The costs of illegal migration

On Monday  the government sought to restore some sense to the legislation against illegal migration. It is difficult to comprehend the Lords who watered down the Bill to make illegal migration easier, and who argued that 600,000 legal and illegal migrants coming a year was not enough. They had no working suggestions on how we could house more, or where the extra school places, surgery appointments, roadspace, electricity and other essential services would be provided . If we invite people into our country we should want them to have a decent life here. That requires making proper provision for where they live and how they access services. We read about Bishops complaining that we are  not helping enough migrants without offering up places in their own palaces and extensive Church properties for accommodation. Where do they suggest we house the additional  illegals coming in?

Before covid the EU suggested a cost of Euro 250,000 was an estimate of how much additional capital needs to be provided for a new arrival so they have a home and all the services that go with that. If we upgrade that modestly for inflation to just £250,000 today to cover the capital costs, that means a single day of 600 illegal migrants requires the state to apply £150m of capital to provide for them assuming they stay as many do. People on the current housing waiting lists are concerned if recent arrivals get priority. Many towns and cities are worried at the extensive take over of hotels for migrants, removing their services for local businesses, for weddings and events and for tourism.

The Prime Minister boldly promised to stop the small boats. This summer they are still coming. He is right to reverse unhelpful amendments from the Lords, and must be ready to do more if there are further attempts to prevent the UK saying No to illegals who are not asylum seekers fleeing persecution.


  1. Lemming
    July 13, 2023

    We receive far fewer refugess than most other European countries, for simple reasons of geography. Yet again you are trying to find a scapegoat, to distract attention from the diastrous managemnet of our economy over 13 years by the Conservative party

    1. Mark B
      July 13, 2023

      They are NOT refugees, they are economic migrants.

      What sort of ‘refugee’ abandons women and children in a supposedly troubled country?

      1. turboterrier
        July 13, 2023

        Anybody who can arrive here and get paid benefits for abscent families

      2. Sharon
        July 13, 2023

        Mark B
        I’ve asked that question – what man leaves his family unless he knows they are either safe or he doesn’t care about their welfare? I suggest these men know they are safe and are waiting to bring them here later.

      3. Ian+wragg
        July 13, 2023

        You have been in power for 13 years and immigration has increased year on year
        We have about 5 million economically inactive yet there is a shortage of labour in all sectors.
        Someone is taking the micky
        Hunt wants more immigration to give the lie to growth
        Look at Holland and Germany
        We’re next for riots

        1. glen cullen
          July 13, 2023


        2. turboterrier
          July 13, 2023

          Sot on the money regarding a riot the cauldron is pressure building.

          1. turboterrier
            July 13, 2023

            All the mistakes this country is making are highlighted in a superb aricle in the Gatestone Institute highlighting the problems the French government created for themselves.
            France on the Verge of Chaos? by Guy Millière July 11, 2023 at 5:00 am’

            Hopefully our host will allow this through moderation as it is a painfull insight of what could possibly happen when you do nothing

          2. glen cullen
            July 13, 2023

            and its all self inflicted

      4. Wanderer
        July 13, 2023

        +1. Also recent studies (quoted yesterday on the Daily Sceptic/Egyppius) show that 40%+ of asylum recipients in Germany regularly go on holiday to their home country! The Danish PM wants to introduce tougher laws in his country so that they lose their refugee status if they regularly travel back home. It’s not just in the UK that we’re being taken for fools.

      5. Original Richard
        July 13, 2023

        Mark B :


        Genuine asylum seekers would not be throwing away their ID as they would want to prove they were genuinely fleeing persecution.

      6. glen cullen
        July 13, 2023


      7. beresford
        July 13, 2023

        What sort of ‘refugee’ goes back to the country he is ‘fleeing from’ for holidays after being granted settled status here?

      8. Mickey Taking
        July 13, 2023

        what sort of refugee travels through numerous countries with a smart phone and credit card, finally paying criminal gangs £thousands to have a crowded place on a rubber dinghy, setting sail across one of the busiest 20 miles stretches of ocean with very unpredictable weather and currents? All to insist they want to go to England! So, why endure all that for England?
        Answers please without using the words benefits, house, hotel, hostel, relatives, application.

      9. Peter Parsons
        July 13, 2023

        Economic migrants will have an asylum claim rejected. Genuine asylum seekers with a legitimate claim will have their claim accepted (and the UK accepts far fewer claims than countries like France or Germany, or even Greece, as was already pointed out by Lemming).

        I’d also point out that the title of this piece is “The costs of illegal migration”. The article then is mostly about costs associated with legal immigrants (the 600,000 figure, people who have paid expensive visa application fees and NHS surcharge fees on top) and legal migrants who came to the UK under EU freedom of movement rules.

        A classic conflating of two different issues designed to appeal to a certain section of the electorate.

        1. Donna
          July 13, 2023

          “Economic migrants will have an asylum claim rejected.”

          Oh no they won’t.

          Not – in the Pantomime known as the UK Home Office.

        2. beresford
          July 13, 2023

          So their asylum claim is rejected. What then? We are still stuck with them, unable to deport them. The length of the expensive asylum process will be one of the arguments used by lawyers to block deportation.

      10. MFD
        July 13, 2023

        I know! Put them in all National Trust houses most of them are now well Isolated and heated by green methods

    2. Bloke
      July 13, 2023

      Your remedy to deal with something wrong is to share.
      Your way is wrong.
      When something is wrong you should stop it.

    3. Michelle
      July 13, 2023

      Playing Devils advocate are you, or are you just plain foolish?
      Successive Governments have openly boasted to rub our noses in it, that we take far more than some European states do.
      There are more things at stake than just the mismanagement of an economy. An economy isn’t all that makes a nation.

    4. Narrow Shoulders
      July 13, 2023

      Even if we do accept fewer than other countries (which I would dispute with 1.2 million arrivals last year) does that change the £250,000 cost? Does it change the fact we can not house our own people let alone those coming in? Does it change the fact that we do not have enough food or gas or electricity or water for our own population let alone those coming in.

      Abandon your strawman “we accept fewer….” and come up with solutions if you want us to take more.

      My solution is don’t let them in, what’s yours?

    5. Dave Andrews
      July 13, 2023

      Those other European countries also have a problem with refugees and want to discourage more.
      At least in the UK unaccompanied refugee children are taken into care, as opposed to European countries where they are left to roam the countryside, falling prey to any who would exploit them.

    6. Bingle
      July 13, 2023

      They are nor refugees – they are coming from France!

      Nor are they Asylum seekers, for the same reason.

    7. Ian B
      July 13, 2023

      @Lemming – these are criminal invaders that are robbing places from legitimate asylum seekers seeking refuge from oppression. Are you saying the EU is a troubled country?

      1. Mickey Taking
        July 13, 2023

        EU is most certainly troubled, but not at war – yet!

    8. British Patriot
      July 13, 2023

      Firstly, these people are all completely BOGUS. Not one comes from a country where they are in danger, or starving, or being persecuted. They ALL come from France! They have travelled through numerous safe countries without applying for asylum, which PROVES that safety is NOT their prime motivator. They should ALL be rejected.

      Secondly, it is irrelevant how many refugees are accepted by other countries. Their situation is different to ours. WE ARE FULL. We have no more room. We are grossly, horrifically OVERPOPULATED. You just don’t get it. Let all these people stay in France. For France to reach our level of population density they will need to accept 80 MILLION refugees! 80 MILLION! That’s how atrociously overpopulated we are. We have no houses for these people, no spare capacity in the NHS, or our schools, or our water supply, or any other service. WE CAN’T COPE!!!

      And then there’s the financial cost. Last year we spent £3.7 BILLION just on housing and feeding the fraudulent asylum seekers here already. For each one wrongly granted refugee status there is then the initial set-up cost of £250,000 which Sir John highlights, and then there’s the continuing lifetime cost of benefits, both monetary and services, as well as the added costs of things like policing. And then, of course, we know that most of these bogus refugees will ask their families to come over, so we have all their costs too. It is DESTROYING our economy!

      And yet not one MP makes the argument for refusing to take ANY asylum seekers and DEPORTING them ALL back to their countries of origin. NOT ONE. The government and their backbenchers pin all their hopes on the Rwanda scheme. This is so stupid it is exasperating. I have explained in detail why it WILL NOT WORK. You can read it again here: The government has NEVER responded to the specific loopholes I clearly highlighted which mean that the campaign of lawfare against removals to Rwanda will just continue, and no plane will take off.

      The Conservatives clearly don’t care. The government go through the motions, time and again, repeatedly changing the law and repeatedly failing to achieve anything, because they refuse to make the legal changes that are really necessary. And the backbenchers just accept what the government says, like sheep, refusing to actually use their own brains and giving priority to their OWN judgement. They just trust the government – how STUPID can you be? What an absolute farce this government is. The Conservative party deserves to be utterly destroyed – which it will be.

    9. agricola
      July 13, 2023

      Genuine refugees good and acceptable. Economic migrants, undercover terrorists, pimps and drug dealers most unwelcome. For this latter group we should make the UK a most unwelcome place. Arrest on arrival, interrogation to ascertain their status and incarceration or hard labour prior to deportation. The message would soon get back to Calais.

    10. a-tracy
      July 13, 2023

      Lemming, we also are one of the key donors of resettlement camps in places like Jordan, Turkey and Lebanon, we never seem to get any acknowledgement of that nearly £4bn + multiple charities giving aid.
      Germany and Sweden have taken responsibility for refugees, and France 3rd but the UK is 4th, and we took many more resettlement 6m Europeans asked for Settled Status in the UK, commonwealth citizens, Irish common travel area resettlement, Hong Kong and students.
      You should be complaining to Countries like Portugal, Poland, according to NRC.
      We do this as well as maintaining our spending on NATO to secure peace in Europe. Ireland isn’t putting 0.1% of its GDP into that! A lot of EU countries aren’t meeting their 2% NATO obligation, other than Greece.

    11. rose
      July 13, 2023

      We are taking in over a million immigrants a year. When the Germans were expected to take in that number in just one year, we never heard the end of it. Of course we are taking in more, by every route, legal and illegal. Or are you playing the trick of calculating according to how many people have already got here? That the more overpopulated a country is, the more it is expected to take in? We should have a population of 25 million, still five times more than the average Nordic country, but just about sustainable. We are heading fast for four times that. And you will then be saying presumably, we have a population of 100 million so we should be taking even more in proportion.

    12. Lynn Atkinson
      July 14, 2023

      You think 7,000,000 is not enough?

  2. Mark B
    July 13, 2023

    Good morning.

    We here have just about done this to death.

    The problem is self inflicted. We have signed up to all manner of agreements and have failed to enforce what laws we already have. We fail to understand why people want to come here and not remain in France or any other safe country. We fail to state the obvious that these illegals are mostly male, of between a certain age and do not all come from war torn places, not that that can be confirmed as they deliberately destroy their documents.

    The current charade, and it is a charade, between the government and the Lords is just cover to give the government the excuse that it is trying to do something without really wanting to do anything. As stated here and before – we already have enough laws on illegal entry to deal with this.

    The only way we are going to see any improvement is to elect people who put this country and its people BEFORE the wishes of outside ‘influences’

    1. turboterrier
      July 13, 2023

      Mark B


    2. Cuibono
      July 13, 2023

      Very good!
      Nail on head.
      I still ask though…what will they do when it really affects THEM?

    3. Michelle
      July 13, 2023

      A charade indeed.

    4. Donna
      July 13, 2023

      Correct. What we are seeing is all Pantomime.

      The Government doesn’t really WANT to stop the invasion. I believe that during the Brino negotiations a secret agreement was made that we would “take our fair share” of the criminal migrants flooding into Europe.

      For the sake of appearances, Sunak pretends he wants to stop them coming and Macron pretends he is trying to stop them.

      The farce that goes on in the channel with the French authorities contacting the Border Farce to tell them when and where to collect the criminal migrants is evidence that they are colluding over the invasion. As is Macron’s refusal to allow them to be returned to France.

      1. Iago
        July 13, 2023

        Horrible to say, you are quite right, Donna. And the numbers are limitless. This is about the transformation of this country and our cultural and political destruction.

    5. Sharon
      July 13, 2023

      Hear, hear, Mark!

      The state won’t stop the migrants, because for some reason, they don’t want to!

      1. glen cullen
        July 13, 2023

        They’ll never stop under the government of labour & tory

    6. Peter
      July 13, 2023

      Yes it is a charade.

      Those who arrive in boats could be declared ‘enemy invaders’ instead of hiding under the cover story of ‘refugees’. A few engagements where boats are sunk would end the problem very quickly.

      Unfortunately we don’t have any strong leaders in this country.

      1. glen cullen
        July 13, 2023


    7. fishknife
      July 13, 2023

      What are we doing with our uninvited guests?
      In return for our hospitality are we teaching them English, our history and culture, their rights and responsibilities as a British Citizen; are we making them ready to fit into our society?

      1. glen cullen
        July 13, 2023

        Apparently they have a human right to their own culture but with our benefits

    8. British Patriot
      July 13, 2023

      @Mark B – You say: “we already have enough laws on illegal entry to deal with this”. You are RIGHT. Specifically, there is Section 80B of the Nationality, Immigration and Asylum Act 2002, which states: “The Secretary of State may declare an asylum claim made by a person .. who has a connection to a safe third State inadmissible”. It goes on to make clear that: “A declaration .. that an asylum claim is inadmissible is not a decision to refuse the claim and, accordingly, no right of appeal .. arises”. So there you have it. EVERY ONE of the asylum applicants who come from France – “a safe third State” – can be told their aplication is inadmissible, to which they cannot appeal. This Section 80B was specifically introduced into the Act by this government, in order to tackle this very problem. They said that this was the solution to the Channel invasion. So, why doesn’t the government use it this AND THEN DEPORT THE INVADERS?

      Because the Human Rights Act prevents this. So why did the government not change the Nationality, Immigration and Asylum Act to exclude asylum seekers from the HRA at the same time that it introduced Section 80B? Because they don’t REALLY want to deport the invaders. I have explained before that the Rwanda legislation is also full of HRA loopholes. This cannot be accidental, because the government have been warned and have taken no action. The government are LIARS. They do NOT want to deport the invaders. They will therefore continue to do NOTHING. Anyone who trusts this government is being FOOLED.

      1. glen cullen
        July 13, 2023

        The Human Rights Act doesn’t supersede the Nationality, Immigration and Asylum Act 2002 …its never been used nor challenged
        Most MPs don’t even know that the Nationality, Immigration and Asylum Act 2002 exists, or even that it was enacted by a labour government
        The home secretary could quote the act tomorrow …why doesn’t she

    9. BOF
      July 13, 2023

      Mark B
      Outside influences. I would suggest we elect people who are, to all intents and purposes, their operatives.

    10. agricola
      July 13, 2023

      That leaves ar best 100 Conservative MPs and the Reform Party.

      1. Donna
        July 13, 2023

        Reform or the Reclaim Party. They have a non-aggression pact which means one or the other will stand in key seats.

      2. glen cullen
        July 13, 2023

        The reform party said on day one they’ll repeal net-zero, stop ULEZ and send the boats back to France …I like them

    11. Timaction
      July 13, 2023

      Agreed. Why are we deporting less than anytime in history? Because the Tory’s don’t want too.

  3. Berkshire Alan
    July 13, 2023

    Looks like the Government will need to have a confrontation with the House of Lords then, if the Government cannot govern, then what is the point of them being in power.
    I thought the purpose of the second house was for reflection and advice.
    You point out the massive capital cost for each immigrant John, but there are also other costs, those hotels which have been booked on the assumption of new arrivals is perhaps fine for the owners (although most of the staff we are informed are sacked) but what about the damage to the local economy of the town within which they are located, no visitors means no local spending, and whilst we are lead to believe that immigrants get some pocket money, that does not go anywhere near to what a visitor would spend.
    This policy of housing thousands of immigrants until their claims are settled, is simply creating ghost areas where nothing happens, and could be the straw rear beaks the camels back for many small businesses that rely upon tourism and business bookings.
    You need to arrest and turn around illegals immediately, that is the only sensible solution that will stop the flow.

    1. turboterrier
      July 13, 2023

      Berkshire Alan
      To arrive in any country without a passport or legal means of identification is an illegal attempt to gain a foothold in that country.
      That said I totally agree with you that they should be arrested for breaking our immigration laws and deported.

    2. Mark B
      July 13, 2023

      This is what they want you to think. A sort of Punch’n’Judy show.

      See my comment above.

    3. Ian B
      July 13, 2023

      @Berkshire Alan – remove the House of Lords it is without any form of legitimacy. It is actually a kick in the teeth to all those that wish the UK was a democracy.

    4. Iain gill
      July 13, 2023

      It’s fake the government is not really in favour of controlling immigration, they just want headlines which distract and make them look good. They don’t need new laws to fix these problems, they already have plenty of ways of doing so within existing legislation. The boat users are also a distraction as compared to the people being given visas legally and coming in with skills already in massive oversupply they are trivial.

      1. Timaction
        July 13, 2023

        Former Border Force personnel have already told us they used to speedily remove those like these on their arrival. The Tory’s don’t want to. No new Rwanda scheme needed. Agreements with recipient Countries to have their citizens back or return to France their escaped refugees because of their porous borders. It should be a French problem, not English taxpayers if our leaders grew a pair!!

    5. Peter Parsons
      July 13, 2023

      The Lords are reflecting and advising. The fact that “stop telling me things are illegal” Braverman doesn’t like the advice she is being given isn’t the fault of the Lords.

      How much of the Rwanda policy was in the 2019 manifesto, and therefore how bound by the Sailsbury Convention are the Lords in this matter?

      1. glen cullen
        July 13, 2023

        Hasn’t helped scotland

    6. Mark J
      July 13, 2023

      @Berkshire Alan.

      I fear we will still be discussing the ‘small boats issue’ in another 10 years time.

      By which time, we will have a population approaching 80 million.

      Many sensible backbench Tory MPs clearly have gotten the message (except Theresa May it seems), however the leadership still carry on with daft policies that they know full well will be challenged, and will ultimately fail in court.

      1. rose
        July 13, 2023

        Tescos estimated our population at 80 million some years ago. They will have a better idea than the ONS outdated methods of counting.

    7. a-tracy
      July 13, 2023

      The Lords didn’t stop them from pushing through other legislation sharpish when the government wanted to make quick decisions. Do we stop Lords voting who don’t spend a certain amount of time in the House of Lords each quarter or do they all get an equal vote, those that read and legislate and those honorary ones that just seem to like wearing the red cape on state occasions?

  4. Cheshire Girl
    July 13, 2023

    I don’t like the words ‘welcomed’ and ‘invited’, when used in this context.

    The Government may have welcomed and invited illegal immigrants, but the taxpayer (who pays for this) has done no such thing. Most of the public are at the end if their tether , as to how this can be stopped. The problem is completely out of control, and it is clear the Government has not a clue as to what to do about it. About the only people who approve of it, are Charities, most of the Media, Celebrities, and various other groups, who are far removed from the effects it will have.
    There is now, very serious concern, as to how far the taxpayers can be pushed, before there is outright protests – even violence. The Government had better get a grip, and soon. The writing is on the wall.

    1. rose
      July 13, 2023

      It is certainly turning the Welsh agaisnt Weslh Labour.

      Incidentally, the Welsh Health Secretary turns out not to have read the pandemic plan until just before his appearance at the Inquiry! All that morally superior posturing against the UK government during the pandemic and he hadn’t even thought about how to handle it.

  5. Bloke
    July 13, 2023

    UK citizens want illegal entry stopped and reversed. The government is doing nothing effective to stop it, is barely even trying, and is paying wastefully to tolerate it at British citizens’ heavy expense. The House of Lords attempts to promote the illegal entrants into a status above our indigenous population. Most of the government and House of Lords needs to be deported to solve the problem.

  6. DOM
    July 13, 2023

    I do wish that Tories would speak out about the real reasons behind mass immigration and it’s got ‘nowt’ to do with offering others a better life.

    The authoriarian Left want nothing less than the obliteration of this nation

    Powell declared the liberal Left’s intentions when he declared they would ‘rub the Tories nose in diversity’. The weaponisation and politicisation of human beings themselves as a tool of reconstruction. It is abhorrent. It is vile. It is sinister

    The Neo-Marxist victim versus oppressor narrative is pure bred poison and the importation of human beings is the human capital to feed this process

    If the Tories aren’t going to tell it as it is and accuse Labour and the Left of this appalling tactic then it’s game over as this process will simply continue ad infinitum, without end and without conclusion

    A captured Tory party represents a significant threat to our nations and our every dwindling freedoms though the Andersons of the world and GB News (we need laws to protect and defend GB News from the Left’s war against it) are speaking out

    1. Timaction
      July 13, 2023

      Yes we do notice how GB News is now the subject of attention from the lefty regulatory authority but not the BBC or ITV for their woke/pc lefty activist behaviours.

  7. turboterrier
    July 13, 2023

    The people including many who have resettled here have had enough.
    The government has got to sort out the House of Lords.
    The more people we take in is just a dilution of the indigenous core of our population and we are seeing it that towns and cities are slowly losing their original British identity some a lot faster than others.
    When our people and War heroes on the streets are receiving meaningful assistance and living in reasonable conditions then we can look around at others.
    You have to change the benefits system to make it far more advantageous to work than stay at home and no immigrant can enter unless proof of intended employment is provided and no benefits will be payable until two full years of contributions has been paid.

  8. Donna
    July 13, 2023

    It seems to me that Their Fraudships have been indulging in an extended temper tantrum ever since the revolting peasants dared vote to leave their beloved EU. Having failed to stop the first democratic vote on membership of the EU for 4 decades from going ahead and then losing it, they then failed to stop a form of Brexit going ahead when the revolting peasants gave Johnson an 80 seat majority in order to Get Brexit Done.

    This looks to me very much like Their Fraudships getting revenge. As far as they’re concerned, imposing mass immigration by criminal migrants who have no right whatsoever to claim refugee status, is what the revolting peasants” deserve for daring to ignore “their betters” instructions.

    Of course, Sunak and the Not-a-Conservative-Party could stop it – if they really wanted to.

    But they don’t really want to ….. and haven’t got the cojones.

    The Not-a-Conservative-Party should have abolished, or at the very least reformed, the House of Frauds when it had the chance. It is acting as an anti-democratic Chamber of Entitled Parasites ….. not a reforming chamber.

    1. Timaction
      July 13, 2023

      Indeed. Sunout knows full well it would stop overnight if he returned France’s illegals the SAME DAY, IMMEDIATELY. Their porous borders are the problem as well as our gutless politicos.

  9. turboterrier
    July 13, 2023

    On your Twitter site yesterday there was some really strong views and veiled threats to posters for basically trying something different and highlighting that maritime law is being curved when it says about sea rescues have to be bought the the rescuers home country.
    Frence law regarding legal certification to take a craft to sea. Many things are being manipulated to enable passing of responsibility by some governments.
    Weakness by our government is not a tenable option.

  10. turboterrier
    July 13, 2023

    Those politicians that want to be everything to everybody better start looking across the channel to the end result of not properly dealing with immigration problems.
    Do they not see that the more that settle here will not vote for them but for there own people and over a period of time we will have a foreign parliament on whichever nationality has the biggest critical mass of voters as their children from day one are taught their culture and heritage that is why polls show how our icons of our history are hardly remembered due to the way they are and have been taught.
    Nationals demand we apologise for our slave trading and demand restitution but no one shouts about the Romans , Egypt, and Greeks who all built their empires on slaves.
    Why is it this country is always the pattie for being played as a suckered?

  11. Cuibono
    July 13, 2023

    It’s all about guilt.
    Who conceives, plans and starts the wars that upend the world?
    Not the ordinary people.
    They just believe the lies of the warmongering rhetoric.
    And then pay the price.
    We apparently must give up everything.
    What are they sacrificing?

    1. Cuibono
      July 13, 2023

      Referred guilt.
      Referred onto us, the good old scapegoats!

  12. Michelle
    July 13, 2023

    Those in our establishment need to be reminded of who it is they work for.
    If they wish to throw their arms around the world, then they must do so without forcing it upon us.
    We do not need mass immigration, we never did. We do not need or want the diversity they are bringing us, we never did. Such huge changes that have been forced on a population against their wishes is far from democratic.
    This is a scandal of huge proportions because the ramifications for the future are immense. These ludicrous self-serving people may have a vision of everyone holding hands and skipping off into the sunset together, but that’s not the reality.
    I caught an interview with Henry Bolton yesterday, who knows his stuff on border security and what we are actually dealing with. I suggest all in Parliament and the Lords are forced to take note.
    I also suggest many get themselves along to talk to those who work in Border Force and who can tell them straight what it is these people have come for.
    Lastly but not least, when they go to the Cenotaph this year they needn’t kid themselves that those they are their to pay respect to would approve of their actions, because what has happened to this country is not what was fought for.

  13. Sea_Warrior
    July 13, 2023

    There are too many pull-factors for these economic migrants. (One being the global reach of the BBC.) Remove those and they’ll stop coming. We are now seeing demonstrations against the non-stop flood of wealth-sappers. It will get worse!

    1. glen cullen
      July 13, 2023

      100% benefits for life ‘pull factor’

  14. Javelin
    July 13, 2023

    It’s not just illegal migration it’s the elderly, sick, low or no paid paid and chain migration that the tax payers have to support. These numbers very soon dilute the tax system and the Government are forced to push up taxes and push up pay rises. Leading to higher taxes and higher interest rates. Which is exactly what has happened. It’s then impossible to reverse

    This is harpoon politics.

  15. Wokinghamite
    July 13, 2023

    We cannot afford all these migrants, who, as our host has indicated, place too great a load on our health service, housing and education supply, and other essential services.

    1. glen cullen
      July 13, 2023

      £50 million to China, £100 billion on HS2, £16 billion on foreign aid, £4 billion on cycle paths, £10 billion every year on net-zero …..This government has tonnes of taxpayers money to waste (note none of the above are of any benefit to the taxpayer or UK Plc)

  16. MPC
    July 13, 2023

    Sunak and Braverman surely know that ‘the Rwanda plan’, of itself, will not stop the boats. Just as Tony Blair moved from ‘weapons of mass destruction’ to ‘weapons of mass destruction programmes’, Sunak will do the same – from ‘stop the boats’ to ‘slow the flow of boats’ perhaps. Braverman recently said at some parliamentary committee that the flow of boats is rendering the asylum system unworkable. Hearing that, the migrants thus become even more incentivised to come as the people smugglers aim to collapse the asylum system such that all the migrants are allowed to remain. We should have done what from experience the Australians told us to do. More and more people now feel less and less safe in their own country.

  17. Mick
    July 13, 2023

    We are just too bloody soft on crime and that is what these illegals are doing a crime trying to break in to someone’s home being the U.K.
    If they turn up with no paperwork or passports then send them straight back to France it’s not flaming rocket science, we are a soft touch and that’s what these traffickers are playing on, why not have a few words with the French about allowing a few of our armed forces to intervene the boats on there shores a bullet in the engine and a knife in the rubber lining would stop them and a lot cheaper then to put them up when they get here in accommodation with full medical support and meals and pocket money which some of us can only dream of, we are a easy touch and it’s about bloody time we stopped being the best full board hotel in the world for these illegals to the worst and stop being soft with them, just get your government to pull its finger out and grow a backbone and protect this country before it’s to late

  18. Javelin
    July 13, 2023

    The BBC has 21,000 staff. GB News says the director Richard Sharp said there are 250 allegations made against staff every 6 months.

    This means 500 allegations every year. Which is 2.5% of the 21,000 staff staff. Let’s assume that this behaviour is going on for a couple of years. Which means well over 5% of staff (a “significant” number) have members of the public making complaints about them.

    I presume these are just the well known “stars” and presenters. Imagine that in any other company.

    But of the 250 complaints that the BBC investigate we don’t hear of any of them. So presumably this is all swept under the carpet.

    The BBC is not fit to self regulate nor are staff fit to present themselves as role models. Let’s not forget the public who are making claims they were abused by BBC staff.

    1. Timaction
      July 13, 2023

      If you want frightening statistics take a look at the number of male MP’s who receive complaints for wrong doing against per capita comparisons in the general population. That’s scary!

    2. rose
      July 13, 2023

      Richard Sharp is the Chairman the BBC staff had witch hunted and rejected because he had been appointed by Boris. Perhpas they are ruing the day they did that.

      Tim Davie is the Director General who wasn’t told about the scandal that was about to break till the day before, last Thursday, the same day Edwards was told. Our witch hunting, scapegoating, morally superior media don’t seem to have any curiosity about who in the BBC empire did know. Looking at the list of colossal salaries just released, it seems things are even worse at the BBC than in the NHS or the average council or Quango.

  19. Cuibono
    July 13, 2023

    I Googled “Why do we take in refugees”
    And I saw all the amazingly incredible arguments that refugee supporting charities put forward.
    To guilt trip us so the charities keep receiving no doubt.
    Much talk of “enrichment” and more.
    No doubt where the Lords get their info from!

  20. Narrow Shoulders
    July 13, 2023

    No recourse to public funds!

    That is the entire solution, if they then resort to criminal activity because they have no funds deport or incarcerate offshore.

    1. Mark J
      July 13, 2023

      @Narrow Shoulders

      I’ve said before about ‘No recourse to public funds’.

      It is a term we used to hear for those that had no legal right of entitlement to our money or services.

      Nowadays that doesn’t seem to be the case.

      Just come to the UK illegally with your hand out. You will be treated better than the homeless, poor and needy born in the UK.

      I agree with other comments.

      If this Government isn’t careful we could start seeing French style riots happening over here.

      If it does happen, the Government will be squarely to blame.

  21. BOF
    July 13, 2023

    It is time to look deeper into these illegal migrants.

    The international charities, their funders and who controls them. The billionairs, WEF, UN, WHO, IMF etc. What are the connections of our MP’s and Lords who do all they can to keep the migrants coming. Where do these poverty stricken migrants get the money to make these long journeys and how do they pay traffickers sums, that even for us, would be eye watering.

    My conclusion is that this is an organised and orchestrated invasion of Europe and our country. The purpose is the destruction of our customs, society, religion and democracy, or what remains of democracy, the fragmentation and demoralisation of indigenous populations.

    It cannot possibly end well.

  22. Frances
    July 13, 2023

    We dont have enough water. Natural infrastructure is finite. The only answer is to redefine asylum so it suits us. We are a small land mass with finite resources. There is no off button for the number of migrants. Africa has a population of 1.2 billion. Problem is Labour has no answer to any of it and having dumped 1200 young men near an OAP village we will never vote Tory again.

    1. Mark B
      July 13, 2023

      That is the plan – Rats in a sack to busy fighting between themselves to see what really is going on.

    2. a-tracy
      July 14, 2023

      Who will you vote for Frances? Who has a cat in hells chance of sorting out Immigration when the unelected Lords can stop them, when the courts can stop them, when Labour disagree with you. They say one thing to get elected but we all see what they do when they are in charge, it is one reason wages were held down for twenty years other than their unionised public paymasters who got so many extra free uncosted perks and benefits they are now taken for granted.

  23. Old Albion
    July 13, 2023

    Sadly we are governed by charlatans (with a few exceptions) Politicians who care not for England. A House of Lords detached from reality. The French authorities facilitating small boat crossings. A woke far left chattering class driving sympathy for ILLEGAL immigrants. They are not refugees!
    Meanwhile vast areas of England are concreted over to satisfy the ever rising need for housing, driven by massive immigration.
    Town centres abandoned by the indigenous population and handed over to varying groups of young men from other countries, mostly of non-Christian background.
    I’m in my twilight years and I’m glad I won’t see the endgame of this madness. However, I fear for the futures of my sons and grandchildren.

    1. Iago
      July 13, 2023

      My town centre was changing weekly, it is now daily.

      1. glen cullen
        July 13, 2023

        Same here

  24. The PrangWizard
    July 13, 2023

    Is that all you can say on the subject? Yes, must not be strong worded must we, no expression to reflect the feeling of people on the streets of your respected leader’s failure, his duplicity and lack of understanding about how people who belong here feel. That just would not do.

  25. Walt
    July 13, 2023

    Why did Ms Braverman alter the bill such that it will only apply after it is enacted ? People have committed and are committing illegal acts, entering our country without permission or just cause, many then expecting and receiving welfare at our expense and inconvenience. Our government postures but does nothing effective to stop them and apparently now proposes a bill that does not enable existing miscreants to be removed. Some immigrants may reasonably be welcomed, e.g., the recent influx from Hong Kong and the Ugandan Asians of some decades ago; and some other persons now who apply legally. Illegal migrants were correctly called invaders (by Ms Braverman, as I recall). Treat them as such.

  26. miami.mode
    July 13, 2023

    The true costs will be borne in 20, 30 or 40 years’ time and as William Hague famously said in his 1977 speech “half of you won’t be here”.

  27. Denis+Cooper
    July 13, 2023

    After a quarter of a century I’m tired out with this and other chronic, and ostensibly insoluble, problems.

    Tidying up my files to ease the task of my literary executor, from the Reading Evening Post December 21 2004:

    “New jobs won’t go to people living here”

    “Reading councillor and SEERA member John Howarth says it would be “economic suicide” to build only 640,000 new homes across the south east in the next 20 years.

    (“House Targets ‘Suicide'”, Evening Post, Friday December 10th, page 9)

    A rather extreme response to the possibility that economic growth in this so-called region may be slightly below
    the government’s projection of three per cent a year.

    Even if it was only one per cent, would that be “economic suicide”? Of course not.

    But would Cllr Howarth’s preferred target – 720,000 – be enough? Not according to Douglas Horner of the CBI, and a fellow SEERA member, who claims it would still not provide enough homes for the workforce needed to get three per cent growth.

    Now, some readers may be puzzled why this gentleman is relating the need for more homes not to the number of people in the region who are homeless at present, but to the size of the workforce needed to achieve an arbitrary target for economic growth.

    The first hint of this came over a year ago, when Reading Council leader David Sutton was reported saying “more homes are required to match increasing numbers of jobs”.

    These are not to be jobs for local jobless people, nor homes for local homeless people, but homes for people who will be brought in from elsewhere to expand the workforce.

    Meanwhile, as the government takes the easy option of cramming more business and more people into the already over-crowded southern half of the island, the population of Scotland is actually declining, and northern England is about to follow suit.

    And this is the government which pledged to tackle the “north south divide”.”

    1. a-tracy
      July 14, 2023

      I get sick of this North-South divide talk, as though the people of the North have nothing to do with it other than losing our brightest youth to southern better-paying more varied jobs, transport and entertainment.

      Everyone wants everything to stay in London, or the already pre-chosen select areas; all the theatres, the art galleries, which children in the Union get free tickets to the Globe and other Central London big venues for arts and entertainment? I’ll give you a clue it isn’t kids from the North. Our main theatres are now shadows of their former self in Liverpool, Manchester and Stoke! There is no grown culture of going to the theatre because our buses stop after 6 pm and are too expensive and only once per hour, even in towns with over 35,000 people!

      Any small attempt to correct it and the armies of the entitled in London come out screeching usually because they’re earning a pretty penny themselves from it or taking all subsidies offered and they don’t want to move up North, god no.

  28. Ian B
    July 13, 2023

    Those committing illegal actions are usually considered criminals or similar. Those paying others so they can commit illegal acts?

    These are invaders that are robbing places from legitimate asylum seekers seeking refuge from oppression. That is lost in all the wishy washy speeches from self important individuals, it is they that are the ones without compassion.

    Is the EU such a hostile place they need to force an exit?

  29. David Cooper
    July 13, 2023

    Sir John: “If we invite people into our country we should want them to have a decent life here.”
    The key word here is “invite”, which gives rise to two observations: (1) by no stretch of the imagination can the UK be looked upon as having “invited” thousands of illegal immigrants here – the French are dumping them upon us in the same manner as a neighbour deliberately throwing rubbish over the garden fence; however, (2) the availability of the free taxi, hotel and benefits package could be interpreted as an invitation, albeit one that the UK is under no obligation to hold out. It remains curious to this day that the Minister or civil servant who devised and oversaw the enaction of this measure has not been named and invited to explain his or her reasons for doing so.

    1. Mickey Taking
      July 13, 2023

      and does Sir John believe our citizens already experience ‘a decent life here’?
      He needs to get out more.

  30. Iain gill
    July 13, 2023

    Mrs Mays position on this has exposed her true colours, as someone who has been pro open doors for a long time, and as home secretary and PM she pulled the levers of power in that direction, while telling the voters she was doing the precise opposite.
    The whole political class of all the main parties are massively divergent from the voters, and this tension could snap at any time.

    1. Mark B
      July 13, 2023

      And to think that she said that she was sink of be part of the, ‘Nasty Party’

  31. agricola
    July 13, 2023

    It is not the financial cost of illegal immigration, significant that it is, it is the further erosion of british society as we know it that will have the most damaging long term effect. We already see civil unrest growing at the sites of immigrant housing. Prior to Blairs open door we could accommodate and integrate refugees and we still retain that basic instinct to do so. Blair was responsible for the ghettoisation of most of our major cities. It has resulted in the movement of the indigenous population to the smaller county towns and villages. My own is in the process of expanding by 14,000 houses, so it is factually undeniable. The only thing that makes the influx of 1,200,000 immigrants last year palatable is the 600,000 who left, so that government can sell 600,000 immigrants in one year as acceptable. The people are not fools. They are paying the real cost in horrendous tax, a lack of school places, doctors, hospital beds, shrunken defence, dreadful roads, and a contribution to the levels of inflation we suffer. When they add in totally inadequate policing such that crime is our prime growth industry, and a government that has lost control of everything apart from rhetoric, it is no wonder that you are due a hammering in 2024. Democracy is now in grave danger due to 13 years of conservative duplicity and mismanagement.

  32. glen cullen
    July 13, 2023

    Two things need to happen
    1. Send them back to our good neighbours from whence they come France same day
    2. Leave the European Council ECHRs
    otherwise hold in secure camps without any benefits nor legal aid forever ….everthing else is smoke

  33. Original Richard
    July 13, 2023

    Genuine asylum seekers would not be throwing away their ID as they would want to prove they were genuinely fleeing persecution.

    Any illegal migrants attempting to enter the UK without ID should be towed immediately back to France BECAUSE they have no ID and hence cannot prove they are genuine refugees fleeing persecution. Just as I would be returned back to the UK if I attempted to enter any other country with no ID (or, for some, including a visa).

    It is also an international standard that boats and their occupants rescued at sea are returned back to their place of departure.

    1. glen cullen
      July 13, 2023

      Correct – and I cant understand why our government hasn’t even tried to return them to France

      1. agricola
        July 13, 2023

        Much of the power in parallel with conventional government is all in favour of cheap labour, they do not have to invest in training.

  34. Roy Grainger
    July 13, 2023

    Sunak, who the Conservative MPs chose as PM, pledged to stop the boats. So far he has dismally failed according to the data but has told us that in fact he has succeeded because numbers are lower than they would have been without whatever measures he had taken (none ?). This is apparently what it means to have an “adult” in charge.

  35. Alan Paul Joyce
    July 13, 2023

    Dear Mr. Redwood,

    Meanwhile, the government continues to flail around in its ever more desperate attempts to find accommodation for illegal migrants. It forces British military families from their homes on former airbases and takes the jobs away of hotel staff so that it can squeeze ever more in to the system. One could say that migrants now have priority over the British people themselves.

    How can this government, which you support, treat British people in such an underhand and disgraceful way?

  36. beresford
    July 13, 2023

    The elephant in the room is not whether we can accommodate the entire Third World on this island but whether we want to. In the long term our people heritage and culture will go to the wall, which is of course the reason that wealthy globalists are bankrolling the process.

  37. Richard+Jenkins
    July 13, 2023

    The actual number of immigrants to the UK last year was 1.1 million, not 600,000. The government likes to talk about and explain the net number, so as not to scare the horses. The net number, of course, is reached by deducting 500,000 emigrants from the total number of immigrants.
    Proper control of UK borders, and the management of resources for new arrivals, would require a better understanding of both inflows and outflows.
    Of the 500,000 emigrants, about 90000 are UK citizens, the balance split roughly equally between EU citizens and rest of world.
    Who are the emigrating UK citizens? How many are doctors and teachers, going to better paid jobs in Australia, and how many are retirees moving to Spain and similar?
    Of the remaining emigrants, how many are students returning home (fine to offset against new arrivals), and how many are skilled workers whom the country will need to replace?
    What kind of accommodation are the emigrants leaving behind.
    The government explained the “600,000” by reference to refugees from Ukraine and Hong Kong. Fair enough. But the government has not explained the extra half a million immigrants, either where they come from, or whether it is meaningful just to offset them against the emigrants.
    This country is nowhere near addressing the issue of immigration.

  38. Cuibono
    July 13, 2023

    What is being done to us is treacherous, traitorous, ungrateful, deceitful and cruel beyond measure.
    Pretty cruel to the folk they are encouraging here too ( Treasure Island it definitely ain’t!!)
    Never mind the “ Nasty Party” lol…whooo…they surpassed that years ago!
    Is it really their fear of international treaties? And if so why are they more scared of that than of us who pay their wages?
    Or is it some weird implementation of an ancient ideology?
    WHY? We WILL eventually run out of standing room.

    1. Cuibono
      July 13, 2023

      But then again.
      Could it all be a psyop? ie..NO immigrants? I haven’t seen mobs of thousands.
      Why do they get rid of staff in the hotels and why are people banned from going in?
      At this point I am open to any suggestions.

      1. glen cullen
        July 13, 2023

        At the very least the government contract should have a clause stating that the hotel can’t sack or make anyone redundant while in the receipt of taxpayer funds

  39. formula57
    July 13, 2023

    Of the ‘ Lords you say “They had no working suggestions on how we could house more, or where the extra school places, surgery appointments, roadspace, electricity and other essential services would be provided” but then neither does this government.

    It is not the ‘ Lords who are daily permitting vast numbers to enter the U.K.. An increase in numbers of arrivals prompts the Prime Minister to explain his policy of stopping such is working!

  40. Bryan Harris
    July 13, 2023

    The Prime Minister boldly promised to stop the small boats.

    That was not a real promise – it was a gesture to us to make us believe he was doing something for us – PURE THEATRE

    He knows very well that he cannot do anything to stop the illegals – He doesn’t have the authority.

  41. glen cullen
    July 13, 2023

    Whatever the monetary value, the cost on our society is too much !

  42. turboterrier
    July 13, 2023

    The cost?
    Too much.
    Totally unaffordable and unsustainable

  43. Mickey Taking
    July 13, 2023

    I imagine around February Sunak will proudly claim ‘I have stopped the boats’.
    To coincide with North Sea storms and coastal flooding.

  44. Christine
    July 13, 2023

    “a cost of Euro 250,000 was an estimate of how much additional capital needs to be provided for a new arrival so they have a home and all the services that go with that.”

    And what about us? Are we not entitled to a home and services? Seems not as these freeloaders get priority. All my life out of control immigration has been one of the top concerns of voters. Every election politicians promise to sort it out. Every year it just gets worse and these same politicians voted in on a manifesto lie make things worse.

    We are fed up with empty promises and lies.

  45. Bert+Young
    July 13, 2023

    We are a ” soft soap ” country as far as illegal migrants are concerned and no matter what efforts are made to prevent the crossings , the way things presently are they will be disregarded by the organising gangs . The situation is beyond the serious and only tough action will bear results . We must ignore all the – so called ” humane ” contributors and send these illegals back ( to Rwanda or elsewhere ) immediately . I am not convinced that the efforts on the French side are in any way adequate to stop the boats ; instead I would implement a “stop ” procedure halfway across the Channel and send the boats back to France .

  46. MWB
    July 13, 2023

    England is overpopulated, more densly populated than any other European country, so we don’t want any more immigrants.
    Indeed, we want many of those already here, to be found and deported. Bring in a system of incentives for people to leave UK., not just England.
    Bring in laws to neutralise the so called lords and these bishops.
    Do the above, and your party will be remembered as have done at least something useful, before they are booted out of office.

  47. RichardP
    July 13, 2023

    A plan to honour World War II heroes at RAF Scampton has been destroyed because the government can’t be bothered to protect our borders that previous generations gave their lives to defend. What is the Royal Navy for?

    1. Sea_Warrior
      July 13, 2023

      Please don’t blame the Royal Navy for a mess made by Labour and Conservative politicians. Turning the boats back in mid-Channel is highly problematic. What might work? Arresting the boats’ coxswains as soon as they enter British waters or hit the beach, and having them in front of a magistrate the next morning, with lengthy custodial sentences made the norm. Those passengers without travel documents should be locked-up until they identify themselves.

    2. rose
      July 13, 2023

      We need to get to the bottom of whether it is the Royal Navy refusing to defend our borders or the Civil Service.

  48. Derek
    July 13, 2023

    Oh so typical of the NIMBYs. Until they are prepared to put their properties where their mouths are, they must keep quite for they are not helping the dire situation. Now is it any wonder the CoE is steadily losing its flocks across the country? The church has become politicised.
    Come to think of it, this may well be the very reason why the Bishops ‘promote’ illegal immigration – in the hope that some, in gratitude, will become their replacement congregations. Hmm.

  49. forthurst
    July 13, 2023

    Constant whining about matters for which there is a simple solution is pointless. It is very clear that the House of Lords is well past its sell by date and needs to abolished. It is a bizarre anachronism which has now become intolerable and unsupportable, unelected busy-bodies overruling the decisions of an elected chamber.

    It is clear that the present government is not nearly tough enough on foreign invaders of military age. I see them when I walk past a local private hotel, hanging around, doing nothing. Furthermore, I’m no ethnologist but in my estimation these people have come a very long way to sponge off my taxes. Get rid of them.

    1. Derek
      July 16, 2023

      The HoL is grotesquely overloaded with Lib Dems whose numbers bear no relationship to their terms in Government.
      It is those, along with dubious sycophants in other parties that inhibit our ELECTED governments from doing their duty to protect us, the British citizens. They are not elected so they should never be able to change our laws. No wonder they want us to re-join the EU.

  50. Mark J
    July 13, 2023

    Why should someone who rocks up on our shores ILLEGALLY, then be provided £250k of expenditure as quoted – to pay for accommodation and services?

    It really isn’t on!

    We the UK taxpayer have to fight tooth and nail for basic entitlements out of the State and jump through various hoops to get it. Yet arrive here illegally and it is all chucked at you without much fuss or hassle.

    It is little wonder the majority of people have had enough of this situation.

    I also question what happens to these people if they are still kicking around the country with illegal status upon retirement age.

    Are we then providing them some kind of pension without contribution?

    This Government needs to understand:

    1) Our current benefits system acts as a draw for illegal migration.
    2) We pay for their wasteful expenditure. A bit of consideration those that fund the services we all use, wouldn’t go amiss.
    3) Keep prioritising and chucking money at illegal migrants, whilst making UK born people jump through hoops for public money, or housing – is just going to store up huge amounts of anger and resentment.
    4) I’m starting to agree with calls by some of a tax boycott. The only way this Government will listen is when tax revenues start to drop.

  51. KB
    July 13, 2023

    That capital cost (of £250,000) was not included in those economic models that purported to show that immigration is net beneficial. Those models only included ONGOING expenditure and benefit.
    Yet everyone who steps off a boat or plane immediately becomes beneficiary of 1/67 million of the value of the UK.
    That value has been built up over centuries.
    I think it is high time for a reappraisal of that EU estimate, which dates back many years now.

  52. George Sheard
    July 13, 2023

    Sir john
    How can we spend 2500 pound per person on illegals on top of the millions we are giving France
    When our son daughters grandchildren
    Cant get any help even though they maybe paying tax,
    The lords and government are lining the pockets of the people smugglers
    No people smugglers arrested
    France are not treating migrants legally but nothing said,

  53. Keith from Leeds
    July 13, 2023

    Once again, you write a sensible article. Most people in the UK would agree that we have too many immigrants, both legal & illegal. This Government fails on the three key basics, & sadly a Labour Government will be worse.
    1. Protecting our borders & the security of the UK.
    2. Energy Security – Securing reliable and cheap energy so we are self-sufficient, which means using what is under our feet until SNRs are operational.
    3. Food Security – ensuring we are as near as possible self-sufficient in all the basic food groups.
    So why does nobody in government listen to you? Why does nobody in the government have the common sense & intelligence to put the UK first in every decision.

  54. glen cullen
    July 13, 2023

    I was brought up to uphold the law and to uphold the spirit of the law ….I like many in the UK would welcome genuine refugees, but these aren’t refugees, they’re student over-stayers and illegal economic immigration using legal loop-holes and woke inaction from our government and enforcement agencies.

  55. Original Richard
    July 13, 2023

    “They had no working suggestions on how we could house more, or where the extra school places, surgery appointments, roadspace, electricity and other essential services would be provided.”

    What about the police and the prisons?

  56. outsider
    July 13, 2023

    Dear Sir John,
    When faced with actions that are criminal under current law, from the smallest to the most threatening, the correct response of any government is administrative not legislative. The essential problem is that this government has lost control of its own administrative machine: the Home Civil Service, the Foreign Service, the police, Border Force, education in schools and conduct of universities, NHS general practice and much else.
    For example, when the ECHR official issued an injunction against (I think) three named people being sent to Rwanda, the first flight could have continued as scheduled without them. But the Home Secretary was told that the flight must be stopped and aquiesced – a truly fateful decision. For example the Treasury, as I understand it, could have ordered the Bank of England not to undermine policy by selling gilt-edged stock held as agent for the Treasury but did not care (or dare) to do so.
    Perhaps, in our EU days, civil servants got used to telling ministers what they must or could not do under Brussels regulations. The Government has also allowed ministers to be controlled and even dismissed by permanent officials by use of shameful and ridiculous provisions of the Ministerial Code of Conduct. It need not have done so. A civil servant was appointed to investigate the actvities of a Prime Minister and his staff. Why?
    Once an administration has lost control of the machinery of government, it would require heroically strong leadership to reassert it. Unlikely.

  57. Alan Paul Joyce
    July 13, 2023

    Dear Mr. Redwood,

    France has a policy of not intercepting or turning back migrant boats once they have ‘set sail’ unless they ask for help. Instead it escorts them to British waters sometimes using their own naval vessels. They are then picked up by UK Border Force or the RNLI.

    France has said that to intercept the boats would be very dangerous for the occupants. This excuse is, of course, highly convenient for the French. It allows them at a stroke to do nothing and, of course, we have read stories of the French police turning a blind eye to the launch of the boats. I repeat once they are in the water the French will do nothing except accompany them to the UK.

    No other country, except the UK, would accept this. Instead we pay them half a billion pounds – for nothing. The French must be laughing their derrieres off! I wonder sometimes what the French reaction would be if the whole thing worked in reverse?

    Sunak should warn the French the situation cannot be tolerated any longer and that if the French allow boats to set off from their shores then they will be turned back at the Channel mid-point and it will be France’s responsibility to ensure that they are taken back to their shores safely.

    This would, of course, risk a diplomatic incident. Australia too was condemned across the western world for its heartless and cruel ‘pushback’ policy. But it worked; the boats stopped overnight and no doubt lives were saved. Within a couple of weeks everybody had moved on. The international community does not view Australia as a pariah state for its actions in protecting itself from the effects and costs of illegal migration.

    I’m afraid the likelihood of this happening in the UK with our political class is zero. They would rather bankrupt the UK then stand up for it.

    1. Cuibono
      July 13, 2023

      I bet the bottoms of those little boats scarcely get wet except for photo opps.
      Literally shipped the whole way.
      The Channel was a huge challenge for the Romans and they had galleons.

  58. Barbara+Fairweather
    July 13, 2023

    My son says there are 800 migrants in the Holiday Inn in Maidenhead
    He wants to know how long they will be there
    5 years
    10 years
    20 years???
    Perhaps permanently
    Why can’t they be assessed and dealt with?

    1. rose
      July 13, 2023

      If they came across the Channel minus their identities, they don’t need to be assessed. They came from a safe country and they have entered illegally. They should be returned whence they came without delay.

      1. glen cullen
        July 13, 2023


    2. Mark B
      July 13, 2023

      They cannot be properly ‘assessed’ as they usually destroy their documents before landing ‘illegally’ on our shores.

      1. a-tracy
        July 14, 2023

        I wonder if they do destroy their documents or whether the charity workers that befriend them keep hold of their documents and bring them back over for them? They seem very zealous when interviewed and give them phones and contacts for the crossing and tell them all their ‘rights’.

    3. Cuibono
      July 13, 2023

      It would be interesting to find out what they’ve been told.
      “The English are lazy…you must do their jobs.”
      “You are the new British and this is how you will always live”
      “Have some more taxpayers money…they want you to have it”
      I wonder.

  59. Ed M
    July 13, 2023

    Gove is right on the money with his proposal to HELP (not take full responsibility for – most of that must come from private enterprise / capital – but government support / investment helps to encourage private enterprise) turn Cambridge into Europe’s Silicon Valley with building and investment (sensible / responsible, capitalist / entrepreneurial-style obviously!) and more.

    This is grown-up stuff compared to Johnson’s train project thing to Birmingham or wherever it’s going, costing zillions of pounds.

    Lastly, it would be soo great, if a railway was built from London to Cambridge with a super-fast, beautifully designed, iconic-like, red twin-decker-like train (a derivative of the London red bus). And with a platform/s in London and a train station in Cambridge to compliment the speed / style / purpose of the railway which would be to help develop Cambridge into Europe’s Silicon Valley.

    1. Lynn Atkinson
      July 13, 2023

      Gove is as usual wrong! Any potential ‘silicone valley’ high tech startup need no ‘help with conditions’ – like you will open in Cambridge’ from the Government.
      No successful industry needs Government help and we don’t want the others.
      Time for the Government to butt out of industry, retail, hospitality etc.
      Let’s see if the idiots even know what their core purpose is (Justice, Honest Money and Defence – note not Offense!) and see if they can deliver!

      1. Ed M
        July 14, 2023

        You’re completely wrong about that!

        Your approach to capitalism here is ideological not entrepreneurial. That’s a big argument but it’s essentially what separates the more ideological-minded capitalists from the more entrepreneurial/pragmatic capitalists in the Tory Party.

        And one of the main reasons why the Tory Party is over-run by ideological-minded capitalists (like Liz Truss and others, others who only come with experience in law, PR, journalism, and with maybe minor experience in business leadership etc and hardly any if any at all in being an entrepreneur) is a lack of experience in entrepreneurial business – where they have been (or rather haven’t been) the leaders in setting up their own companies, employing lots of highly skilled people, and exporting high quality brands abroad etc

        The vast majority of entrepreneurs and entrepreneurial-minded people in business would agree with me – and disagree with you!

    2. a-tracy
      July 14, 2023

      HS2 is a European project, it was to enable an interconnected European railway so that they don’t have to use British trains and European trains can run on the tracks, it is ongoing and has probably disconnected for now in London because our of unions but it won’t stay that way forever, our railways strike too often and our government is too weak to put competition on the lines so that if one railway strikes another will take their workload.

  60. Ed M
    July 13, 2023

    Lastly, if Gove is serious about building projects in and around Cambridge – to help create Europe’s Silicon Valley – then get King Charles on board. Not that I agree with him on everything he says about architecture, but overall, I’d definitely give him the thumbs up here. And it would be a great endorsement to get the king on board regarding playing a role in town / city planning in and around Cambridge.

  61. Ed M
    July 13, 2023

    Lastly, Cambridge—->Europe’s Silicon Valley would be great for Brexit (Brexit desperately needs a ‘project’ right now to help make it work. NOT that’s the primary reason at all for the Silicon Valley project – but to develop our high tech economy). Also, this fits in perfectly with focusing on the UK becoming a leader in the technology that companies and consumers will buy increasingly into in order to clean up and purify our environment – for which there is zillions of pounds to be made out of (just look at how China is embracing all this as well) over the next few years and decades. And will only grow year on year.

  62. Ed M
    July 13, 2023

    And then in time, connect Oxford with Cambridge, and develop Oxford in a similar way (I was pretty shocked, when I visited my friend at Oxford University years ago, to discover large parts of the suburbs that look like pretty – dangerous – shit-hole places to live. Just being honest. These areas could be cleared to help build state of the art homes, offices and laboratories etc.

    And where Cambridge is more focused on hard tech (such as IBM sort of thing and building the satellites and creating the Apples of the future), Oxford should be more focused on soft tech (like software development, coding, digital, design, and things like that. And creating the Twitters of the future).

    1. a-tracy
      July 14, 2023

      What does ‘cleared’ mean? Where do you suggest all the displaced people go? Why shouldn’t Oxford and Cambridge take their 15-20% social tenants a fair share for all would help this Country immensely, and someone needs to clean for you and serve coffee and cake!

      1. Ed M
        July 15, 2023

        I’m not a Nazi!
        I meant poorer people can be given better accommodation elsewhere based on the billions invested into Oxford, mainly – by far – by private investment / enterprise (but still need government involved to get the cogs moving) with the poorer people from this area also benefitting from better jobs / higher salaries. Everyone a winner (although you’ll always get a few moaning Minnies ..)

      2. Ed M
        July 15, 2023

        Many rich parts of London were once slums. Your argument is keep the slums!
        Middle class people / merchant class can create wealth which everyone benefits from including the poor.

  63. Barbara
    July 13, 2023

    We all know this is because Mrs May signed us up to the UN Migration Compact, and the UN says in its opinion the UK can accommodate 184 million people. So just another 100 million or so to go, then.

    QMUL’s survey showed that(some ne migrants Ed) in London were unemployed. Many are illiterate *in their own language*. We are importing poverty and dependency.

    And it is deliberate.

  64. glen cullen
    July 13, 2023

    Sunak plan to stop the boats – a 100% amnesty …hey pesto problem solved zero cost

  65. beresford
    July 13, 2023

    I am watching GB News which is covering demonstrations and court cases brought up and down the country by people opposed to migrant hotels in THEIR backyard. Oddly nobody is campaigning to have these facilities opened in their area, even those areas previously colonised by immigrants. But they’re not prepared to say that the migrants aren’t wanted at all.

  66. glen cullen
    July 13, 2023

    GB News reporting that last year this Tory government sent China £50 million ….you don’t deserve to be in government and you don’t deserve the peoples vote

  67. Lynn Atkinson
    July 13, 2023

    None are assylum seekers who are bound to accept the first safe country they come to. Britain is only the first safe country for the French, and we took the Huguenots.
    Sending £50 million to China is pure superiority complex embedded in our political class. China has billions invested in the U.K. it’s like me offering Elon Musk a coffee and inferring that he could not buy his own. It’s an insult!
    So plenty of money for state employee salary increases, plenty of money to insult the nations of the world and display our psychosis.
    No money to drop taxes and therefore price rises.

  68. Peter Gardner
    July 14, 2023

    All these problems go away if the boats are stopped in The Channel. It can be done. No new laws are needed. Why won’t the government do it?

    1. glen cullen
      July 14, 2023

      YES why won’t the government do it ?

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