My interventions in the International Health Regulations 2005 e-petition (1)

John Redwood (Wokingham) (Con):

Does my hon. Friend share my concern about the lack of accountability? We are having an extensive and public examination of the Government’s response to covid, but there is no comparable examination of the important decisions and advice that the WHO offered to the whole world, and it probably had more influence.

Philip Davies (Shipley) (Con):

My right hon. Friend is, as ever, absolutely right. We should all be concerned about that and concerned that we do not end up falling into the same problems as we have had in the past, being in a position where there is nothing we can do about it and sleepwalking into a disaster.

We are talking about a top-down approach to global public health hardwired into international law. At the top of that top-down approach we have our single source of truth on all things pandemic: the World Health Organisation’s director general, who it appears will have the sole authority to decide when and where these regulations will be deployed. Let us not forget that the director general is appointed by an opaque, non-democratic process—and I think that is being rather generous.

Rather worryingly, in their response to this petition the Government have said they are

“supporting the process of agreeing targeted amendments of the IHR as a means of strengthening preparedness for and response to future health emergencies; including through increasing compliance and implementation of the IHR”.

They have also previously said that they support

“a new legally-binding instrument”

—that certainly sounds like a threat to parliamentary sovereignty to me. Will the Minister commit today to laying those plans before Parliament so they can be properly debated, and if I had my way, robustly rejected?

It is also vital to take a step back and understand what is driving this pandemic preparedness agenda. At a recent meeting of the all-party parliamentary group on pandemic response and recovery, Dr David Bell gave a briefing on how the World Health Organisation, with the backing of the World Bank, says these amendments are the only way to prepare for future pandemics that it says are getting more frequent, and where there is more risk from zoonotic—animal to human—spread. The reality is that the WHO’s figures do not tell the whole story. When we take into account population growth, significant natural pandemics are rare events. We also have to take into account that there has been a huge expansion of tests and genome sequencing over the last few decades. The invention of polymerase chain reaction testing, for example, has had a massive impact on the detection rate of those outbreaks that the World Health Organisation is now using to justify its agenda.

Since the Spanish flu over 100 years ago, we have only had two pandemics above the average yearly seasonal influenza mortality rates, thanks to antibiotics and advances in modern medical care. We hear a lot about disease outbreaks that actually have low mortality burdens when compared to other public health threats: for example, in 2003, SARS-CoV-1—severe acute respiratory syndrome —had the equivalent disease burden of about five hours of tuberculosis. Funnily enough, in its 2019 pandemic influenza recommendations, the World Health Organisation itself could find no evidence that serious zoonotic pandemics were increasing. What is undoubtedly increasing are the eye-watering costs of managing pandemics, with vast sums of taxpayer money being wasted on poorly conceived initiatives, such as locking down the economy for two years.

It seems to me that the World Health Organisation has no need to rush any of this—we have time to reassess and get it right—and it seems I am not the only one to think that. In recent weeks, we have seen signs that some countries, including Estonia, Slovakia and New Zealand, are looking to question the proposals. It is not clear if any member states have submitted formal notices to reject them and opt out, but New Zealand does appear to have lodged a reservation to allow the incoming Government more time to consider whether the amendments are consistent with a national interest test required by New Zealand law. That is entirely sensible, and I would like to see our own Government take a pause to apply some critical thinking to this situation before blindly supporting the World Health Organisation’s installation as our new global public health power.

It is absolutely essential that the Government make a clear and unambiguous promise that they will neither support nor abide by anything that in any way undermines our national sovereignty. We have not spent so many years battling to get out of the frying pan of the EU to jump straight back into the fire with the equally unaccountable, undemocratic and hopeless World Health Organisation.


  1. Margaret
    December 20, 2023

    It seems to read that pandemics, which are predomenantly viral, have been controlled due to antibiotics.This is the sort of uninformed rubbish being debated.What a waste of time!

    1. Hope
      December 20, 2023

      In another act of handing power to a totally unsuitable person, JR’s govt has allowed Blaire to speak to Israel’s PM over Gaza saying he is a force for good!! How many lives has he caused to be lost, loss of limb and mass immigration, failed state, for what? To promote His vanity? War monger Blaire!! Sunak has lost the plot, but it shows no difference in Uni Party.

      1. Bloke
        December 21, 2023

        Blair shouldn’t go anywhere.
        Israel’s leadership is better connected on the web with Net and Yahoo.

        1. Mickey Taking
          December 21, 2023

          While Biden his time, Trump hopes to avoid Putin his arms down using a Modi come of power.

          1. Bloke
            December 21, 2023

            That’s a creative Christmas cracker motto.

    2. Everhopeful
      December 20, 2023

      Apart from the fact that antibiotics are hardly readily available and as you imply useless for a virus.
      And after decades of being told by vets and scholarly articles that zoonotic diseases are vanishingly rare
.the only species-hopping things are sometimes fleas
.they used to say.

    3. Cynic
      December 20, 2023

      Signing up to these international organisations is never a good idea. They always end being run by groups with an agenda that is invariably not one that the majority of citizens agree with.

    4. APL
      December 20, 2023

      “It seems to read that pandemics, which are predominantly viral, have been controlled due to antibiotics.This is the sort of uninformed rubbish being debated”

      Often when an individual patient is subject to a viral infection, there are secondary bacterial infections that opportunistically invade as the patients immune system is weakened.

      The COVID scam of 2020, it was often ( at the time ) compared to the 1918 ‘Spanish’ flue outbreak, which killed millions worldwide. What is never / rarely discussed in the Media, is that in 1918 antibiotics had not been discovered. And, often families lived in single or if they were lucky two rooms accommodation, sanitation was primitive, and food and nourishment were, shall we say, less than optimum ( the war having just ended, an’ all ).

      In short with modern antibiotics, which would have enabled us to control the secondary bacteriological ( pneumonia anyone – personal note, my partner was admitted to hospital with pneumonia in February of 2020, thank God, a time before the medical profession completely took leave of its senses. ) infections, were absent in 1918, but easily available in 2020. Alongside certain medications ( which you can find on the WHO list of essential medicines ) but were willfully vilified and discredited. In an attempt, one can only assume, to inflate the toll of those who died. A despicable, wicked policy. The echo of the pandemic policy we still hear today with the excess deaths, that nobody in authority seems able to comprehend.

      Note: I note Redwood attended the presentation by Andrew Bridgen MP. Don’t seem to have had a report of your impressions of that meeting, yet, Mr Redwood ?

      But if I’ve missed it, I’d be pleased to read it.

  2. Wanderer
    December 20, 2023

    For goodness’ sake don’t let us sign up to WHO control. The points Mr Davies makes are spot on.

    What’s the point of having Parliament if it hands over basic powers to external bodies? At the very least it should be required that we have a referendum before giving up sovereignty.

    In my view our elected representatives are stepping beyond their powers (here and elsewhere – look at Northern Ireland) and this “representative” democracy of ours no longer works as it should. A more Swiss-like model of government would be better, where the electorate can reign in a Parliament hellbent on destroying our freedoms.

    1. Lifelogic
      December 20, 2023

      Indeed but why on earth is Sunak pushing this? Keep up you good work JR let is hope it can be stopped.

      1. Everhopeful
        December 20, 2023

        Rather painful strings being pulled?
        How do plandemic deaths compare with excess deaths since I wonder?

      2. Ian Wraggg
        December 20, 2023

        Fishy probably hoping to secure a good position with the WHO
        Why else.

        1. Ian Wraggg
          December 20, 2023

          Off topic again but I was thinking about the so called tourist tax. Fishy and Chicom are dead set on ignoring the calls by MPs to ditch it.
          I wonder if this forms part of the TCA with Brussels and they need their permission to remove it or is it a deliberate ploy to stop tourists taking hotel places needed for gimmigrants.

      3. Christine
        December 20, 2023

        Follow the money. We the UK taxpayers will be on the hook to fund the World health levelling up scheme with billions being funnelled into dubious pharma projects. Just look at who funds the WHO.

      4. Fleur
        December 21, 2023


    2. Lemming
      December 20, 2023

      No one is talking about giving up power to the WHO, it’s yet more hysterical hand-waving over simple methods of co-operation at international level. The Conservatives fooled you over Brexit, taking us out of co-operation with our closest neighbours with the result that our outgoing trade is down and our incoming small boats are up, don’t let them fool you again. International co-operation is good for Britain, not bad

      1. Everhopeful
        December 20, 2023

        Can you see the cliff edge yet Lemming?

        1. Lynn Atkinson
          December 20, 2023

          No it way behind him!

      2. Denis Cooper
        December 20, 2023

        I’ve heard people like you spewing out this kind of rubbish for more than half a century.

        One question is whether you know that it is rubbish, or you really have been duped.

      3. Mike Wilson
        December 20, 2023

        The Conservatives fooled you over Brexit

        That is a complete lie. The Conservative Prime Minister and Conservative chancellor did everything they could to get people to vote Remain. The Conservative government sent a leaflet to every house in the country urging people to vote Remain.
        People voted Leave DESPITE, not BECAUSE aid, the Conservative government.

        1. glen cullen
          December 20, 2023

          God bless those people

        2. Fleur
          December 21, 2023

          Spot on, Mike Wilson.

      4. Matthu
        December 20, 2023

        Cooperation is where both parties have influence. Which does not apply in the case of what is being proposed for the WHO ( or what was the case with the EU).

      5. Lifelogic
        December 20, 2023

        You surely are totally deluded read the proposed WHO treaty.

        Do you think net zero is a great plan, that the lockdowns and Covid vaccines were just wonderful and that Sunak really is trying to reduce the 1.4 million immigration & stop the boats, to get NHS waiting list down, grow the economy and reduce government debt. Let alone actually deliver?

      6. Mickey Taking
        December 20, 2023

        co-operation? – or dictatorship?

        1. Lifelogic
          December 20, 2023

          Clearly the latter co-operation is volunrary and needs no legally binding treaty at all

        2. Lynn Atkinson
          December 20, 2023

          Clearly another step towards One World Government – they are trying it by subject now. Boris Johnson will support this of course.

    3. Berkshire Alan
      December 20, 2023


      Absolutely agree, we spent years “negotiating” to leave (at great expense) the controlling force which was the EU, why on earth would we want to now give control to any other organisation.
      No problems with co-operation, if it has benefits all round, but absolutely no outside control, as mission creep always morphs into something else eventually.
      What is the matter with our Governments that they always want to seem to give away our ability to control ourselves, particularly to those who we do not, and cannot elect.

  3. Michelle
    December 20, 2023

    Excellent response with the last paragraph saying it all.
    The pompous liberal left elite cry ‘conspiracy’ and titter behind their hands when people talk of the jackboot of a One World Govt, but this sort of proposal does a fine impression of just such a thing.
    So we will not only hear how we cannot protect our borders because of an International agreement, we’ll be told how we must be locked up over some spurious health claim because of an International agreement.

    English liberty Sir John, many men have died for it and others spent the rest of their lives crippled fighting for it over the course of this nations history.
    It must not be given away by a bunch of technocrats with an eye to self enrichment and the chance to ponce about on the World stage.

    1. Lifelogic
      December 20, 2023

      Exactly. But it seems that is what will happen under Sunak or Starmer.

      JR says “We are having an extensive and public examination of the Government’s response to covid, but there is no comparable examination of the important decisions and advice that the WHO offered to the whole world, and it probably had more influence.”

      Indeed and the WHO got almost everything wrong and we clearly responding more to politics, money and power than to logic and what was best for the people. The UK Covid inquiry is however a sick expensive joke that is not even asking the right questions.

      The vaccines and lockdowns surely did net harm and it came from a lab leak after gain of function experiments, masks were pointless… just for a start.

    2. Everhopeful
      December 20, 2023

      Totally agree except that I do believe men died thinking it was for “freedom” but in fact it was to line the pockets of technocrats ( and similar).
      In the 60s ( and continuing) we gave up and gave away everything that kept us safe
.for “freedom”.
      Patriotism, Freedom, Democracy 
the biggest cons ( psyops even ?) and there are no doubt others!

    3. Berkshire Alan
      December 20, 2023


  4. Javelin
    December 20, 2023

    I found your contribution on YouTube about WHO.

    I would summarise it as 
 Keep sovereignty because the WHO makes plenty of mistakes, isn’t accountable, and makes political decisions, but don’t throw the baby out with the bath water. ( I would add super-national organisations are also corrupt. )

    Sounds just like the BofE and ONS etc.

    The very nature of these non-democratic bodies seems set up to fail. Even though Government departments are less productive than the private sector, who are regulated by money and profit. However Government departments are still “regulated” by votes. Votes are more clumsy than money but Governments work on longer timescales.

    In both cases “money” and “votes” exhibit a calibrating effect.

    In the case of super-national and sub-national there is no “calibrating currency” except mild criticism from a minister. With no calibrating currency there is no positive feedback (profit or power) or negative feedback (bankruptcy or opposition). These organisations are doomed to keep failing.

    1. Javelin
      December 20, 2023

      Here’s a suggestion. The Government make a list of all the super-national and sub-national quangos and regulators.

      These non Governmental bodies are then divided up and randomly assigned to various constituencies at the start of the election cycle. At the next election a number of constituencies can vote on whether to sack the board. Just like a corporate AGM. The voters would come from the Government and opposition and would be statistically significant in number. The constituency assigned an organisation could then follow the organisation for 4 or 5 years and make a judgement on its managers. After a couple of elections where the managers were sacked then the whole organisation could be shutdown and forced to start again.

      The organisation would have more power because it was democratically accountable and could be held to account.

      I think calibration is how markets and Governments should be run.

      1. Ian B
        December 20, 2023

        @Javelin you are pushing it there – that would be making the UK a Democracy. No one should receive taxpayer money or dictate to the people of this Country with any sort expectation of being obeyed without seeking a democratic mandate. Then again if MP’s stood up, did their job they have been empowered and paid for this discussion wouldn’t be taking place.

  5. Sharon
    December 20, 2023

    The government seems to be asleep at the wheel with regards to the WHO, IHR amendments, they don’t seem to understand the implications of their views! Some MPs are speaking up about their concerns, but it’s not enough! Is it the blob again forcing these views of not giving away sovereignty? This feels like the EU again, taking away powers by stealth, with a shadowy few signing the documents and the government being too stupid to notice.

    For the last three years, people have been joking, “oops, another conspiracy theory come true!” Let’s hope this one is crushed before it becomes a reality!

    1. Peter Wood
      December 20, 2023

      Yes, precisely, when a critical issue arises that will directly affect our national emergency responses and freedom, our elected representatives can’t be bothered to turn up and listen, much less contribute. This should have been debated in the house with a large proportion of members in attendance. Our democracy is at risk if we leave it to the present bunch of misfits. Who is the manager of business in the House?

    2. Ian B
      December 20, 2023

      @Sharon +1 – why would we empower and pay people for one single job as our legislators, for them to ignore their duty

  6. Donna
    December 20, 2023

    It beggars belief that the Government of any Sovereign Democratic country would even consider signing up to these proposals.

    They are so obviously a Tyranny-in-the-Making.

    What gives the Not-a-Conservative-Government the right to cede our Sovereignty to the unelected, unaccountable WHO, let alone an individual Director-General (with the current one being the protege of Communist China!)

  7. Richard II
    December 20, 2023

    Many thanks SJR for drawing attention to the serious concerns we should have about empowering the WHO to run our lives in response to a pandemic emergency that the WHO itself would decide on. This is too much power in an unelected body’s hands, and seems anti-democratic. Also, I personally have no confidence in an organization that praised Communist China’s public health response to the Covid crisis, and tried to cover up its possible lab leak origins.

    Now it is up to our government to signal how they are going to respond to the issues in the debate, and whether they are going to follow the example of New Zealand and other countries.

    1. Ian B
      December 20, 2023

      @Richard II +1 – It seems incredible that our MP’s the only ones empowered and paid as our Legislators should give any credence to these unelected unaccountable individuals even more than they should those they represent – their constituents

  8. Mickey Taking
    December 20, 2023

    the last phrase – ‘…..out of the frying pan of the EU to jump straight back into the fire with the equally unaccountable, undemocratic and hopeless World Health Organisation.’ ….that says it all.
    Just look at the main funding and you might doubt where ‘unbiased’ motives stem from.
    And the answer so often is (drum roll) CHINA.

    1. Ian B
      December 20, 2023

      @Mickey Taking +1

    2. glen cullen
      December 20, 2023

      China should pay the most, as they contribute more policy and strategic planning (and bungs) than most

  9. Nigl
    December 20, 2023

    I believe China ‘pulls the strings’ of this organisation, hence origin of Covid cover up.

    Strange the normally China beware group, IDS etc aren’t piling in highlight the danger to our national security of a ‘virus/germ warfare’ type attack under the guise of the WHO looking the other way?

    1. glen cullen
      December 20, 2023

      Your name will now be entered into Huawei database for your own safety

  10. Rod Evans
    December 20, 2023

    Those who view the attempt to take control of national governments across the globe via a so called pandemic initiative coordinated by the WHO are alive to the coup that is being proposed.
    The UN and its agents such as the WHO are now moving into executive mode determined to be the one world authority with tax levy authority next up.
    This take over of democracy by established bureaucracy such as we see in the EU and now demanded by the UN must be resisted and stopped.
    The only countries advancing the power of UN must be mandated are those countries that reject democracy.

    1. glen cullen
      December 21, 2023

      Agree with your assessment

  11. Ian B
    December 20, 2023

    Sir John
    There just can’t be enough pressure applied to defending democracy. The UN, WHO and even the ECHR are all wayward entities that have no legitimacy, no accountability and even no responsibility for their own pronouncements.
    If the UK is a democracy, we then all should be questioning why our Government, our Parliament has even got as far as even discussing the possibility of some grand authority that gets to dictate to all the Worlds Democracies.
    The whole concept lacks credibility and smacks of an assumed new World Power, a new World Dictator trying to move onto the stage. What they say today is never what they do tomorrow!
    We should never forget the EU sold its self as being a trade body, yet now sees its self as a Super all encompassing Government equal to the centres of power around the World, at the top table of the G8 and so on but without any democratic legitimacy or accountability.

  12. Everhopeful
    December 20, 2023

    Look at the country now after one Plague.
    Can anyone paint a picture of it after the second?

  13. Ian B
    December 20, 2023

    Sir John
    I thank you for pointing this out, for defending democracy, democratic accountability and responsibility.
    It is of utmost importance that the whole of the UK Parliament, its MPs and the Government start embracing democracy and ensure that the UK’s Legitimacy in having a democratic, accountable and responsible Legislator is maintained.
    A good deal of the UK’s problems rest with our own Parliament giving away its own right to exist and handing it over to the illegitimate, unelected unaccountable in Foreign Domains.
    The Overriding question is then why do we have MPs if the count for nothing, they are not part of Government by the People for the People, they are not the UK’s Legislators but just the puppets of Foreign Dictator’s

  14. Brian Tomkinson
    December 20, 2023

    PD: “Will the Minister commit today to laying those plans before Parliament so they can be properly debated, and if I had my way, robustly rejected?”

    Was such a commitment made?

  15. majorfrustration
    December 20, 2023

    Perhaps every time that Government cedes authority to third parties MPs salaries should be reduced accordingly.

    1. Ian B
      December 20, 2023

      @majorfrustration +1 – Makes sense to me, we empower and pay them to be our sole legislators – then they refuse. Isn’t that the same as them going on strike?

  16. miami.mode
    December 20, 2023

    The irony that normally in response to our host’s questions the minister involved says he is ‘absolutely right’ and all too often seems to do the opposite.

  17. iain gill
    December 20, 2023

    I see that Physician Associate training course in Cardiff has a 100% pass rate, nobody has ever failed the training ever in Cardiff.

    I see the NHS is advertising Physician Associate posts where the PA is supposed to supervise actual doctors.

    I see that PA’s after only 2 years training are getting paid more than actual doctors with many more years training.

    I see many massive mistakes by PA’s advertised on the medics message boards. One terminal prostate cancer patient was diagnosed with only muscular back pain after appointment after appointment with multiple PA’s, including elevated PSA blood tests.

    Very very outrageous stuff going on in the NHS.

    1. Lifelogic
      December 20, 2023

      Indeed my relative is a F1 1st year doctor in London. His take home pay after rent on a small room, int. on student debt, commuting costs, council tax, prof. fees… leaves him a negative sum for food, heat, light, The boat people arrivals get more disposable income. Hence so many leave Many cannot even afford not to leave the NHS.

  18. Christine
    December 20, 2023

    Thank you JR for taking up this cause that I and many others have been warning about since it was first proposed. If it goes ahead, which I expect it will, then it will be the biggest treasonous act against the British people since conning us into joining the EU. The fact that our sovereignty can be given away so easily highlights that there is something seriously wrong with the way our country is being run.

  19. Original Richard
    December 20, 2023

    Signing up to this new WHO Treaty will guarantee further pandemics as the communists at the UN and in our institutions will not be able to resist unleashing new viruses in order to be able to destroy western economies with harsh lockdowns.

    Which is why our Government and Parliament will sign this treaty following on from massive, uncontrolled immigration and the economy destroying Net Zero Strategy where from next year they will be fining UK manufacturers ÂŁ15K/ice vehicle and 3ÂŁK/gas boiler for exceeding ever diminishing yearly quotas.

    If ever a Government deserved to be thrown out of office, it is this one.

  20. Bert+Young
    December 20, 2023

    Giving way to outside bodies is always a challenge to democracy ; the concerns of the WHO are many but creating a policy decision has many implications that would not necessarily apply everywhere . A sound Government properly advised and led would always steer its way through such a situation ; this does not seem to be the case today . We have one of the best scientific support and background of any country and this should always be within our consultative and decision making approach .

  21. Bert+Young
    December 20, 2023

    Giving way to outside bodies is always a challenge to democracy ; the concerns of the WHO are many but creating a policy decision has many implications that would not necessarily apply everywhere . A sound Government properly advised and led would always steer its way through such a situation ; this does not seem to be the case today .

  22. glen cullen
    December 20, 2023

    People fear that the WHO bill will be passed with a wink & a nod ….like the May UN refugee sign off

    1. paul cutbertson
      December 20, 2023

      GC – Do not worry, when Donald J Trump is officially back in office PANIC and MAYHEM will ensue amongst ther ruling class/elite World Wide. I cannot wait so get your front row seat. I have mine booked and I will await their demise with glee.

  23. Kenneth
    December 20, 2023

    If we are faced with a serious pandemic from abroad the first thing to do is close the border and ensure proper controls such as quarantine are set up before the border is re-opened.

    I agree that passing control to a foriegn body is anti-democratic and could lead to disaster. I also think the languauge of the WHO is socialist in flavour and this would clash with the centre-right wishes of our population as expressed in the last general election.

  24. Atlas
    December 20, 2023

    Agreed Sir John.

  25. Ian B
    December 20, 2023

    Today – I like I guess with millions of others have received a letter from Rishi Sunak, is it a joke? It is certainly a laugh out loud comedy script.
    Our UK Future is for the UK to power ahead to Net Zero and the UK is ahead of all our commercially competitor nations in this – but of course it is losing more UK Jobs and exporting the UK economy.
    We(Rishi) is to give you more time to switch to electric cars and Heat Pumps – but you will be switching it has been decreed, not by democratic choice but by our foreign rulers. Rishi will protect the UK’s future by ensuring that more of our energy is put into the hands of Foreign Governments
    Rishi says he knows he is right and on track because the independent Office of Budget Responsibility (you know those that since inception have never been correct) has told him he is on target.
    Rishi says that his reduction in NHI has reduced his demand for more taxes from us all from January, but forgot to mention his policy of fiscal drag has doubled the tax take at the same time.
    The letter is an endless plea to suggest we now have the best PM ever. Then of course he has included a questionnaire, that is a selection of tick boxes that precludes the option to express real opinions. Although there is a 1-10 checkbox choice offered of would you vote in Rish Sunak as PM

  26. ChrisS
    December 20, 2023

    I see we have another Bailey ally appointed to the Bank of England, as if he doesn’t have enough already, to push through his flawed policies.

    It’s clear that we already have interest rates 25 of even 50 points higher than necessary, and that will severely impact on growth next year. Yet, just as inflation falls to 3.9%, Bailey and Co come out and say that rates will have to stay higher for longer !

    The government should loosen the inflation target to 2.5% in the medium term if it wants to see rapid growth.

  27. TROD
    December 20, 2023

    Dear Sir John,
    I signed this petition, so thank you for debating it.
    Have a Happy Christmas.

  28. formula57
    December 20, 2023

    Should we ask the Court of Session for an injunction to stop the surrender to the WHO?

  29. hefner
    December 20, 2023

    O/T for info: The French Parliament voted yesterday night a new and much more restrictive immigration law with a number of new regulations that can only have the effect of pushing even more migrants to get out of France/come to the UK. (, 20/12/2023, ‘Projet de loi pour contrĂŽler l’immigration, amĂ©liorer l’intĂ©gration’)

    In fact it shows that 1/ France is not wide open to illegal immigration, 2/ the new law has been developed and now been voted in the two ‘chambers’ without interference from the EU, and 3/ the pressure on the UK is not likely to abate in the coming months.

    TWIMC , Interestingly, the points out that the very same law is not ‘all bad’ as ‘France passes law to exempt British second-home owners from visa requirements’ (20/12/2023).

    So one’s next steps should now be clear 

    Improve their French via DuoLingo, check ‘les petites annonces’ in their preferred area(s) of the French countryside 
 and move there. There are worse things in life than having to sip champagne (or pastis) on a ‘canard gonflable dans la piscine’.

    1. Martin in Bristol
      December 20, 2023

      You say the EU hasn’t interfered hefner.
      However it is very early days.
      These new French laws plainly conflict with the treaties Francr signed to allow free movement and acceptance of the human rights of asylum seekers.
      Obviously you realise this.

      1. Mickey Taking
        December 21, 2023

        but they are NOT asylum seekers. They are economic lifestyle seeking illegals crossing borders.

        1. glen cullen
          December 21, 2023

          4*hotel lifestyle without a visa ….nice

  30. Derek
    December 20, 2023

    Given the lack of genuine WHO ‘advice’ over the pandemic, should we now always double-check their proposals and plans BEFORE accepting them? I do remember they praised China for their efforts to control the outbreak, knowing that China continued to allow external departure flights across the world while locking down much of their own. Shutting down their borders would have contained the virus but the WHO ignored it. China, of course, now has too much influence in the WHO and it shows.
    Furthermore, this country MUST never sign up to the proposed plan for a future pandemic, whereby the WHO will have the ultimate power to lock down our Nation on their order. Foreigners should never have any control over us. That is why we left the EU.

    1. paul cutbertson
      December 20, 2023

      Derek – Why would anyone request WHO advice. The WHO is an evil and corrupt organisation, along with many other organisations and it does not give S–t about the people.
      Their plan is to reduce the population.

  31. paul cutbertson
    December 20, 2023

    Once again ALL talk and no action. We have 650 MPs and we do not hear a peep out of 99% of them.

  32. Ian B
    December 20, 2023

    In Today’s Guardian, they are reporting that the UN have pushed on to be the World’s Government in that they want to be the ones that define the taxes the Nations of the World should charge, to that end we now have the aim of a “framework convention on international tax cooperation”
    Or in the Quango world, give an unelected entity an inch and the want a mile and an empire to dominate it.
    The Political process has to wake up, democracy might not always be that great but it is the safest way of ensuring everyone’s security and future, as such it has to be defended and practiced. Never shoved aside for the sake of personal self-gratification

  33. Peter Gardner
    December 21, 2023

    “We have not spent so many years battling to get out of the frying pan of the EU to jump straight back into the fire with the equally unaccountable, undemocratic and hopeless World Health Organisation.”

    This sentiment will be entirely lost on many if not most in the Tory Party who would be very happy for the UK to be governed by the EU. Indeed, Sunak’s Framework for the Northern Ireland Protocol not only cements EU rule and ECJ jursidiction permanently in Northern Ireland but also requires, in effect, the whole of the UK to maintain close enough regulatory alignment with the EU to satisfy the EU Commission to whom it gives the right of unilateral action against the UK.
    The British people’s stand for national sovereignty, such as it is, is seen by the globalists from Biden, much of Westminster and Whitehall, through the EU – the model for one world government – through the ECHR, the UN to the World Economic Forum as an affront and as a threat to their ambitions to rule the world. Their aim is to crush the UK’s independence by all means and across many fronts. The UK must be brought to heel.

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