Mayors for City areas is just a rod for any governments back if a government chooses to get involved.

    The mask debacle is a case in point, they are not masks but face coverings they don’t at any stage protect the wearer. All authorities know this, but it is simply a way to project the power of the muddled socialist left. Those concerned with ‘making rules up’ will go the opposite way of of any government that doesn’t toe their authoritarian line. This PM will has shown he will always bend, he himself is of the Metro Left and has form of going against all logic.

    Like a lot of things at the moment it is about tearing down of society so as to impose will. You will comply, you will be chastised and vilified if you don’t keep to the doctrine.

  28. jon livesey
    July 14, 2021

    “This is just a variant of the EU wish to balkanise and break up England into Euro regions.”

    I think that devolution has almost nothing to do with the EU, and everything to do with the history of the British Isles.

    “Labour’s lop sided devolution gave most to Scotland and nothing to England. the government needs to think again. England deserves a voice. ”

    Given that Government consists of solving problem, this rally means that we “gave” Scotland its own problems to solve, and we recognized that the current Westminster setup is quite adequate for England and does not need changing, while it is not adequate for the other three nations and needs local institutions.

    I don’t know what the self-appointed representatives of England want, or even what they think they want, but if they keep on questioning the current setup they will certainly break up the Union.

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