Wokingham Conservatives select Lucy Demery as Parliamentary candidate

I attended the Wokingham Conservatives selection meeting   on Friday 31 May. We interviewed three candidates proposed by CCHQ from their approved list.
I agreed with the majority view that Lucy Demery was the best candidate for the vacancy.
Lucy Demery is a talented business woman with a good understanding of fin tech and the opportunities of the digital world. She is a confident speaker, a hard working community volunteer and willing to commit herself to public service.
She has my support and best wishes.


  1. Vic Sarin
    June 5, 2024

    It would be good,useful and perhaps more persuasive to the voters if much more information on the lady was made available

  2. Bloke
    June 5, 2024

    If Lucy Demery is the best, she’ll deserve widespread support. If elected as Wokingham’s MP, her first best action would be to remove the leader, who might survive in Richmond, but is nevertheless a self-destructive all-round loser.

  3. Peter Humphreys
    June 5, 2024

    You’re quick of the blocks with your luke warm announcement!

    Reply My announcement was warm, not Luke warm. I wished to have a full discussion with her and get her views on her campaign before making public comments.

  4. agricola
    June 5, 2024

    SJR, I have no wish to detract from Lucy Demery in any way, she may well be an excellent choice.

    What I would question is the route/process anyone has to go through. What is the current CCHQ criteria for selection to the list. In recent years it has been uni, gopher, aide, MP, leading to a great disparity between Conservative thinking voters and the consocialists in Westminster. The minority corale you ended in, was supported on the ground and at large, but totally outnumbered in your own party in Parliament.

    How much pressure is exerted on this local selection committee to choose one of the three. If the committee a truely Conservative can they dismiss all three and choose one locally they really want.

    The way you describe it, I would treat the present system with suspicion. At the back of my mind is the way CCHQ and no doubt many other establishment players organised the undemocratic coupe against Liz Truss.

  5. pd
    June 5, 2024

    She’s got huge boots to fill if she gets elected, best of luck!

  6. Rodney Needs
    June 5, 2024

    Really need to get her profile out there

  7. Cliff.. Wokingham.
    June 6, 2024

    I wish Lucy good luck in her campaign to win the seat for The Party calling itself The Conservative Party. She has an uphill struggle to win what was a very safe Conservative seat. She has huge shoes to fill.
    It would be nice to see a few more details about her such as, does she live in the area, does she have children and do they attend local schools etc. Were all the approved candidates which Sir John and the local committee had to choose from female or was there a mixture of suitable candidates?

    The local campaign has been unpleasant from the so called Liberal Democrats and very personal against Sir John. I do hope they will now argue on matters of policy, rather than attacking the person.
    It is interesting that the LibDems make a big thing about their green beliefs and yet, I think that, over the last six months, I have had half of Bramshill Forest pushed through my letterbox in LibDem flyers… Recycling figures must be up now locally.

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