Doorsteps in Wokingham and Earley

In recent days when canvassing with teams in Earley and Wokingham I have been asked about a number of issues related to social care. Much of our local provision is excellent, but there are problems for some  in getting access to all the care and support  they need locally.

The Conservative Manifesto rightly acknowledges that more money needs to be made available to improve and strengthen social care. I want to see Wokingham and West Berkshire get their fair share of the increases and spend the money well to deal with people who currently want more or better support.

The Manifesto also says a Conservative government would work to find a cross party consensus on reform of social care funding for the elderly, as any changes need to be agreed beyond party  so they are  likely to remain for several Parliaments. The big issue is what care should be made available free at the point of need under the NHS pledges, and what if any should continue to be paid for by the individual themselves as part of their living costs for food and shelter. All parties in government in the past three decades have kept the same policy toward care home costs.  There is a sense of injustice about that policy over payments.  If an elderly person goes into a care home their home or other assets  have  to be sold to pay the bills, whereas an elderly person who has no home to sell and no savings is rightly given a free care home place. All parties now say they wish to change the current policy, so it should be possible to work towards some improved consensus.

West Berkshire and Wokingham

Many outsiders do not appreciate that a significant portion of the Wokingham constituency is served by West Berkshire Council, whilst a substantial part of Wokingham Borough rests in constituencies other than Wokingham.  Half the land area of the Wokingham constituency lies to the west of the A33, predominantly in West Berkshire. I  regularly raise matters that affect both Council areas. Quite often the national issues are similar that have an  impact on local policy and services.

This week I have been spending my time visiting and delivering leaflets and letters in the western  part of the constituency including the villages in West Berkshire. I have visited Burghfield, Burghfield Common, Mortimer, Beenham, Englefield, Beech Hill, Padworth, Ufton Nervet,Wokefield, Grazeley, Grazeley Green,Sulhamstead, Goddard’s Green, Aldermaston Wharf, Sulhamstead and the other small settlements in this rural area.

The issues raised with me were largely national, related to the current election campaigns. These are covered by my daily blogs.

Experiencing local problems

I was surprised by a voter yesterday complaining I did not experience the traffic jams he has sat in because “he did not see me around”! I explained I live in the Borough and sit in exactly the same jams as he does when I go to the shops or to the Conservative Wokingham office or to visit people with problems in the area.

I am walking or driving in the area most days, open to conversations and seeing for myself. I have been working with the Council on plans to improve junctions and the road system to cut congestion and make it easier for all of us to get around. Busting congestion so people can get to work or the shops or drop their children off more easily is one of my highest priorities for the area.

I have lived in the Borough for 34 years. My children attended local state schools. I would use the local NHS if I became ill. I have been in constant dialogue with local Councils about their provision of local services, have visited every new development and personally investigated local problems raised with me. I am a great believer in seeing for myself when intervening on a local matter.

I have held regular surgeries where people want to meet to talk me through a problem. I respond daily seven days a week to many emails and letters which keep me informed of issues and worries. I also run this website with regular local updates.

More money for local schools

I see there is a website suggesting I do not back more money for local schools. As readers of this site will know I have successfully campaigned for more money and support Conservative plans to set new higher minimum levels of funding. I will continue to press the case for further increases.

Nominations in Wokingham

I wish to thank the 30 electors who signed my Nomination papers to be the official Conservative candidate in Wokingham.

I  see from the final list of candidates  there will also  be an Advance Together, Green, Labour and  Lib Dem candidate.

Flood alerts

The Environment Agency has put a flood alert on the Emm brook but said they do not expect any property flooding in our area.

I have worked with the Agency and the Council on schemes to reduce flood risk. A lot of building has taken place on low lying land which can increase the pace of water run off swelling  rivers and streams. Some remedial action has been taken, but more is needed.

When we get a lot of rain as recently it is a reminder that if new development goes ahead on low lying sites there needs to be substantial action to ensure safe water run off at a pace local water courses can accept without spilling above their banks.

Keeping watercourses and drains for surface water clear helps. In  some cases when there is too much water it  does need  to settle on open land away from homes in the way water meadows used to work before all the building.

More GPs and more appointments for patients

I have been lobbying for more GPs and better access for people needing appointments. The last Health Secretary announced money for more doctors, but retaining some of the Doctors we already have is also proving difficult.

I welcome today’s announcement from the current Health Secretary that some of the extra money available for the NHS will go on  training more young people to be doctors, and on recruiting more GPs to make it easier for surgeries to provide timely appointments for all  needing them. I have been  following up  about the local situation on GP numbers and services.

Wokingham Conservatives

Tonight Wokingham Conservatives will confirm the local campaign with me as their candidate for the General election. I will talk to the members present at the meeting about the messages I would like their help to take to the doorsteps and onto social media over the next month. They will be based on the things I have set out in recent blogs and will include a local agenda for the next five years.

Appointment times for local patients

I am pursuing again the issue of booking appointments with GPs, as I have had some complaints. It is important that the additional money being made available to the NHS helps local GP practices to have easy access booking systems, and pays for  sufficient GPs on duty to allow early appointments.

People often cannot be sure when booking an appointment whether they have something seriously wrong and whether early treatment is needed. Anyone in need of a doctor’s advice or treatment anyway wants to press on with it as quickly as possible. No-one wishes to be ill and wants treatment promptly if there is a good treatment available.

MP service to the Wokingham constituency

Along with all other MPs my job as an MP ends with the dissolution of Parliament just after midnight on 5th November. All outstanding cases will continue to be handled, and I will work on them as needed  in my new role after that date as Conservative candidate.

Anyone wanting help can of course contact me and I will do what I can in my new role. I can be contacted through the Conservative office in Wokingham. Email