Happy new year

Happy New Year

“Pour me another,  lets toast the new year
Here’s to a better, put  fizz in our cheer”

Tonight’s  not for sorrows, no mulling old wounds
Come banish our troubles,  lets sing some new tunes

Caught in the present is a moment to choose
To look forwards or backwards, to win or to lose

If your comfort is still clinging to  what has past
This precious moment of hope will never last

Grasping  the future and its so unknown way
Could bring success and many a wonderful day

The past is well trodden,  we know the ending
The future is for moulding, shaping, bending

As last year expires,  hopes and promises broken
Change things this time , leave pledges unspoken

So pour me another,drink to the new year

here’s to a better, put fizz in our cheer

If your life is a drama  you can change the plot
If your friends are the  actors you can recast the lot

If people around you are holding you back
Tell them you’re changing, on a new track

Lets hold on to clichés that drive us to more
Lets venture out from  behind that closed door

We can stretch for the stars and strive for the sun
We can soar with  the wind making life more fun

You are only out of the game  when you give up the play
So write some new words so you have a new  say

Aim for something better, embrace the best
You may fall short of target  but gain from the quest

So cast off the old. Live a new dream
Grab the future foretold. Mine a new seam

So pour me another, lets toast the new year
Here’s to a better, put fizz in our cheer

Trust that  tomorrow can be better than today
Let the future  empower us with its  new way

Lets cast off from covid, from laws, test and trace

Lets make our own minds up and set our own pace

The future is only ours, my friend, if we want to race it
Tonight is the night to embrace it

So pour me another, lets toast the new year

Here’s to a better, put fizz in our cheer


  1. Everhopeful
    December 31, 2021

    Happy New Year!

    1. Peter
      December 31, 2021

      Happy New Year!

      1. Everhopeful
        December 31, 2021


  2. javelin
    December 31, 2021

    Clear message to dump the contradictory fear mongers. Thank you.

    Sadly I’ve realised 80% of the population will cheer on Governments to do anything if they are told it makes them more virtuous.

    1. Everhopeful
      December 31, 2021


    2. jerry
      December 31, 2021

      @javelin; You only just realised that?! Many came to that conclusion in the 1980s, the majority by the mid 1990s, no doubt when you were still part of the original 80%, blindly cheering on what ever the then govt did or said…

      We need to learn to live with the CV19 virus, those opposed to the lock-downs said so back in early 2020, I’ve come to agree, but that doesn’t mean just carrying on as if CV19 has not happened (or explain it away by a conspiracy theory or two), nor can we carry on vaccinating the entire adult population, along with significant numbers of children, every three to six months just so a selfish few can carry on pushing caution to the wind. We need a sea change in social attitudes similar to what happened with work ethics back in the 1980s.

    3. dixie
      January 1, 2022

      80% really?
      Are you sure it isn’t 75%, or perhaps it’s 60% …40%, maybe even 2%
      Most people have no interest or time to spare on legislative and political antics but are trying to earn a living, raise a family, deal with their own many and varied struggles.
      I don’t recall anyone cheering on any government

  3. DOM
    December 31, 2021

    It won’t be a happy 2022.

    New laws formulated by the Law Commission and all main parties including your party John to target speech, online activity and freedom itself. Yes, this is NOT what people voted for.

    Oppressive laws to protect the main parties from harm and to limit what can and cannot be openly discussed. No reason to celebrate that

    Covid invoked State intervention across all areas of life. Public health barbarity. The great scam

    The Tory party’s embrace of Socialist authoritarianism is real. And backbench Tory MPs who despise this politics remain silent. It is this silence from those who have influence that will prove our undoing

    Even this blog will become verboten when new laws come into play whose purpose is quite simply to viciously target all forms of debate and label them ‘harmful’. To crush conversation and limit damage to the main parties

    The State, the main parties and their interests will label anything harmful if it serves a political advantage. I don’t see that as a reason to celebrate

    1. Everhopeful
      December 31, 2021

      +1000000oooooo etc.
      I have been saying that about this blog for a while.
      How can it persist?
      I am beginning to suspect that the huge closure of our pubs and clubs is more about “combination”as in exchange of ideas etc. than cultural pressure ( as I had imagined).
      Has this gagging law passed yet?
      They are jabbing and gagging with little thought for the consequences!

      1. Mark B
        December 31, 2021

        Places like this are the equivalent of, Coffee Houses of the 17th Century.

        1. Micky Taking
          December 31, 2021

          More like Speakers Corner, the site previously of the thousands of Tyburn hangings. But the tradition for protest and pleasure in Hyde Park continued. In 1872, an act of parliament set aside this part of the park for public speaking. It became known as Speakers’ Corner and you can still see people making speeches here on Sundays.

          1. Everhopeful
            December 31, 2021


        2. Everhopeful
          December 31, 2021


        3. Ian Wragg
          December 31, 2021

          Thank goodness.

      2. Donna
        December 31, 2021

        I’m convinced the main reason they closed down the hospitality sector (particularly pubs and clubs) was because they are places where people gather and exchange opinions which cannot be monitored and controlled by the Establishment.

        When they were eventually re-opened, customers were not allowed to mix – they had to sit with those they came with – another method of preventing the exchange of opinions.

        It was all about control ….. and still is.

        1. Everhopeful
          December 31, 2021


      3. Iain Moore
        December 31, 2021

        Pete Brown wrote an interesting book ‘Man walks into a pub’ , as the blurb on the back describes the book …a well lubricated pub crawl through the amazing story of beer…but another theme that comes out in the book is the long standing war the state has waged against the pub, usually with disastrous consequences , but the states motivation to interfere is driven by the fact that it is a space they don’t control , a pint or two will liberate a man’s tongue regardless of the threats coming from the state to silence him. The state has clearly decided the best form of control of the pub is to make them uneconomic and close them down. In regards to this the Social Media coming along must have been a nightmare for the state, nevertheless we see the state trying to gain control of the space , just as they have with pubs, by threatening people with hate crimes and sending police around to the homes of people to ask them to explain their thoughts and put them on illegal lists of ‘non crime hate incidents’ .

        Para left out re a named individual where the facts are contested ed

        Anyways I wish all a Happy New Year , though I fear it’s going to be one where attacks on our liberties and freedom of speech is going to get a great deal more vicious.

        1. Everhopeful
          December 31, 2021

          + Agree entirely.

        2. Iain Moore
          December 31, 2021

          I apologise for my error, I thought that a name , in fact a pseudonym, put on a list that had been published in the press was acceptable , especially a name that had been put there by an NGO , which we will probably find is part funded by the state and which has made contributions to House of Commons reports like the…’ Radicalisation: the counter-narrative and identifying the
          tipping point’ , where it is referenced.

    2. Nottingham Lad Himself
      December 31, 2021

      What hysterical, diversionary claptrap as usual.

      The freedoms which matter are those lost through cutbacks in legal aid, new laws against demonstrations, the attacks on everyone’s human rights, on the independence of the judiciary, and the rest.

      1. Bill B.
        December 31, 2021

        All freedoms matter. Not just the ones your authoritarian friends may decide to return to us now and then, as if they were theirs to give.

        1. glen cullen
          December 31, 2021

          Interestingly I know where the Tories stand on these issues; they want a communist command style state
.I haven’t a clue what the Labour Party are for, would they repeal the online speech, smart meter and car monitoring proposed laws

          1. Ian Wragg
            December 31, 2021

            All lives matter.

      2. Micky Taking
        December 31, 2021

        When you are stuck in a traffic jam with an elderly person clutching their chest in mid-heart attack and can see the XR idiots gluing themselves to the road, please reflect on the law that lets them consign the relative to an early death in front of your eyes.

        1. SM
          December 31, 2021

          Hear, hear!

        2. Hat man
          December 31, 2021

          I’m not sure if the law does, Micky. The policemen and women who first ushered the XR idiots on to the motorway did indeed let them do that, though.

          1. Micky Taking
            December 31, 2021

            And the drivers who dragged ( and much worse I hope) the protesters off the road were cautioned by the Police to desist.

        3. Fedupsoutherner
          January 1, 2022

          Can’t say what they need on this site or any other.

    3. Sir Joe Soap
      December 31, 2021

      But for today, at least, have some cheer in your heart by encouraging the current PM, to whom this post applies -ab initio usque ad finem- with this clever ditty.

    4. BOF
      December 31, 2021

      DOM. Yes, and how about restrictions on peaceful protest. Truly the police state has arrived.

  4. Fedupsoutherner
    December 31, 2021

    No amount of fizz will make this year better but a change of PM and a more Conservative government might help.

    1. lifelogic
      December 31, 2021

      A change of PM will almost certainly give us an even worse leader. If you look at the betting odds Sunak, Truss, Gove, Hunt, Javid are the most likely – all are lefty dopes in my book. Only Steve Baker 11th and 50/1 in the list would be better – but he (given the make up of the “Tory” MPs) surely has no chance. Hannan at 100/1 no chance either.

      Sunak is a tax to death and piss down the drain, inflation generating socialist. Truss was a remainer and President of Oxford University Liberal Democrats at Oxford clearly another lefty. Both read PPE – never a good sign. Though a tiny few do remain fairly sensible – Widecombe, Nigel Lawson, Mark Reckless, Tony Abbot perhaps. It you google PPE politicians it is a list of appalling politicians almost without exception.

      1. Sir Joe Soap
        December 31, 2021

        Agreed, can you even imagine Tebbit, Lawson, Nick Ridley, Thatcher, Keith Joseph sitting round a table with this lot? Their heads would be in their hands.

      2. jerry
        December 31, 2021

        @LL; The first task of a party leader is to make their party electable, the last thing the right needs to do is to go down the same rabbit hole the Labour party did in the early 1980s, issuing manifestos that read like (political) suicide notes!

        I came across an opinion poll carried out during the 1979 general election [1], when many who share your tax ideology claim Mrs Thatcher won due to her tax policies, the figures make interesting reading but will no doubt depress those like you (remember this was the era of super-tax etc), whilst 43 years ago I suspect if the same poll was carried out today the results would be much the same;

        In order of importance.
        42% Prices (inflation)
        28% Jobs (unemployment)
        21% Taxes
        20% Strikes
        12% Law & Order

        [1] for the BBC result programme

        1. SM
          December 31, 2021

          I have a reluctance to trust opinion polls at any time, but particularly those from pre-digital times.

          I can recall being stopped in the street by legitimate pollsters in the past, and my doubts arise from the fact that: I was given barely 5 or 6 seconds to consider my response, and that several of my answers were recorded quite wrongly. Coming from a family of nitpickers, I kept an eye on what was ticked or written and corrected the answers – most people I suspect would have been in too much of hurry or have been too trusting.

          1. jerry
            December 31, 2021

            @SM; So those opinion polls that showed Mrs Thatcher to be more popular than Mr Foot in 1983 might have been wrong?! 😀

            All opinion polls are indicative, not a science, even more so in the digital age were people can be many different people, only when IP numbers are recorded might ‘impersonation’ be suspected but never be proved. Back in the days of the street pollster it was extremely unlikely the same person would be asked twice even if they claimed to be someone else. As for recording the correct answers, how can we be sure a digital poll does that any better at the server.

          2. Nottingham Lad Himself
            December 31, 2021

            Opinion polls are very inaccurate now, because people confuse their virtual selves with reality.

            For instance, about 66% of the 18-24s said that they had voted in the referendum.

            In truth, when the polling cards were tallied, only about 34% actually did, despite what they said they had done on social media.

        2. lifelogic
          December 31, 2021

          I was at Cambridge at the time and remember the election well, that list does not surprise me at all given the huge mess the Socialist dopes and the daft Ted Heath had made of the country. Robert Rhodes James MP won. Since that time it has become a Libdim or Labour seat.

          1. jerry
            December 31, 2021

            @LL; “Since that time it has become a Libdim or Labour seat.”

            Yet you seem to want even more of what others obviously do not want. Given many votes for both the Libdems and Labour are lost or at least lent ex-Tory votes, ever stopped to ask why…

      3. turboterrier
        December 31, 2021

        L L
        Even worse leader

        For a lot of us out here these pseudo so called politicians over the last three decades have proved that they are not upto the job in hand.
        Let’s try a different breed. There are enough politicians with business, commerce, industrial, energy experience with proven track records that could turn this country round. Its all about leadership real leadership.
        There has been a line drawn in the sand.
        Make sure it’s the doers and not talkers that cross it.

    2. Everhopeful
      December 31, 2021

      A sane govt.?
      Oh please God.
      How much more of this insanity can we stand?

    3. jerry
      December 31, 2021

      @FUS; A change in PM will not bring us a ‘true Conservative’, after all the party structure has got rid of four such leaders in the last 50 years; Heath, Major, Cameron & May, although the latter two chose to walk before being pushed.

      1. Lifelogic
        December 31, 2021

        Heath, Major, Cameron, May “True Conservatives”? Nonsense all were pro EU, tax, borrow and waste big state LibDims – at best.

        Two read PPE, one Geography and the other even failed to pass his maths O level and yet was made Chancellor by Thatcher – a disaster he was too.

        1. jerry
          December 31, 2021

          @LL; Thank you for your opinion, and a Happy New Year to you too!

          1. Lifelogic
            December 31, 2021

            Happy new year to you too.

      2. Fedupsoutherner
        January 1, 2022

        Jerry. Exactly. But hang on a moment. Read through posts from everyone over the last few weeks and a change of PM is what everyone wants. I know this government will never be truly Conservative and I don’t need you to tell me. I would gladly vote Reform just to get a message out there if I thought it would do any good and I still think they are more Conservative

        1. jerry
          January 1, 2022

          @FUS; I was going to ask you to define what a “True Conservative” is, but by telling us you would vote for a non Conservative party such as ‘Reform UK’ you have told us. In my opinion you are no Conservative, being more akin to a Preservationist, wanting the UK to be something it has not been in years, and yes I have read the Reform manifesto, but more importantly listened to their underlying message. Conservative values are surely about conserving what is best but not being afraid to make or allow changes that improve.

          Was Heath that bad a PM? If one ignores (for the purpose of debate) his willingness to join the EEC at any price, were his policies that much different to those of Thatcher [1], at least in 1979, that so many celibate on this site, I suspect Heath gets judged on his rather stiff personality and Europhile stance than his economic or industrial policies.

          [1] was not Heath, and Wilson/Callaghan after, not already moving towards monetarism?

          Reply Heath implemented a disastrous prices and income policy whilst printing and borrowing too much. He did not understand inflation.

          1. jerry
            January 1, 2022

            @JR reply; Or perhaps Heath (along with Wilson/Callaghan) just understood the human cost that a pure monetarist policy would bring, and cared, just as Macmillan did, after all on the 1980s neither were being critical of the chosen destination, just the route.

            Many other countries also had to deal with high inflation, low productivity, the oil shocks etc, along with a move to monetarist policies, doing so better than the UK and with far less collateral damage. But then Thatcher’s agenda was never purely about economics…

            Reply Heath imposed the damaging three day week and hit the poor hardest with his inflation. Thatcher curbed the inflation she inherited

          2. jerry
            January 1, 2022

            @JR reply; If only inflation had been curbed! Inflation is alive and well, just no longer measured properly by official stats. All Thatcher’s govt, and those since, learnt to do is hid the true level of inflation, not curb it, never mind eradicate it. Much smoke and mirrors, explained away by even more political spin.

  5. Everhopeful
    December 31, 2021

    Away Darkness!
    Come New Year’s light!
    We shall NOT go meekly into their dark night.

  6. Cheshire Girl
    December 31, 2021

    What a lovely poem. Something to inspire us to think of better things.

    I wish a very Happy New Year, to you, Sir John, and all those on this site. May we all stay healthy, happy, and hopeful in 2022.

  7. Donna
    December 31, 2021

    Happy New Year Sir John ….. and everyone who comments on this site.

    It is very difficult to remain positive when we are continually being gas-lighted by this appalling Government and it is obvious that their intentions are NOT decent, honourable or in the interests of the people who elected them (or even, the ones who didn’t).

    But I aim to have a happy year despite all their idiocies, deceits, betrayals and authoritarianism because ultimately happiness comes from within and as another poem said “I am the Master of my fate. I am the Captain of my soul.”

    1. Enough Already
      December 31, 2021


    2. Shirley M
      December 31, 2021

      I dispute part of your comment, Donna. I think Boris will be delighting the Remainers in Parliament and the general population, even though they would NOT have voted for Boris, or Brexit. Many Remainers constantly wish for both Brexit and the UK to fail while crowing about every little EU success (or imagined success).

  8. acorn
    December 31, 2021

    Tory Liz Truss mocked for vowing to bring back pint-sized champagne after Brexit.
    Pint-sized fizz bottles were favoured by Winston Churchill – but Twitter users pointed out they’re not exactly the big benefit of Brexit we were all promised. (Mirror)

    A style guide for officials, published on the UK Government’s website, tells them they should only use the word Brexit when “providing historical context”.

    The guide states: “You can use the term Brexit to provide historical context, but it’s better to use specific dates where possible. For example, use 31 December 2020 rather than Brexit or when the UK left the EU.” (National)

    1. Peter Parsons
      December 31, 2021

      I’m sure all those businesses looking forward to having to deal with all the new paperwork they’ve been saddled with from tomorrow by this Conservative government will be seeing Brexit in an historical context too.

      1. Peter2
        December 31, 2021

        We use computers these days Peter, when doing “the paperwork” for importing and exporting goods to and from the rest of the world.
        There are even programmes you can buy that produce “the paperwork” for you.
        Or your handling agent will do it all for you if you are a small business.
        The EU saddled us with mountains of paperwork whilst we were members.

        1. Nottingham Lad Himself
          December 31, 2021

          Your silly, punctilious, literalist approach to metaphor is very telling.

          1. Peter2
            December 31, 2021

            Your continually sneering posts with minimal arguments and childish abuse says more about you than anything I say NHL
            No counter to my statement about paperwork I note.
            Because I am right.

          2. Micky Taking
            December 31, 2021

            seconds out… ‘Round Three !!’

        2. Peter Parsons
          December 31, 2021

          All of which costs businesses extra money. Another “benefit” of Brexit

          1. Peter2
            December 31, 2021

            Those in trading companies have put up with a blizzard of extra paperwork from the EU and our own government over the last few decades.
            Fortunately IT improvements mean the latest minor additions due to brexit, which you don’t actually explain, will just be another imposition which companies will deal with.
            Maybe you will pay a few extra pennies for your product as a result.
            Life and trade will go on.

          2. Peter Parsons
            January 1, 2022

            Another imposition which it has been calculated will add ÂŁ300-ÂŁ400 to the cost of each consignment of goods such as food. If your consignment is worth hundreds of thousands, sure it’s not a big percentage but for smaller businesses dealing in consignments worth just hundreds or thousands of pounds, it is significant in terms of extra cost.

            Go read the views of industry organisations like the Cold Chain Federation. There’s plentu of explanation of the issues in the public domain.

          3. Peter2
            January 1, 2022

            Ridiculous estimate of the extra cost Peter.
            The paperwork on EU imports is the same as the requirements for importing from the rest of the world.
            That system has been in place for many years.
            The Cold Food Assciation were talking of the short term potential disruption of the changes if members did not realise what was required or had not got themselves compliant.
            There always is some complaints about changes to requirements.
            Things like REACH COSH GDPR, VATvchanges and tariff changes whilst in the EU are just a few of the changes that caused traders massive extra paperwork.
            But it was all dealt with by companies.

        3. Bill brown
          December 31, 2021

          Peter , 2

          Businesses are giving up both imports and exports due to much more restrictions and documents. As imports have fallen by 15 pct and 30 pct for exports for lots of reasons source Economist.
          So stop pretending things have not become more difficult in trading with the EU, it makes you look naive.

          1. Peter2
            December 31, 2021

            Covid has restricted international trading and greatly reduced demand.
            You think all those figures are due to brexit?
            Come off it bill.

          2. Nottingham Lad Himself
            December 31, 2021

            Yes, there are illuminated signs on all the motorways telling goods drivers to the European Union that they need new documentation from 01/01/22.

            They didn’t say “But don’t worry because computers will sort it all”.

          3. Peter2
            January 1, 2022

            Yes they need new documentation.
            Companies have managed that change.
            Not a big issue.
            Things change all the time administrative wise if you run a company.
            Not that you ever have NHL

          4. Bill brown
            January 1, 2022

            Peter 2

            Can I kindly suggest that you read what I wrote again and then answer properly

          5. Peter2
            January 1, 2022

            Give me real figures for traders that have given up trading bill

            The main cause of a reduction in international trade is the disruption caused by Covid.

            And in the UK there has also been a trend to purchase from UK companies.

  9. Mark B
    December 31, 2021

    Good morning. A year in review.

    We started the year with a new American President (elect). He ends the year with the some of the lowest approval ratings ever. And the Covid scam rumbles on.

    The High Court rules Shamia Begum has had her British Citizenship lawfully removed and cannot return the UK. The UK Government announce that there maybe some relaxing of CV19 rules.

    Chancellor Rishi Sunak delivers his first Budget. He warns that, “taxes may have to rise to head off irresponsible spending.” He then goes on to add that government borrowing will be significantly higher. Not even, Morecambe and Wise were as funny as, Johnson and Sunak. More CV19 nonsense parated.

    HRH Prince Philip passed away. My next door neighbour served on the Royal Yacht Britannia and told me many funny stories about him. HRH was a legend and a real war hero. He will be much missed. More CV 19 nonsense – when will it end, I’m getting bored of it already ! Oh and some football clubs want to create a Superleague. And 39 Post Office workers have their names cleared. An investigation is started over the funding of the PM’s Number 10 flat.

    The French fisherman protest over fishing rights around Jersey. Local elections held. Independence parties gain seats in the devolved administrations and Mayor Sadiq Khan is re-elected Mayor of London. Angela Rayner MP is the made a sacrificial lamb as Labour do badly in said elections. Debenhams stores close after more than 240 years. More CV19 monsense, only this time, to spice it up, there is an Indian Variant !

    GB News is launched. LibDems win Chesham and Amersham. Former Speaker, John Bercow defects to Labour. Calling his former party a load of names. Nothing to do with the fact that he did not get a Gong as is tradition. Matt Hancock MP caught snogging xxxxx, which is against CV19 Rules.

    In a televised address, the prime minister says he expects that the final lifting of restrictions will proceed from 19 July – Yeah right ! England lose the final of the European Championship on penalties. Health Secretary, Sajid Javid tests positive for CV19. Dawn Butler MP is ejected from the House after calling the PM a liar. Not sure what she did wrong there ?

    The Taliban take over Afghanistan. What a total waste of young men’s lives. And Parliament returns to discuss it. I mean, what is there to to be said ? More CV19 nonsense.

    Social Care reform announced with a rise in NIC of 1.25%. The PM reshuffles Cabinet. Same faces just different seats. The Business Secretary, Kwasi Kwarteng holds talks to as firms struggle to stay afloat amid a surge in natural gas wholesale prices.

    Gas trading price rises to its highest ever level, increasing by 37%. Conservative MP Sir David Amess dies after being stabbed multiple times. RIP sir. COP26 goes ahead. More money for developing countries. Blah blah blah !

    Owen Patterson steps down as an MP. Illegal immigrant continue to cross the English Channel in increasing numbers, 23000 so far. Many are put up in 4 Star Hotels and given spending money whilst our own homeless are ignored. Inflation hits 4.2%. Oh, and some more CV19 nonsense.

    OMICROM (moronic) !!! The new CV19 variant hits our shores. Not even, Chicken Little went on this long. Downing Street Press Secretary resigns over alleged party. “Plan B” is announced by Johnson, which introduces further restrictions on social gatherings. I refer dear readers to announcements by the same man earlier in the year. The Conservative Party is fined ÂŁ17,800 by the Electoral Commission after failing to accurately report a donation that paid for Johnson’s flat refurbishment. Inflation reaches 5.1% and the BoE raises interest rates from 0.1% to 0.25%. PM Johnson goes on TV to warn us of OMICRON and announces more restrictions – few now are listening. Lord David Frost resigns. Tories lose North Shropshire by-election and more evidence emerges of government staff breaking CV19 Rules.

    Finally. I would like to thank our kind host for what has been a very eventful year and for his considerable efforts with this here Diary.

    1. jerry
      December 31, 2021

      @Mark B; “[../mostly a anti CV19 rant/..]”

      Wishing you a happy Martian new year to you, meanwhile back here on planet Earth….

    2. Peter2
      December 31, 2021

      Well said Mark B
      Excellent post.

      1. Mark B
        December 31, 2021

        Thank you 🙂

      2. bill brown
        January 1, 2022

        Peter 2

        I work with a company called Blinds Direct, they have due to the aministrative requirements and new customary requirements have basially meant theya re no longer exporting to neither Portugal nor Spain due to the new constraints.
        It is amazing you asking for facts and figures taht you hardly ever produce yourself, but at least you read the commentaty again.

        1. Peter2
          January 2, 2022

          I have heard France is being awkward on paperwork but no others.
          Maybe your company should use a better logistics/ freight forwarding agent who do the admin for you.
          Or is it simply a question of competing on tight market prices in these two countries?

          1. bill brown
            January 2, 2022

            Peter 2

            you asked for examples and they have been given. I think we would all appreciate if you stuck to facts and figures instead lack of facts and please do kindly stop your personal attacks on people just because they disagree with you . thank you

    3. acorn
      December 31, 2021

      I think Rishi et al should be grateful to the magic money tree for shedding another ÂŁ372 billion on the Treasury and its in house central bank, for fiscal year 2020/21. (National Loans Fund Account 2020-21) See document page 23 of the following.

    4. Fedupsoutherner
      January 1, 2022

      Loved it Mark B

  10. Peter
    December 31, 2021

    ‘So write some new words so you have a new say’ would be a good resolution for posters.

    Alternatively,maybe we could use some fresh less predictable posters ?

  11. Dave Andrews
    December 31, 2021

    Things to look forward to in 2022:
    The government scraps its plan to increase NI rates, and in fact scraps employer’s NI altogether to help British industry become more internationally competitive.
    The government introduces a scheme to pay companies their apprenticeship training costs to encourage all industries to pass on their skills.
    The government acknowledges that Covid is here to stay and everyone has to live with it and get back to normal.
    The government introduces a company healthcare scheme so employees can opt out of the NHS scheme with private healthcare and a tax rebate to reflect the government saving (which will have the added benefit of making the NHS face competition).
    The government makes housing more affordable by giving notice to international investors to sell their housing property to UK natural persons or local councils.

    1. SM
      December 31, 2021

      And pigs grow wings and learn to ……….

    2. Mark J
      December 31, 2021


      Add to that. Will 2022 be the year that this Government finally solves the migrant crisis. Or will 2022 be the year in which nothing happens yet again, except increasing numbers illegally coming here?

      The Conservatives can write off any hope of getting into power again, come the next election, if by this time next year nothing has changed.

      1. Donna
        December 31, 2021

        Migration Watch were spot on with their prediction of 30,000 this year. They are predicting 90,000 next year …. and I trust their analysis of the situation far more than Johnson’s Globalist Government.

  12. George Brooks.
    December 31, 2021

    A very Happy New Year to you Sir John and all those who get up early every day to pen a comment and to those of you who appear to have a permanent window on the blog throughout the day.

    2022 is a bright New Year, so stay aware to avoid the pit-falls and be alert to take advantage of all the opportunities that will come up.

  13. Micky Taking
    December 31, 2021

    Dylan Thomas – 1914-1953.

    Do not go gentle into that good night,
    Old age should burn and rave at close of day;
    Rage, rage against the dying of the light.

    Though wise men at their end know dark is right,
    Because their words had forked no lightning they
    Do not go gentle into that good night.

    Good men, the last wave by, crying how bright
    Their frail deeds might have danced in a green bay,
    Rage, rage against the dying of the light.

    Wild men who caught and sang the sun in flight,
    And learn, too late, they grieved it on its way,
    Do not go gentle into that good night.

    Grave men, near death, who see with blinding sight
    Blind eyes could blaze like meteors and be gay,
    Rage, rage against the dying of the light.

    And you, my father, there on the sad height,
    Curse, bless, me now with your fierce tears, I pray.
    Do not go gentle into that good night.
    Rage, rage against the dying of the light.

    Doesn’t have to be about physical death, but works for me about death of the way of life treasured for those who would not be herded. Where next we find our freedoms in 2022?

    1. glen cullen
      December 31, 2021


  14. Sakara Gold
    December 31, 2021

    Street party tonight in Downing Street! Bring your own mask! Only those triple-jabbed of course!
    Hancock’s useless LFT selling in Borough Market yesterday only ÂŁ100 per 5…..
    Happy New Year everybody 🙂

  15. BOF
    December 31, 2021

    Happy New Year, have one for me
    I am not allowed cheer
    The hospital serves tea
    as I look forward to next new year.

    1. SM
      December 31, 2021

      Sincere best wishes for your recovery, BOF.

      1. BOF
        December 31, 2021

        Thanks SM. Slowly but surely.

      2. Mark B
        December 31, 2021


        Take care BOF

  16. alan jutson
    December 31, 2021

    Happy new year to all, but unfortunately it does not look much like it at the moment, nevertheless must try and remain positive.
    Where there is life there is hope !

    1. Micky Taking
      December 31, 2021

      where their is life there are taxes.

      1. alan jutson
        January 1, 2022


        In death as well for a growing number who inherit.

        I still remember well the phrase a cascade of wealth downwards, Major forgot to say, but not to the family, but to Government finances.

  17. Shirley M
    December 31, 2021

    Happy New Year to everyone.

    I hope this government has made a New Year resolution to start working in the interests of the UK and it’s people. Just for a change! Otherwise, all hopes for a good future are lost!

  18. Fedupsoutherner
    December 31, 2021

    Sorry John, I forgot my manners. A very Happy New Year to you, your family and all readers of this blog. Thank you for all you try to do.

    Reply Thanks.

  19. turboterrier
    December 31, 2021

    A very happy new year to you Sir John your family and all the supporters of this site.

    Things can only get better!!

    1. Micky Taking
      December 31, 2021

      last time a politician said that things got decidely worse!

  20. John Miller
    December 31, 2021

    Today of all days, I’ll be content to wish you and yours a happy New Year, Sir John and thank you again for providing a platform for such un-SAGE advice!

  21. agricola
    December 31, 2021

    I offer you a personal Happy New Year, but for the country I would say ” appen”

    1. agricola
      December 31, 2021

      Perhaps I should make a New Year wish, that the Conservative electorate , and the give or take 100 Conservative MPs , give us the low tax , low regulation , buccaneering, enterprising and inventive economy we long for. Many have voted for such by becoming self employed or creating new businesses. Government should be 110% behind those who think in this entrepreneurial way because they indicate the way forward post Covid.9

  22. Andy
    December 31, 2021

    Alas – it will be a tricky start to 2022 thanks to twin Tory catastrophes of Covid and Brexit.

    With Covid they are now building temporary wards in hospital car parks. Presumably to treat to the influx of patients they assure us aren’t coming. Remember – this was a choice. Most of the public were prepared for sensible restrictions but 100 Tory backbenchers said no. The inevitable deaths are their fault.

    Also their fault the surging prices in 2022 as their Brexit bites. With masses of new paperwork now facing those exporting from the EU many will simply not bother. Choice will plummet. Some of your favourites will no longer be available. Less choice, higher prices, more red tape – delivered by people who promised you the exact opposite. But apparently you knew what you were voting for. Chortle.

    2022 will be the end of the blonde oaf as PM. A useless embarrassment to our country. We will say good riddance to him like we did to the idiot Frost. God knows what replaces him. Though I hope it is Liz Truss as that will be comedy gold.

    But overall 2022 will be better. It can hardly be worse. The polls will turn decisively against the Tories. The next election is now game on. Many of our favourite Brexitists will be jobless after the election. Covid is on its way out and Brexit is too. These dark Tory times are coming to and end. We can see the light. Hallelujah. Happy New Government.

  23. Narrow Shoulders
    December 31, 2021

    Happy New Year Sir john et al.

    The PM will rebound as he is no quitter
    If only he could avoid getting his opinions from Twitter

    Your government’s popularity will wane and it will wax
    Please realise it is driven by how much you tax

    Having overly taxed us you waste our largesse
    By throwing money at the bureaucracy that is the saved NHS.

    Your government mistakenly believes that I as a mere primate
    Has a meaningful effect on changing the climate

    Your government could have a year full of glory
    If it only remembers we voted Tory.

    1. a-tracy
      December 31, 2021

      NS đŸ‘đŸ»đŸ‘đŸ»đŸ‘đŸ»

  24. peter
    December 31, 2021

    A Happy New Year to Sir John and all contributors.
    Personally 2022 should be better for me, as in 2021 I had a major heart attack, shingles, wrote my car off and lost my job. Surely 2022 can’t be that bad!!

    1. Peter
      December 31, 2021


      Better luck in 2022. Take care.

      1. peter
        January 1, 2022

        many thanks.

    2. Micky Taking
      December 31, 2021

      oh dear – – -this year your bank balance will crash…

      1. peter
        December 31, 2021

        maybe i have allowed for that by setting the bar low!

  25. Narrow Shoulders
    December 31, 2021

    If people around you are holding you back
    Tell them you’re changing, on a new track

    Lets hold on to clichés that drive us to more
    Lets venture out from behind that closed door

    Unfortunately having voted for the least worst option in 2019 we now don’t get another say until 2024 Sir John.

    Your authoritarian, interventionist administration makes the personal changes possible very limited.

  26. DOM
    December 31, 2021

    HNY to John and all posters, thanks for the blog

  27. Andy
    December 31, 2021

    Congratulations to Germany which has become the 13th EU country to surpass the U.K. in terms of % of people double jabbed.

    Portugal and Malta remain the standout countries – with 88% double jabbed. But Spain and France, with around 80% each have also done well.

    We have long since been stalled at around 70% of the population double jabbed – due to our failed rollout among young people and minorities.

    Our booster campaign is also stalling. We have already fallen behind Iceland (which uses the EU procurement scheme) and Denmark. Malta, Ireland and Austria will surpass us in the coming few days. Germany and France are closing fast too.

    If you look at the actual numbers rather than the Tory rhetoric you’ll see we have done a decidedly average job with vaccinations. And, of course, we paid massively over the odds for them too thanks to Brexit.

    I don’t blame NHS staff for this. It is entirely the fault of ministers. When they bang on about a world beating programme they are simply lying. It isn’t.
    We only beat the world at infections and price paid per dose.

    Reply World in data end year 2021 shows the U.K. has administered more vaccine doses per hundred people than France, Spain, Italy and Germany

    1. Micky Taking
      January 1, 2022

      It is not a failure of vaccinating young people – evidence shows it is largely unnecessary.
      Millions of schoolchildren have caught it this last year, 95% no symptoms, the others barely detectable.
      Our lower national vaccination figures merely indicate the level of ignorance in the multi-cultural population added to the high levels of ‘we don’t believe you’ generated by this awful government.

    2. Nottingham Lad Himself
      January 1, 2022

      Even if Sir John’s claim were true, it would hardly represent the night-and-day difference falsely claimed between this country and those in the European Union, and which alone justified leaving it.

  28. No Longer Anonymous
    December 31, 2021

    I’d say the only conservative thing this government has done this year is to make it difficult to turn left.

    Beware. If you are a car driver you MUST stop if someone is on the kerb if you are turning from a major into a minor road.

    Crashes and insurance scams are going to rocket, obviously. The Tories are at war on the car driver.

    2022 isn’t going to get better. The Marxists are firmly in control.

    1. Nottingham Lad Himself
      January 1, 2022

      I always did anyway.

      Makes no odds to me.

  29. BOF
    December 31, 2021

    I see many on this blog are concerned about new legislation to restrict liberty, as I am. We have in particular the online harms bill, another to restrict protest and also the vehicle tampering bill which will allow citizens to be monitored.

    This seems to me to be more in line with the kind of laws found in the Peoples Republic of China or Russia. The kind of laws that will crush the life out of liberty and deny individual freedoms. Are these being put in place prior to the removal of the Covid19 laws? So as to keep full control of the people by this overbearing state as it trumpets loudly that ‘freedom’ has been returned to us?

    This Conservative government will go down as the most authoritarian in history since the civil war.

    1. Iago
      December 31, 2021

      It is a very bleak prospect.

  30. Walt
    December 31, 2021

    A Happy New Year to you, Sir John. Thank you for your diary. I hope that our government is influenced by it.

  31. Sakara Gold
    December 31, 2021

    Overheard yesterday on BBC R4, one of the nameless CRG being interviewed:-

    CRG “The pandemic is over (cough) – we can look forward to a normal 2022 thanks to the Government’s successfull vaccine rollout (cough….cough)”

    BBC “190,000 new cases yesterday and 12,000 in hospital. Are you sure the pandemic is over?”

    CRG ” Er….the Government has fullfilled (cough) it’s promise to offer a booster dose to everyone in the UK”

    BBC “Many are disputing the Government’s fatality figures as being far to low. Once again hospital mortuaries are overflowing. Are you sure the pandemic is over?”

    CRG ” (“cough – cough – er…The South African government has declared that the omicron virus is in fact the common cold and it is subsiding”

    BBC “Would you like a glass of water? You seem very hot”

    CRG “No (cough) I am fine. Its just a cold (cough)”

    BBC “If the pandemic is over why is the NHS desperately re-building the Nightingales? Why were they dismantled in the first place?)

    CRG “I was not in the (cough) loop of that decision. But on behalf of the (cough) CRG I think they are a waste of money because the pandemic is over”

    1. Peter2
      December 31, 2021

      Good answers .
      Sneer all you like SG
      Your policy of endless lockdowns will ruin the economy.

    2. R.Grange
      December 31, 2021

      Thank you, Sakara, for brilliantly satirizing the BBC’s usual tendentious line of questioning with Covid. ‘190,000 new cases… mortuaries overflowing… pandemic not over…. Nightingale hospitals… ‘ Spot on.

      PS The rest was just silly.

  32. Mark J
    December 31, 2021

    Dear John,

    Could you please write an article in the New Year regarding the ‘EU-UK Parliamentary Assembly’. Many would like to know in more detail what this assembly is about, what power it will hold and is this yet another attempt to get us back within the EU on the sly?

    I’m also surprised that there was little opposition to such an assembly being waved through Parliament, especially as your colleague Peter Bone, has raised concerns.

    1. Donna
      December 31, 2021

      Thank you for guiding us towards this. Interestingly it was published on the House of Commons Library Website on 20 December, when we were being (deliberately?) distracted by the pre-Christmas Omicron hysteria. Perhaps this is the real reason why Lord Frost resigned on 18 December citing concerns about the direction of travel with “Brexit” and NI?

      It looks like we are being dragged back towards “a partnership role” with the EU which will mean a genuine Brexit will never be permitted.

      Betrayal from the CONs AGAIN.

      Reply It has no powers to make decisions and only meets twice a year so I am not worked up about it.

      1. Micky Taking
        December 31, 2021

        what is the stated objective? I think we can guess at the ulterior one!

      2. Iago
        December 31, 2021

        Speaking of distraction, the government forced the sacking of tens of thousands of staff from care homes by making vaccinations mandatory. On Christmas Eve, having created a shortage of care workers, they announced the vacant posts will be filled by relaxing the rules for visas and inviting foreigners to come to Britain and take these jobs. The same will be done for the NHS in April, when vaccines become mandatory for employees there also. The result will be the arrival of a quarter of a million immigrants over the next year or so, 60,000 for the care homes and 150,000 for the NHS.

        1. Micky Taking
          December 31, 2021

          Many are already here, delivery drivers, casual labour, farm workers, supermarket & warehouse workers…all manner of employment where little spoken English, and worryingly little understanding of what they are told. Most dinghy immigrants are young males so not likely to have any medical training to fast-track into NHS.

        2. a-tracy
          December 31, 2021

          Iago, perhaps these care workers can be redeployed into the reopening Nightingale wards for unvaccinated patients so that they don’t overwhelm the hospitals treating fully vaccinated people? Is this the plan Sir John?

    2. Shirley M
      December 31, 2021

      +1 Mark J. I would also be interested in learning more about this assembly, as I have the same concerns.

    3. BOF
      December 31, 2021

      Mark J. This is the first I have heard about it. Talk about below the radar! I would say we should be very concerned and it sounds like just the sort of mechanism that will be used to ‘align’ the UK with the EU. A body that will ensure our close co-operation? Prepare for us re-joining?
      Trust our Government? Certainly not!

      1. Donna
        December 31, 2021

        Time to send a message to GB News in the hope it will prompt Nigel to talk about it.

    4. turboterrier
      December 31, 2021

      Mark J

      +1 EU politicians still having a say in our affairs . Scandalous

  33. forthurst
    December 31, 2021

    A Happy New Year to John and all, including those who unwittingly represent
    a source of innocent merriment!

  34. Newmania
    December 31, 2021

    Plenty of reasons for good cheer
    1 The much improved form of Arsenal
    2 The latest poll ( Opinium) Con 32% :Lab 39% Lib 11% Green 6 %
    3 Latest Brexit poll ( You Gov) in which those who agree we were wrong to leave the EU are 49% to 39% who think we were right
    4 The fact I have now had Covid and brushed it off easily
    5 The fact I do not work in hospitality or leisure
    6 The vast and wonderful joy of saying” I told you so”….. all year as Brexit Britain turns into the rip off Britain it was always destined to be
    7 An exciting crop of young and brilliant English Rugby players Adam Radwan Marcus Smith Alex Dombrandt to name but three
    8 My quite decent level of acoustic guitar skill acquired largely in the last 2 years

    On the down side I am still; stuck inside and will not be able to get “inebriated ” tonight – Bah

    1. Nottingham Lad Himself
      December 31, 2021

      Why are you stuck inside?

      I’m in England and just back from the pub.

      Where are you?

      1. Newmania
        December 31, 2021

        I am still required to isolate , was hoping to be out earlier but tested positive – To be honest I`m a bit weary and could probably without the usual malarkey anyway.

        1. Nottingham Lad Himself
          January 1, 2022

          Sorry I missed that.

          Hope you are 100% soon and the best for 2022.

    2. Micky Taking
      December 31, 2021

      Well I am also ‘cheered’ by going with youth in the Arsenal football team, and the realisation at top level in the club that paying tens of ÂŁmillions does not ensure the objectives, in a team game, are more likely than developing almost free youth academy players.
      I also would like to point out to the powers that be that ex-T20 players used to swinging the bat at everything, and bowling as wide as legally possible is not going to secure bat-all-day Test players able to make a match against proven Australians.

  35. glen cullen
    December 31, 2021

    Cheers to you SirJ and thank you for providing this arena…and fighting the good fight

  36. Original Richard
    December 31, 2021

    Sir John,

    I wish you a happy New Year and thank you for your diary, for allowing us to add our comments, and most of all for your efforts to bring some sanity to the way we are being governed.

    1. Bob Dixon
      December 31, 2021

      Well said.

  37. Magelec
    December 31, 2021

    Thank you Sir John for your daily offerings. I have learnt a lot from you and your correspondents. A Happy New Year to all.

  38. The Prangwizard
    December 31, 2021

    Happy New Year Sir John.

    Am hoping that for everyones benefit the Covid politics will be ended in 2022, and our freedom to meet and travel without having to prove anything to anyone. That is what ought to be strived and fought for.

    Good Fortune to all.

  39. Excalibur
    December 31, 2021

    Thank you, JR. It is a privilege to correspond on these columns. A happy and prosperous New Year to all contributors in general, and to our host in particular.

  40. X-Tory
    December 31, 2021

    Sir John, I wish you and all your family a very happy and healthy 2022.

    May you also be more successful in persuading the government to adopt the right policies than you were this year! I hope you will be able to convince your backbench colleagues to grow a pair and to stop meekly tolerating the government’s incessant betrayal of Britain and the British people. Good luck!

  41. Lynn
    December 31, 2021

    Happy New Year Sir John, and more power to your elbow. More frightening than CV19 by far is having our fate in the hands of these poor Jacks who are now in charge of their Master.

  42. ukretired123
    December 31, 2021

    Best wishes for the New Year Sir John and good luck with the very serious new and radical re-thinking and action required in 2022.

  43. Denis Cooper
    December 31, 2021

    Happy New Year everybody.

  44. a-tracy
    December 31, 2021

    Interesting and poignant rhyme thank you, I have forwarded the positive message in it to my daughter. Happy New Year.

    I hope that Boris starts the New Year with his old verve and vigour, starting a family when he took on such an important role must be a real challenge at his age, it was difficult enough in our twenties and thirties, however, he took the decision to stand knowing his partner, now wife was pregnant, so get in some more home help for Carrie and keep her busy away from politics and get on with your important day job for all our sakes. Please Boris get Sir John in your close circle of advisors.

    Cancel these silly NI rises. More businesses are starting to work around them and your government will end up financially worse off, and those companies that do comply will end up disappearing because of the competitive disadvantages of the full social costs only falling on them. If anyone working in Sunak’s team reads this blog think on, please. Moving large companies self-employed workers into little umbrella companies won’t help the workers and it definitely won’t help you.

    My New Years resolutions is not to reply to trolls on this blog. Fingers crossed I can resist when they provoke so.

  45. Dennis Zoff
    January 1, 2022

    Sir Tony Blair, Knight Companion of the Order of the Garter, really?….makes a mockery of the Honour system!

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