The Rwanda Plan meets political reality

Today a large number of Conservative MPs will be mulling over the legal advice and predictions for Mr Sunak’s Rwanda scheme.

Five of the Conservative groups who want to end illegal migration and think the UK Parliament should instruct  all courts accordingly will be told this draft bill does not do that. It undermines its endorsement for UK control with permitted appeals to an international court.MPs from the ironically named One Nation group want to embed rights of appeal to all courts including foreign ones more clearly. As always they do not trust our country, its people and Parliament and wish to constrain the government through international treaties and courts.

It is a great pity the PM put so much on this scheme  and then turned it into a constitutional struggle over whether we can govern ourselves or not. Having two senior Law Officer Ministers from the One Nation group  means legal advice that prevents Parliament instructing the courts to stop the boats in the area of international law where different lawyers take very different views of what is possible.

My advice to him is to concentrate on getting down legal  migration more rapidly and by more than his current plans. This would do more to relieve pressure  on housing and public spending. It is difficult to see how his compromise bill can get through the Lords as well as the Commons. Meanwhile  there are other obvious steps he could take to stop some more small boats.


  1. Lemming
    December 11, 2023

    Oh dear, you don’t even understand what you are angry about. The point of contention is not appeals to an international court, the point of contention is appeals to English courts. The Bill allows that, in line with not only national law, international law, and also Magna Carta. And so it should. So support the Bill

    1. Hope
      December 12, 2023

      Off topic
      Has your govt given away two of our limited war ships to Ukraine? At what cost to the British taxpayer when ta hits 34.3% of GDP the highest on record!

    2. Lynn Atkinson
      December 12, 2023

      We can’t win cases in our English Courts if the latest will of Parliament is that they impose foreign law. So you are right off the mark. JR is absolutely correct to refuse to support a Bill which will be beaten. He is correct that the latest Will of Parliament needs to be that the British Courts judgements must be based on our domestic law and NOT international and foreign law.

      1. Matthew
        December 16, 2023

        Odd how we all invoke and think international law is great in Ukraine or the Middle East but not when dealing with our own conundrums

  2. Javelin
    December 11, 2023

    As you know I find the best way to predict the future is to look at online media.

    What struck me was that the Daily Mirror voted for Farage in the Jungle. This shows traditional Labour voters are no longer voting for Labour or the Conservatives.

    I think the polling on the Reform Party is massively underestimating the vote they will get. I think it will come down to word of mouth and a little PR campaign for Reform to overtake the Conservatives in the polls.

    1. Lynn Atkinson
      December 12, 2023

      I think you are wrong, based on all experience of past elections.
      Moreover neither Farage and Reform would never get a single policy objective through the House. They have no concept of what is required to outwit the Civil Service and the political establishment.

  3. Everhopeful
    December 11, 2023

    If they WANTED to stop it it would be as easy as stopping people marching in protest against it.
    No problem there
is there?
    Or as easy as denying people visiting rights in care homes.
    Denying healthcare to an entire nation.
    Or there’s always barbed wire and trenches and armed guards.
    How much did we send to Ukraine to defend/extend (?) its borders?

    1. Everhopeful
      December 11, 2023

      Oh, they do a very good line in closing roads too
when it suits!

      1. Hope
        December 12, 2023

        We have a moat around the country. 3.5 million gross allowed and encouraged to come here, govt does not choose who leaves, that was accidental, if true because leaving is estimated!

    2. iain gill
      December 11, 2023

      there is an interesting video on twitter (X) of the Japanese deporting someone who doesn’t want to be deported.

      it should be shown to all British border force, police, and civil servants.

      lets just say the Japanese approach is significantly different to the British approach.

      1. Matthew
        December 16, 2023

        Yes and they have a severe demographic issue

    3. Hope
      December 12, 2023

      This idiotic govt just supplied Ukraine with two war ships! How can we afford these fools with highest tax burden in history!! It is so easy to give away other people’s money! Socialism on steroids.

      1. Lynn Atkinson
        December 12, 2023

        đŸ˜‚đŸ€Ł Ukraine has no port – Odessa is basically no longer theirs.

  4. Donna
    December 11, 2023

    He’s snookered.

    He has no mandate; the Party Membership didn’t and don’t want him. He’s unelectable, even up against the plank that is Starmer. And the people pulling his strings wouldn’t allow him to do what is necessary to stop the boats, massively reduce legal immigration, cut taxes and govern as a conservative – even IF he wanted to ….. and he doesn’t.

    He has no leadership qualities whatsoever, but then that’s because he’s never actually LED anything or anyone. With a really tough General Election looming, his headline policy is a plan to make 50 year olds produce proof of age in order to buy a packet of cigarettes and make reluctant teenagers continue to attend maths classes for a further two years.

    He’s just a WEF puppet, and we can see the strings.

    1. a-tracy
      December 12, 2023

      If he is a WEF puppet then they will allow his Rwanda policy to succeed to strengthen his position to get the things they want pushing through next year.

  5. Mick
    December 11, 2023

    Meanwhile there are other obvious steps he could take to stop some more small boats.
    One would be to get a crack team of Royal Marines to damage the boats before they enter the water another would be to turn them straight round back to France when at sea

    1. a-tracy
      December 12, 2023

      How Mick, shoots blanks at them? Can you imagine the media and those with opposite opinions to you in the UK like Lineka and all the media luvvies.

  6. DOM
    December 11, 2023

    Sunak knows what he’s doing.

    Since 1997 we’ve had Anglophobic scum running the country. They won’t be happy until this nation and its core people have been ground into nothingness

  7. Wanderer
    December 11, 2023

    From the description, the PM is a pretty inept political operator. Truss made some bad calls too but that was in the face of huge internal and external opposition from the offset.

    Sunak should have had an easier ride. He was effectively given the job by powerful interests who, like him, have a different agenda to helping the country at large.

    I suspect support for Reform is rising. The Tories need to be wiped out forever at the election and a new Opposition emerge to challenge Labour and its allies in 5-10 years’ time (if we have a functioning democracy then).

    1. a-tracy
      December 12, 2023

      If that were true Wanderer then Sunak’s policies would have a much easier ride through international courts but they aren’t.

      Sunak kept his end of the bargain with them with 25% corporation tax.
      Freezing of all thresholds.
      Dropping dividend taxes and capital gains tax thresholds.
      Spending millions we haven’t got on foreign aid, in alternative ways.

  8. Sharon
    December 11, 2023

    Where there’s a will, there’s a way!

    Government seems not to have the will to want to stop immigration… some politicians do, most don’t! It’s pathetic!

    Biggest question to ask, can the damage to our culture be undone?

  9. Sea_Warrior
    December 11, 2023

    The One Nation Group is a ‘clear and present danger’ to the continuation of the Conservative Party. Sunak needs to sit down with them, to tease-out their motivations, and their association chairmen need to read them the Riot Act.
    Q. How many dinghy-coxswains have faced arrest and jail-time for their people-trafficking? Some commenters here suggest that the Royal Navy doesn’t do enough. One tactic that should be employed is the use of UAVs – ‘drones’ – to identify the coxswains and then arrest them the second they cross our median line with France.

    1. Lynn Atkinson
      December 12, 2023

      Yes you need to think ‘one world nation’. They are stark raving mad!

  10. Clough
    December 11, 2023

    It seems to me we are more or less where we were five years ago, with a large bunch of Tories-in-name-only wanting to keep us hitched to an international institution, at the cost of our national sovereignty. The difference is that we’d had a referendum, which put them in a minority. Perhaps we now need a referendum on whether migrants arriving from a safe country (e.g. France) should be able to obtain asylum here by means of the ECHR.

    1. Matthew
      December 16, 2023

      Another factless and idiotic comment

  11. Roy Grainger
    December 11, 2023

    UK breaches international treaties and court rulings frequently with no complaints at all from the Conservative opposition (external and internal). I believe votes for prisoners was one example and there are many others in the area of tax and financial rules for example. Also during the Brexit process didn’t those same people tell us repeatedly that Parliament was sovereign ? So if Parliament votes to disapply international rules what’s the problem ?

    OT but can you imagine any Conservative health minister being brave enough to say this ? From the Guardian: “Wes Streeting says NHS uses winter crisis as excuse to ask for more money”

    1. a-tracy
      December 12, 2023

      “Every moment of meaningful change in modern British politics begins with the realisation that politics must act in service of the British people, rather than dictating to them, Margaret Thatcher sought to drag Britain out of its stupor by setting loose our natural entrepreneurialism,”

      I imagine they’ll say anything to get elected.

  12. R.Grange
    December 11, 2023

    But the government is spending ÂŁ700m on ‘managing’ illegal migrant arrivals at least to 2030. So it admits the Rwanda plan isn’t going to work any time soon.

  13. David Cooper
    December 11, 2023

    Indeed. The serious conclusion remains that our PM is deliberately pursuing a policy of being seen to be pretending to do something. The light hearted conclusion is to remind ourselves of the Life of Brian scene when Judith bursts into an executive meeting of the People’s Front of Judea, desperately telling them of Brian’s capture and imminent crucifixion, only for Reg to react “Right – this calls for immediate discussion!”

  14. agricola
    December 11, 2023

    The lack of clarity that emerges from the consocialist party on such a fundamental question as migration is one minus. It is in addition their divided approach to it. A party that pretends to respect Brexit and at the same time expects us to be subject to decisions of the ECHR is not fit to run a sovereign country. The Windsor arrangement on NI is yet another prime example of a party out of sync with the electorate who instinctively know where the bad smell is coming from.
    While I hope the electorate of Wokingham continue support for SJR, not being part of that constituency my vote will go to Reform whose thinking does not betray us.

  15. Ian Wraggg
    December 11, 2023

    He can’t get legal immigration down, he’s following his instructions. Appointing Cameron should give an insight into hos plan. Full on cooperation with the EU is his game. Joining the dying corpse just as the conservatives are a dying corpse. A suitable end to a once great party

  16. Nigl
    December 11, 2023

    The PM is weak and won’t stand up to the sell out the U.K. people. This Bill is a panic measure purely designed to show the public he means business knowing it will allow lawyers to get round it who he can then blame.

    I see 4 ex Attorney Generals have waded in with the usual portentous ‘this Bill does the job, anything will break international treaties Eric’

    No surprise, we got the same crapp telling us Mays Brexit achievement did the job.

    It has to be toughened up. We are relying on you.

  17. David Bunney
    December 11, 2023

    John, if only for once the UK legislative and judiciary behaved like the French ones who pay lip service to international treaties and ignore them as soon as they conflict with national needs and interests. We need to do likewise in the short term and pull out of ECHR and the UN treaties. The British system MUST WORK IN THE INTERESTS OF THE BRITISH PEOPLE !!!

  18. Richard1
    December 11, 2023

    Odd that the govt has focused so much on the Rwanda plan and not for example on the success they’ve had cutting illegal migration anyway by better cooperation with France and a deal with Albania. We used to hear a lot about problems with illegal Albanians but we hear nothing now. This is a Sunak success.

    I would advise Conservative MPs to support Sunak and do the best they can. It is possible that by the next election we have successes eg from the Albania deal, a much more sensible framework for legal migration and a strong dividing line with the left parties, who seem to be opposed to any controls at all.

    1. a-tracy
      December 12, 2023

      It makes me a bit concerned about it when Lemming and Richard1 ask you to support this bill John.

  19. Bryan Harris
    December 11, 2023

    No matter how much the PM wants to ‘try’ and please voters – he simply can’t do much against the Kalergi plan which has been so widely adopted.

    Now he will look for any way to bribe us all into voting tory with little bribes, but what he is likely to offer will not be enough to save his neck, for he has certainly failed with immigration alone, never mind the economy!

    The confusion generated by the courts could so easily be settled if he had followed the wishes of the last Home secretary.

    1. Donna
      December 12, 2023

      The bribes on offer from the Not-a-Conservative-Party at the next GE will be huge …. for the very good reason that they know they aren’t going to win so they can “promise” whatever they please, knowing full well they’ll never be in a position to implement them.

  20. Sakara Gold
    December 11, 2023

    Clearly Sunak’s divisive Rwanda plan is a non-starter; his insistance on pressing forward with it reminds one of King Canute setting up his throne by the sea shore and commanding the incoming tide to halt – and not wet his feet and robes.

    Lee Anderson, the deputy chairman of the party and an outspoken ex-coal miner – once a member of the National Union of Mineworkers – has a fine idea. He proposes that the migrants be rounded up and despatched to an isolated and uninhabited Scottish island, to be housed in tent cities

    As a deterrent this would definately have the desired effect in reducing the numbers of boat people. Considering the ÂŁ270million given to the Rwanda authorities (which will doubtless be invested in new hospitals, roads, primary schools etc) it would seem a cost-effective solution; the leading lights in the SNP government would probably have been happy with a mere ÂŁ10million contribution to their defence costs in their numerous forthcoming fraud trials

    1. Donna
      December 12, 2023

      Anderson is Dep Con Chairman. He’s being allowed to say “outrageous things” to send a signal to the Red Wall that Sunak’s Government doesn’t despise them, but he’s required to vote with the Government.

      Ignore anything “outrageous” he says ….. it is just noise.

    2. a-tracy
      December 12, 2023

      You don’t have to house in tents (like lots of other Countries do). There are lots of temporary accommodations that can be built by the armed forces, there are companies that specialise in temporary accommodation rentals and the islands often have the existing crofts with plumbing and freshwater sources. It would be a practice exercise for them and the migrants that want to come here to ‘work’ they can earn their own rent whilst being processed. Unable to slink into our (untaxed ed) economy or off the radar. Most importantly they would be safe.

  21. MFD
    December 11, 2023

    With technology we must be able to see these large dinghies launch, with time for an aggressive force to get to the edge of our waters to stop them leaving French waters.
    What happens to them then is no affair of ours.
    They can just sit there or return to France. It is not a rescue as they are not there by accident.
    We must use force, it is the ONLY
    way to deter this foreign army!

  22. Denis Cooper
    December 11, 2023

    Perhaps some MP will mention the possibility of using Ascension Island?

    “For years I have been saying that we should put a refugee holding camp – not a prison – on Ascension Island, which is our sovereign territory, and the pathetic excuses out forward by the Foreign Office confirm my belief that they do not want to solve this problem except by some kind of submission to their beloved EU … ”

    As a fuller answer to somebody who asked how I would get them there, whether I would use a cruise ship, it is a nine hours and a bit flight direct from RAF Brize Norton to RAF Ascension Island, there could be a daily flight with all the latest illegal arrivals who are still physically fit for it, and if we don’t know how to move detainees around by air then we should seek to advice/help of the Americans who do a lot of it:

    “Managed by the Marshals Service, Justice Prisoner and Alien Transportation System is one of the largest transporters of prisoners in the world – handling about 715 requests every day to move prisoners between judicial districts, correctional institutions and foreign countries.”

  23. Cynic
    December 11, 2023

    Presumably the One Nation group supports any nation but the UK.

    1. Donna
      December 12, 2023

      They certainly don’t mean One British Nation, since they aren’t campaigning to scrap Blair’s warped devolution.

      Substituting “World” for nation gives a more accurate description of their agenda.

  24. George Sheard
    December 11, 2023

    Hi sir John
    Stop the incentive for them to come
    No more free housing no more having their meals cooked for them being fed three time a day , and given money, do what the french do just leave them to fend for them selves, they will soon phone their friends in France with the phones we give them
    stop picking them up as they enter British water

    1. Matthew
      December 16, 2023

      Who is they? So you suggest the UK no longer also provides asylum to genuine asylum seekers. As you seem to lump all migrants together regardless of need and background

  25. Jim
    December 11, 2023

    What is this Rwanda project meant to achieve? To stop boat people or to save the Tory party from electoral oblivion?

    Well it looks very unlikely to stop the boat people, they won’t know or care and there are so many stumbling blocks along the way. Won’t happen.

    But as a way of enriching lawyers, raising the profile of noisy politicians, putting notions like ‘Bring Back Boris (and Farage)’ into the meeja – excellent – and all done at the taxpayers expense. Will it save the Tories? I very much doubt it, another notion out the Brexit, Grenfell, blood Scandal, Horizon barrel. You have failed for too long, you have failure written all over.

  26. Ian B
    December 11, 2023

    “the ironically named One Nation group want to embed rights of appeal to all courts including foreign ones more clearly.”
    This grouping clearly is fighting democracy and the sovereignty of the UK Parliament. They are demonstrating that they do not serve their electorate at any stage. They are against and fight a UK Sovereign Parliament, they are demonstrating that foreign unelected/unelectable unaccountable wannabes are the sole rulers of the UK and not the UK People through their elected representatives.
    They are saying to all MPs, the UK Parliament and the Government you are not fit for purpose our (One Nation Group) Overlords elsewhere are the only ones that can dictate UK Law.

  27. Original Richard
    December 11, 2023

    “It [the draft bill] undermines its endorsement for UK control with permitted appeals to an international court. MPs from the ironically named One Nation group want to embed rights of appeal to all courts including foreign ones more clearly.”

    “One Nation” is a communist term typically designed to mislead and confuse. They use the word “Nation” not to mean the UK but the world. They want a One World government permanently headed by an unelected elite drawn from the UN/WEF.

    To achieve their goals nation states need to be impoverished, destabilised and destroyed. Hence their demand for the democratic West to undergo mass immigration and Net Zero.

    As our PM said, when Chancellor, at COP26 :

    “So our third action is to rewire the entire global financial system for Net Zero.”

  28. Berkshire Alan
    December 11, 2023

    Afraid Sunak has got his priorities wrong if he thinks his future can be guaranteed by getting this proposed bill passed, and it working as he suggests. Exporting a couple of hundred illegals to another country at a cost of ÂŁ1,000,000 each to the taxpayer, is not a vote winning stance, it is just crass stupidity and a complete waste of money., especially as we have to fund them for a further 5 years, and they can be sent back to the UK if the misbehave.
    He needs to speak, but more importantly listen to more members of the public, rather than so called “legal experts” Once again a ill thought out, complicated and expensive scheme that will prove impossible to manage, is being proposed by people who are completely out of touch with reality, and human nature.
    Keep it simple stupid, just turn the boats back to France, do not let them even leave French waters, and certainly do not let them land in the UK.
    Yes the first couple of weeks would be tough, but once the message has got across the flow will slow. No doubt the French would moan and complain, but at the moment they are taking our money and escorting them across !

  29. Old Albion
    December 11, 2023

    So it’s a mess destined to fail. Quelle surprise ……….

  30. Ian B
    December 11, 2023

    “It is a great pity the PM put so much on this scheme and then turned it into a constitutional struggle over whether we can govern ourselves or not.”
    That’s exactly the Problem a constitutional struggle. Effectively the Government is declaring they are not fit for purpose, they are declaring MPs as the UK’s legislators are not fit for purpose, they are declaring the UK Legal system and its courts are not fit for purpose. But its Parliament and the Government that are the ones that have created the situation – they are the management on our behalf.
    What we have been brought up to understand is that Democracy is about the power of the people, hence we get “Government of the people by the people for the people”. The understanding of that means that our laws, rules & regulations are created, amended or repealed by our Parliament as representatives of the people – no one else. What the One Nation Group and similar entities are declaring is that Democracy is dead and that the people must be dictated to by outsiders, repeat it is outside unelected unaccountable that are to dictate how the UK is run ‘not’ its people. The have created a constitutional struggle by declaring they do not want Democracy to be part of the UK’s way forward.
    Yes, it is criminal entry into the UK that has brought it to a head, but now that has become a bit player as to whether the UK is to remain a Democracy or submit to foreign rule with the agitation of these actors that fight the UK’s and all democracies very being.

  31. Javelin
    December 11, 2023

    If you keep blowing air into a tyre it will eventually explode.

  32. DOM
    December 11, 2023

    John’s party leader believes in mass immigration in the same manner as Blair, Brown, Khan and Jon Powell, a weapon of demographic, culture and economic war. It is the globalist contempt for nationhood and sovereignty. Tory MPs who don’t believe in this disgusting ideology must either leave the captured Tory party or purge it from within.. JUST DO IT AND DO IT NOW cos you’re gonna get smashed anyway at the next GE

  33. XY
    December 11, 2023

    So, basically, it’s all going to plan then. Full of sound and fury, signifying nothing.

    Well – perhaps it signifies the cunning plan to achieve nothing. And that we are being treated as the idiots.

    Having 5 Tory groups involved shows that people have never really been voting for one party, but a pre-made coalition which now extends well to the left of centre. That become a party that stands for nothing – it has no values that are common across its numbers, it exists only to be elected.

  34. Hope
    December 11, 2023

    Was it not the One Nation extreme left wing EU remainer squad who voted for the Benn Act trying to make our country a vassal state to the EU by forcing govt. to accept any deal with the EU?

    I seem to recollect they were a treacherous bunch who used to meet in parliament once a week to scheme how to u dear one our exit from EU? A lot left, some wrongly ennobled some remain in your party. Why were they not ousted?

    Cameron allowed and gave the Lib Dem’s free rein to fill the Lords with Lib Dem’s as part of his sell out of your party to make swing left. No point moaning about it now, he is back!!

    Your party needs to be obliterated. It is a danger to our national interests.

  35. Ian B
    December 11, 2023

    From the BBC
    ‘The Home Office has earmarked at least £700m to manage the arrival of migrants on small boats until 2030, according to previously unnoticed commercial plans’. By definition that would suggest this Government is intending to keep welcoming ‘criminal’ entry into the UK for at least 6 years.
    No wonder most thing this is a soundbite government, all talk and no action other than to steel ÂŁ700m from the taxpayer to fund their inadequacies

    1. glen cullen
      December 11, 2023

      Correct – If you don’t arrive with a valid visa, you’re a criminal, having broken UK law

  36. XY
    December 11, 2023

    By the way the title of yesterday’s piece “The policy options on migration” should really have been political options, not policy options.

    The policy is and has always been clear – reduce immigration of all types. What was described yesterday were the various political calculations. The title of today’s piece was more accurate perhaps.

    If Sunak’s bleatings are to be believed and much of what the public wants is unattainable with the political calculus, then with the HoL stuffed semi-permanently stuffed full of wet lefties, there is no hope of small-c conservative government, whatever the will of the people might be.

    The HoL used to “know its place” and send a Bill back once with an “are you sure about this?” message, now there are discussions about not being able to get a Bill through at all. That was never the intention, unless it was a constitutional issue such as Corbyn moving to a one-party State when the HoL and the monarch are expected to provide the necessary checks and balances (i.e. that is when they say no).

    Issues of immigration are not close to being in that space.

  37. Hope
    December 11, 2023

    Under ardent remainer Hunt Tax is the highest on record at 35.3 % of GDP! For what? Public services through the floor with mass immigration overwhelming every aspect of our lives with alien Cultures being forced upon us. The Tory view to house and feed the world at our expense by Tory half of the Uni party!! Nothing for our people, just tax. Astonishing.

  38. majorfrustration
    December 11, 2023

    Perhaps the time has nearly arrived for the people to take over.

  39. a-tracy
    December 11, 2023

    Certain celebrities seem to think they are speaking for a majority without even one vote being cast in their direction. Why don’t Gary Linekar, Brian Cox, and Chris Packham stand for election if they want to dictate to the parliament?

    Here’s my suggestion: if it is good for Cameron, make Farage a Lord and put him in charge of immigration. I’m sick of hearing about Rwanda its going nowhere fast, the election will be upon us soon and it all seems to be pointless.

  40. lesley
    December 11, 2023

    Who are these one nation mp’s we have a right to know as they are working against the majorities wishes

    1. glen cullen
      December 11, 2023

      They’re woke, EU & labour supporting Tory MPs ….just look at our new foreign secretary

    2. Hat Man
      December 12, 2023

      Who are they? Nicky Morgan, Amber Rudd, Damian Green, Robert Brokenshire, Tobias Ellwood, James Buckland, David Gauke, Justin Greening, Dominic Grieve, Matt Hancock, Oliver Letwin, Victoria Prentice, Nicholas Soames, Rory Stewart and Tom Tugendhat are among names that have been reported in the press as belonging to the One Nation group. The sort of Tory MPs that you’ll regularly hear on the Today programme.

    3. a-tracy
      December 12, 2023

      Centralfm says they are “The faction of about 100 One Nation MPs met this evening to discuss their concerns that the legislation goes too far by disapplying the Human Rights Act.”
      The Chairman is Damian Green.
      I can’t find a list of them, as the one on wiki is out of date.

  41. Narrow Shoulders
    December 11, 2023

    Legal immigration does need to come down, anyoje arriving ahould be needed, but illegal immigration is 1 000 plus people a day breaking laws and needs to be stopped.

    Once a criminal always a criminal. Please do list the obvious measures that would stop it.

    Let’s get these in the public domain.

    1. glen cullen
      December 11, 2023

      ECHRs determines that refugees or those seeking alyssum shouldn’t be treated as criminals 
.thats way we can’t hold them in secure ex-army barracks,; oh no only hotels or luxury barges

      1. Narrow Shoulders
        December 12, 2023

        Create legislation to disapply that clause of any agreement, judgement or treaty on the basis that we are an island nation and anyone arriving must have passed through a safe country to get here.

      2. a-tracy
        December 12, 2023

        The Germans just renamed them reception centres or emergency shelters. So perhaps a shiny sign on old army barracks saying Reception Centre should be acceptable.

        For all the criticism of the UK, do you ever hear criticism of France?
        “French NGOs say that while France does have some reception centres for asylum seekers, many end up sleeping on the street. Calais, Dunkirk and Paris are all areas where asylum seekers are camped out in the hope of reaching the UK or getting their asylum claims resolved in France.” Those they do house are in ““Accommodation centre for asylum seekers” (CADA : Centre d’Accueil pour Demandeurs d’Asile) : the CADA is a centre where asylum seekers can stay at and have accommodation.

  42. Mickey Taking
    December 11, 2023

    I think we are short of a ‘cunning plan’.

  43. Bloke
    December 11, 2023

    Foreign governments should not interfere in any sovereign nation’s internal affairs unless that nation is causing harm. The UK is our home. Would anyone allow any number of unknown people from distant lands freedom to walk into their own home, just because some foreign governments think anyone should live wherever they like at our expense?

  44. Paula
    December 11, 2023

    The Rwanda deal is simply a sop to the masses. The real issue is legal immigration, the small boats simply an embarrassment to the Tories.

    The Tories are pointless. They warned that Corbyn would deliver the highest taxes and lose control of immigration.

    We need to thank those who arrive in small boats for humiliating a government that needs humiliation.

  45. Mike Wilson
    December 11, 2023

    Off topic – I am reading more and more articles about the very high depreciation of most EVs. Yet the government has told car manufacturers that a certain proportion of their new car sales must be EVs – or face punishment. I wonder how that will work – the car makers will have to slash prices to get people to buy them – which will depreciate the used stock even further.

    A Conservative government or an inane, inept, unrealistic socialist outfit?

  46. Mike Wilson
    December 11, 2023

    On topic – let’s get our economy really moving by releasing government/council land to build millions of houses so we can welcome newcomers properly.

    I can’t understand why we do everything with half measures. Millions in – millions of new houses. Makes sense to me.

  47. Mike Wilson
    December 11, 2023

    You can’t expect people living under oppressive regimes to come here and leave their families behind. Would you do that?

    1. Peter Gardner
      December 11, 2023

      I would expect them to rebel and claim their sovereignty over their government in the same way that English and nearly all democracies have been created. You cannot do it for them and bringing them here will destroy this one. Yes it is harsh but there is no other way. They don’t come to the UK to adopt British culture and ways of life. They come to take advantage of freebies – education, housing, healthcare – all much more easily accessible in the UK than on the continent. And their coming here will do nothing to improve the rest of the world and those oppressive regimes, nothing.

  48. Bert+Young
    December 11, 2023

    A very ” careful ” approach in Sir John’s post today . The truth is the Rwanda plan is a mess and this Conservative Government is a shambles . How we can authorise the use of more money to deal with this problem without even shifting one illegal out of the country is unforgiveable . Germany has shown that simply blocking its borders does work ; its neighbouring countries have not complained and the ECHR has remained quiet . We should simply follow Germany’s example . Our flights should start immediately and they should not stop until the cleaning up process is completed .

  49. Atlas
    December 11, 2023

    The political reality is that many electors are utterly fed up with a party that cannot do what is needed (in many areas) for this country to prosper.

    1. Peter
      December 11, 2023


      Correct. So I pay little attention to what Sunak and his party now have to say.

      I hope Farage is not foolish enough to throw his lot in with Johnson – or any of them. Best to let them fall to a heavy defeat, then survey the scenes and take it from there. By then, what’s left of the Conservative party will probably have too toxic an image anyway and a fresh party may do better.

    2. glen cullen
      December 11, 2023

      Boris and now Sunak has lost his whatsapp data 
oh dear

    3. Donna
      December 11, 2023

      Not cannot do what is needed ….. refuses to do it.

  50. Lifelogic
    December 11, 2023

    Reality indeed. Can we have some reality now on net zero, climate alarmism, HS2, the size of the state sector, tax levels, migration levels
 much talk of Boris coming back but he is completely deluded on all the above.

    So how are we expected to believe that Sunak like Boris lost his texts and whats apps as he changed phones! Surely this is a complete lie, delusion or does anyone have experience of this? Have whatsapp lost them too? Suank says sorry to the inquiry but not what he is sorry for!

  51. glen cullen
    December 11, 2023

    Its about time that the party rewrite its manifesto, and I don’t mean a manifesto for the next general election – I mean a manifesto of the party policies, its vision, its direction; as I haven’t a clue what the party stands for ?
    And I don’t mean a manifesto written by SPADs, I mean a bottom-up manifesto written collectively by the membership and local party hierarchy

  52. glen cullen
    December 11, 2023

    SirJ you’ve had too many PMs promising to amend bills and fix the details later – Don’t believe them, a bad bill is a bad bill is a bad law, you’ve been bitten to many times

    1. Lynn Atkinson
      December 11, 2023

      Yes they wrote computer programmes in the same way. Hit and miss!

  53. miami.mode
    December 11, 2023

    Have just seen a bit of Politics Live on BBC2 and the Conservative chap is talking about the Rwanda scheme and the 2 Labour supporters are smugly smiling at him so we can clearly which direction Labour will go in on illegal migration. As somebody said recently, to solve our housing/population problem we need to build 500,000 dwellings per year.

    1. Everhopeful
      December 11, 2023

      Wonder what happens after the first 500,000 are built and rapidly occupied?
      The next 500,000
and the next.
      People will keep coming

    2. Bloke
      December 11, 2023

      Never mind Rwanda reality. BBC latest reports Donald Tusk has been elected PM of Poland. It is reminiscent of Donald McGill’s saucy seaside postcard depicting a man with a chamber pot on his head claiming to be the King of Poland.

  54. Peter Parsons
    December 11, 2023

    No government should be “instructing the courts” as to what decisions a court has to make.

    The fact that this government has reached the stage of behaving as dictators and demagogues do more that suggests that a change is needed, and quickly. Not just of government, but the whole system.

    1. iain gill
      December 11, 2023

      parliament makes the laws

      courts are there to implement laws

      thats the way its supposed to work

      1. Mickey Taking
        December 11, 2023

        Oh Iain, how sweet and naive.
        But wait, I know you are not….
        Who created this monster called the Lords, and more recently who created the Supreme Court?
        Forward Brothers – To the Revolution !
        LibertĂ©, Ă©galitĂ©, fraternitĂ© – – what should we call ours?
        Some thought Conservatism would do….

    2. Lynn Atkinson
      December 11, 2023

      The primary purpose of Parliament (which enacts Laws) is to ‘instruct Courts’.
      Without that we would have Dictatorship – you understand that we can sack those who enact laws?

      1. Peter Parsons
        December 11, 2023

        If Parliament is instructing courts, then the courts, by definition, are no longer necessary (if there’s no decision since it’s been dictated by Parliament, there is no need for a separate body to interpret and decide, the decision’s already been taken). At that point we definitely have a dictatorship.

        1. Lynn Atkinson
          December 12, 2023

          For heavens sake..Parliament is the Highest Court in the Land but could not hear all the cases. Of course Parliament ‘instructs the Courts’ by making the laws’. What do you think laws are if not instruction to police and courts? The laws are made with the ‘consent of the people’. It’s called Government by Consent.

          1. Matthew
            December 16, 2023

            Not really you need to study constitutional law a bit more 

    3. Martin in Bristol
      December 11, 2023

      I thought it was accepted that Parliament is supreme.
      Apparently the Courts are.
      Who knew!

      1. Lynn Atkinson
        December 12, 2023

        Parliament is The Highest Court. Currently the inform the Courts that they want foreign law imposed.

    4. Peter Gardner
      December 11, 2023

      Instructing the courts is the job of parliament. When courts are in doubt about their interpretation of a statute they look to the will of parliament that created the statute. That is because in the UK, Parliament is supreme among institutions of the state. It can, must and does instruct the courts.

    5. Peter Gardner
      December 11, 2023

      Sir John did not say the government should instruct the courts. Read it again. He said, Parliament should instruct the courts.

      1. a-tracy
        December 12, 2023

        Well-spotted Peter a clear distinction.

      2. Lynn Atkinson
        December 12, 2023

        He said ‘Parliament should instruct the courts 
. To do something different to what they are currently instructing the Courts to do – which is to apply the UN Migrant Treaty above all else!

      3. Martin in Bristol
        December 12, 2023

        This rather Pedantic because a Government cannot continue without a Parliamentary majority.

  55. Keith from Leeds
    December 11, 2023

    But why has it taken so long to get a workable, legally impregnable bill together and through both Houses of Parliament? The Government’s legal advice must be pretty cr8p if they still can’t do it. Perhaps our pompous MPs
    should stop talking to each other and listen to what their voters say. Are they blind and deaf to the anger that is building and what is happening in Europe? Most people don’t object to some immigration, but it is the sheer number over the last twenty years we object to. If Reform promises a complete freeze on Immigration for at least 3 years, the Conservative Party will be wiped out and deserves to be. Sunak, Hunt and Cameron need to go now, let’s have a leadership election and elect a proper conservative. Sir John, you should and must stand, then we will have a grown-up in charge, and a proper conservative PM!

  56. mancunius
    December 11, 2023

    “Meanwhile there are other obvious steps he could take to stop some more small boats.”

    SJR doesn’t say what they might be, and they certainly aren’t obvious to this reader.

    1. The Prangwizard
      December 11, 2023

      Mr Redwood wouldn’t dream of campaigning and demanding immediate action on the border to turn the boats around. Too risky for his moral reputation.

      Not the done thing old boy.

      Just keep talking, that’s all he and the rest will ever do and the big decision will be – do we vote or abstain on something or other. After all the party comes first.

      In the meantime I read that by 2026 the daily cost of keeping the illegals will be ÂŁ32 million per day. Yes Gov estimate ÂŁ32m.

      1. paul cuthbertson
        December 11, 2023

        Prangwizard – Spot on. Andrew Bridgen is the only one with balls.
        Beware the Trojan Horse, infiltration from Within.

    2. Everhopeful
      December 11, 2023

      Just what I thought.
      Definitely not physical barriers I suppose!
      Maybe actually implement the Illegal Immigration Act?
      Is that still a thing? Or has it been watered down out of existence?

      1. glen cullen
        December 11, 2023

        1. (2) (e)prevents persons who meet the conditions for removal under this Act from being given leave to enter or remain in the United Kingdom;
        The ‘condition’ is everyone arriving by boat – This law only introduced this year has had ZERO affect

  57. Simonr
    December 11, 2023

    Dear Sir John,

    I must say I am rather surprised at the tone of this article and statements from some like-minded Conservative MPs. I say this as someone who would very much like to see Sunak make way for a proper Conservative PM, but surely the best (only) course here is to vote through this bill, as there is none other on offer. If it doesn’t work it doesn’t work.

    The only reason I can see for torpedoing the bill is to trigger a chain of events that leads to the resignation of the PM and the election of a successor. If that’s the idea, Godspeed, but you need to be sure you have a candidate and a plan, because if it’s just more creative trouble making with no endgame in mind, I don’t see the electorate being very amused. Also, how does one ensure that Sunak doesn’t just call a GE?


    1. Lynn Atkinson
      December 11, 2023

      Why would you do something that you know will cause you to be beaten? When you represent the British People, such an action is an outrage! Of course stupid legislation that will be overturned by ‘foreign Princes’ must not be passed! Our Courts enact the ‘Will of Foreign Princes’ because that is the last expressed Will of Parliament.

  58. iain gill
    December 11, 2023

    I see that US Congresswoman Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene has said
    “Every single person serving in the federal government that puts foreign country’s borders and foreign wars BEFORE securing America’s border and protecting our own national security should be considered a traitor.
    Enabling the daily U.S. border invasion is treason.”
    I tend to agree with her. Indeed, I also think Enabling the daily British border invasion by those in the British government is also treason.

    1. glen cullen
      December 11, 2023

      hear hear

    2. paul cuthbertson
      December 11, 2023

      IG – So that is 640 Traitors out of 650 then.

  59. ChrisS
    December 11, 2023

    Why does Sunak not stop all benefits for any economic migrant who arrive here without paperwork ?
    It seems the obvious thing to do. If they are going to receive nothing, they would know they are better off staying in France.

    1. glen cullen
      December 11, 2023

      Why don’t we put them in a secure ex-army camp ….as they’re criminals breaking our border & immigrantion laws !

    2. iain gill
      December 11, 2023

      certainly newcomers should not be getting better board and lodgings than our own homeless.

      certainly newcomers should not be getting better access to GP’s than our own sick.

      and so very much more.

      that we have to say this shows how badly off course the country has got.

    3. Narrow Shoulders
      December 11, 2023

      The problem with this approach is that it will increase crime. These people have already indicated they think laws don’t apply to them when in need.

      They need to know if they arrive they will be shipped somewhere cold until they are removed

    4. Lynn Atkinson
      December 11, 2023

      Because that’s illegal. He would be overturned in the Courts.

  60. Hope
    December 11, 2023

    Off topic
    JR, what does it mean UK “supplying two ships” to Black Sea? Not part of NATO? Has Shapps given EU two of our ships? Under whose command are these ships? Taxpayers deserve to know who is using and controlling our very expensive ships. Taxpayers have paid and are paying for the costs of these ships.

    1. formula57
      December 11, 2023

      @ Hope – see that says “…Shapps will today confirm Ukraine’s procurement of two Royal Navy minehunter ships for the Ukrainian Navy.”

      I would think that neither ship could be of any use in the English Channel at this time, I feel sure that might be correct.

  61. glen cullen
    December 11, 2023

    Interesting development in France – BBC reporting
    ”A key immigration reform bill supported by French President Emmanuel Macron’s government has been defeated.
    MPs from the far right, far left and moderate right and left voted on Monday to reject the bill. ”

    1. hefner
      December 11, 2023

      Yes, in France left and right voted against the text from the ‘Home Office’ minister Darmanin for diametrically opposed reasons. Could this look like something about to happen here too?
      Liberation, the newspaper, has an interesting take on the arithmetic of what has just happened in its Tuesday edition. The text was defeated 270 vs 265.
      Who can forecast what is going to happen in the HoC tomorrow and in the following weeks?

  62. XY
    December 11, 2023

    Quote from so-called “One Nation” chairman Damian Green: “We have taken the decision that the most important thing at this stage is to support the Bill despite our real concerns.

    “We strongly urge the Government to stand firm against any attempt to amend the Bill in a way that would make it unacceptable to those who believe that support for the rule of law is a basic Conservative principle.”

    Does the man have a 2nd grey cell to engage? The government MAKES the law. Therefore, by definition, passing a new law does not in any way undermine the rule of law… because it would then be the law. Duh.

    Is that the best they can do in scratching around for an argument to put forward? Clearly there’s some other reason for their unpatriotic behaviour, they *cannot* be that dense.

  63. paul cuthbertson
    December 11, 2023

    Only when Donald J trump is rightfully inaugurated as President in 2025 will anything happen. The Great Awakening and PANIC will then Ensue. Enjoy the show and bring your popcorn.

    1. Mitchel
      December 12, 2023

      The panic is already there;it is Vladimir Putin,not Trump,that has destroyed globalism.

      Man of the century.

      1. Lynn Atkinson
        December 12, 2023


  64. paul cuthbertson
    December 11, 2023

    A certain gentleman attended Westminster magistrates court today. He tells the truth and has more balls than any MP or government minister.

  65. Margaret
    December 12, 2023

    A distinction between various types of overcrowding exists and it must be realised.Whereas droves continue to arrive at our shores, people who have been here for 40years or more have a totally different case.

  66. Frances
    December 12, 2023

    Start by chucking out foreign students. Its rare that they need to be here in person. Perfectly reputable courses are taught online.
    Declare a stop on asylum claims for 30 years and pay any fines.
    No one who claims asylum should ever go “home” thats a nonsense.

    1. Margaret
      December 12, 2023

      Many still “go home” when they have the plane fare . This is my home and I am grateful to live in a democratic society where generally life is more stable than, say Gaza or elsewhere similar.

  67. Denis Cooper
    December 14, 2023

    Missed for moderation.

  68. Matthew
    December 16, 2023

    Another sign that this govt is out of concrete ideas, clapped out and frankly completely disunited. The abject and total focus on plan to curb what 30-40000 arrivals in the hope that maybe deporting a couple of hundred at an extortionate cost is not just very expensive, it’s also morally reprehensible and shameful (especially for genuine asylum seekers) and to date very little proof exists of its actual deferent effect on other potential migrants. It’s amazing that a sophisticated and strong campaigning machine such as the Tories have wedded their whole existence on this one wedge and diversion issue rather than attempting to address the far bigger issues facing this country: notably cost of living, lacklustre economy, failing public services, completely inadequate planning laws
..the usual smoke and mirrors applies ever more to this govt. The mantra of latch on to simplistic and front line tabloid issues when all else fails especially when you are not actually ‘governing’ in many areas any more and frankly have run out of any level of competence and ability is now prevalent. We all know Rwanda will ultimately fail, the Tories will probably at some juncture split and at the next election (barring a miracle) you will deservedly be booted out. Maybe you should start facing reality rather than the ever more sinister cultish culture war dead end road you seem to be firmly entrenched on.

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