Brexit wins – change at the Treasury?

We were always told during our time in the EU by its UK advocates that Tax was a reserved matter which stayed under UK control. This was one of many untruths as proponents of the EU sought to play down the extent of the power transferred instead of arguing for a vision of a united Europe where enough power did rest with the centre to allow EU government. The EU required us to legislate for VAT, and set requirements on which items must be taxed and on minimum rates. It started to impose a number of new environmental taxes . It controlled customs duties. It used court decisions to circumscribe company taxation.

The first task must be to re-establish full control over our tax policy, and to make some tax changes that are desirable in themselves and important to show that we have regained control. This government that wishes to be green should take VAT off insulation materials, draught excluder, boiler controls, solar panels and other green goods. Stopped from doing so by the EU, what is now stopping them?  It would be good to remove VAT from domestic fuel all the time the price is so high, to assist with the cost of living crisis.

The government should review rules relating to Corporation tax that have been changed by European Court judgements, and reinstate the tax base Parliament thought it had legislated.

The new Freeports should be given a better offer over Business rates. A Freeport should be created for Northern Ireland. There the Corporation Tax rate should be aligned with the Republic of Ireland at 15% to attract more investment  to the Province.

The Chancellor should review again the economic policy framework. The modifications to the Maastricht debt and deficit controls still leave in place versions of the old debt and deficit rules. These are leading to bad policy to hike the tax rates of NI and Corporation Tax. Instead we need to build the inflation target given to the Bank into the policy requirement of the Treasury, to engage them when the Bank creates too much money and credit as it did again in the later months of 2021.  It should  supplement it with a Growth Target. This would help avoid policy error going for too much austerity. As the last nine months have shown the way to get the deficit down more quickly is to grow faster, not to put up tax rates.We need to cancel the NI rise which is driven by the Maastricht debt criteria.


  1. Mark B
    February 19, 2022

    Good morning.

    So when do you think all these BREXIT Benefits will come into fruition ? Only you been going on about it for some two years now and, I am yet to see one. And I am a LEAVE Voter !

    This government cannot even reduce or remove VAT from domestic fuel. It has not reduced VAT or duty on petrol and diesel despite getting more in revenue from the former due to fuel changes and poorer consumption.

    I am beginning to think we have not truly left the EU and that this government has decided to just continue as before.

    What is the betting that our kind host will still be talking about seizing the BREXIT benefits in another two years time ?

    They can place a whole nation under virtual house arrest for some two years, but just cannot bring themselves to cut VAT on domestic fuel.

    1. Lifelogic
      February 19, 2022

      We have indeed not properly left the EU. NI especially has been totally betrayed.

      We need cuts in taxes, cuts in the vast amount of government waste, to get fracking, abandon Net Zero, a sound currency, to have a sensible cheap and reliable energy policy & huge cuts in the massive levels of over regulation and misdirected regulation. But Boris/Carrie and Sunak now seem to be deluded, tax to death, climate alarmists & socialists.

      1. MFD
        February 19, 2022

        + 1 Yes LifeLogic,
        Socialism always breeds bullies!

        1. Hope
          February 19, 2022

          Reported today over 650 admin NHS staff paid over ÂŁ150,000! Johnson thinks it is a good idea to give the NHS more of our taxes without any clue how it will be spent/wasted and secondly happy to up our taxes!! He has lost the plot.

          JR, what are you all going to do? How much longer do we have to suffer these fools? Useless Eustice happy to carry on the EU way rather than help our own producers and farmers! I despair at how useless the Tory govt.and MPs are.

      2. glen cullen
        February 19, 2022

        Get ‘fracking’ done today

      3. Hope
        February 19, 2022

        Johnson and the looney tunes cannot sort out the BBC, what chance is there of him leaving the EU! He is lazy and gutless. Our fate is in the hands of JR and chums to oust him. 12 wasted years of Tory socialism.

        Nothing whatsoever has been achieved. Nothing. All policy failures. Economy-failed, immigration- failed, socialist public services-failed, covid-failed, law and order -failed, Brexit- failed, Reform of parliament in 2010- failed, Lothian Question, failed.

        Borrowing at historic high, debt and deficit historic high, taxation at historic high, inflation at historic high, immigration at historic high, knife crime, despite shut down, at historic high. But Cameron says gay marriage was their biggest achievement- no mandate or Queens speech to impose it!! How about manifesto promises, failed.

    2. Everhopeful
      February 19, 2022

      So agree with you!
      Our leaders do amazing 360 degree volte-faces. Liberal to total authoritarian.
      Johnson spent years pretending to be liberal. Trudeau the same.
      So what is it? Psychopathy in a velvet glove?
      Could the man who imprisoned us for months REALLY not sort out pressing problems?
      All we can do is listen and assume that the diametric opposite is the truth.
      As with the assurances of the 1975 Referendum.
      “Dictators ride to and fro upon tigers from which they dare not dismount. And the tigers are getting hungry”. ( Disputed origin).

      1. glen cullen
        February 19, 2022

        +1 well said Everhopeful

        1. Everhopeful
          February 19, 2022


      2. Hope
        February 19, 2022

        Johnson said at Crap 26 for his net stupid that he wants to get rid of cash. I wondered why. Looking at events in Canada I now understand he and govt want total control of our lives! Get Johnson out ASAP. He is a lazy lying puppet of the civil service.

        1. Everhopeful
          February 19, 2022

          Oh great! ( I didn’t know he said that).
          We are in a blinking awful mess.

        2. BOF
          February 19, 2022

          +1. Hope. And a danger to the country and ourselves.

        3. Original Richard
          February 19, 2022

          Hope :

          The PM’s pledge at COP26 to take action on “cash” as part of the group “coal, cars, cash and trees” was to pledge that in order to make sure we were not unilaterally decarbonising (as no-one else is likely to follow our path when they see how disastrous it is) but for the UK taxpayer to pay for all other countries in the World to decarbonise.

          Only fair says our PM as we started the Industrial Revolution :

          PM speech at the UN Sept 2021 : “We started this industrial revolution in Britain: we were the first to send the great puffs of acrid smoke to the heavens on a scale to derange the natural order.”

          So not as bad as you thought.

          1. Hope
            February 20, 2022

            Thanks. Tell that to the truckers in Canada. The opportunity will not be wasted.

    3. J Bush
      February 19, 2022

      Whilst I agree with you, I think the main problem with the last 3 governments is that they have progressively moved away from conservative small government principles and to the left of the political spectrum. This is increasingly clear with their big government and ever growing tax grabs. The actual direction of their swing to the left is evidenced by the mix of Fascism and cultural Marxism policies/rules/laws etc, which are now the most prevalent features, especially under this latest government.

      I suspect the only ‘conservatism’ left in this current government is about protecting and furthering themselves and if that means to hell with everyone else, sobeit.

      1. Everhopeful
        February 19, 2022

        I think that Boris has recently vowed to move towards a small(er) government.
        That’ll take some doing!
        And do we believe him?

        1. glen cullen
          February 19, 2022

          Smaller government was mentioned in the last manifesto….but that whole document went in the bin

          1. Everhopeful
            February 19, 2022

            So no hope there then.
            He is just addicted to the Big State?

      2. Mark B
        February 19, 2022


        There speaks much truth.

    4. BOF
      February 19, 2022

      Well said Mark B.

    5. Ian Wragg
      February 19, 2022

      They won’t cut VAT because in the FCA we agreed on a level playing field. Sunak and Bozo are vehemently against discussing the removal of VAT on energy and products because it will expose their lack of control.
      Remember the treasury are arch remainers.

      1. Ian Wragg
        February 19, 2022

        John have you read the letter in todays Telegraph from Francis Egan from Cuadrilla.
        Homages a compelling case for fracking and states that locally they could be burning fracked gas within 12 months.
        Get putting pressure on Bozo and his minder Carrie Antoinette and lift this daft ban on fracking.

        1. Ian Wragg
          February 19, 2022

          He makes…

      2. glen cullen
        February 19, 2022

        It is indeed a catch22, if they leave tax/vat alone they appear in control, as soon as they attempt to change the rates they’ll have to ask for EU permission and then the cats out of the bag

        1. Mark B
          February 19, 2022

          That’s my thinking too.

    6. Nig l
      February 19, 2022

      Spot on. Another superbly crafted piece from our host but wasted.

    7. Nottingham Lad Himself
      February 19, 2022

      We have, absolutely, left the European Union.

      And, exactly as Remain patiently and repeatedly explained, there are no significant benefits, but only downsides, some of them extremely severe.

      Stop fooling yourself.

      1. Sir Joe Soap
        February 19, 2022

        Wrong on both counts.

        1. Nottingham Lad Himself
          February 19, 2022

          Good luck in the Citizens Of The European Union queues at Continental airports old flower.

          Enjoy your three-hour wait, in the long, long RoW one as so often happens.

          (Now, that really IS stand-up comedy.)

          1. Peter2
            February 19, 2022

            Does it NHL?
            I’ve seen long queues in the EU queue and less time waiting in the Others line.

          2. Mike Wilson
            February 19, 2022

            If that happens, tourists will go elsewhere. Then Spain and Portugal will wave two fingers at the EU and let the paying customers in promptly.

          3. dixie
            February 20, 2022

            I am truly gutted that our leaving has deprived us of access to EU queues at continental airports.
            Illuminating that this is the only negative you can think of.

      2. Denis Cooper
        February 19, 2022

        Remain predicted immediate economic collapse if we even dared to vote to leave.

        And Remain did that officially, as part of the government’s own disgraceful separate one-sided campaign to frighten the people into voting to stay in the EU, and they did it at public expense:

        “The analysis in this document comes to a clear central conclusion: a vote to leave would represent an immediate and profound shock to our economy. That shock would push our economy into a recession and lead to an increase in unemployment of around 500,000, GDP would be 3.6% smaller, average real wages would be lower, inflation higher, sterling weaker, house prices would be hit and public borrowing would rise compared with a vote to remain.”

        You can see the fork tongued George Osborne enlarging on these lies to workers at B&Q:

        “The Prime Minister and the Chancellor spoke at B&Q headquarters, Eastleigh about the short-term economic impact of a vote to leave the EU. Treasury’s analysis on the immediate economic impact of leaving the EU, shows a vote to leave will push the UK economy into recession – the Chancellor explains … ”

        It just goes to show that a man can go to a top public school and emerge with zero moral education.

        As one person commented on that speech: “Osborne should have been locked up for this nonsense”, and I can see the argument for that, rather than allowing him to slip off and get some other lucrative job.

    8. Walt
      February 19, 2022

      Agreed. It’s way past time for some positive action. Without action, fine words are next to useless.

    9. Sir Joe Soap
      February 19, 2022

      Yes it is quite unbelievable. So many acid tests to decide whether we have left the EU or not. You’d think they’d activate ONE just to prove we have but NO, we can offend 52 per cent of the British people but we can’t offend Labour/the “oppressed”/EU rejoiners/assorted shouty minorities.

      1. Nottingham Lad Himself
        February 19, 2022

        17 million out of 68 million is 25%, not 52%.

        And plenty of those are no longer with us.

        Reply And fewer voted to stay in but you never mention that

        1. Nottingham Lad Himself
          February 19, 2022

          My comment relates only to the false claim above which implies that 52% of the UK population voted Leave.

          Of course fewer of those who voted – which right should have included all taxpayers here but didn’t – voted Remain than did Leave.

          Reply Good ides to exclude children from your figures, and to accept that non voters were sufficiently relaxed to accept either outcome. They were clearly not pro EU enough to vote for it.

          1. Sir Joe Soap
            February 19, 2022

            Goodness you really can’t accept you lost, can you?
            Unbelievable. Emotion trumps logic. You might as well say the moon is cheese because that’s a nice thought too, albeit untrue by the way.

          2. Peter2
            February 19, 2022

            It isnt a false claim NHL
            52% of people who voted in the referendum voted to leave.

          3. Narrow Shoulders
            February 20, 2022

            By your logic an Ethiopian should be awarded the Men’s Oylimpic downhill title as they did not participate but we can assume the outcome if they did.

            I also proclaim myself 8 times Formula 1 champion of the world.

        2. Sea_Warrior
          February 19, 2022

          The votes of those who don’t vote, don’t count. And the only family member of mine to have passed away since the referendum voted …………………… Remain.

          1. Nottingham Lad Himself
            February 19, 2022

            They are, absolutely, still people. And it is the job of MPs to consider them whether they voted or not.

            Reread the original post’s silly claim.

        3. dixie
          February 20, 2022

          @NLH Usual ageist bullshit from you remainers;
          “And plenty of those are no longer with us.”
          The same holds for the remainer vote since the more mature voters made up the largest cohorts in both Leave and Remain voter groups

      2. Andy
        February 19, 2022

        Not 52% of the British people. Not even 52% of the electorate. Not even 52% of those who were able to vote one stormy June day nearly 6 years ago. 51.8%.

        Incidentally it is estimated around 250,000 leavers die each year. So that’s 1.5m gone since the referendum. Not including Covid. And there are more Remainers each year.

        So you aren’t a majority of anything. Sorry old chap.

        1. Nottingham Lad Himself
          February 19, 2022

          And how many Leave voters believed Hannan et al with their “no one is thinking of leaving the Single Market”? Plenty, one would reasonably assume.

          There really could never have been any majority for then North Korea status, for which the fruitcakes here seem to clamour, could there?

          1. Sir Joe Soap
            February 19, 2022

            Yes absolutely we all voted Leave because an obscure politician uttered a sentence once. Not.

            Please please accept the central tenet that people voted against belonging to an EU empire which gobbled up our economy and used it to fund expansion from the Atlantic to the Urals.

          2. Peter2
            February 19, 2022

            That’s not what he said
            I’ve told you this several times.
            Access is what he spoke about.
            And access we have now.
            Just like China South Korea America India and all the other big traders into Europe.

          3. Mike Wilson
            February 19, 2022

            Hannan could not know what would happen before or after the referendum because the EU REFUSED TO DISCUSS THE FUTURE RELATIONSHIP! What a bunch of fools. If they were so determined to keep us in, you’d think they would have shouted out loud the consequences of leaving. But they didn’t say a word until it was too late.

          4. Nottingham Lad Himself
            February 19, 2022

            Right, you three, this is for all of you.

            Here’s what Leave said before the vote”

            Daniel Hannan: “Absolutely nobody is talking about threatening our place in the Single Market“

            Norway are in the Single Market, but not in the European Union.

            Nigel Farage: “Wouldn’t it be terrible if we were like Norway and Switzerland? Really?“

            Daniel Hannan: “Outstandingly Norway.“

            Nigel Farage: “They’re rich.“

            Owen Paterson: “Because only a madman would actually leave the Single Market.“


          5. Peter2
            February 19, 2022

            No not happy.
            Partial selective quotations
            I know what you are doing
            And it fails.
            First you introduce quotes from Farage when Hannon was what you first stated.
            Then Owen Paterson which you never previously mentioned.
            “Our place in the single market” isn’t what you originally claimed either NHL
            You talked about remaining in the single market
            Hannon spoke about access to the single market which we, like every trading nation has.

        2. Original Richard
          February 19, 2022

          Andy : “Incidentally it is estimated around 250,000 leavers die each year. So that’s 1.5m gone since the referendum. Not including Covid. And there are more Remainers each year.”

          Whilst it’s true that leavers die each year, and possibly more than remainers who are dying too, you forget that people get more knowledgeable and wiser as they get older and consequently there will be many younger people who voted remain who would now be voting leave.

          As evidenced by the fact that many young people who were left wing Marxists in their youth become centre or even right wing conservatives as they get older.

          Of course, there are some people who never learn.

        3. beresford
          February 19, 2022

          How can there be ‘Remainers’ when we’re not in the EU? Don’t you mean ‘Rejoiners’, which is a much tougher thing to sell. Let’s make a large annual payment and give our fisheries back to people who despise us. Let’s adopt the Euro and accept the European Social Credit Passport.

          1. Nottingham Lad Himself
            February 20, 2022

            Your first sentence is quite correct.

            The European Union will not accept back the UK in the foreseeable future whatever.

          2. Narrow Shoulders
            February 20, 2022

            As I recall there were many who campaigned for remain who got up on stage and said that they wouldn’t join the EU but as we were already in we should stay in.

            Rejoining and having to accept more draconian impositions (slavishly adhered to by the civil service) would be a very hard sell.

        4. Peter2
          February 19, 2022

          Even less voted to remain young Andy.

          1. RedBill brown
            February 20, 2022

            Peter 2

            Your response to Hef is wrong again the inward investment figures are the lowest they have been for a very long time. Please keep informed or stop commenting

          2. Peter2
            February 20, 2022

            Another day another name change from bill.
            You are
            a) posting in the wrong place again and
            b) wrong about inward investment

          3. Peter2
            February 20, 2022

            Red Bill
            Try an internet search on “UK inward investment then read the FT article listing numerous inward investments and then read the article and then read .Gov article quoting over 55,000 jobs created by a boom in inward investment and saying the UK remains one of the most attractive places in the world to invest with a remarkable 1538 foreign direct investment projects in the 2020 2021 financial year.
            I said inward investment was “good” and it is.

    10. Hope
      February 19, 2022

      Last week Ben Habib and Farage highlight the sell out. The UK has agreed level playing field on a host of issues, agreed taxation, agreed to annexe N.Ireland, agreed to be in regulatory orbit of EU and still in ECJ, given away 40% of fishing to France imports fish! UK still gives tens of billions to EU! The UK has only technically left but all the rules still being adhered to! Johnson true to form lying to say Brexit is done. It is not it is a sell out.

      What is JR and chums actually doing? Why have Truss and Rees-Mogg?

      1. Peter
        February 19, 2022


      2. Len Peel
        February 19, 2022

        Farage and Habib both voted FOR the deal (in the European Parluament)

        1. Nottingham Lad Himself
          February 20, 2022

          Ah, those facts, eh, Len?

      3. X-Tory
        February 19, 2022

        “What is JR and chums actually doing?” Unfortunately, the answer is ‘NOTHING’.

        I find this confusing, frustrating and depressing in equal measure. What is the point of getting into parliament if you don’t use the power that gives you? They know Boris is going down the wrong road and yet they refuse to FORCE him to change direction. Why not? I really don’t get it. They could give him an ultimatum to obey them or face a their letters of no confidence, but no, they just sheepishly allow him to ignore them while they continue to support him. Bonkers!

        Reply It needs 180 Conservative MPs to vote the PM out of office.

        1. X-Tory
          February 19, 2022

          Sir John, I am genuinely grateful for your reply, but you are implying that you don’t think there are 180 Tory MPs willing to vote against Boris Johnson. I am amazed. There are the Leavers, who hate him for betraying Brexit, the Remainers, who hate him for supporting Brexit originally, the Red Wallers, who believe he will lose them their seats, and the moralisers, who believe he should go for breaking the covid rules. Obviously you know your colleagues far, far better than me, and if you say these do not add up to 180 then this is disappointing, but so be it.

          BUT, is Boris willing to take the risk? Politics is also about about bluff and poker. Would he be happy to face a vote of confidence, confident that he will win it, or would he rather avoid it? And if the latter, then what price is he willing to pay to avoid it? Even if you think you might/would lose the actual vote, threatening to force this vote might be effective in itself. Remember: Boris is a coward. Tell him to implement a TRUE Brexit or he will face a vote of confidence and see if this works. After all, you’ve nothing to lose: things can’t get any worse than they are now!!

        2. Narrow Shoulders
          February 20, 2022

          For this leader it most certainly will. Mrs Thatcher was persuaded to go even though she did not lose. Mr Johnson doesn’t have that class or consideration.

        3. Mickey Taking
          February 20, 2022

          reply to reply – — and you will not get 180, why? Well possibly either they are too scared of the nasty Whip, or they think that Eton posh boy is a bit of a card, eh !
          Wild child, likes a knees up, puts it about a bit, up for a laugh – what’s not to admire?

    11. glen cullen
      February 19, 2022

      Like you MarkB, I am yet to see a single brexit win…..Labour are going to have a field day at the next election pointing that out to the red-wall

      1. Narrow Shoulders
        February 20, 2022

        We did not have to pay into the Covid financial bail out. That would have cost us dear.

        We are no longer paying membership fees.

        But yes, we have yet to see beneficial changes to UK law and trading to reflect that we hold the responsibility for ourselves

    12. Dennis
      February 19, 2022

      Very good points Mark B. I doubt even after another 5 or perhaps 10 years we won’t be any further forward in getting Brexit. We need another ‘Yes, Prime Minister’ ro get the populace aware of the fiddling of the Brexit obstructions.

    13. Jim Whitehead
      February 19, 2022

      Mark B, +1,
      I have never voted for a socialist party and never will. I used to voteConservative, attended meetings, contributed my cheques to Party funds, then came Maastricht . . .
      In recent years I have voted for Brexit, and now my mission and I view it with relish, is to eagerly
      cast my vote against the infuriating, aimless, and feckless party which still calls itself Conservative.
      Surely, Sir John, there are other Political Parties which better deserve your knowledge, wisdom, and support and might bring important changes for the better.
      Nigel Farage has proven that but more needs to be done.

  2. Bob Dixon
    February 19, 2022

    The current chancellor is a huge disappointment .Has he got The Treasury under his control? I suspect The Treasury have got him under their control.
    George Osbourne and The Treasury put together Project Fear for The Referendum.
    I suspect The Treasury are still using the Project Fear forecast to save face.
    Come on Boris.Roll up your sleeves and get a grip.

    1. Everhopeful
      February 19, 2022

      Maybe the treasury is under some sort of global heel?
      Following orders.

      1. Mitchel
        February 19, 2022

        Of course-if you are not solvent,you are not sovereign,Brexit or no Brexit.

        As Carney said:”we rely on the kindness of others”.

        1. Everhopeful
          February 19, 2022

          Very true.

  3. oldtimer
    February 19, 2022

    Why is it taking so long to make the changes you suggest? It is not as though they are new ideas. Could it be that the PM used Brexit as a means to and end, that of pursuing his personal agenda? We have had much focus on the green agenda, on animal rights and wokeism but little on Brexit, the cause which delivered this governments majority. It is about time it delivered some effective action in return.

    1. Nig l
      February 19, 2022

      The lack of a response from our host gives the game away as does replacing Lord Frost with the comical Rees Mogg rewarded for his sycophancy.

      1. graham1946
        February 19, 2022

        And now it seems Moggy and others are defeating a government wish to ban fur and foie gras so as not to upset the EU. What chance do we have when stuffing of birds for posh peoples’ pleasure is more important?

      2. Dennis
        February 19, 2022

        ‘The lack of a response from our host ‘ says it all. This site could be an excellent one to educate at least some of us if JR would answer the questions posed and correct inaccurate assertions. That would take a lot of work and time so perhaps there is no one he could hire to do that and the expense of it.

        Many times I think, ‘Oh yes what is the answer to that?’ but never get informed. So if I decided to vote it would be in ignorance of the issues so getting what I don’t want – so much for democracy, there ain’t any. Evidence? A 40 year old professional health women told me, yes I think I have heard of Assange somewhere’. I know many 30, 40 50, 60, 70 year old people who know nothing of present day issues.
        This below is in the US but the UK will be similar?

        Take your pick from this bouillabaisse of ignorance:

        * More than one in three people (37%) could not name a single right protected by the First Amendment. THE FIRST AMENDMENT.
        * Only one in four (26%) can name all three branches of the government. (In 2011, 38% could name all three branches.)
        One in three (33%) can’t name any branch of government.“
        Can they get knowledge on what the candidates know or will do, and analyse it? No,

        reply I provide factual answers to many of the queries people post here in my blogs if only you could be bothered to read them

  4. Lifelogic
    February 19, 2022

    So a huge over reaction by the Met. office (with all their super computers and modellers) and BBC
 to a bit of a windy yesterday – just as I suspected. A few trees down, damage to a few rickety buildings, fences and sheds and that very expensive tent – the Millennium Dome now with a roof falling to pieces. Well done Blair, Baron Rogers and Heseltine, only about ÂŁ1.5 billion in todays money – so not really reasonable to expect it to last much more than 20 years before in needing major reconstruction. It was only tax payers money being wasted after all.

    As much of an over reaction this time as an under reaction last time with the Met office & Michael Fish’s no hurricane error. Yet still they think they can predict the climate in 100 years but not accurately for 24 hours it seems.

    1. Dave Andrews
      February 19, 2022

      Same here, and we were supposed to be in the high risk zone. Given all the warnings, I would have expected it to be hard just to stand up, but I managed an uneventful cycle to and from work without getting blown across the road.
      Still, better to over than under warn.

      1. Nig l
        February 19, 2022

        Yes but you will notice Ll only commented through his ever accurate hindsight and even that was wrong with over a million people suffering power cuts.

        1. Lifelogic
          February 19, 2022

          No I said it the day before and was right.

      2. Lifelogic
        February 19, 2022

        So a bit like the Covid Modelling dopes – wrong but in the right direction – but if you keep crying wolf are you trusted next time?

    2. Nig l
      February 19, 2022

      Ignorant rubbish. Speak to a friend of my partner’s who had three power outages the last one for three hours plus many thousands across the country and I guess the people that died count for nothing in your superior world.

      1. Nottingham Lad Himself
        February 19, 2022

        People dying evidently count for nothing, even scores of thousands of them, judging by the covid posts here.

        1. Dennis
          February 19, 2022

          ‘People dying evidently count for nothing’ yes that’s par for the course, quite acceptable. We can’t countenance a single death/ drowning in the Channel if we try to stop boats but killing thousands of innocent men, women, children and babies over the past 40 years without a moment’s hesitation is never thought about. Don’t forget Sen. Xxx said killing 500,000 children is a price worth paying. Who is arguing about that, no one of course. Don’t mention Democratic torture.

      2. Lifelogic
        February 19, 2022

        Well it was a bit windy yesterday, but nothing like the BBC/Met Office predictions and endless warnings. It is called weather. The idea that controlling man made CO2 is the best way to avoid the odd windy day is totally moronic.

        1. BOF
          February 19, 2022

          LL Perhaps those apocalypse now, climate change proponents should google ‘The great storm of 1703’. and consider the damage caused, compared to any storm since.

          1. hefner
            February 20, 2022

            Fortunately, thanks to the government declaring a day of fasting in early 1704, such bad storm did not come back before 1957. The October 1987 certainly happened because of lack of prayers in 1957.
            Maybe BJ asking for something similar from us could postpone next storm till 2275?

        2. R.Grange
          February 19, 2022

          Some of us in Sir John’s Wokingham constituency were without power for 9 hours yesterday. The BBC/Met Office’s warnings were right in our case.
          Still, it was a foretaste of what the Zero carbon 2030 Agenda is likely to bring: candles, extra pullovers, and lack of communication possibilities. It was a useful learning experience for what we need to be ready for, so in a way I didn’t altogether mind. One thing: the digital world will only be reachable via mobile phones, so having important documents in material form may be essential. Apparently, you can charge a mobile from a car battery. I’ll try that next time this happens.

        3. Jim Whitehead
          February 19, 2022

          LL, +1, You are quite right and, like you, I knew that it was another over-reaction by the media, a ratings chasing effort as usual, with the inevitable claims of new records being broken. BBC and the others are unwatchable (yes, I don’t bother with their juvenile and biased efforts) and thoroughly predictable in their tendentious output.
          Good to watch the less fevered discussions of topical issues on GB News, what a Godsend that Channel is.

    3. Mike Wilson
      February 19, 2022

      The weather and the climate are two different things.

      1. Lifelogic
        February 19, 2022

        Yes indeed but “climate” is just “average” weather – over whatever time period you choose.

        Alarmists (even scientifically trained ones who should know rather better) are rather keen on claiming you can predict climate in 100 years but predicting the weather tomorrow is beyond climate experts. They are however largely deluded. Even that CO2 concentration will control the average temperature as some kind of world thermostat.

        While you cannot predict an individual throw of a die you can however predict that the average numbers when throwing dice many times. You will (almost certainly) be very close to 3.5X the number of throws. But this is not at all the same as weather/climate prediction as each throw of a die is independent.

        With climate the weather today affects the weather tomorrow and so on. Millions of things can affect the climate in 100 years, plant genetic changes, pandemics, volcanos, agriculture, meteor impacts, the populations, farming… just one person finding a solution to practical fusion for example or some genetic changes in plants that will adapt to higher CO2 levels or similar. It can sometimes be closer to a case of:- “a the flap of a butterfly’s wings in the Amazon can cause a tornado in Texas”.

    4. James1
      February 19, 2022

      Bizarre that the Met Office admit that they can’t forecast with any degree of accuracy beyond a few days, yet they cheerfully opine about the climate at the end of the century.

      1. Lifelogic
        February 19, 2022

        Often not even a few hours. As with Michael Fish no hurricane assurances.

      2. Mickey Taking
        February 19, 2022

        confusing weather with climate yet again.

        1. Lifelogic
          February 19, 2022

          Not at all – climate is just average weather – we have no confusion.

      3. Nottingham Lad Himself
        February 19, 2022

        If you understood the two distinct sciences of climatology and meteorology, then you would grasp that it is in no way bizarre, any more than is predicting that summer is likely to be warmer than winter, or the Sahara drier than the Amazon..

        Evidently you do not.

        1. Lifelogic
          February 20, 2022

          Climate is just average weather!

    5. Original Richard
      February 19, 2022

      Lifelogic :

      The huge over-reaction of the Met Office and the BBC is a Marxist policy to gaslight us into believing that we have a climate crisis leading to extreme weather events being the norm (BBC news story 31/10/2021 as one example)

      This policy is deliberately engineered so that utilities, councils, quangos, civil servants, rail companies etc. etc. can forego essential maintenance to save effort/money or to increase profits by allowing them to always claim that they have been caught out by a “climate change/crisis extreme weather event” rather than by their own poor maintenance.

      Hence we see unstable trees not cut down, or old telephone and electricity poles not renewed, or rivers not dredged (see Somerset levels flooding), or drains not cleaned out, or roofs not repaired etc. etc.. Or councils/developers building on flood plains without dealing with the flooding potential and then blaming “climate crisis extreme weather” when the newly built properties flood.

      The BBC then subsequently take full advantage of all these mishaps and claim again “climate change/crisis brings extreme weather events”.

      1. Lifelogic
        February 19, 2022


  5. Fedupsoutherner
    February 19, 2022

    Some excellent ideas there John but I’ve given up believing that this government or indeed any other of the 3 main parties will ever deliver any benefits from Brexit. If they had brains they would be dangerous. Not that they aren’t dangerous now. It seems Boris and co have done their utmost to financially ruin this country and you have to wonder why. Our economy and provision of jobs could be brilliant again if net zero were binned and if we truly forged our own way in the world again and let go of the EUs coat tails. Quite honestly I’m sick of waiting for any good news.

    1. graham1946
      February 19, 2022

      Perhaps you will have to wait for a divorce (and not the one from the EU)

      1. Lifelogic
        February 19, 2022

        I note Boris has stopped going on about Net Zero so he seems to have finally notices just how unpopular his/May’s or Carries insane green crap policy is.

        1. Shirley M
          February 19, 2022

          It doesn’t mean he is backtracking on net zero. It just means he is being less noisy about it.

      2. Mickey Taking
        February 19, 2022

        Laws can be very difficult over ‘cohabiting’.

      3. Fedupsoutherner
        February 19, 2022

        Graham. ?????what the hell?

    2. SM
      February 19, 2022


    3. turboterrier
      February 19, 2022

      F U S
      Good post and very true

      Your sick of waiting? Ain’t we all?

      1. Nottingham Lad Himself
        February 19, 2022

        What would be the best news that you could reasonably expect, then?

        1. Fedupsoutherner
          February 19, 2022

          NLH. That you might go and live in your beloved EU?

          1. Mickey Taking
            February 19, 2022

            with Andy….

    4. Jim Whitehead
      February 19, 2022

      Fedupsoutherner, +1, too true !

  6. Everhopeful
    February 19, 2022

    Mrs T calling for “A massive “Yes” to Europe, wore a jumper made out of woolly replicas of every European flag and on the morning of the 1975 Referendum Neil Hamilton, opposing EU membership, fought a champagne cork duel which he won ( presaging 2016?).
    As for Alex Salmond he said “Scotland knows from bitter experience what treatment is in store for a powerless region of a common market”.
    So did Mrs T understand the implications/ramifications?

    1. Mark B
      February 19, 2022

      I suspect some just towed the party lined while others were duped into believing it was really a ‘Market’. Funny though how we were only offered a referendum ‘after‘ we joined and not before.


      1. Everhopeful
        February 19, 2022


  7. Gary Megson
    February 19, 2022

    As you know perfectly well, a freeport cannot be created for Northern Ireland unless Brussels agrees because it remains subject to EU law. It’s in Article 10 of the Protocol, which you voted for. Sad that you (again) try to hide the reality of your Brexit from your readers

    1. Sir Joe Soap
      February 19, 2022

      He didn’t vote for it. We didn’t vote for it. We voted to leave the EU as one United Kingdom.
      Stop joining them in trying to split our country. Leave it if you don’t like it.

      1. Nottingham Lad Himself
        February 19, 2022

        What you imagined that you voted for is apparently impossible. Face that simple fact.

        Spoilt children demand that somebody else do magic, to give them their silly tantrum-shrieked demands, there again.

        1. Mickey Taking
          February 19, 2022

          you seem to have great experience of spoilt children.

          1. Fedupsoutherner
            February 19, 2022

            Mickey. Exactly and like a child he has difficulty understanding simple things.

          2. Nottingham Lad Himself
            February 19, 2022

            They’re running the damned country.

      2. glen cullen
        February 19, 2022

        Spot On

      3. Mark B
        February 19, 2022

        Exactly. We did not get the BREXIT we were promised, just some watered down BRINO to appease the Remainers in the Tory Party and Establishment.

        1. Nottingham Lad Himself
          February 19, 2022

          What, exactly, were you “promised”?

          1. Nottingham Lad Himself
            February 20, 2022

            Yet another simple question that you can never answer, then.

          2. Gary Megson
            February 20, 2022

            What they were “promised” was a Brexit with no downside, only considerable upside, with no one talking about our place in the single market, but no need to follow EU law and money for the NHS. Fantasy, never going to happen. But what I can’t understand is how they now blame Remainers and the “Establishment”. Blame the people who made you these impossible promises

    2. glen cullen
      February 19, 2022

      It can go to the UK EU joint committee 
.but you’re right its all a bit of a mess

  8. Shirley M
    February 19, 2022

    “Stopped from doing so by the EU, what is now stopping them?”

    Good question. Parliament is still stuffed full of anti-democratic Remainers, who put their wishes before that of the electorate, and have more loyalty towards the EU than their own country. How do we rid ourselves of them? We obviously cannot rely on their honesty, as they will say one thing and do the opposite.

    1. Andy
      February 19, 2022

      You want to rid our country of people like me? Amusing.

      Because I want to remove our country of treacherous far-right dimwits. Like you.

      Wanna fight?

      1. Shirley M
        February 19, 2022

        Feeling brave, are you? When will you ever read what is written without putting huge anti-UK anti-Brexit spin on it? I was referring to Parliament, as any intelligent person would have realised. Non-democrats should have no place in the Parliament of a democratic country, but the majority of the non-democrats were voted in on lies that they would respect the result of the referendum and support Brexit. They lied!

        1. Nottingham Lad Himself
          February 19, 2022

          It would be a bit of an odd democracy, where those MPs who chose to consider the interests of the 24% of the population who did not vote Leave, and of the 51% who did not vote at all, along with the 25% who did, were barred from sitting, as you imply that they should be.

          Don’t you think?

          And what about those Tories, who are working so assiduously, to suppress the access to voting for the likes of students, mobile workers, and the poor?

          Aren’t they the real anti-democrats?

          1. Shirley M
            February 19, 2022

            Are you really as dim as you appear? There is a vast difference between wanting something different and campaigning for it, and using their dishonestly obtained seat to try and overturn a democratic vote. I pointed out that many of them LIED to get voted into Parliament. Surely not even you would approve of that dishonesty?

          2. Nottingham Lad Himself
            February 19, 2022

            Nobody has overturned anything.

            The UK has left the European Union.

          3. Peter2
            February 19, 2022

            Too late NHL
            you are arguing about something that has happened.
            The UK has left the EU.
            Even your leader Starmer who presided over the worst election result for Labour since 1935 says Labour will never campaign to re join
            It’s over.

          4. Nottingham Lad Himself
            February 20, 2022

            Thank you, Pete.

            Can you have a word with all the ranters here who claim that it has not left?

            Thanks again.

          5. Peter2
            February 20, 2022

            We are in some ways still imeshed due to the Northern Ireland protocol which needs changes in the way the EU are rigidly interpretating it.
            Which is what many on here are requiring the government to act.
            But we have left.
            It is something you need to come to terms with.

          6. Nottingham Lad Himself
            February 20, 2022

            Yes, of course we have left.

            And I will enjoy the freedom of speech to say repeatedly how it is exactly as awful as anyone with half a brain said that it would be, and to remind you of the catastrophic damage that YOU have done to this country and to its people.

          7. Peter2
            February 20, 2022

            Well you are free now to have a rant and whinge on here 30 times a day NHL so that’s another Brexit benefit.

        2. Jim Whitehead
          February 19, 2022

          S M, +1,
          I sense and share your apoplexy

      2. Mickey Taking
        February 19, 2022

        oooh ..we are impressed when you get all ‘well ard’.

      3. Peter2
        February 19, 2022

        You obviously do young andy.
        Right from post one on here your posts have beem aggressive in tone and laced with rudeness and personal comments.

        1. Bill brown
          February 19, 2022

          Peter 2

          Wrong again Starmer did not preside over the Labour result Corbyn did. You are really badly infomed once again

          1. Peter2
            February 20, 2022

            You totally miss the point as usual Billy.
            Let me spell it out simply for you so you can understand.
            NHL is a Labour supporter and desperately wants the UK to rejoin the EU
            Starmer has recently told us that Labour has absolutely no intention of rejoining.
            And Starmer was at the centre of the Labour disaster in the 2019 election which is what I said
            No go off and troll someone else.

          2. hefner
            February 21, 2022

            Starmer at the centre of the Labour disaster of the 12/12/2019 GE election?

            I give you it was a Labour disaster, but Jeremy Corbyn was the Labour leader during the whole campaign and stayed as leader till the Labour internal election the following spring.
            I also give you that Starmer said Labour has no intention of rejoining the EU.

            P2, If you are all for a decent debate, you might want to accept that Starmer only came to lead the Labour party starting on 4 April 2020, and that he had not been particularly active during the previous GE campaign, which had been led by Corbyn and John McDonnell, the shadow Chancellor.

  9. BOF
    February 19, 2022

    The latest government news (that I can find) on freeports is from 3rd March 2021 with the announcements of eight new freeports. I see no news that any are a actually running, almost a year later. There were a few freeports but the Conservative government stopped them in 2012! Why?

    I see no evidence that this unconservative government shows ANY interest in deviating from EU laws and regulations to take advantage of the excellent and beneficial Brexit wins that you keep putting forward Sir J.

  10. Everhopeful
    February 19, 2022

    But I can’t really see the point of any Brexit benefits because they now pale into insignificance compared to the things we have lost.
    We no longer have free speech.
    We no longer have a right to anything.
    So what price our hard-won Brexit?
    The retained gold plated regulations and the new EU-like new madnesses make us into Brussels on stilts.
    AND apparently our dear govt. is busying itself corrupting our human rights legislation into some commie declaration of duty to the “community” ( aka forced jabs).

    1. Nottingham Lad Himself
      February 19, 2022

      Your right to free speech is defended by the Human Rights Act. That prevents the State from suppressing it.

      Your employer on the other hand is a different matter. They may sack you if you publicly say anything which they think any potential customer, other employee, or associate might dislike.

      That is a consequence of Tory employment law giving them huge, arbitrary, quasi-totalitarian power over their staff.

      You voted for that though, didn’t you?

    2. Nottingham Lad Himself
      February 19, 2022

      You have fourteen rights, protected by the Human Rights Act, notably that to the peaceful enjoyment of possessions.

      Yet you want rid of that, strangely.

  11. Lifelogic
    February 19, 2022

    David Frost today in the Telegraph – My three-point plan to save the Tories – and the country.

    My three point plan:

    1. Cut taxes, red tape, and the size of government hugely.
    2. Abandon the politically and economically suicidal Net Zero/expensive & intermittent energy agenda.
    3. Get the police and criminal justice system to deal with (and actually deter) real crimes, rather than just acting as woke social workers also control and deter unauthorised immigration.

    1. alan jutson
      February 19, 2022

      Looks reasonable to me.

    2. Peter
      February 19, 2022

      Frost quit because he saw it was a waste of time trying to get anything useful achieved under Boris Johnson.

      I think he was only put there as window dressing anyway.

      1. Nottingham Lad Himself
        February 19, 2022

        Frost quit because he finally saw that what he and his credulous admirers want is from fairyland.

      2. Len Peel
        February 19, 2022

        Frost quit to run away from responsibility to deliver HIS deal

      3. Mark B
        February 19, 2022

        And Lord Agnew over the governments lacklustre approach to fraud.

      4. Lifelogic
        February 19, 2022

        Alas you are probably right.

    3. glen cullen
      February 19, 2022

      Gets my vote

    4. BOF
      February 19, 2022

      LL. The views of a conservative Prime Minister in waiting?

    5. beresford
      February 19, 2022

      4. Jettison covid hysteria and disown the WEF and their ‘Great Reset’.

    6. dixie
      February 20, 2022

      Nowhere near enough for me since we clearly haven’t actually left the EU and our government and institutions are still infected with EU supporters.

  12. Sea_Warrior
    February 19, 2022

    Yep, my rubber gasket seals arrive today – storm permitting – and I see that Sunak has taxed me ÂŁ3.83 for having done the right thing for the environment. VAT-reform: another item for JRM’s action list.

    1. Nottingham Lad Himself
      February 19, 2022

      If you will keep blowing a gasket…

      1. Mickey Taking
        February 19, 2022

        Thats Andy’s job !

      2. Sea_Warrior
        February 19, 2022

        True – but I’m hoping that the seals will perform.

        1. glen cullen
          February 19, 2022

          Now that’s too witty for this forum

    2. Mark B
      February 19, 2022

      Those illegals need to be kept safe and warm and that ÂŁ3.83 will go nicely towards that.

  13. Philip P.
    February 19, 2022

    How can a government that plunged the country massively into debt with its lockdown+furlough policy (cost ÂŁ70bn) afford to give up on any tax revenue? As our good host pointed out back in 2020, the huge borrowing figures ‘are the cost of trying to cushion the economy from the damage done by the lockdowns’. The government is now in bind of its own making: it needs to reduce the tax burden for the economy to grow, but it must keep tax revenue high to have any chance of dealing with repayment of the debts its lockdown policy created.

    Perhaps one day the world will see the UK acting as Argentina once did, and default on its debts, whatever the consequences might be. There may be no other way of putting this government’s economic vandalism behind us.

    1. Dave Andrews
      February 19, 2022

      The Argentina solution may come along, when a generation rises that says “not our debt”, and they would be right.

    2. J Bush
      February 19, 2022

      Re: Argentina. I strongly suspect the UK regime will not default on debts, but keep raising taxes to the point whereby it will offer to take your assets in lieu of payment. Afterall, this is part of the “build back better” Johnson has referred to, which is part of the WEF agenda, where “you will own nothing and be happy”.

    3. Mike Wilson
      February 19, 2022

      How can the government afford to give up any tax revenue? It can’t! You seem incapable of addressing the argument. Mr. Redwood is NOT saying ‘cut the amount of tax the government raises’ – he IS saying ‘low tax levels raise more tax revenue’. This is not that tricky to understand but, evidently, is too tricky for some people.

      1. Philip P.
        February 19, 2022

        Mike, you claim ‘[Sir John ] IS saying ‘low tax levels raise more tax revenue’. Maybe somewhere else, but not in this post. The unavoidable point is that if VAT on a product is scrapped, the government thereby gets less. So then you have to hope that there’ll be some substitute income stream from some other source, thanks to ‘growth’, to compensate for the loss of VAT. That remains to be seen. This could be the reason why the Treasury seems to regard your line of argument as ‘too tricky’ to adopt. They are after all confronted by the very real-looking debt crisis going forward, and budgets need to be set on a realistic basis rather than a speculative one.

        1. Mike Wilson
          February 19, 2022

          Phil, here’s a sentence from the last paragraph of Mr. Redwood’s article today.

          As the last nine months have shown the way to get the deficit down more quickly is to grow faster, not to put up tax rates.We need to cancel the NI rise which is driven by the Maastricht debt criteria.

          He regularly makes the point that low tax rates produce higher tax revenues. As for the Treasury, your giving credence to the Treasury’s position is misplaced. They have been wrong so many times over my lifetime. Lately they seem to be wrong all the time. Do you remember the Treasury forecasts before the referendum in the event of a Leave vote. They weren’t just wrong, they wer risible and laughable.

          1. Philip P.
            February 19, 2022

            Mike, I’m all in favour of lower taxes, and as for higher growth, let’s face it, we’re barely back to where we started before the economy fell off a clif thanks to lockdowns. But higher growth doesn’t automatically produce more tax revenue, as you seem to believe it does. Also, you confuse my point about the Treasury. Yes, their forecasts are hopeless, but in Cabinet meetings they have a powerful say on budgets, which is a different matter from forecasting. The government’s lockdown+furlough = debt policy has given the mandarins an even stronger hand than usual, I fear.

  14. turboterrier
    February 19, 2022

    It would seem that the politicians are something akin to the long stay bedridden patient relying solely on his medical staff who has been told he can get up and leave and dispite the transitional period with physio still is unable to stand on his own two feet, ever reliant on his nursing staff. His confidence and belief in his ability to do anything on his own is non existance aftĂšr all the years being cared for and not responsible or accountable for anything. It is all in the mind and that is what we have got, too many totally reliant on their perceived carers. That is why all this Brexit stuff is so frustrating, a hell of lot of our politicians, civil and public servants are mentally terrified of letting go of the past. Those who are now walking want to run but are being held back. The only thing to fear is fear itself.

  15. Sharon
    February 19, 2022

    The trouble is that so many in the blob and beyond, never wanted Brexit to happen. And in full Common Purpose style are not working for that end. As has been described on this site many times, we are deliberately being kept in line with EU ruling etc.

    I read recently (can’t remember where) that the Rejoiners have been given money, to actively discredit Brexit at every opportunity. Their aim is for us to rejoin by 2025-2030.

    I can see there is a fight-back coming from some areas in government but it’s not enough. At every turn, it seems change is blocked.

    Brexiteers in government need to be more forceful and not accept the blocking. A new sacking policy needs to be put in place. If a mandarin or whomever refuses to do the ministers bidding as per a parliamentary vote – they go!

    1. Denis Cooper
      February 19, 2022

      Maybe you read it here:

      “How the Rejoin EU campaign aims to destroy Brexit by 2025”

      “The Rejoin campaign is, at its core, a disinformation campaign with an objective of handing over UK sovereign power to a foreign government based in Brussels. Whilst thousands of Russian troops are massed on their borders poised for a potential invasion of the Ukraine our nation has already been over-run. Our enemy is already within our borders, embedded in our civil service, our academic institutions and our media – all working daily with a foreign power, using vast sums of foreign money to overthrow our democratic independence even before it has been completely restored.”

      1. anon
        February 20, 2022

        Foreign Money? More like recycled UK money. Are we not paying billions to the EU which were not actually due? Who made those agreements? Perhaps they were remainers and or rejoiners.

    2. turboterrier
      February 19, 2022


      Totally agree 100%

      When heads start to roll, minds start to focus.

    3. majorfrustration
      February 19, 2022

      agree and no gong – that bit will hurt

  16. Lynn
    February 19, 2022

    As a independent country why are we not condemning the brutality of the Canadian police in Ottawa? Snipers on the roofs above the people, pepper spray, kicking and punching women already on the floor. These are HM Subjects!
    Had Britain been hollowed out to the point that we would be better of not existing than being a disgrace to every former generation?
    Please ask the Government to speak out today!

    1. Hat man
      February 19, 2022

      It is very disturbing, Lynn. I’m sure this is not the way our Sovereign ever saw the Commonwealth operating.

    2. DOM
      February 19, 2022

      It is shameful and heart breaking. Brutal woke politics and the oppression that it inspires will come to the UK. It will happen. I can see it happening. There’s no opposition to it from within Parliament.

      People must stop voting SNP, Labour and Tory before this class of politicians destroy our basic core freedoms

      1. Nottingham Lad Himself
        February 19, 2022

        Come on, Dom do tell.

        In the paradise that you envisage for this country, what would be the penalty for being one of those people whom you list?

        1. Mickey Taking
          February 20, 2022

          Your paradise is over the Channel, yet you stay here.

    3. beresford
      February 19, 2022

      Trudeau has invoked ’emergency powers’ and abused them to freeze the bank accounts of protesters. This tells you all you need to know about why the WEF want cashfree societies and a digital currency. Like the ‘Health Passports’, it is all about suppressing opposition to their Great Reset.

      Apparently he has also threatened to seize the pets of dissenters and even take their children into care.

      1. Jim Whitehead
        February 19, 2022

        DOM, Beresford, +1
        Canada has disgraced itself with the utterly appalling measures being taken by Trudeau, and they far exceed the worst that we could imagine from a once sensible and once democratic country. Where is the international condemnation of the theft of funds (including my donation)?

  17. Garry Y
    February 19, 2022

    Mark, I agree with you.

    I suspect VAT hasn’t been taken off gas/electricity because it would only apply in GB and not NI, thanks to the NI Protocol. That would mean accepting divergence in the UK internal market or ignoring the EU and the NIP and going ahead and removing it in NI too.

    The government and the Treasury haven’t got the guts to argue with the EU. Effectively unless we scrap the NI Protocol or at least argue that VAT shouldn’t be part of it, then we’ll be kept in alignment with EU rules through the back door.

    1. glen cullen
      February 19, 2022


    2. Peter from Leeds
      February 19, 2022

      My thoughts too. It was always an oven ready poisoned pill. I suspect Sir John thinks so too, which is probably why he didn’t vote for it.

      1. glen cullen
        February 19, 2022

        Boris would’ve signed any deal just to ‘get the deal done’
. shame no one read it first and tried to stop him

  18. Nottingham Lad Himself
    February 19, 2022

    Of the countless taxes under complete sovereign control, from IHT to NI to income tax, there is the exception of VAT for European Union member countries in the UK’s position while it was in.

    I don’t recall any Remain campaigner saying anything else either.

    1. graham1946
      February 19, 2022

      And of course they have no control over Customs Duties and do not take 80 percent of them from their ‘sovereign countries’. Like most Remoaners you don’t seem to know much bout the EU, just a visceral support for it against this country.

  19. Old Albion
    February 19, 2022

    You and I and many others have been suggesting the removal of VAT from domestic energy for some time. But it hasn’t happened, why?
    Of course it’s obvious isn’t it. As bills soar so does the VAT take. So all the noise about helping people pay these new sky-high bills, is just that, noise.
    What Sunak gives with one hand, Sunak takes with the other.

    1. glen cullen
      February 19, 2022

      This government is happy with the huge VAT revenues 
that continue to rise

  20. Peter
    February 19, 2022

    A more exasperated tone is offered in The Daily Express:-
    “The MP for Wokingham in Berkshire said: “If the government will not even take VAT off energy-saving products to help the energy bill crisis it implies we have not taken back control of our tax system.

    “We want to see some Brexit wins with less VAT, Freeports with lower taxes and the end of the National Insurance rise.”

    I could not care less about Freeports but I agree with the rest.

    I also think the policy is to shadow the EU on most things and, when not doing so, push a more globalist agenda with COP26, ‘Build Back Better’ etc.

    Johnson wants to forget remaining issues and still falsely claim he ‘got Brexit done’.

  21. DOM
    February 19, 2022

    The Brexit dream turns to dust if this Starmer becomes the next PM and this is a distinct possibility now that the unprincipled, immoral Tory party have embraced the existential threat that is Labour’s collectivist, woke ideology to appease the Socialist terror.

    The average British voter is naive and ignorant. They cannot see the poison of Labour, Starmer, Raynor and some Tory backbenchers who conspire to unseat Johnson

    Please, stop ‘rubbing our noses in it’ simply because your party doesn’t have the moral courage and human decency to reject it

    Labour must be fully exposed by the Tory party. If they achieve power again they will implement oppressive policies that are now being imposed in Canada and the US.

    1. Shirley M
      February 19, 2022

      In the end, what difference will it make? Democracy is just an illusion in the UK. We get to vote every few years, for preselected candidates with the pre-requisite mind set, ie. pro-EU, pro eco-loons, etc. We have the occasional pro-UK MP with brains and the ability to think for him/herself, as Sir John proves, but they are few and far between. Then once we have elected these MP’s they do an about face on virtually everything they promised, and the electorate are powerless to hold them to account until the next GE, and the cycle starts again.

      We need the electorate to be given more power over our politicians, and the ability to force a bi-election.

      1. Mickey Taking
        February 19, 2022

        exactly right – – but voters will forget in large numbers. Conservatives are going to rely on that.

        1. glen cullen
          February 19, 2022

          I predict that the red-wall voters will return to Labour and some to Reform and that a third of Tory voters will go to Reform
its going to be close

          1. Mickey Taking
            February 20, 2022

            you won’t get a fixed price bet from a bookie.

    2. Everhopeful
      February 19, 2022

      + 1000
      Starmer seems to want to coalesce with the LibDems.
      Have the LibDems been forgiven for their betrayal over tuition fees?

    3. Your comment is awaiting moderation
      February 19, 2022

      @Mr Redwood,
      Will you be writing about the government crackdown in Ottawa yesterday?
      Our government seem to be turning a blind eye and the MSM reports seem to be at odds with the livestreams from members of the public uploaded to Youtube.

      1. Nottingham Lad Himself
        February 19, 2022

        The Canadian authorities are doing something akin to what was done to the climate protesters here, nothing more.

        However, they were for science and reason, not against it.

        1. Hat man
          February 19, 2022

          Nothing more, lad? Toronto Sun: ‘Turns out the lasting image of the Freedom Convoy protest will [be] a police horse trampling a disabled woman.’ I don’t recall this happening to the climate protestors.

          1. Nottingham Lad Himself
            February 19, 2022

            No, only to coal miners, perhaps.

          2. Peter2
            February 19, 2022

            When were disabled coal miners injured by riot Police and their horses whilst taking part in a peaceful demonstration NHL?

          3. hefner
            February 24, 2022

            How manipulative (or stupid) can you be, P2? NLH referred to coal miners, the disabled person was from HM’s comment.
            And for your information, it happened on 18 June 1984 at Orgreave where striking coal miners were beaten by South Yorkshire mounted police.

      2. beresford
        February 19, 2022

        Not part of the Anglosphere, but in France Micron has been using Armoured Personnel Carriers against Covid Mandate protesters. Remember though that the plan was for all Western governments to be doing this in lockstep, but a spanner has been thrown in the works by successful legal actions in the USA and the pre-Christmas Commons rebellion over here. We are now split between those governments proceeding regardless and those like ours who are grudgingly pulling in their horns. Note however that we still have pointless discrimination in rules to (re-)enter the country, jabs for 5-11 year-olds, and a continued vaccine mandate for NHS recruitment.

    4. Jim Whitehead
      February 19, 2022

      DOM, +1, and you are right with what some would feel are alarmist predictions.
      The open and sensible debates and in-depth discussions on GB News reveals that there truly alarming views openly argued from the left, and even such as Amanda Platell is insensitive to what would normally have been considered unethical from medical professionals and at odds with the lessons from Nuremberg.

  22. Peter Parsons
    February 19, 2022

    Remember that VAT on domestic fuel wasn’t imposed on the UK. It was the Conservatives in government that imposed it in 1994 (at 8%, so a higher rate than now wil plans to increase it to 17.5% in 1995).

    The UK has left the EU. What you are now seeing is the fact that, for many in Westminster, Brussels was a convenient scapegoat for many things that Westminster chooses to do.

    1. graham1946
      February 19, 2022

      Once imposed, VAT is not allowed to be cancelled or reduced below 5 percent under EU rules. That’s ‘sovereignty’ for you.

      1. glen cullen
        February 19, 2022

        …and thats what we’re aligned to

      2. Peter Parsons
        February 19, 2022

        The rule about VAT not being allowed to be cancelled once imposed came into being as a result of the same Conservative government that introduced VAT on domestic fuel not vetoing that proposal. It wasn’t imposed by the EU, it was permitted by a vote of governments of member states. The UK Conservative government could have said “no”, but did not.

        Prior to the 2016 referendum, there were also proposals on the table that the UK played a major part in leading in changing the VAT rules to permit member states more flexibility on VAT, including the ability to remove VAT from certain goods and services where it was previously applied. Had the UK stayed and continued to drive through those proposals, then VAT on domestic fuel could have been removed by the UK government while the UK remained an EU member state.

  23. The Prangwizard
    February 19, 2022

    There will be almost no Brexit wins in practise because ‘Boris’ doesn’t wish to impliment any change.

    Fudge, delay and deceit is what he likes, we will remain as now under their rules. He will blame that on things out of his control.

  24. Bryan Harris
    February 19, 2022

    So sensible, and yet, why does it feel like such ideas are falling on deaf ears and we who want real change are banging our heads against a brick wall?

    With the EU impinging so heavily on us at all levels, why does it seem like we are still being stitched up!

    1. Everhopeful
      February 19, 2022

      They say that meat is sweeter, more tender if the animals have been calmed before slaughter.
      We are soothed yet we can smell blood in the air.

      Look to the peaceful protest in Canada!
      They have declared martial law there.

      1. Bryan Harris
        February 20, 2022

        Yes – all part of the tactics devised in DAVOS

  25. alan jutson
    February 19, 2022

    Down to a complete lack of vision, with a lazy Government more interested in net zero, diversity rules and WOKE ideas, than common sense and logic.
    Where is the commercial vision and drive to move the Country and everyone forwards ?

  26. agricola
    February 19, 2022

    This is an extension of yesterdays submission except that this one goes to the heart of our post Brexit plan for the UK. Getting the mandarins of the Treasury to start thinking like market traders is a big ask. However that is the question the Chancellor, PM, and Cabinet should be asking, how fit are the personel of the Treasury to act in support of singaporean enterprise or are they intent on continuing as the damp cloth on rapid progress. All those services which our citizens have expectations of have to be paid for, either by individuals or under the auspices of government. Either way we need to break from socialist thinking and positively encourage the creation of personal and national wealth. At present Treasury management of the fifth largest economy in the World has been pretty crap in terms of that wealth benefiting all in the nation.

    1. glen cullen
      February 19, 2022

      Well said

    2. Mark B
      February 19, 2022

      Encouraging personal wealth will lead to disparities and that is in direct contradiction to the Levelling Up agenda.

      We will all be equal once the government has made us all equally poor. The real poor will be subsidised by the moderately less poor to further even out this process.

      1. agricola
        February 19, 2022

        Mark , life has never been equal but opportunity can be. Levelling up is a matter of creating earning opportunity where it has been lacking in the past. Given that opportunity in education and employment the infrastructure will follow.
        I have just spent time in the distant North East. In terms of quality of life they are streets ahead of most UK city urban areas I know. All they need is more wealth creating opportunity.

        1. Mark B
          February 20, 2022

          Examples ?

  27. Sir Joe Soap
    February 19, 2022

    Reducing Corporation Tax to 15% would be a great signal to start-ups. It means people starting up don’t get caned while they build up retained earnings to use as working capital. At present there is no relief to help this which means a new business needing all their first year earnings to keep in the business to run it actually lose almost 30% in corporation tax. It encourages (and always has) borrow and extract from the company leaving it weaker.

    Even our super-deduction of 130% Corporation tax for capital investment compares poorly with Ireland, where grants for 50% of early capital investment are commonplace.

    Early help is so important to encourage starting-up and investment. High business rates and punitive Corp Tax make us uncompetitive.

    1. Mark B
      February 19, 2022

      Even if we introduced a 15%^ Corporation Tax for very large companies in order to entice some of those from Eire would be something.

      1. glen cullen
        February 19, 2022

        Any brexit win is useful – Maybe the new minister for ‘brexit wins’ could produce a list of wins on the departments website
.to make us plebs feel that our vote at the referendum wasn’t wasted

        1. Mickey Taking
          February 20, 2022

          The REF vote wasn’t wasted, it was who you supported afterwards that possibly was!

          1. glen cullen
            February 20, 2022

            100% spot on

  28. Sakara Gold
    February 19, 2022

    Fortunately, after the storm not only is the roof of my house still attached, but so are my solar panels. Unlike the roof of the brand new ÂŁ70million Atlas transport aircraft hangar at RAF Brize Norton, which was severely damaged yesterday. Who signed off on the roof structure wind loading at the design stage, I wonder?

    Doubtless, one of the 10,000 RAF Air Vice Marshals ensconced at Whitehall, waiting to retire on their tremendous non-contributory index-linked final salary pensions. The ones who bought us 160 Typhoon fighter jets at a cost of ÂŁ17 billion – and then scrapped about 50 of them in the latest round of defence cuts.

    1. graham1946
      February 20, 2022

      Is it possible that the wind did not blow evenly all over the country? Were there gusts? Perhaps Brize Norton being an airfield is a bit more exposed than your semi. What happened to your windmills during the storm? Most turned off presumably , one blown down.

  29. William Long
    February 19, 2022

    I am afraid your posts on this subject are beginning to make me feel more and more frustrated: what you are proposing is what we expected would be well in hand by now, if not already dealt with, but there is little sign of any progress, or inclination within the Government to get things moving.
    If there is to be any progress on Freeports, which seem to have vanished from the political map,I quite agree that a Freeport for Northern Ireland should certainly be on the agenda, but if Freeports, with low regulation and low taxes are the way for adding prosperity in certain areas of the country, why should the same principles not be applied to the country as a whole?

  30. Original Richard
    February 19, 2022

    All good ideas but none will be implemented unless the “change at the Treasury” is a wholesale change of personnel.

    The pro-EU Marxists at the Treasury persuaded a dim PM to join the EU’s ERM and caused Black Wednesday with enormous losses and the fall of a Conservative Government which then enabled a following Labour Government to sell all our gold reserves taking advantage of the low price of gold.

    Today these same Treasury officials, together with their comrades at BEIS, have persuaded a scientifically dim PM to believe that we can power our whole country (all our electricity, cars, planes, home heating) on the “cheap reliable power drawn from the winds of the North Sea” (see Net Zero Strategy Foreword by the PM).

    The inevitable and desired result, if this unilateral dash for net zero using windmills continues, will be very high prices for electricity, rolling blackouts and the fall of the Conservative Government.

    The Treasury and BEIS (and the BBC) must be very upset that the EU has declared gas and nuclear as “green energy” and of course are keeping this very quiet.

  31. Richard1
    February 19, 2022

    Little chance of any of this nor any of other measures to justify Brexit it seems. The strongest argument for voting remain was the one the remain campaign never made – that there were plenty of good arguments for Brexit but it was unlikely any govt would ever implement them. Unfortunately we see that now with a Brexit supporting pm and an 80 seat majority but broadly eu-type social Democrat, big state, high tax policies.

    Give it until the middle of this year after the local elections. If those go badly, time to dig out sir john’s old adage from 1995: no change no chance.

    If a Starmer-sturgeon de facto coalition wins we may expect the following: Scottish separatism, a change to the voting system to favour the left with no referendum, votes for children, creeping back into the EU through the single market and customs union. And of course lots of wokery, green crap, high taxes, class warfare etc.

    If it looks like Boris is going to land us in that he needs to go.

    1. BOF!
      February 19, 2022

      Richard1. I think we have already landed in that territory. We need someone to get us out.

    2. Mark B
      February 19, 2022

      What evidence do you have that if there is a hung parliament that the SNP and Labour would be natural allies ? If you have none then can you please stop spreading your disinformation. If anything, Labour are more likely to form a government with the LibDems.

  32. Everhopeful
    February 19, 2022

    I don’t hear Boris speaking out against what is happening in Canada.
    Does that suggest he supports it?

  33. Sea_Warrior
    February 19, 2022

    I trust we will use our freedom from the EU’s failed foreign policy to unleash a barrage of Unexplained Wealth Orders against every single Russian kleptocrat living in London. With explosions now being reported from within Donetsk – nothing to do with Ukraine, I’d wager – Putin’s intent seems clearer than ever.
    P.S. Apologies for wandering ‘off topic’ but it’s a momentous weekend.

    1. hefner
      February 19, 2022

      ‘a barrage of UWOs’? On 31/01/2018 they became effective ( ‘Circular 003/2018: Unexplained Wealth Orders’).

      Following questions in Parliament, Baroness Williams of Trafford said on 23/07/2019 that seven UWOs and six IFOs (Interim Freezing Orders) had been issued (

      On ‘Money laundering 2020/21’ a meeting held on 09/09/2021 reveals (without much additional details) that 2,403 records of Proceeds of Crime Act (NB: POCA, not UWO) includes at least one offense of money laundering, for £74.6 m.
      Previously similar meetings quote:
      2016/17 1,757 incidents with a value of ÂŁ33.4 m.
      2017/18 1,356 incidents with a value of ÂŁ25.4 m.
      2018/19 1,144 incidents with a value of ÂŁ69.4 m.
      2019/20 744 incidents with a value of ÂŁ37.1 m.
      All these are likely to be ‘small beer’ launderers and not Russian kleptocrats.

    2. Richard II
      February 19, 2022

      But Sea Warrior, those Russian kleptocrats tend to be crooked oligarchs that Putin threw out of Russia. Why would targeting them bother the Russian government?

      1. Mickey Taking
        February 19, 2022

        the oligarchs escaped hoping they might avoid Putin’s response. As long as he gets 50% of everything they survive.

  34. Denis Cooper
    February 19, 2022

    You are name checked in today’s editorial in the Belfast News Letter, JR:

    “Last night a crowd estimated at more than 1,000 people turned out in Markethill against the Irish Sea border, despite bad weather. Peaceful rallies are a key part of the mix of opposition to the constitutional harm of the barrier.

    Meanwhile it is welcome that Sir Jeffrey Donaldson has dismissed the idea that the DUP is returning to a pragmatic approach to the protocol. The idea of NI having the best of both worlds is misconceived. It can be in the UK internal market or the EU one, not both.

    If MPs like John Redwood (see opposite in the print edition — a republished tweet of Mr Redwood’s) can be so uncompromising about the barrier, so should all unionists.”

    Of course the idea of Northern Ireland having “the best of both worlds” was kicked off by Michael Gove:

    Because the rest of us in the UK now have no access at all to the EU Single Market, do we.

    1. Denis Cooper
      February 19, 2022

      As confirmed by the Irish MEP Neale Richmond in an article in the Irish News only today:

      “The protocol is the only reason that Northern Irish businesses can continue to access both the UK Internal Market and the EU Single Market.”

      The sad thing is that Michael Gove and Brandon Lewis would agree with him rather than correcting him.

      1. Denis Cooper
        February 19, 2022

        He is a Irish TD, not an MEP, and as nobody else is going to bother, least of all any so-called “Conservative and Unionist” in the UK government, I have just sent a letter to the Irish News as follows:

        “I was very surprised to learn from Neale Richmond TD that:

        “The protocol is the only reason that Northern Irish businesses can continue to access both the UK Internal Market and the EU Single Market.”

        (“Neale Richmond Platform: Protocol offers greater potential than many expected”, today)

        Obviously businesses in Great Britain do not share in the benefits of the Northern Ireland protocol, but I was under the impression that they are still able to access both markets.

        The CBI even offers a webpage headed “Exporting goods from GB to the EU: guidance for business”; does this mean they too have not yet realised that this is impossible?”

        The Irish News is fervently nationalist so I don’t expect they will print it, and as usual this kind of rubbish will not just be allowed to circulate unchallenged but will be augmented by the UK government. Theresa May, a diabetic who has to inject herself several times a day, was content to allow it to be believed that if we left the EU without a deal she would have to order our customs officers to block imports of insulin. It is all so utterly shameless, there seems to be not a shred of honesty or integrity at the top of our political class.

  35. paul
    February 19, 2022

    Doing next to nothing now leave’s more promise’s and bribe they can use on the voter’s for next election when it come’s, that when i will hear, just have to hold my noise and hope for the best. The less they do now is more they can drag it out over more election’s, they have now won three election so far on the back of Brexit and will want to keep that going for as long as possible. Just stringing you along while pasting the laws they real want for the people as you have already seen.

  36. David Paine
    February 19, 2022

    It is ironic that the Prime Minister and Foreign Secretary are championing Ukraine sovereignty on the world stage (risking armed conflict maybe) yet the Government have:
    *Left Northern Ireland trade under the control of the EU and do not have the bottle to trigger Article 16;
    *Can’t be bothered to listen to Sir John’s advice and take the time and effort to address the overhang of EU rules that are still holding us back;
    *Are unable to secure our borders against the illegal boat migrants.

  37. majorfrustration
    February 19, 2022

    All great ideas but when are we going to see anything happening? The Tory party are losing voters by the day due to their inaction.

    1. Nottingham Lad Himself
      February 19, 2022

      The Tories are in office mainly not to do anything, but to prevent anyone else from holding that office who actually might.

      To prevent any progress for the country and its people that is, and to preserve the structural inequality which favours them so heavily.

      1. Peter2
        February 19, 2022

        The voters do not agree with you NHL.
        Are you a democrat or a revolutionary?

        1. Mickey Taking
          February 20, 2022

          what wonderfully polite descriptions.

        2. RedBill brown
          February 20, 2022

          Peter 2

          Starmer did not preside over the Labour party in 2019, so even when you are wrong you can’t admit it

          1. Peter2
            February 20, 2022

            Did you not know he was centrally involved in Labour’s 2016 election disaster.
            He was on TV here in the UK more than Corbyn.
            You don’t understand what “preside” means billy.

          2. Peter2
            February 20, 2022

            typo 2019 election disaster

  38. glen cullen
    February 19, 2022

    Can’t fault a single word nor argue against your description of the current situation today SirJ
just to comment that you sound like a politician ‘in opposition’ (like a Tory voter)

    1. 2nd Fiddle
      February 19, 2022

      Yes, certainly a lone voice as to what should already have been kicked off legislative wise… conspiracy theorists claim Remain/WEF agendas and why not, apart from Sir J, who is campaigning for the changes we were voted for in the manifesto? Bizarrely silent HMG which has veered completely off course and blaming it on the pandemic….now hiding behind Ukraine issues.

      We are about half way through this Parliament and one really wonders where we are heading and who will come next, possibly a very nasty Labour/SNP/Lib/Green permutation / coalition to further drive us into woke netzero penury, supported by a national basic income, where we own nothing and the Rejoiners make the case for EU re-entry…. as all the regulatory alignment is still in place. Fancy that, we are not stupid Boris.

      1. glen cullen
        February 19, 2022

        I’m still waiting for this government, or our MPs, or the media, or indeed our esteem forum contributors to list a single brexit win

        1. hefner
          February 19, 2022

          The new Minister for Brexit opportunities told us on 17/02 from Felixstowe that ‘Brexit has been already extremely beneficial for the country’ and boosting the economy. Why do you need a list? Don’t you believe the Minister?

          1. Peter2
            February 19, 2022

            Check growth figure versus G7
            Good employment figures
            Good inward investment figures.

          2. Mickey Taking
            February 20, 2022

            very good, a welcome laugh this morning.

  39. XY
    February 19, 2022

    All too sensible. Sadly we are a long way from having a government / Chancellor who understand basic economics.

  40. Fedupsoutherner
    February 19, 2022

    Well I’ve decided I’ve had enough of being shafted by this government so I will vote Reform if possible at the next election. I don’t give a stuff if it lets in Labour as I will still be poor no matter who gets in out of the 3 main parties as they are all just as useless. Unless people start voting for something different then we will all be here wringing our hands and moaning about the charlatans stitching us up still in 4 years time. Enough!!

    1. Ian Wragg
      February 19, 2022

      Reform for me also. The tories are a joke at present.

    2. Rhoddas
      February 19, 2022


    3. glen cullen
      February 19, 2022

      I will also vote Reform…..better to be stabbed in the front then in the back

    4. Mark B
      February 19, 2022

      They will only change when YOU change who you vote for.

      1. Mickey Taking
        February 20, 2022

        it is rather odd that this latent power is rarely used. The red wall enabled an 80 majority, yet the Government has reneged on the reasonable expectations of the gift. That loan of seats will be snatched back and given to another party. Which will prevail?

    5. Jim Whitehead
      February 19, 2022


  41. No Longer Anonymous
    February 19, 2022

    The grand old Duke of York

    He had twelve million quid

    He gave it to one he’d not met for things he never did

    1. Mark B
      February 19, 2022

      And when he was up he was up.

      And when he was down he was down.

      And when he was only halfway up he was neither up nor down !

      God I hope this does not get me banned 😉

    2. Mickey Taking
      February 19, 2022

      How much did Sarah (Ferguson) get on divorce? How much will Virginia Giuffre get for her unproven claim?

      1. Mickey Taking
        February 20, 2022

        That smiling photo is possibly the most valuable ever taken?

  42. paul
    February 19, 2022

    Not forgetting the leader across the pond who dead set about blowing Brexit up for a united Ireland.

    1. glen cullen
      February 19, 2022

      Like Alaska in 1867, maybe the USA could buy Northern Ireland from us
.and gift it to Eire problem solved

      1. Mickey Taking
        February 19, 2022

        that got me thinking ….. how much would USA pay to buy Scotland, extensive coast, relative proximity to Russian naval sea-ports. Perhaps they would insist on building a razor-wire topped wall.
        It gets better and better.

        1. glen cullen
          February 19, 2022

          Oh….now you’ve got me thinking

  43. Denis Cooper
    February 19, 2022

    Today Matthew Parris refers to “… a shocking rumour that (dangerously against Britain’s economic interests though a trade war with the EU would be) preparations are being made to trigger Article 16.”

    If any such preparations are being made they should surely reflect the recommendation of Lord Lilley;

    “In the event of the UK taking action under Article 16 or resiling from the Protocol, it would be sensible, and show good will, unilaterally to make it an offense to export non-compliant goods to the Republic/EU even if the EU chose not to reciprocate. That would reduce any excuse for “rebalancing measures”.”

    But although nearly seven months ago the Command Paper said that the UK was ready to pass such laws:

    there is no evidence that the Great Charlatan has gone beyond words and initiated any action.

    “All mouth and trousers” was a contemptuous idiom in my youthful days, is it still current?

  44. forthurst
    February 19, 2022

    How much does it cost the private sector and the civil service ie taxpayer to administer VAT?
    In the bad old days pre-VAT, revenue was collected as purchase tax rendered on luxury items only such as wireless sets (for men) and hoovers (for women). This was a simple tax which was easy to collect.
    On the contrary, VAT is an horrendously complex tax whose application cannot even be determined by the relevant item of supply but also there must be taken into account the circumstances in which the item was supplied. Thus JR’s ‘save the planet’ building materials could be supplied with a zero-rated new build; however, the builder will need to reclaim VAT on such items by sending the invoices and documentary proof of the fact that he was engaged in a VAT-free construction project to the relevant department for employing civil servants in unnecessary activities now we have left the EU.
    There are many parts of the world (ie outside the EU) where instead of VAT there are simple sales taxes; we should be one of them.

    1. Shirley M
      February 19, 2022

      Agreed. I hate VAT. Apart from the massive complexity and overheads placed on business, even fairly small businesses, it is a fraudsters paradise. What other tax gives you a cash refund before you have even paid the tax? I am quite sure it must cost billions for businesses to administer, and billions more lost the tax office in fraud.

      1. glen cullen
        February 19, 2022

        But VAT (robin-hood tax) creates vast revenues for our government the Sheriff of Nottingham

  45. Denis Cooper
    February 19, 2022

    Civitas have produced a disreputable plan for Northern Ireland:

    “Use Brexit freedoms to make Northern Ireland a super low-tax pharma manufacturing ‘freeport’”

    Why do I say “disreputable”? Because it relies on the province’s “unique post-Brexit position”.

    In other words, the plan would confirm the partial disenfranchisement of the whole body of UK citizens in Northern Ireland – an essential and totally unacceptable aspect of that “unique post-Brexit position”- for the sake of providing a more favourable environment for pharmaceutical companies.

    The British state has done things like before, but it was decided that we should no longer send captured rebels to Barbados and get out of the slave trade and give up on transporting criminals to Australia and auctioning indentured labour in the American colonies, so let’s not start again.

    1. Sir Joe Soap
      February 19, 2022

      Yes this analysis starts life in the wrong place to reach erroneous conclusions.
      The logical position is for the UK to support R and D and manufacturing jointly by offering terms which undercut those for Ireland, such as lower corp tax, business rates, grants and allowances for pharma and other hi tech manufacturing, and simultaneously ditch the protocol which differentiates parts of the UK from each other.
      Sadly this lot are a million miles from that.

  46. MikeP
    February 19, 2022

    So many replies here chime with my own view, it’s disrespectful to those voters who put you in power, beyond unacceptable and beyond BAD Politics that the Government (especially the Chancellor) drags its feet over these measures, just do it!! Your time in power is very limited now, to demonstrate our true independence from the EU. Why on Earth can’t the Tory backbenchers get the Government to ACT?!?

  47. Mickey Taking
    February 19, 2022

    Denis C you’ve surpassed the wordy contributions you usually get afforded. Taking over the blog, eh?

    1. Denis Cooper
      February 19, 2022


  48. agricola
    February 19, 2022

    I ask myself what could the Treasury do positively to benefit post Brexit UK and its citizens.

    Reduce through simplification our tax volumes from seven to one, where one is no lengthier than one at present. Within which IHT should be removed until at least ÂŁ3.5 million is involved. Reduce CT to 10% and it’s starting point to at least ÂŁ1.0 million. Make private health premiums totally tax deductable so providing a reduced loading on NHS waiting lists. Remove the green levy, a system of wealth transfer from the impoverished to the wealthy, and all VAT on all energy reduction improvements to dwellings. Halt the drive to zero until there are solutions acceptable to the market.

    Professional forensic control of spending in all government departments. Kill the mantra that all improvemdnts require more spending when usually the opposite is true.

    End the deliberate anonimity of all companies that deal with the public insisting on personal contact after three rings. Ban all No Reply email sites.

    Sort out our dreadful banking system that allows usary figures of interest on loans and overdrafts but nil interest on deposits loaned to banks. They operate a criminal system worthy of the Mafia.

    That should give politicians something positive to contribute to post Brexit UK and its citizens. I am not holding my breath because no doubt senior civil servants and our politicians are at this moment lining themselves up for nice little earners from all the above organisations in need of reform.

  49. Bill brown
    February 19, 2022

    Sir J R

    You are assuming growth will make the difference in growth will make the difference but you have not come up with a clear formula on how to make the changes necessary for the required growth

    1. Peter2
      February 20, 2022

      The existing formula seems to be working.
      UK has best growth in the G7 Billy.

      1. RedBill brown
        February 20, 2022

        Peter 2

        Look at the historic figures over the past two years, (Economist). they are some of the lowest of the G7. You are really not well informed

        1. Peter2
          February 20, 2022

          You are being silly, billy.
          The last two years we were shut down due to Covid.
          Have you forgotten?

        2. Peter2
          February 20, 2022

          You are being silly, billy.
          The last two years we were shut down due to Covid.
          Have you forgotten?

          I originally said “inward investment is good”
          That is a correct statement.

          1. RedBill brown
            February 20, 2022

            Peter 2

            I was comparing our growth with the rest of G 7 and the size of the inward investment before Brexit, but you never look up anything, it’s like talking to a blind horse. When somebody presides over something they lead it Peter, even you know that much. Or maybe that is assuming too much?

          2. Peter2
            February 20, 2022

            You can do that if you like redbill and go back to before Brexit and then compare it to the middle of Covid lockdown but I was talking about the current situation.
            Which you failed to realise.
            Bear in mind this now a time you Project fear people predicted total disaster.

  50. Geoffrey Berg
    February 19, 2022

    The biggest problem with Value Added Tax is that it deters businesses from (legally) expanding beyond ÂŁ85,000p.a.turnover because of the V.A.T. cliffedge at ÂŁ85,000. If annual turnover is ÂŁ84,999 then there is no V.A.T. to pay – if however it expands to ÂŁ85,001 in a year then around ÂŁ14,000 in V.AT. becomes instantly payable, a massive loss for doing a bit more business. Furthermore businesses doing a bit over ÂŁ85,000 if they try to charge their customers more to make up for V.A.T. become uncompetitive compared to their smaller competitors. So it is unprofitable to trade between ÂŁ85,000 and around ÂŁ150,000 or ÂŁ200,000 or even more annual turnover. So very many businesses and businessmen don’t expand their activities or take on new employees but settle for a simpler, easier and (in the short and medium term at least) more lucrative life without V.A.T..
    Leaving the E.U. allows us to stop this by amending V.A.T. in a way the E.U. wouldn’t allow.
    I suggest the answer to the V.A.T. cliffedge is to reduce the V.A.T. threshhold to ÂŁ60,000 (to offset the cost of this) but give businesses a discount of ÂŁ10,000 a year (ÂŁ2,500 per quarter) on their V.A.T. bill payments (with maybe an adjustment if their V.A.T. is significantly reduced by inputs). That would eliminate the cliffedge problem which severely penalises asnd so prevents small businesses from growing beyond the V.A.T. threshhold.
    Please, Sir. John, push the government to do this as it would stop a big (now time honoured) blockage to small business expansion and job creation.

    1. Mickey Taking
      February 20, 2022

      I wonder why tradesmen often want to avoid invoicing and take cash? Could the ÂŁ85k be the problem?
      No of course not they are all crooks the authorities would have us believe.

  51. Rhoddas
    February 21, 2022

    One more suggestion:

    If folk are wondering why there appears so slow building of new houses, I discovered much council debate about the topic of phosphate pollution and it’s as yet undecided mitigation techniques – delaying planning permissions for new houses in certain cases/areas, which stem from EUJ ruling.

    Quick fix, repeal the ruling. Below is summary of the matter. PS Wales are similarly prevaricating.

    In August 2020, Natural England wrote to Local Planning Authorities (LPA) setting out concerns over the increase of phosphates into the eco system due to new developments.

    This follows on from the previous advice given by Natural England in relation to nitrates in the Solent area which significantly delayed the grant of planning permission.

    Developers are now watching closely to find out how the LPA will respond to this guidance and how this will impact any proposed development. We set out what this means for registered providers (RPs) below.

    The issue
    The guidance stems from a ruling from the Court of Justice of the European Union which set out that more certainty is required in the mitigation of increased nutrients into sensitive receptors resulting from particular ‘projects’.

    Higher scrutiny and necessary limitations would be placed on activities which would result in a high nutrient load in Special Protection Areas (SPA), Special Areas of Conservation (SAC) and Sites designated under the Ramsar Convention.

    Following from this ruling, Natural England has identified concerns about excessive growths of algae in watercourses caused by excessive phosphates as a result of additional development which in turn affects the plant and wildlife growth in these areas.

    The impact on development
    Natural England advises that the impact of phosphates to a protected site should be considered with the appropriate assessment and with regard to their conservation objectives. The LPA should adopt a “nutrient neutral” approach and only grant permission for development where this would be achieved.

    The types of development highlighted by Natural England include, additional residential units (including tourist and student accommodation) and commercial development which result in an increase in loading from the development’s waste water treatment works.

  52. Pauline Baxter
    February 21, 2022

    Why only take VAT off DOMESTIC FUEL? Surely it would help our economy to take it off fuel for ALL. That is, if we have any ‘Industry’ left!
    Of course your party has to think about ‘Vote Catching’. There have been a few shocks lately.
    You are usually right about tax and finance. I’m a bit lost over Corporation Tax but would just make the point that taxing business is far more of a burden on small companies than large, because small concerns do not have the staff to do the ‘paper work’.
    Under Boris Johnson’s leadership there is far too much ‘Virtue Signaling’ about ‘being green’ and far to little done to ensure the future prosperity (and liberty) for U.K. citizens.
    For instance, it is fine to encourage British made electric vehicles but unrealistic and WRONG to ban the use or production of I.C. engines at a particular date.

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