Brexit wins

I h ave tweeted today to remind people of the big win from Brexit. The EU has gone on a 800bn euro borrowing binge. If we had still been a member we would have had to stood  behind that and paid a big bill to help meet the interest on all that debt.


Facts4EU doing a good job



  1. PeteB
    January 26, 2024

    Maybe change the headline to EU Exit wins?

    1. Lemming
      January 27, 2024

      Pete, it’s the usual distraction tactic. The interest payments involved would be chickenfeed compared to the debt and tax hikes imposed on us by the Conservatives over the last 13 years

      1. Hope
        January 27, 2024

        JR your party is squandering all benefits from leaving and doing all it can to tie our country to EU by stealth. It does not wash.

  2. G
    January 26, 2024

    That’s better! – had me worried for a minute….🤣

  3. Lynn Atkinson
    January 26, 2024

    They are only just getting started .. 😂🤣
    Trust the British people, they know best on Brexit, mRNA Vaxxes, war with Russia/China/etc.
    We are also right when we judge a Government – THIS ONE IS ROTTEN TO ITS CORE.

    1. Lifelogic
      January 27, 2024

      But the people are going to vote for Starmer and Labour which will be even worse. Prob. for 3+ terms as we suffered with Blair and Brown.

    2. Lifelogic
      January 27, 2024

      Thank goodness Major’s moronic ERM attempt to joint the EURO failed. Alas Major’s ERM was the reason we have to suffer three disastrous terms of Blair & Brown. Can anyone tell me one single good thing they did over this period?

  4. agricola
    January 26, 2024

    Why get excited about £800Bn when we have our own £2.64 Trillion. Billions Trillions all in a days politics for the profligate with other peoples money.

    Reply because that liability would be on top of our own big debts

    1. Lifelogic
      January 26, 2024


    2. Lynn Atkinson
      January 27, 2024

      And we can sack those who waste our money now. It’s begining to dawn on them that we have no compunction in doing so.
      To be Britains most reviled PM is not much of an advantage in any CV.
      Often the Government and its Army chiefs sound like cocaine addicts. It’s that bad.

    3. G
      January 27, 2024

      Yes, and Richard Tice and many others have pointed out that our own debt deficit could be substantially mitigated by a growing economy!

      Maybe a revolution in our R&D and manufacturing sector? A restoration of such, perhaps?….Something that has been badly damaged by globalistic dependency and complacency?

      🎶You may call me a dreamer🎶…

  5. Peter Parsons
    January 26, 2024

    Canada trade deal?

  6. Richard1
    January 26, 2024

    Brexit supporters should make the most of the remaining months. Come the election we will get a govt every single member of which was vehemently opposed to Brexit, and many of whom, including Starmer, actively sought to frustrate and reverse Brexit. Whilst they are unlikely to raise the banner of Rejoin any time soon, they will de facto do so by caving into the EU on any and every dispute, by not doing anything to progress independent policy in the U.K., and probably by surreptitious measures to suck us back in.

    After 9 or 10 years of it we will likely be an economic colony of the EU as we would have been under May’s deal. In such circs it will probably be best just to re-join.

    1. Mickey Taking
      January 27, 2024

      an awful lot of current government MPs and CS are ‘vehemently opposed to Brexit, and many of whom actively sought to frustrate and reverse Brexit. ‘

    2. Original Richard
      January 27, 2024

      Richard1 : “Come the election we will get a govt every single member of which was vehemently opposed to Brexit, and many of whom, including Starmer, actively sought to frustrate and reverse Brexit.”

      This will only be the case if voters continue to vote for the Uni Party candidates at the next GE. This is the first reason why the Uni Party must be obliterated at the next GE to eliminate these MPs.

      The second reason is because the electorate needs to demonstrate that they will not tolerate the huge lies made over immigration and to make obliteration act as warning to the next government that they too will suffer the same fate if they also make such huge false promises.

  7. Bill Smith
    January 26, 2024

    we did nit win anything but we lost an awful lot

  8. glen cullen
    January 26, 2024

    Thats a bit of a bonus, but why are we still paying them money (and accepting there laws) ….we don’t money or accept the laws of the United States

    1. rose
      January 27, 2024

      It is about to get even worse: the Usurper is toying with the idea of taking us all back into the SM to “solve” the problems he caused with his Windsor Framework.

      1. Peter Parsons
        January 27, 2024

        Leaving a customs union requires a border to be erected somewhere. Given the UK’s obligations under the Good Friday agreement, where would you put that border?

        1. rose
          January 28, 2024

          The Belfast Agreement does not mention the border but it does uphold the Union. The EU and the Southern Irish have trashed the Belfast Agreement – because it suited them to, having for years pretended they were sabotaging Brexit to uphold the BA.

  9. IanB
    January 26, 2024

    Sir John – the only win expected was to have a UK parliament creating UK Laws, Rules and Regulations. This Conservative Government has denied us that, energy -is care of the EU, retained Laws controlled by the EU, Tax/VAT not a UK government choice it’s decided by the unelected unaccountable EU beurocrats, so on and so on. Despite the promises to get elected this Conservative Government has refused to get BREXIT done, has deliberately and maliciously set out to handicap the UK by exporting our industry our future.
    The as already stated £2.6billion a taxpayer debt, government manufactured high interest rates to be paid on that debt

    1. Donna
      January 27, 2024

      Correct. We did not leave the EU, which is what the Treacherous Tories were instructed to do. We are, effectively, an Associate Member. And that is the plan, post Ukraine: to create an outer tier of Associate Members, outside the core Eurozone – which is what Cameron proposed to Merkel and she refused.

      We are currently in a holding pattern, which is why the Government is refusing to repeal significant EU Regulations, waiting for the Terms of Associate Membership to be formalised.

      1. Ian B
        January 27, 2024

        @Donna – more correctly we are an EU Colony

        1. Donna
          January 27, 2024

          That’s what all the Associate Members will be.

  10. Tony+Hart
    January 27, 2024

    Why does not HMG broadcast this news? blare it from the rooftops. Also, why don’t members get told this news? Members get told nothing, apart from emails asking for more donations. What is CCHQ playing at?

  11. Linda Brown
    January 27, 2024

    I suppose the EU will start crawling round on bended knees telling us how much they miss us and our views. Like greedy relatives, only after our money. It is up to us though to make sure that these people, and their followers here, do not do more destructive work on getting Brexit finally done to how we want it, ie complete separation from the EU. We need to make farmers more productive so that we do not depend on imports with all the form filling that that entails. We need to support farmers more and stop building houses on agricultural land which we need to feed ourselves. First is to depopulate the country by stopping immigration of all types to get a control of the services which we pay for and stop giving it all away for free to those who do not contribute.

    1. Mickey Taking
      January 27, 2024

      With Russia under Putin sabre rattling, the EU now confront the realism that they need our Nuclear deterrent – being rather a defenceless bunch of ageing bullies.

  12. Donna
    January 27, 2024

    We might not be on the hook to contribute to the EU’s recent debt-binge, but I wouldn’t mind betting our Treacherous Establishment will do it anyway. As they have with so many other things that might “inconvenience” the EU if we actually implemented independence.

  13. Bloke
    January 27, 2024

    Sharing loan liabilities with the EU would be as daft as paying our neighbours’ losses when they default on their mortgages. We now have the freedom of being out of it.

  14. Peter Parsons
    January 27, 2024

    To quote Bill Cash:

    “Queues of more than 14 hours, vehicles backed up along major roads, businesses starved of footfall. This evidence paints an alarming picture of the possible risks surrounding the Entry/Exit System’s implementation.”

    This should not be a surprise since the UK helped create and define the Entry/Exit system when we were members, and we therefore knew the risks and consequences when this government chose its type of Brexit.

    Another Brexit win?

    1. Martin in Bristol
      January 27, 2024

      Apart from when some delays were caused by the regular strike action and civil disobedience in France where are these constant “queues of more than 24 hours” either in or out of the UK?

      1. Peter Parsons
        January 27, 2024

        The quote is about the new Entry/Exit system due to come in to force in October.

        1. Martin in Bristol
          January 27, 2024

          My point is that all the previous predictions of border chaos made by remainers failed to come true, so I am optimistic that unless the Government creates its own problems by agreeing a bad system these problems won’t occur either.
          Time will tell.

          1. Peter Parsons
            January 27, 2024

            The government has already agreed that we will all be treated as 3rd country nationals. The system is being imposed on us by this governments choices on Brexit.

            Today I see it being reported that food industry chiefs are warning of food supply problems in April when the government’s import checks finally start to happen (having been kicked down the road multiple times). Price increases and a reduction in what’s available as some producers won’t want to bother with all the extra red tape and admin costs for things like health certificates. The government hasn’t even told producers how much they will be charged for these checks.

          2. Martin in Bristol
            January 28, 2024

            You give two examsples of our government making poor decisions which may or may not cause future problems.
            The only connection to brexit (which you seem keen to make) is that we are now free as a nation to make our own policy decisions.
            Your blame game seems to be aiming at the wrong target.

    2. Mickey Taking
      January 27, 2024

      It wasn’t all sweetness and light before BRINO. Quelle difference?

      1. Peter Parsons
        January 27, 2024

        It was a lot better than it will be when biometric checks (fingerprints etc.) are required for every UK national.

  15. Mike Wilson
    January 27, 2024

    Yeah, my mate has increased his mortgage by £10k to go towards a car. But I’ve increased mine by £20k as I am not as productive as I used to be.

    We don’t need to worry about the EU going on a £800 billion ‘borrowing binge’ – over 27 countries. A mere £30 billion per country. Your government has lost more than that down the back of the sofa on useless and overpriced PPE. Your government should be attending Gamblers Anonymous. You are spending and borrowing like a drunken sailor.

  16. Original Richard
    January 27, 2024

    The big advantage of Brexit is that the electorate has the power in its hands to remove those in power at the next GE, a tool unavailable to those under the thumb of the EU.

    As another poster has said, it will be interesting to watch our current Uni Party candidates at the next GE promising mass immigration and with the economy destroying Net Zero, high priced, intermittent and insecure renewable energy coupled with rationing and bans on ices and boilers. All to save the planet whilst others, such as China, India et al carry on emitting CO2 regardless.

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