The need to lower legal migration

In the year to June 2023 1.2 million people came to our country legally. This overwhelms the 30,000 illegals who made their way here. The new arrivals were rightly welcomed. Some came to take educational courses, some came to fill jobs, some came to joinĀ  family here or as dependents of those coming to work or study.

In the years ahead we will want to welcome more students to fill courses, some people with skills we need for jobs we find difficult to fill. We want more investors, entrepreneurs,Ā  business builders. We do not want to prevent families reuniting where there is good cause.

We also need to recognise that the huge numbers are no longer fair on either those who come or whoĀ  are inĀ  the settled communities that receive them with a welcome. We want people coming to enjoy a good lifestyle. They need decent homes, school places for their children, NHS doctors and hospitals capable of seeing themĀ  promptly whenĀ  need arises. They need roads to drive on and utility supplies for their energy and water. All of these things are under stress and much stretched as we are not keeping up with providing the extra capacity in all these areasĀ  that 700,000 extra people a year need.

It is true that last year 500,000 left the country which is why I wrote 700,000 not 1.2 million. Some people just net that off, but in practice for some purposes you need to look at the gross number. People leaving may sell or vacate homes that are are in different parts of the country or in a different price bracket to the new comers’ needs and pockets. People leaving may be olderĀ  requiringĀ  fewer school places than younger migrants arriving. There may be concentrations of new arrivals particularly in big cities and in places with plenty of jobs.

We also need to be fair to taxpayers. The low wage model, inviting in people to fill low paid jobs may be cheap for the employer but it is very dear for the taxpayer. A low wage worker will need a subsidised home, benefit top up of wages, a wide range of free public services, and extra capital for the additional utility supplies andĀ  transport they need. I have set out before how it probably costs around Ā£250,000 per low paid migrant in public sector capital set up costs and early years public service and benefit costs. This is in line with the EU estimate of 250,000 euros a migrant in 2016.

In future pieces I will explore the government’s plans to reduce legal migration by 300,000 a year. This could be expanded and speeded to the benefit ofĀ  many. We need a higher wage higher skilled economy.



  1. Mark B
    January 19, 2024

    Good morning.

    We need Net Zero migration. End of ! No one asked me if I wanted my country and its culture changed beyond all recognition. People throughout the centuries came here and settled but always sought to integrate. Now they can create their own enclaves.

    This nation has never been so divided not since the English Civil War. A dark portent of may come to happen.

    1. PeteB
      January 19, 2024

      “Net zero” – dangerous connotations there. Agree with the sentiment though.
      Of course, cut legal migration and we’d see illegal migration numbers shoot upwards. But why take a risk on a blow-up boat in the channel when you can pretend you are a student and fly your whole family over?

      1. Hope
        January 19, 2024

        JRā€™s mindset is to be fair to those who come here way before us, the taxpaying public who suffer the consequences of poor public services. Amazing! No wonder only 11 voted for sovereignty over immigration, JR did not. He is content for ECHR to apply. Otherwise he would have voted with Jenrick. Children go to hospital because of poor dental health, no one can get a dentist, ie those paid in the huge tax pot all their lives!! Get real JR, the consequences to the tax paying public should come first, second, third and immigrants last! Same for hospitals, same for social housing.

        Reply I voted for the Jenrick amendments! This article says make bigger cuts in migration than the government’s! I am not your problem. The Opposition wanted to defeat the small boats bill so we would have more migrants.

        1. Sir Joe Soap
          January 19, 2024

          to reply
          this is arguing on the head of a pin. The answer is I believe STOP. First stop the system dead.

          Then make some allowances later for those with money or skills. Quite honestly with 1.2 million coming in last year alone, and apparently no better access to healthcare than we had 12 months ago, it’s difficult to find these doctors, nurses and engineers among our incomers.

          1. Hope
            January 19, 2024

            I voted for Jenriks amendments, it did Not follow through to vote against Sunakā€™s pro ECHR/EU bill.

            It was reported in the paper you, IDS and others were asking colleagues to not vote against Sunakā€™s bill. Is this true?

            Reply All untrue. The Bill makes a few improvements vis a vis foreign courts. I did not tell people how to vote.

          2. glen cullen
            January 19, 2024

            ”First stop the system dead”
            Spot on Sir Joe Soap

        2. Mickey Taking
          January 19, 2024

          BUT you rely on the H of L kicking it back, so that amendments may be tried once again. All in the certain knowledge the Bill/Act will not be passed in your ‘Government’s time’. Rusty can down the road again.

        3. graham1946
          January 19, 2024

          So the government is looking towards 400,000 every year? What happened to the tens of thousands promised in 2010? Why is it now 400,000 which is far too many when our population has increased by some 8 million in the last 20 years, with not much extra in services and infrastructure. We the tax payers are just told to make do with less. Totally unacceptable. There will be trouble ahead. If 400,000 is an ambition, get out and let someone with more vision and care for the tax payers have a go. We need to get rid of the Uniparty musical chairs system to achieve that, but as politicians are only interested in their own advancement, this is not likely to happen.

        4. a-tracy
          January 19, 2024

          Hope “Children go to hospital because of poor dental health, no one can get a dentist,”
          Private dentists to see children on the NHS. Labour tells us that millions of parents won’t brush their children’s teeth; standards have fallen so far in this country; if they won’t promote good toothbrushing, what is the chance they register them and try to take them to a dentist?

          It was the Blair labour government that screwed up the dental contract. We need to train more dentists. Perhaps we need dental nurses to do six monthly checks in schools and places to refer children with problems.

          1. Hope
            January 19, 2024

            14 years Tory could have changed anything. 85 seat majority to primarily get Brexit done and they did not even try. Now they are doing all they can to water down and act in lock step to EU. They gave away NIreland!

          2. Margaret
            January 19, 2024

            Many come to myself with caries ,abscesses and secondary local infections.It is mainly the GP who has to deal with the concomitant infections.

          3. a-tracy
            January 19, 2024

            The first five years they were ruling with the LibDems the entire LibDems remit is that the want PR to put smaller parties into government. They had cabinet positions. You are quite correct; the Tories have had sole rule for 9 years. They could only start to negotiate with other Countries at the end of the Withdrawal period in January 2021; this has started to take effect. I agree on N Ireland, the divorce payments are dropping since September last year, why do you think they need Starmer in place to tie us back in on Brino.

          4. Iain gill
            January 19, 2024

            You are asking for old school dentist system back, no thanks they were butchers and if I could go back in time to meet mine they would be in serious trouble.
            We need more dentists, and a better deal for them to treat NHS patients properly.

        5. Hope
          January 19, 2024

          You did not vote against Sunakā€™s bill (not one of the 11) to take back control of our laws and borders as you all promised to get Brexit done!

          By voting for Sunakā€™s bill you all broke your manifesto promise to get Brexit done! Sunakā€™s bill ensures ECHR has control over our borders and who we deport! ECHR does not have our interests at heart, like your party they do not care.

          ECJ still applies, level playing fields to act in lockstep with EU, 4,000 EU laws still exist, goods checked from one part of our country to another which we pay to do!

          Your party gave away our territorial waters to EU and fishing to France, perhaps you could ask French fishermen in our waters to take illegals back to France with our fish!!

          Your party voted Not to take back control of our borders, laws and money. You even pay France Ā£400 million forā€¦ā€¦.nothing other than to take our fish!

          Reply I did not vote for the Bill and it does not strengthen international law over us

          1. Ian B
            January 19, 2024

            @Reply surely what is termed international law infers it applies to all nations as part of the international community – how come these laws are only being applied in less than 10% ofe World by population? They then cant really be seen as international with the other 90% of the Worlds population having no part in them

      2. Ian wragg
        January 19, 2024

        300 illegals arrived last weekend. 95% are granted permission to stay ,the rest aren’t deported.
        Thousands of Sians are here on student visas with their families using our scarce resources. You only have to go to A&E to see who isn’t registered with a GP.
        We are becoming strangers in our own country and a clear out of parliament is long overdue.

        1. MFD
          January 19, 2024

          I agree Ian, but we have no quality infill to replace those we try to put out of parliament. Also there are far too many of foreign origin in Westminster, We need true Brits to realise the standard needed to govern for us, not incomers.
          I get right sick of being lied to by Sunak for a start, he did not cut the illegals – the weather in the channel did and he has no control over that.

        2. glen cullen
          January 19, 2024

          Forget deportation, if they’ve landed they’re here to stay …..thats why there isn’t any rush to pursue claims ….and every Albanian just has to say that they’ve forgot their own language, hey-pesto you can stay

        3. graham1946
          January 19, 2024

          Why do students need their family members with them? We don’t send mum and dad to hold the hands of our students at uni. Maybe because they have no intention of going back.

          1. Lynn Atkinson
            January 19, 2024

            Why do families need to be together in Britain? If a British person wants to marry a Chinese/Indian/African etc person, why donā€™t they go and live in that country/

        4. John Hatfield
          January 19, 2024

          When you look at the illegals just arrived, standing on the beach, you can see they are mostly if not all, young men of fighting age. How many of those are Muslims? There will be trouble soner rather than later.

    2. BOF
      January 19, 2024

      +1 Mark B.

    3. Hope
      January 19, 2024

      You do know who is going to leave, therefore your points about demographics for schools, houses etc cannot be planned. Your party and govt choose estimates on leaving not an accurate number to know precisely the figure who leave what age group etc. an estimate based on an unscientific estimate!!

      Home Office has lost hundreds of thousands to their system! How does that happen exactly? Why is Rycroft still in place after admitting recently 17,300 are missing. Javid announced he was proud to close detention centres at Tory conference!! That decision and announcement was so utterly stupid it defies belief why such a dullard could be in high office. Does your party and govt care bout our safety? They know there have been atrocities under your govt watch!!

      Sunak just bombed Yemen, any idea if their terrorists are here? Again, do they care?

      It is very difficult to under some of your comments. Your repeated manifestos made clear to cut legal numbers to tens of thousands. Your party gave away our territorial waters to EU, it has gave away our borders, gave away our right to deport- this weeks vote showed your party do not want the ability back to secure our borders or have the sovereign right to deport who we wish. Your party is an utter disgrace. We cannot afford our safety to be compromised like this, we cannot afford the financial stupidity of your mass immigration policy, we cannot afford our culture and nation state to be removed as your party wishes. We are being suppressed, silenced and forced to accept alien cultures against our wishes.

      1. Donna
        January 19, 2024

        Well said.

      2. MFD
        January 19, 2024

        I second all that Hope. My feelings precisely!

      3. Ian B
        January 19, 2024

        @Hope +1
        Conservative manifestos(similar elsewhere) are in simple terms the lies you tell to get elected and the first things you ditch once achieved. At no stage does the Conservative Government serve their electorate, once the gained power the forgot why they were there so refused to manage anything but tax and borrowing

    4. Lifelogic
      January 19, 2024

      They will keep coming unless there are some real deterrents from doing so. Labour has no answers at all and Sunak clearly want even more immigration as we see from the numbers of legal immigrants arriving (745k PA net) and all his actions so far. He is a man who can only be judged on his actions. A serial liar who even lies that he is cutting taxes when still putting the them up hugely.

      Tata Steel is to push ahead with plans to close both its blast furnaces in Port Talbot with the expected loss of 3,000 jobs UK-wide. Well done May, Sunak, the Conservative and you net zero lunacy. It will not even save any net CO2 just export jobs and damage the economy, defence and jobs.

      1. Dave Andrews
        January 19, 2024

        I wonder if Tata Steel are closing blast furnaces in India to save the planet?

        1. glen cullen
          January 19, 2024

          great comment …..and coal use in china at its highest ever !

        2. Ian B
          January 19, 2024

          @Dave Andrews – of course not, they will be needed to export to the UK the specialty steel we need lots of and this Conservative Government has banned from being produced in the UK. After-all it is the Conservative Government belief that World Pollution is reduced if the UK buy from the Planet biggest polluters.
          Then never forget this PM has taken Ā£500million of our hard earned money to give to Tata to move steel from the UK. Then he gave them another Ā£500million to create a tie up with the Chinese to import Chinese battery components into the UK. So Tata gets Ā£1 billion from our PMof our taxpayer money to pollute the World, and what did UK owned and run industry get so as ‘not’ to pollute the World – zilch, nothing

      2. Iain Moore
        January 19, 2024

        It is that Green jobs bonus they keep going on about, well not for us, for India gets the jobs and we get the unemployment.

        1. Ian B
          January 19, 2024

          @Iain Moore +1 spot on, and the reward for the planet greater pollution, the reward for the UK taxpayer higher taxes and borrowing – you couldn’t make it up.

        2. Donna
          January 19, 2024

          We get the unemployment AND the low-wage, low-skilled and soon to be unemployable hordes from Africa and certain parts of Asia.

      3. graham1946
        January 19, 2024

        Tata say they are losing a million a day on this. A lot of money, but not nearly a fraction of the losses made in fraud over the lock downs which the government gaily writes off with out a care. We could stand that loss and keep the people in employment and even more importantly our own ability to make proper steel, not just recycle scrap. How much is going to be paid out in dole money over the years? Experience of the coal mines show these sort of communities never recover. A lot of the losses are to do with the way we price energy and a proper government could mitigate some of this. Why do we have some of the highest costs in the world? It’s a national asset which the Tory government once again has no care bout. How will it benefit this nation to import our steel from India and sub standard steel from China?

        1. Ian B
          January 19, 2024

          @graham1946 – its worse than that we pay for more pollution, our taxes disappear abroad never to get a chance of circulating within our own sphere of enterprise and infrastructure improvements.
          People think and are in horror for the money the taxpayer got trapped into one way or another over Covid. That all pales into an insignificance when you add up what the PM and Chancellor has taken from the UK taxpayer, also borrowed then handed over to foreign government and entities that never gets to circulate in the UK.
          Tax and borrowing that we are all compelled to pay, is to create the UK’s infrastructure, education, health safety and security – our future. This PM and the Conservative Government has prioritized direct removal of the UK’s future to fund that in other domains.

        2. David
          January 19, 2024

          It’s a full 1,000x less. Tata may be losing about Ā£365 M per year but the cost of the crazy ‘lockdown’ policy was about Ā£400,000 M.

          The proposed electric arc furnaces are said to be more ‘eco’. It’s not a like for like comparison. The EAFs will only be able to process scrap iron. The steel coming out of EAFs isn’t so high quality as ‘new steel’. Among other issues, it’s contaminated with copper.

      4. iain gill
        January 19, 2024

        of course Labour want coal burning banned by 2030, so the political environment for steel plants that need to burn coal is simply not there.

        1. iain gill
          January 19, 2024

          I think raw steel production is a part of the key national infrastructure. If Russia or China decides to go to war with the West then we should be able to produce our own steel, we will need it to build ships for the navy, weapons, and so on. We sure wont be able to rely on imports from China and India in those circumstances.

      5. Lifelogic
        January 19, 2024

        I find myself in complete agreement with the Unite Rep. at Tata Steel on GB News. Economic vandalism from Sunak, May, ED Milliband, Boris, Starmerā€¦ does not even save CO2 just exports and increases it – not that CO2 is a serious issue anyway.

        WEF ā€œClimate Crisis May Cause 14.5 Million Deaths by 2050ā€ well it might I supposes – but far more deaths come from cold than from hot so if we are warming fewer deaths not more. This even more so if you push up heating costs with renewables lunacy. Surely yet more WEF propaganda, lies, scares and complete drivel?

        1. Lifelogic
          January 19, 2024

          Except he said we do not need to decarbonise until 2034 actually no need to decarbonise at all. Exporting CO2 and jobs does not even “decarbonise” anyway.

      6. Ian B
        January 19, 2024

        What is missed is that other Countries those we compete against have a different take on what happens to the tax they collect from their citizens. Yes, taxpayer subsidies are available in these Countries even in the USA, the massive difference the tax money only goes to those based there. The point being is that if you are part of the Country, you pay tax on the same level playing field and contribute to its well-being, its infrastructure, its future.
        In the UK our Conservative Government has a different attitude to those we as a Country have to compete with on the World stage, they priorities giving away the taxpayers almost maliciously to anyone, usually other competing Countries tax regimes. So, the UKs taxpayers money leaves the Country doesnā€™t get to be circulated or grow the communities these entities wish to profit from. They get to remove the UKā€™s future with the blessing and contrivance of this Conservative Government.
        As such this Conservative Government is causing the decline of the UK
        Tata alone has been awarded Ā£1 billion to remove industry from the UK in the last year.

    5. Walt
      January 19, 2024


    6. Peter
      January 19, 2024

      ā€˜ The new arrivals were rightly welcomed.ā€™

      ā€˜ In the years ahead we will want to welcome moreā€¦ā€™

      I did not do any welcoming.

      We could and should be filling any needs for workers from within our own population. The native population should be expanding not that of ā€˜new arrivalsā€™.

      reply You will when you next need a doctor or helper in the NHS

      1. Mickey Taking
        January 19, 2024

        when we need a doctor/helper we find we have to spend our savings on a private solution. Do you not know?

        1. Iain gill
          January 19, 2024


        2. Mike Wilson
          January 19, 2024

          Itā€™s all been said here by others. Your party and government is an absolute disgrace. Unbelievable! Youā€™re happy with 400,000 coming here each year. I AM NOT!

          Reply I said I was not happy and am pressing for larger cuts! If you bother to come on my site do read what I write.

        3. Mike Wilson
          January 19, 2024

          when we need a doctor/helper we find we have to spend our savings on a private solution. Do you not know?

          Spot on. As well as paying for my own hernia operation a couple of years ago, I have a different issue now and am thinking Iā€™ll seek a private appointment with a doctor tomorrow. When I rang my doctorā€™s surgery, the woman who answered the phone told me to go to a pharmacy. They said and did nothing. The government and the NHS is a disgrace.

          1. iain gill
            January 19, 2024

            yep a friend was given antibiotics over the phone by an NHS GP the other day, so little time to see patients face to face with the winter bugs going around that they just dish out medicines over the phone now. absolutely sub third world.

      2. Narrow Shoulders
        January 19, 2024

        Doctors because the BMA limits the number of places, NHS workers because our benefits system allows too many to stay idle while relatively well off.

        1. Lifelogic
          January 19, 2024

          Not really the BMA, it is the government who choose to they can override the BMA at any time. They seem to prefer to import other countries doctors.

          1. iain gill
            January 19, 2024

            yep its the government constraining the numbers of locals who they will subsidise at university which constrains the numbers of Brits entering medical training. foreigners (who pay higher non subsidised fees) are however welcome in whatever numbers the universities want.

          2. Narrow Shoulders
            January 20, 2024

            The BMA as the doctors’ Union set the number of places available. Keeping the number down to keep wages up.

            Taxpayer funded student loans are available wherever there is a place on a course. The BMA authorise the courses

      3. JoolsB
        January 19, 2024

        Reply to reply
        Well we wouldnā€™t need to import so many doctors into the NHS if your Government looked after and respected our own home grown Doctors better. They are being treated diabolically by your Government and as a result are leaving the profession in their droves either for better paid non-medical jobs or for Australia.
        Stop robbing third world countries of their medics and do something to make the expensively and better trained ones in this country want to stay in the profession instead.

        1. iain gill
          January 19, 2024

          twitter is full of British medics saying their good byes as they head off to Australia and New Zealand, you can hardly blame them.

          1. Donna
            January 20, 2024

            I recently visited Sydney. It’s more “British” than London and many other places in the UK now and it didn’t have the menacing “feel” of London.

            I don’t blame anyone for moving there. If I was 30 years’ younger, I’d be considering it.

      4. MFD
        January 19, 2024

        No sir John, i would not go near the substandard medics we have in the NHS these days, its worse than the days of Grannyā€™s tonics!

      5. iain gill
        January 19, 2024

        I am in a very multi cultural family, and friendship groups.
        As much as you clearly get all the signals from comments here about the desire for very low immigration, if any at all, I dont really think you “get it” up close and personal like many of us do.
        The things my Romanian friends say about their fellow countrymen who have come here would astound you. The things my Indian friends say about their fellow countrymen who have come here would astound you. But of course these and similar conversations are never open nowadays as reality is censored.
        As much as I think you are on the closest to sensible part of people in parliament, I still think thats miles away from the real world.

        1. Wanderer
          January 19, 2024

          +1. Ian Gill. I hear the same things from Polish and Romanian colleages. I also well remember the Poles being furious that we were opening the door to the Romanians, back in the day

      6. Everhopeful
        January 19, 2024

        I knew someone whose very eminent father welcomed new people into the NHS in the 1950s.
        Why was that when there were so many English desperate to get to medical school ( then reserved for near genius)?
        Why was my parentā€™s generation clubbed senseless into not breeding beyond 2.4 ?
        Why is the boy next door smoking skunk and not at medical school?
        And now we again, as ever, alwaysā€¦
        Pay the price for idiocy and treachery.

        1. iain gill
          January 19, 2024

          at no point in history would the UK have voted in favour of mass immigration. including now. it has been imposed on the people by a political class that thinks its knows better than ordinary people (it doesn’t).

          1. Everhopeful
            January 19, 2024


          2. glen cullen
            January 19, 2024


      7. glen cullen
        January 19, 2024

        reply – train our own nurses, with have 1.5 million unemployed ….oh its cheaper to employ cheap foreign labour

        1. iain gill
          January 19, 2024

          they are currently being given a 12 month course to become PA’s (physician associates), and AA’s (anaesthesia associates) and used to replace doctors in the workforce. We are also training up Education mental health practitioners (1 year course, of which about a month is in the classroom the rest is on the job) to replace Mental Health Nurses and psychiatrists.
          We are expecting real anesthetists to supervise many AA’s, so its many patients under general anaesthesia to one actual anesthetist.
          real doctors are being denied advanced training slots because they are being given to PA’s and AA’s.
          its all an attempt at cost saving, and increasing throughput, while of course quality of outcome is already crash diving.
          and allowing such low levels of skill to have such important jobs is outrageous.
          much of this came from “trouble shooting” engagements done for the NHS execs by McKinsey’s and Patricia Hewitt (I kid you not) in recent times.
          and of course none of this has been properly debated in parliament.
          public sector social engineering at its worst.

          1. iain gill
            January 19, 2024

            There have been 12 Never Events linked to PAs in Scotland. Scotland has *143* PAs

            The UK NHS had 407 NEs (likely mostly doctors) in a year. The UK has 376,000 docs

            If PA NE ratio was extrapolated to doctors thatā€™d be 31,552 Never Events

            Whatā€™s coming is scary

        2. Barbara
          January 19, 2024

          Yes. We turn away up to 80,000 British youngsters EVERY YEAR from nursing training, in favour of importing cheaper ones from abroad.

      8. Old Albion
        January 19, 2024

        Why is it right to take doctors and nurses from Africa/India /the far East etc. Do they have no sick people in their home countries?
        Train our own! There MUST be some intelligent enough, within the 2+ million unemployed.

      9. Donna
        January 19, 2024

        Reply to reply: Sir John, the millions the Not-a-Conservative-Party has imported over the past 14 years are not all working in the NHS or personal care, pretending that is the case is the usual “economic with the actualite” we have come to expect from the Not-a-Conservative-Party.

        Reply No they are not all in NHS though that is the single largest employer of the ones with jobs. Nor did I say they were.

        1. graham1946
          January 20, 2024

          ‘The ones with jobs’ – that implies the rest are on the dole. Wouldn’t be surprised. Even if they are in jobs, they in no way pay their own way when it has been estimated that a quarter of a million quid in infrastructure and services needs to be provided for each one. Meanwhile our standards fall and we are told to be grateful for less for our record tax bills.

          Reply Some are retired, some are children

      10. Everhopeful
        January 19, 2024

        Reply to reply
        If you are saying we have no choice now then you are right.

        But it is cruel and wrong to make sick people seek help from another culture.
        90% of healing is cultural.
        ā€œWe always go home when we need medical careā€
        That was to India.
        All those flightsā€¦.

        1. Everhopeful
          January 19, 2024

          We need to train our own doctors, nurses and NHS staff.
          We should not be depriving developing countries of their scarce staff ( the right wing rebuttal of the left wing argument about welcoming foreign staff if one is ill).
          The question of qualifications. Surely if English people need to do a six year course and then starve in London on small wages ( hat tip LL) then all Drs should!

      11. Margaret
        January 19, 2024

        The training is not equal to past NHS training.We have plenty training at present, hence the recent strikes.It has been a farce to bring in overseas staff who on paper were qualified but not as competent as our practitioners who were put down to enable overseas slowness and lack of suitable experience.

      12. Ian B
        January 19, 2024

        @reply – why are we not allowed to educate and train our own kids to be doctors and medical help? Your suggestion doesn’t compute

      13. Lynn Atkinson
        January 19, 2024

        Sir John do you not know that British medics are ā€˜juniorsā€™ for 7 years after graduating? But alien ā€˜doctorsā€™ sometimes have. 2 years experience and not in any speciality and are accepted as ā€˜consultantsā€™? This is one of the gripes of the ā€˜junior Doctorsā€™ – from a ā€˜junior British Doctorā€™.
        Itā€™s also why the NHS is such a dangerous institution. I will NEVER go to the NHS. I will take the sleeping pills in preference.

      14. Bloke
        January 20, 2024

        Many snooker clubs have stricter entry criteria than our entire sovereign country does for overseas gatecrashers. The Hurlingham Club had a 30-year waiting list and high fees which maintained a better standard.
        Entitlement to enter our nation as a citizen is far too loose and offers valuable benefits with no contribution.
        Those who govern the UK are extremely lax. They should block and hurl out illegal entrants and riff raff at source if they care about the quality of our nation. This government doesnā€™t.

    7. beresford
      January 19, 2024

      No senior politician ever mentions that we didn’t vote for demographic or cultural change, it’s all about the impact on ‘services’ and housing supply. Like they never say that we don’t want the dinghy riders, it’s all about their ‘dangerous journeys’. JR perpetuates the notion that the only thing of importance is ‘the economy’ and we exist only to serve this economy.

      reply I Am trying to win this argument and will do it in the most appropriate way.

      1. Mickey Taking
        January 19, 2024

        You might have been more effective from the opposite benches. Your Party leaders don’t want to know.

        1. Ian B
          January 19, 2024

          @Mickey Taking – is there any opposition? All the gang master have the same outlook, their minions do as the are told or they are out. That’s the flaw, you, the voter, doesn’t get to choose even who your candidates are, the money needed in theses campaigns is stolen from the taxpayer to support the sitting gang leaders.
          The Mayor of London has just found Ā£500 million of taxpayer money to support his re-election and its not even criminal

      2. Everhopeful
        January 19, 2024

        Two great terrors.
        That of being seen as ā€œfar rightā€ ( a legitimate political view..why is far extreme left OK?)
        And the other is horror that one might be seen as waaaycist!
        To be fair though dissenters are all but thrown in the gulag now.

      3. Mitchel
        January 19, 2024

        Many people on here who prattle on about marxism and communism,do not understand that these -isms and capitalism both have the same materialist ends-economic growth.It’s only the modus operandi that is different.

      4. Lynn Atkinson
        January 19, 2024

        Sir John Iā€™m afraid winning arguments has been irrelevant for decades. We won every argument regarding the EU but remained subservient.
        Iā€™m losing pretty sure that no politician can put this right. Itā€™s up to the Sovereigns now, we will have to put it right by ensuring that aliens are very uncomfortable in our country.

    8. Narrow Shoulders
      January 19, 2024

      Net Zero – 500,000 productive WASPs leave to be replaced by 500,000 from a different culture 100,000 of whom contribute and 400,000 have their hands out and expect to continue to observe their own customs.

      1. Bloke
        January 19, 2024

        Conservatives suffer from intercontinental incontinence.

        1. Ian B
          January 19, 2024

          @Bloke +1 I like that…

    9. Ian B
      January 19, 2024

      @Mark B – can I paraphrase your submission. You like the rest of us would wish we had a democratic parliament that worked for and not only listened too but heard what their electorate is saying.

    10. Sharon
      January 19, 2024

      On TalkTV this morning, Jake Berry showed his trip to Dover. According to the locals, it seems the numbers are greater than we’re being told, and any Border Force or other employee that dares to question it, has the threat of their job thrown at them.

      Whether legal or illegal immigration, Mark B is correct. No-one asked us if we wanted our country flooded with mostly male immigrants, or if we wanted our culture changed out of all recognition! And we’re called racist or other ists if we question it.

  2. Michelle
    January 19, 2024

    Of course we could always invest in our own entrepreneurs?
    We could even shake up education and vocational training for our own people.Then there is the
    More investment from who from abroad, and at what cost and I don’t mean financially It seems England can’t be sold off quick enough.
    Then there is the matter of cultural compatibility and the further swelling of the ranks of those who find us, our history, culture and shade of skin offensive.

    1. Sir Joe Soap
      January 19, 2024

      Yes, that was the point of Brexit. Completely lost here.

    2. MFD
      January 19, 2024

      Well said , that statement Michelle!

  3. Mary M.
    January 19, 2024

    Sir John,

    OT, but I hope that you will permit me to spread some good cheer – the 23-minute speech given at Davos by the new Argentine President Javier Milei.

    Thank you.
    Mary M.

    1. Hope
      January 19, 2024

      Let us not forget the 3.5 million mass immigrants JR party let in do not have a carbon footprint like housing, transport, heating, energy etc!! Dishonest Idiots.

      1. Sir Joe Soap
        January 19, 2024

        Indeed. Building and all the juggernauts thundering along our roads carrying piles of spoil hither and yon are all carbon free, don’t you know?

        1. Everhopeful
          January 19, 2024

          Seems to me that everything is carbon-free save the items needed by us the trampled and ignored.
          Trifles admittedly likeā€¦foodā€¦plastic bags ( or any bags) to fetch or deliver said food and heatingā€¦oh yes and MEDICINES which account for 25% of the NHS carbon footprint.
          We will have GREEN MEDICINES to keep us alive ā€¦herbs and yoga ( truly).
          So THATā€™S why meds have been in short supply?

          1. Everhopeful
            January 19, 2024

            Oh gosh..I forgot..
            Some anaesthetics are deemed carbon devils.
            Is that why waiting lists are so long?
            Are they rationing anaesthetics now?

  4. Lynn Atkinson
    January 19, 2024

    We have plenty of entrepreneurs and people who want to work, but it is made impossible, by the weight of the State for them to do so.
    Driving half a million people with assets out of the country yo replace them with ā€˜students, dependents and would-be-entrepreneursā€™ is a death spiral. If we replace native British with aliens – that is existential.
    Close the doors to ALL immigration until we know whether we need anybody at all.
    Pay the people traders to remove people rather than bring them. Stop fighting in other peoples wars – what makes Shapps or Sunac think he can ā€˜leadā€™?
    Restore the Rule of Law and Government by Consent.
    These are not options! You are our servants!

    1. BOF
      January 19, 2024

      Well said LA.

    2. Hope
      January 19, 2024

      Lynne, not the brightest and best falsely claimed by JRs party ie 2,700 of those out of 3.5 million!! No, they imported Welfare tax dependent dross. The cabinet knew it and acted on OBR, Jenrick made that clear on TV this week!!

      1. Donna
        January 19, 2024

        Correct. They’ve been importing poverty and then expecting British taxpayers to pay for them.

    3. Barbara
      January 19, 2024

      Hear hear

  5. DOM
    January 19, 2024

    The Tories are so fearful of being slandered on this issue with the usual tropes and slanders by the authoritarian Left that they’ve endorsed the policies of this vile clan of ideological psychopaths.

    Even this article is laced with caveats and apologies. I understand why Tory MPs have capitulated to progressive destruction of our world but it’s self defeating and eventually we will all suffer the demeaning effects of the progressive model of mass importation of peoples to change the fundamental nature of a once great nation

    1. Hope
      January 19, 2024

      JR and party voted to stick to Sunakā€™s plan as he said yesterday, namely low paid welfare claimants. Councils putting them for not of the queue for housing, the rest in four star hotels! Accept those 17,300 last year who disappear!

      Reply I am against illegal and for much less legal migration. Please read the article

      1. Hope
        January 19, 2024

        You should be concerned about hundreds of thousand immigrants lost to Home Office system and the idiot in charge is still there! You should be worried why your party is importing 3.5 million most of whom are welfare claimants who do not have a job while lying your party wants the brightest and best when it knows only a minuscule 2,700 have such visas. This makes your partyā€™s turning a blind eye to illegal immigration minor by comparison. Your party, Govt and MSM were not interested until Farage raised the issue! Your party voted not to take back control of our borders, laws or money by voting for Sunakā€™s sham this week! ECJ still applies, border down Irish Sea but no the channel for illegal immigrants! In any event overwhelmingly given an amnesty! Welcome to lawless Britain, speak up and we will be arrested for wacism. Your party not even changed equality rot to suppress our outrage at the Uni party destruction of our nation, culture and societal norms.

        1. glen cullen
          January 19, 2024

          I think, after 2 decades, its millions immigrants lost to Home Office ….after 2 decades my local shopping street has became 90% asian …where we had 1 barber we now have 3 turkish barbers, where we had 1 newsagent we have 4 asian mini-markets, where we had 1 greengrocer we have 2 far-east nail polishers etc etc…the other traditional shops are now either charity shops or bookmakers

    2. a-tracy
      January 19, 2024

      Dom, there is a clip being shared of last night’s Question Time where a Barrister said, “The rhetoric created by the Rwanda policy is ‘poison’ and described the policy as ‘unconscionable’, ‘they are dividing a society, they are making us feel like refugees are the scum’. Under the clip, lots of people jump in to agree he did a blinder, outstanding clarity, and a superb contribution; he is making sense, saying out loud what the majority of us are thinking. The audience was silent, absolutely amazed at listening to someone not game-playing, just telling it as it was. And on and on.

      We need a vote on this issue because there seems to be a serious divergence of opinion and opinion polls. Some people want the dinghy immigrants sent back to France but have no idea of how to do it when the Navy refuses to do the task, as do people working for the Border Force. It seems if they step foot into England, the legal teams make a lot of money out of the process to want to keep this going. I suggested transferring them at sea to ships to process them offshore, but there are so many now. What would you actually do?

      1. Hope
        January 19, 2024

        French fishermen could take them back with our fish!! If these dinghy are distressed at sea why arenā€™t the French fishermen rushing to help them?

        1. glen cullen
          January 19, 2024

          For every illegal person crossing ….withhold a day the french can fish

  6. Iain gill
    January 19, 2024

    We need net zero immigration for ten years to allow dealing with those already arrived, we can review after then.
    The Conservatives are never going to reduce immigration, they don’t really believe in it, they just lie about it at election time.

    1. Berkshire Alan
      January 19, 2024


    2. Peter
      January 19, 2024


      The Conservatives wonā€™t be around to do anything about immigration soon. Itā€™s just a matter of running the clock down until then.

      Government plans are irrelevant. Rwanda is a joke and the only interest from the recent vote was whether it would trigger a challenge to the Prime Minister or an earlier general election.

      1. iain gill
        January 19, 2024


        I agree,

        We could just use “self defence” in international law to stop the boats if the political will was there.

        And the completely out of control, and excessive, legal immigration is a far bigger problem. The fact they give immigrants big tax breaks to undercut local workers really shows how serious the political class are about decimating the local population.

        The crooked deals done behind closed doors with foreign governments to print more work visas should all be out in the open.

        Sadly neither the Conservatives or Labour are credible in policy or delivery.

        We need a new start.

        1. a-tracy
          January 19, 2024

          Iain, what are the ‘big tax breaks’ immigrants are given to undercut local workers? Who employs them?

          1. iain gill
            January 19, 2024

            sadly John moderated out my reply to that

        2. Berkshire Alan
          January 19, 2024


          Absolutely agree, this will never even have a chance of being resolved whilst we continue to let people in.
          We need a complete break for 10 years, if for no other reason than to give plenty if time and space for a properly considered policy, and to see/find out exactly where we are, although I doubt if any political Party even with that timescale would come up with a sensible conclusion, given past experiences

        3. BOF
          January 19, 2024

          +1 Iain.
          It’s a racket.

          1. iain gill
            January 19, 2024

            correct, a lot of very rich people are making a lot of money out of immigration, and a lot of them have contacts at very senior levels in politics and the public sector

    3. Old Albion
      January 19, 2024

      So true Iain.
      We have over two million unemployed plus many more abusing the sickness racket. Let’s get them into some form of productive work.
      Claiming we NEED immigration is simply not true.

    4. Mickey Taking
      January 19, 2024

      They are thinking just like the West Germans wanting to absorb East Germany. However you must have massive shortage of workers in the industries to make it work – and in East Germany’s case primitive infrastructure, facilities and tech – hopeless communications etc. Even after all that no benefit was clear for 10 to 20 years hence.
      How and when will all this worker influx be of any use?

      1. Mitchel
        January 19, 2024

        West Germany had already imported huge numbers of Turks to solve it’s labour shortage problem.

        1. Lynn Atkinson
          January 19, 2024

          And now Germany looks like Turkey! Itā€™s shocking!

        2. Mickey Taking
          January 19, 2024

          Most of the eastern labour was on annual ‘working visas’. Not permanent settlement.

          1. iain gill
            January 19, 2024

            I worked in Chicago with Russians, who had arranged to be in East Germany when the wall came down, queued up for the EU German passports anyone in East Germany could get at the time, subsequently as EU citizens got work visas for the USA, then progressed to indefinite leave to remain in the USA. Germany has been responsible for a lot of immigration to Western nations.

  7. BOF
    January 19, 2024

    Today Sir John I disagree. The majority of British people do not want immigrants on this scale.

    To change the country beyond recognition with the cities turned into ghettos and crime out of control is not what we voted for.

    A few years of zero immigration and mass deportations would help.

  8. formula57
    January 19, 2024

    But why such a vast number remaining in ” the governmentā€™s plans to reduce legal migration by 300,000 a year”? So it wants to let in 900,000 (1.2 million less 300,000), a number equivalent to a new city the size of Birmingham per year? It is not on our side, is it!

    1. Everhopeful
      January 19, 2024

      I always wonder what they will do when people are literally standing shoulder to shoulder.
      Standing room only.
      I mean really!

  9. Keith from Leeds
    January 19, 2024

    BOF – totally agree.

  10. Lifelogic
    January 19, 2024

    You do indeed need to look at the gross figures. Those leaving have rather a different economic, age and other profiles to those arriving (on average).

    1. Lifelogic
      January 19, 2024

      The ā€˜trialā€™ of Katharine Birbalsingh is a battle for the future of Britain
      Thereā€™s a vital principle at stake in the case: whether ā€˜rightsā€™ culture is allowed to trump social cohesion

      Fraser Nelson in the Telegraph is surely right – I suspect the Woke/Diveristy UK courts will get it wrong as usual. I hope not.

      1. Iain gill
        January 19, 2024

        The Wembley headmistress should have the best legal team in the country funded by the government, the government should immediately pardon them if found guilty, the government should change the law to prevent similar nonsense in the future. FFS can someone in power show some backbone and common sense.

        1. Mickey Taking
          January 19, 2024

          …..still waiting for a sign.

        2. a-tracy
          January 19, 2024

          I agree Iain.

    2. Everhopeful
      January 19, 2024

      I believe that these situations which often lead to teachers/officials having to withdraw from life, are manufactured and manipulated by high up hidden hands.
      Of course they target high profile dissenters.

      1. a-tracy
        January 19, 2024

        Good point Everhopeful. This story gets worse, apparently The Times says the high court case for the prayer ban is using public money to fund the case estimated between Ā£100,000 to Ā£150,000 time for the secretary of state for education to step up. If the school loses the school has to pay meaning less resources for the other pupils. I can’t tell you how annoyed this is making people.

  11. Keith from Leeds
    January 19, 2024

    BOF – totally agree. The Government has lost control of Immigration and the UK finances.

    1. Mickey Taking
      January 19, 2024

      and transport, health, defence and education.

  12. Javelin
    January 19, 2024

    This is my 20 year prediction about the social decoherence that is going to happen in the UK, and EU.

    The difference between Aspire and Reform is interesting. Both Parties may end up with 15% of the vote and will take these votes from Labour and Conservatives respectively. Aspire voters are concentrated in urban centres and could win 10-30 MPs and win the City councils. Reform voters are dispersed and unlikely to win any MPs or any borough councils.

    The future is troubling, for example the problem we are seeing in East London where a school is being forced to close due to violent threats following the schools neutral dress code. In future if the City council is run by Aspire the school could be forced to change its dress code to meet the demands of local parents. Eventually with enough of these minor cultural changes it would lead to an overall cultural shift and the Balkanisation of several cities.

    When we look at examples of mass migration of different cultures that worked people often quote the USA and the mass migration of different European cultures in the 19th century. The reason US immigrants blended was because many of them fought in the first and second world war together and formed bandā€™s of brothers followed by decades of coherent social engineering. I think if the UK tried to conscript many recent migrants into the army to fight abroad they would refuse. Itā€™s like trying to fuse atoms together. There simply isnā€™t enough energy, even from a war, to do so.

    So I donā€™t think we will be seeing a unified culture in the UK but will see Balkanisation due to first past the post in cities. In the EU proportional representation will lead to right wing top down control and this being less severe. This could take 20 years to fully unfold in the UK. I made a 20 year prediction, 15 years ago on this blog, about right wing parties taking over the EU which I still stand by.

    1. Javelin
      January 19, 2024

      Just add to my prediction about Balkanisation. This prediction is if mass migration stops this year.

      If mass migration continues at its current pace I see Reform being voted in. But I donā€™t think Reform or any of the other right wing parties in Europe will give the voters what they want. Which is social cohesion.

      I therefore think political policy will shift to try to engineer social cohesion. Which will work with some groups of people with similar beliefs. But those with behaviour systems entrenched in their belief systems it will not work but merely cause more social cohesion problems.

      1. Sir Joe Soap
        January 19, 2024

        This also provides a pathway for a Putin type to walk in. None of these Balkanised cohorts will have enough belief or skin in the game to want to defend the country and its lousy Parliamentary process. Including {or perhaps particularly} the indigenous population.

        1. Hat man
          January 19, 2024

          What is ‘a Putin type’? Someone who restores his country to the leading position it used to occupy? Someone who kicks out foreign corporations looting his country? Someone who achieves significant GDP growth when other countries are failing? Someone who does what the great majority of the population actually want him to do?

          If yes to the above, bring it on, Sir Joe!

          1. Mitchel
            January 19, 2024

            “When a true genius appears in the world you may know him by this sign;that the dunces are all in confederacy against him.”

            Jonathan Swift

        2. Mitchel
          January 19, 2024

          The dominant (and increasingly so) eastern end of Eurasia is rapidly integrating(once you have Russia,China and Iran in alignment it is effectively game over).This bloc is now very rapidly drawing in Africa,dismantling colonial structures,restoring trade corridors that were disrupted by the carve up of Africa in the 19th century,and expelling western garrisons and exploitative corporations.

          This will leave Western/central Europe as “the westerly excrescence of the continent of Asia”as the Oxford geographer,Barry Cunliffe,put it years ago – and looking like it will end up as the new third world-irrelevant and impoverished.It is already little more than a colonial backwater of the USA.

          That is why the globalists and their military wing,NATO,are banging the war drums-and why wars are breaking out on the edges of Eurasia and the horn of Africa.

          I have been predicting -and charting the progress of- this phenomenon on here for the past ten years.

          Educate yourselves before you are sucked (suckered?)into the desperate(and futile) efforts of the western elite to save their privileges.

          1. Mickey Taking
            January 20, 2024

            Eric Blair ( George Orwell ) and his 1984 vision might be coming true.

          2. Mitchel
            January 20, 2024

            to Mickey:

            And Samuel P Huntington’s 1996 “Clash of Civilizations and the Remaking of the World Order” even more so.

      2. Javelin
        January 19, 2024

        Social cohesion is an interesting thing. My current view is that there are a few socio-economically different societies in the world.

        These are Western, Eurasian, South American, Middle Eastern, African. These societies are based on clusters of behaviours that work together.

        My view is that societies have self-calibrated based on 5 mutually cohesive systems that have evolved to be efficient and self supporting. Each of these systems self-calibrate through small changes in DNA, votes, facts, judgements and money.

        Life – Family Structure
        Markets – Economy, jobs, income
        Science – beliefs
        Justice – Legal Behaviour
        Politics – Power and democracy

        For example you can think about how the above 5 systems have evolved differently in the UK or tribal countries. You realise even simple concepts like being honest, contractual agreements, work routines all evolved together to form a cohesive society based on the industrial revolution. Different societies are fundamentally different and you cannot blend them.

      3. Iain gill
        January 19, 2024

        It’s already segregated cities, with state sponsored segregation of children into different schools per religion, and parents move closer to their children’s schools, so naturally you have different religions clustered around different schools. The absolute opposite of an integrated society.

    2. beresford
      January 19, 2024

      Balkanisation is the plan, destroy the unified cultures of Western Europe to remove the opposition to globalist dictatorship. This has been openly proposed by globalists for over 100 years. Remember the EU intended to divide Britain into three parts and join the sections to Norway, Ireland and Northern France,

      1. Donna
        January 19, 2024

        +1 Coudenhove-Kalergi plan.

    3. Lynn Atkinson
      January 19, 2024

      I agree only if you accept that Na sism is left-wing.

    4. Donna
      January 20, 2024

      I doubt if many “native” white British men (or women come to that) would volunteer to fight in one of the Establishment’s wars, as they did in 1914/1939. White British males are bottom on the pile in the UK now – disrespected and discriminated against by the woke Establishment – and why would you want to fight for a country which is no longer recognisable as your homeland and where every migrant with a sob-story is prioritised for “special help” whilst our own former service personnel are abandoned.

  13. Wanderer
    January 19, 2024

    Perhaps we’ll export so many our jobs, we won’t “need” so many imported workers? I see the gas boiler tax only applies to manufacturers in Britain, so that should help shift jobs to the EU. Bravo. Doesn’t it make one’s blood boil.

    1. Javelin
      January 19, 2024

      All the manufacturing ā€œgreenā€ jobs building solar panels, batteries and wind turbines will be abroad.

      1. glen cullen
        January 19, 2024

        ””are abroad””

    2. miami.mode
      January 19, 2024

      Mein gott! Wanderer. You surely don’t expect our political classes to understand that, do you?

  14. Wanderer
    January 19, 2024

    P.s. by “boiler tax”, I mean the “Clean Heat Market Mechanism” (the requirement to sell a certain percentage of heat pumps, or face a fine on the traditional boilers they sell).

    1. glen cullen
      January 19, 2024


  15. Paul E
    January 19, 2024

    Just remind me of the promises made in Conservative manifestos to reduce immigration. Your government has failed at every step and can only rely on the Rwanda gimmick. Methinks the departure from the EU may have backfired somewhat on this one.

    1. a-tracy
      January 19, 2024
      Mr Johnson was also asked whether immigration would go down under a future Tory government.

      The prime minister said: “I certainly think that when it comes to people who don’t have a job to go to and are coming in in an uncontrolled way, we certainly need to be reducing that.”

      But he added that he was “in favour of people of talent coming to this country”.

      “Both Mr Johnson and Mrs Patel reiterated the Conservatives’ plan for a “points-based” immigration system, which would apply to EU and non-EU migrants.”

      Labour has yet to announce its policy on immigration.

      But Jeremy Corbyn said he would commit to “a fair immigration process that recognised the huge contribution made by migrant workers to this country”.

      “We have got to be realistic about the needs of our economy for bringing workers in, skilled workers in to help us,” he added.

      An SNP spokesman said cutting immigration would be “hugely damaging” for the Scottish economy and called the issue to be devolved to the Scottish government.

      And the Lib Dems’ home affairs spokesperson Christine Jardine called the Conservatives’ approach “an insult to the millions who have come to the UK and made it their home”

  16. Donna
    January 19, 2024

    Sir John, you say “It is true that last year 500,000 left the country” but since the Government doesn’t count either the numbers arriving or the numbers leaving, you really don’t know that. It’s an estimate. And as we saw from the estimates of immigration when we were still fully in the EU, they continually “accidentally” underestimated it.

    We really DON’T want to welcome hundreds of thousands of “students” who are coming here as a route to settlement. We certainly don’t want them bringing “dependants” who are likely to really be dependent on taxpayers.

    We DON’T want low-wage, low-skilled workers, who will also be dependent on taxpayers. We DON’T want foreign criminals or terrorists with sob stories. And we need to stop the continual process of certain communities shipping over brides and husbands from their homelands every generation.

    This country is overcrowded and it’s FULL. Immigration has to stop. It is destroying this country.

    Reform has the right policy: One in, only when one leaves.

    1. Lynn Atkinson
      January 19, 2024

      Totally wrong policy! Millions are here illegally – they must all go. Donā€™t forget Farage suggested joining up with Johnson – the worst PM of all time. Farage still has no judgement. He is a Narc and when he picks the right brains and parrots their words, heā€™s fine. But he has absolutely no judgement and is lazy too. The Civil Service would have him on toast within 20 minutes.

      1. Mickey Taking
        January 19, 2024

        He speaks highly of you too.

  17. Whyaxye
    January 19, 2024

    “In the year to June 2023 1.2 million people came to our country legally. This overwhelms the 30,000 illegals who made their way here. The new arrivals were rightly welcomed.”
    No, they weren’t. Nobody has ever asked the British people whether they wanted such levels of immigration. We are currently seeing how having very large numbers of people born overseas (14% by the ONS’s conservative estimate) and even larger numbers who will not assimilate, is distorting our political and social culture. Two-tier policing, gaslighting from the media, rising crime levels, and strain on infrastructure.

    Both Labour and conservative are responsible for this, so I’ll be voting for Reform UK.

    reply By definition the Uk welcomed people to whom it gave permits to come. I am arguing for far fewer!

    1. Whyaxye
      January 19, 2024

      Regarding the “reply”: By definition the Uk welcomed people to whom it gave permits to come. I am arguing for far fewer!

      No, that’s just playing with words. The UK did not welcome those to whom it gave permits to come. The UK is the people, not those functionaries who give out permits. The “Conservatives” have had nearly a decade and a half to sort this problem, and it is literally an existential problem. They have failed.

      Reply I do welcome people who come here legally and take jobs which help us. I also campaign for fewer.

      1. Everhopeful
        January 19, 2024

        We donā€™t actually need anyoneā€™s help.
        We just need governments to do what they should.
        Put their own people first!
        And do as their voters demand.
        Or whatā€™s the point?

        1. Hope
          January 19, 2024

          JR is being specious. People voted for his party to cut I. If ration below 219,000 not import 3.5 million!! That was a dishonest act by the Tory party. Tory party was not interested in illegal immigration. Farage brought that to the publics attention while Tory party lied, deceived and span all sorts of excuses.

          If JR is being truthful why was mass immigration not stated as a clear policy by his party was going to pursue in their manifesto?

    2. Mickey Taking
      January 19, 2024

      welcomed by the officials – certainly not by the citizens. You are guilty of false assurance, I am very surprised at how out of touch you seem.

    3. mancunius
      January 19, 2024

      Sorry, JR, but for a state to issue someone with a work permit does not mean they are ‘welcome’.
      Anyone who (like myself) has worked in other countries will tell you the same. A ‘welcome’ is dependent on a demonstrable willingness to fit in, learn the language and show some semblance of sociability with the natives of the country. By misusing the word ‘welcome’ you are allowing newcomers to take us for granted.
      Many do, and they despise us for our weakness.

      1. iain gill
        January 19, 2024

        when I have worked abroad 1 I brought skills genuinely in short supply in the local population 2 I paid at least as much tax as locals 3 paid for my own healthcare 100% 4 would have paid for my kids schooling and would not have expected the locals to pick up the tab 5 never expected to pick up indefinite leave to remain simply for working there a while. 6 I would never have expected to vote in their elections.
        none of this applies to the vast majority of people in the UK on work visas.

  18. Narrow Shoulders
    January 19, 2024

    Student visas are a racket. Why are we subsiding Universities? Students (and their families) need infrastructure and increases living costs which is paid for by the tax payer and those already here. The university fee only goes to University costs and administrative wages have risen disproportionately in this area.

    If we need immigrants to fill unskilled roles in this country then our benefits system is wrong, we do not have full employment so don’t need immigrants for unskilled roles.

    Only those who are at least second generation residents should be able to bring family here. If you move here to work you come without your family, if you move here for love you come without your family, if you come here as an asylum seeker you come without your family. Settling in a new country is supposed to be a wrench.

    1. iain gill
      January 19, 2024

      allowing the spouse of a student or work visa holder to work in this country is ridiculous. one of the many ways our system is abused.

  19. Mike Wilson
    January 19, 2024

    Mr. Redwood, when you say ā€˜we needā€™, you are not speaking for me. Whenever I drive up to see my family in Berkshire, Iā€™m always amazed at the number of vehicles in the roads. At almost any time, when you get on the M27 and then M3, itā€™s so busy. 3lanes chock full with cars and lorries. So many people. So many cars.
    It never used to be like this. There was a time when an outing on a Sunday was a pleasure. Now itā€™s like being in a commute.
    Just as you wish to see civil service numbers reduce by natural wastage, Iā€™d like to see no more immigration and our population reduce by natural wastage. Why not keep this a green and pleasant land. Even with the reductions you propose, weā€™re still looking at 2 new cities the size of Southampton each year. Seriously, where is the infrastructure? Where is the money for new infrastructure when you already have us Ā£2.6 trillion in debt?

    Also, Iā€™d be curious to know how you measure the ā€˜500,000ā€™ that left. Do you have to say to the government ā€˜by the way, Iā€™m off to Spain indefinitely. I may, or may not, return.ā€™?

    Reply I am trying to cut the numbers! Yes, they estimate how many are leaving permanently as opposed to someone going on a visit and returning to their UK home.

    1. Berkshire Alan
      January 19, 2024

      May I suggest that the vast Majority that are leaving tend to take their money with them, the vast majority that arrive appear to need to be given money.
      Yes fully aware this is rather a sweeping statement to make, but does the government have any actual facts and figures that would refute such a comment, if so I would like to see some evidence to prove otherwise.

      1. Hope
        January 19, 2024

        The govt do not know who is going to leave the country. Those who have left are an estimate. Home Office has lost hundreds of thousands to their system!! Truly appalling way to run a country and protect our safety. Khan announces today you do not have to speak English to be a taxi driver! Is this how assimilation occurs the indigenous driven out?

  20. Dave Andrews
    January 19, 2024

    Good morning John,
    Please excuse me for expressing some irritation about this “We need a higher wage higher skilled economy” ambition.
    I value the contributions (as I suspect you do as well) of refuse collectors, shelf stackers, warehouse operators, hotel room service and so on, but these will never be high wage high skill. Are these jobs to be eliminated in JR’s world, yet we need them?
    What we really need is a lower cost of living so that those on low paid jobs can earn a decent livelihood, with measures to reduce housing costs and taxation.

    Reply Why shouldn’t people in service trades be well paid? Lorry and train drivers are now better paid and we can recruit them. Shelf stacking and warehouse operators are good cases where automation can raise their productivity. When my parents went into a care home I wanted well paid well motivated staff looking after them.

  21. beresford
    January 19, 2024

    Labour’s ‘plans’ (the real plan is the same as the Conservatives and Micawber, hope something will turn up) are:
    1. Go after the ‘criminal gangs’: a new gang will always spring up to meet lucrative demand and you don’t need a gang to illegally enter Britain anyway.
    2. Establish more legal routes: as Rees-Mogg said last night, if asylum offices were established around the world we would be swamped by demand. Why would France want offices on their north coast attracting riff-raff? And anyone rejected would simply get into a dinghy.
    3. Make an agreement with our ‘European partners’ for returns in exchange for taking our ‘fair share’ of the EU’s migrants: why do we have a ‘fair share’ of migrants invited in by the EU, which opposes attempts by member countries to restrict the flow?

  22. Roy Grainger
    January 19, 2024

    Sunak/Hunt don’t want to stop legal migration low-wage or otherwise. Neither did Truss (that was explicit in her plans). Or Boris. They see it as a way of boosting overall GDP. The only politicians who want to stop it are the right-wing of the Conservatives and the left-wing/union branch of the Labour Party. So, let’s give Labour a go at doing it as the Conservatives have miserably failed.

    On the Jenrick amendments. If Sunak is so sure that his bill will work then what exactly is his objection to the amendments ? Surely they should have no impact at all because the underlying bill will work anyway. So accepting the amendments should have no downside at all ? The answer of course is he KNOWS his bill won’t work, he WANTS it tied up in the courts at the time of the next election so he can try to duplicate the last get-Brexit-done election on that topic. And then afterwards he can entirely ignore the issue and do nothing.

  23. Bloke
    January 19, 2024

    We should prepare more of our own young citizens for our own countryā€™s jobs. We need a balanced population, not one that is constantly chasing an increasing number to pay for ever higher demands.
    Too many university places are crammed with students adding three years debt for ā€˜qualificationā€™ unrelated to useful work. Going into the workplace earlier would be better.
    A trainee shadowing a professional soon learns how to do what is needed and can assist in doing many of the things that saves the professionalā€™s time. One day formal training each week may be enough, and three years experience may qualify the person to act alone on much of the job.
    Studying Mickey Mouse at uni hampered with heavy debts is an ideal way to obstruct progress into productive work and life ahead instead.

    1. iain gill
      January 19, 2024

      we need to fix the housing subsidy we give to needy people to allow far more workforce mobility. instead of trapping them in social housing estates beyond travelling distance to any realistic jobs market.

  24. Bloke
    January 19, 2024

    Almost all of the 43 comments entered so far oppose immigration.

    1. Everhopeful
      January 19, 2024

      Hi Blokeā€¦I knew it wasnā€™t you shooting pheasants!
      This article is definitely a bit of a hornetsā€™ nest.
      By God weā€™ll have our say!
      Rightly so.

  25. RDM
    January 19, 2024

    I take issue with “Lorry Drivers” being well paid? All that’s advertised, currently, is about Ā£13ph!
    In 1983..1997, I was running to Germany with Steel Coils on, for Ā£25ph + Ā£27 overnight allowance! It could go up to Ā£32ph If needed!

    Work does not Pay, any more!

    PS: Tata Steel are lying, they are making money! It’s just they want alignment with a Circular Economy (Recycling scrap, see WEF Forum), the Green addenda (from inside Government, Sunak/KC), and re-entry into EU (New Plant in NL)!

    Have already spoken to senior Management, leaving Tata Steel! It’s been their plan, all all long, the Unions know it, BBC Wales know it but won’t report it, and any one with half a bain know it (except your Government?).

    And, anyway, you will not be allowed to get Migration down, because the Remainers/Rejoiners are busy working to maintain the UK alignment (with reassurances to big company’s like Tata Steel) with the EU, so UK has to take it’s share of Migration into the EU!

    The next agenda, is the federation of the UK, and then for the bits to rejoin! See Welsh Labour Constitutional Report!

    This has been decided, so all this talk is meaningless, unless to get the Conservative Party to change direction!

    You can’t even get Sunak out, when he is unelectable!

    Sorry, but true!



  26. Ed
    January 19, 2024

    Illegal immigration costs us billions.
    We also spaff billions on Ukraine.
    Now, when Chinese coal production is approaching 5 billion tonnes a year we close Port Talbot steelworks in the name of climate change and net zero.
    You couldn’t make it up.

    1. Everhopeful
      January 19, 2024

      Reckon that drug production is also in the crosshairs.
      And also I bet zerorot was behind the smoking ban.

      1. iain gill
        January 19, 2024

        Drugs production, PPE production, like Steel production is a bit of critical national infrastructure.
        But the NHS prefers to throw money at importing from India.

        1. iain gill
          January 19, 2024

          and China

  27. Rod Evans
    January 19, 2024

    Well it is good to see an honest number being presented of the immigration figures 1.2 million in a single year confirmed by government records.
    How accurate even that ridiculously high number is may be questioned. The number once it gets to these levels is secondary to the real issue. Why are so many minded to set up permanent home here? What is driving the influx? It sure isn’t our wonderful NHS, and it certainly isn’t our fantastic weather. Could it be our brilliant state of the art roads? Doubtful. Maybe our brilliant local authorities and the perfect care for all in our society. Let’s park that idea, like an electric car in cold Chicago…. Could it be our dedication to freedom of speech? Erm…doubtful. How about our state of the art gender philosophy, maybe the world is awash with girls wanting to be boys and boys wanting to be girls?
    Could be.
    Such a puzzle, what makes millions want to come and do nothing but be looked after in warm accommodation, fed three meals/day, given a mobile phone for free, spending money plus the right to bring in endless members of their extended family for free. I wish I could put my finger on what the attraction might be.

  28. agricola
    January 19, 2024

    We already know what needs to happen but the growing belief of the electorate is that both government and opposition have no intention of doing anything significant.
    I accept your sincerity in wishing that the welcome for legals is positive, as is their contribution and the positives they may enjoy by being here. However you talk of utopia, a state that does not exist for many of the indigenous population. The reality is we enjoy ever expanding ghettos, London is in effect the largest with in excess of 50% not having been born here. Most major cities are going that way. The process is out of control and none of you in a position to effect control have any wish to do so. As in Brexit you are living on a different planet to the electorate.
    The nett effect of this displaced understanding is that tbe welcome we might wish to extend to genuine refugees in integratable numbers is turning to outright hostility. All very sad because up until the Blair era we had a system that worked.
    We praise the initiative of the Met for their sting operation on watch thieves, but as soon as we get pictures of the culprits the reaction is, not another gang of thieving ragheads that should be subject to immediate deportation. Such destroys our welcome and sympathy for totally innocent genuine refugees.
    The electorate increasingly does not believe in anything the vast majority of the 650 members of the Commons has to say. The increasing support for Reform is our last opportunity to get back our country. I hope sufficient realise it.

  29. glen cullen
    January 19, 2024

    We every private sector business going bust due to the costs of net-zero ā€¦.whoā€™s going to pay the costs of legal/illegal immigration

  30. Original Richard
    January 19, 2024

    ā€œIn future pieces I will explore the governmentā€™s plans to reduce legal migration by 300,000 a year.ā€

    Sorry, Sir John, but I donā€™t want to see 450,000 (750,000 ā€“ 300,000) net immigration each year. If we import the third world we become the third world and I certainly do not believe that all cultures are benign and equal.

    1. agricola
      January 19, 2024

      Support for Original Richard
      Those of us who have travelled the World know full well that we are already Third World and sinking fast.

  31. Original Richard
    January 19, 2024

    ā€œIn the year to June 2023 1.2 million people came to our country legally. This overwhelms the 30,000 illegals [each year] who made their way here.ā€

    The illegals may be overwhelmed by legals in numerical terms but does the Government not consider that inviting over to the UK unidentified young men of fighting age, and coming from countries who despise our culture, in greater numbers than our police and armed services will not eventually become a danger to the country?

    1. Mickey Taking
      January 19, 2024

      and of course this is an estimate of influx, there are no mechanisms to know the true figure except approved applications for legal entry.

  32. Original Richard
    January 19, 2024

    Massive immigration is required by the communists and global feudalists to achieve their ā€œDIEā€ (Diversity, Inclusion & Equity) goal for the democratic West.

    Massive immigration delivers the Diversity, which is designed to replace meritocracy, and which together with the impoverishment of the Net Zero Strategy will bring Equity with the third world.

    Inclusion means authoritarian rule as any dissent causes exclusion.

    1. Original Richard
      January 19, 2024

      Our PM, when Chancellor, said at COP26:
      ā€œSo our third action is to rewire the entire global financial system for Net Zero.ā€

      There is a very strong connection between Net Zero and massive immigration into the democratic West. The pursuit of Net Zero by the communists and WEF feudalists in the third world is designed to deny the third world access to the cheap, abundant and reliable hydrocarbon generated electrical power they need to drag themselves out of poverty and thus deliberately causing the economic driver for massive immigration into the West.

  33. Ian B
    January 19, 2024

    ā€œThe need to lower legal migrationā€ A lovely on message tag-line Sir John, but is that all it is, there is no one listening and no one remotely interested in hearing, in what is now a miss-placed Parliament with an out of touch pretend Conservative Government.
    Our Democracy is let down by those that no longer with to serve those that voted them, being on message and pandering to a bureaucratic power elsewhere is all that interests them. It today’s way of ā€˜free-loadingā€™ a Parliament stuffed full of those that have no ideas, and no ideas about serving and growing the country.

    Reply They are listening and I am in discussion over the planned reduction in legal migration.

    1. Ian B
      January 19, 2024

      Why isnā€™t the PM or his minion the Education Minister not hitting the media defending what is proven to be one of the Countries Scholl Heads – Katharine Birbalsingh.
      Is it because well educated kids would see through his bluster and subterfuge.
      He cant defend what is right, what is good and what is needed to maintain the UK

      1. agricola
        January 19, 2024

        Katherine Birbalsingh should be running state education in the UK minus the inverted pyramid of the Ministry of Education and all the LEAs. The latest racist onslought on her school is symptomatic of the wanton assult on our culture. She is the best of multiculturism working, her detractors exemplify its failure.

      2. a-tracy
        January 19, 2024

        Would it be controversial for this government to make a stand on this issue and back Birbalsingh? I don’t think so. The Conservatives have got to stand for something. There are other school choices; the child signed up for this school knowing the rules.
        The majority shouldn’t always have to meet the violent, and often intolerant minority. If we do this on every occasion, when does this end?

    2. agricola
      January 19, 2024

      Reply to Reply.
      If anyone was listening it would not have happened in such an inane and voluminous way from the outset.

      1. agricola
        January 19, 2024

        Reply to Ian B’s reply

    3. Donna
      January 19, 2024

      Reply to reply

      The people they’re listening to are in the WEF, OBR, Treasury and Big Business. And they all want mass immigration. The last thing they’re doing is listening to the people who want it stopped.

    4. Donna
      January 20, 2024

      A “planned reduction” from 1.2 million to 900,000 a year.

      Whoopee doo. That means we only need to build one Birmingham every year, just to accommodate the immigrants WE the people don’t want.

  34. Ian B
    January 19, 2024

    The unanswered question, how many of those that consider themselves the rulers of the UK, the Political Class, the ā€˜Blobā€™ have this week stolen money from the taxpayer and taken paid leave to attend a Socialist (therefore political) gathering in Davos. Or is it they have floated in for a jolly to pick up their instructions for the year.
    Conspiracy? It would be nice if it was, then look at the UK over the last 12 months, the people have been ignored, not heard, not listened to yet the unelected, unaccountable have been able to issue orders and diktats that are obeyed to the letter

  35. KB
    January 19, 2024

    I believe the Ā£250,000 figure needs updating. An immigrant stepping off the plane immediately obtains one sixty-seven millionth of the UK infrastructure value, and Ā£250k each implies a UK plc value of just Ā£16.75 trillion. I am sure this must be an underestimate at current prices.
    Also, this set-up cost does not seem to be accounted for in economic models of immigration. They only include ongoing income and expenditure, without any set-up cost.

  36. mancunius
    January 19, 2024

    “The new arrivals were rightly welcomed. Some came to take educational courses, some came to fill jobs, some came to join family here or as dependents of those coming to work or study.”

    Welcomed? You’re having a laugh, JR. Welcomed by low-wage employers who do not pay the financial and social costs. Except for the statistically narrow upper end, any jobs the newcomers fill are only available because Labour and Tory governments have made skiving such a doddle. (In the meantime the previous wave of immigrants have also learnt to game the benefits system.) The bloated universities are now a ponzi scheme, needing foreign students to sustain the salaries and unfunded pensions of the large number of unproductive university teachers with which academia shores up its empire. The ‘dependents’ turn out to be unsupported by their family and dependent on the taxpayer. And no British undergraduate or graduate ever needed to have their relations living with them – so why the pretence? The whole thing is a massive scam where MPs get to virtue-signal with *our money*.
    It’s gone on long enough.

  37. MWB
    January 19, 2024

    Stop saying that we welcome these immigrants. I do not welcome any of them, whether they are legal or illegal. England is full up.

    1. Mickey Taking
      January 19, 2024

      SNP Sturgeon said they welcomed them in Scotland..

  38. glen cullen
    January 19, 2024

    This Tory government –
    Stopped the licence for the mining for ā€˜cokeā€™ coal
    Demanded that the steel industry switch from blast furnace to electric arc furnace
    Set net-zero targets
    Allowed the import of foreign steel
    Increased energy costs via there net-zero policies
    Increased taxation
    Keep EU regulations
    3,000 ex-steel workers will be voting Reform
    Make no mistake; whatā€™s happening to Tata Steel is about to happen to all UK private sector manufacturing ā€¦.all because of the policies and intervention of this government

    1. Everhopeful
      January 19, 2024

      And a two year old died of starvation beside his fatherā€™s corpse in a cold HMO.
      And nobody came.
      Very close neighbours could hear him and the dog and they did nothing.
      All traceable to successive governments and their filthy policies.
      And in their oh so liberal self congratulation they believe themselves to be civilised?

  39. Lester_Cynic
    January 19, 2024

    The RNLI are allegedly part of a much larger organisation dedicated to bringing the maximum number of illegal immigrants to this country which explains their behaviour in picking them up from the French coast

    1. glen cullen
      January 19, 2024

      I don’t want to believe it but I wouldn’t be surprised …do you have a link for further details

  40. agricola
    January 19, 2024

    Yet another major strategic disaster that nett zero and its adherents in the Commons have led us into.
    Tata are about to close two remaining blast furnaces in South Wales. This means that the UK will no longer be able to produce raw steel, the building block of all other specialist steels. We would be reduced to recycling scrap and import dependence.
    I believe Tata’s reasoning is the UK’s cost of energy ie. our leeming like rush to nett zero. It started on a pillow at No10 and has spread like a cancer throughout our chattering classes. If we want an energy policy that benefits citizens and industry in the UK, vote Reform.

    1. Original Richard
      January 19, 2024

      agricola :

      Agreed. This is vandalism on a grand scale and leaves us militarily exposed.

  41. Michael Saxton
    January 19, 2024

    I disagree with your comments Sir John, we are already overwhelmed by immigration both legal and illegal. We donā€™t have the housing, schools and associated infrastructure to cope with those who have arrived. The business model of some universities relies on foreign students when our students should take priority. There is some limited justification to allow some overseas students to study here but certainly no dependants. Our health and education systems are struggling to cope with immigrants with little or no English requiring huge costs employing translators. Some immigrant communities are refusing important vaccines putting others in the community at risk. This is an emerging problem at present in the Midlands where there is a large Asian population. My preference is for a moratorium on ALL immigration, except certain categories of overseas students (but not their dependents) for five (5) years to allow those already here to be properly settled. Your figure of 300,000 is unacceptable; we built less than 200,000 homes last year. And what guarantee does the UK tax payer have that the next administration will not surreptitiously open the flood gates as indeed ex-PM Johnson did!

  42. Margaret
    January 19, 2024

    I don’t think you still are not grasping the fact that titles and degrees do not make people good at the job.
    Who on earth would do a 5year degree and still not be able to do the job.It is impractical elitism.

  43. NickC
    January 19, 2024

    The idea that a country of 70 million cannot find enough workers is preposterous.

  44. miami.mode
    January 19, 2024

    With the closure of the blast furnaces in South Wales we should be able to reduce immigration by 2,800 as that will be the number of people looking for new jobs.

    Stephen Kinnock was on TV a little while ago actually talking some sense in that we will be unable to make virgin steel.

    It was reported some time ago that tanks and munitions were sent to Ukraine from the UK but do these require virgin steel to manufacture them or should we import them from China? You never know but we may, in time, have a re-run of the scenes we see from WW2 where we are all throwing our old pots and pans onto dumps to manufacture critical infrastructure.

  45. Alan Paul Joyce
    January 19, 2024

    Dear Mr. Redwood,

    You are keen to tell us about the need to lower legal migration and most of your readers appear to agree that it needs to be reduced significantly. In order that we can fully understand the situation we are faced with, perhaps you could explain to us why your party allowed migration to reach 1.2 million gross in a single year and 700,000 net in the first place. What were the determining factors behind your party’s decision to increase levels to these highs? And why at this particular moment in time, are you saying that your party wishes to cut them by 300,000? Where does the 300,000 figure come from? And Is migration of 400,000 a year or another 4 million people in the next decade somehow significant? Why are such drastic fluctuations in migration needed?

    Perhaps, the explanation is that migration has got out of control due to incompetence and indifference and your party is now desperate to make amends before the election. If so, your party should consider making an apology to the British people for the unacceptability of the whole situation and the impact it has had and will continue to have in the future, on the whole country.

    Reply It got too high thanks to UK universities selling so many places to overseas students and UK companies demanding huge numbers of visas for employees

    1. glen cullen
      January 19, 2024

      This government(s) has encouraged universities to expand their operation, courses and student numbers ….the taxpayer funds universities, this government could have imposed restricted foreign student numbers; they choose not too

      1. iain gill
        January 19, 2024

        One of Dom Cummings big plans, as PM Chief Advisor, was to turn the UK into the worlds university, and make one of our big businesses educating foreign students. He openly blogged about it.
        And absolutely that has a lot of support in politics and public sector.
        There is no balance or pragmatism to be seen.

        1. Mickey Taking
          January 20, 2024

          Quite the opposite of what we ought to be doing to aim for higher skills and pay in the UK.

    2. a-tracy
      January 19, 2024

      How many of those thousands are overseas students and visas?

      1. Mickey Taking
        January 19, 2024

        and of course when the degree is achieved the student and family go back? yeah of course they do!

    3. Alan Paul Joyce
      January 19, 2024

      Dear Mr. Redwood,

      Does the UK government not have any say in how many people it allows into the country? Does it not monitor the figures? Are there no limits on the activities of Universities and Employers in the UK? It beggars belief that they are just allowed to bring in as many as they wish.

      I say again that the Conservative party should apologise for its role in allowing migration to get out of control. It might then be able draw a line under these last few years of serial mismanagement and become once again a party that is recognizably conservative. One can but hope.

    4. Hope
      January 19, 2024

      No, thanks to your party. Stop blaming others and accept responsibility for your partyā€™s actions against what it promises. Tory party fault.

    5. Mickey Taking
      January 19, 2024

      reply to reply…According to student statistics released by UK Higher Education for 2021/22, the highest number of international students in the UK belonged to China, with 151,690 students enrolled.
      How many will stay and provide value to our economy via their training? A certain number will of course return home and provide inside information and skills to their country.

  46. Rod Evans
    January 19, 2024

    Just a quick system question. How long does it normally take for comments to exit moderation?
    I ask because mine seem to take forever. Is that normal?

    1. a-tracy
      January 19, 2024

      Rod, as a regular poster, I can confirm yes that it is normal when John is busy; he does a super job putting through what he does. I admire the time he spends on all of these many duties he undertakes.

    2. Mickey Taking
      January 19, 2024

      anything between an hour and 24 hours – you need to understand Sir John is a busy MP, and if you offended or broke rules it won’t see the light of day!

    3. alternate email
      January 19, 2024

      Mine dont get to
      ” moderation”
      They got bored with me after 8 years.

  47. The Prangwizard
    January 19, 2024

    What a sickening read.

    Sir John is desparate to be loved. He lives in a theoretical political world not inhabited by the majority. He dare not say anything that might upset anyone who decides to come here. He wants us to think they all come because they love us and will not exploit us and we will all benefit and love them.

    This country is being ruined because of such grovelling attitudes.

    1. Iain gill
      January 19, 2024

      We all live in a world where the legal, decent, views of the majority of the population cannot be spoken openly for fear of being cancelled, being kicked out of our jobs, or have the mob attack us. Where the media trys to convince us that the majority view is a minority view, when it is clearly not. For anyone in politics or the media it is even worse, it’s practically impossible to be normal and express normal everyday views, and to be surrounded by people with those constraints you must begin to believe the nonsense.

  48. Mickey Taking
    January 19, 2024

    Hunt to offer tax reduction? A voter incentive?
    When the Tories ousted New Labour in 2010 to form a coalition government with the Lib Dems, just 4.5million pensioners paid tax. Some of them were comfortably off, thanks to company and workplace pensions.
    From April, an incredible 9 million pensioners will get an income tax bill. The numbers will have DOUBLED under Tory rule. Of these, another 650,000 pensioners will be dragged into paying income tax from this April.
    And their numbers will only grow after that due to frozen Personal allowance. There are roughly 12.5 million pensioners in the UK, so just 3.5million will escape a tax bill from April, a figure that will shrink every year.

    1. a-tracy
      January 19, 2024

      MT is this because many of them have chosen to stay on at work such as Sir John? My mother didn’t finish work until she was made redundant at 70.
      Maybe it is because of the expansion in numbers of the public sector who have final salary pensions now on top of the basic State pension.

      1. Mickey Taking
        January 20, 2024

        Chosen to work on after (State) retirement age – or financially forced? – which is then income taxed!

  49. Donna
    January 19, 2024

    I’m sure the Eco Nutters in the Not-a-Conservative-Party are celebrating the destruction of steel manufacturing in Port Talbot.

    I’m sure Lord Dave of Greenshill Lobbying is delighted that we’ll be dependent on the Chinese for steel. Should be very useful in any future conflict if we need more ships.

    1. Rod Evans
      January 19, 2024

      We used to recognise strategically critical industries back in the day. I thing those days are long passed.

  50. Barbara
    January 19, 2024

    Even 300,000 – an appalling number in itself – over 10 years is 3 million. An extra 3 million, every ten years. What are we supposed to do with them? Where will they live, eat, go to school, work? QMUL survey inadvertently revealed that 90% of Somalians in London were unemployed and ā€˜suffering mental health problemsā€™ because of it, which of course it is up to us to remedy, apparently. Many of them donā€™t seem to have a work ethic and are illiterate in their own language, so I am not sure what jobs they can do. Quite why we have so many Somalians in London I donā€™t know. I assume they are here ā€˜legallyā€™, but they are adding precisely zero.

    1. Donna
      January 20, 2024

      We have so many Somalians because they got entry to the Netherlands and then realised that the UK had a far more generous welfare system which didn’t require prior, contributions, so they moved here under EU Freedom of Movement …. put their hands out for welfare and social housing and got both, natch. Because British taxpayers should obviously have to fund them for life!

    2. paul cuthbertson
      January 20, 2024

      BARBARA – The Trojan Horse

  51. iain gill
    January 19, 2024

    just seen the video of Rishi walking away from the lady member of the public challenging him about how bad the NHS is… not good… Rishi needs to go and go soon

  52. Derek
    January 19, 2024

    Our welfare State cannot be sustained when it is continually overwhelmed by huge numbers of immigrants each and every year. What will be our legacy to the British babies born today? Zero Welfare State?

  53. Geoffrey Berg
    January 19, 2024

    I am in Sri Lanka again. May I quote verbatim the content of a big billboard advertisement on a main street in central Colombo (the capital city):
    ‘Work & Live in UK
    “This is a truly 21st century training organisation. After completion of the Care Giver programme at IIHS, students will be open to plenty of job opportunities in the UK and other countries” Professor Martin Green OBE CEO Care England.
    Duration 12 months.
    Health and Social Care Assistance Programme +
    Job Interview Training +
    English Training +
    Support For Migration’

    The context is wages in Sri Lanka are just 10% of what they are in the U.K. and that for a five and a half day standard working week (Saturday morning is a workday). True the cost of living is about half of that in the U.K. (though that is variable, basic foods and transport are very cheap but imports are at least as expensive as the U.K.). Furthermore I have seen no advertisements for people to prepare to emigrate to any country other than the U.K.
    The most basic question we must ask is why is Britain countenancing what seems to be an endless line of immigration rather than refusing to pay benefits to those Britons who physically can work but evidently won’t go to where the jobs are and work for a living?

    1. glen cullen
      January 19, 2024

      They’re cheaper than training our own nurses

    2. Peter Gardner
      January 20, 2024

      It is worse than that. The UK’s skills shortage categories enable employers to pay an immigrant significantly less than a Brit. In Australia such a policy would be considered insane. Australian employers not only have to pay a higher price for the immigrant’s visa but also pay a levy into the Skilling Australians Fund. While Australia invests in its human capital the UK does the opposite. Australia also caps the numbers in each skill category as well as the overall number of immigrants. The Australian government therefore knows very precisely in what skills there are real shortages and funding is directed to reduction of shortages by training Australians. Such vital features are entirely missing from the UK’s so called ‘Australian style’ immigration scheme. It is nothing like Australia’s scheme.

  54. glen cullen
    January 19, 2024

    We need to rethink everything, why are we spending Ā£12.7 billion (+plus other aid) on oversea aid
    It doesn’t stop wars, conflict or immigration

  55. Tess Ting
    January 19, 2024


  56. They Work for Us?
    January 19, 2024

    Indefinite leave to remain and nationality should not be granted. Migrants if admitted should be having 3 year renewable visas. Conviction of any crime would lead to visa cancellation and deportation to the country of origin. Off spring would retain the nationality of the country of origin and would be deported with the parent. We should adopt a US style visa system for visitor entry obtained beforehand. Immigration Officers before allowing entry with a visa for a specified time, would check the possession of a date and return ticket, health insurance. If the US can operate such a system why canā€™t we?

    1. hefner
      January 20, 2024

      TWfU, You should have checked on the US embassy/consulate website:
      The USA (and Canada for that matter) does not require the possession of a date and return ticket before accepting the entry of a temporary worker (I was one in the ā€˜80s). Before one is allowed entry it requires the proof that one has a proper work contract. How could one have a return ticket one, two, three years in advance?
      Furthermore indefinite leave to remain does not grant any right to nationality. And that is the case for most countries.
      And the USA give American citizenship to all children born within the US territory (I know, I have ā€˜one of thoseā€™, which as was the case for B.Johnson might be in later years more of a tax problem than a blessing).

  57. clear
    January 19, 2024

    The abolition of nation states is detailed in many books and historical papers. I’m reading one now, written in 1991 but referencing many earlier works where it’s all laid out.
    Really interesting ( flawed ) concept.

  58. glen cullen
    January 19, 2024

    Illegal economic criminals allowed to work in UK – the telegraph

  59. paul cuthbertson
    January 20, 2024

    Your final paragraph – ” ………..I will explore the governmentā€™s plans to ………
    At this presnet time there are no plans other than to swamp the country as per the Globalist UK NWO Establishment plan.

  60. Barbara Fairweather
    January 22, 2024

    This is the main reason I wonā€™t be voting conservative at the election

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