Why do BBC journalists report untruths?

I awoke yesterday to the R4 Today programme reporting I had called for the Bank to cut its interest rate. I had done no such thing. It is all there for them to read on my website if they now wish to report my views. There is a short form on twitter if they want the headlines. Why do they not read or check before reporting?

The BBC has singularly  failed  to hold the Bank of England to account. It has lamely repeated the nonsense that our inflation could not be foreseen and arose from the war in Ukraine. They ignored the difficult questions  I put – Why was UK inflation three times target before the invasion? Why did inflation in Switzerland, Japan and China stay down if global energy prices were to blame?   They failed to report my study of five Central banks showing how the Central banks  that avoided extra bond buying and money creation did better on inflation.

The Bank of England is independent when it comes to setting the base rate. I have avoided calling for changes. It is not independent on bond sales and purchases, where I have been critical and called for fewer bond purchases and now for no more sales in the market.

I have  called for greater diversity of thought on the MPC with a new approach to recruitment and remuneration. I have also campaigned to get the Bank to amend its models as its inflation  forecasting has been so poor. If the Bank cannot forecast inflation reasonably accurately it has no basis for fixing money policy sensibly.

The BBC will doubtless continue to ignore all this whilst it busily makes up an alternative reality it prefers.


  1. Lemming
    December 27, 2023

    Another day, another ploy to distract attention from thirteen years of Tory misrule

    Reply Go to another site as you clearly do not like this one. The issues I raise are not ploys but real issues affecting how we are governed and the impact it has on our lives.

    1. Mickey Taking
      December 27, 2023

      The cliff edge beckons – go on you know you want to !

      1. Lifelogic
        December 27, 2023

        Alas the cliff is very close now and Sunak is still aiming directly for this. A tiny, virtually meaningless, touch on the mad net zero brakes is all he has done. Still failing on four of his pledges the only one he has hit is reducing the inflation that he and the BoE created. Still about double the target rate! Not so much prices going up as the value of the ÂŁ1 going down due to QE, Net Zero, lockdowns, net harm vaccines and other dire economic management.

        1. XY
          December 27, 2023

          But if the BoE is really independent then Sunak had nothing to do with reducing inflation.

          Which makes one wonder… why did he make a pledge to do something that he claims is outside his remit?

          1. Lifelogic
            December 27, 2023

            Organisation that feel the need to be independent almost never really are. Who appointed the failed FCA director as Gov. of the BoE (who moronically gave us 40% personal overdraft rates for all) but one Rishi Sunk, who caused the currency debasement inflation but Andrew Bailey and Sunak. Who could fire him now or even close the BoE and replace it but one Rishi Sunak and Hunt.

            So the budget will be on 6th March, but who cares as whatever tax cuts Hunt announces will be reversed in months by Labour or indeed by the Tories post election should some miracle let them win.

        2. Ian B
          December 27, 2023

          @Lifelogic +1

      2. Hope
        December 27, 2023

        If Tories kept their promise to decriminalise non payment licence fee it would free up prison places, court time and public would gradually not pay for extreme left wing pro EU propaganda unit.

        Another series of failed Tory party pledges over BBC.

        Look at Sue Grey to see the same failings in civil service, Tory party should have radically change that rotten outfit as well. As it is civil service got rid of more Tory ministers than Tory govt got rid of left wing mandarins! HO still unfit for purpose, same for Foreign Office and DEFRA!

        JR your grievances are with your left party and govt. who are very happy with left wing depts, quangos and BBC. It must be because it has got worse under your watch!

    2. MFD
      December 27, 2023

      Well said Sir John, That poster clearly has never heard the saying “ Brain Mouth”!
      Put brain in gear before engaging mouth.
      Or maybe they are a lefty who cannot pass what they think is an opertunity?

    3. Geoffrey Berg
      December 27, 2023

      Reply to reply: It’s good or at least informative to read articles one disagrees with. I sometimes read The Guardian in my local library though I must admit I can hardly bring myself to read The Mirror and its crude distorted propaganda.

  2. Javelin
    December 27, 2023

    I have decided that regulators and watchdogs are now key to improving society.

    Society is divided up into 5 key subsystems that self-calibrate through small changes. A well functioning right-wing society can evolve if self-calibration is managed.

    Life – Families
    Markets – Money
    Information – Facts
    Justice – Judgements
    Government – Votes

    Each of these subsystems are divided into consumers and producers. Watchdogs protect the consumers and regulators control the producers. A well functioning right wing society requires watchdogs and regulators to be set up properly to create bottom-up evolution.

    In the case of the BBC neither the watchdog nor the regulator has been set up properly because the BBC is it’s own regulator and watchdog. The only thing keeping the BBC under control is the threat of having its licence revoked.

    1. Lifelogic
      December 27, 2023

      Alas regulators usually end up conspiring with the industries they regulate (against the customers and users). They also demand ever more onerous regulation (as they are in the regulation industry so the more regulation the better as they see it). The industry often like this too it keeps out smaller competitors. Far better to have freedom and choice for people. No reason at all why people should pay for the BBC unless they want to. They are an evil propaganda outfit.

      Even radio three has gone off the rails can we have another Bach Christmas please as they had many years back. The only watchable things they had on this Christmas were ancient repeats of things like Parkinson!

      1. forthurst
        December 27, 2023

        The BBC have been tapping a rich vein of compositional talent of works suppressed because they happened to be composed by either women or ethnic minorities but there always Classic fm which has already bought three discs and are saving for a fourth.

    2. Lynn Atkinson
      December 27, 2023

      The Market is both Regulator and Watchdog. It is impossible, as has been shown, to replace The Market (I.e. the people).

      1. Lifelogic
        December 27, 2023

        The main problem with the NHS (schools, transport, universities
) is that the government have largely usurped & killed the free market. They steal or tax your money off you in advance. This means most people have little or no option but to use the “free” but delayed and rationed NHS. The NHS patients are not customers to be encouraged to come and be treated they are an expense and nuisance to be deterred from attending, if at all possible with delays, poor service, queuing systems, waiting lists

        1. Lynn Atkinson
          December 27, 2023

          Wherever the Market is usurped, there is a disaster. Only the Prople, each making personal decisions, can keep huge industries straight.
          Look how the prospect of the election is concentrating the minds of the political industry. Suddenly there is ‘headroom’ for tax cuts, here’s betting they will adopt many of Sir John’s points – reduce VAT etc and thus reduce ‘inflation’ thereby awarding themselves a bouquet.

  3. Wanderer
    December 27, 2023

    They tell untruths because they are propagandists, not journalists.

    To find proper truth-seeking journalists nowadays you have to look beyond the legacy media.

    It’s awful that most people still lap up the lies and half-truths presented to them by so- called journalists.

    1. Lifelogic
      December 27, 2023

      Indeed the BBC endlessly push woke lunacy, climate alarmism & net zero, they ignore the huge net harm done by these new tech vaccines, the net harm done by the lockdowns, they ignore the real causes of inflation (Sunak and BoE QE currency debasement, net zero rip off energy, the lockdowns, vast tax increases, a state sector far too large, the endless government waste 

    2. Mark B
      December 27, 2023

      I get a lot of my news from people who do not call themselves journalist but, fact check all that they produce and provide links to support their claims. It is how I found out that Rwanda was nothing but a con.

      1. Mickey Taking
        December 27, 2023

        Possibly money laundering, why else hand over even more ÂŁmillions with no prospect of getting anything done about hosting the illegals.

    3. Everhopeful
      December 27, 2023

      And also because the Left has dispensed with Christian values and morality.
      I know from experience that such a comment brings forth howls of outrage and derision
      But it is true.
      You have to be incredibly careful when dealing with them.
      Give no quarter.

      1. hefner
        December 27, 2023

        ‘Give no quarter’: is that a Christian moral saying?

        1. Everhopeful
          December 27, 2023

          “Elijah said unto them, take the prophets of Baal; let not one of them escape.”— 1 Kings xviii. 40.

          But in any case since the Left HAS abandoned Christian values and basic truths I would say that we are in a no holds barred situation now.

        2. Lynn Atkinson
          December 27, 2023

          Christianity is EXCLUSIVE Hefner, not inclusive! ‘I am the way, the truth and the light, but by me 

    4. Peter
      December 27, 2023

      It would be interesting if Sir John submits an official complaint via the BBC complaints department.

      It would be more difficult to ignore. It would be a challenge for BBC fact checkers, or whatever they are now known as.

      I no longer listen to the Today programme. However, The World at One, with the dreadful Sarah Montague, is even worse.

      1. Peter
        December 27, 2023

        I just did a search for Today 26/12/2023.

        Edited by Hanif Kureishi, who wrote a novel some time ago and then had a life changing injury after a fall.

        There is three hours of it. Tried skimming through, but no obvious spot where the economy is discussed. Stuff about how hard it is to become a premier league referee if you are black etc.

        So, without the precise location, I cannot check who said what on the subject. Three hours is a bridge too far.

    5. RichardP
      December 27, 2023

      +1 Wanderer. And we are forced to pay for this propaganda.

      1. Lifelogic
        December 27, 2023

        +1 that is the main problem. You taxes used to lie to you by government, bought experts, many so called “charities” and through the BBC licence tax too.

    6. Ian B
      December 27, 2023

      @Wanderer +1
      They have an agenda and it starts with falsehoods and the creation of the Socialist State

  4. Mike Wilson
    December 27, 2023

    You’ve had 13 years to rein in and reform the BBC. But you haven’t. Next year Labour will get in and the BBC will be regarded as the de facto government policy maker.

    1. Lifelogic
      December 27, 2023

      Indeed, they have even just awarded them a ÂŁ10 further increase in their TV tax. Totally unfair competition from a political propaganda outfit.

      13 years of idiot green crap socialism not even a real Brexit delivered. They got almost everything about Covid wrong – the lockdowns, vaccines, eat out to help out, QE, test and trace, the origins, masks, PPE, the state of the NHS, the fast track lane corruption, dumping infected into care homes, this sick joke inquiry, failure to look at the currency excess deaths

    2. Ian Wraggg
      December 27, 2023

      I don’t finance it so can’t comment. Millions of people think the same.

    3. Mickey Taking
      December 27, 2023

      BBC = PRAVDA.
      If only we got truth.

      1. Mark
        December 27, 2023

        The Russian saying is there is no news (izvestia) in Pravda, and no truth in Izvestia (the main alternative newspaper “The News” in Soviet times).

    4. Everhopeful
      December 27, 2023

      Yes. Agree 100%.
      And over those years simple remedies might have worked.
      Robust but simple

      Like “Don’t lie! If you do you will lose your charter” ( or whatever it is that delivers their power).
      But then as I always think
the tories, ( who have dubbed anyone with a modicum of self preservation “ Far Right”, have no idea who their friends are.

    5. Roy Grainger
      December 27, 2023

      When Labour win then the BBC will have a problem because all their topical comedy shows and panel games and preferred comedians will suddenly be unable to recycle the same material they have been doing for the last decade. I suppose Ian Hislop and co. will keep saying “I read it on the side of a bus” for a few more years to avoid the grim day when they’ll have to try to say something negative about Starmer and co.

    6. Peter Wood
      December 27, 2023

      Yes, a terrifying thought; a circular policy making process where some minor labour politician makes a silly suggestion, BBC picks it up and amplifies it, No.10 sees it on the TV and on Radio 4, next day it’s government policy, because the ‘voters like it’.
      If Labour get in, with Starmer running the show, who has demonstrated he has no original ideas and no fundamental policies nor even concepts of economic or social management, we’ll be run by foolish people with infantile, untested ideas, supported just to get 5 minutes of fame on the telly. Not much different to the PCP….sadly.

      1. Ian Wraggg
        December 27, 2023

        Bit like the Tory party then.

    7. Mickey Taking
      December 27, 2023

      13 years to do dozens of things, many they said they would.
      We are still waiting.

  5. DOM
    December 27, 2023

    A Stalinist scourge on this nation, pure scum doing damage where it can while continually appeased by successive Tory governments. Without a real Tory PM the Left can quite literally tear apart our country. It’s getting serious

    1. MFD
      December 27, 2023


  6. Cheshire Girl
    December 27, 2023

    Why? Because they want a Labour Government. It is very noticeable (and has been for a long time) on the BBC, and Channel 4 News.

    1. Berkshire Alan
      December 28, 2023

      They do it because they can, and they know the Conservatives have no simple and reliable communications method to correct them.
      The one huge failure, amongst others, is the complete lack of any professional communications department within your Party John who can explain in very simple terms the aims and policies od your government and why they have chosen the method/policies they have used.
      But then again perhaps what they have done is beyond sensible explanation !

  7. Keith young
    December 27, 2023

    The Mantra in Australia from politicians about inflation was Ukraine. Recently the Reseve Bank of Australia shot that down in flames and said it was home grown . Namely we’re being ripped off by the big end of town .

  8. Bill B.
    December 27, 2023

    Why do the BBC tell porkies, you ask. What else are they there for?

    1. Mark B
      December 27, 2023

      The day of Public Sector Broadcasting is over. We can get our news and entertainment from ‘other sources’ but, here is the catch. Those ‘other sources’ are not under the Establishments control.

      1. Lifelogic
        December 27, 2023

        Well not “completely” under their control but very largely as we see with climate realists, Covid vaccine realists etc. who were bumped of social media and rubbished by idiotic lying MPs often PPE graduates.

    2. Everhopeful
      December 27, 2023

      Very true.
      Wasn’t it founded just before WW2 probably as a propaganda weapon?
      Continued use in peacetime.
      Each successive govt. hoping to make full use of its potential.
      Did it all go a bit belly up this time?
      Dom is right about the take over.
      The unwary did not understand about wolves in sheep’s clothing!

      1. formula57
        December 27, 2023

        @ Everhopeful – No, it was founded in 1922 and its first director general Lord Reith instilled standards and values that for many years enabled it to live up to its charter “to act in the public interest, serving all audiences through the provision of impartial, high-quality and distinctive output and services which inform, educate and entertain” with the result that during WW2 it behaved very well and was seen to do so. It has of course been in decline for some forty years now and perhaps was lucky to see its centenary.

        1. Everhopeful
          December 27, 2023

          I was thinking of TV only (1936)
          Apparently it was the British Broadcasting Company that was founded by various wireless manufacturers/ enthusiasts in 1922. Liquidated in 1925 and replaced by Corporation in 1927.
          Reith wasn’t all that great
he prevented Churchill from broadcasting. So not much changed really! Scarcely Impartial?

      2. pjb
        December 27, 2023

        BBC founded 1922.

        1. Everhopeful
          December 27, 2023

          Answer as for formula57.

  9. Iain Hunter
    December 27, 2023

    The BBC are the propagandists of the revolution so what else would you expect, Sir john. it’s in the DNA of the management of the organisation. I worked out a long tme ago that it lies about climate change but it was the lies during the fake pandemic and the failure of its “journalists” to ask any truly searching questions about any aspect of the government’s response to the fake pandemic which shredded any remaining regard I might have had for BBC. Worse than its lies of commission are its lies of omission. The television licence must be abolished.

    1. Lynn Atkinson
      December 27, 2023


  10. Hat man
    December 27, 2023

    Are you suggesting, Sir John, that a BBC journalist should do some research before publishing a story? Suppose they then found out that:
    – inflation was largely caused by enormous state spending on a manufactured public health crisis, – demand for EVs is slack and declining,
    – wind farms can’t operate unless given more public money than the value of the energy they produce
    – migrants claiming asylum almost all arrive here from a safe country which has already undertaken to provide them with refuge on humanitarian grounds
    – the EU now wants to admit a country that its own Court of Auditors described as a state ‘captured’ by corruption

    If they took the facts into account, the BBC would be unable to carry out their function as a screen between British people and reality.

    1. Mickey Taking
      December 27, 2023

      They don’t report verified news, they portray what they wish to happen, and show actual events in a skewed manner to suit their idealistic nonsense.

  11. William Long
    December 27, 2023

    The journalists are there to make a story and the editors are incapable of doing, or unwilling to do, their job and see that the story is accurate. The BBC is a nationalised industry just like the NHS and not fit for its purpose. But the same is true of the Government to which both answer.

  12. agricola
    December 27, 2023

    Why is the BBC biased and peddaling lies. Because it has set itself up as a political force following its hijacking by the Guardianista left. By entry, change and eventual control the Left has obtained a major information outlet, far outweighing their political following, and they have got it for free. The majority in power in the consocialist cabal are happy with this. They must be because they have done nothing to curb BBC excesses. It suits them to have your thoughts lied about outside the HOC, because in the land of my honourable friend it would be embarrasing to put up in public, arguments against you and for the shambles they preside over.
    The de facto infiltration does not stop at the BBC. All seats of power, civil service, police, big business, education at school and university level have all suffered entry by the left and lunatic left. It is a cancer enjoyed by consocialism. As I have politely been telling you, you are in the wrong place to be doing anything about it. There will shortly be one hell of an electoral fight for democratic legal power. You and perhaps fifty other MPs could help tip the balance towards honest politics by aligning wiith Reform, the only remaining seat of Conservatism. The vast number of Conservatives among the electorate would thank you for it, just as they thank and respect Ann Widdicombe. Jump and swim away before the ship rolls over.

  13. Mark B
    December 27, 2023

    Good morning.

    The BBC will doubtless continue to ignore all this whilst it busily makes up an alternative reality it prefers.

    It is the BBC, Sir John. What do you expect ?

    It is an organisation that refuses to call terrorists, terrorists because it feels it cannot make a judgement on them yet, as soon as people from this country complain about MASS IMMIGRATION they are labelled as ‘Far-Right’, a term associated (wrongly in my view) with Nazism.

    Demand that they remove the article or threaten to sue them.

    1. agricola
      December 27, 2023

      I always thought that Nazis were National Socialists. Ironically when you look at the way they behaved they were not so different from Starlin’s Communists who they considered themselves so different from. The lesson, applicable to UK political parties, should be, forget about what they label themselves as and judge them on what they do. It is phylosophy not labels, as I keep pointing out to SJR.

      1. Mark B
        December 27, 2023

        They believed in State control through Corporate ownership rather that State control ‘and’ ownership.

        1. Mitchel
          December 28, 2023

          The Soviet Union was never actually “communist” both Lenin and Stalin greatly admired the system of state capitalism practised in Wilhelmine Germany (pre-WWI).Stalin took it to extremes.

  14. Lifelogic
    December 27, 2023

    So Sunak & Hunt will consider abolition of IHT before the election and prehaps reductions in the absurd rates of stamp duty (it was 1% now the top rate is 15%). But he has not even kept the ÂŁ1 million each threshold Osborne Promise of circa 15 years back and tax rates overall are still rising due to frozen allowance. So what is the use of another worthless promise. This just before they are obliterated in an election for many terms. Labour will decided on IHT taxes, not Socialist, climate alarmist, tax, borrow, currency debase and waste, Rishi Sunak.

    Starmer will be just as bad probably even worse.

    1. Ian Wraggg
      December 27, 2023

      He will announce the cut to come into force in 2025 when he knows he won’t be in power.

    2. XY
      December 27, 2023

      The idea with many of their announcements is to push it beyond the next election, hoping to gain credit for merely announcing things without having to implement anything (and to make it a manifesto “promise”).

      I see the cap on legal migrants’ salaries that was to be ÂŁ38k became ÂŁ22k or something, now it’s been pushed back to 2025. A perfect example of how not to do anything.

      The same is true with the BBC’s behaviour – they know the initial report will get attention and become mainstream belief. If they have to retract or correct anything it wil be some tiny notice buried out of sight.

      Socialists have been using this tactic for years – they lie their heads off and if someone flags up the error then it will be someone on a small web site or minor news programme where few will notice, whereas their lie reaches millions by being on some mainstream programming in prime time. This is why they worry about media like GB News telling it like it is to an increasingly large audience (albeit a largely partisan one – for now).

    3. Mickey Taking
      December 27, 2023

      A good soundbite easing IHT – but the latest government data shows that only 41,000 people were liable to inheritance tax in 2022/23. Hardly a mass vote winner! Receipts were almost ÂŁ6bn.

      1. Berkshire Alan
        December 28, 2023

        Yes and nearly all of them live in the southern part of the Uk, simply through House price values..
        What would be more fair would simply be to exclude the Residential home (and it’s value) out of the deceased estate, thus forming a more level playing field for all in the UK.
        The fact that a simple 3 bedroom semi in many parts of the South accounts for more than ÂŁ500,000 whilst in others it could be ÂŁ200,000 for taxation purposes is simply just wrong.

    4. MFD
      December 27, 2023

      Starmer! The person who destroyed the Royal Ulster Constabulary for the terrorists,
      The police service who were awarded the George Cross for gallantry on the 23rd November 1999
      BAH! I’m angry again.

    5. Original Richard
      December 27, 2023

      LL : “Starmer will be just as bad probably even worse”.
      Not a problem I would have thought for a majority of current Conservative MPs, Lords and the higher echelons of the Party.

  15. Mark B
    December 27, 2023

    Good morning.

    The BBC will doubtless continue to ignore all this whilst it busily makes up an alternative reality it prefers.

    It is the BBC, Sir John. What do you expect ?

    It is an organisation that refuses to call terrorists, terrorists because it feels it cannot make a judgement on them yet, as soon as people from this country complain about MASS IMMIGRATION they are labelled as ‘Far-Right’, a term associated (wrongly in my view) with Nazism.

    Demand that they remove the article or threaten to sue them.

    1. agricola
      December 27, 2023

      I like you last sentence. It is what Nigel Farage does with great support from an equally put upon general public.

  16. Walt
    December 27, 2023

    Why? Because they are biased, Sir John; and can be so with impunity because Governments have failed to do anything about it. Sadly, like so much else.

  17. Javelin
    December 27, 2023

    AI should be able to analyse BBC news output to ensure it is fair.

    There is a website called bipartisan press. I used this link below to analyse an article on the BBC website


    I analysed a BBC story on Rishi and the small boats. The website did not know this was the BBC. This was simply the first political story I came across on the front page.


    The results.

    Bias: Minimal Left

    The Government, Conservatives or Researchers should use this to analyse a few websites. Then use it as proof of BBC bias. This is exactly the sort of tool that should be used to keep any tax funded news media under control.

    1. Lynn Atkinson
      December 27, 2023

      AI starts off with the lies as ‘truth’. It will back up the narrative in a way that can’t be countered. You ain’t seen nothing yet!

    2. hefner
      December 27, 2023

      Thanks for the link.
      Have you tried analysing Sir John’s production?

      1. Bill B.
        December 27, 2023

        Hefner, I tried yours. The site crashed.

        1. hefner
          December 27, 2023

          Oh, I have a site? That’s some news. Thanks for letting me know. What’s its address?

  18. Christine
    December 27, 2023

    The BBC is a dying entity and if it doesn’t change its funding model it is doomed. None of the younger generation in my family pay the license fee and I expect it is the same across the country. I won’t allow the mainstream news to be aired in my house. You also have vast swathes of people in the Republic of Ireland, northern France, the Netherlands, etc who watch it for free at our expense. For too long it has been a mouthpiece of the Marxist left with its bias and lying reporting. Programs like Panorama are a disgrace with their stitch-up antics, just look at the exposĂ© TR did on them but the watchdog did nothing.

    1. Dave S
      December 27, 2023

      Being ‘older generation’ (70) I (legally) haven’t paid the licence fee for 15 years. I read reports of a quid pro quo:

      1) make BBC reporting more ‘government-friendly’
      2) in return scrap plans to de-criminalise licence fee non-payment.

      How to restrict such stitch-ups or stop them altogether?

      1. Original Richard
        December 27, 2023

        Dave S :

        Sounds like a good deal to me. The BBC will be very “government friendly” after the next GE anyway and in return I don’t have to pay for a TV licence for a channel I don’t want to watch.

        The annoying bit is the pretence that the BBC is unbiased, but I suppose they like to keep it that way as it makes for a better propoganda tool.

  19. Iain Moore
    December 27, 2023

    You worry about them misquoting you on the Bank of England, look what they did to Johnson over a piece of cake , or the Truss budget , here they removed a Prime Minister and put the kibosh on an economic policy to revitalise our economy , then look at what they didn’t do over Starmer’s beer and Korma party , or Sue Gray. We still don’t know when Starmer contacted her, and they have no interest in finding out, when they were all over the details of a piece of cake.

    1. Lynn Atkinson
      December 27, 2023

      Johnson could easily be a Chairman of the BBC. Same mindset.

  20. Michael Saxton
    December 27, 2023

    Frankly the BBC is a disgrace. They no longer represent the views of the majority of people here in the UK. Instead they distort or avoid reporting the truth as they obsess over gender colour and the usual woke nonsense. Other than Radio 3 they are unfit for purpose and it’s high time the absurd licence fee tax was abolished.

  21. Bloke
    December 27, 2023

    On balance, an effective way to remedy the BBC’s ignorance is to ignore BBC output completely and not pay its fee. Pushing those equality values back down the BBC’s throat will stop their nonsense being such a nuisance.

  22. Dave+Andrews
    December 27, 2023

    Anyone right minded listener to R4 knows what they say about centre ground and right of centre politicians can’t be relied on.

  23. Mickey Taking
    December 27, 2023

    I’m in a time warp. I could swear its still Christmas?
    Today I read that Brexit will now allow wine to be sold in pint bottles.
    It must be 1st April.
    Best thing coming out of what Brexit enables! NOT.

    1. Bingle
      December 27, 2023

      Another ‘hidden’ price rise.

    2. hefner
      December 27, 2023

      MT, but I guess only British wines.

      1. Mickey Taking
        December 27, 2023

        Does it matter? We don’t buy French, Italian, rarely German, former Eastern bloc can be ok. OZ, NZ sometimes Chile, Spain ok.
        English lovely but perhaps pricey.
        A pint would do us two about right.

      2. Peter Parsons
        December 27, 2023

        No, any wine.

        Assuming of course that pint bottles are available from a glass manufacturer (they’ll need to create new moulds to make them) and that retailers will want to stock them (will they work with existing retail shelving, or will they require something different or waste valuable space?). Then there’s the impact on distribution (different size boxes will be needed, that impacts on warehousing and stacking and packing both in storage and in transportation).

        How many companies in the wine industry will look at this and decide it’s not worth bothering with and they’ll stick to the standard size bottles that we already have and the rest of the world uses?

        It’s a pointless change that brings no actual tangible benefit. Any similarity to Brexit more widely may, of course, be purely coincidental.

        1. Mickey Taking
          December 28, 2023

          With a reduced size and lower price they would sell more!
          Have you not been aware of what is being done to hundreds of products in the last few years?
          Make smaller to avoid too much price increase.

          1. Peter Parsons
            December 28, 2023

            They could do that by switching to the already available standard size of 500ml.

  24. ancientPopeye
    December 27, 2023

    Lazy liars, shoddy work that they have got away with for so long they now feel ‘entitled’ to publish their version of ‘FACTS’ maybe?

  25. Lynn Atkinson
    December 27, 2023

    The BBC are drunk with power and believe that they can ‘make a new reality’ by simply reporting it as fact. Many politicians have the same disease. They think they can ‘make a new reality’ by legislating for it’. Self delusion beyond repair.
    Unless we use at these people who would have been called ‘mad’ in previous generations, we will suffer untold consequences, for they tell lies not only about the BoE and Sir John, but about Brexit, climate change, the Ukrainian War, the Israeli War, slavery, etc. I am wracking my brains to think of anything they say that is demonstrable truth – can’t think of anything at all.

  26. Rod Evans
    December 27, 2023

    John, When it comes to the BBC and the Tory party is is worth remembering the old saying,
    When the crocodiles are biting your arse it is worth remembering your initial option was to drain the swamp.
    Fourteen years have passed and still the Tories have done nothing to pull the plug on the swamp that is the BBC?

  27. glen cullen
    December 27, 2023

    The BBC aren’t the only one’s, just look at the OBR, the MetOffice, the Natural Trust ….quango’s

  28. Bert+Young
    December 27, 2023

    The BBC has lost its dignity and honesty ; for some time now it has dragged itself into the gutter . It should be stripped of its Licence Fee position and be obliged to exist on the same basis as its competitors . Its whole presence is represented by one of its news readers who is allowed to show himself without a tie and proper shirt ; whenever he appears I switch to Sky News .
    The criticisms Sir John raises once again about the BoE are fully justified ; allowing this body the right and freedom to set any form of economic standard is an insult to the electorate . We need a complete change and the time is NOW .

    1. Hat man
      December 28, 2023

      So you watch the BBC as long as the news reader wears a tie, Bert? No wonder the Corporation has got away with misinforming the public for so long, if others continue to think like you. There are better alternatives.

  29. Margaret
    December 27, 2023

    It’s not just the BBC.No one listens.They don’t understand the information written or spoken and grasp the meaning incorrectly.

  30. Keith from Leeds
    December 27, 2023

    Why are you surprised ? The BBC stopped fact checking stories years ago. It is an arrogant lefty liberal organisation that hates the UK and loves the EU.
    It will ignore you because you actually use common sense and have an analytical brain.
    But it is fair to say the Conservative Government has accepted and tolerated the biased BBC so why should it change. Like the leadership of the Church of England it only promotes like minded people, and just as the C of E is becoming irrelevant so, in time, will the BBC. Why it has just be given a ÂŁ10 increase in the license fee is beyond me. The conservatives never seem to learn.

  31. Atlas
    December 27, 2023

    Quite so Sir John.

  32. MWB
    December 27, 2023

    I stopped paying this licence tax several years ago.
    BBC are a thug terrorist organisation, hiding behind illegal laws that stop people from watching programmes on ‘free’ channels that are paid for with adverts.
    Most countries in Europe have abolished TV licences, including out nieghbours in France.
    BBC news ouput is a tissue of lies from start to finish.

    1. hefner
      December 27, 2023

      In France, the TV licence (‘Contribution a l’audiovisuel public’, €138) was cancelled in 2022. But the €3.9 bn that the licence was bringing are now taken from the ~€100 bn VAT budget. So a tax that was only paid by households with a TV set is now indirectly paid by anybody making a daily purchase.
      Is it so much better?

      1. Mickey Taking
        December 27, 2023

        That’s the French for you! Who was in favour of VAT?

  33. Mickey Taking
    December 27, 2023

    and now for the continuing story…..
    After a burglar stole thousands of pounds worth of power tools from her home, in St Albans, in October, Sharon Allen turned amateur detective. She began going house to house, making her own inquiries, and handed CCTV footage from her neighbours to police. “He’s got a distinctive nose,” Ms Allen tells BBC News, as she examines her own black-and-white security-camera footage. “I’ve given them the information and I’m hoping they’ve looked at the CCTV.”
    An officer visited her home – but Ms Allen has heard nothing since. The burglar is still in the area, she says, and has been seen hanging around nearby shops. “I realise I’m not the first on the list – but I’d like to think that they will look into it,” Ms Allen says.
    But Hertfordshire Constabulary has one of the worst burglary clear-up rates in the country.
    In St Albans – a cathedral city of 148,000 people, just 25 miles (40km) north of central London – although some officers are based at its civic centre, there has been no police station open to the public since 2015.

    Shortly after her appointment, in 2022, former home secretary Suella Braverman wrote to all forces telling them the public wanted to know an officer would visit them after a burglary. And now, new National Council of Police Chiefs (NPCC) guidance says officers should prioritise attending the scene of a domestic break-in within an hour of the report, increasing the chances of solving the case.
    “Golden hour” enquiries “may make the difference between early identification and arresting a suspect and/or recovering stolen property or not”, it says.

  34. Kenneth
    December 27, 2023

    I always get the impression that BBC journalists are well briefed in Labour Party policy and opinion but are ignorant of the same in the Conservative Party.

    I can imagine that their address books are mainly filled with soclialists and greens with only a few from the Right.

    1. Rod Evans
      December 28, 2023

      Kenneth, the BBC’s awareness of ‘Labour policy’ (sic) is simple to understand. Labour has no policy beyond destroying open society and advancing state control of all things. They the BBC, would not understand Tory policies because the Tories do not have any policies either. Their entire period in charge of UK affairs is wedded to the WEF state control ideology so just more Labour Party ideals, but with a blue coat.
      We now have a government notionally Tory introducing laws on what cars we can buy and what cars manufacturers are allowed to make? Some would call that a classic command economy policy or communism to use its old title.
      What do you think?

  35. Derek
    December 27, 2023

    Could they, or should they, be sued in the courts for slander?

  36. Derek
    December 27, 2023

    It must be a pandemic virus, a strain of leftism that over the years has infected, not only Government departments but also other public sector services like the BBC and BoE.
    Should we appoint Rentokil to create a vaccine for it? Or would a heavy and prolonged dose of true blue Conservatism applied to all, cure them and save us?

    1. Mark B
      December 27, 2023

      It all started in 1997 and the Long March through the institutions.

      I wonder what else happened back then ?

  37. Ian B
    December 27, 2023

    Sir John
    In our BBC WEF Socialist World we have a compliant WEF Socialist Government that is the ultimate authority on how the BBC should act. For you and just a handful of MPs in tune with the greater majority of middle of the road in the UK that are Conservative by deed and nature, you have to be pulled down. Talking common sense is not permitted in the World of this Conservative Government and the BBC.
    Sir John being a Conservative makes you an extremist, in the eyes of the BBC and this pseudo–Conservative Government.
    The problem, just one illustration from so many hitting the media today
    “ Claire Coutinho, the Secretary of State for Energy Security and Net Zero, said that new data indicating emissions had halved in 50 years show Britain was a world leader in tackling climate change.”
    Then in the next item of news, the Countries that the UK has now sacrificed its own manufacturing capability for have all increased their amounts of World Pollution. This Conservative Government can’t keep dressing things up that in turn become un-truths – Britain as a result of Conservative Government policy is responsible for increasing World Pollution, that is the undeniable truth. Its is World Pollution that as the story line goes that matters.

    1. Ian B
      December 27, 2023

      Let’s never forget it’s this Conservative Government in name only along with their out of touch puppets at CCHQ that is about to be the downfall of the Conservative Party. Something those at the BBC will love and feel they have had a hand in implementing.
      The Party leadership has made the GE about support for Sunak/Hunt above support of Conservative who they have deserted.

    2. Ian B
      December 27, 2023

      The page title “UK hailed as ‘world leader in tackling climate change’ ” when the reality is that Conservative Government policy has increased World pollution by a greater amount than it has saved by cancelling UK manufacturing.

      1. glen cullen
        December 27, 2023

        All hail the UK climate change committee

  38. Ian B
    December 27, 2023

    Being a Conservative is someone that believes in controlling costs, expenditure and so on to create a lower tax base which then enhances the economy and grows the money needed to fund a future.
    Being a Socialist is someone that promises and pays for the World from someone else’s earnings and when that dries up blames everyone else and borrows more, then there is no future.
    This Government after 13 years has proven which discipline, they are part of. It is also why the Socialist mouth pieces, the BBC etc mirror the untruths and half truths to drown out what is reality.
    The BBC is just following the lead that comes from Government, lies bread lies.

  39. Ian B
    December 27, 2023

    “Hackers have stolen data including partial credit card numbers from parking apps used by millions of motorists.” everyone was warned, these apps are not in the UK but are human farming (enslavement) apps based abroad outside of UK Legal jurisdiction and accountability. The authorities using don’t care and are just facilitators.

  40. R.Grange
    December 27, 2023

    I suppose if you’re a politician you have to listen to the Today programme. Not sure why anybody else would want to.

  41. The Prangwizard
    December 27, 2023

    Tragically and dangerously we have reached a point where the MSM along with the highest levels in most organisations, and many parts of government, have given up care or accuracy. It is their aim to take full control of and remove traditional political and moral positions in society. They impose the intolerant and cruel Left.

    They know they have won control of information and the levers of power as there is no punishment for what they do.

    This morning the film Gone with the Wind was shown on TV. The full phrase is ‘civilisation has gone with the wind’. The phrase is relevant today, here.

    That it what has happened in this country because not enough people have dared defend our way of life and publicly oppose what is happening. We need to visibly and loudly to fight for freedoms, against them, clearly and unambigously.

  42. R.Grange
    December 27, 2023

    BBC Radio 4 Today programme – Let me think, isn’t that the show that was guest-edited by the likes of Prince Harry, Grayson (“Claire”) Perry, and Greta Thunberg? Why would anyone want to start their morning with that sort of thing?

    1. Mickey Taking
      December 27, 2023

      the BBC admit to needing to save money…a candidate?

  43. hefner
    December 27, 2023

    O/T: a timely report has been recently published: ‘Who funds you?’ on opendemocracy.net
    Organisations and think tanks are rated on a scale A to E, from the most to the least transparent about their funding.
    Interesting reading.

  44. Geoffrey Berg
    December 27, 2023

    I’d say several things about this.
    First I know most politicians naturally get too sensitive about what the media report about them. The BBC obviously made a mistake here and like everybody they are entitled to make the occasional mistake but I am more concerned about their incompetence and ever growing partisan prejudice.
    Second their prejudice is even greater in relation to Donald Trump. They keep emphasising he is indicted on 91 counts without balancing by saying those charges generally arise from Democrat lawyers abusing the law for partisan politics. In New York what is in law misdemeanors have been turned into a felony specially for him. In Florida he alone is charged for technical offences that Biden, Pence and others also committed. In Washington he is charged with an ‘insurrection’ which would elsewhere just be called ‘a violent demonstration’ which he certainly did not organise nor take part in. Only the Georgia case is reasonably arguable and only then if it is presumed he was acting in his capacity as President rather than as an unwise election candidate (a wise election candidate would have got somebody else to speak on his behalf to the presiding Secretary of State).
    The BBC’s incompetence is in not understanding Trump’s consummate political skill. He is the first candidate to seek (and get) a huge number of congressional endorsements months before the first primary vote has been cast. He is the first candidate to undermine his opposition with devastating descriptions (his latest ‘birdbrain’ for Haley in one word draws everybody’s attention to whether she has anything between the ears which nobody would otherwise have pondered). Cleverest of all he understands what commentators and other politicians don’t understand which is ordinary Republican and Democrat voters, indeed most Labour and Conservative voters have one thing in common, a very low opinion of politicians. So he is standing as the anti-politician politician (not possible in 2020 when he was President) and the more lawyers and Democrats try to prosecute him the more ordinary people think he is the real deal and will cause the Washington insiders they despise real grief. I predict he will win by a considerable margin.
    Third, the BBC is easily dealt with – just become popular and end the license fee immediately!

  45. Original Richard
    December 27, 2023

    “The BBC will doubtless continue to ignore all this whilst it busily makes up an alternative reality it prefers.”

    Such as it does all the time on CAGW and Net Zero, and when it comes to politics I would rather know the true opinions of their political journalists rather than have these leaked out by a sports presenter. The BBC have been captured by fifth column communists as has the Tory Party which is why nothing has changed at the BBC.

    But the current BBC is nothing today compared to the propaganda machine it will become when Labour win power at the next GE when coupled with the Civil Service, OBR, ONS and dozens of communist think tanks, quangos, commissions, committees, panels, regulatory bodies, “ofs”, “charities”, foundations, academies, organisations, behavioural insights teams and judiciary all singing from the same hymn sheet.

  46. Mike Wilson
    December 27, 2023

    If they scrap inheritance tax it will only be done as a last-gasp, desperate act to trap Labour.

    “Will you reverse the scrapping of inheritance tax if you win power?”
    Errr, ummm, well 
 not if we can avoid it 
. blah, blah
    And millions who are old and have a few Bob will vote Tory through clenched teeth.
    I won’t. I’d rather pay the tax just to see the back of them.

    1. Mickey Taking
      December 27, 2023

      two years ago 33,000 paid it, last year 44,000 paid – how is it going to convince millions to vote Tory?
      I keep alleging the electorate are stupid.

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