No deal has always been a misnomer of leaving the EU without signing the Withdrawal Agreement. Proponents have called it leaving on WTO terms, or a Clean break exit with global trading or some such. More recently others have called it a managed exit, drawing attention to the various areas of collaboration and agreement there will be on a so called No Deal exit.
So let me have another go at explaining the WTO option. It is if you like the “multi deal option” or deals on wheels, as the UK and the EU agree a series of measures to smooth transport and trade across the Channel and across the Irish border.
We now know there will be the following Agreements
The Common Transit Convention
The facilitation of trade Convention
WTO trading rules
Air Services Agreement
Continued arrangements for London based derivatives to trade and settle
Phyto-sanitary arrangements
Possible continuing membership of the Government Procurement Agreement
In other words a WTO Brexit will also include a number of important agreements to ensure the planes will fly, the trucks will move and the trade will flow after March 29
There will be the added bonus that we can stop all these groundhog day debates and show how absurd so many of these scare stories are.
December 20, 2018
You make exactly the right points and I think the public are now fully behind this clean Brexit WTO agenda. Alas not most of the cabinet who are still pushing T May’s appalling worse than remain deal. But as A Heath points out today:-
Meanwhile much fuss over ‘Stupid Woman’. It seems you can say ‘stupid people’ or ‘stupid man’ but ‘stupid woman’ is apparently far more offensive, even when obviously true. Perhaps women just need to ‘woman up’ a bit. It also seems there is no defence of reasonable comment or obviously true when you commit this ‘offence’.
When I listen to Commons or Lords debates on a subject I understand well (taxation, engineering, science, energy, busniness or similar). I find myself thinking ‘stupid man’ , ‘stupid woman’ or ‘ignorant dope’ every few minutes. Nearly all MPs voted for the climate change act after, all what more proof is needed of their foolishness and scientific ignorance? May even now is still pushing her dead as a dodo con trick non Brexit deal. She still seem to think a bit of meaningless sophistry over the back stop will get it through the commons.
December 20, 2018
The worry is that, because, as you say, so many MPs are stupid, a bit of meaningless sophistry will be all that’s necessary such that May’s WA will get through parliament. After which this country will be f****d.
December 21, 2018
Then the fun starts.
December 20, 2018
“Meanwhile much fuss over ‘Stupid Woman’.” – Lifelogic
To be fair, she has some grounds to complain: as it was in the House of Commons, I believe she is correctly styled “The Right Honourable Stupid Woman”.
On more important matters, it does seem that support is growing for a WTO Exit. A petition for that is now at nearly 260K signatures, although contrary to reports it is not nearly the largest parliamentary petition ever yet:
However the phrase “No deal” seems to be being used as a scare tactic by the media, rather than accurately representing it as a collection of established agreements already in use by many parts of industry.
December 20, 2018
More project fear again today – from the BoE and Treasury. Public money used to talk down the economy and to try to deceive the public into May’s remain prison deal, a total outrage. The real danger is betraying the 17.4 million and thus ending up with Corbyn. It looks like I will not get my desired Christmas Present of being rid of May, Hammond and Carney this year and a real Brexit. Maybe for my birthday though?
It seems the lefty, PC, BBC types are more offended by the use of the word “Woman” than the word “Stupid” which seems odd she is after all a woman. May was however being particularly stupid at the time with her Pantomime Dame act (even by her appalling standards).
Saying “stupid people” or “stupid man” is apparently just fine.
December 20, 2018
She has also made her cabinet look stupid by marching them up the hill then cancelling her WA vote.
December 20, 2018
Guido points out UK still best for business despite Brexit!
Rudd trying to scare leavers to vote for May’s servitude plan. I am surprised Rudd has not told us we will fall off the horizon and bring an end to the world. The world is big and bright let us go and explore it! Hang on, is that not what our forefathers did hundreds of years ago. Just imagine if they had remainers closed scared state of mind.
December 20, 2018
Lifelogic, All very true but it is likely that Mrs Mays Draft Withdrawal Agreement (aka the Chequers treaty) will be passed by a Remain dominated HoC. MPs now have a choice which will reverberate in our islands history: accept the wisdom of the people; or override our choice. Or perhaps they’re all stupid? . . . . . Ohhh ….
December 20, 2018
Lifelogic – did you hear David Aronovitch on The Briefing Room this Thursday on climate change? – it could change your mind.
December 21, 2018
I doubt it I have never heard David Aronovitch (another BBC favourite) say anything very sensible on any subject and he certainly has little or no understanding of science. But I will take a look.
December 21, 2018
The usual one sided BBC propaganda output from them aided by grant seeking academic alarmists. How can they predict the climate in 100 years without being about to predict the climate for January next or even the week after next? How can they do this without even having most of the input information needed such as the Sun’s activity for 100 years, volcanic activity, human technology changes, the population for 100 year and millions of other unknown inputs? What purpose is served in exporting energy intensive industries and importing the products.
Why should we trust their new predictions of gloom when their earlier ones were so wrong? The solution they propose wind, electric cars and solar do not really work – even in if you do accept the CO2 devil gas religion.
Prince Charles said: we have 100 months to save the world March 2009 after consulting his “experts” so we are clearly doomed anyway!
The real danger is the climate alarmism religion and idiotic laws like the climate change act.
December 20, 2018
What about Javid’s Immigration White Paper then? I am in favour of higher skilled, high quality controlled immigration, but Javid’s proposals is surely not remotely sensible.
Finally a politician talking some sense over the UKs often dire university system. One that cons so many students into large debt for worthless degrees – David Davis in the Telegraph today:-
“Let’s break open the university monopoly. This pseudo-market leaves many graduates burdened with excessive debt and poor job prospects.”
December 20, 2018
@LL; “but Javid’s proposals is surely not remotely sensible.”
I’m not necessarily disagreeing with you @LL but it would be nice once in a while to get away from your usual ‘one liners’ that could have been written before the policy announcement – flesh your argument out man!
As for David Davis and his (apparent) comments about universities, indeed, but some of us have been saying that since the day when Polytechnics were allowed to call themselves universities.
December 20, 2018
Javids plans are contradictory, his plans will allow unskilled EU immigration to tens of thousands, his plan is complained with UN migration,pact which will lead to more unskilled immigration from the likes of Africa. So to say it will will be sustainable is rubbish. Also any transition with the EU allows full freedom of movement and they maintain rights under ECJ and their descendants.
I thought the plan was waffle, spin and piffle. Lots of strap lines no substance how the plan would cut immigration whatsoever let alone to sustainable levels. May on the same day stating the plan would cut immigration to tens of thousand! I am afraid both are being less than candid, what normal people call lying. I for once agree with Corbyn, May’s comments were stupid and she is a woman. All the hype to unite party behind lying May.
December 20, 2018
“less than candid” by several light years.
December 20, 2018
It is okay for May to repeatedly lie in parliament and to the public but not for someone to call her a stupid woman!
Hammond sat on the front bench and mouthed exactly the same comment weeks ago when Andrea Jenkins asked a question to the PM, where was the Tory outrage?
December 20, 2018
@ Hope
Indeed and a very good question to May it was:-
“At what point was it decided that Brexit means Remain”. May replied with a clearly blatant lie that “Brexit continues to mean Brexit”. Sure dear!
December 20, 2018
Well I am trying to be brief as requested!
Javid’s white paper is far too much of an open door for immigration both low skilled up to 12 month scheme and high skilled and how would they ensure that people leave after their year in the UK?
We should also insist they provide medical cover for themselves and their family overall cannot become a burden on other tax payers. Someone earning £30K can still be paying very little in tax and NI perhaps just £7K or so and might have four children needing schooling, need serious medical care or elderly parents joining them. They will need housing, medical care, roads, education, university loans, police, social services, defense and all the rest.
We need a sensible point based immigration system that looks at all the circumstances. But Theresa May ruled this out for some idiotic reason or other known only to her.
Why did Corbyn not just admit that he said “stupid woman”. She is after all both a “woman” and is clearly rather stupid and misguided on almost everything she champions. Then again Corbyn would be even more of a disaster with his policies so is surely even more stupid. Unless destruction of the economy is his aim that is.
Why oh why are most of our politicians so second rate. How can 98% of them vote for something so damaging and totally idiotic as the Climate Change Act?
December 20, 2018
What is wrong ?
Javid is removing the cap on skilled migrants, this will only make matters worse, for instance where companies are shipping in programmers from India, and not hiring British people, and his plan on low skilled migrants is to allow free movement from across the globe , not just the EU, the only limit being that they can only come here for a year, then not come back for a year, as if the Home Office could be trusted to manage that one . He also said he was looking at allowing asylum seekers the right to work here.
Everything Javid has done since becoming Home Office Minister has been to weaken our immigration controls, not strengthen them , and I can only see the levels of net immigration spiralling upwards with what he is doing.
I presume he has also been party to the Government signing the UN Migration pact, which is another ticking time bomb, something Javid blithely dismissed in the Commons as non binding, but we all know different, for that will be used as a framework for judges to create new law on the issue, as soon as some open borders activists get a case to court.
December 20, 2018
May needs to stop taking all this rubbish about targets of tens of thousands of immigrants. The issue is not numbers it’s who comes. This issue is in any case much more of a problem for Labour’s voter base. The Conservatives should be saying we welcome anyone who wants to come who’s going to make a positive contribution and not be a burden, apart from criminals, terrorists and terrorist supporters. At the moment the current absurd rules chase out eg STEM graduates from top universities after graduation (unless they have EU passports). We really need imaginative leadership!
December 20, 2018
We already have tens of thousands of foreign low skilled people sat here on benefits, getting their kids schooled, all using the NHS – all for NO contribution whatsoever. Why is the govt wanting to import more. Once here and in the same position of taxpayer funded lives, they’ll fight us to ensure they stay here on the taxpayer teat. All paid for from the UK slaves. Add on the signing of the UN Migration Pact and effectively the doors are still wide open. No control. Just the continued turning of this island into a 3rd world hell. All organised by our own govt.
December 20, 2018
Hardly surprising. May dogmatically follows simplistic policies. She is a pen pusher and has never held a job in business. We need to somehow move to a culture where our leaders are not career politicians but who have held positions in other jobs before entering politics. If we had more entrepreneurial politicians it would solve many of our problems.
December 20, 2018
Numbers ARE important. We cannot keep on importing a city’s worth of people every year. And neither can the planet cope with continued population growth.
December 20, 2018
Malthus said the same thing
December 20, 2018
Just half sensible leadership would be welcome!
December 20, 2018
Sorry, but numbers is a large part of it. Just ask anyone who has difficulty finding a school place for their child, somewhere to live, a bed in a hospital, a way to commute to work that doesn’t result in gridlock.
December 20, 2018
Indeed have a limit (that can be adjusted as needed) of say 120K then take the best (on a points based system) within that limit that you can get. Based on need, skills, age, dependents, criminal record, ability to pay for their medical care insurance and their children’s education, their earning potential, health, children’s education, dependents and the likes.
December 20, 2018
Lifelogic, Numbers are important. We have taken so many in over the last two decades it has completely changed the character and nature of this country. We have had an average net inflow of over 240, 000 every year since 2007 alone.
There is no reason why we shouldn’t be able to manage with zero immigration for a decade. The idea that a modern mature nation such as ours, with an official population of 65 million (nearer 75 million in practice), cannot train our own people is total poppycock.
December 20, 2018
It IS numbers as well as quality. We are vastly overcrowded, in England at least. A few million brilliant scientists are still going to make the squeeze worse.
I am always amazed, too, that the very people who wail about the homeless, and try to make political capital out of the issue, cannot see that 6 million immigrants to this country are living in accommodation in this country, which MUST have a significant impact on the cost and availability of housing.
December 20, 2018
Richard1 – It’s not about who comes it’s about numbers. Even if all immigrants are Einsteins, Michel Angelos, Faradays, Rolls’ and Royces none should come to this grossly overpopulated country. Let them serve their own nations and not feed our greed.
When the penny drops by feeling the pain that we don’t have enough indigenous workers skilled in all that we need then maybe something will be done. Yes a little is being done now but we don’t want to justly reap what we have sown by the stupidity of our politicians in not seeing this years before.
For a country to be rich with a massive population how much unsustainable energy does it need and how much more with an increasing population? How come Switzerland, Norway, Denmark, Sweden, Austria, Netherlands, Belgium, Finland, Iceland, New Zealand etc., etc. have populations of less that 9 million and Canada, Australia, Taiwan are well below the UK. Are those countries suffering? Why does the UK have to have more that 60 million using more that its fair share of the biosphere with all its needs?
December 20, 2018
Unpaid student debt should come back to the University, not the taxpayer.
December 20, 2018
Why not make the University the lending institution then?
December 20, 2018
Don’t you mean “on the University” ?
December 20, 2018
Oh so that is what he meant! Well all the dodgy universities would go bust if that happened. Even some of the better ones would be. Probably a good thing in the main if many were.
December 20, 2018
Why? The universities have already been paid the £9,250 PA, often for very little tuition and degrees of highly dubious value and in highly dubious subjects. At least 50% of them are basically worthless quite a waste of public money at circa £50K each and loss of three years earnings too.
December 20, 2018
Meanwhile Rudd says a Losers Vote is ‘plausible’ if May’s proposals fail. Everyone is pushing their own version of how things should be resolved.
December 20, 2018
BBC new at lunchtime today pushing for a losers vote.
Leadsom talking about a managed no deal which reporter sneered at.
Not a mention of what has been achieved so far on preparations for WTO deal.
I get thoroughly sick of the BBC.
Yesterday Mirror ex editor I believe extolling the benefits of mass immigration on Jeremy Vine show. Obviously he goes private for medical care and doesn’t use the local comprehensive.
Blairs buddy.
December 20, 2018
Not so long ago she used the same word “plausible” to describe the so-called “Norway plus option”:
which rather than being “plausible” is a legal impossibility:
She also thinks that if MPs can’t agree about the best course of action for Brexit the general public should be asked to decide for them. Previously she did not want the public to decide, she wanted MPs to keep that decision to themselves and not have a referendum on whether we should stay in the EU or leave, but now that the public have decided that we should leave she is keen that the public should have another opportunity to vote and change their minds. Personally I think a better answer might be to lock up the MPs in the Commons chamber without food, water and heat until they came to a decision, and not a decision to pursue legal impossibilities.
December 20, 2018
Peter, Indeed, but in 2015 Parliament handed the decision to the people. We had the debate; we had the vote in 2016. Now Parliament must make its mind up whether it will listen to the wisdom of the people, or trash our choice. But we will be watching . . . .
December 20, 2018
A Rudd is not quite as potty as A Soubry but almost. A brother Roland who is another remainiac too.
December 20, 2018
Also, I’d like to see us toughen up our boys by some form of short-term national service.
I did CCF at school. It wasn’t that hard. Good training, and toughened one up a bit – especially for the rugby pitch – above all, good fun!
Feminists are trying to turn our boys into girls, and girls into boys. It’s ridiculous.
December 20, 2018
The sentiments you express are valid but in this PC plus Health and Safety world we live in I question whether it is possible. My background was CCF two years National Service, and two years instructing at an Outward Bound Mountain School, before settling for a more conventional career. That was in the late 50s. About 20 years ago I visited the OBMS I worked at and found that many of the challenges we had faced the boys with had been watered down by PC & HS. I sensed it was no longer the punchy front line establishment it had been but had become institutionalised. A shadow of it’s former self when half the staff were from the sharper end of our military.
When PC&HS are consigned to the dustbin we might progress.
December 20, 2018
And it won’t work. In countries where the genders get more equal choices women are even less likely to choose to become engineers, computer programmers, physicists, chess champions.
I am all in favour of more woman in science (but only on merit) but you cannot force them. At A level in the UK it is often about 3 or 4 boys for every girl on average in Maths, Further Maths, Physic, Computer studies, Engineering.
Vive la difference.
December 20, 2018
That’s exactly what I’m saying! (That same as you). I know Jordan Peterson’s arguments. I agree with them. They’re brilliant.
Like you, Peterson, and others, I don’t want our women being conned by the lies of feminists (and our boys being turned into wimps).
(At same time, I don’t want to force women to accept my views either – as Jordan Peterson would agree with me too, 100%. In other words, it’s a war of argument not of legislation ultimately).
December 20, 2018
‘Managed Brexit’ is the better term for this.
Taking into account yesterday’s announcement by the EU of its own No Deal Brexit plans (see link below) there’s already a kind of ‘Transition Agreement’ in place ranging from 6 months to 2 years covering a variety of things.
But without the Divorce Settlement and remaining in the Customs Union and Single Market.
There’s still nearly 100 days to go. No doubt more will follow before and immediately after we’ve left.
The EU hasn’t done this as a charitable gesture to us. It’s done it because it to its’ benefit.
When we’ve left we can continue negotiating these points on a case by case basis, arrive at agreements on each, or extend the temporary provisions as appropriate.
December 20, 2018
Yes, an overdue positive development. Let’s hope this gains momentum and public debate to offset the fear mongers. 2 weeks to make a real difference and make the WA a redundant document.
December 20, 2018
Spot on. In any negotiation the side with the most power is the one that can walk away. If our negotiators had been on our side rather than intent on shoring up the EU these positions would have happened a lot earlier.
December 20, 2018
The trouble is both May and Robbins were sitting on the same side as Brussels in the negotiations.
I do hope there is a move to impeach her and charge her with treason if the despicable WA splutters into life again.
December 20, 2018
The actions of the EU to avert a cliff edge will be more than matched by the UK. Although UK business with the EU is a much higher proportion of GDP compared to EU’s business with the UK, any impact on UK business is offset by the political gains of returning to a self-governing country. Impact on EU businesses has no such offsetting gains. Given the unrest in Europe, we might expect the EU to shrink from any action that will cause further upset.
I expect the time limits the EU has placed on their interim measures will be extended, and then extended further.
December 20, 2018
Dear Ron–‘Managed Brexit’ is of course a great improvement but I must be missing something in that what is wrong with ‘World Trade Deal’? Conceivably this has not found favour because some might say it’s not strictly accurate but it is certainly more accurate than the ridiculously tendentious and inappropriate ‘no deal’.
December 20, 2018
A word of caution – I know of a British wife married to a German , living in Germany .
She will have to apply for a visa and work permit to stay .
They believe as do others there that the time limited ‘concessions ‘ are being made to give us time to pay the £39 billion ,which if not paid will unleash all the vindictive measures they can think up .
Who would want to be in a binding Treaty with such people !
December 20, 2018
Man of Kent
Germany has just relaxed its immigration rules for non EU people
December 20, 2018
Nothing sums up the self importance of the Remainers more than Anna Soubry thinking that threatening to resign is anything other than a flea bite on an elephant. The Remainers get shriller, more extreme and frankly ludicrous in their claims as your calm continuing demolition of their claims, demonstrates.
December 20, 2018
No one proposes the true economic outcome of a ‘People’s Vote’ with a Remain result.
That’s Remain WITH a Corbyn government.
Those stupid people who voted Leave the first time around will stop holding their noses and voting Tory. They’ll stop voting altogether.
Those clever young Remain voting people know that Corbyn is best for the country.
Had they just got on with Brexit as The People (the first lot) had ordered then we would have been alright by now.
December 20, 2018
To get it in context,
Anna Soubry majority 2017 863
John Redwood majority 2017 18,798
So I would suggest that it’s an attempt to jump rather than be pushed out of Parliament…
December 20, 2018
Can you ask a question in the house to list all the agreements planned over the next few months.
December 20, 2018
You left out one description – your own secretary of state for justice David Gauke called a no-deal Brexit “a unicorn that has to be slaughtered”. So, not only adopting the language of the Remain extremists but advocating a policy that will offend animal-lovers the world over.
The EU’s flight agreement seems sensible but is inevitably being reported in apocalyptic terms by the press. I fly extensively all over Europe and I have never once used (or been able to use) a British airline to fly between European destinations, or from Europe to a non-EU/non-UK destination. How many flights would this new agreement actually affect ? It must be very few.
Wise to offer a more generous reciprocal agreement though – as I believe BA is actually Spanish-owned we don’t want to stop them flying between UK destinations !
December 20, 2018
Or perhaps we do. Quite happy to have a BA replacement spring up, UK owned, to take us on intra UK flights.
December 20, 2018
We used to have an airline called Caledonian or British Caledonian I think. I much preferred it to BA.
December 20, 2018
“How many flights would this new agreement actually affect ? It must be very few.”
Actually, it’s more than very few. The likes of EasyJet and , to a lesser extent, Flybe, operate lots of flights between airports in the EU27. To pick just one example, go on Easyjet’s route map and pick somewhere like Paris Orly – it shows over a dozen routes to other destinations in the EU27.
Easyjet are setting up an Austrian-based airline (at significant cost) and transferring aircraft because of this.
To quote from Simon Calder:
The crucial condition in the European legislation reads: “The total seasonal capacity to be provided by UK air carriers for routes between the United Kingdom and each member state shall not exceed the total number of frequencies operated by those carriers on those routes during respectively the IATA winter and summer seasons of the year of 2018.”
Airlines have announced expanded schedules for summer 2019 between the UK and the EU27 – new routes, increased frequencies etc. and been selling tickets on that basis. In the event of a “no deal”, those extra flights will not be allowed to fly.
December 20, 2018
It does unfortunately seem to be impossible for whatever reason to agree a comprehensive FTA with the EU whilst a Member, even in draft form for implementation after the transition period. Therefore, although sub-optimal, the best thing is to leave with stop gap arrangements in place for travel and customs etc and negotiate from outside. The benefit of this will be an ability to press on with deals with other countries in parallel and a much less subservient negotiating posture. And a saving of at least a good part of the £39bn.
Ambrose Evans-Pritchard in the Telegraph has a good piece in it:-
December 20, 2018
As remainers endlessly point out it takes the EU decades or longer to negotiate FTA’s.. Why ? because they are trying to reconcile 27 different country needs in one agreement . Hence Australia and Italian tomatoes etc .
It is one of the main reasons the EU does NOT work from a trading and business point of view .
We would never have been in a position to negotiate a FTA with the EU in the short period between triggering Art 50 and leaving. However because of our Remain government we allowed the Remain camp to capture the narrative with their absurd No Deal, Cliff edge, crashing out cobblers .
Leave, trade, negotiate has always been the correct sequence of events
The incompetent government of the serial dimwit Hammond and his boss have caused all the negative issues we have
December 20, 2018
“It is one of the main reasons the EU does NOT work from a trading and business point of view ”
Makes you wonder how they managed to become, together with China the world’s wealthiest trading bloc generating 33.9 percent of the world’s economic output.
December 20, 2018
If you add 28 nations gdp together you will get a big number.
It isn’t a meaure of wealth.
Anyone who has run a company knows turnover is vanity profit is sanity.
December 20, 2018
Margaret Howard
No it doesn’t make me wonder, I know exactly how the EU generated its wealth. It did it by operating a protection racket. Vastly inflating the costs of basics like food and energy to its citizens.
Who knew that China had joined the EU. Why would you add China and the EU together to produce a statistic? The EU generates just 19% of global economic output ( that includes the UK in those figures too)
They also trade with the two BIGGER trading blocks USA and China without FTA’s on WTO terms.
December 20, 2018
Libertarian, Absolutely – “Leave, trade, negotiate has always been the correct sequence of events”.
December 20, 2018
On the impact of a ‘no deal’ Brexit it was worth watching Cathy Newman on Channel 4 interviewing an Irish senator, Neale Richmond, last night:
Of the 27 remaining EU member states the one most damaged would be the Irish Republic, indeed it would be an “absolute disaster for Ireland”, but he thought his government had discovered “a formula to avoid a ‘no deal’ scenario” which the UK should ratify, or alternatively cancel Brexit. There was no possibility of any further compromise, he said, as if the EU had already compromised …
Naturally he didn’t mention the absurd, extreme and intransigent attitude on the land border which the Irish government has displayed since late 2017, which has directly conditioned all the negotiations since then in such a way that the outcome is now unacceptable to MPs even if Theresa May is happy with it.
December 20, 2018
I agree :but won’t they make a meal out of differences in the stop gap arrangements….convoluted arguments to make more brass!
December 20, 2018
Mr Redwood.
You are going to delete this because it does not fit in with your Weltanschauung.
When you have done so, please would you read Dr Richard North’s take on the EU’s arrangements for 30/3/19? they show, conclusively, that the offers are simply temporary for nine months in most important cases, that VAT and Customs are to be imposed as for a Third Country and that licenses are temporary too.
Not what you wanted to hear.
But that does not make is wrong, does it.
December 20, 2018
And so any reciprocal arrangements that the UK put in place could also be temporary.
How hard would that hit the Republic of Ireland?
Customs duty is not a problem as it would be based on WTO schedules, VAT would be reclaimed by the importing company.
About time that Mrs May shows some balls…and stands up this bullying…
December 20, 2018
Yeah – but when you read thw details of those agreements Mr Redwood you will see they are rubbish.
They do immense harm to our country, to its people and to its children.
Why are you so determined to do us all harm?
The fact is you have been proven repeatedly wrong about Brexit. But rather than giving up and going home you are doubling down. And, like all gamblers, when you lose- which you will – you harm those around too.
December 20, 2018
“Why are you so determined to do us all harm?”
He isn’t, and why are you so determined to continue moaning ? You lost the referendum, you’re in the minority.
We are leaving the EU on 19th March without signing the withdrawal agreement, I believe you should do yourself a favour and accept the fact.
December 20, 2018
December 20, 2018
Typo, Cheers John.
December 20, 2018
France, Spain, Portugal, Italy and Greece are bankrupt, Germany almost so. The euro is kept alive by extend-and-pretend wonganomics. The natives are openly rebellious. Formerly free nations are sunk in debt slavery. Youth unemployment across the south runs from 50 to 65%. Pensions and savings are at the mercy of unelected foreign technocrats. The institutions are undemocratic and deliberately opaque. The true rulers are unanswerable. All roads lead to Berlin and the German Chancellor.
Andy’s children will be well able to look after themselves when their time comes. I doubt they would thank him for keeping them shackled to this cadaver.
December 20, 2018
The usual unsubstantiated nonsensical arguments from you Andy.
“they will do us immense harm” but give no examples.
You say our host has “been proved repeatedly wrong” yet give no examples.
Yet your remainer extremist Project Fear predictions havebeen proved to be wrong.
And I can give you just a few examples of many:-
Unemployment has fallen, they said it would rise greatly.
The economy will fall into recession, not happened.
Exports would fall, not happened.
Inward investment would fall greatly, no it has continued at a good level
The stock market would crash, no it has continued at a good level.
December 20, 2018
I read the agreement on flights. Why is it rubbish ? Wouldn’t have thought Bristol Council had had time to make an announcement on it yet.
Now, who has been repeatedly wrong on Brexit ? 500,000 job losses in the year following a Leave vote, an immediate recession too. Still waiting for those.
December 20, 2018
JR’s post is his largest truth stretcher so far this year. The truth has been stretched so far it would go all around a big red bus.
These are not “agreements”, there was no negotiation. They are temporary “concessions” by the EU; solely for the EU’s benefit and revocable at any time by the EU Commission.
Brexit has demonstrated, particularly yesterday’s HoC farce, that this country does not have a non-self-serving competent system of management, capable of running a £2,000 billion social economy.
December 20, 2018
Stop Press!
Buzzard (Buteo buteo) hovers over M25; government shuts down the whole of the motorway system, shock horror!!!
December 20, 2018
The Remain majority Tory party has just delivered upon us a terrifying statistic. Most burglaries are now committed with the occupants still at home.
This decline took place whilst still in the EU.
The Tories have lost it on law and order and now nobody trusts them so when I say that Remain AND Corbyn is what you’re going to get I mean it. He couldn’t be worse.
And who’s going to vote for him when us thick Leave voters have stopped turning out ? Yes. That’s right. Your clever young Remain voters.
December 20, 2018
Er, I’m remain and I don’t like Corbyn.
There’s a lot of one nation Tories like myself actually. My favourite MP is Ken Clarke, who I imagine isn’t too popular on this site.
The threat of Corbyn may be overestimated. I’m not sure he is either competent or has the support of his party. I fear nothing will happen under him except a lot more division (which we really need more of right now).
December 20, 2018
“There’s a lot of one nation Tories like myself actually. My favourite MP is Ken Clarke, who I imagine isn’t too popular on this site.”
The very same who said the referendum result should be ignored, regardless of which way the vote went.
Still like him ?
December 20, 2018
“Most burglaries are now committed with the occupants still at home.
This decline took place whilst still in the EU.”
Does this apply to all the other 27 EU countries?
December 20, 2018
I pointed this out before you blamed it on Brexit.
December 20, 2018
Not so. You’ll find it’s left wingers giving burglars human rights and tax payer funded holidays in the Caribbean etc, police cuts, the denial of owners’ right to defend their property, are encouragements to burglary and associated crimes.
December 20, 2018
I’m a Remainer, but I have to agree you’re being unfair to Mr Redwood.
We all want the best for this country.
He genuinely believes a managed no deal Brexit is the best way forward – and does not want to harm this country. I disagree with him, but I don’t doubt his heart is in the right place.
December 20, 2018
But you haven’t read the details have you ? You haven’t got a clue what they say or mean have you?
December 20, 2018
Andy, You Remains are becoming repetitive and boring. You haven’t got anything positive to say about the EU. And your Remain position is shored up by propaganda and lies – the same Remain rubbish, even though the facts have been explained to you.
There is no reason why we can’t be as independent as New Zealand. There is nothing so important that the EU does for us that is worth giving up our independence for. The British Empire has ex-colonies precisely because they grabbed independence with both hands. All 165 non-EU nations on the planet have solved the problems you apparently live in fear of.
So it is perfectly possible for the UK to be independent, democratic and prosperous. And if it wasn’t (that’s your base proposition) then we would not be subsidised by the EU anyway – they want a cash cow not a drain.
December 20, 2018
It is quite clear from the video that Mr Corbyn did call Mrs may a stupid woman in the House of Commons. He has now denied this in Parliament. Isn’t it some kind of serious offence to ‘mislead’ the House of Commons?
December 20, 2018
Let him have it – but she is silly and she is a woman. What’s wrong with saying that ?
A classic case of the cover up being worse than the crime.
(“Silly man” would not have courted the same trouble. We males are still far from equal.)
December 20, 2018
Indeed but the point is Corbyn is clearly lying.
December 20, 2018
Careful there, you’re not allowed to do it back.
December 20, 2018
There have been a lot of people here who have called Mrs. May MP worse.
December 20, 2018
Richard1, Looking at his lips it seems more likely he said “stupid point”. However does it matter? It is rather more important that the Remain HoC will pass Mrs May’s Remain DWA. Now that would be stupid. And would lead to decades of constitutional chaos.
December 20, 2018
Good morning.
Many of these that you mention are more advantageous to the EU than the UK. The CTC especially advantages the EU / RoI as they have to use British roads to transport their goods. If the RoI were to be cut off this would impact their economy and make them a burden to the EU not an asset. I would be interested to see how CTC would work for UK hauliers on EU roads.
Government Procurement Agreement allows foreign companies to bid for government contracts. Currently EU companies bid for more UK work, and get it, than the other way round. I therefore cannot see the benefit to this.
I am sorry but I cannot get all excited about these tit-bits. Just don’t pass the Withdrawal Agreement and Leave ! We can discuss things later. The way I see it the EU will only discuss things that are important to them and once agreed will drag their heels on the rest.
December 20, 2018
Indeed we need a civil service that can scrutinise these proposals and refuse or change them where necessary.
December 20, 2018
When it comes to foreign HGVs on British roads, I have long advocated imposing a charge in advance as they do in Switzerland and as the French charge for their motorways; especially since we hear how many vehicles fail to pay the charge for using the Dartford crossing. It doesn’t much matter that the arrangement the the EU has made for British HGVs might run out after a few months since British carriers cannot compete with Foreign carriers anyway because of lower diesel costs, road tax and probably less attention paid to drivers’ hours etc.
December 20, 2018
Commission Statement.
If the Withdrawal Agreement is not ratified, air traffic between the EU and the United Kingdom will be interrupted as of the withdrawal date. The Commission has today adopted two temporary measures to avoid full interruption of air traffic between the Union and the United Kingdom and to ensure basic connectivity: A proposal for a Regulation to ensure temporarily, for 12 months, the provision of certain air services between the United Kingdom and the EU27 Member States, allowing air carriers from the United Kingdom to fly across the territory of the Union without landing, make stops in the territory of the Union for non-traffic purposes, and perform scheduled and non-scheduled international passenger and cargo air transport services. This is subject to the United Kingdom conferring equivalent rights to air carriers from the Union, as well as to the United Kingdom ensuring conditions of fair competition.
I do not think this is legal. An EU Regulation does not replace an ICAO bilateral Air Service Agreement. The UK ceases to be a Community member and therefore part of the European Common Aviation Area, in which the Commission negotiates bi-lateral Air Service Agreements on behalf of the member States. The Air Service Agreements between the UK and EU member States cease to be valid.
The United States have ratified a new bilateral ASA ‘open skies’ agreement with the UK. The United Kingdom must insist that the Commission concludes new ICAO ASA’s before 1st April 2019, if they wish to continue to fly into and through our airspace. A new ASA will be permanent!!
‘The contracting States recognize that every State has complete and exclusive sovereignty over the airspace above its territory’, while Article 6 on scheduled air services states that, ‘No scheduled international air service may be operated over or into the territory of a contracting State, except with the special permission or other authorization of that State, and in accordance with the terms of such permission or authorization’.
International Air Services Transit Agreement only applies to Countries with valid current bilateral ICAO ASA’s.
IATA are displeased with the Commissions refusal to negotiate ICAO bilateral ASA’s.
December 20, 2018
Isn’t this is covered by the “Chicago Convention” rather than an UK / EU bilateral agreement?
December 20, 2018
What has fair competition got to do with it? Again, shows the EU is worried the UK might be more competitive, tough! Exclude that part. The UK can do what it pleases without EU permission. That is he point of leaving, the U.K. Decides its future policies not EU.
December 20, 2018
Mrs May’s worst nightmare.
December 20, 2018
You say ‘IATA are displeased with the Commissions refusal to negotiate ICAO bilateral ASA’s’.
As I understand it, the UK is a full member of the ICAO 36-member governing council regulating a global industry with a collective budget considerably larger than many nations and probably that of the EU. So far as ICAO is concerned, the EU is merely a ‘Regional Integration Organisation’ which, as such, must comply with what it is told or has negotiated with or by the global players. Some might say that as a member of the global player group, the UK outranks the EU.
December 20, 2018
A Brexit that takes advantage of processes already in place, and nothing more, was always the first choice for voters…
With May’s crabby deal, we give away everything and gain nothing worthwhile. Now with plans to manage the ‘clean’ exit going into place, a clean Brexit must be the obvious choice to everyone – If MP’s cannot see this then they are unfit to serve.
December 20, 2018
How about the issue of border control ? Regain control of our own borders? The Immigration White Paper and the eager signing of the UN Migration Pact? Even Migration Watch is being robust about these agreements/proposals in its usual hand-wringing way.
Are we going to be globalised to destruction whatever the outcome of Brexit?
Big business rules OK?
December 20, 2018
Let us hope more and more Mp’s see the sense in this Managed WTO solution.
Given the EU release of just some of their preparations for no withdrawal agreement being passed and signed off by the UK, many of the more stupid and outragious fear claims are at last being exposed for what they always were, Fake Fear.
Still some way to go, but at least we now have a start with a more sensible plan.
Our Mp’s should be reminded that given the EU are members of the WTO they also have to follow the same rules and procedures as any other WTO member Country.
December 20, 2018
Dominic Grieve in interesting clash with Julia Hartley-Brewer on Talkradio about UK economy recently.
December 20, 2018
Yes she was openly laughing at him and if you see the growth figures out today and the fact we are number one in the world to do business in, you can see why and again it underlines that people like Grieve are so full of themselves they are blind to reality.
December 20, 2018
John, whilst the UK has made many announcements with regards post WTO exit planning, unlike the EU, there doesn’t appear to be a ‘one stop shop’ for these UK HMG announcements – there should be a specific HMG website, or at least something like the page.
December 20, 2018
Good point
The Twitter feed for Department of International Trade announces each deal , this is their twitter handle @tradegovuk
December 20, 2018
@libertarian; Except a lot of people, probably a majority, do not use social media, indeed I know of one company who IT policy is to block such social media sites! That is why I think there should be a website, heck it could set up to just aggregate the existing twitter feeds from each govt. dept.
December 20, 2018
I agree a single hub of all the data would be useful. I was telling you about their twitter feed for your own use.
December 20, 2018
Off topic – It does appear this morning that the Air Services Agreement is irrelevant, a couple of drones and a major airport is brought to a stand still. As a country we can no longer cope with ‘toys’ that should simply be banned and have associated life sentence (there is no need for them), we cannot cope with law and order where waving a zombie knife just means you are told to not go out at night, then we have massive rough sleeping. The PM needs to fully operationalise managed no deal, and then turn focus on sorting everything else out. The UK is falling apart whilst the leaders play pantomime.
December 20, 2018
To reduce the rough sleeping you must first legalise drugs but only dispensed on prescription from authorised dispensaries associated with a rehabilitation programme. That way users wouldn’t have to pay exorbitant sums to drug gang criminals and find those monies through begging and petty crimes – and living on the street.
December 20, 2018
I agree there is high potential in drug legalisation. indeed it may be possible to go beyond your suggestion, I think there is an opportunity to license both the supply chain and the user (as car drivers have to have a license).
I don’t think all street living is drug related, and I am unsure of the cause effect ordering for that which is.
December 21, 2018
Your probably right, Caterpillar. It may not be the cause in many cases, but the effect is to prolong the individual’s time sleeping rough since he or she becomes unemployable.
I did say reduce rather than eliminate though.
December 20, 2018
Conforming with the PM’s use of ‘No Deal’ falsely presents the better option as if it were worse. Brexiteers would achieve more traction using their own terminology to distinguish the superiority of the better choice for the UK.
Portraying the worldwide (WTO terms) option as ours & the EU preference as theirs may help, such as:
We want to take the ‘WORLDWIDE UK DEAL’ enabling us freedom to trade without EU constraints instead of being left with the ‘RESTRICTED EU DEAL’. (That is merely an indication, but the chosen ‘deal words’ need to convey contrasting meaning, & 2-word descriptors would be better than 3-word ones).
Such a change should have occurred earlier, but better suggestions for the deal words shall still have effect on how audiences assess which deal is the better choice for the UK’s future. Others’ word suggestions to help are welcome.
December 20, 2018
What is the value of a transition agreement signed in March? Almost nothing – by then everyone will have fully implemented no-deal plans. At what stage will the government put managed exit as plan A.
December 20, 2018
Well, better late than never, I suppose!
December 20, 2018
I’d add another to that list, which is university research collaboration. Just as ETH and EPFL in Switzerland collaborate with European univerisites outside the EU, so will our universities.
December 20, 2018
The WA is not a deal for the future, it is just as it says an agreement to wind up the past and unless we deal with the past in an satisfactory and mature way the EU will not be dishing out any deals, galore or otherwise. We have been told often enough that we are not going to be helped so that we can be better off than we are right now. So enough of this silly talk about deals galore, what is being put in place are emergency measures to ward off the worst aspects of the chaos that will surely follow.
All governments concerned are at this time publishing lists and procedures to prepare for the worst..the UK crash out to WTOrules
December 21, 2018
FrankG, Only a WTO deal is Leave, however much you propagandise differently.
December 20, 2018
It is pleasing to record an unexpected outbreak of common sense from the EU over financial services, they have started to implement no-deal preparations given the continued uncertainty surrounding a Theresa May’s effort to get a Brexit deal through parliament
14 measures to minimise disruption were announced yesterday as the Commission confirmed reports that EU firms would be granted temporary access to London clearing houses for a period of 12 months after 29 March.
The no-deal measures also include plans to allow hauliers to carry freight by road into the EU for nine months without applying for permits and for British airlines to fly into and out of the EU but not within the bloc.
The EU has also now provided clarity in the form of a temporary equivalence agreement for the clearing of derivatives through the City. City of London Corporation policy chair Catherine McGuinness said taht “The Commission now needs to take steps to address the significant risks to data transfers and contract continuity for insurance and uncleared derivatives at an EU level.”
It seems the EU now recognises that a no-deal Brexit is a highly likely scenario, this includes the Irish government, who announced that whatever happens after 29th March there will be no hard border in Ireland. Clearly. the Irish were well impressed by the PM’s phone call and attempt to set up a meeting. Occasionally, Theresa May can appear quite statesman like (sorry should have been stateswoman like?)
December 20, 2018
As far as I’m concerned the meaning of “no deal” should have been restricted to “no special or preferential trade deal”, with the UK defaulting to the WTO treaties which have already been negotiated and agreed and ratified and are already in force solemnly binding the EU collectively and each of its member states individually, including the UK.
I wouldn’t be that bothered if the financial settlement somewhat exceeded what we thought should be our legal liabilities; I am bothered that our government never seriously objected to the EU making that its top priority in negotiations, which was sheer stupidity from a longer term perspective, and I am also bothered that our government did not make it clear to the world that for the sake of goodwill it was being generous in its approach and some part of the money being handed over should be seen as ex gratia payments.
Again and again Theresa May has allowed the UK to be wrong footed, and I can only think that this has reflected her pro-EU mindset if it has not actually been deliberate.
December 20, 2018
I agree. ‘Nothing is agreed until everything’s agreed.’ It’s time that we agreed to nothing.
December 20, 2018
I think it is deliberate and her intention to get a bad deal so we want to go back in asap and certainly by the next EU budget round in 2026! By then of course the legacies should be toast as no one in their right mind will trust them to vote for them again. The public have seen first hand this Governments contrived incompetence!
December 20, 2018
You are to a large extent preaching to the converted in your diary. I doubt that T May and J Corbyn are avid readers, not to mention a majority of your MPs in the H o C.
It is long overdue that we had a comprehensive sales campaign on the virtues of WTO terms and all the conventions on international relationships that exist on a World level that are not dependant on the whims of EU/UK relations.
For sure those who claim that no deal is a cliff edge are either ignorant of trade or using it for remain ends. How do they explain away 60% of our trade is already under WTO terms and incidentally in credit. The companies engaged in this most probably sell to the EU at the same time and overall EU trade is in deficit. I find the level of partisan ignorance in the H o C appalling.
Reply You and others clearly think contributing here is worth doing. This blog is read by many in the media and often gets picked up by others. I also set out these views in radio and tv interviews.
December 20, 2018
Reply to your Reply
Your dozen or so regular contributors are all Brexiteers with just four or five leavers represented. From personal experience their views are often deleted when they don’t conform. It is so one sided that your claim that it is read by many in the media seems rather dubious.
December 20, 2018
There are many websites and many other media comment sections.
With a large range of political views.
Perhaps you might be happier in another one.
December 20, 2018
On the contrary we see regular posts from you and other supporters of Remain, in some cases (not from you) very hysterical and extreme and full of unpleasant invective towards those who don’t agree with them.
I think this blog is certainly widely read. For example I’ve noticed the phrase ‘Continuity Remain’ is now in widespread usage. It was first used here.
December 20, 2018
Any idea how many of us Brexiteers get our posts deleted ?
My replies to Andy alone only survive 50% of the time
Why wouldn’t it get read? Its primarily a Brexit site in the same way that Sky News on TV and the Guardian are both Remain , yet they get read/watched
December 20, 2018
Yes and with EU and Irish no deal planning things are looking better already. Ironically the Irish are denying that they will run out of medicine, if there is no deal.
December 20, 2018
While I would really like to go for a managed withdrawal, it appears that the EU is not going to play ball. It’s obvious that their No Deal planning is designed to suit the needs of the 27 and not of the UK. In nine months time, for example, there will have to be a deal on transport.
The charming Katya Adler, not renowned for being too much of an enthusiast of Brussels, said on the BBC this morning that the EU believes it would hold all the cards in the event of a No Deal exit. In other words, we would be forced back to the table to negotiate from a weaker position.
I don’t confess to know whether that is correct but at least we would have at least a £39bn buffer if the PM ignores the Chancellor. One thing is certain, the current deal on offer would put us in an even worse position in trying to negotiate a trade deal because we simply could never escape without Brussel’s permission and would be paying £850 a month until they agreed.
I think we all know how that would end – or rather wouldn’t
December 20, 2018
I believe that’s it’s exactly the opposite to that…now the EU have shown their hand, in that there will be no “cliff edge”, the UK can reciprocate in kind and negotiate whatever needs to be negotiated after 29th March 2019, one agreement at a time…
This puts the “they sell us more than we sell them” cards back in the UK’s hand.
December 20, 2018
Did the EU just blink?
December 20, 2018
We will all be hoping that you are right !
December 20, 2018
Dear Mr. Redwood,
It’s hard to understand the logic of certain members of the cabinet. For example, David Gauke says it is the cabinet’s job to slay unicorns. The only unicorn that needs culling is Mrs. May’s deal which is already living on borrowed time.
These are the same ministers who have nodded the deal through at Chequers and other cabinet meetings in the full knowledge of its shocking lack of appeal to the DUP and backbench MP’s. Yet they have gone along with it instead of raising their objections, if indeed, they have any.
How can they now be surprised that the logical conclusion of a rejection of Mrs. May’s deal and the lack of a viable alternative is a ‘managed no deal’? And yet all we get from Mr. Gauke is a pathetic little threat that he will quit if she seeks a no deal Brexit.
It is hard not to draw the conclusion that Mr. Gauke and others have placed more importance on preserving their ministerial careers ahead of what they ought to have said and done on the road to Brexit.
December 20, 2018
Interesting slip of the tongue, a unicorn company is a privately held start-up business worth more than $1b. As of July this year the UK had 13, well behind the USA and China but more than Germany, France, Switzerland, Sweden and the Netherlands combined. Such companies will be engines of future growth so this looks very promising for the UK and less so for the EU.
Are these the kind of unicorns the remainiacs in government and the civil service have in their minds to slay?
December 20, 2018
Not a good look, slaying unicorns.
December 20, 2018
Morning All
More good news for Margaet Howard, Helena, Andy, Newmania , Tabulazero etc
US Business Magazine Forbes votes the UK as the Worlds No 1 Country to do business for second year running
“Businesses also taking advantage of global interest as number exporting to non-EU countries in latest quarter rose to 49,000. Most popular non-EU destinations include USA, that 19.9% of exporters sold goods to, Australia (7.9%) and Switzerland (7.3%).”
Chief Economist of Germany’s biggest bank on #NodealBrexit: “The UK will do just as well or better… the UK economy has it in its genes to do well, to be innovative, it doesn’t have this bureaucratic construct that the Europeans struggle with and it’s got flexible exchange rates!”
The USA is committed to FREE, FAIR and RECIPROCAL trade. We’re putting our words into action – including getting ready to negotiate a free trade agreement with the United Kingdom! U.S-UK foreign direct investment in each of our countries is worth over $1 trillion, we trade $230 billion. #sharedprosperity US Ambassador to UK
ps *note to Margaret Howard the USA/NAFTA ( combined GDP of £17.2trillion ) is the largest single market/trading area in the world
December 20, 2018
“#Brexit threatens massive consequences for the German economy. More than 750,000 jobs in Germany depend on exports to Great Britain” – Dieter Kempf, President of the German Industry Federation
December 20, 2018
Good post
December 20, 2018
If lying over a speeding ticket and then to a judge and jury can lead to a heavy fine, almost certain imprisonment and calls from one’s own party to resign, is not lying to MPs on the floor of the House of Commons at least as serious a matter ?
Especially when the statement was so blatantly a lie and the exponent was the Leader Of Her Majesty’s Official Opposition who his party wants to lead the Country ?
December 20, 2018
Careful Chris – Mrs May has said a lot about Brexit that comes under the same heading.
December 20, 2018
You are gilding the lily here Mr Redwood a lot. And you know it. Various interim and unilateral measures which my mitigate a No Deal Brexit for a limited period are not “deals”. The EU has put in place measures for example that cover four out of nine freedoms of the air.
Why not tell the full truth for a change ?
December 20, 2018
Of course they are deals.
I have a “temporary” deal to lease my car for a year, at the end I can negotiate a new deal or not, its up to me. smh at the lack of trade awareness of remainers
December 20, 2018
Do not be too harsh on Simon. How can he be aware of such matters when he is happy for a life of subservience under the EU mafia. Low self-esteem can do this to you.
December 20, 2018
A blog which purports to be semi serious at least is being disfigured by your childish drivel.
December 20, 2018
Oh calm Simon
Who says you are right?
Have a tiny bit of respect for other peoples opinions
December 20, 2018
The more that this goes on you just have to despair at the standards of the majority of our so called professional politicians.
They are acting in the best interest for themselves and all the posturing shows them to be what they are totally inept. They do nothing but drag down the reputation of our political system. If they feel so incensed they have to threaten to resign they all should have resigned before the last GE as they were and are totally out of step with the changes that are taking place not only here but also within the EU.
December 20, 2018
Our entanglement with the EU has allowed mediocrity to flourish in Parliament. Unfortunately we are in the difficult position of needing to get out of the EU to attract more capable MPs, but out getting out of the EU is in the hands of the mediocre lot that are there. We have to hope they don’t cause too much damage to our country in the process of leaving the EU.
December 20, 2018
1. Get Downing Street and the payroll vote out of the HoC.
2. Reduce the number of MPs in HoC by half (double up constituencies).
3. MPs all elected at a General election every two years for a two-year term.
4. MPs serve a maximum of eight years (four terms) in any lifetime.
5. Introduce “top two”, non-partisan Primary elections at constituency level.
Dr Kojo Koram wrote in the Guardian the following. It tells you where the ERG 62 Mogglodytes are coming from.
“Celebrating and exaggerating Britain’s free-trade policies of the late 19th century, this narrative ignores the prologue to the story, in which the British empire first accumulated wealth through gunboat diplomacy and enforced markets over the 18th and early 19th centuries. Britain only embraced unilateral zero tariffs once its geopolitical power had been built up, and it would quickly depart from free trade and move towards protectionism at the start of the 20th century through the policy of imperial preference, encouraging trade within the empire.”
December 20, 2018
Complete nonsense acorn.
A return to freedom and independence from the EU will be good for the UK.
Let the EU carry on with their voyage to becoming a protectionist superstate.
Let the UK carry on to being a world power again.
December 20, 2018
Two points.
Why have we not applied to re-join Euratom, which is legally not the EU and is open to non-EU members and used by the US and Canada?
Why, under the May/Robbins WA are we paying £39bn, while not getting back the EU grants for scientific research, and the UK is not granting money because we are sending it to President Junker to help with his enormous drinks bill, pay and pension rises.
December 20, 2018
stred..don’t be such a clot, has no one told you before the 39billion is due for all the promises we made in the past to help the EU succeed as a common market. We sat at the table for over forty five years making these decisions, promising money, affecting everything with the EU into the future, and probably for decades to come and now we want to walk away- well sorry it’s not that simple and not that easy- we have obligations and responsibilities and if we want to trade there or anywhere else worthwhile into the future we are going to have to settle the account, sooner or later- but just like for the british border in ireland, it’s there whether we like it or not, and we’ll have to deal with it someday And so then what about Junker – he is just an old guy ready to retire, we agreed his pay and pensions bill long before we gave him the job when we sat at the table with the other 27, and if he wants to spend it on drink then that is his business. clot
December 20, 2018
As part of the debate in favour of Managed Exit I’d like to see the money side exposed. Money is more easily understood by the public than customs unions and tariffs. Once the ways this very large amount of money can be used are presented to the public it becomes very hard for the Remoaners to argue against it.
As an example:
With Managed Exit we no longer pay £39 billion to the EU. Instead let’s spend:
– £20 billion on the NHS
– £10 billion on more Police
– £5 billion on education
– £4 billion on compensating manufacturers via tax breaks
It’s going to have to be a clever argument to convince British voters that paying £39 billion to the EU is better than spending it as above.
December 20, 2018
I find the misnomer of ‘No Deal’ to be a typically pessimistic phrase coined by those who wish to perpetuate ‘Project Fear’ and who would see the democratic will expressed by the people thwarted by the establishment.
If there is a need to presage Brexit with an adjective or phrase why not settle on a Sovereign Brexit? This says what it does without all the emotional baggage. We are exiting the EU to reclaim control of our sovereignty, our rights to self determination and our ability to govern ourselves and to make our own laws.
December 20, 2018
At 11.45am today on BBC Radio Scotland we listened to their Brexit spokesperson saying amongst other things that we don’t know if in the event of “No Deal” planes will still fly between the UK and The EU. I think it is time that Parliament obliged the BBC to tell the truth.
December 20, 2018
Your misunderstanding is total. The Commission has made clear that, in the event of no deal, there will be NO agreements between the UK and the EU. All there will be is unilateral action by the EU27. The UK will have no say
Reply Just not true. The 2 sides are now reaching agreements as I set out
December 20, 2018
As a flyer of radio control model aircraft ( but I don’t possess a drone ), I’m disgusted that someone should deliberately disrupt flights at Gatwick.
Radio flyers are very responsible and almost all are members of recognised clubs. I’m a member of the Maidenhead club and none of our members would dream of doing anything illegal or as stupid as this individual.
Reports on the BBC and Sky News are saying that the drone(s) in question at Gatwick are of a commercial type and not the kind you can buy in a shop. If these reports are correct, that fits in with the long flight duration and the culprit must have invested several thousand pounds to acquire a large drone and several expensive flight batteries and at least one fast charger that would be needed to keep it in the air over such a long period.
I hope our politicians understand that this person is not your typical model flyer. To deal with Drones, the CAA have just carried out a careful consultation and developed sensible new rules in conjunction with the British Model Flying Association. Everyone is happy with the outcome. One cannot say the same about the new regulations just introduced in France !
We don’t want to see UK Politicians making knee jerk-reactions and insisting on ill-thought out legislation as a result of one rogue drone operator who probably has no interest or involvement in our hobby. I’m sure our host will consider the matter with a lot more sense than the average MP and I would urge a careful appraisal and wise words.
Any model club in the area would be pleased to discuss the situation with you, Mr Redwood.
December 20, 2018
This cannot be allowed to happen again.
December 20, 2018
I can’t believe it.
A BBC transport correspondent has just insinuated that the drone crisis is because of Brexit.
“A government distracted.”
December 21, 2018
I could very easily insinuate otherwise: the EU now forbids the sale of rose water, dispensed by the chemist in clean glass bottles; it also forbids window cleaners to go up ladders; and forbids us to have normal lights in bathrooms, no matter how big or high the bathroom. Yet it allows the sale of these lethal contraptions. Are they by any chance being manufactured by the Germans?
December 21, 2018
@Maybot there is no way to stop something happening again unless you are willing and able to ban all technology – cars, motorbikes, mobile phones, computers, internet, anything with batteries … You can only reduce the risk of it happening.
There are remedies against drones if only the authorities had the wit and gumption to deploy them, from shotguns through jamming and capture devices.
The way to reduce this kind of behaviour is enforcement and punishment. Unfortunately, our establishment has a lopsided view on such things, imprisoning someone who doesn’t pay the BBC TV tax yet throws teddy bears at terrorists.
December 20, 2018
WTO Trading rules means tariffs on goods coming in to the UK and on our goods imported into other countries. WTO Rules also requires we police our borders (ic Northern Ireland) Good Friday agreement? Trade deals take years to work through. Happy to talk you through import and export and WTO rules any time, just ask!
December 20, 2018
Graham Ide
Thanks for your kind offer to explain something I’ve been doing for 20 years. However seeing as you are totally wrong in your assertions about WTO rules I think we can safely ignore you
December 20, 2018
It is in fact covered by ICAO, the Chicago Convention and IASTA, these are International agreements as the Commission well knows.
As things stand when we leave the EC
AA at the end of March, the member States Air Service Agreements with the UK lapse. No ifs or buts. In EU terminology we become a third Country.
An EU regulation cannot legally replace an ICAO bilateral Air Service Agreement, and IASTA can only apply to Countries with current ASA’s.
Neither can they impose other terms and conditions.
RyanAir, WhizzAir and NorwegionAir will lose their 7th Freedom Rights (only applicable within the EU member States).
EasyJet have established Companies within Europe that comply with EU rules and retain 7th Freedom rights.
December 20, 2018
Shieldsman, many thanks for the “heads up”.
Certainly the ROI is backing the wrong horse and will lose out badly if Parliament reject the Withdrawal Agreement.
Now is the time for Brexit supporting MP’s to make sure that the likes of Soubry, Rudd & Morgan understand that there is no “cliff edge” and that they should get on board with a managed no deal withdrawal.
And £39 Billion in pocket…
December 20, 2018
It reminds me of the Y2K bug scare stories in the late 90s. Those turned out to be completely unfounded.
December 20, 2018
If all this is correct why are some Tory MPs so against the WTO Deal?
December 20, 2018
Er because they want to remain in the EU
December 20, 2018
I see Ireland’s no-deal planning document is full of dire predictions of chaos and shortages. Hard not to smile.
December 20, 2018
Staggering that we cannot keep Gatwick open.
December 20, 2018
Iain. Agree and what’s to stop a few people putting up drones at every airport in the UK at the same time and bringing air travel to a complete halt?
December 20, 2018
If its as being reported, and there is at least a 50 % chance there is more to this than is being made public…
then 1 if drones are radio controlled it should be possible to track/decode those signals 2 should be possible to fire or drop nets on it 3 get a military helicopter to crash into them on purpose 4 get specialised radar tracking for small sized targets
less than impressed by the poor response of our public sector given the amount we spend on defence and policing, and less than impressed with our politicians who should be in the command and control room getting to grips with whatever is going on
December 21, 2018
I am now fairly convinced there is more to this, and quite different, than the press and public are being told.
Not too hard to work out.
Suggest the MOD and Police pull their finger out.
December 20, 2018
JR I believe you did a blog page about drones once? I know I wrote at the time unpublished or not that the Army or RAF should be the sole Business Drone Operator and every company requesting the facilities of drones should buy the service from the MOD and only Army or RAF drones used and only operated by Service Personnel. Also that it could provide money for the armed services and real practice in operating drones for the Army outside a war zone.
But the government has allowed the expansion of drone use, and not understanding that even licensed operators can have their drones stolen.
But anyway, let us all concentrate on someone in The House, spoken about in TV interviews by our Prime Minister on important matters such as “Does anyone at all, have the right to say anything at all even under their breath, without fanatical hysterical criticism based on a belief that Free Speech is evil.
December 20, 2018
OT but in my mind serious.
Gatwick Drone.
Shoot it down using 12g shotguns. Shooters on open back trucks , with the right load and size of shot drones can be hit very hard at 100 feet. Once downed forensic experts can try and get evidence including possible DNA whatever to trace where sold and to whom. When taken to court punishment should be minimum of 15 years.
The Dutch are experimenting with the use of raptors.
The cost to the country and peoples lives dictates that something has to be put on the statute book vey quickly
December 20, 2018
Not necessary much safer to use Skywall to take out drones in civilian areas . Oh and they are a UK innovative company in Newcastle
December 20, 2018
We have had two stupid women on the trot at the Home Office and now one of them is PM, more concerned with virtue signalling than keeping us safe. The Police not allowed to stop and search enough, Boris not allowed to use water cannon in a riot, nothing done about coastal protection, mass immigration allowed to run out of control etc etc. And now this. France will be way ahead.
December 21, 2018
We’ve had ‘stupid men’ in control for centuries. They led us into incessant wars, invasion of other countries, absolute poverty of the many, injustices and punishment of the poor unprecedented in recent decades.
It’s time we women were allowed to make a few mistakes although it seems to me that many of the ardent Brexiteers contributing to these pages seem to idolise the arch female leader of recent years, the Iron Lady!
December 21, 2018
Margaret howard
I’m all in favour of good female leadership. Who are you proposing should be running things?
December 20, 2018
So you really think that the EU have made concessions? On the contrary sir, they are looking after their own interests not ours. It will have the effect of delaying the cliff edge and lulling us into a false sense of security. As soon as affected businesses in the EU have made adequate alternative arrangements they will unilaterally terminate the arrangements.
December 20, 2018
At the risk of repeating myself, I understand that the £39 billion ransom has been legally signed up regardless of the WA or any other. So if we go with no deal WTO, we are still liable for the payment.
Who on earth agreed to this? Surely the PM would have to put this to Parliament?
I am also hearing that the PM has signed us up for EU army and the UN migration pact again, without a word in Parliament.
What is going on????
December 20, 2018
So, amendments are now being added to the Finance Bill so that Parliament can vote to outlaw no deal. It seems MPs are absolutely determined to ignore the referendum result. And they are doing it ‘for their constituents’. Their poor, misguided, stupid constituents. ‘No one voted to become poorer!’ Well, actually, they do. We keep voting for Labour and Tory governments that make us all poorer.
December 20, 2018
No other advanced economy trade on WTO terms alone. No deal Brexit is putting the UK at a disadvantage.
December 20, 2018
90% of world trade carroes on using WTO rules.
You plainly have never been involved in companies which buy or sell worldwide.
December 21, 2018
WTO rules and trade facilitation agreements.
December 21, 2018
Which the UK can have too.
Who is refusing to trade with us?
December 21, 2018
Which the UK will have to renegotiate which will take time and require concessions.
December 21, 2018
Oh please , using this as an excuse just shows how little you understand about business and trade . Its a cliched meme from ignorant remain Facebook pages
From the WTO website
WTO reports that 98% of all global mercantile trade, amounting to $17.4 trillion, was carried out under WTO terms in 2017 alone.
Just because you clearly dont know
86% of our economic activity is in services GATS came into force in January 1995 , the EU STILL doesn’t have an internal services market in place
December 21, 2018
Tabulazero, According to the WTO’s own website 98% of global trade takes place within the WTO framework. The various RTAs and MRAs are supplementary to the basic WTO system, not substitutes. They are merely minor modifiers of the universal WTO treaties. Whatever is decided even by the EU must comply with WTO rules.
December 21, 2018
Agreed: the EU and the UK must comply with WTO rules. That’s why there will be a hard border in Ireland in a no deal scenario.
December 21, 2018
Look my friend why dont you go and do your own research into these things. Just keep posting the same failed silly cliches just makes you look foolish
WTO says its rules would not force EU or UK to erect hard Irish border
December 20, 2018
I see Liam Fox has deleted his Twitter tweet concerning the EU High Command indicating they would continue transport trade facilities etc etc until the end of 2019 given a NO Deal. Also the original Reuter’s article saying the same 9 hours previously has been completely re-written to remove any real indication of the former article. News Media at its best I’m afraid.
December 21, 2018
We now have a second agreement with Switzerland on the rights of residents and recognition of qualifications to add to the trade agreement. Since Switzerland is inside Schengen, this rather drives a coach and four through the notions of the Irish border. Of course, if we manage to leave cleanly, the way will also be open to create a British-Swiss financial banking and insurance power house in the services sector, with the freedom to make our own mutual agreements.