There are numerous ways to boost public sector productivity.
1. Recruitment freeze, forcing managers to promote or transfer existing staff into the important roles and eliminate other jobs as people leave or retire.
2. Regular review of old initiatives to wind them up and transfer staff to better uses. Old initiatives in government often linger on long after the Ministerial impetus has gone.
3. Rule against both employing staff to do a job and employing consultants to do the work for them, Consultants should only be used where the state lacks expertise and does not need permanent expertise of that kind.
4. Contract out more activities. Give staff the opportunity to buy out or be given their activity with an initial contract to supply the government.
5. Reduce office space for home working, with more hot desking.
6. Sell surplus assets.
7. De stock with more just in time delivery contracts for bought in goods.
8. Review energy use in public buildings, More insulation, better thermal controls.
9. Try to avoid heavy use of bought in contract Labour at higher pay than existing staff.
10. Identify overlap and excessive process by function to reduce duties of various departments and quangos.