Why I did not seek election in 2024

I decided not to run both by weighing up what I could hope to achieve as an MP in this new Parliament for Wokingham and for the wider nation. I assumed Conservatives generally would suffer a heavy defeat, though when I made the decision not to run I thought I had a decent chance of holding my seat on a very much reduced majority. The calculated majority for the new seat was much better than the old one.  The Conservative Manifesto and election campaign were worse than I imagined. This blog considers my  local thoughts.

I recognised that my ability to get better outcomes for Wokingham would be increasingly impaired by the dreadful conduct of a Lib Dem led Council. They refused my offer to work with them, denying me any briefings on their financial position, cash needs or cases to Ministers.

I had to make my own arguments  to government based on public information to get extra money for social care, which was most successful. I supported the need for more Special  Education provision leading to two new schools. I belonged to Conservative MP groups to get rid of top down housing targets to leave Wokingham and other Councils free to decide on local plans, only to see the Lib Dems unwilling to make timely use of the new freedom. We will now lose this under Labour.  I worked with other MPs to secure a substantial uplift in road maintenance budgets and new targeted money to repair potholes.

The Lib Dems not only failed to collaborate but tried to get their own meetings with the very Ministers I was regularly talking to. It seemed they did this in order to put out a press release blaming the government for whatever had gone wrong.

The Lib Dems were nasty, putting out that I did not do the job properly or was part time. I was the only MP who wrote  a daily report of my thoughts and deeds seven days a week 52 weeks a year. I answered constituent emails and queries on Saturdays and Sundays when my staff were not in the office and on working days talked to them about how I wanted to respond to new campaigns or cases where they were handling matters for constituents.

I was an assiduous attender at Westminster with a good voting record. When I abstained in protest at a government action I was there in person to tell Ministers why I did not support.

I could not see a way to get the Lib Dems to behave responsibly and saw them allowing Wokingham to become litter strewn, with overgrown and weed filled public spaces, blocked road drains and missing or overflowing litter bins. They have splattered the place with red road closed signs, yellow diversion signs , temporary lights and plenty of cones. Their passion to waste money on impeding use of vans and cars is vexatious. Their failure to let out empty office space and to control staff costs lumbers us with high taxes, and their aggressive car park charges reduce business in our shopping and leisure areas. All the   Lib Dems wanted to do was to blame Conservatives to cover up for their bad management. The answer to every problem they faced was  to send out more leaflets full of self serving spin.

I was worried that with a Labour government the lack of cooperation from the Council which was an irritant in getting a decent deal from a Conservative government  could become a major obstacle. I thought a new Conservative candidate might have a better way to shame or persuade the Council to cooperate for the greater good. A Lib Dem MP is unlikely to have any influence with Labour. I imagine he will not even try to get them to change policy on top down housing targets, adding to the extra development in Wokingham he says he opposes.


  1. Lifelogic
    July 8, 2024

    Seems a logical decision JR. I can see virtually nothing in the LibDem agenda of which I approve and little hope for the runt of Tories (left perhaps circa 20 of them, at best, are sound). The Libdim zeal for net zero and war on road users is particularly moronic and destructive, but then Sunak’s Con-Socialists and Labour have that delusion too.

    I see that Kier Starmer joined the Labour Party Young Socialists at 16 so not a very normal lad. His chippy response to the audience laughing at him saying his father was a toolmaker for the thousandth time suggests he is a bit odd too.

    1. Cliff.. Wokingham.
      July 8, 2024

      He was a tool maker, and now one of the tools he made is Prime Minister.

      1. Hope
        July 8, 2024

        Their loss others gain wherever you go. Good luck.

        I see Cooper copying Patel by advertising for a Border Force commander. Patel got a former marine, so the Home Office regurgitating old plans with a new spin doctor Cooper!

      2. Mickey Taking
        July 8, 2024


      3. Peter
        July 8, 2024

        The French elections are a useful illustration of voting options and political manoeuvring.

        There was also violent protesting, which may have occurred whatever the outcome of the vote. The French go in for that sort of thing.

        I do think political violence will become more prevalent in the UK. Whatever system of voting is adopted there are always methods of undermining it.

        1. Lynn Atkinson
          July 9, 2024

          Interestingly the French electoral system produced the coalition of losers Government as required, but Le Pen’s party got 10 million votes and the losers-coalition winner hot 7 million.
          Perhaps the anti-FPTP enthusiasts can explain to us how this is an improvement?

      4. Berkshire Alan
        July 8, 2024

        He left out the bit about the fact that his Dad actually owned the factory and the business, which would have been even more to his fathers credit, but does not fit the narrative of a poor working family background.
        Indeed the implication is, he was only a toolmaker, so they struggled in life, what a sad comment on one of the most skilful and highly paid trades in the engineering industry, a position that required the completion of a proper apprenticeship, involved technical college, examinations, knowledge and skill.
        How do I know, because I too was a qualified toolmaker for a short period, before then progressing onto research and development, and production engineering and management in the motor industry.
        I was also a union shop steward for a short time as well, so knew a little about union and management tactics and negotiations at the time.
        Most people are unaware of what a toolmaker is or does, hence the lack of any sort of clarification, although quite honestly does it matter what your parents did, surely you should be judged on your own abilities.

      5. Lynn Atkinson
        July 8, 2024


    2. Peter
      July 8, 2024

      ‘ A Lib Dem MP is unlikely to have any influence with Labour.’

      A Lib Dem MP probably won’t have much influence with a Lib Dem council either.

      I wrote to Davey about road works. He didn’t answer for along time. Then it was ‘nothing to do with me mate. It’s a council issue, but I will copy my Liberal Democrat councillors in and get them to respond. Let me know if you don’t hear anything after a few weeks.’

      Answer came there none so I wrote to Davey again. This time the excuse was that parliament was no longer sitting but he tried to gee up the councillors again.

      I still never got a reply.

      Surprisingly, Davey got over 50% of votes cast in the election – even with a former postmistress standing against him and his childish election campaign.

      1. Ian B
        July 8, 2024

        @Peter –
        Promoted by David Cameron(That other great LibDem) to:
        Minister for Postal Affairs, – Davey did not investigate the details of the Horizon Post Office scandal that had led to the wrongful prosecution of hundreds of sub-postmasters. He was made aware and just the Man in charge, Paula Vennalls ‘Boss’, there to ensure she was doing her job, so wasn’t responsible?
        Then David Cameron made him Secretary of State for Energy and Climate Change
        That’s all you need to know of his abilities to take on a job and responsibilities

        1. Lynn Atkinson
          July 8, 2024

          +1 And all you need to know about Cameron.

      2. Mickey Taking
        July 8, 2024

        Re – the closing remark – you need to reflect on who is swayed by the schoolboy pranks. Worrying isn’t it!

    3. Peter Wood
      July 8, 2024

      Good Morning,
      It is a shame that good, local governments pay the price for incompetence at Westminster. We do protest voting in order to try to change minds where it’s needed, which is often self harming.
      First, correctly identify the problem, only then can you find the correct solution.
      Labour, at the centre of power, has already indicated their actions will be driven by dogma not facts and needs; we’re in for a wasteful and incompetent period. I hope the IMF are kind again.

    4. dix
      July 8, 2024

      I am no supporter of Starmer but his parents were both productives and I fail to see the joke about his father being an engineer/maker beyond the purile level you operate at.

      1. Cliff.. Wokingham.
        July 8, 2024

        Thank you for your thoughts. Fortunately, humour is very subjective and we don’t all laugh at the same things. The world would be a very dull place if we did.
        I am sure you don’t need me to explain the gag which was actually about the slang meaning of the word tool. Purile? Perhaps, maybe even childish or just a remnant from the late sixties and Seventies when I made my living as a comedian and compare.
        Humour has changed over the years and what we considered to be funny then, would, perhaps be illegal to say today.
        Incidentally, I cannot see why, just because someone is productive, they should be immune from having the mickey taking out of them, indeed doctors, nurses, teachers, dockers, power workers, police officers, and high Court judges would not have been faith game.
        The Great British sense of humour has been destroyed over the last thirty years or so and it is interesting how, during that time, there has been a rise in depression, anxiety and a general feeling of stress and unhappiness amongst the population of our nation.
        Have a good day and keep smiling.

    5. Lifelogic
      July 8, 2024

      Labour’s biggest disaster appointments so far:- David Lammy Foreign Sec, Ed Miliband Energy Security and Net Zero (and growth@?) – it is one or the other mate, Patrick Vallance Science, Rayner Housing, Benn Northern Ireland, and Johnathon Reynolds who think Brexit supporters are thick but then I suppose all the Cabinet really think that – but most not stupid enough to say so – nearly all have appalling records of abject failure and all still push entirely the wrong policies.

      1. Ian B
        July 8, 2024

        @Lifelogic +1
        As of today they have declare they not created any plans to re-enter the EU. But tomorrow? Circumstances may change

        1. Lifelogic
          July 8, 2024

          100% of ministers are remainers it seem. They have now abandoned the Ruanda scheme – so as to encourage even more boat arrivals. Interest to read the crime figure in Sweden and Norway broken down. Of course we are not allowed these figures in the UK just as they try to hide the excess deaths figure broken down by vaccination status, ages, dates, cause of death. The fact that they hid these indicates the truth. Otherwise they would release them and say look Covid vaccinated people are far less likely to die and the more shot they have had.

          The reverse is almost certainly the position. So they try to hide this.

          1. Berkshire Alan
            July 8, 2024

            Life logic
            They will never voluntarily give the breakdown that you suggest, because it is more than likely it will represent similar figures to the Countries you suggest, and that would not be liked by those who want to continue with immigration.
            Maybe worth asking the question, with a freedom of information request, but you will probably know the answer, we do not record that sort of information.
            But if you know someone who works in or for the prison service, they may just confirm your assumptions.

      2. Lynn Atkinson
        July 8, 2024

        Wow Rachel Reeves has a lot to learn. Her ‘electioneering’ speeches can be recycled forever. She thinks incurring the cost of building homes that can’t be sold is ‘growth’.

        1. Lifelogic
          July 8, 2024

          And will doubtless be paid for from taxation that will suppress growth. Also will be rented for for less than cost. Prob. to what they like to call “essential” workers (state sector “work from homers” prob.)

        2. Timaction
          July 8, 2024

          Indeed. Who are these houses for and why they’ll be a one term Government before we get Reform!

          1. Lynn Atkinson
            July 8, 2024

            I don’t expect them to make a full term.

  2. Lifelogic
    July 8, 2024

    Best wished in you in your new career, you should of course be placed in the Lords but as we saw with Ann Widecombe that is unlikely. Yet appalling failures and dopes like Theresa May are elevated as they have the “right” pro EU, pro net zero Con-Socialist views.

    So Starmer achieved three A levels I learn from Starkey, grades B, B, C in Maths, Physics and Music and this at a good Grammar & then Private School. Rather worryingly rather similar subjects to myself at my state Grammar (Maths, Further Maths, Physics, Chemistry, General Studies, A levels a Physics Special and with Music at O level).

    So we can see that he is probably not very bright. This as he did not even sit Further Maths and achieved very poor grades from such a good school. Still, even a B in Physics and Maths should be enough for him to work out that Lockdowns and Covid “Vaccines” did huge net harm and that net zero is a vastly expensive, economy destroying con trick. Yet he has appointed (Climate Change Act) Ed Miliband PPE again as Secretary of State for Energy Security and Net Zero (you can have security or net zero for £2 trillion down the drain but not both) and Sir Patrick Valance with his Big Pharma and climate alarmist interests as Minister for Science.

    1. Peter
      July 8, 2024

      ‘ So we can see that he is probably not very bright. ’

      Starmer is probably not as daft as you though, Lifelogic.

      You are beyond parody now

      1. Lifelogic
        July 8, 2024

        BBC grads from a good schools in Maths, Physics, Music is not very impressive. Perhaps he made a mistake in not doing other subjects that he was more suited to at A level.

        He seems to have got a first in Law at Leeds later so probably a hard worker, slogger with a reasonable memory but unable to “understand” would be my guess. If he cannot see that almost all the policies in his manifesto are hugely anti-growth then he is surely very dim indeed.

        1. Peter
          July 8, 2024

          ‘ Music is not very impressive.’

          Starmer was a talented musician – flute, piano etc. Guildhall school of music no less. Probably a cross between James Galway and the leader of popular beat combo Jethro Tull. Maybe Starmer too can play the flute standing on one leg?

          1. Lifelogic
            July 8, 2024

            Perhaps he should have stuck to that then. Still he is what we have to suffer, so good look to him. The only growth policy they have is cutting planning restrictions which is sensible All their other policies will strangle growth – more immigration, net zero, higher taxes, more red tape

      2. Lifelogic
        July 8, 2024

        Well brighter than John Major I suppose!

      3. glen cullen
        July 8, 2024

        Agree – a BB&C at ‘a’ level in the 80s is good effort ….not like the ‘a’ levels now

        1. Lifelogic
          July 8, 2024

          Well middle range for a grammar school. The brighter Oxbridge types (the science or maths people at mine similar period) often got 5 As usually as doing Further Maths and Gen Studies. On the science side most took the maths A level a year early and all got As or Bs I think. You would stuggle to get a place at the top universites in those days for many subjects with BBC.

          1. Berkshire Alan
            July 8, 2024


            For goodness sake keep the BBC out fit, that is another topic.!

        2. Mickey Taking
          July 8, 2024

          agreed, and if a B,B, C group of ‘A’ levels are not enough to allow someone to understand the principle of Luffer curve and contract payment in advance to avoid increased VAT on school fees (when pointed out), then we really to have a problem with the grades given.

          1. Mickey Taking
            July 8, 2024

            not published due to finger trouble? Laffer of course.

      4. Lifelogic
        July 8, 2024

        Well perhaps, after all he even managed to get a special law passed just for his large, gold plated, prosecution service state pension! Then again he must be fairly daft to appoint Lammy, Miliband, Vallance
 and to have joined the Labour Party.

        UK Foreign Secretary David Lammy says commitment to Ukraine ‘is ironclad’. So what does ironclad mean Lammy? What is the UK, US and EU actually going to do?

        Is “ironclad” rather the same as Camerons “Cast Iron”? In other words totally worthless and a blatant lie?

        Sadly it is very hard to see any positive outcome coming?

    2. Lifelogic
      July 8, 2024

      He went on to study Law at Leeds – perhaps realising he was not too hot at the Maths and Physics given his results. But rather odd subjects to read for law. So he has little training or experience in Economics, History, World Politics, the private sector and was second rate at Maths, Physics and Music.

      Oh well let us hope he surprises us. If he wants growth, as he claims to, he just need to reverse all his policies as they are all anti-growth – Net Zero, higher taxes and more red tape, non doms, vat on school fees the main disasters and anti-growth ones.

      1. agricola
        July 8, 2024


        You make a big thing about academic success. It is only what it is, academic success, and I do not belittle it, especially if it is removing my tonsils.

        The country really needs business success at all levels. I often said that if my business needed an atomic scientist I would place a job advert in th Aldermaston Times offering an attractive reward. Business buys talent just like raw material.

        All should be aware that it is only the tax generrated by business and those in it that pays for political government. The further you move from business the more tenuous becomes the idea that those in work create wealth. Eventually it is just a money go round creating little. A halfway house is the NHS where you could legitimately argue that keeping the nation healthy assists the creation of wealth.

        1. Lifelogic
          July 8, 2024

          I agree.

        2. Hope
          July 8, 2024

          Many millionaires not academics. Many others left education before A level and university preferring to get jobs. LL point is flat and has no basis for success in the work place whether an MP or any other employment.

          On the face of it look at all those Oxbridge ministers and the utterly stupid decisions they make, their lack of integrity and no leadership skills whatsoever.

          1. Lifelogic
            July 8, 2024

            Well that is mainly Lawyers and PPE Oxon types.

          2. Lifelogic
            July 8, 2024


      2. Sir Joe Soap
        July 8, 2024

        I think we’ll find a certain T Blair is driving from the rear seat.
        From Wikipedia – Following Labour’s victory in the 2024 general election new Prime Minister Keir Starmer appointed (Jacqui) Smith a Minister of State in the Department for Education and she is due to be conferred with a life peerage to hold the position. …. where did that come from?

        1. Lifelogic
          July 8, 2024

          The Blair/Brown era did vast damage to the country, botched devolution, the Supreme Court, BoE independence, selling the gold, the counter productive wars, the woke lunacy, tax increases, more EU, more red tape 
 a total disaster. Not a single positive that I can see from that period.

      3. Everhopeful
        July 8, 2024

        Apparently life under him at the CPS was notably ( I have been told by someone who partook) not good!
        And big fish swam happily through the net
or so I understand.

      4. MFD
        July 8, 2024

        well said LL, I firmly believe we are in a pickle , to say the least!

      5. Mike Wilson
        July 8, 2024

        Perhaps he was bright enough to realise that he’d make more money as a lawyer.

    3. Mike Wilson
      July 8, 2024

      So we can see that he is probably not very bright.

      Well, at least you put ‘probably’ in there. Your basis for evaluating ‘brightness’ is flawed. Many people excel at school and university because they work hard – not because they are bright. Other, very intelligent people, for a while range of reasons, get lower grades. It proves very little,
      either way.

      1. Mickey Taking
        July 8, 2024

        one of my daughters got an A grade Maths, made friends (male) at uni who were studying aeronautics and the like – they didn’t get A grades in Maths.

    4. Nigl
      July 8, 2024

      Please stop being so bl**dy rude about who palpably are not what you say and make a far bigger contribution to society than you do. Multiple repetitive posts meaning I have to scan past them.

      As Peter said beyond parody, once a joke now boringly poor taste.

      Quite obviously opposite to the ethos of Sir J R and his blog and time for him to wave you goodbye.

    5. Chris S
      July 8, 2024

      A grade B in A level physics when Starmer was at school was probably worth an A* today.
      It certainly was when our host and I sat A levels in 1968-69. I achieved a B in Physics and two other subjects.

      I went on to study HNC Applied Physics part time while working in a laboratory, as I didn’t want to be separated from my girlfriend. It was extremely hard work in the time available, but the right decision, because we are still happily married after 52 years.

      1. Lifelogic
        July 8, 2024

        Congratulations. Learning while working should be encourage as should long and happy marriages.

        I took my A levels in 1976 with the maths a year earlier. Certainly the nature of the questions has changed rather. Often full of net zero propaganda and lies too – especially Geography. physics A level is still about 80% male.

    6. Ian B
      July 8, 2024

      @ Lifelogic
      Too often academic achievement is equated with intelligence, then it assumed it to mean ‘bright’
      There are many more ‘bright’ people that without achieving much in academia have been more successful than those that have. The obvious ones being Bill Gate, Steve Jobs etc. Even my own best man, VP at a large US Bank before he was 30. But alas these things happen outside the Socialist UK, where ability, real ability is not nurtured but held back.

      1. formula57
        July 8, 2024

        @ Ian B – a sound point. And Starmer whatever his credentials may have recognized that being academically gifted is not a requirement of prime ministers nor leaders generally. LBJ and Jimmy Carter were reputedly two of the brightest ever US presidents but LBJ’s early legislative achievements aside, neither has an outstanding record.

      2. Lifelogic
        July 8, 2024

        indeed but these two both got into good universities/colleges then chose to drop out.

    7. Mark
      July 9, 2024

      I believe Ed Miliband did double maths and physics at A level.

  3. Ian wragg
    July 8, 2024

    I’m sure you could see the writing in the wall, it was obvious that the One Nation gang were going to cause a massive defeat.
    You should offer your many talents and experience to the Reform Party as they are the future. You’re wasted being sat at home our of government.
    Good luck anyway.

    1. Lifelogic
      July 8, 2024

      I still find it hard to follow why Sunak made the totally moronic decision to go to the country six month early when he was clearly going to be hammered. Had he stayed on he still had little chance but events might have helped a bit especially if he had moved to the more sensible Reform positions on tax, immigration levels, law and order & the net zero lunacy
 I assume like Cameron he just wanted to abandon ship rather than “serve” any longer. Perhaps to enjoy his Moderna profits. Will he be kicked out for misleading the house assuring them the vaccines were “unequivocally safe” when the stats. show very clearly they were extremely dangerous for hundred of thousands? Will he and the party ever say sorry for kicking Andrew Bridgen out for telling the truth on this?

      1. Hope
        July 8, 2024

        Sunak- EU one nation type- perfectly content for Labour to closely align to EU. It is called a rogue parliament ignoring the voters and using his manifesto as a sham to say he has a mandate to act in lock step to EU! Get with the programme intellectual one.

        JR has pointed out it is a one nation govt ie no divergence from EU and act in lock step, JR has pointed out how woeful the election campaign and manifesto was. Now ask yourself why?

        Sunak could have set booby traps for Labour, he did not, he praised Starmer, praised his own EU Windsor sell out in his final speech. The rest just empty platitudes- his treachery done. Namely, Johnson and Truss gone, EU lock step and now a free rein for Labour to tie the UK irretrievably to the EU.

      2. Mickey Taking
        July 8, 2024

        Perhaps California beckons….

    2. Mike Wilson
      July 8, 2024

      it was obvious that the One Nation gang were going to cause a massive defeat.

      Not to them. I listen in amazement as they think the reason they lost so heavily is because the party is too far right. It is interesting to observe the detachment from reality.

      1. Berkshire Alan
        July 8, 2024


    3. Everhopeful
      July 8, 2024

      When JR announced that he was not standing I looked up his local political situation.
      I was utterly shocked.
      I have seen that sort of mob rule here but I assumed it happened because it WAS here.
      But it has spread to decent areas.
      The only aim is to shock, dismay and bully
oh yes
and bankrupt!

      1. Mickey Taking
        July 8, 2024

        .. you need to add ‘lie, insult, misrepresent, foolhardy spend, anti-car, mistaken investment, anti-eco with a dozen full colour leaflets in just 2 weeks’….

        1. Everhopeful
          July 8, 2024

          Duly added!

    4. Lifelogic
      July 8, 2024

      The one nation lot, circa 80% of Tory MPs, are now already working for a another deteat next time it seems.

  4. Lifelogic
    July 8, 2024

    “The Lib Dems were nasty, putting out that I did not do the job properly or was part time.”

    No surprise there then. I have no doubt you were an excellent local MP and suspect you might well have won had you stood, as many/most Reform Voters would have voted for you as the best way to keep Labour our and many more voters for your past excellent and loyal service. One of the tiny few MPs relatively sound on the net zero lunacy, the economy and much else.

  5. Mark B
    July 8, 2024

    Good morning.

    Sir John

    It was clear to me, and others here, that despite your considerable efforts, you were not having as greater impact on National Government decisions as someone with your experience might have done. This must have been as frustrating to you as it was to many here, including myself. You can only do so much.

    I have had, or be it at a very distant level, dealings with the now leader of the LibDems. Your description of them, and the leaflet I received with no party, colours, emblem and slogan, just a deceptive, almost handwritten note, supports much of what you have said above.

    You have made the right decision. We could see that your party was moving more and more to the Left and leaving many like you behind. It became unrecognizable.

    You have a solid and loyal following here and can still make an impact via other media platforms. Your knowledge, wealth of experience and reputation has value in political discourse. And it comes with the added bonus that you no longer have to toe the party political line. The Wets have got the tonking they deserve and will elect a new leader that will further alienate the members from the party centre. The Conservative Party is in sad decline and I think your input may just might a difference.

    As for Wokingham. You served them well and they will, like my own constituency when that was under LibDem, boot them out when they begin to see sense. It will take time, but it will happen.

    It’s their loss, not yours !

    1. Hope
      July 8, 2024

      + many.

      I think it is only a matter of time before Braverman and Patel join Reform or suffer the same fate as you JR.

      1. Mark B
        July 8, 2024

        I would not like to see either of those or any others join Reform. Not even our kind host. A new party must seek its own personality and not seek to adopt that of another, especially from one that has systematically failed.

      2. Timaction
        July 8, 2024

        Indeed. The One Nation Liberal Tory’s won’t admit their socialist problem as their ideology is ingrained in their souls. My dna is right of centre Conservative and can sniff out a liberal as quick as I can say May, Cameron, Sunak.

  6. Lemming
    July 8, 2024

    A perfect summary from Mr Redwood of everything we have heard from every Brexiter since 2016 – “it’s all terrible but all of it is somebody else’s fault”. Congratulations to Wokingham for electing a LibDem

    1. Richard II
      July 8, 2024

      As a Wokingham constituent, I am glad I had our host as an MP when I needed one to assist with useless bureaucracy. I think his successor will be less interested in helping his constituents than in crafting his own political trajectory. But something tells me it will be a case of “failing upwards”.

    2. Lifelogic
      July 8, 2024

      The failure to get a clean Brexit and take full advantage of Brexit is indeed terrible. As is the vast low skilled immigration levels, the vast over taxation, over regulation, the net harm vaccines, the vast government waste, HS2, the loans for duff degrees and net harm lockdowns, the insanity of net zero, the mad energy policy, the inflationary QE
 Cameron, May, Boris and Sunak have been a disaster for 14 years. Starmer will be even worse it he continues on this similar path .

    3. Bloke
      July 8, 2024

      Liberal Democrat Clive Jones’ election pledge stated:
      “I will fight for a fair deal for our community and prioritise the issues that residents have told me matter most.”

      If he is truthful he should name the residents who told him they most want:
      More litter, blocked drains, closed roads, excessive traffic furniture, building congestion and all kinds of bad management to blight the lives of the sensible people in Wokingham.

      1. Ian B
        July 8, 2024

        @Bloke – why should he, it doesn’t affect him he does not live in the Wokingham Constituency he has his own Labour MP that will look after his needs.

        1. Peter Parsons
          July 8, 2024

          Didn’t he live in the constituency under the old boundaries? The vagueries of the boundary commission are hardly the fault of an individual candidate.

          Remind me again where the Conservative (and Labour) candidates for Wokingham lived.

    4. Mickey Taking
      July 8, 2024

      on the discussion of ‘someone else’s fault’ have you seen ANY of the leaflets from Libdems in Wokingham? I think not. They were all full of ‘nothing to do with me guv, its them wot did it’. Or pathetic claims to have numerous magic wands to produce wonderful outcomes.

      1. Ian B
        July 8, 2024

        @Mickey Taking +1 – so true, even as far as inventing and misleading to make you believe they had a message.
        California Cross? expensive and borrowed money on our behalf to change the bin collection that was working well.

      2. Lemming
        July 8, 2024

        Of course they were all full of ‘nothing to do with me guv, its them wot did it’. Because that is true! The Conservatives have been running this country for 14 years and the buck stops with them, not opposition parties. Not of course that the Conservatives are ever decent enough to accept the fault is THEIRS, no one else’s

    5. Berkshire Alan
      July 8, 2024

      Clearly you do not live in Wokingham, otherwise you would not be making such a stupid comment.
      The Lib dems and their candidate in particular were running a personal slur campaign for one year against JR BEFORE the election was even announced.
      Posters and leaflets blaming everyone but themselves for the problems were shoved through my letterbox at least every month, (12 leaflets in the 6 weeks of the election campaign) any good news for the area, which JR has outlined, was put down to the LibDems putting pressure on the Government.
      I am not sure personal political campaigning and spending money on leafleting for an election 18 months before it is even announced is actually allowed under the Rules, but JR did not complain about it, even after I questioned it in an e mail to him.
      We now have an MP who is going to Save the NHS, is not going to allow additional housing to be built in the area, is going to re arrange all of our main roads to be narrowed for Cycle lanes, is proposing 20mph speed limits on sections of roads, is going to fill all the pot holes, cover the roads in a long lasting clear resin of some sort so they last longer, (goodness knows what this will do for skid resistance) and who had already reduced the number of litter bins locally by 50, by covering them up so they cannot be used to save money on litter collection.
      I look forward to this new fantasy world the LibDems suggest, although they will have absolutely no sway with the Labour Government policies, and eventually people will realise that the grass is not greener under the LibDems at all, just more expensive and longer, as they have already implemented a plan to only cut grass 4 times in a year.
      Would JR have won if he stood, it would have probably been marginal, not because of his lack of effort, but because of the actions (and inactions) and policies of the Conservative Government which had been dire, clueless, and took no account of Human nature.
      Sadly we have lost an excellent local Mp with great knowledge, who’s team answered correspondence within hours of any problems being raised, I am thus pleased this website is to continue.
      Unfortunately the vast majority of all constituencies residents do not get involved or think about politics until election time, or until it affects them directly, and some not even then, but when endless propaganda is shoved through your letter box on a regular basis at great cost, it does work, and is believed to a degree.
      So we are where we are.
      Many thanks John for your past service, shame those Ministers who did not have your knowledge or grasp of all things economic or financial, chose not to listen to you many wise words and thoughts.

      1. Ian B
        July 8, 2024

        @Berkshire Alan, so true.
        There appeared (only going by the alternating source) 2 lots of campaigning going on resent years, 1 being from the local LibDems the other from the remote(outside of the constituency) friends of LibDems

    6. IanT
      July 8, 2024

      I assume you don’t live here Cliff Jumper – as you might not be quite as smug then. The ‘old’ conservative councillors kept the town tidy, ran good schools, repaired the roads and emptied the bins every week, all within budget and with Rates that didn’t shoot up every year.
      I don’t recall constant complaints that Government wasn’t contributing enough either. This lot have just spent ÂŁ640k of government grant just to ‘plan’ a 1.1/2 mile long cycleway (that hasn’t even been started yet) and that will cause major disruption to one of our main roads to Reading when it does. Not to mention California roundabout that has been closed for 6 months whist they “improve the crossing”. Nor would they have agreed to the building of yet another 1,000 plus new homes (in addition to those already approved) to the south. We already have massive new housing estates built to the north. It seems this town has doubled in size over the past few years and there will soon be no ‘green’ spaces left between Wokingham, Reading and Bracknell if we keep on at this rate. However, I’m sure Rachel Reeves will be happy, after all she doesn’t live here either.

    7. dixie
      July 8, 2024

      You clearly do not live in the Wokingham constituency – the libdems sing their own praises while neglecting basic maintenance while wasting our money on vanity projects.
      At least we don’t have the pothole pointer as our MP (who doesn’t live in the Wokingham coinstituency) – we are now Labour but next GE might get much more interesting.

    8. Ian B
      July 8, 2024

      @Lemming – sorry, what a silly statement and contribution

      1. Lifelogic
        July 8, 2024

        Lynn my position on vaccines is that save and effective ones that do net good are good and unsafe, poorly tested ones given to people who never even needed & that do net harm are not good.

        Is this not the rational position? The Covid vaccine seem from the statistics to have done huge net harms.

        1. Mickey Taking
          July 8, 2024

          How long were you prepared to wait, with deaths and hospitalisations flooding everywhere, to remedy ‘poorly tested’ , which is absolute nonsense, another year, 2 years ?

    9. Lynn Atkinson
      July 8, 2024

      Yes, they have got what the majority of them who voted, deserve. Like water, they have found their own level. Somewhere a few feet below the soles of John Redwood’s shoes.
      I am so sorry for the minority who deserved a great, a truly great Conservative MP.
      I am sorry for the silenced majority of Conservative around the country, who deserved another great Conservative PM.
      Sir John can’t ‘give up politics’ because it’s an integral part of him. He will continue to speak for England and the U.K. – and for that we are increasingly grateful.
      I would not for one moment inflict the House of Lords on the man. It’s like a Lunatic Asylum and in any case the name he has made for himself can’t be embellished. Just like Powell and a handful of others.

      1. Ian B
        July 8, 2024

        @Lynn Atkinson, – Sunaks Governments and CCHQ opened the door for the LibDems to walk through in Wokingham. The people of Wokingham were disenfranchised and left without a Local Conservative Candidate.
        No one that isn’t elected should be in the upper chamber (HoL) their standing and status is an insult to all good Democrats.

        1. Lynn Atkinson
          July 8, 2024

          I can’t see how this tarnished party can continue. Let’s leave the west and the psychopaths in CCHQ in their sinking ship and save the politics! Reform can’t do it, we need the best brains, the best people to form the core of a real Conservative Party.
          We need Redwood to keep punching above his weight, and we need to surround him an lift him up. He’s fighting for us.
          I am sick of NOT being able to work for, contribute to and vote for candidates I can trust.
          As for the Lib Dem’s – they used to take our Tory posters down. They act like independents, saying what is needed r]to win in each constituency and contradicting each other all the time. That’s why they need a leader to remind in the middle of Windermere where he can’t give the game away by saying anything at all. They are a disgrace! Always were! Always will be!

          1. Lynn Atkinson
            July 8, 2024

            ‘Wets and psychopaths’

        2. Lynn Atkinson
          July 9, 2024

          Stupidly I failed to make clear that it was voting for a yellow council that was the critical error.

    10. ChrisS
      July 8, 2024

      Why do you even bother to visit this site, Lemming ?

      1. a-tracy
        July 8, 2024

        Lemming’s probably one of those local LibDem campaigners.

  7. David Andrews
    July 8, 2024

    The Conservative party would have done better if it had listened to and acted on your advice. It now faces years of opposition with a reputation for saying one thing but doing the opposite (immigration and taxation) and for incompetence (implementing Brexit, building houses and prisons). You are better off out of it all and the messy battles for the future direction of the party. Instead you could have greater influence as a voice of sanity in the search for national policies that enable the country to start to live within its means and start to reduce the insupportable growth of national debt.

    1. Mark B
      July 8, 2024


  8. Cliff.. Wokingham.
    July 8, 2024

    Sir John,
    Thank you for your thoughts and reasoning behind your decision not to stand this time.
    With our new council, it must have been like flogging a dead horse for you.

    With the amount of rubbish the LibDems put through our door during the six weeks of campaigning, I would guess the recycling tonnage shot up considerably during that time. The Conservative candidate’s flyers were conspicuous by their absence.

    1. Sir Joe Soap
      July 8, 2024

      If it’s of any consolation, much of that publicity coming here was shredded and is now in California having been used to pack high value UK exports. That’s probably as useful as a Libdem has ever been to the UK.

    2. Wonky Moral Compass
      July 8, 2024

      We were deluged with Lib Dem flyers here in the new South Cotswolds constituency too. In contrast, we had one each from the tories, Reform, SDP and the Greens. The LD candidate acknowledged that they might have overdone it a bit when she doorstepped me.

    3. Mickey Taking
      July 8, 2024

      not quite true – we got 3 from her, spoilt by photos of her next to Mrs May, and Sunak. Bad image.

    4. Peter Parsons
      July 8, 2024

      Maybe you just didn’t notice the Conservative candidate’s leaflets. The ones I received were had either green or gold colour schemes (no blue to be seen anywhere) and, apart from one which did actually have a Conservative party logo on it, you’d never have known unless you went searching for the small print of the imprint ad read that.

  9. Wanderer
    July 8, 2024

    A sad tale, SirJ. It’s the worst of tribal politics. I’ve experienced this in local politics, too. In the end I couldn’t stand it any more and left them to their spiteful, petty games.

    Your decision was probably the right one.

    1. Everhopeful
      July 8, 2024

      I’ve seen actual violence and scamming and cheating in local politics.
      Terrible behaviour.
      No wonder the area looks as if it has been through a nuclear explosion.
      All the wonderful work of now dead local philanthropists and (earlier) truly caring conservative MPs
all their money and work just squandered in junk and rubbish and lunacy.
      So ugly and horrible.

      I note that “No Mow bl**dy May” has resulted in barren, dead verges. So much for green cr*p.

    2. Kayla Tomlinson
      July 8, 2024

      Sir John, I moved to Wokingham from a town in Oxfordshire which was under LibDem control. They ruined Abingdon. I was so pleased to have you as my MP. When I wrote to you about causes, you questioned ministers on my behalf and sent responses to me. You were an excellent MP. I shall miss you and Wokingham will be poorer without you!

  10. agricola
    July 8, 2024

    In the circumstances a very logical decision. The electorate of Wokingham can enjoy their misguided use of their vote, and of course pay the price.

    Your contribution today is a good arguement for the elimination of local politicised government. After all I imagine Wokingham has a raft of professional planners and administrators who could respond to any coherent national plan with a provision for local population input. Who needs virtue strutting councillors and the financial cost.

    Thoughts for your future. Apart from the previously suggested regular slot on GBNews in which the wise could expose all, how about on electronic media, a Wokingham private eye, exposing and ridiculing all that is wrong in local politics. You do not have to join Reform to espouse their essentially Conservative values.

    1. Lynn Atkinson
      July 8, 2024

      So agree about removing politics from local Government, also ditching the politicised Mayors which Labour set in place and which they will now ‘use’. What is political about collecting bins and mending pavements? Time the ratepayers candidates were resurrected and the Council Staff we able to be sacked for failing to do their jobs.

  11. DOM
    July 8, 2024

    You can only swim upstream for so long before the will, spirit and body gives way. I would take solace in knowing you acted in the best interests and with integrity of those you were elected to represent.

    Enjoy the world and its beauty without the heavy weight of ideological politics dragging us all into the Marxist mire. These Socialist droids are determined to destroy all that is civil, moral and good. They’ll succeed

  12. John McDonald
    July 8, 2024

    Water under the bridge now but if you look at the result for Wokingham it may have been that if you had stood Reform may not have. You have a track record over meany years in Wokingham. The new Conservative candidate had not. You may have pick up some Labour and even Libdem votes now that people have the experience of a Libdem Council. Why Wokingham is so Libdem is hard to understand when compared to the rest of our local area voting results. Bracknell and Earley.
    Can understand your loyality to the Conservative Party but like it or not you look like a Reform candidate. By any orher name if it looks like a ……..etc.etc.
    said with respect.

    1. IanT
      July 8, 2024

      Well when you have voters who complain about the chaos at California crossroads with one breath and then tell you that they are thinking of voting Lib Dem (the architects of the chaos there) with the next – it does make you wonder…. (as told to me by a gentleman in a supermarket queue two days before the election)

    2. Lynn Atkinson
      July 8, 2024

      Reform would have stood. You don’t understand Reform – not so different from the Lib Dem’s but with a more popular political message.

      1. Mickey Taking
        July 8, 2024

        Lynn, absurd generalisation again. Do stop.

  13. Donna
    July 8, 2024

    Sir John, in your position, and with even your own Party Leadership refusing to listen to your sage advice and persisting with their policy of riding the 300+ into the electoral Valley of Death, I’d have walked away as well.

    I’m sorry for the people of Wokingham, but they were stupid enough to vote for a LibDem Council. They’ll be getting what they deserve.

    I’m convinced the Party Grandees wanted the Not-a-Conservative-Party to lose the election; but leave Labour with a small majority which they thought could be easily overturned in 5 years time when Labour had struggled to deal with the shambles they had inherited.

    They obviously have no idea how furious the real people of Britain are (ie outside the chattering class) and gave Farage /Tice an opportunity they have seized.

  14. BOF
    July 8, 2024

    Petty politics, dogma and total disregard for constituents interests.

    We had a LibDem MP up tp 2010. He was more adept at claiming his expenses than attending to local needs and now we have another one.

    Mind you, our last Conservative MP was little more than lobby fodder.

  15. Sir Joe Soap
    July 8, 2024

    I think it’s good that Libdems now have a new government to blame for their ills. Let them rip merry hell out of Labour for a change.
    I’d think you did the right thing in the circumstances. Libdems are indeed all mouth (and even more colourful publicity through the letter box, falling off paddle boards and everything else) and no trousers.

  16. Lifelogic
    July 8, 2024

    Rachel Reeves promises to fix economy so families everywhere are better off.
    In her first speech as Chancellor, Rachel Reeves will warn that ÂŁ58billion extra could have been pumped into NHS and schools last year if the Tories had achieved growth.

    Yes but the Tory policies did not get any growth and Labour policies are even more anti-growth still Ms Reeves.

    Well, not better off families who use private schools with VAT, or Non Dom families (many of whom will sensibly leave with their money) or people who teach at private schools. Nothing in the Labour Party Manifesto will improve the economy other than relaxing planning perhaps if they do this well. All the rest is hugely anti-growth, anti jobs and anti investment Rachael. Surely you can see this, even a PPE Oxon degree should have taught you this much.

    1. a-tracy
      July 8, 2024

      I read Sky News X. She’s ended an onshore wind ban to get Britain building (I hope she puts them first in those Green constituencies who won’t mind) and announced higher housing targets.

      Overturned proposed planning that was stopped suggesting Droitwich and Evesham 11,000 new housing estate, she has recovered and called-in two rejected data centre investments, the planning permissions for the Marlow Film Studio. Community land auctions anyone?

      Apparently, Labour can use the machinery of government with a big majority to do stuff people won’t like but have no choice over. Someone mentioned the third runway at Heathrow, but I don’t know if that was just a windup. There will be no consultations, no white papers, just sweep it away. I wonder if all the people who are going to be released from prison are builders.

  17. Richard1
    July 8, 2024

    A pity but understandable. Of course if the people of Wokingham choose to elect Lib Dems this is the sort of result they must expect, perhaps the penny will drop one day.

    I fear however that this election was lost on the day of Liz truss’s mini budget, just as surely as the 1997 election was lost on black Wednesday in 1993. Or rather as Sir John would no doubt remind us, on the day we joined the erm, since on that day black Wednesday or a similar event became inevitable. Both events shattered the Conservatives’ decades-long reputation with the electorate for economic competence, and crashed us in the opinion polls to an unrecoverable position. It will be hard climb back unfortunately, and as with the Blair-brown govt, we must expect terrible damage to be done in the meantime.

    1. Richard1
      July 8, 2024

      I mean 1992

  18. David Cooper
    July 8, 2024

    Fifty years earlier, Enoch Powell finished his celebrated letter to his constituency chairman as follows: “Obviously – and I am sure this will not surprise you – I personally cannot ask electors to vote for policies which are directly opposite to those we all stood for in 1970, and which I have myself consistently condemned as being inherently impracticable and bound to create the very difficulties in which the nation now finds itself.” He then confirmed he would not seek re-election in Wolverhampton South West.
    Here and now, it is only necessary to replace 1970 with 2019.

    1. Lynn Atkinson
      July 8, 2024

      Yes. But the people of Northern Ireland welcomed the Sage with open arms. Sunak has done for NI. Maybe that’s why he apologised. There was just so much for which he needed to apologise, but the root of all was ditching Conservatism.

  19. Bryan Harris
    July 8, 2024

    Those that contribute to this diary do so because pertinent issues are raised and most of us understand that even keeping it going takes a good amount of time. On top of other duties it is clear that this is one ex-MP that served his constituents well.
    His articles on Conservative sites were regular and sought for his insights.

    We don’t have a libdem or labour local government or I would seek to move – Unfortunately I cannot leave the country now governed by the most extreme and unprofessional Labour government ever.

    We might see some shift in party support at the mid-term of this parliament, as people recognize how dangerous the socialists are, and how much worse, more oppressive, they were even than the Tories.

    Is there anything real to look forward to now? Absolutely not – we are lost as a country, evolving into unthinking woke subjects. Violence and injustice are on the up. Rampant socialism will work hand in glove with the eco-loonies who will impose netzero on us and further reduce our ability to live decent worthwhile lives.

    It’s probably just as well that those of us that have lived through so much, from the dreary labour years and then the hopeful days of Thatcher, to the frustration of a present time establishment that takes away our freedoms at a whim, that we will not be around long enough to see the fulfilment of the atrophy to come.

  20. Nigl
    July 8, 2024

    I guess the same reason the Tories won’t countenance talking to Farage. Dumb Politics not practicality.

    1. Mickey Taking
      July 9, 2024

      Ask yourself ‘would they have much in common’?

  21. Stred
    July 8, 2024

    From exit polls, it is likely that France will also be governed by an extreme left wing green government which supports reduced retirement age, wealth taxes and windmills while the majority of social conservative voters are split. It will be best to retire and live in another country, taking any savings with you. If Starmer brings back free movement in Europe, Romania looks OK.

    1. Lynn Atkinson
      July 8, 2024

      Are you mad? The F16 are to fly from Romanian airports. Need I say more?
      This is our country. There is nowhere else for us. We fight and die here, on this hill.
      So happy that one of my cousins and her two boys are returning to England from Cape Town. We need them, but they need England!

  22. Narrow Shoulders
    July 8, 2024

    Thank you for the detail Sir John.

    I imagine that an MP has more weight of influence than an ex-MP so I wonder how you will approach your aims now. Are you going to become a media starlet or a social media influencer?

    How will you be heard in your new life?

  23. Roy Grainger
    July 8, 2024

    LibDem and Labour councils to date have always had someone to blame for their incompetence, they just go up the chain until they find the Conservatives, at the government level until recently, and blame it on them. It will be interesting to see what Labour councils do now. For example Hammersmith Bridge – owned by the local Labour council – has been closed to traffic for years due to safety concerns and the excuse always given was that the government was refusing to pay for the necessary remedial work. Well now that obstacle has been removed so it should be full steam ahead on the repair works shouldn’t it ?

  24. Geoffrey Berg
    July 8, 2024

    I can’t speak for Wokingham but the Conservative election manifesto wasn’t bad – unlike Labour it promised the triple lock plus to pensioner, the end of National Insurance for most self-employed people and lower National Insurance for employees. The problem is the campaign was led by Sunak whose overall record on tax was awful and whose personality and future vision was so poor that the focus was on the Conservatives’failures over the last 14 years. It was all foreseeable and it is Conservative M.P.s’ fault for not replacing him with somebody who (like Boris Johnson in 2019) was able to turn the focus from the Conservative past to the future under the new leader.

  25. David+L
    July 8, 2024

    Once settled in to his new post the new MP for Wokingham will surely wish to emulate your rapport with constituents by starting a daily blog where we can express our concerns and criticisms and he can keep us informed on all he does in our name. It might take a stream of reminders from us to get it started but he stated he has our interests at heart. I’ll be reminding him and I fully expect him to thank me profusely.

    1. Lynn Atkinson
      July 8, 2024

      Let us know the link as soon as you have it. We will all be delighted to read his daily opinion and comment.

    2. Mickey Taking
      July 8, 2024

      and we can take it in turns to write in to him, pointing out he needs to at least match the efforts the previous ‘part -time’ MP made, in fact we can expect full-time as was criticised!!

      1. Berkshire Alan
        July 9, 2024

        It is alleged he has his own Business, so he has probably given the daily running of that to others now he has become an MP, but clearly would still have some influence and interest, so if alleged reports are true, he is “Part Time” as well, would be interesting to see what he puts in the register of interests.

  26. Ed M
    July 8, 2024

    Hope you get to put your feet up a bit and enjoy yourself. Everyone who has worked hard in life deserves that. Although still good to carry on working too to a degree. If I were in that stage, so many places around the world I’d want to visit, so many books to read, music to listen to, leisures like painting to pursue, and family and friends to catch up with!
    There’s much more to life than politics (as important as that is).

    1. Lynn Atkinson
      July 8, 2024

      (Actually there isn’t – politics underwrites all).

  27. Sakara Gold
    July 8, 2024

    How unpleasant to see that Bliar has stuck his oar in again. In a blast from the past, he has demanded that Yvette Cooper, the new Home Secretary, introduce “Identity Cards” to “control” illegal immigration

    New Labour tried to do this after they were persuaded that the millions of illegal immigrants that had paid the organised people smugglers to get them into Britain needed to be documented. The attraction for the Home Office bureaucrats was that the ID card would have a chip that contained/linked to all the data that the different departments of state keep on us. Especially our bank and savings accounts.

    The British people already have an ID card – our passport. There is no need to hand even more profits to the criminals who have provided them with working NI numbers, NHS numbers, Driving Licences and indeed Passports etc by introducing yet another layer of bureaucracy involving ID cards for them to forge.

    Gordon Brown even went as far as to demand that all newborn babies be microchipped – so that the state could track them as they went through life.

    Bliar is one of yesterday’s men. He should shut up and crawl back into the history books from whence he came

    1. Berkshire Alan
      July 8, 2024

      Agreed, but I wonder who contacted who to make the first move ?

  28. Original Richard
    July 8, 2024

    “A Lib Dem MP is unlikely to have any influence with Labour.”

    Do they need any influence? Aren’t their policies identical to Labour’s?

    Not that those of the Conservatives and Greens differ in the major areas of immigration and Net Zero.

    The only opposition to Labour will come from Reform.

    1. BOF
      July 8, 2024

      O R +1

  29. dixie
    July 8, 2024

    Once agin thankyou for all the effort you put in our behalf.
    We are of an age and you need to pick the fights you want to fight and can win.
    I am far busier now in non-retirement than when I had a single full-time job. I hope you find occupations and activities you enjoy now you carry less onerous and perhaps more thankfull obligations.

    I hadn’t realised just how uncooperative the council were/are but the evidence of their neglect and spitefulness is clear for all to see – neglecting even basic maintenance while blowing time, effort and taxpayer funds on questionable vanity projects.

    The local park is becoming a death trap.

  30. Ian B
    July 8, 2024

    Sir John
    From my perspective as a Wokingham constituent, you were a proper constituency MP, you served all the community well and equally.
    This led to a situation where you also served the County. Instead of being derogatory you were contributing.
    As for as the new local setup, they are obnoxious, totally frivolous with money and like all Socialists they ‘think’ tax is something you take from others to pay for ego – nothing is earned not even respect.
    I too had noticed the nasty unfounded accusations that once the headline sound-bite was out there was hard to counteract. I as with many postings here I can’t believe the amount of uncontrolled money they have spent in campaigning in the area.
    Although when you look at what was the Conservative Government, they had the same attitude as the LibDems and Labour, and others have said here they merged and assimilated themselves into being the Uni-Party – Socialist one-Nation Party. The Conservative of the Country have been disenfranchised
    Sir John – I wish well

    1. Ian B
      July 8, 2024

      I also note that there is a media fest as to whom the next leader of Conservative Party should be. I also note that the same input that degraded the Conservative Party (Cameron etc.) are grabbing the media headlines, to sway the outcome.
      From my humble perspective nowadays a complete outsider, if there is to be another Conservative Party, anyone that has served as part of the collective responsibility of a Conservative Government in the last 14 years should be excluded from running as leader. That would also mean CCHQ as well. They have collectively demonstrated they are not Conservatives but closet one-Nation Socialist.
      We want and need our Conservative Party back.

      1. Berkshire Alan
        July 8, 2024

        Ian B
        Perhaps the proper Conservative Mp’s still left will eventually cross the floor to Reform once the penny drops that nothing is going to change policy wise within the Conservative Party.
        That will isolate the One Nation Conservatives, and strengthen Reform with some good Mp’s at the same time.

      2. Lynn Atkinson
        July 8, 2024

        Hear Hear!

      3. Mickey Taking
        July 8, 2024

        That thins the possibilities down somewhat.

  31. Dave Andrews
    July 8, 2024

    It seems to me that it would be better to have clear distinction between national and local government. Let the MP be concerned with the national level and leave local matters to local government. This requires the national government to give autonomy to the local government. Let them decide how they want to distributed budget between adult services, education, planning and residents’ services, rather than being told they have to funnel every last penny into care homes for those who haven’t planned for their future. If the council fails, the MP can genuinely turn round and say “Note my problem gov, you got the council you voted for.”

  32. glen cullen
    July 8, 2024

    SirJ I feel your pain & anger at the tory election campaign 
you are a loss to parliament 
.lets hope your new venture(s) kicks arse

  33. paul
    July 8, 2024

    The globalists have their top team in power now and the top policy is WAR WAR.

  34. Original Richard
    July 8, 2024

    “A Lib Dem MP is unlikely to have any influence with Labour.”

    The marxists at the BBC will have far more “influence” with Labour than any MP.

  35. formula57
    July 8, 2024

    Thank you Sir John for these most interesting thoughts.

    The antics of the local Lib Dem council are a disgrace, revealing their priority is chimerical party advantage rather than serving the interests of those who elected them.

    The recent general election result in Wokingham reveals the extent of your strong personal vote in past elections.

    You are likely to be able to do more good and have a pleasanter life over the next few years than those of your colleagues still in Parliament, especially as their first task will be to fight and fight and fight again to save the Party they like.

  36. Everhopeful
    July 8, 2024

    Speaking of elections.
    How ironic that the Left has now set fire to Paris. 1789?
    And Macron was busily engaging thousands of police ( quoi??) to protect against expected right wing success in the elections.
    Or was it to protect against the expected rising of the left against the expected right wing success?
    Either way
when will the powers that be drop this ludicrous hyped up fear of the Right?
    When they cease to need chaos?

    1. The Prangwizard
      July 8, 2024

      Note here that the Tories, the ‘nasty’ element of it, which is large, has declared war on the Reform UK party. It will use every way to undermine it and its MPs in particular, but everyone else. There are examples already.

      1. Lynn Atkinson
        July 8, 2024

        Nobody needs to undermine Reform MPs. They do that to themselves. Just wait and mark my words. – the exception might be Rupert Lowe who is competent.

        1. Berkshire Alan
          July 9, 2024

          Those who got elected I hope are far more sensible than some of those who stood and failed.

      2. Mickey Taking
        July 8, 2024

        The future threat fully recognised, and the Libdems strategies now being taken up.

      3. glen cullen
        July 8, 2024

        Thats because they don’t respect the people and how they vote

    2. glen cullen
      July 8, 2024

      Yeah the left and the centre both colluded to stop the peoples choice from forming a government 
that’s not democracy

  37. Bert+Young
    July 8, 2024

    The leadership combination of Sunak and Hunt created disaster for the Tories ; if this had not been the case the situation Sir John describes in Wokingham and elsewhere would not have happened . The timing of the election was also a mistake ;if it had been left to later in the year after 2 Bank rate cuts the result would have been different .

    1. formula57
      July 8, 2024

      Agreed, a November 2024 election would have seen Mr. Farage busy assisting candidate Trump and that would have made all the difference at home.

  38. R.Grange
    July 8, 2024

    You say, Sir John, that Wokingham LibDems have been ‘unwilling to make timely use of the new freedom’. What new freedom? If you read the National Planning Policy Framework 2023, published by Michael Gove, you’ll see that councils’ ability to depart from the standard formula calculation is limited in exactly the same way as before, by ‘exceptional circumstances’ which don’t apply to Wokingham Borough. You seem to have unfortunately gone along with the story peddled by Labour, that councils were given by the Tories the freedom to decide on how much house building they need. This is absolutely not the case, but of course this fake narrative has given the likes of Angela Rayner the chance to pose as the great champion of reimposing housing targets on councils, when in fact they were never removed.

    Reply Not true. There was a freedom which Labour will now remove

    1. R.Grange
      July 8, 2024

      Read §61 of the 2023 NPPF, to the end. Don’t just stop at the word ‘advisory’. You’ll see how little scope there is for departing from the standard method of calculating housing need, which remains in force.

  39. Atlas
    July 8, 2024

    I, also, am sad to see you depart from front-line politics. I reckon your cool analysis of the situation, as it really is, needs a good home. I, like others who write here, have been underwhelmed by the logical capabilities of the last administration’s last cabinet line-up. I hope you weigh up where you can make the greatest contribution to political matters and act accordingly.

    1. formula57
      July 8, 2024

      + 1

      Sir John’s reach remains formidable however for today I chose to make Chancellor Reeves aware of his proposals concerning the Bank of England intended to stop its unnecessary and harmful secondary market bond sales.

  40. Kayla Tomlinson
    July 8, 2024

    Sir John, I moved to Wokingham from a town in Oxfordshire which was under LibDem control. They ruined Abingdon. I was so pleased to have you as my MP. When I wrote to you about causes, you questioned ministers on my behalf and sent responses to me. You were an excellent MP. I shall miss you and Wokingham will be poorer without you!

  41. wannabet
    July 8, 2024

    Seems to me you’re a parliamentarian when it suits – but when it doesn’t you scarper like the rest – nothing special about that

    1. formula57
      July 8, 2024

      Is it actually possible to scarper after being suited in the same job for some forty years?

    2. Mickey Taking
      July 8, 2024

      Libdem voter?

  42. mancunius
    July 8, 2024

    Sir John, It’s natural to have a period of mourning for a lifelong course of action that has been frustrated by idiocy all around you – and there one must include the current Tory parliamentary party. The virtue-signalling LibDems have it easy in areas such as Wokingham – voting for them is God’s way of telling people that they are too well off and too credulous. But the LibDems among the Tory MPs are just as dangerous, much more covert, and highly determined. The ‘OneNation’ MPs – strongly represented among landowning interests and CCHQ A-list plants – have led to their party’s downfall, but for them it’s ‘just a flesh-wound’.
    Personal talent will always out, and I look forward to seeing you rebound and relaunch yourself in some energized direction very soon.

  43. Mike Wilson
    July 8, 2024

    The Lib Dems were nasty

    Whenever I read someone using the word ‘nasty’, I hear it in Trump’s voice.

  44. Anthony jacks
    July 8, 2024

    Fully understood and a portent of the disaster to come.

  45. Mike Wilson
    July 8, 2024

    I went to a hustings. Someone mentioned Chris Loder in a post. He was, let’s be kind, very subdued. Edward Morello, Lib Dem, really had something about him. In the sense that you are choosing someone to represent the constituency, Morello was an obvious choice. Apart from knocking on my door and having a full and frank discussion some months ago, the LibDems clearly wanted to win. Lots of literature, signs up all over place – didn’t see one sign anywhere supporting the Conservatives. Had one communication from them. Must have had eight from the Lib Dems. And this in a very safe Tory seat.

    Which shows that a well oiled, enthusiastic party machine can win under first past the post. If Reform get their act together and get boots on the ground and an enthusiastic local candidate, who does not have a history of stupid, offensive comments, they could win here. The next 5 years will be interesting.

    I would put myself forward as a candidate / local organiser but it would mean a divorce and I cannot afford one.

  46. iain gill
    July 8, 2024

    That the Conservative party have deleted their twitter (X) account says it all.

    Can the last person out switch off the lights…

  47. Barbara
    July 8, 2024

    Very interesting insight, thank you.

  48. paul
    July 8, 2024

    Been thinking of a new project for you to maybe work on and came up with Scotland and Wales should have the same as Northern Ireland wherein Northern Ireland has their elected Irish parties to send to the House of Commons.
    I think Scotland and Wales should have the same rights as Northern Ireland and not have to put up with English parties trampling over their seats in the House of Commons.

    In my view, Scotland and Wales should have the opportunity to be the same as Northern Ireland.

    What do you think ??

    1. ChrisS
      July 8, 2024

      The Labour party in Scotland distanced itself from Labour in England deliberately and is more or less a separate party with the same name.
      Wales has been run by Labour for decades and the voters don’t seem to mind being led by a man that has taken money from a crook and has had a vote of no confidence against him recently.
      Both provinces are subsidised by many billions a year taken from English Taxpayers who have had no say on the matter. Their economies would sink without trace were it not for these subsidies.

      Ditto NI which has the biggest subsidy of all. So big, in fact, that Eire could not afford to take on a United Ireland.
      Irish politicians will not admit to it, of course but it’s a fact.

  49. Linda Brown
    July 8, 2024

    The Lib Dems are the Nasty Party. I was not spoken to for the 4 years I served at a Borough Council by these people and they sucked up to the Tories as they had the majority. They are another type of person as far as I am concerned so you are well out of it as they will never change. They do nothing for their constituents and I saw how one of them took a new estate down into a druggies paradise by introducing her chosen ones into the private rented homes as well as putting as much social housing in as she could. Find more decent human beings to mix and work with.

  50. Mike Wilson
    July 8, 2024

    Well, it seems we have a government again! Decisions are being taken. Might not agree with them, but it feels better than the sclerosis of the last 14 years. I don’t want the country covered with houses, but letting millions move here without building infrastructure is beyond stupid.

    And on shore wind turbines. Excellent. A good start. No faffing about.

    1. Lynn Atkinson
      July 8, 2024

      Yes I’m hoping the windmills (only 18 per wind farm but they can string them together like starlink – so you can end up with 60 or more stretching as far as the eye can see – now there’s lovely) are in ‘special’ parts of Hampshire and Hampstead! Time all these marvellous, caring people lived under electric cables. Does great things to your ‘health’ and the NHS will be beefed up to deal with the massive increase in cancers thanks to the caring Labour Government and the automation that is Rachel Reeves.
      So pleased that you are content to pay for the houses ‘so much in demand’ from very demanding people with no money.
      It’s nice people like you that make me grateful for the Labour Government and for Rachel Reeves and that I live a long way from anywhere and that I’m pretty bomb proof. I know you will be at the airport, banging your pots and pans when the IMF arrive too. Give them a traditional welcome won’t you? And tighten your belt, living in a tent is fun, it’s exciting and I know you will enjoy it, you deserve all the enjoyment you are about to get.

      1. glen cullen
        July 9, 2024

        Agree – and 4 of the top ten wind turbine manufacturers are Chinese with 0 in the UK ….more imports

    2. glen cullen
      July 8, 2024

      Both onshore and offshore wind turbines are an added COST on the already high domestic energy bill ….mark my words, energy bills will not decrease but increase

  51. ChrisS
    July 8, 2024

    Sadly, the voters of Wokingham are going to get the kind of government they deserve from the Lib Dims and Labour. It is the same in our area of Dorset, where, although Chris Chope is our MP, the adjacent seats are now LibDim and Labour, and the local council is overwhelmingly run by the LibDims, as is the adjacent BCP council.

    As a result, we have been inundated with cycle lanes which have cost many millions of pounds and which are almost devoid of cyclists, yet hold up traffic and emergency vehicles. It will only be a matter of time before we have low emission zones, more 20mph areas and reduced parking, yet no improvement in public transport.

    It would be nice to think that, sometime in the next decade, middle aged and younger voters will come to their senses and start voting for sensible Conservative councillors, but Westminster has a serious effect on what happens in local government and that is unlikely to happen while the Party in Westminster makes such a total mess of things. However, even that is unlikely to change while 80% of the parliamentary party have more in common with the LibDims than Margaret Thatcher.

    Being the same age as our host, I intend to keep a low profile and try and ignore what is going on. Financially it will probably not effect us too much : My wife and I will spend more time in the Far East during the British winter with our son and his family, and more time in Europe in our summer. Our bus passes will remain unused.

  52. Sharon
    July 8, 2024

    We lost our Conservative MP, and now have a bouncy, 30 something year old Lib Dem chap who ousted the previous Lib Dem candidate running for this year’s election, He was a Christian, apparently that’s not allowed! So we now have a Lib Dem council and a Lib Dem MP! Great! â˜č

  53. Original Richard
    July 8, 2024

    “Why I did not seek election in 2024”

    Could the reason be because :

    It is quite clear that Sunak, just as May did in 2019 to stop Brexit, wanted to lose. I believe this was because he and those that control the Conservative Party preferred the country to continue with the Labour policies of mass immigration (both illegal and illegal), Net Zero and high tax and spend. It was becoming too difficult for the Conservatives to hold these policies. The Rwanda scheme was either in danger of actually working or if not, then the result would be serious social disruption, Net Zero was going to bust the economy and taxation could go no higher without introducing new taxes on consumption and wealth. Hence the need to transfer the uniparty administration to labour.

  54. glen cullen
    July 8, 2024

    David Cameron has resigned as Foreign Secretary 
.is he also going to resign his peerage

    1. Berkshire Alan
      July 8, 2024

      Well what a surprise, now he no longer will be mixing with the useful powerful contacts !

      Another Sunak mistake, what on earth was he thinking.
      I bring back the man who surrendered the top position.

    2. AncientPopeye
      July 10, 2024

      Silly Billy? As if?

  55. margaret
    July 8, 2024

    It is far too early to be able to judge Mr Starmer ( although judge not should you yourself be judged stands)
    The comments from some of Bloggers here wreak of arrogance , and are totally lacking in emotional intelligence. Again LL harks back years to university course for his self adulation and forgets that people’ usually’ continually learn throughout their life: emotionally too. Why does he always feel the need to put others down many times a day? what is in his make up to feel the need to elevate himself this way?

    John ; I really think that you are not being fully honest about your decision to leave. Surely the drag of day to day battling with all in an attempt to persuade others that you and only you talk sense is always going to be up for retaliation. Pride, Egos, Money or lack of it ,are for the majority a central internal force ( many times disguised with ethical overtones) however I can see that weighing up the pros and cons of should I stay or should I go stance are persuasive. It doesn’t matter! like all of us freedom and prosperity matter ‘not to mention Health to ensure we can enjoy these social states!

  56. Mike Wilson
    July 8, 2024

    And, before the general objections about wind turbines start … I love seeing the one at Junction 11 on the M4. What a magnificent edifice – standing sentinel over the motorway and the surrounding business area – and, almost invariably when I have looked at it, turning around and (almost) silently generating clean electricity.

    If I had my way, I’d have wind turbines all the way along the hard shoulders of our motorways.

    1. glen cullen
      July 8, 2024

      According to the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL), the average payback period for a commercial wind farm in the United States is around 7-12 years …..and thats when there’s a wind blowing

    2. Berkshire Alan
      July 8, 2024

      Mike, you can visit it for a tour inside, have to book in advance I am informed.

    3. Mark
      July 9, 2024

      You do know that it consumes power to keep moving when the wind isn’t strong enough to turn it so that the bearings don’t wear unevenly and the main shafted doesn’t bow and sag?

    4. Mark
      July 9, 2024

      I looked it up. It has a 2MW turbine, and has averaged a meagre 15.1% capacity factor since it was built. Annual output of around 2,600MWh is enough for about 650 homes in the area: Reading homes consume above the national average. It is of course entirely dependent on its ROC and REGO income to be profitable.

  57. Dr John de los Angeles
    July 9, 2024

    We have lost a really great MP in you. Every best wish for the future. John.

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