Brexit day

At last we leave the EU. It is now quite possible to leave fully at the end of December this year and reap the benefits of Brexit. We can be better off out, and we will restore self government.

It’s nineteen months late , and we still stay under their rules and budgets for the rest of this year, so it’s not what I wanted or voted for. In the end I accepted the verdict of the election and the new Parliament, as there was no support for just leaving without signing the Withdrawal Agreement which I thought the better option. The delay has been financially penal, forcing the UK to contribute around Ā£1bn a month for many more months. It has been corrosive of our politics, setting the last Parliament against the people. It undermined trust in many MPs and the Parliament as a whole prior to the election, as so many MPs broke their promises to respect the referendum and help get us out .

Mr Cameron promised he would send the Withdrawal letter promptly after the vote, but failed to do so. Mrs May let Parliament and courts delay our exit letter further. She then promised us an exit in March 2019, with a good deal or with no deal. She too broke her word and kept us in, under pressure from a hostile and broken Parliament.

The new Parliament has a clear majority to leave, and a clear majority that Leave means an exit from the single market and Customs Union as well as from the EU Treaty which we leave this week. That is all very positive. It is important now that the UK government is firm and strong, as well as polite and positive in its dealings Ā with the EU. There must be no sacrifice of our fish, no offers of more money, no acceptance of continuing ECJ jurisdiction. They need a Free Trade Agreement more than we do, and are more likely to grant one if we are firm. The UK has given far too much ground in past negotiations under Mrs May. The new team should table a Free Trade Agreement and explain we do not have to pay to trade.

The world teems with opportunities for us once we are fully out. Today is an important step along that road.


  1. Pominoz
    January 31, 2020

    Sir John,

    The vast majority contributing here wanted the same sort of Brexit as you. The right leadership immediately after the referendum would have made this dreadfully cumbersome process, booby-trapped with embedded EU agents, much simpler and shorter.

    We are, however, where we are and whilst the transition period and the ‘divorce payment’ are major downsides, we have probably ended up with a situation which many of us can accept – provided Boris now does not squander the strong hand which the UK still has. Please, Sir John, keep Boris true and I think I am with many others in wishing to thank you for your fortitude in trying to achieve what is truly going to be in the best interests of a sovereign UK.

    The doubters will, I am sure, see the real benefits of true independence within a very short time as evidenced by the relative Strength of sterling now that leaving is assured.

    A joyous Brexit, everyone!

    1. Dee
      February 2, 2020

      I would just like to add that each and everyone of us can do our part to reduce our imports from the eu. Buy British or Carribean or African or American or anywhere except the eu. many of the supermarkets are making it easier by showing the Union Jack on their products, just read the ‘Produced in’ label first, let us reduce our intake from Countries that have been less than friendly to us. There is not one Country in the eu that wouldn’t strip us bare given thhe opportunity so we owe them no allegence. Even Italy has turned tail and run back to the eu………. Salvini, “We will never leave the euro, we will never leave the eu.” Most of the others get paid to stay in the eu.
      Never Forget What They Have Put Us Through For 3yrs & 7months.

  2. formula57
    January 31, 2020

    Our Day of Liberation at last! šŸ™‚

    Renewed thanks to you for all your considerable efforts to deliver us from the Evil Empire.

    Vigilance must be constant however, against the Quislings who still lurk as well as against soft fools who suppose future entanglements with the Evil Empire can bring worthy reward.

    1. Hope
      January 31, 2020

      Formula7, It is not liberation to exist in vassalage! The U.K. Remains under the control of EU laws, regulations and pay billions for the privilege without voice or veto! We are not delivered from the evil empire at all. The Tory party and govt has sold the nation out. Suggest you read Spectators forty horrors or Martin Howe’s QC views on the subject. Better still, read JRs blogs on the WA and PD before he capitulated! Today’s blog full of hope that his treacherous party and govt might not concede further, if that is possible.

      1. Mark B
        February 1, 2020


        There is nothing to celebrate or the Tories to be proud of.

        1. czerwonadupa
          February 1, 2020

          Just as we celebrate the Battle of Britain in 1940 so we should celebrate the Battle for Britain in 2020
          In 1940 they sent the Luftwaffe but since 2016 have used Quisling politicians, fifth columnists & celebrity collaborators who have spent the past 3 years desperately trying to obey their masters commands to overturn the referendum result. But unlike the Dutch & French who caved in in 1940 & 2005 and little Leo’s Irish who were neutral in 1940 but after getting the wrong result in 2008 obeyed their Brussels masters by holding a second referendum.
          The British Bulldog didn’t cow in 1940 or 2016 under their threats but stood firm for freedom, independence and self determination – what ever the costs.
          The Indians, Americans & all the little African states thought self determination was something to celebrate. But only in the UK are we told we mustn’t celebrate leaving the European empire by the commentariats like the BBC & “celebrities”
          So yes there is much to celebrate by ordinary people who beat all sections of the self important entrenched Establishment.
          Britain, never, never shall be slaves. as the song goes.

    2. K Jig
      February 6, 2020

      Agree with every word you say!

  3. Tabulazero
    January 31, 2020

    The inescapable truth of Brexit is that the UK has set itself up as a strategic, political and economic competitor to the member states constituting the European Union, something that has not gone unoticed in the continentā€™s capitals.

    While cordial at first, I doubt the relationship will remain unchanged as tensions inevitably arise. I very much fear the UK will end up with time a little bit like where Russia is relative to Europe: on the outside looking in.

    I could wish you good luck but that would be hypocritical of me.

    1. Edward2
      January 31, 2020

      We always were a competitor to other European countries.

    2. Sir Joe Soap
      January 31, 2020

      EU did a trade deal with Japan which we s it’s biggest competitor tin car market. Why not with us?

      1. Tabulazero
        February 2, 2020

        … because it could be that your are not Japan but rather a country that starts from the position of being deeply integrated inside the Single-Market.

        I have a question to ask out of curiosity: do you genuinely expect the Europeans to be dumb enough not to notice what you are trying to do here ?

  4. Lifelogic
    January 31, 2020

    Exactly right but how can we trust the Boris government when they are daft enough to give Carney a new job, is clearly still full of greencrap and even, it seems, plans to go ahead with the total wast of money that is HS2?

    A great shame they did not cut base rates by 1/4% yesterday as it would have saved me a couple of thousand each month. But the real problem is the lack of competition in banking with very high margins, very slow & reluctant to lend, high fees and demanding terms often for only 5 years too. Plus the insane fools at FCA actually forcing one size fits all overdraft rates of 40% or even 78% from the major banks.

    1. graham1946
      January 31, 2020

      Bank rate and interest rates charged by the banks were separated years ago – cutting 1/4 percent would make no difference to loan rates. You make this argument yourself in your second paragraph. Interest rates need to increase for savers – i.e. savers deserve to have their savings protected from inflation by receiving a proper return. The rot set in when the government flooded the banks with free money so they don’t actually need an individual’s savings and interest on loans should be capped as well, just like was done to the pay day lenders who subsequently mostly disappeared.

      1. Lifelogic
        February 1, 2020

        Well as I say it would same me Ā£2000 a month on my base rate linked loans.

  5. Derek Henry
    January 31, 2020

    A gift for you John on such a wonderful day!

    I hope it interests you John. The FED has listened and sees the truth now. The reality of the situation.

    Question is. Is the new governer going to use it ?

    Or are we still going to use failed analysis after brexit. Things we have tried before but failed?

  6. Peter Wood
    January 31, 2020

    Good morning,

    Yes indeed, a good day on the road to regaining our legal rights.

    Certain things are our peoples birthright. they must never be traded away again; our laws, our judiciary and our land and seas. Fisheries are the birthright of all of us, not only our coastal communities, they will be the litmus test of your party and our Government to truly deliver Brexit and freedom from tyranny.

    1. Martin in Cardiff
      January 31, 2020

      They never were traded away.

      The reach of the Lisbon Treaty was very limited, carefully defined, in non-controversial matters, and the country was free to withdraw at any time.

      The presence of European Union fishers in UK waters is mostly down to UK fishing companies having sold off most of their quotas to them anyway.

      Why the continual victimhood fantasies?

    2. Rien Huizer
      January 31, 2020

      The fisheries issue is more complicated than is generallyt believed. First the right to roam the North Sea fiushing grounds on both sides of the UK/Dutch/Danish borders predates the EEC and EU by a considerable margin. Seco0nd, a large portion of “British” vessels operating in the UK areas are foreign owned (and – crewed) and fish for species where UK demand is low. Third, the local shore based services in the UK rely on foreign workers, usually from EU countries (the same apllies to Norway, Denmark and The Netherlands. So the challenge for a purist British fishing polkicy would be to deal with foreign blemishes in the form of non-British vessel ownership, specialist crew and processing labour and upgrading shore based service capacity. Finally, given that the market for many “UK” species is not in the UK, trade and especially logistic friction may well make a portion of those exports unviable (the same applies to produce from the continent).

      So the challenge for a good fishing policy is to do the right thing economically whilst keeping the elderl;y coastal poipulation emotionally satisfied.

      One thing, fishing concessions are not worth enough to deserve EU concesions in the financial services area.

      1. Peter Wood
        January 31, 2020


        Our host doesn’t have time for long posts, the short answer is that the CURRENT fishing activities are, obviously, the product of EU legislation, brought about by earlier UK governments handing over to the EU sovereignty over UK fisheries. Since the 1970’s approximately half of jobs in fishing have been lost, down to today of 12,000.
        If UK waters were not economically attractive, why are EU bureaucrats and national leaders making such a big deal over access?
        Regarding trading access for financial services; this is nonsense and insulting, there is no relationship. If European businesses wish to have access to UK financial services, for their own benefit, they are welcome to do so. They can come to the UK and purchase an excellent fish luncheon while completing their business.

      2. Dee
        February 2, 2020

        The fishing dilema is very simple, WE want it back, get rid of Foreign owned British vessel and invest in our coastal towns and fisheries, Anything left issue annual licences to foreign fisheries for ‘Standard boats’ then for every new British boat that comes into service remove a foreign licence on its expiry date. processors have to ween themselves off foreign labour, there are still 3.5 million unemployed here.
        As for Financial Services, so much money is owed by European businesses to London that if London called in them loans, Europe would go bust, Ā£3.5 Trillion at the last count, furthermore, so many European businesses want to borrow from London too, that is why 1441 Banks & businesses have moved to to London in the last 12 months so I think the eu had better not mess London about, apart from which London has already taken steps to guard themselves. Finaly the top German banker came out this week saying how he envied the UK and his prediction that the UK would ‘Cream’ Europe in the near future.. MMMM So nice.

  7. Lifelogic
    January 31, 2020

    Perhaps also some doctors will also get blamed (or even struck off) for this when they have been put in an impossible positions by the NHS management. Never mind though, if they are they can always retrain as lawyers and bring medical negligence claims against the NHS – earning double the money. A surgeon I know has chosen to do exactly this what a waste of all that expensive training! Is this really how we want the financial incentives to be?

    Make patients who use the NHS agree to fixed (low & no blame compensation sums) and get all the lawyers on both sides out of it. Spend the money or stopping mistakes and getting more doctors, nurses and beds. Reduce the load on the NHS by tax incentive and vouchers to encourage more private provision.

  8. Ian Wragg
    January 31, 2020

    There is no need for a transition period when we actually don’t transit anywhere. The country is watching for any betrayal so be warned. Remember only 8% at the Euros.

    1. Ian Wragg
      January 31, 2020

      We should thank Farage who will no doubt go down as the most important person in the 21st century history and 2 cheers for Gina Miller who helped get us over the line.

      1. Hope
        January 31, 2020

        Starmer today already on the campaign to reverse main reasons for leaving and rigging the electoral system to make it happen!

      2. Doug Powell
        January 31, 2020

        And don’t forget Ms P M Swinson, formally known as Jo, who believed she was going to be PM and wholeheartedly agreed to the election – The most Liberal and Democratic decision the Illiberal NonDems have ever taken! Thank you one and all!

    2. glen cullen
      January 31, 2020

      totally agree…we’ve had 3 years of transitision

    3. Martin in Cardiff
      January 31, 2020

      Not the country, just some only of the seventeen million, and then out of sixty-seven million.

      Most of us just want to see good sense and a minimum of damage.

      1. Fred H
        January 31, 2020

        change the record – God its boring nonsense.

        Just tell us the 17m got it wrong – that will do.

      2. steve
        January 31, 2020


        Perhaps more people should have bothered to get out and vote, then.

        Tough! That’s how it works mate, it’s called democracy.

        And remember that 64% of constituencies voted to leave.

      3. Dee
        February 2, 2020

        When are you lot of remoaner ever going to stop crying? You lost, the People told you so in 2016 -again in 2017 and gave you your 2nd referendum result on Dec 12 2019. Even a blind man could see the people wanted out. If the majority had wanted it, you would have won in 2016 and again in 2017 and again in 2019.
        Whenever I am called, I go to my little village hall to vote in an election. I never get who I want and on the last 3 occasions I have had to vote for who I don’t want in order to keep out someone I want even less. I accept the outcome, it is called DEMOCRACY. Like one wise man once said. Democracy is only Democracy if the losers accept the outcome. In 2016 I honestly thought Leave could never win, too much elite stacked against it. Nevertheless I also knew that whatever the result, I would accept it. To vote against Brexit is your right & I would fight for you to keep that right. You may not like it, but if you look upon yourself as a Democratic person then you really should accept the result.

  9. Peter VAN LEEUWEN
    January 31, 2020

    It has taken you several years to realise that a financial settlement of about 39bn is only fair and that extra checks in the Irish Sea is just very pragmatic, but at least you can now start building the glorious global Great Britain that you aspire! I wish you success.

    1. Know-Dice
      January 31, 2020

      PvL, many thanks for your good wishes.
      We are leaving the EU but will still be here if you need us in the future…

    2. Sea Warrior
      January 31, 2020

      The ‘financial settlement’ is protection money demanded by Brussels and given by a spineless government. It isn’t remotely ‘fair’.

    3. Timaction
      January 31, 2020

      Ā£39 billion is not fair but a RIP off for foolish politicos who know nothing. You have at the moment a Ā£100 billion trade surplus annually. I know many millions of us who now buy anything other than EU. After all your insults and threats having paid the blood price to save you twice in the last Century, good riddance!

    4. Anonymous
      January 31, 2020

      Our delay wasn’t anything to do with that. It was recalcitrant Remainers who refused to accept the referendum result.

    5. Leaver
      January 31, 2020

      I like many of your posts, Peter, but that sounds a little mean-spirited.

      Surely we are all in this together now?

      I might have had issues with remainers in the past, but if in future, the people vote to return to the EU, I will want the best for our country if we go back in.

      I value democracy above all.

      1. Peter van LEEUWEN
        January 31, 2020

        * Mean-spirited? Because I added ā€œgloriousā€? (alluding to another event in history which the British chose to give a rather strange interpretation, i.e. not being invaded).

        * I DO mean it when I wish you success (a prosperous UK cannot be bad for the Netherlands)

        * Democracy? The only place where e.g. Farageā€™s people had democracy was in the EU. At home not even 12% of the vote gave them any democracy.
        I fear I have a totally different perception of what constitutes democracy than you, but Iā€™ll keep that to myself. On most matters I cannot even blame the British people, having been spoon-fed falsehoods about the EU for decades. Do you know any other country of which 670 EU misinformations by its media are on record and debunked?
        I want the EU27 to look after its own interests. In as far as they concur with British interests we can grow pretty close.

        1. Edward2
          February 1, 2020

          “spoon fed falsehoods”
          The usual nonsense that somehow anyone who had the sense to vote Leave was stupid and fooled by the media.
          Yet all who voted to remain in the EU were presumably immune from any such influences.
          This idea backfired a few years ago and it is now time to stop this denigration of the voters.

          1. Peter van LEEUWEN
            February 2, 2020

            @Edward2: Remainers have been spoon-fed the same falsehoods, even long before the time a referendum was even suggested. You would have known that if you had ever visited that side with debunked media myths about the EU

            More recently (2016) I don’t think either side received good information.

          2. Edward2
            February 2, 2020

            Presumably you think remain voters were clever enough not to be swayed by your undefined”falsehoods”
            Trust the voters Peter.
            They voted for a large Conservative majority government yet somehow you think they are all misguided and brainwashed.
            It is that overt arrogance that has created the voter backlash.

        2. Dee
          February 2, 2020

          In the papers yesterday. Public house in the Netherland has a notice in the window.’ No British allowed in unless Accompanied by a European and not at all after 11pm.’
          Mark Rutter has slagged us off ever since Brexit began. In fact one way or another, most of your Parliament has slagged us off. So the Brits have no reason to look kindly on the Netherlands. Now if you had voted in Gert Wilder we could have been great friends. As for the Irish Border checks, bet they don’t. How can a weakling like the eu make us do anything? They can’t.

    6. Grahame ASH
      January 31, 2020

      Your comment is awaiting moderation.
      Percentages are misleading in this case. The facts are that the UK imports more than it exports to the EU, considerably more.

      I think I need to explain to you how this overseas trade operates:

      The EU dictates the terms of any imports from the UK (and anywhere else, for that matter) and the UK supplier makes the decision whether or not to accept the terms of the EU buyer.

      Conversely the UK customer has the right to dictate the terms of any goods purchased from the EU.

      If, for example the EU dictates that only cars with left hand steering wheels can be exported to the UK this will not satisfy the UK customers. So the UK buyers will seek an alternative supplier from outside the EU who can provide vehicles they want.

      The buyer has the upper hand and in this case it is the UK.

      I apologise for explaining this in some details but the point does seem to allude a certain section of the community.

      1. steve
        January 31, 2020


        That’s certainly true, however I don’t buy European stuff not just because it’s steering column might be on the wrong side, I just don’t buy it simply cos it’s European.

    7. David
      January 31, 2020

      The financial settlement of 39 thousand million pounds is a rip-off. It’s equivalent to about five years of the U.K.’s annual contributions to the EU – way over the top – and we should never have agreed to such a ridiculously inflated amount.
      But leaving the EU is not about money or trade.
      It’s about ensuring that the U.K. does NOT become the N.W.P. – the North West Province – of a United States of Europe.
      It’s about ensuring we do not lose the pound sterling and get pressured into adopting the Euro.
      It’s about ensuring the Royal Navy does not get abolished and become just part of a United States of Europe Navy.
      It’s about making sure the Royal Air Force does not become a part of a United States of Europe Air Force.
      It’s about ensuring our monarchy is not replaced by a President of the United States of Europe.
      It’s about ensuring we remain an independent country.
      Why can’t the EU be like ASEAN(Association of South East Asian Nations)?
      ASEAN does NOT have a common currency – its ten members all have their own national currencies.
      ASEAN does NOT have a supranational government making laws for all 10 ASEAN countries to follow.
      ASEAN is just a free trade area and is not trying to create a United States of South East Asia.
      The EU needs three reforms:-
      1) Abolish the Euro and return to national currencies.
      2) Abolish the EU Parliament – it just rubber-stamps decisions made by the 27 unelected EU Commissioners.
      3) Rename the European Union the EEC (European Economic Community) with the emphasis on Economic Community – NOT political union.

      1. Hope
        January 31, 2020

        It is not Ā£39 billion, that figure was dreampt up by Hammond and the treasury to appease public outrage. Ther is no figure in thenservitude plan. The EU is allowed to claim whatever it wants over whatever period it decides. If challenged the ECJ gets to decide! That is not taking back control of our money! Now all your home to pay for elederly care.

    8. Dees
      February 2, 2020

      Err, I think you are jumping the gun when you say we realize the Ā£39Billion is only fair, like hell we do! Brexiteers wouldn’t give them a penny and what galls is it is more than the Ā£39Billion, May also agreed to give the eu Ā£8.6Billion to pay Junkers pension fund, she waived the Ā£6.6Billion the Euro investment Bank owes us, she agreed that the Ā£6Billion the ECB owes us can be paid in bits up until 2064, she agreed to bail out ailing Countries like Greece, she agreed to pay Ā£500Billion if the Euro went bust. Our share of eu assets was wiped off. Left to me you wouldn’t get a penny. What Boris has agreed to is May’s deal, a pig in lipstick. I am only hopeing he walks away on WTO, he has the numbers to do it and Barnier is putting up that many roadblocks, I don’t think Boris will have any choice but to walk.

  10. Lifelogic
    January 31, 2020

    I am no fan of Rory Stewart but reading him in the Spectator yesterday he does seem to be the best of the admittedly dire candidates for London Mayor. Certainly far better than Khan with his the endless annoying propaganda adverts on LBC.

    I cannot even remember the name of the almost invisible Tory Candidate.

    1. Sea Warrior
      January 31, 2020

      It’s Bailey – and much as I dislike Stewart, I would agree with you that he’s probably the best of a bad lot.

      1. Hope
        January 31, 2020

        LL, sadly your memory fails you. This is a person who cannot honour his word or manifesto. He should never be in public office. Think why he lost the whip!

        1. Lifelogic
          February 1, 2020

          I agree but look at all the others!

          1. Hope
            February 1, 2020

            Voting for the least worse option for a non job to waste money is a wasted vote. Scrap the position. There has not been and there is not a tangible benefit from a mayor. A layer of unnecessary expensive bureaucracy.

            Was he not one of those who voted for the servitude Ben Act that you criticized and say should not be in public office?

          2. Lifelogic
            February 2, 2020

            Indeed, But the others are even worse. Why on earth can the Conservatives not find a decent candidate?

    2. Richard1
      January 31, 2020

      Agreed and he is probably the best hope of getting rid of the dreadful mr Khan

      1. Lifelogic
        February 1, 2020

        Indeed it is too late to find a half decent at least slightly recognised Conservative candidate?

  11. Henry Jailer
    January 31, 2020

    Yes, it’s all up to you now – frictionless trade with the EU, the exact same benefits as we have now, quick and easy trade deals with the rest of the world, no harm to the integrity of our United Kingdom, guaranteed rights to stay for all EU nationals currently in the UK – that’s what you promised us, so go ahead and deliver it, all of it. We are watching

    1. jerry
      January 31, 2020

      @Henry Jailer; We don’t need “frictionless trade” with the EU, just a rules based system that allows free trade, localisation of specifications has and always will be needed – JLR, for example, do not just build their vehicles to EU standards, they build them to the standards in each of the individual markets they sell into, always have done, always will do.

    2. Narrow Shoulders
      January 31, 2020

      Apart from free trade and no visas exactly what are those same benefits you will be expecting?

    3. Roy Grainger
      January 31, 2020

      And we’re watching for what you promised, medicine shortages, lorry parks at Dover, civil unrest and no flights into or out of Heathrow.

    4. Andy
      January 31, 2020

      By watching you mean laughing?

      1. Fred H
        January 31, 2020

        you plan to join us with our daily laugh at you? Its a brave person who can poke fun at himself…..well done.

      2. steve
        January 31, 2020


        You won’t be laughing if and when the EU gets it’s hands on our military.

        Who do you think will get the blame when it gets used ?

        I suspect you’ll be bricking it, not laughing.

    5. Sea Warrior
      January 31, 2020

      I doubt if any of us Leavers thought that we would continue to enjoy all of the dubious ‘benefits’ of being in the EU. And I’m relaxed about possible friction if I want to buy a French chateau. We are merely exchanging some benefits for others. If you watch closely, you will see the UK being able to wrap up trade agreements in about 10% of the time taken by the Brussels. How’s TTIP with Uncle Sam going?

    6. Mockbeggar
      January 31, 2020

      As Shanker Singham suggests, chickens from the USA contain no more chlorine than our supermarket lettuces do now. However, wouldn’t it be a good idea, when we can import food from elsewhere in the world without paying huge tariffs to the EU (sadly not till 1st Jan 21) that the country of origin should be advertised on all foodstuffs whether imported or not?

      Consumers would then be free to make up their own minds about whether to buy it or not. Isn’t that what free trade is all about?

    7. agricola
      January 31, 2020

      Our trade with the EU is within a zone of protectionism that also impinges on our trade with the rest of the World. That is not free trade.

  12. Roger Phillips
    January 31, 2020

    Happy New Years Leave to everyone.

    1. Martin in Cardiff
      January 31, 2020

      Yes, enjoy waving those sparklers.

      1. Fred H
        January 31, 2020

        don’t forget about the volume of ‘Land of Hope and Glory’ cranked up.

  13. Garland
    January 31, 2020

    Do they really need a Free Trade Agreement more than we do? We do 45% of our export trade with them, they do about 6% of their export trade with us. So the reality is that we need them almost eight times as much as they need us. I know, of course, that reality is not Brexiters’ strong point. But reality is going to hit you at 11 o clock tonight, when the horribly weak position the UK has put itself in arrives.

    1. hefner
      January 31, 2020

      Thatā€™s not the way some people think. They look at the trade of the individual 27 countries with the UK, which is more relevant. Even so a lot of questions still can be asked about Sir Johnā€™s statement.

    2. Stred
      January 31, 2020

      Let’s kick off with a 25% tariff on cars with the steering wheel on the right. That would save the continental manufacturers having to split production. We have space in factories closing because of the swift EU deal with Japan. They could make VWs and BMWs under licence. It would save on transport and energy too, which is helping with their level playing field. And save the sevenfold disparity in sales between Germany and the UK.

    3. Glenn Vaughan
      January 31, 2020


      I hope you have a favourite teddy bear or comfort blanket you can cling to at 11.00 p.m. tonight while the adults in the UK will be cheering.

    4. Fred H
      January 31, 2020

      reality is that the EU does way more export with us, than we do to them.
      It is simply a question of balance – you just do not get it.

    5. Narrow Shoulders
      January 31, 2020

      More trade comes our way than goes to them however you present the numbers. That represents more potential unemployment at their side than ours.

      Are the EU 27 prepared to accept collateral damage from friendly fire?

    6. Know-Dice
      January 31, 2020

      You need to look at who is doing the 6% of the EU’s exports to the UK.

      Germany, France, Italy, Netherlands…to realise how important UK trade is to those “power broker” countries…

      1. Fred H
        January 31, 2020

        our world will stop should we not have those EU flowers, wine, cheese, apples.

    7. Roy Grainger
      January 31, 2020

      Currently, today, we are trading perfectly well with USA on a “no deal” basis. That’s reality. What’s the problem with trading with the EU in the same way ?

    8. Chris
      January 31, 2020

      You are obviously unaware of the Rotterdam effect, Garland, when you state the 45% figure.

    9. IanT
      January 31, 2020

      I don’t know where you get your facts from Garland – but our export trade with the EU has been in steady decline and was down to 44% and I suspect this will only continue downwards…

      As to your 6% – it depends how you count it and it could actually be 18% (or 8%) but not 6%…and this is across the EU of course – dependencies with the EU vary. I think Germany will have a great deal of self-interest in staying on good trading terms with the UK – France may be less so…

      Of course nothing will change tonight and whatever the final deal it will certainly not be the “all or nothing” Remainers like to suggest.

      Don’t Panic & Keep Calm – but most of all – Cheer Up!

    10. Timaction
      January 31, 2020

      All factually incorrect. Go and read up before spouting nonsense.

    11. graham1946
      January 31, 2020

      You seem to have forgotten the imbalance of trade and that the UK is the EU’s main export market. No other independent nation pays a billion pounds per month to buy their goods and also pays taxes on goods bought outside, so that EU countries can keep their prices artificially high. At 11 o’clock tonight, precisely nothing will have changed.

    12. Anonymous
      January 31, 2020

      That 6% is mostly concentrated among only several EU countries.

    13. Edward2
      January 31, 2020

      It is amazing what you can do with statistics Garland.
      The reality is that just a few countries in the EU do a lot of trade with the UK and a greater number of EU countries do very little trade.

      Reality is billions of Euros and hundreds of thousands of jobs in France and Germany depend on continuing trade with the UK.
      And it is Germany and France that are the main powers in the EU.

    14. agricola
      January 31, 2020

      Wrong again. We now have the flexibility of being able to buy where we wish in the World and to sell where we wish. The EU do not enjoy such freedom without penalty. Have a discussion with the German, French, Italian and Spanish car manufacturers who have a vested interest in free trade with the EU. If push came to shove we already produce a range of vehicles for home market purchase. Then perhaps talk to the producers of food in Europe, the Danes, Dutch, French, Italian and Spanish. Not having the UK as a customer would be devastating. Were I running purchasing at Tesco the feelers would be out for more competetive sources from around the World. The freedom to buy cane sugar free of EU import tariffs would really rattle those in the EU producing beet sugar. Ask Tate & Lyale, you do not have to believe me. Aerospitale would be in a worse position than Boeing with no wings.

      I do not wish the above potential malevalence on my fellow Europeans, I prefer free unencumbered trade which is good for everyone. However do not assume our position is weak in forthcoming negotiations or do you prefer being a loser, are you one of lifes submissives.

    15. Longinus
      January 31, 2020

      We have a Ā£90bn trade deficit with the EU. The percentages you have quoted are irrelevant.

    16. Kevin Stanley
      January 31, 2020

      You need to break down the 8% by country!
      I would suggest Germany will call the shots in any case!

    17. BJC
      January 31, 2020

      Garland: Sadly, your argument falls short once you realise tariffs are due on the value of goods traded, not the percentage of their export trade with us. The value of EU goods traded with us is far higher than the value we trade with them, i.e. the reality is they need an FTA more than we do to reduce their tariff liability. We currently pay billions in increasing membership fees (aka tariffs) for the “privilege” of declining export values to the EU. Very clever on the part of the EU, but terminally stupid on our part.

      I do wonder what our true liability would have been over the years if we’d simply paid tariffs on actual EU trade.

    18. DavidJ
      January 31, 2020

      As I recall our exports to other parts of the world are being classed as exports to the EU simply because they pass through a port such as Rotterdam for transfer to another vessel on the way.

      Reality is regaining our independence as a sovereign nation rather than being ruled by an unelected cabal in Brussels, as we had before Heath took us in on a pack of lies.

    19. Dee
      February 3, 2020

      The difference is and you know it, is that, that 44% represents Ā£69Billion but that 6% represents Ā£159Billion. The easy cure for that massive imbalance is for all Brits to stop buying eu goods. A little label on the package tells you where it is from & most supermarkets including Lidl & Aldi have the UK flag on the goods so you can see it is from the UK & not junkerland.

  14. Shirley
    January 31, 2020

    I am celebrating the start of Brexit, but am waiting until the final terms are agreed before I believe anything promised by Parliament. The electorate have been deliberately deceived far too many times in regards to our relationship with the EU.

    It will take a long, long time before trust in Parliament is restored, and will never be restored if the lies continue to flow. The truth will out … eventually.

  15. Mark B
    January 31, 2020

    Good morning

    Well yes, it certainly is not Leaving. What I do not understand is, why do we have to keep paying into a club when we are no longer allowed to enjoy any of the benefits ?

    The European Parliament sang, Auld Lang Syne yesterday after we left and was told to take our flags with us. Nationhood is a symbol of a nation and not the nation in itself. But it us also a symbol, certainly in the present context, of a people wanting to be free.

    I will not be celebrating. I cannot. Not until we are fully out if the EU and able to go our own way. Do the things we want to do, for ourselves. To be a free, independent, confident and strong nation.

    I am proud to be English but have never been proud to be British. It is up to those in power to change all that and they have on 11 months to do so.

    So enjoy your party tonight and be good.

    1. Mark B
      January 31, 2020

      I would also like to add that, during Nigel Farage’s final speech, his mic was cut off to stop him from speaking.

      Again. No site rules in my post were broken in my post yet, it is held in moderation. I can only remind our kind host of an old saying.

      Beware when battling monster’s, less you become one yourself.

      1. Hope
        January 31, 2020

        JR, wants us all to forget who is responsible for this position, to hide what the true position is and to pass blame to parliament or any other inanimate body other than where responsibility rests, Tory govt and Tory party. Quite disgraceful.

    2. Fred H
      January 31, 2020

      Mark B – – ‘I am proud to be English but have never been proud to be British. Being British is no longer what it was decades ago.
      If people want to abuse me by calling me Little Englander, so be it. Proud to be English.

  16. jerry
    January 31, 2020

    “It has been corrosive of our politics, setting the last Parliament against the people.”

    Not that emotive nonsense again! How could a parliament elected by the people, by and large doing what it was elected to do, have turned against the people who elected it?

    One question, did I miss-read/hear, but I though the WA contains a sort of early release clause if trade talks are obviously going nowhere by July. If so, could we be in effect on WTO rules by August?

    1. jerry
      January 31, 2020

      Just been catching up with who won the select committee elections, some damaging results in those for Common Sense, post Brexit, although the DCMA committee result was surprisingly good.

    2. Pud
      January 31, 2020

      Jerry, you have failed to notice that many MPs, who stood on manifestos promising to honour the referendum result, then did their best to keep the UK in the EU once they were elected. That doesn’t sound like “parliament doing what it was elected to do” to me.

    3. Know-Dice
      January 31, 2020

      How could a parliament elected by the people, by and large doing what it was elected to do, have turned against the people who elected it?

      I’m not convinced that the majority of MPs in the last Parliament did do what their constituents wanted…?

    4. agricola
      January 31, 2020

      Para 2 , because many of those elected lied to their electorates, respecting the result of the referendum etc.

      As to para 3, it would be reasuring to hear that were the EU to piss us about in the negotiation for an FTA, we could exit under WTO rules. They already cover 60% of our trade. Trade I would add that is in profit. Trade with the EU is Ā£90 Billion in their favour. Ask yourself who should be worrying, if not the EU, their industrialists should have something to say about it.

      The corrosivness of our politics has never been more apparent than in the last four years. That you think it nonesense says more about you than the politics of the UK.

    5. mickc
      January 31, 2020

      Quite simply, by being elected on a mandate of enacting the Referendum result and then seeking to overturn it…

      1. jerry
        January 31, 2020

        @mickc; But the vast majority were not elected on a mandate of enacting the Referendum, that was the problem, May lost her majority all but, and there were several re-elected Tory MPs who made it quite clear to their local electors that they opposed Brexit…

        Unlike when Boris called a GE, Mrs May did not make standing as a Tory candidate conditional fully accepting both Brexit and the WA.

    6. IanT
      January 31, 2020

      I think the recent Election showed exactly what the voters thought of the last Parliament Jerry – and they perceived that many MPs were not doing what they had promised to do, which career-wise proved fatal for them….

      1. jerry
        January 31, 2020

        @IanT, That is irrelevant to the last parliament, after all there is evidence that quite a few Remain voters actually changed their minds between 2017 and 2019, such was the ‘success’ of the EU offensive against Brexit!

        Also, how many voted Tory simply because they could not bring themselves to vote for Corbyn?

    7. graham1946
      January 31, 2020

      Not emotive nonsense at all. It was done by charlatans making promises in order to get elected, then standing their promises on their head in order to try to implement some personal point of view which was in the main hidden from the voters. Once exposed these people were in the main expunged from Parliament at the first opportunity. The last Parliament did not ‘by and large’ do what it was elected to do or Brexit would have happened last year.

    8. Edward2
      January 31, 2020

      Because in those elections both Conservatives and Labour candidates stood on manifestos that said they would implement the referendum result.
      Many once elected did the opposite.
      For example,
      I voted locally for an MP that promised to implement leaving the EU in leaflets sent to my home.
      Yet once elected that MP switched to working to stop Brexit by every means possible.
      Not even voting with the government on major votes.
      I could accept that this MP could want a different definition of leaving to others but to try to stop the process altogether was wrong.

    9. Kevin Stanley
      January 31, 2020

      Wrong the WA date remains Dec. 31. whatever happens. July is the cut off by which agreement should be reached!

  17. Peter
    January 31, 2020


    Today is just the first step though.

    The speeches from the government have been promising but unfortunately we have been let down before after insincere soundbites from the former Prime Minister .

    1. Lifelogic
      January 31, 2020

      A failure to cancel HS2 (which now looks almost certain) will be a very bad sign of this governmentā€™s judgement, as is the Carney new climate alarmist appointment, the net zero carbon lunacy and much of the other noises we are getting.

      1. a-tracy
        January 31, 2020

        Someone should tell Boris the first law of holes is an adage which states that “if you find yourself in a hole, stop digging”. Digging a hole makes it deeper and therefore harder to get back out, which is used as a metaphor that when in an untenable position, it is best to stop carrying on and exacerbating the situation. Wiki

    2. Peter
      January 31, 2020

      ā€˜Once bitten, twice shyā€™ in the words of Brexit champion Nigel Farage.

      Others will also be watching for any signs of weakness or surrender from this government.

      ā€˜England expects that every man will do his duty.ā€™

    3. steve
      January 31, 2020



      Also we have to ensure the government does not allow our military, which includes a nuclear arsenal to fall into EU hands.

      The EU might be hell bent on getting it’s borders as close as possible with Russia, but we should be keeping well out of it.

  18. Newmania
    January 31, 2020

    The world teems with opportunities for us once we are fully out

    Swapping established relationships with paying clients and suppliers, for gaseous waffle , will ,of course, be enthusiastically welcomed in offices and work places around the country. Leaving has already cost the country more than the entire sum of payments ever and thats without the costs of as many bureaucrats as run the whole EU just to leave it. It is with counting the cost of debauching monetary policy and fiscal Policy to disguise the Brexitr recession. It is without counting the cost of living in a country where every politician is regarded as a self serving liar happy to whip up xenophobic rage for its own ends

    At least the fall of Rome was exciting , this is just damp miserable choice to be stupid poor and old.

    1. Mitchel
      February 1, 2020

      Actually Newmania the fall of Rome in the West was a whimper,a non-event at the time;it was the East went out with a bang nearly 1100 years later.

  19. Tim Chick
    January 31, 2020

    Europe is not the world; only 6.9% of the worldā€™s population lives there. It also only accounts for 16.28% (2018) of the worldā€™s GDP.

    It also keeps being forgotten that the UK has been a world-wide trading nation for centuries and can be again we just have to have the confidence to get out-and-about with quality products and services.

    There needs to be a mind-shift within Government as well to one that sets a framework of tax and laws that promote opportunity whilst protecting employees and stops embarking on vanity projects to the great expense of the taxpayer and frequently little real benefit.

    1. Martin in Cardiff
      January 31, 2020

      And the UK is a whole order smaller still than the European Union, the world’s richest market.

      It has also lost its Empire, as have the French, Spanish, Dutch, Belgians etc. but some people here seem to forget that.

      1. Fred H
        January 31, 2020

        we’ve left empire building to your little club, and good riddance.

      2. steve
        January 31, 2020


        and the EU with it’s federalist agenda is responsible for creating what, exactly?

        An ’empire’ perhaps ?

        Non so blind as those who will not see.

        1. Martin in Cardiff
          February 1, 2020

          Empires are only create by force, not by consent and by collaborative development.

          You don’t understand the meanings of the simplest words.

  20. Lifelogic
    January 31, 2020

    “The world teems with opportunities for us once we are fully out. Today is an important step along that road.” It does indeed.

    Let us hope Boris is up to grabbing them. He now needed to Cancel HS2 (and fire Javid for being so foolish over it), indicate that he is going to cut taxes hugely, cut the size of government in half, get completely free of EU controls and regulations, cut all the green crap, get more competition in health care, the BBC, education etc. and have a huge bonfire of red tape.

    Boris I suspect is not remotely up to this but one can hope I suppose. I shall however always be grateful to him for saving the country from the appalling prospect of a Corbyn/SNP trip to Venezuela. Also from the dreadful, dim, dishonest and tedious Theresa May.

    Just listened to a very good interview by Steven Edington (The Sun) of Douglas Carswell on Youtube. Far better than any of the dire rubbish the BBC churns out as interviews.

  21. Roy Grainger
    January 31, 2020

    Let’s just remind ourselves what Andy and chums said would happen today.

    1) Civil unrest as predicted in a detailed analysis by Bristol Council
    2) No flights in or out of Heathrow
    3) The roads to Dover turned into a lorry park
    4) A shortage of medicines

    So, let’s see if he was right ā€¦. no sign of any of them so far but it is early in the day.

    1. Tabulazero
      January 31, 2020

      Reply: Wrong date. That’s supposed to happen on January 1st 2021 when the UK leaves without a deal.

      You do not really expect the EU to cave in to British demands and let Boris have its cake and eat it at its expense, do you ?

    2. Martin in Cardiff
      January 31, 2020

      They were all premised on what you demanded though. That was, no Withdrawal Agreement and no Transition Period.

      And they were perfectly reasonable as areas of increased risk on that basis. No one was silly enough to make any absolute prediction as you claim either.

      Fortunately your demands were ignored.

      1. steve
        January 31, 2020


        “Fortunately your demands were ignored.”

        ……fortunately you were outvoted.

        1. Martin in Cardiff
          February 1, 2020

          Time will tell.

    3. Henry Jailer
      January 31, 2020

      Points 2 to 4 do not appply since we are in a transitional period in which the UK applies all the rules of the EU even though it is not a member. Do you seriously not even understanbd something as basic as that?

      1. steve
        January 31, 2020


        Re EU rules. Two fingers, we’re off mate.

    4. Bob
      January 31, 2020

      “Civil unrest as predicted in a detailed analysis by Bristol Council”

      National and local government are infested with useful idiots. I hope that in future people will be employed on the basis of their ability and not their political affiliation or other characteristics (protected or otherwise).

      1. Fred H
        January 31, 2020

        useful? – whatever gave you that idea?

    5. Leaver
      January 31, 2020

      I disagree.

      Thanks to Boris getting us a deal, we have avoided all these possibilities.

      Those fears were over a no-deal Brexit, which I did not vote for, and thankfully seems to have been avoided.

  22. Martin in Cardiff
    January 31, 2020

    We no move leave the European Union, than a homeowner in an open plan development, who plants privet hedges and puts up net curtains leaves his neighbourhood.

    The whole silly caper was premised on the extraordinary fallacy that he somehow did.

    1. jerry
      January 31, 2020

      @MiC; You are still getting awfully confused between Europe and The European Union, they are not the same, we are leaving the EU, not Europe!

      1. Martin in Cardiff
        January 31, 2020

        They are not quite the same, no.

        But the European Union is most of Europe by population, wealth, and culture.

        There is no physical movement between the UK and either entity, and their proximity will be everything, in relation to the future of the UK.

        Getting divorced is a bit different, from never having been married in the first place too.

        1. jerry
          February 1, 2020

          @MiC; Europe and the EU are not the same at all, period, one is a geographical land mass and the other is a political club!

          “But the European Union is most of Europe by population, wealth, and culture.”

          You do realise something like half of Russia falls within the European continuant, don’t you – obviously not. šŸ™

          “Getting divorced is a bit different, from never having been married in the first place too.”

          I’ll take you word for that! Although I hear devoiced couples can actually become even better friends after, they just can’t live together

    2. Ian Wragg
      January 31, 2020

      You lost. Get over it.

    3. Newmania
      January 31, 2020

      Ha it and this gives me hope.

    4. Lifelogic
      January 31, 2020

      Even in Dover you do not need net curtains to stop someone in Calais looking through your windows. Even if they do have a big telescope. We are not leaving “Europe” (most leavers love Europe) they just hate what the dire EU stands for and is doing to Europe.

      1. Martin in Cardiff
        January 31, 2020

        Yes, they do indeed hate seventy-five unbroken years of peace, and most other good things too, it appears.

    5. Fred H
      January 31, 2020

      We certainly are not leaving as the electorate voted for all those years ago…A quick and minor lancing of the boil has been turned into a multi-year agonising pain – whether you want the boil left alone, or lanced.
      Now the cost of the boil has escalated into a bigger mucky growth to remove.
      But Hey-ho we will remove it bit by bit over the coming months. You can scream in agony day by day being a drama queen.

    6. agricola
      January 31, 2020

      There is more to sovereignty than your net curtains and privet hedges.

    7. Pominoz
      January 31, 2020


      Struggling a bit there, aren’t you?

      We shall leave, properly and absolutely. If not by Boris’s hand, than another’s – but I think by the former’s.

    8. SM
      January 31, 2020

      Stout fences make good neighbours, Martin.

      1. Fred H
        January 31, 2020

        yeah…..brick up the tunnel.

    9. Anonymous
      January 31, 2020

      … and stops people just walking through the door and helping themselves to the fridge when they feel like it.

    10. Edward2
      January 31, 2020

      Presumably these homeowners have freehold rights of legal ownership.
      Well very soon so will the UK.

      1. James Snell
        January 31, 2020

        Too bad.. talk now is about our future but all i see is the breakup of the Uk. Ireland will inevidently be reunited and no doubt Scotland will want to have their own to Brexiteers I say well done!

        1. Edward2
          February 1, 2020

          There is no majorities in recent polls for a break up of the UK.
          But if they went alone England would be much better off as we currently fund them more generously that we fund ourselves.

    11. Longinus
      January 31, 2020

      EU is not Europe.

    12. Handbags
      January 31, 2020

      If we’re not leaving the European Union then why have you been whinging all these months?

      Not that I want you to stop your whinging – after all you and your ilk are the best recruitment agents the tories have got – but why are you so negative and resentful?

      Are you related to Alistair Campbell by any chance?

  23. Narrow Shoulders
    January 31, 2020

    Sir John

    As a prominent and long term campaigner against the UK’s membership of the EU. Can we offer you our congratulations today?

    Is where we find ourselves today the outcome you campaigned for?

    1. Narrow Shoulders
      January 31, 2020

      To be clear, I will not feel out tomorrow and the note I received from HMRC yesterday told me nothing would change.

  24. Stred
    January 31, 2020

    I read somewhere that Boris has stopped continuing preparations for WTO/no deal. Is this true? Also, Mr Benn, who tried to scupper WTO with his act and support from Tories who are still around, has been elected chairman of the Brexit Committee. How has this happened when there are so many new Tory MPs, carefully selected by Conservative head office? Doesn’t look too good does it?

    1. Narrow Shoulders
      January 31, 2020

      Hilary Benn MEP was elected unopposed (again) as Chair of the Exiting EU committee.

      A fine demonstration of how much the left loves democracy.

      Sir John, Dennis or anyone else in the know. How are select committees divvied up between the parties and why did this committee not rotate between the parties following a new General Election? Does the Chairmanship of committees not rotate around the parties?

    2. ian terry
      January 31, 2020


      Doesnā€™t look too good does it?

      No rather worrying

    3. Jasper
      February 1, 2020

      Seriously?? How can that happen?? Surely the likes of him and his ilk should be made to reimburse the taxpayer with the additional cost of Ā£1billion per month that has been given to the EU for the delay they have caused!! Disgraceful- we are watching Boris

  25. Sharon Jagger
    January 31, 2020

    I notice there are still one or two people on this thread this morning, who still canā€™t see past the chocolates and champagne veneer of the EU.

    There is plenty of literature recounting peopleā€™s personal experience of their professional contact with the EU: and their subsequent recognition of how important it is for us to leave.

  26. Bob
    January 31, 2020

    May and Robbins between them have cost the British taxpayer untold billions, for which Robbins was knighted. I expect May will is probably looking forward to a peerage in due course.

    The honours system should reward people that deserve to be honoured, not duplicitous time servers.

  27. Kevin
    January 31, 2020

    While I share your goals, I would just like to highlight the provisions of the Conservative Party’s Withdrawal Agreement (“WA”) and Political Declaration (“PD”) that, I believe, stand in their way. References to the PD below should be read in conjunction with Art. 184 of the WA:
    There must be no sacrifice of our fish (Clause 72, PD);
    no offers of more money (Arts. 136 and 142, WA – insofar as the amounts involved are unspecified and out of the UK’s control);
    no acceptance of continuing ECJ jurisdiction (Arts. 160 and 174, WA; Clause 131, PD);
    an exit from the single market (Clause 77, PD);
    and [an exit from the] Customs Union (Clause 77, PD – insofar as, while we are leaving the CU, the commitment to a “level playing field” may impede us from adjusting “non-tariff barriers”, i.e. business regulations, in order to facilitate trade deals with other countries, as has been argued in a Brexit Party video).

    The strongest impression I got from your election campaigning was fear of a 1970s-style Labour government under Mr. Corbyn. I do not, therefore, agree that the general election result represents a positive verdict from the public on the WA or the PD. So, eat, drink and be merry, for tomorrow, I believe, in order to Leave the EU, we will need to replace the prime minister yet again, and as quickly as possible.

  28. villaking
    January 31, 2020

    Sir John,
    Silly comments about Mrs May “letting” the courts delay our departure letter. She does not control the courts and opposed Gina Miller’s arguments giving parliament then right to stop primary legislation being overturned without parliamentary approval. She did not “let” parliament delay the departure letter either – she fought against parliament but we are a parliamentary democracy and parliament won. She didn’t break her word on the March 31st exit any more than Boris broke his about an October 31st exit – parliament was supreme on both occasions, there was nothing she could do. And as for MPs who “broke their promise to respect the referendum and help get us out”, let’s try and recall who voted against the withdrawal agreements, Sir John!
    For me it is a sad day today but I accept what is happening and sincerely hope to be proven wrong. I won’t be predicting difficulties ahead and will not harbour any secret hopes for them so that I can say we told you so, I genuinely want the best for my country and hope I have been mistaken. It’s time to be positive and move on. One request though, if things do not go as well as you believe, please don’t seek to blame the courts, the EU, parliament, Remain, Labour or anyone else. You have an 80 seat majority, whatever the outcome, own it.

  29. Iain Moore
    January 31, 2020

    UKIP won the 2014 EU election.
    Conservatives won the 2015 general election offering an EU referendum.
    Brexit won the 2016 Referendum.
    Conservatives and Labour took 80% of the 2017 general election vote saying they would honour the referendum.
    Brexit party won the 2019 EU election.
    Conservatives won the 2019 general election.

    Brexit has won under PR twice, an out right plebiscite, and three general elections , its about time we got to Brexit day.

  30. Mick
    January 31, 2020

    I would like some questions asked about control of our Military apparently being handed over to the EU, it had better not be the case! Also about time we had an English Parliament
    Mick x RN šŸ‡«šŸ‡“

  31. JoolsB
    January 31, 2020

    ā€œWe can be better off out, and restore self governmentā€

    Unlike the rest of the UK John, England has never had self government or does that mean you and your colleagues are now finally going to advocate equality and self Government for England in the way the rest of the UK enjoys with equal funding and no more meddling SNP and Welsh MPs voting on matters which donā€™t affect them or their constituents?

    Jacob Rees Mogg disgracefully declared recently when asked that England thought the rotten deal it gets from this so called union was a price worth paying and that England would be a shrivelled up country without Scotland. What an arrogant and dispicable comment from a Tory Minister whose party would be nowhere without England.

  32. bill brown
    January 31, 2020

    Sir JR,

    yes, this is a sad day and I wish I shared your optimism about the great opportunities outside the EU for Britain

  33. Lifelogic
    January 31, 2020

    I see that radio 4 thought that an item on Beethovenā€™s Ode to Joy was just the thing for Brexit Day. I wonder if I will be able to listen to it without being annoyed as I did as a teenager (when/if we finally do leave properly)? I think not. I will still be concerned by all the damage the EU will still be doing to the rest of the EU.

    Plus we had Steve Baker telling us all to respect the remainers. I tend to think respect has to be earned I respect the ones who respected the result but not those to tried to prevent us leaving.

    I certainly will never respect anyone who voted for the appalling treachery of the Benn act.

    So which radio station will JR be celebrating in at 11.00pm today?

  34. Everhopeful
    January 31, 2020

    Happy Brexit Day!šŸ‡¬šŸ‡§šŸ‡¬šŸ‡§
    May we regain our fish and wet fish shops.
    And may many other countries, encouraged by us, follow in a mass exodus.
    A day of note..well worth the struggle on the path to freedom.

  35. bigneil(newercomp)
    January 31, 2020

    Only another Ā£18+bn to hand over to them. Yippee.

  36. Nig l
    January 31, 2020

    I note that Steve Barclay said of fisheries, we will take back what is fair. Hardly reassuring. Looks like a spin line developing for when we give succumb to the demands of the Dutch, French and Spanish.

    I remember me me me Gove being first out of the post Chequer Agreement blocks with the obviously agreed line that it was not perfect but a good compromise followed up by criticism of the ERG for denying democracy. We now know it was a sell out.

    1. Ian terry
      January 31, 2020

      Nig 1

      Well spotted. Frightening isn’t it. Another one who is perceived has learnt in fact three fifths of naff all about the art of negotiation. You tell them nothing and give them nothing until you know what they are after. As with fishing well for all the talk, you hear what they say and give them nothing .

  37. majorfrustration
    January 31, 2020

    Yes there are opportunities galore – I only hope we have the politicians of quality to provide the leadership and guts.

    1. Ian terry
      January 31, 2020


      Don’t we all

  38. BOF
    January 31, 2020

    Happy Brexit Day Sir John, and all your contributors.

    I shall raise a glass tonight but without any sense of fulfillment as the deal is, by any standards, a bad one with a huge bill attached. Money that we do not owe.

    We can only hope for better in the future when our Government has full control.

    1. Lifelogic
      January 31, 2020

      It is indeed a very bad deal, thanks largely to the dishonest remainer majority in parliament (and the Lords), the treachery of the Benn Act and other actions of these MPs, the law inventing Supreme Court Justices and Bercow.

  39. NeverCrushedBrexit
    January 31, 2020

    Bit of a RemoanerFest on here today, Sir John.

    The last gripes of those who fought tooth and nail to overturn our Democracy.

    Their “Stop Brexit”…2nd Referendum “Unicorns” were just fantasies all along.

    But, they can now chase that even more rare Unicorn – rejoining the EU.
    No chance!

    1. Lifelogic
      January 31, 2020

      Indeed and then we are order to respect them! I will give respect to people who deserve it and not to those who clearly deserve non or indeed deserve contempt.

  40. Bellboy
    January 31, 2020

    Am looking forward to hearing Liz Truss Sec of State for International Trade announcing all of these wonderful new trade deals she has lined up- but am holding my breath

    Also seems that “a level playing field” is to be the currency in negotiations for the future with whomever- so can’t see how we are going to gain advantage out of any of this

    Then am thinking all of this upset and for what? in an effort to turn the clock back to the 50’s and 60’s.. some of the old timers will be happy I guess.. but sigh!

  41. Old person
    January 31, 2020

    The trade negotiations will be interesting. But we must be careful NOT to…

    1. Betray our fishermen in the negotiations. They have seen their fishing quotas in the transition period reduced by 50% by the Common Fisheries Policy. Those countries using super-trawlers in the transition period must held to account.

    2. Sign up to the Investor State Dispute Settlement (ISDS) in any trade negotiations giving corporations rights over our sovereign country to sue for assumed profit loss.

    3. Accept any unfavourable EU trade deal as the clock ticks towards the end of the year.

    We must be prepared to leave with no deal.

    1. Ian terry
      January 31, 2020

      Old person

      We must be prepared to leave with no deal.

      The gambler must know when to hold, fold, walk away and run.

      Walk away was in reality the only credible option, if they really wanted to play hard ball like they seem to threatening then we should just run.

  42. miami.mode
    January 31, 2020

    As Ambrose wrote in the Telegraph, if the EU was just about trade we would be mad to leave – but it’s not and we aren’t.

    1. Andy
      January 31, 2020

      It mostly is. And we are.

  43. Leaver
    January 31, 2020

    A happy day indeed.

    I say let’s not stop here. Surely an independent England, free of the encumbrances of the union must be the logical next step?

    I say if Northern Ireland and Scotland want to remain in the EU then let them.

    1. Andy
      January 31, 2020

      They do. And they will.

    2. The Prangwizard
      January 31, 2020


      We need people and especially MPs to speak unequivocally for England with the same belief as Scottish MPs for example speak for Scotland.

      To my mind we have no-one because they are afraid, being Unionists first and foremost. England always takes second place. They shy away.

      But now, this must end. England must come first.

    3. Leaver
      February 1, 2020

      Just to be clear. I’m advocating letting Scotland, Northern Ireland and Wales go – if they vote for it.

      I don’t think it would be right for England to unilaterally leave.

  44. Peter Parsons
    January 31, 2020

    Having read the UK government’s published advice on what will happen from 2021, I am so overjoyed (not) by the prospect of having to pay Ā£326 per year to the government for an ATA carnet simply so I can continue to travel on business with what I travel with today.

  45. Edwardm
    January 31, 2020

    Finally we officially leave the EU. Much delayed, but is now to happen. It is a big step forward and the hopefully the first of many positive steps ahead.
    A big Thank You to Sir John Redwood for all your efforts helping to get us here.

  46. Grahame ASH
    January 31, 2020

    My article above should have been linked to a previous comment. Since corrected but I cannot delete my comment above. Apologies

  47. Christine Marland
    January 31, 2020

    Thank you John for your efforts and hard work as a Eurosceptic. Happy Brexit day!

    1. Ian terry
      January 31, 2020

      Christine Marland


  48. Ian
    January 31, 2020

    They do not have a leg to stand on, how they can dictate to us, is simply because they have thus far been talking only to Remainers.
    We are already doing better than them.
    I hear that our negative trade with that crowd is in the region of Ā£90 Billion, that is a B not an M !
    Boris should just walk, and is it not 8% of our business goes that way, weā€™ll by the end of this year we should have a lot of new Free Trade Agreements, all done and finished in a few months, not years.
    Right from the start ,We have had all the cards, we have been let down by appalling Remainers, they have indeed cost us a lot of money, acting only for the other side.
    The worst of that betrayal is That inspite of that , they walk free, we have been privileged to see these people in action.
    People like our host are few and far between you will notice he stands out like a Light House

    1. Ian terry
      January 31, 2020


      Boris should just walk,

      First he has to repeal the no deal law, that in its self will really focus the minds of the EU. Then they will really know which way and where we are coming from.

  49. Dee
    January 31, 2020

    ‘as there was no support for just leaving without signing the Withdrawal Agreement ‘
    How do you know? Nobody was asked, no motion was put before Parliament which with his majority & the Whip he would have surely won. Over the next months we will see just how Toxic Boris’s\May’s WA is.
    Ā£39Billion Divorce payment,
    Ā£8.6Billion paid to the eu commission pensions fund.
    Ā£6.7Billion profits from the European Investment Bank FORFIETED.
    Ā£3Billion a year for disposal of eu atomic waste. The UK must adopt Eurotom.
    Ā£500Billion+++ if the Euro goes bust.
    Any Greece Style bailout the UK has to pay for it.
    Money owed to us by the ECB will be paid in dribs n drabs till 2064. .
    Imports from 3rd World Countries To the UK to be shipped via Rotterdam so the eu can claim the tarrifs.
    eu to give 3rd World Countries exports to UK through eu deal. UK has no say.
    We cannot make any laws that conflicts with eu law.
    All eu assets owed to the UK will be written off.
    May wasn’t trying to take us out of the eu, she was paying them to keep us in.

    All eu commision personel working in the UK are TOTALY EXEMPT from ALL UK taxes.
    All eu commision personel working in the UK are TOTALY IMUNE from UK law & cannot be arrested or prosecuted for ANYTHING.
    Our Armed Forces RULED & RUN by Brussels.
    There is much more just as bad but I think I have made my point. I only hope the eu shoot themselves in the foot with the red lines they are setting which as it is makes it impossible to deal unless Boris folds. And as you know, most of Boris’s changes were done to the Political Declaration which is non legal & non binding & is not worth the paper it is written on.

  50. ukretired123
    January 31, 2020

    We joined the Common Market in good faith and we thought we would be ” left behind”.
    We were never allowed to be equal partners to help reform it.
    They never budgeted properly so every year needed more money due to overspending.
    They never once had proper accounting systems and lacked full accountability.
    They never once got full Audited Accounts.
    The first professional Accountant appointed highlighted many dysfunctional situations.
    She was fired from her post (by Labour Neil Kinnock) and never replaced …..
    As Nigel Farage noted the whole edifice was rotten to the core.
    Even after decades of half-yearly EU crises they still did nothing to reform it.
    Now they will be poorer without the equivalent of 19 small countries contributions.
    There is now a dawning realisation of the scale they now face.
    It is best we are out when the proverbial happens.
    Better late out than never.
    Hotel California’s for fools who cannot fool us anymore, thank god.

  51. John Partington
    January 31, 2020

    I think we need to lay out our requirements after Brexit. What is not up for negotiation is our fishing. If the EU wish to fish our waters, they will have to pay to do so. British fishermen should be allotted the lion’s share of any quotas. The CFP should be ditched.

    1. Andy
      January 31, 2020

      Easy. We say no EU fishing in our waters.

      And the EU agrees – fish are not up for negotiation.

      So where do our fishermen sell their catch to?

      Half currently goes to the single market but fish is not up for negotiation.

      So the EU insists on WTO tariff and checks – making British caught fish too expensive.

      How many British fishermen would lose their jobs?

      I donā€™t mind. I donā€™t care about fishing. But you seem to. So you should I think about it.

      1. a-tracy
        February 1, 2020

        We are told to eat a balanced diet, we eat trout, salmon, seafood, cod, haddock and pollock (A fish I only heard of recently). If tv chefs – the proper home cooks Iā€™m talking about – begin to teach people about new foods and the supermarkets stock them at the right price, plus maybe do their job properly and do in store demonstrations and testing stations uk home cooks can expand their weekly shop. Plus there are other big markets out there, whoā€™d have thought beef cheeks would become trendy to eat!

      2. Edward2
        February 1, 2020

        And then we insist on WTO tariffs and checks on EU imported fish making EU fish too expensive.

        How many EU fishermen will lose their jobs?

        You should think about too Andy.

    2. ian terry
      January 31, 2020

      John Partington

      I do hope you are not holding your breath?

  52. Richard1
    January 31, 2020

    So it seems we will be spending the whole of the net saving of Ā£1bn per month on HS2. A pity, there must be many better uses for the money.

    I didnā€™t listen to the final debate in the European Parliament, especially not to the rude rantings of mr Farage and his bunch of clowns who have been such an embarrassment on so many occasions in that body.

    But I did hear some of Mr Verhofstadtā€™s speech which was interesting. He is an articulate speaker in English. He regrets Brexit of course. But he said he thought the seeds of Brexit were sewn with the original opt-outs and rebates. You simply canā€™t have a union like the EU in his view with some members (like the U.K.) 1/2 in. I think heā€™s probably right and perhaps therefore whatā€™s happened will be for the best for both sides. The EU can continue its track of political and economic integration and the U.K. can pursue a relationship based on free trade and ad hoc cooperation, both with the EU and with other friends and allies around the world.

  53. Tad Davison
    January 31, 2020

    I keep hearing endless platitudes about the need for this nation to heal itself. We leavers have been lied to and cheated on a grand scale by a duplicitous and largely pro-EU establishment, and I don’t think the bitter resentment on our part is going away any time soon. We were victims of some very nasty tricks and had to fight tooth and claw to get where we are now.

    There’s a distinct lack of trust that is now very deep-rooted, but it wasn’t always thus, it developed over the years as a reaction to the constant and seemingly inexorable acts of betrayal by politicians and the establishment who tried to deny us the right to self-determination and hence, proper political accountability.

    That most fervent EU supporter, John Major, used to say he wanted a nation at peace with itself, then caused massive social divisions with Maastricht and his refusal to give the British people a referendum on it. Things never recovered from there on.

    Once given the opportunity, the people told the elite in no uncertain terms what they wanted, and we are now entering a new phase. But these pro-EU people haven’t gone away and will be lurking in the shadows. This is one swamp we still have to drain, and we won’t be free from their grasping tentacles for a while yet so we leavers must stay strong and make Brexit work. That effectively kills their argument for good.

    Given their appalling duplicity, nor to mention their appallingly bad lack of judgement, I wouldn’t trust a remainer as far as I could throw them. Even at this late stage, they’ll try anything to de-rail the Brexit process because they’re sore losers.

    The price of peace is eternal vigilance.

    1. Lifelogic
      January 31, 2020

      Indeed and most worrying of all is that the Supreme Court Justices are clearly EUphiles to a man (and one woman). They are also quite happy to invent new laws if they possibly can do to assist in the cause. The people who stood on a “we will deliver Brexit” manifesto (and then tried to kill Brexit once elected or to deliver only a fake Brexit) are beneath contempt. The ones who voted for the treachery of the Benn Act deserve total and utter contempt or even worse.

    2. Doug Powell
      January 31, 2020

      ..”Given their appalling duplicity, nor to mention their appallingly bad lack of judgement, I wouldnā€™t trust a remainer as far as I could throw them.”…

      Spot on Tad! This ‘bringing the Nation together’ nonsense is all one sided! Brexiteers are urged not to be triumphalist, etc., but what do we get from remoaners?

      They are constantly trying to rub our noses in that obnoxious flag! It will still be flown at Holyrood, then we have countless remoaners waving the flag, dressed in similarly decorated clothing!

      Of the many disgraceful episodes last year, the most disgraceful must surely have been ‘The Last Night of the Proms’ when the BBC (Bollocks to Brexit Corporation) not only allowed people into the Albert Hall wearing that offensive garb (offensive to Leavers), but focused on their triumphalist antics throughout the concert! Can you imagine the incongruousness and the offensiveness of the occasion, seeing people thus attired singing ‘Land of Hope and Glory’!

  54. Iain Gill
    January 31, 2020

    Maybe we can stop importing cheap IT workers from Bulgaria and Romania now? Being brought in massive numbers to undercut and displace the local workforce. Force employers to hire and train locals. And incentivise locals to study Computer Science instead of avoiding it because at the moment most of the jobs are given to such foreign workers, or Indian nationals brought in on uncapped intra company transfer visas.

    Or are the all going to be given Dom Cummings new science visas anyways?

    Do tell…

    1. ukretired123
      January 31, 2020

      The Cambridge UK inspired low-cost raspberry pi computer launched in 2012 deliberately aimed at teaching children IT in schools should hopefully reap fruits sooner to reverse the decline in STEM related education and training as that is very much the future.
      The success of that humble pi is an indicator of future trends …

      1. Iain Gill
        February 2, 2020

        The reality of the demographics of IT workers is that they are largely foreign, because they are cheaper and more compliant. British students are not stupid and actively avoid these subjects as they can see the social manipulation by politicians swamping the jobs market with ever more cheap imports. Cheap toys for training are not going to fix that.

  55. Iago
    January 31, 2020

    Brino day.

  56. mancunius
    January 31, 2020

    Sir John, we all owe you a debt of far more than gratitude for your patience and persistence in repeating the arguments for the past 30 years, until they were generally understood.
    Stay vigilant – there are still many snakes lurking in the grass of the Tory Party.

  57. William Long
    January 31, 2020

    It is great at last to have got this far, and tomorrow will be even better when we are actually across the finishing line. Your logical approach was very cheering when at times it seemed that things had gone completely off the rails. Many thanks for all you have done to get us here, and all i have no doubt you will be doing in the next stage.

  58. The Prangwizard
    January 31, 2020

    We must have a true Brexit and we must certainly not concede anything over our waters and our fish.

    Trouble is, I do not trust Boris. Those who feel as I do must not relent. Brexit is not done yet.

    1. Lifelogic
      February 1, 2020

      I too do not trust Boris. If he cannot even cancel the basket case HS2 and even employs Mark Carney in a new climate alarmist capacity then how can we possible trust his judgment on anything?

  59. steve
    January 31, 2020

    Good evening JR

    First of all I would like to point out that Mrs May acted the way she did not so much because of pressure from a hostile Parliament, but rather because firstly she wasn’t a fighter, and secondly being a remainer she tried to pull off BRINO. The country was having none of it.

    I also don’t think she did herself or the country any favours when she let the Salzburg mob walk all over her. That particular shameful episode does make people wish lady Thatcher was there instead.

    Going forward, Boris’s government should seriously take heed that we expect to be represented by a tough negotiating team during the year ahead. We will not tolerate fishing grounds being subject of any concession whatsoever.

    Neither will we tolerate the British side giving way to the usual threats and bullying by the EU.

    As and when the EU gets crappy with us, we expect our side to reciprocate in equal measure. If the EU want to trade with us then fair enough, but any government that yields to EU blackmailing will be out on it’s ear – and we mean it, Boris, be of no doubt.

    Furthermore I know and work with quite a lot of Polish and eastern european people, the majority of whom have been led to believe they face being ostracised and sent back. They’re confused by the paperwork and processes. They feel insecure, some are actually frightened.

    I reassure them as best I can. In my opinion these people are being fed lies, most certainly for political motives. Clearly this is shameful behaviour, and I would like the government to give reassurance that our country is not 1930’s Germany and never will be. I would like Government to find out who is behind it, expose the perpetrators, and shut them down for good.

    Fear mongering needs to be stopped, and as a priority.

    1. Lifelogic
      February 1, 2020

      May was absolutely appalling and totally disingenuous, taking the Conservative party down to 9% and 5th place is quite some achievement. Even the appalling John Major did not manage that. Thank goodness Boris rescued us from Corbyn/SNP but it still seems to me he is essentially a tax borrow and waste socialist at heart.

      A failure to cancel HS2, obtain a real Brexit, cut taxes, cut the climate alarmist lunacy and have a bonfire of red tape will, I suspect, vert shortly confirm this.

  60. Sir Joe Soap
    January 31, 2020

    EU did a trade deal with Japan which we s it’s biggest competitor tin car market. Why not with us?

  61. margaret
    January 31, 2020

    Tonight’s the night, I am listening to old tracks pre EU . We will never capture those times again . It is sad and happy .There is no full circle .Only us from our generation will remember
    those hopeful songs of love and growth which all went askew . Joan Baez, Joni Mitchel , old folk songs brought to life.I hope this next generation remember lines like ” love is touching souls” and not how deep is your pocket when growth happens.

  62. NickC
    January 31, 2020

    JR, A wonderful post; thank you. We’re off to celebrate tonight with our local crew who helped give us the opportunity to Leave the ailing EU empire.

    1. bill brown
      February 1, 2020


      go and look empire again in the dictionary

  63. steve
    January 31, 2020


    “…and we still stay under their rules….”

    Personally JR, I don’t.

    I don’t buy any EU produce, I only buy locally produced foodstuff, and if doing DIY around the house I circumvent said ‘rules’ by making my own, using imperial measurements and with tools made in England, and British materials.

    I even convert fuel into gallons.

  64. agricola
    January 31, 2020

    About time this was moderated.

  65. LC
    January 31, 2020

    I will not celebrate what you have worked so long to achieve, JR. I will forever and a few more days regret your obsession. Money money money. That is your only concern. Long may your parsnips rot.

  66. gregory martin
    January 31, 2020

    Almost all of the 27 nations have direct access to us by sea. We should be trading with each seperately, on terms that we find mutually acceptable. Our long term interest is to have direct , two way trade, with each. If any of the 27 decide its not for them, that would be for them to decide but it should be for us to test the strength of their bonds. We are able to adjust our terms to suit us.

  67. Stuart K
    January 31, 2020

    Freedom tastes good.

  68. Fred H
    January 31, 2020


    1. Martin in Cardiff
      February 1, 2020

      From what?

      Clear, clean bathing water on our beaches?

      Salmon in our rivers?

      Unpolluted air to breathe?

      High standards in the food that we eat?

      Safety at work?

      Long queues for non EU passport holders returning from holiday?

      Yes, well done, genius.

      1. Know-Dice
        February 1, 2020

        And of course we can’t do ANY of those things without the EU?

        I don’t think so…

        1. Martin in Cardiff
          February 1, 2020

          Had to be dragged kicking and screaming to do them in the EC.

          The UK voted against most of those rules.

          1. Edward2
            February 2, 2020

            We had a Clean Air Act in the 1960s

            Food standards and animal welfare rules were set at a high level in the UK before the EU existed.

            The first H and S law was in 1974 again before the EU existed.

            Longer queues for UK passport holders whenever I return to the UK at airports with those automatic gates and the greater number of people.

  69. margaret howard
    February 1, 2020

    Scotland will leave, so will NIreland with just a rump England left with about as much influence on world affairs as Liechtenstein.

    Never thought such a disaster could happen to this country and a set back that will be resented by generations to follow.

    The shout of ‘Freedom’ is heard over and over again. Freedom from what? I have never felt being ‘unfree’ in all the decades of EU membership. Only witnessed the UK’s transformation from a grey, slightly backward country, into a vibrant modern world. Mostly led by London, the most pro Remain city and the motor of the UK.

    1. Martin in Cardiff
      February 1, 2020

      Absolutely, Margaret.

    2. Edward2
      February 1, 2020

      Your Rump England nonsense yet again Margaret.

      On its own, England would still be the world’s sixth biggest economy and wealthier too, by keeping all the money we send to the rest of the UK subsidising these regions.

      1. Know-Dice
        February 1, 2020

        Edward2, you don’t understand… šŸ™

        Clearly 5.2 million Scots and 1.8 million in Northern Ireland should have more say than the 66 million living in England – according to Margaret Howard.

      2. Martin in Cardiff
        February 1, 2020

        Since the whole UK is now only its seventh, how do you come to that, Edward?

        1. Edward2
          February 2, 2020

          Hardly a rump like Lichtenstein is it Martin?
          Your pedantic comment doesn’t alter the nonsense of Margaret’s post.

  70. bill brown
    February 1, 2020


    Thank you and well said

    1. Edward2
      February 1, 2020

      Look up the GDP of Lichtenstein and compare it to England’s before you pour praise on Margaret’s nonsense.

      1. bill brown
        February 2, 2020


        You missed the point of my praise

        1. Edward2
          February 2, 2020

          You said “thank you and well said” bill.

          Try to be less vague then maybe people will understand what you are saying.

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