My Interventions in the Automotive Industry Debate (1)


  1. Everhopeful
    September 21, 2023

    Excuse me but why is there a driver shortage when so many folk are unemployed?
    Yet another wonderful innovation that I REALLY hope is more efficient than my broadband…
    We will certainly be in trouble if it isn’t.

    1. Everhopeful
      September 21, 2023

      All of this puts me in mind of that great cartoon vid “Beyond the Reset”.
      Well worth a blood-chilling watch.
      Not rude, nothing to knicker-twist about but very prescient I am certain.

  2. Bloke
    September 21, 2023

    Maybe, following her pilot, Ms Ghani would consider an electrically-powered jumbo jet, travelling on lightning to reduce battery weight.

    1. Everhopeful
      September 21, 2023

      And all automated.
      NO pilot.
      Would it only work in a thunderstorm?
      Didn’t Franklin do similar with a kite?

    2. Lifelogic
      September 21, 2023

      Ms Nus Ghani BA Gov. and Politics Birmingham Poly later Birmingham City University. So I think we can safely infer she has zero understanding of energy, science, tramsport or industry – though being a government minister in these areas is just fine it seems.

      1. Lifelogic
        September 21, 2023

        The future of the auto sector is electric says Nas Gahni :- So how does she know this? I suppose she thinks HS2 and Covid vaccines even for children was great too? But perhaps but other options might well be better with other tech breakthroughs. We need a big leap in battery tech. The price, charge times, weight, volume, battery life, limited range, shortage of materials for battery manufacture, loss of power while standing, fire risks, loss of power when charging, higher insurance costs as more easily written off… are still all rather big problems.

        1. Lifelogic
          September 21, 2023

          Then we have the issue that, in cities especially, where EVs make more sense, most people have no where to park and charge them over night. Then we have lack of grid capacity and no spare low carbon electricity anyway.

  3. agricola
    September 21, 2023

    Wedding the car to electricity has not been thought out in terms of electricity supply and distribution. Never mind the supply of market acceptable vehicles and the slave labour production of battery metals.
    As for the fully automated car, wiser to start with the Tube and Trains.

  4. a-tracy
    September 21, 2023

    The new fuels, filtering systems, DPS filters, are killing vehicles at 100,000 miles, and new engines are required. Diesel vehicles with registration plates from 20 onwards have a much shorter life.

  5. David Frank Paine
    September 21, 2023

    The minister has a closed mind when saying the future of the automotive sector is electric. Unless the Government has a secret strategy to curtail the mobility of us oiks, of course.

  6. iain gill
    September 21, 2023

    R & D in the UK will be of marginal benefit to the UK. As any advanced intellectual property we invent will quickly leak to China and India where their manufacturing will massively undercut the UK, as they dont have the massive overheads of the electricity costs and anti pollution and safety kit the UK mandates.

  7. formula57
    September 21, 2023

    Would it be unkind to say Ms. Ghani’s view that “The future of the auto sector is electric” chines with Government dictat but not consumer preferences and perhaps (should the risks crystallize against) not with technology? And further unkind to point out that synthetic fuels (as Porsche partnering with Siemens Energy for example is producing at its plant in Chile, at present only for its own consumption pending the granting of exemptions for CO2 neutral fuels from bans on fuels with carbon outputs) could well have a significant conntribution to make.

  8. Ralph Corderoy
    September 21, 2023

    ‘The future of the auto sector is electric’

    ‘[Nus Ghani] studied at Birmingham City University, graduating with a BA in government and politics, and later gained a master’s degree at Leeds University in international relations’ — Wikipedia.

    I wonder if in the privacy of her own thoughts, the minister has the knowledge to reason that the line she is having to peddle is infeasible. If not, then she cannot push back against other net-zero ministers or the blob.

  9. ChrisS
    September 21, 2023

    Ghani hasn’t a clue, has she ?
    The future of commercial vehicles has to be Hydrogen or sustainable synthetic fuel because the weight of batteries necessary for an electric HGV would cut the carrying capacity by 50% and the price per truck would be astronomical. JCB have already developed a suitable Hydrogen-powered engine for their diggers.

    If we are going to have a hydrogen infrastructure for trucks, we might just as well use it for cars as well, in which case all the disadvantages of the pure battery-EV will be eliminated.

    How can Sunak expect the manufacturers to hit his already- over-optimistic EV sales targets when he sensibly extended the end date for IC engined cars by five years ? All those Remainers complaining about the five-years extension are conveniently forgetting that all this does is bring us into line with the EU !

  10. James
    September 21, 2023

    Worryingly this is clearly a department that has been captured by the green lobby and the car industry. It seems to have no concern for consumer choice or cost. The autonomous elements that are already being added to cars are hugely expensive to replace and repair. They require very expensive ADAS calibration, there is even talk of cars needing this for simple cheap items to be replaced. The car industry will only be too happy to see complicated electric cars in the future as it will eliminate much of the competition that OEM dealers and their expensive replacement parts face currently.

  11. XY
    September 21, 2023

    “All alternative fuels will be investigated.

    The future of the auto sector is electric…”

    Note the “will be” (so nothing being done now).
    And the assertion that the future is electric, nothing to back it up, no consideration of others’ views or points made. If the future were synthetic fuels, there would be no range issues, no need for new infrastructure, no limitations on charging points – we would carry on as now, just filling up with different fuels (hydrogen may need changes since H2-based fuels may not be storable at ambient temperatures).

    Also, it allows the heating question to be answered, since gas boilers can run on hydrogen.

    It’s clear these people hve made up their minds, with no evidence required, and will enforce these unnecessary changes on us. One has to wonder why.

  12. Mark
    September 21, 2023

    The DLR is driverless. The Victoria line could have been driverless in the 1960s, but the unions threatened to shut down the entire tube network unless driver jobs were kept and paid a boredom money bonus. Many airports have driverless transport between terminals and car parks. These are all fixed systems suited to rail where complications with other vehicles, cyclists and pedestrians and animals are avoided, and where signalling and position monitoring allow traffic control and collision avoidance.

    The rail network should be repurposed for the 21st century to take driverless truckloads and smaller passenger vehicles than whole trains to provide flexibility that scheduled services do not. Rail would be replaced by dedicated roadway so that vehicles could also operate away from the track when driven. Drivers would only be needed to handle the last miles that the rail network does not cover.

    Until such a system is proven it seems rash to attempt to handle driving on normal, potholed streets and rural roads with all the hazards that programmers fail to foresee.

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